Study 2212 2

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Section 4

Dissolved Oxygen

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen
and Temperature

DO for short
measurement of the
amount of oxygen
dissolved in a unit
volume of water
indicator of
usefulness of water
for a specific

1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Hold Times Applications

Useful for maintaining a
stream fit for swimming,
fishing and/or as a
source of potable water
DO level must be kept
15 minutes - note
high (in English - permits
time of collection have minimum limits; DO
levels must be kept
& time of analysis! above this limit)
Low DO levels = can
have harmful effects on
receiving waters; causes
suffocation of fish &
promotes growth of
harmful bacteria.

3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Applications Theory

Sewage treatment: Amount of Oxygen that a given

Specialized bacteria (also known as volume of water can hold is a function
activated sludge) is added to solids in of:
waste water treatment plants 1. The pressure the atmospheric
optimum level of DO necessary for oxygen is exerting at the air-water
process interface.
too low DO = bacteria die & decompose
2. The temperature of the water.
3. The amount of other substances
too high DO = process becomes costly
dissolved in the water.
5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

154 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Theory Theory

The higher the atmospheric pressure

and the lower the temperature and
conductivity, the more oxygen can be
dissolved in the water.

7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Common Conversions w/ BP Common Conversions w/ BP

Uncorrecting pressure readings Determine the altitude (in feet) of your
EXAMPLE - The local airport provides you with facility/lab (you can use the altitude of the
a "corrected" barometric pressure of city/town/village).
29.65 inches of Hg. Blueprints
To UNcorrect this measurement: GPS

NOTE: Pressure drops by 26 millimeters (mm,

about 1 inch) for every 1000 feet above sea
level. 26 1000= 0.026.
That's why during the process, we multiply the
altitude in feet by 0.026.
9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Common Conversions w/ BP Common Conversions w/ BP

Determine the correction factor (CF): Convert inches of mercury (Hg) to mm of
CF = [760 - (Altitude x 0.026)] 760 mercury (Hg):
= [760 - (543 x 0.026)] 760 inches of Hg X 25.4 = mm of Hg
= [760-14.1] 760 Therefore 29.04 X 25.4 = 737.6
= 745.9 760 = 0.9795
Your uncorrected BP is either 29.04 inches of Hg
Therefore, true uncorrected barometric pressure or 737.6 mm of Hg.
= 29.65 x 0.9795 = 29.04

EXAMPLE - The "corrected" BP was given as 29.65 inches of Hg.

FTC elevation = 543 ft

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Dissolved Oxygen 155

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

BP Conversion Example BP Conversion Example

Example: reports a stable 29.88* in of Hg. Find % Saturation Calibration Value:
We are at 547 ft and our water sample is at 21C.
(0.21)(745)(100) = 15,645 = 97.8%
CF = [760 - (Altitude x 0.026)] 760
= 745.8 760 = 0.98 160 160
Find Concentration Calibration Value:
Therefore, true uncorrected barometric
pressure = 29.88 x 0.98 = 29.32 in of Hg At 21C, the oxygen solubility table
reports 8.915 mg/L
Or 29.32 x 25.4 = 744.7 mm of Hg
(8.915)(.978) = 8.72 mg/L
* reports values at sea level, this needs to be corrected for your elevation.

13 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 14 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

BP Conversion Example BP Conversion Example

The pressure of oxygen at sea level is Find % Saturation Calibration Value:

160 mm of Hg because oxygen is (0.21)(745)(100) = 15,645 = 97.8%
about 21% of the earths atmosphere 160 160
Find Concentration Calibration Value:
21% of 760 (average sea level
At 21C, the oxygen solubility table
barometric pressure) is about 160 mm of
reports 8.915 mg/L
Hg. (8.915)(.978) = 8.72 mg/L

15 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 16 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Effect of Partial Pressure of

BP Conversion Example
Oxygen on Dissolved O2
Easy way - Direct Read from Barometer
& Thermometer to determine DO from Water in contact
USGS DO table with air will absorb
air (O2)
until the pressure at
air-water interface is
said to be saturated -
about 5 to 10 parts of
oxygen to one million
Barometric Pressure (BP) uncorrected Temperature oC USGS DO Table (mm Hg) parts of water
17 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 18 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

156 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Effect of Temperature on
Two Types of Measurement
Dissolved Oxygen
Pot of boiling water Electrode
bubbles form on
bottom & sides of
number & size of
Winkler titration
bubbles increase with
These are air bubbles
that have been
dissolved in water.

