Ethnobotanical Study On Medicinal Plants Used by The Local Communities in Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, Central India

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MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology

ISSN 2454-5880

Mishra et al.
Volume 3 Issue 2, pp. 577-587
Date of Publication: 10th November 2017


Alka Mishra
Department of Rural Technology, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
[email protected]

Nisha Parihar
Department of Rural Technology, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

S. L. Swamy
Department of Forestry, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
[email protected]
An ethno-botanical survey was conducted in Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve
(AABR) of central India to document the indigenous knowledge and utilization pattern of
medicinal plants for primary health care by local communities mainly comprised of Baigas,
Gonds, Oraons and Pradhans. The communities still rely on herbal medicines for primary
health care due to inadequate modern health care facilities. The rich wealth of traditional
knowledge and repository of herbal resources are rapidly eroding due to over exploitation in
unscientific manner over the last few decades. This has spurred an interest to undertake the
present investigation on ethno botanical studies in biosphere reserve. Data collection was
done by participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and focus group discussion methods. The
different age groups, gender and communities were considered in collecting the data and
gathering information on traditional knowledge. The study revealed that a sum total of 70
plants representing 37 families were identified as potential medicinal values by local
communities. Out of which 31species were trees represented by18 families, 24 species of
shrubs by19 families, 15 species of herbs by 11 families and 16 species of climbers belonging
10 families. The highest number individuals were recorded in Fabaceae family. Seventeen
(17) plants are used in home remedies by local communities. There are traditional healers

2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
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MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

popularly known as Baiga Vaids had rich knowledge of herbal medicines and utilizing almost
48 species belonging to 28 families for preparing crude drugs treating the various ailments
like diarrhoea, wounds, fever, cough, cold, jaundice, snake and scorpion bite, infections,
malaria, filarial, digestive, gynaecological problems etc. Besides, the local communities were
using herbal drugs as home remedies for primary health problems. The study also
documented a list of ten rare, endangered and threatened (RET) medicinal flora, which
require special attention for their protection and conservation. The study further suggests
exploiting potential medicinal flora by detailed pharmacological investigations to design and
synthesize novel drugs.
Baiga, Conservation, Endangered species, Indigenous Knowledge, Primary health care

1. Introduction

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about 65-80% of the worlds
population in developing countries depend on plant based drugs for their primary healthcare
(Awoyemi et al., 2012). About 60-80% of the total population in India still rely on plant
based crude drugs despite the influx of modern treatments. It has been estimated that folk
healers in India use approximately 2500 species of medicinal plants, of which almost 100
species serve as regular sources of medicine (Jain & Patole, 2001; Ved & Goraya, 2008;
Sandya & Sandya, 2015; Pandey, 2017).
Chhattisgarh is one among the tribal dominated states of eastern part of Central India,
where 1/3rd of population belongs to indigenous communities. The state is endowed with
bountiful of natural resources, covered with luxuriant forests in almost 44% of the
geographical area. Since immemorial times, herbal resources were exploited for spiritual,
socio-cultural and religious purposes by tribal masses. The livelihoods, economy and health
security of tribals are intricately linked to herbal resources (Sandya & Sandya, 2015). Due to
rich biological and cultural diversity, indigenous practices and immense potential of the
valuable medicinal resources, the Chhattisgarh has been declared as Herbal State', with the
objectives of conservation and sustainable development of medicinal plants, cultivation of
medicinal plants, non-destructive harvesting, and promotion of organized trade so as to
generate additional employment opportunities in the state and provide health cover. The rich
diversity and traditional knowledge are gradually disappearing by over exploitation and also
by influx of modern medicines. Documenting the indigenous knowledge through ethno-
2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
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MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

botanical studies is important for the conservation and sustainable utilization of biological
resources (Shouny et al., 2016). Ethno-botanical survey is key and reliable approaches to
development of modern medicines (Kokate et al,, 2002; Kushwaha et al., 2013), but neither
the issues related to traditional knowledge nor the conservation aspects were properly
addressed in the study area. Therefore, the present study was attempted to document the
ethno-medicinal flora, utilization and indigenous traditional knowledge of AABR for
conservation and their sustainable development.

