07rr310305 Design of Machine Members I

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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Enumerate the most commonly used engineering materials and state atleast one
important property and application of each. [16]
2. (a) Briefly explain shear stress and shear strain?
(b) Calculate the diameter of the solid shaft to transmit 50 kW at 180 rpm. If
the angle of twist in a length of 4 meters is not to exceed 0.40 . The allowable
stress in the material is 70 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 GPa. [4+12]
3. (a) Explain the following methods of reducing stress concentration.
i. Removal of undesired material
ii. Added grooves
(b) A steel connecting rod is subjected to a completely reversed axial load of 120
KN. Suggest the suitable size of the rod using a factor of safety 1.8. The
ultimate strength of the material is 1000 MPa.
Load correction factor 0.7
Size factor 0.85
Surface finish factor 0.8

4. (a) Enumerate the different types of riveted joints.
(b) Two plates 16 mm thick are joined by a double riveted lap joint. The pitch
of each row of rivets is 90 mm. The rivets are 25 mm in diameter. The
permissible stresses are 140 MPa in tension, 80 MPa in shear and 160 MPa in
crushing. Find the efficiency of the joint. [6+10]
5. A bracket carrying a load of 15 KN is to be welded as shown in Figure1. Find the
size of weld required if the allowable shear stress is not to exceed 80 MPa. [16]
6. (a) Describe the purpose of gib in cotter joint? What are the applications of cotter
(b) Design a knuckle joint to transmit 140 kN, with permissible stresses in tension;
shear and compression are 75 Mpa ; 60 Mpa and 150 Mpa respectively.[6+10]
7. (a) Explain the effect of keyway on the strength of a shaft.
(b) A shaft is required to transfer 43kW of power at 600rpm. The outside diam-
eter must not exceed 50mm and the maximum shear stress is not to exceed
70N/mm2 . Find out the dimensions of hollow and solid shaft, which would
meet these requirements. Also compare their weights. [6+10]
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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 1

to be transmitted = 50
Speed of the shaft = 100rpm
Diameter of the shaft = 50mm.
Figure 1:

8. (a) Discuss the function of coupling. Give at least three practical applications?
(b) Design a bushed pin type flexible coupling for connecting two shafts when Hp

The bearing pressure in the rubber bush and allowable stress in the pins are
to be limited to 0.45N/mm2 and 25N/mm2 respectively. Sketch the coupling.


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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 2

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) How do you classify materials for engineering use?
(b) Write a note on important non-metallic materials of construction in engineer-
ing practice?

2. (a) Briefly explain shear stress and shear strain?


(b) Calculate the diameter of the solid shaft to transmit 50 kW at 180 rpm. If
the angle of twist in a length of 4 meters is not to exceed 0.40 . The allowable
stress in the material is 70 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 GPa. [4+12]

3. (a) Explain the effect of the following factors on the type of fatigue failure
i. Range of imposed stress
ii. Surface treatement
(b) A stepped shaft transmits a torque varying from 800 N m to 1200 N m. The
ratio of diameter is 1.5 and the stress concentration factor is 1.2. Determine
the diameter of the shaft for an infinite life for a design factor of safety 1.8.
The ultimate tensile strength of the material of the shaft is 600 MPa. Yield
stress of the material is 450 MPa. Consider the size effect and surface finish

effect. [6+10]

4. (a) Enumerate the different types of riveted joints.

(b) Two plates 16 mm thick are joined by a double riveted lap joint. The pitch
of each row of rivets is 90 mm. The rivets are 25 mm in diameter. The
permissible stresses are 140 MPa in tension, 80 MPa in shear and 160 MPa in
crushing. Find the efficiency of the joint. [6+10]

5. The cylinder head of a 200 mm X 350 mm compressor is secured by means of 12

studs of rolled mild steel having yield point stress of 350 MPa and endurance limit
of 240 MPa. The gas pressure is 1.5 MPa. The initial tension in the bolts, assumed
to be equally loaded such that a cylinder pressure of 3 MPa is required for the joint
to be on the point of opening. The joint is made leak-proof by using copper gasket,
which renders the effect of external load to be half. Determine the size of bolts, if
factor of safety is 2 and stress concentration factor is 2.8 [16]

6. (a) A square key is to be used to key a gear to a 35 mm diameter shaft. The

length of the hub of the gear is 60mm. Both shaft and key are made of same
material, having an allowable shear stress of 55Mpa. What are the minimum
dimensions of the key if 400N-m of torque is to be transmitted.
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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 2

(b) Design a cotter joint to withstand an axial load varying from 35kN in tension
to 35kN in compression. The allowable for the steel used in the joint are
60Mpa in tension; 70 Mpa in crushing; 45 Mpa in shear. [6+10]

7. An automobile transmission shaft is required to transfer 45KW at 500rpm. The

outside diameter must not exceed 50mm and the maximum shear stress is not to
exceed 84Mpa. Compare the weights of solid and hollow shafts which would just
meet their requirements. [16]

8. (a) Describe, with the help of neat sketches, the types of various shaft couplings,
mentioning the uses of each type.
(b) Design a muff coupling to connect two shafts transmitting 40KW at 120rpm.
The permissible shear and crushing stress for the shaft ank key material (mild
steel) are 30Mpa and 80Mpa respectively. The material of muff is cast Iron
with permissible shear stress of 15Mpa. Assume that the maximum torque
transmitted is 25 percent greater than mean torque.


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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 3

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Enumerate the most commonly used engineering materials and state atleast one
important property and application of each.

2. (a) Briefly explain shear stress and shear strain?