19 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 20 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Electrodes Electrodes

An electrode system where DO reacts Electrode system separated from the

sample stream by semi-permeable
at the cathode producing a membrane, which permits DO in sample to
measurable electrochemical effect. pass through to the electrode system, but
prevents passage of liquids & ionic fluids.
Effect can be galvanic (ability to Most units are temperature compensated
conduct an electrical current), (thermistor or resistance thermometer).
polarographic (electrochemical), or Another type of probe does not use semi-
permeable membrane; system consists of a
potentiometric (measurement of reference electrode & thallium measuring
voltages). electrode.

21 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 22 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Electrodes Dissolved Oxygen

O2 concentration determined by Electrochemical method.

measuring voltage potential when DO Two metal electrodes in contact with
electrolyte and separated from test
comes in contact with the thallium solution by gas permeable membrane
electrode. and a constant voltage created.
Thallous-ion concentration is Oxygen diffuses through membrane and
is reduced at the cathode by the voltage.
proportional to the dissolved oxygen This process produces a current flow,
in the sample. which is detected by the meter, and is
proportional to the partial pressure of
23 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 24 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dissolved Oxygen 157

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen Analysis

Meter calibrated in saturated air Analyze immediately

Winkler test may be used as a QC maximum holding time = fifteen min
check Preservation = none
Correction for altitude or barometric Sample should be measured insitu
pressure May be collected as a grab sample
Membrane checked and changed with minimal aeration into a B0D
regularly bottle with a glass stopper
Temperature calibration data verified
25 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 26 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Taking D.O. Readings

27 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 28 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Luminescent Dissolved
Common Deficiencies
Samples for dissolved oxygen were No membrane
collected in a bucket and then poured into
the BOD bottle No electrolyte to
The D.O. probe was immersed in the water foul or poison
during calibration
Wont affect
The D.O. probe had a water droplet on the
end during calibration readings
There was an air bubble under the Accurate & stable
membrane on the probe readings
The meter was air calibrated by placing the
probe on the counter

29 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 30 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

158 Dissolved Oxygen

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Luminescent Dissolved Luminescent Dissolved

Oxygen Oxygen
The sensor is coated As the luminescent material relaxes it
with a luminescent emits red light, and this luminescence is
proportional to the dissolved oxygen
material, called present.
luminophore, which is The luminescence is measured both in
excited by blue light terms of its maximum intensity and its
from an internal LED. decay time.
An internal red LED provides a reference
measurement before every reading to
ensure that the sensor's accuracy is
31 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 32 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Winkler Titration Winkler

Winkler method (azide modification) Titrimetric wet

SM 4500-OC chemistry test that
Na2SO4 is to be standardized quarterly measures the
Winkler test must be run within 8 hours of adding amount of oxygen
the reagents*, due to instability of solution once present based on
reagents are added. (*MgSO4 & alkaline-iodine-
azide solution) conversion of
oxygen to iodine

33 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 34 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Winkler DO QA/QC
QC Acceptance

*QC Frequency
Control Charts

Titrate with


Batch Size



0.025M Sodium





Use a burette with
0.5 mL
Depends on Depends on
verify with air-saturated water
SM4500-O HachMethod
G - 2001 10360Oct. 2011

X, Calibrate meter daily &

Oxygen, dissolved

X X X X 20
Titrate until a pale
straw color

X X X X 20
35 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 36 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dissolved Oxygen 159

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DO Hach Method 10360, DO Hach Method 10360,

LDO Measurement Oct. 2011 LDO Measurement Oct. 2011
Demonstration of Capability
Documentation (signed form) that analyst has read
and understands all appropriate SOPs and Methods.
Dup Hach Method 10360 9.2.1 Prepare and measure
four samples of air-saturated water according to
ICAL/CCV section 7.2.
7.2.1 Add approximately 1500 mL of organic-free water
Corrective Action or BOD dilution water to a 2-L beaker or PET bottle
7.2.2 Allow the water to equilibrate to room temperature.
QC Acceptance Room temperature should be approximately 20 3C.
7.2.3 With a steady gentle stream of filtered air ( 10-40
mL per minute), aerate the water for a minimum of 30
Batch Size minutes. Alternatively, vigorously shake the reagent water
or BOD dilution water for several minutes.
QC Frequency

37 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 38 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DO Hach Method 10360,