2. Material and Methods

2.1 Study Area
The study was conducted in part of Surhi Range of Bilaspur Forest Division,
Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve of Chhattisgarh, India. The study area is spread between
220206.067North to 2203214.954 North latitudes and 810 3624.081E to 810473230
East longitudes. The biosphere area has a typical monsoon climate, with three distinct
seasons- summer from March June , rainy from July October and winter from November-
February. Generally, May and June are the hottest months whereas December and January
are the coolest months of the year. The study area is surrounded by luxuriant Sal and Sal
Mixed forests, agriculture lands, water bodies, and human habitations. The Surhi range has
forest vegetation mainly covered by different forest types viz., Sal forest, Sal mixed forest
type. Sal and its associates like saja, bija, dhaora, kasai, lendia, etc. and many species of
shrubs, climbers and herbs exist in this type. The dry mixed deciduous forest consists of dry
Sal with associates in the top storey like saja, bija, dhaora, kusum, kasai, lendia, jamun,
mahua, aonla, achar, baranga, amla, bel,garari, kari, khamar, salai, tendu, tilwan,tinsaand a
few other thorny species in the middle storey, banrahar, chhind, dhawai, harsingar, kurdai,
and kalabansain the undergrowth; chhira, kusum, bhurbhusi, and mushelas grasses and
mahul, etc. as common climbers.

2. Methodology
Ethno-botanical survey was conducted in Surhi, Jamunahi and Rajak villages. The
forest villages were inhabited by indigenous communities viz. Baigas, Gonds, Oraons and
Pradhans. Secondary data was collected from National Informatic Centre Bilaspur,
Chhaattisgarh. Primary data was collected from representative viallges inhabited by
indigenous communities. The tribals mostly depend on forests for their livelihoods and health
care. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and Focussed group discussions were employed to
2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
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MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

document the diversity of medicinal flora and indigenous knowledge for health care among
communities. The different age groups, gender and communities were considered in survey
and asked questions in groups and also individuals. In each village fifty indigenous
communities representing different gender and age groups were participated to collect the
data on different aspects. Equal opportunity is given to household members to speak about
their perception regarding use of plants for common diseases. The women and elderly men
were questioned on available herbal drugs and curing diseases as home remedies. The rate of
disappearance of valuable medicinal plants also documented through group discussion with
all the respondents. Besides, the alternate strategies were also discussed for highly exploited
medicinal species. The problems faced by the local communities in collection and utilization
of medicinal plants were also recorded. Survey was conducted by randomly selecting one
Baiga vaid (Local Healer) from each village. The traditional knowledge on folklore medicine
and utilization of crude drugs for curing various ailments were systematically gathered by
semi-structured interview and cross checking was done. List of rare, endangered and
threatened plants were identified using Red data book of Botanical Survey of India. Field
data collected was analysed using appropriate statistical methods under MS-Excel.

3. Results and Discussion

Ethno-Botanical survey indicated that indigenous communities were utilizing a broad
spectrum of life forms including trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, climber etc. as medicinal plants.
The study revealed that a sum total of 70 plants representing 37 families were identified as
potential source of medicines by local communities (Table 1). The highest number individuals
were recorded in Fabaceae family. The families were ranked in the order: Fabaceae (10)<
Combretaceae (6) < Rubiaceae (4), < Acanthaceae (3).Of which thirty one (31) species were
trees represented by 18 families, twenty four (24) shrubs of 16 families and fifteen (15) herbs
corresponding to 12 families (Table 1). However, all these species were seldom utilized by
communities. The survey further revealed that only 17 plants are used in home remedies by local
communities for treatment of common diseases like cough, cold, vomiting, nausea, headache,
wound healing, digestive, stomach disorders etc (Table 2). The various plant parts like leaves,
stem, bark, flowers, fruit and roots were used for preparing crude drugs. The paste prepared from
various plant parts were applied externally wounds, allergies, swellings, while decoctions were
prepared by boiling ingredients in water and consumed for treating cold, cough and fevers.
Occasionally the raw forms were chewed for curing toothaches and mouth ulcers. On the other
hand, Baiga vaids, are traditional healers with rich indigenous knowledge practicing to cure
2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Available Online at:
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

