Case Study Neonatal Sepsis
Case Study Neonatal Sepsis
Case Study Neonatal Sepsis
Chapter 98
Neonatal sepsis and meningitis pages 528-529
Part XII- infections of the Neonatal Infants:
Section 2 Clinical Syndromes
Textbook of Pediatrics 15th Edition
By Behrman, Kliegman, Arvin
General Goal:
Specific Goal:
1 Histamine,
2 Complement kinins,
3 Eicosanoids. (Ex. Prostaglandins and Leucotriens).
Invasion of bacteria
Inflammatory Response
Reset of hypothalamic
thermostat Pain
Name: EGLC
Age:1 ½ mos.
Gender: male
Address: Iloilo City
Date of birth: June 10, 2009
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil status: N/A
Date of admission: July 27, 2009
Time of admission: 5:04 pm
Place of admission: IDC
Admitting diagnosis: t/c neonatal sepsis
- 5.5-6.5 x 10
- RBC,
PC- 130 hemoglobin and
hematocrit are
- 150-350 x 10
elevated and may
probably indicates
presence of
- None
Mucus Threads: Light
- Negative
Albumin: Negative
- Negative
Glucose: Negative
Date Ordered
Diagnostic or Analysis and
Indication or and Date Normal
Laboratory Results Interpretation of
Purpose Results were Values
Procedure Results
To identifying the need July 27, 2009 8.1 mg/dl - 7 - 18 mg/dl - The result is
Blood Urea for BT, effectiveness of within the normal
Nitrogen (BUN) BT and if there is a limit
presence of infection
To measure the July 27, 2009 45 mg/dl -40 –60 mg/dl - The result is
Hemogluco Test amount of glucose in within the normal
(HGT) the blood right at the limit
time of sample
To determine for some July 27, 2009 - Lungs are clear. - Normal - The result is
Chest X-ray/ evidence of diffuse - The intestinal gas within the normal
Baby Gram infiltrates and poor pattern is within limit
overall aeration normal
- Cardiac shadow is
not enlarged.
1. Hyperthermia
5. Administer - To lowering
Anti-pyretics as down temperature
7. Administer - To maximize O2
oxygen as ordered availability for
cellular uptake
The infant with temperature instability needs thermoregulatory support
with a radiant warmer or incubator. Once the infant is stable from a
cardiopulmonary standpoint, parental contact is important.
Oral hygiene
Perinial hygiene