LDO Measurement Oct. 2011
Hach Method 10360 continued
7.2.4 At the completion of aeration, let water re-equilibrate
to room temperature (20 3C) for 30 minutes and note the
barometric pressure [uncorrected] of the laboratory during
preparation. The barometric temperature reading is used in
the calculation and determination of the theoretical DO
concentration for the preparation of air-saturated water.
7.2.5 Transfer the aerated water to a BOD bottle until
overflowing and stopper.
7.2.6 Calculate the theoretical dissolved oxygen
concentration using a dissolved oxygen table such as
Real people language prepare dilution water that is air-
saturated and analyze four bottles and compare to the
theoretical dissolved oxygen concentration.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Can be made at
TDEC - Fleming Training Center
39 40

DO Hach Method 10360, DO Hach Method 10360,

LDO Measurement Oct. 2011 LDO Measurement Oct. 2011
Calibration Duplicate
7.1.1 Add approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) of Real people language analyze 2 samples
reagent water to a clean BOD bottle and for DO, grab sample in a bucket and dip
stopper). probe twice to get two readings
7.1.2 Shake vigorously for 10 seconds.
Target value is to get close to the first value
7.1.3 Allow for the BOD bottle and its contents and have a small RPD
to equilibrate to room temperature. Room
temperature should be approximately 20 3C. 2014 Update For reporting purposes, all
7.1.4 The stopper may now be removed from
duplicates should be reported according
the BOD bottle and the LBOD probe inserted for to your permit limits. If your permit sets a
calibration purposes. minimum, then the minimum value
Real people language calibrate daily by should be reported even if falls outside
following manufacturers instructions. your permit limit.

41 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 42 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

160 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

DO Hach Method 10360, DO Hach Method 10360,

LDO Measurement Oct. 2011 LDO Measurement Oct. 2011
Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) - daily Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV)
7.2.1 Add approximately 1500 mL of organic-free water or continued
BOD dilution water to a 2-L beaker or PET bottle
7.2.5 Transfer the aerated water to a BOD
7.2.2 Allow the water to equilibrate to room temperature.
Room temperature should be approximately 20 3C. bottle until overflowing and stopper.
7.2.3 With a steady gentle stream of filtered air ( 10-40 7.2.6 Calculate the theoretical dissolved
mL per minute), aerate the water for a minimum of 30 oxygen concentration using a dissolved oxygen
minutes. Alternatively, vigorously shake the reagent water table such as Hitchman
or BOD dilution water for several minutes.
7.2.4 At the completion of aeration, let water re-equilibrate 9.3.1 Upon air calibration, prepare a calibration
to room temperature (20 3C) for 30 minutes and note the verification standard with each analytical batch of
barometric pressure [uncorrected] of the laboratory during 20 samples or less in an 8 hour period.
preparation. The barometric temperature reading is used in
the calculation and determination of the theoretical DO 9.4.3 Initially and at the end of each analytical
concentration for the preparation of air-saturated water. batch of samples, analyze a dilution water
sample that is air-saturated

43 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 44 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DO Hach Method 10360, DO SM4500-O G 2001

LDO Measurement Oct. 2011 Membrane Electrode Method
Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) DOC
Real people language prepare dilution
water that is air-saturated and analyze bottles ICAL/CCV
and compare to the theoretical dissolved
Corrective Action
oxygen concentration ( 0.2 mg/L) after daily
samples or with each batch of 20 samples or QC Acceptance
less in an 8-hour period.
Batch Size
Batch Size
QC Frequency
9.3.1 with each analytical batch of 20
samples or less in an 8 hour period.
45 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 46 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DO SM4500-O G 2001 DO SM4500-O G 2001

Membrane Electrode Method Membrane Electrode Method
Demonstration of Capability Hach Method 10360 continued
Documentation (signed form) that analyst has read 7.2.4 At the completion of aeration, let water re-equilibrate
and understands all appropriate SOPs and Methods. to room temperature (20 3C) for 30 minutes and note the
barometric pressure [uncorrected] of the laboratory during
Follow Hach Method 10360 9.2.1 Prepare and preparation. The barometric temperature reading is used in
measure four samples of air-saturated water the calculation and determination of the theoretical DO
according to section 7.2. concentration for the preparation of air-saturated water.
7.2.1 Add approximately 1500 mL of organic-free water 7.2.5 Transfer the aerated water to a BOD bottle until
or BOD dilution water to a 2-L beaker or PET bottle overflowing and stopper.
7.2.2 Allow the water to equilibrate to room temperature. 7.2.6 Calculate the theoretical dissolved oxygen
Room temperature should be approximately 20 3C. concentration using a dissolved oxygen table such as
7.2.3 With a steady gentle stream of filtered air ( 10-40 Hitchman
mL per minute), aerate the water for a minimum of 30 Real people language prepare dilution water that is air-
minutes. Alternatively, vigorously shake the reagent water
or BOD dilution water for several minutes. saturated and analyze four bottles and compare to the
theoretical dissolved oxygen concentration.