various chronic diseases. One or two healers were residing in each tribal hamlet and rendering
primary health services. The community health centres are too far and almost 80-100 km away
from the study area, indigenous communities were mostly rely on treatment of Baiga Vaids.
Forty eight plants were utilised by the traditional healers for curing various ailments like
diarrhoea, dysentery, sore, skin diseases, burns, wounds, bronchitis, urinary, gynaecological
disorders, piles, deworming, jaundice, inflammations, snake bite, scorpion bite, dog bite, asthma,
diabetes, joint pains, gastric problems, leprosy, nervous disorders etc. The crude drug
formulations were prepared by various processes through grinding, maceration, extraction,
distillation, fermentation etc. The preparations were applied externally and administered orally,
dosages and combinations were decided on the nature of drug and also disease. Honey, water,
milk and sugar candy were commonly used in drug preparations.
The result showed that the tribes of Surhi range possess a very good knowledge about
medicinal flora and their uses. Earlier workers were also shown that tribes of Chhattisgarh
including Amarkantak Biosphere reserve were well versed with potential use of medicinal
plants (Sahu, 2010; Ekka, 2011; Jain et al., 2006; Mishra & Broker, 2009). Sahu (2010)
studied the traditional knowledge and indigenous medicines used by the tribal communities
of Achanakmar Biosphere Reserve. Total seventy (70) plant species from forty three (43)
families, which are therapeutically used against stomach disorders, fever, jaundice, dysentery,
skin diseases, piles etc. The present findings are in line with reports of earlier workers
(Shukla & Singh, 2009; Singh et al., 2010 ; Sandya & Sandya, 2015). The study also
documented a list of 10 rare, endangered and threatened (RET) medicinal flora (Table 3).
Rauvolfia serpentina was identified as a critically endangered plant warrant special attention
for conservation. Acorus calamus and Adiantum lunulatum were recognized as endangered
species, while Chlorophytum borivilianum, Curcuma angustifolia, Emblica officinalis,
Pterocarpus marsupium, Sterculia urens, Terminalia chebula etc. as vulnerable species need
ex-situ and in-situ conservation.

4. Conclusion
The study demonstrated that the indigenous communities of Surhi range, AABR in
Central India possess rich traditional knowledge about the use of medicinal plants for the
primary health care. Promotion and conservation of potential medicinal plants are suggested
for securing health cover of communities. The traditional healers (Baiga vaids) need to be
encouraged for providing continuous services to societies. The present study yielded an
interesting primary data on medicinal plants and created an opportunity to expedite folklore
2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Available Online at:
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

medicines for therapeutic and pharmacological values to synthesize and formulate life saving
drugs in future. The precious indigenous knowledge is gradually disappearing with span of
time due to lack of documentation and also insurgence of modern healthcare system.
Therefore, it becomes imperative to conduct continuous floristic surveys, documentation of
wild medicinal plants, their ethno medicinal, pharmaceutical values and preserving
indigenous knowledge system, which are necessary for the sustainable development of the
societies and forests in the region. The presented study is limited to a part of small range in
biosphere reserve as detailed studies are further needed covering a large area with diverse
indigenous communities. The findings revealed that there is immense scope for exploiting at
least 10-15 medicinal plants for treating chronic diseases through detailed pharmacological
investigations to design and synthesize novel drugs.

Contributions & Acknowledgement

The main author drafted MS, second author conducted the field work and third author
improved the MS and drawn inferences and conclusions. Authors acknowledge the VC and
faculty of Rural Technology GGV and also the CG Forest Department for providing the
permission to work in AABR.

