Vapour Pressure of Water Below 100°C - Molar Heat of Vaporization

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Thermodynamics Phase Transitions

3.4.02-00 Vapour pressure of water below 100C Molar heat of vaporization

What you can learn about

 Vapour pressure
 Clausius-Clapeyron equation

The vapour pressure of water in the
range of 40C to 85C is investigat-
ed. It is shown that the Clausius-
Clapeyron equation describes the re-
lation between temperature and
pressure in an adequate manner. An
average value for the heat of vapor-
ization of water is determined.

What you need:

Manometer 0-1.6 bar 03105.00 1
Students thermometer, -10...+110C 38005.02 2
Round flask, 100 ml, 3-n., GL25/2GL1 35677.15 1
Stopcock, 1-way, r.-angled, glass 36705.01 1
Vacuum pump, one stage 02750.93 1
Magnetic stirrer w. heat., 230 V 35717.93 1
Magn.stirring bar 30 mm, cyl. 46299.02 2
Glass tube 200 mm ext. d = 8 mm 64807.00 1
Jointing f. GL25, 8 mm hole, 10 pcs 41242.03 1
Rubber tubing, vacuum, i.d. 8 mm 39288.00 1
Rubber tubing, i.d. 12 mm 39285.00 1
Support base -PASS- 02005.55 1
Support rod -PASS-, square, l = 630 mm 02027.55 1
Support rod, l = 500 mm/M10 thread 02022.20 1
Universal clamp with joint 37716.00 2
Right angle clamp -PASS- 02040.55 2
Glass beaker, short, 400 ml 36014.00 1 Semilogarithmic representation of vapour pressure p as a function of 1/T.
Glass beaker, short, 600 ml 36015.00 1
Water, distilled, 5 l 31246.81 1

Complete Equipment Set, Manual on CD-ROM included Tasks:

1. About 250 ml of de-mineralized gas-free water and heated. At 35C
Vapour pressure of water below 100C water are allowed to boil for the space above the water within the
Molar heat of vaporization P2340200 about 10 minutes to eliminate all round flask is evacuated. Further
traces of dissolved gas. The water heating causes an increase
is then cooled down to room tem- in pressure p and temperature t of
perature. water within the round flask. p and t
2. The 3-neck round flask is filled are read in steps of 5 C up to a max-
about three-quarters full with imum of t = 85C.

138 Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D - 37070 Gttingen
Vapour pressure of water below 100 C
Molar heat of vaporization

Related topics Rubber tubing, vacuum, i.d. 8 mm 39288.00 1

Pressure, temperature, volume, vaporization, vapour pressure, Rubber tubing, i.d. 12 mm 39285.00 1
Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Support base -PASS- 02005.55 1
Support rod -PASS-, square, l = 630 mm 02027.55 1
Support rod, l = 500 mm/M10 thread 02022.20 1
Universal clamp with joint 37716.00 2
The vapour pressure of water in the range of 40 C to 85 C is Right angle clamp -PASS- 02040.55 2
investigated. It is shown that the Clausius-Clapeyron equation Glass beaker, short, 400 ml 36014.00 1
describes the relation between temperature and pressure in Glass beaker, short, 600 ml 36015.00 1
an adequate manner. An average value for the heat of vapo- Water, distilled, 5 l 31246.81 1
rization of water is determined.

1. About 250 ml of de-mineralized water are allowed to boil
Manometer 0-1.6 bar 03105.00 1
for about 10 minutes to eliminate all traces of dissolved
Students thermometer, -10...+110C 38005.02 2
gas. The water is then cooled down to room temperature.
Round flask, 100 ml, 3-n., GL25/2GL1 35677.15 1
Stopcock, 1-way, r.-angled, glass 36705.01 1 2. The 3-neck round flask is filled about three-quarters full
Vacuum pump, one stage 02750.93 1 with gas-free water and heated. At 35 C the space above
Magnetic stirrer w. heat., 230 V 35717.93 1 the water within the round flask is evacuated. Further heat-
Magn. stirring bar 30 mm, cyl. 46299.02 2 ing causes an increase in pressure p and temperature t of
Glass tube 200 mm ext. d = 8 mm 64807.00 1 water within the round flask. p and t are read in steps of
Jointing f. GL25, 8 mm hole, 10 pcs 41242.03 1 5 C up to a maximum of t = 85 C.

Fig. 1: Experimental set-up for measuring the vapour pressure of water below 100C.

PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 23402-00 1
Vapour pressure of water below 100 C
Molar heat of vaporization

Set-up and procedure p0 is the atmospheric pressure. It can be read from a standard
The experiment is set up as shown in Fig. 1. barometer.
The manometer is fixed about 40 cm above the round flask. The water within the flask is heated up. At a temperature of
The manometer is connected to the round flask by means of 35C the space above the gas-free water is evacuated. The
a 200 mm long straight glass tube. The second opening of the stop cock is then closed and the flask completely sealed off
round flask holds the thermometer while the central opening is while heating continues. At t = 40C, and subsequently in
linked to the vacuum pump by means of a right-angled one- steps of 5C, the temperature and pressure are recorded. All
way stop-cock. The contents of the round flask can be com- readings should be completed within about 15 minutes to
pletely sealed off from the outer atmosphere by jointings. avoid falsification of the results by leakage.

The 600 ml beaker which is filled with ordinary tap- water acts Theory and evaluation
as a thermo-bath for the round flask. The round flask is filled
about three-quarters full with gas-free water and sealed. The Water at a normal pressure of 1013 h Pa boils at 100C, that
thermometer is within the lower part of the round flask. means that the vapour pressure of water at 100C is
1013 h Pa. The vapour pressure of water decreases with
Initially the lower end of the straight glass tube is moved decreasing temperature T (T = t + 273) and amounts to only a
upwards so that it is above the surface of the gas-free water. few hectopascal at room temperature.
The space above the water is now evacuated. The straight The Clausius-Clapeyron equation describes the relation be-
glass tube is lowered till its lower end enters the gas-free tween temperature and pressure.
water. The atmospheric pressure within the round flask is then l 1
established and the manometer and the tube automatically fill ln p  (1)
with water. This procedure avoids creation of dead- volume
within the manometer. The initial reading of the manometer  is the molar heat of vaporization and R the general gas con-
mainly due to the presence of the water column is stant.

preading = pinitial In the present experiment p is given by the expression

p = p0 preading + pinitial (2)
The pressure within the round flask is now p0.

Fig. 2: Semilogarithmic representation of vapour pressure p as a function of 1/T .

2 23402-00 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Vapour pressure of water below 100 C
Molar heat of vaporization

In a series of measurements the following values were found: By linear regression we find for slope m of the straight line a
value of
t p
C hPa m = 4950 K
40 88
45 103 With the value of 8.3144 J/Mol K for the general gas constant
50 133 we get a value of
55 173
60 218 = mR
65 273 kJ
 = 41.2
70 343 Mol
75 413
for the heat of vaporization .
80 513
85 683
This is a reasonably good average value for the heat of vapo-
rization of water. The heat of vaporization of water increases in
In Fig. 2 the vapour pressure p has been represented semi- reality with decreasing temperature.
logarithmically versus 1/T. It is evident that the graph is a The literature value for t = 20C is 44.15 kJ/Mol and
straight line which proves the validity of Clausius-Clapeyrons 40.6 kJ/Mol for 100C.
equation if  is considered a constant.

PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 23402-00 3
Vapour pressure of water below 100 C
Molar heat of vaporization

4 23402-00 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen

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