47 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 48 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dissolved Oxygen 161

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DO SM4500-O G 2001
Membrane Electrode Method
Calibrate daily (day of) by following
manufacturers instructions
Using barometric pressure is best
Duplicates of the sample
Run on a 5% basis, one for every 20 samples
Calculate %RPD, 20%
2014 Update For reporting purposes, all
duplicates should be reported according to
your permit limits. If your permit sets a
minimum, then the minimum value should be
reported even if falls outside your permit
Can be made at
TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center
49 50

DO SM4500-O G 2001 DO SM4500-O G 2001

Membrane Electrode Method Membrane Electrode Method
Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) daily Continuing Calibration Verification (CCV) continued
7.2.1 Add approximately 1500 mL of organic-free water or 7.2.5 Transfer the aerated water to a BOD bottle
BOD dilution water to a 2-L beaker or PET bottle until overflowing and stopper.
7.2.2 Allow the water to equilibrate to room temperature. 7.2.6 Calculate the theoretical dissolved oxygen
Room temperature should be approximately 20 3C.
concentration using a dissolved oxygen table such as
7.2.3 With a steady gentle stream of filtered air ( 10-40 Hitchman
mL per minute), aerate the water for a minimum of 30
minutes. Alternatively, vigorously shake the reagent water 9.3.1 Upon air calibration, prepare a calibration
or BOD dilution water for several minutes. verification standard with each analytical batch of 20
7.2.4 At the completion of aeration, let water re-equilibrate samples or less in an 8 hour period.
to room temperature (20 3C) for 30 minutes and note the 9.4.3 Initially and at the end of each analytical batch
barometric pressure of the laboratory during preparation. of samples, analyze a dilution water sample that is
The barometric temperature reading is used in the air-saturated
calculation and determination of the theoretical DO
concentration for the preparation of air-saturated water. Real people language prepare dilution water that is
air-saturated and analyze bottles and compare to the
theoretical dissolved oxygen concentration.

51 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 52 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Temperature Temperature

NIST (National Institute of Standards Clean the probe end with deionized
& Technology) traceable thermometer
Swirl the thermometer in the sample and
Scale marked in 0.1C allow at least one minute to equilibrate
Calibrate annually by checking Suspend the thermometer away from the
sides and bottom of container
against a NIST certified thermometer Record readings to nearest 0.5C
Corrections can be made up to 4C May be measured insitu with probe if
verified against NIST traceable

53 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 54 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

162 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Temperature Conversion

F = (9/5 C) + 32

C = 5/9 (F - 32)

55 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 56 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Temperature SM2550 B 2000

Temperature QA/QC
Thermometric Measurement
Corrective Action

QC Acceptance

*QC Frequency
Control Charts



Batch Size







verified annually
by an NIST
SM2550B 2000


Corrective Action


X QC Frequency

57 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 58 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dissolved Oxygen 163

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Hach Method 10360

Luminescence Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen in Water and Wastewater and
for Use in the Determination of BOD5 and cBOD5
Revision 1.2
October 2011

1. Scope and Application

1.1 This method is for the measurement of dissolved oxygen (DO) in surface and ground water,
municipal and industrial wastewater, and for use in Biochemical Oxygen Demand5 (BOD5) and
carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand5 (cBOD5) determination.

1.2 The method may be used as a replacement for the modified Winkler and membrane electrode
procedures for the measurement of DO in wastewater treatment processes such as aeration and
biological nutrient basins, effluent outfalls, receiving water, and water for BOD5 and cBOD5

1.3 The method is for use in the United States Environmental Protection Agencys (EPAs) survey and
monitoring programs for the measurement of DO and for the determination of BOD5 and cBOD5
under the Clean Water Act.

1.4 This method is capable of measuring DO in the range of 0.20 to 20 mg/L.

1.5 This method is restricted to luminescence probe technologies where calibration is performed by
single-point water-saturated air (100% saturation).