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2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Available Online at:
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

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2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
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MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

Table 1: Diversity of medicinal plants extracted from different life forms

Tree layer Shrub layer Herb layer

Botanical Name Family Botanical Name Family Botanical Name Family

Aegle marmelos Rutaceae Alangium salvifolium Cornaceae Andrographis paniculata Acanthaceae

Adina cordifolia Rubiaceae Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae Achyranthus aspera Amaranthaceae
Anogeissus latifolia Combretaceae Clerodendrum serratum Capparidaceae Acorus calamus Araceae
Baccaurea sapida Euphorbiaceae Desmodium laxiflorum Leguminosae Adiantum lunulatum Adiantaceae

Bauhinia racemosa Caesalpiniaceae Desmodium motorium Leguminosae Barleria strigosa Acanthaceae

Buchanania lanzan Anacardiaceae Embelia basaal Myrsinaceae Cassia tora Caesalpiniceae
Butea monosperma Fabaceae Embelia robusta Myrsinaceae Chlorophytum borivilianum Asparagaceae
Cassia fistula . Caesalpiniaceae Flacourtia induca Bixaceae Combretum nanum Combretaceae
Cordia myxa Boraginaceae Gardenia gummifera Rubiaceae Curculigo orchoides Amaryllidaceae
Dalbergia latifolia Fabaceae Gardewa lucida Rubiaceae Curcuma aromatica Zingiberaceae
Dillenia aurea Convolvulaceae Gardenia turgida Rubiaceae Curcuma angustifolia Zingiberaceae
Diospyros melanoxylon Ebenaceae Gerwia hirsuta Tiliaceae Cynoglossum lanceolatum Boraginaceae
Eugenia jambolana Myrtaceae Gymnosporiaspinosa Celastraceae Dioscorea bulbifera Dioscoreaceae
Lagerstroemia parviflora Lythraceae Helicter esisora Sterculiaceae Imperata cylindrica Gramineae
Lannea coromendelica Anacardiaceae Indigofera arborea Leguminoseae Ocimum americamum Lamiaceae
Mallotus philippinensis Euphorbiaceae Leeamar crophylla Vitaceae Rauvolfia serpentina Apocynaceae
Madhuca indica Sapotaceae Meghania semialata Leguminosae Saccharum spontaneum Zingiberaceae
Miliusa tomentosa Fabaceae Murraya exotica Rutaceae

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Available Online at:
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

Moringa oleifera Moringaceae Petalidum barleriodes Acanthaceae

Oroxylum indicum Bignoniaceae Peucamumna gpurense Umbelitarcae
Phyllanthus emblica Euphorbiaceae Phoenix acaulis Palmae
Pimpinellawallichiana Apiaceae Pterocarpus marsupium Fabaceae
Pterocarpus marsupium Fabaceae Woodfordia floribunda Lythraceae
Semicarpus anacardium Anacardiaceae Zizyphus rugosa Rhamnaceae
Shorea robusta Dipterocarpaceae
Stereospermum chelonoides Bignoniaceae
Terminalia alata Combretaceae
Terminalia bellirica Combretaceae
Terminalia chebula Combreataceae
Terminalia tomentosa Combretaceae
Thespesia lampas Malvaceae

Table 2 : Utilization of Medicinal plants by Indigenous communities and traditional healers

Indigenous Communities Tribal Healers (Baiga Vaids)

Botanical Name Parts used Purpose Botanical Name Parts used Purpose

Emblica officinalis Fruit Digestive Acacia catechu Bark, wood Diarrhea, sore, skin
Aegle marmelos Leaf, pulp Digestive Aegle marmelos Leaf, pulp Leaves wound
healing , Pulp of ripe
fruit Diarrhea
Anogeissus latifolia Bark Digestive Acorus calamus Rhizome Bronchitis,
Terminalia chebula Fruit Cough Anogeissus latifolia Leaf,bark Skin disease, fever,
Psidium guvajava Leaf,Bark Bark- jaundice Anthocephalus kadamba Leaf, Bark: Rectifying
Bark, Fruit. defects of semen, to
cure urinary troubles;
Semecarpus anacardium Seed,leaf Diarrhea Azadirachata indica Rhizome Sedative, analgesic,
epilepsy, hypertensive.
Tinospera cordifolia Whole shoot Fever, Ulcer Bombax malabaricum Bark, fruit Diarrhea, dysentery
Azadirachata indica Rhizome Skin problem Buchanania lanzan Leavs Paste of young leaves
applied to cure fresh
wounds and eczema.
Abrus precatorlus Bark Wound Butea monosperma Leaves and Inflammation, Sprain,
flower Swelling due to any
Achyranthes aspera Leaves Scorpion bites, Bryonopsis laciniosa Seeds Promoting female
Curcuma angustifolia Rhizome Digestive Cassia fistula Stem and Snake bite - Paste of
bark stem bark applied on
bitten place
Abutilon indicum Bark Stomach Chlorophytum borivilianum Rhizome Diabetes, dysentery
problem, ulcer
Curcuma longa Rhizome Wound healing Emblica officinalis caerten Fruit Vitamin - C, Cough ,
Diabetes, cold,
Laxative, hyper acidity
2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Available Online at:
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