(b) Calculate the diameter of the solid shaft to transmit 50 kW at 180 rpm. If
the angle of twist in a length of 4 meters is not to exceed 0.40 . The allowable
stress in the material is 70 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 GPa. [4+12]

3. (a) Explain the following methods of reducing stress concentration.

i. Removal of undesired material
ii. Added grooves
(b) A steel connecting rod is subjected to a completely reversed axial load of 120
KN. Suggest the suitable size of the rod using a factor of safety 1.8. The
ultimate strength of the material is 1000 MPa.
Load correction factor 0.7
Size factor 0.85
Surface finish factor 0.8


4. (a) What do you understand by the term riveted joint? Explain the necessity of
such a joint.
(b) A double riveted lap joint is made between 15-mm thick plates. The rivet
diameter and pitch are 25 mm and 75 mm respectively. If the ultimate stresses
are 400 MPa in tension, 320 MPa in shear and 640 MPa in crushing, find the
minimum force per pitch which will rupture the joint.
If the above joint is subjected to a load such that the factor of safety is two,
find out the actual stresses developed in the plates and the rivets. [6+10]

5. A bracket carrying a load of 15 KN is to be welded as shown in Figure1. Find the

size of weld required if the allowable shear stress is not to exceed 80 MPa. [16]

6. (a) Describe the purpose of gib in cotter joint? What are the applications of cotter
(b) Design a knuckle joint to transmit 140 kN, with permissible stresses in tension;
shear and compression are 75 Mpa ; 60 Mpa and 150 Mpa respectively.[6+10]

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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 3

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7. The engine of a ship develops 420 kW and transmits the power by a horizontal
propeller shaft, which runs at 120 rpm. It is proposed to design a hollow propeller
shaft with inner diameter as 0.6 of outer diameter. Considering the torsion alone
calculate the diameter of the propeller shaft if stress in the material is not to exceed
63 N/mm2 and also the angular twist over a length of 2500 mm is not be more than
10 . The modulus of t rigidity of the shaft material is 80 KN/mm2 .

8. (a) Write a short note on universal coupling.


(b) Design a solid muff coupling made of cast iron to connect two shafts transmit-
ting 35KW at 150rpm with a capability of 25% maximum torque greater than
the mean torque. The shaft and key are made of mild steel for which per-
missible shear and crushing stress are 30MN/m2 and 80MN/m2 respectively.
Permissible shear stress in CI is 15MN/m2 . [6+10]


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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 4

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the steps to be followed while designing a machine element?
(b) Define the following properties of a material:
Hardness and
2. (a) Explain the salient features of the maximum principal stress theory and indi-
cate under what conditions such a theory is useful?


(b) A shaft is designed based on maximum distortion energy theory with a factor
of safety of 2.0. The material used is 30C8 steel with a yield stress of 310
MPa. It is subjected to an axial load of 40 kN. Determine the maximum
torque capacity. Diameter of the shaft is 20 mm. [6+10]
3. (a) Explain the following methods of reducing stress concentration
i. Using undercut shoulders
ii. Added grooves

(b) A round shaft made of cold finished AISI 1020 steel is subjected to a variable
torque whose maximum value is 700 KN-m. For a factor of safety of 1.5 on
the Soderberg criterion, determine the diameter of the shaft if
i. The torque is reversed
ii. The torque varies from zero to maximum
iii. The torque varies from 300 N m to a maximum.
Correction factor for type of
loading other than bending = 0.6
Size correction factor = 0.85
Surface correction factor = 0.87
Ultimate tensile strength =550 MPa.
Yield strength = 460 MPa [6+10]
4. (a) Enumerate the different types of riveted joints.
(b) Two plates 16 mm thick are joined by a double riveted lap joint. The pitch
of each row of rivets is 90 mm. The rivets are 25 mm in diameter. The
permissible stresses are 140 MPa in tension, 80 MPa in shear and 160 MPa in
crushing. Find the efficiency of the joint. [6+10]
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Code No: RR310305 Set No. 4

5. The head of an air compressor cylinder is attached by eight bolts. The cylinder
bore diameter is 80 mm and the maximum working pressure is limited to 3 MPa.
Determine the diameter of bolt, when a copper-asbestos is used between the head
and the cylinder and an initial compressive load of 5 KN is required on the gasket
for a leak proof joint. Ultimate tensile strength, Yield strength and endurance limit
for material are 400 MPa, 340 MPa and 200 MPa respectively. A factor of safety
of three is desired and the stress-concentration factor of 2.84 may be assumed.[16]

6. (a) Describe the purpose of gib in cotter joint? What are the applications of cotter
(b) Design a knuckle joint to transmit 140 kN, with permissible stresses in tension;
shear and compression are 75 Mpa ; 60 Mpa and 150 Mpa respectively.[6+10]

7. A horizontal nickel steel shaft rests on two bearings, A at the left and B at the
right end and carries two gears C and D located at distances of 250mm and 400mm
respectively from the centre line of the left and right bearings. The pitch diameter
of the gear C is 600mm and that of gear D is 200mm. The distance between the
centre line of the bearings is 2400mm. The shaft transmits 20KW at 120rpm. The
power is delivered to the shaft at gear C is taken out at gear D in such a manner
that the tooth pressure FtC of the gear C and FtD of the gear D act vertically
Find the diameter of the shaft, if the working stress is 100Mpa in tension and
56Mpa in shear. The gears C and D weighs 950N and 350N respectively. The
combined shock and fatigue factors for bending and torsion may be taken as 1.5
and 1.2 respectively. [16]

8. (a) Write a short note on universal coupling.

(b) Design a solid muff coupling made of cast iron to connect two shafts transmit-
ting 35KW at 150rpm with a capability of 25% maximum torque greater than
the mean torque. The shaft and key are made of mild steel for which per-
missible shear and crushing stress are 30MN/m2 and 80MN/m2 respectively.
Permissible shear stress in CI is 15MN/m2 . [6+10]


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