Magnifera indica Bark Jaundice Ficus bengalensis Milky latex Milky latex is to
prevent loss of hair.
Acacia catechu Bark, wood Diarrhea, Ficus religiosa Leaves Asthma, diabetes,
sore, skin gastric problems .
Ocimum americamum Leaf Headache Ficus glomerata Fruits Asthma - Decoction of
young fruits are taken
Pterocarpus marsupium leaves, Diarrhea, Madhuca indica Bark, Prevention of Hair loss
flowers leucoderma, Oil
Magnifera indica Fruit , bark Jaundice
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Leaf Sciatica - A decoction
of the leaves
Pterocarpus marsupium heartwood, Elephantiasis,
leaves, diarrhea, leucoderma,
Abutilon indicum Bark Stomach problem,
Schleichera oleosa Oil Skin disease,. Hair
care - Oil is used .
Sterculia urens Twig Toothache and wound
Terminalia chebula Fruit Cough and nausea
Terminalia bellirica Fruit Black , Piles - Fruits
Zizyphus mauritiana Fruit Cooled decoction of
dried fruits is given
during cold and cough.
Semecarpus anacardium Nuts The nut oil is used to
raise blister on skin
rheumatism and
Achyranthes aspera Leaves Insect bites, Snake
bits, eruption of the
Andrographis paniculata Leaf Intermittent fever
Asparagus racemosus Rhizome Fresh tuberous roots
considered good tonic.
Curcuma angustifolia Rhizome Diarrhea, dysentery
and colitis
Curcuma longa Rhizome Carminative,
Curcuma amada Rhizome Mouth ulcers
Embelia robusta Dried fruits Anthelmentic
Ocimum americamum Leaf Headache
Rauvolfia serpentina Root Hyper tension,
Woodfordia fruiticosa Bark Bark paste mixed with
coconut oil for wound
Abrus precatorlus Bark Wound healing
Bauhunia vahlii Fruit, seed Dysentery,,
Mucuna prurita Seed, Root Nervous system,
Barleria strigosa Leaves The root decoction to
cure bile and gastric
Tinospera cordifolia Whole Fever, Ulcer
Pimpinella wallichiana Root Scorpion sting
Adiantum lunulatum Leaf Muscular pain, hair
Curculigo orchioides root Piles, jaundice, asthma
Cyperus scariosus tuber Abdominal, urogenital

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MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN 2454-5880

Centella asiatica Whole part The whole plant

decoction mixed with
cows milk, treat
madness .
Plumbago zeylanica L. Root Root paste with
coconut oil applied on
leucodermic spot.

Table 3: Rare, Threatened and Endangered Medicinal plants of study area

Botanical name Common name Family Status

Acorus calamus Buch Araceae EN
Adiantum lunulatum Hansraj Adiantaceae EN
Chlorophytum borivilianum Safedmusli Asparegaceae VU
Curcuma angustifolia Tikhur Zingiberaceae VU
Emblica officinalis Aonla Euphorbiaceae VU
Plumbago zeylanica . Chitrak Plumbaginaceae VU
Pterocarpus marsupium Bija Leguminosae VU
Rauvolfia serpentina Sarpagandha Apocynaceae CR
Sterculia urens Kulu Sterculiaceae VU
Terminalia chebula Harra Combretaceae VU
Note : EN Endangered, VU- Vulnerable, CR Critical Endangered.

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