2. Summary of Method

2.1 This luminescence-based sensor procedure measures the light emission characteristics from a
luminescence-based reaction that takes place at the sensor-water interface. A light emitting diode
(LED) provides incident light required to excite the luminophore substrate. In the presence of
dissolved oxygen the reaction is suppressed. The resulting dynamic lifetime of the excited
luminophore is evaluated and equated to DO concentration.

3. Interferences

3.1 There are no known agents that interfere with luminescence DO detection and quantification with
this method.

4. Safety

4.1 This method does not address all safety issues associated with its use. The laboratory is
responsible for maintaining a safe work environment and a current awareness file of OSHA
regulations regarding the safe handling of any chemicals specified in this method. A reference file
of material safety data sheets (MSDSs) should be available to all personnel involved in these
analyses. Additional information on laboratory safety can be found in References 17.5-17.6.

5. Equipment for the Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen

5.1 BOD bottle 300-mL with stoppers and plastic caps (Hach # 62016 and 241906, or equivalent).

5.2 Magnetic Stirring plate (optional)

164 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

5.3 Magnetic stirring device (optional)

5.4 Pipette, serological, 1-mL (Hach Catalog Number 919002, or equivalent)

5.5 Pipette, serological, 5-mL (Hach Catalog Number 53237, or equivalent)

5.6 Pipette, serological, 10-mL (Hach Catalog Number (53238, or equivalent)

5.7 Pipette Filler (Hach Catalog Number 1218900, or equivalent)

5.8 Meter and LBOD Probe (Hach Catalog Number 8508500) for DO measurement in BOD bottles, or
equivalent as defined in Section 1.5 of this method)

5.9 Meter and LDO Probe (Hach Catalog Number 8505200 or 8506300) for DO measurement in open
containers and water bodies, or equivalent as defined in Section 1.5 of this method)

5.10 Dispenser Cap, for Nitrification Inhibitor (Hach Catalog Number 4590)
5.11 Temperature controlled environment for BOD bottle incubation, 20 1 C.


6.1 Phosphate Buffer Solution - 1.7 g AR grade Ammonium Chloride, 8.5 g Potassium Phosphate
Monobasic, 17.7 g Sodium Phosphate Dibasic, 21.7 g Potassium Phosphate Dibasic diluted to
1000 mL with deionized water, APHA, pH 7.2, (Hach Catalog Number 43149, or equivalent)

6.2 Calcium Chloride Solution - 27.5 g AR grade Calcium Chloride diluted to 1000 mL with deionized
water, APHA, for BOD (Hach Catalog Number 42849, or equivalent)

6.3 Ferric Chloride Solution - 0.25 g Ferric Chloride diluted to 1000 mL with deionized water, APHA, for
BOD (Hach Catalog Number 42953, or equivalent)

6.4 Glucose-glutamic Acid - Standard Solution, Voluette Ampoule, 300-mg/L, 150 mg glucose and
150 mg glutamic Acid to 1000 mL in deionized water, 10 mL (Hach Catalog Number 1486510, or
equivalent) or, ezGGA Ampoules, 450 mg/L, 225 mg/L Glucose and 225 mg/L Glutamic Acid,
(Hach Catalog Number 25144-20, or equivalent)

6.5 Magnesium Sulfate Solution - 22.5 g Magnesium Sulfate diluted to 1000 mL with deionized water,
APHA, (Hach Catalog Number 43094, or equivalent)

6.6 Nitrification Inhibitor - (Hach Catalog Number 253334)

6.7 Potassium Iodide Solution (100 g AR grade Potassium Iodide diluted to 1000 mL with deionized
water) (Hach Catalog Number 1228949, or equivalent)

6.8 Sodium Thiosulfate Solution 0.025 N (Hach Catalog Number 35253, or equivalent)

6.9 Sodium Hydroxide Solution - 1 N (Hach Catalog Number 104532, or equivalent)

6.10 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets - ACS (Hach Catalog Number 18734, or equivalent)

6.11 Starch Indicator - 5.5 g AR grade Starch, and 1.25 g AR grade Salicylic Acid diluted to 1000 mL
with deionized water (Hach Catalog Number 34932, or equivalent)

6.12 Sulfuric Acid Solution - 0.020 N (Hach Catalog Number 104532, or equivalent)

6.13 Sulfuric Acid Solution - 1.000 N (Hach Catalog Number 127053, or equivalent)

Dissolved Oxygen 165

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Note: The Phosphate Buffer Solution should be refrigerated to decrease the rate of biological growth.

7. Standards for Calibration

7.1 Initial LDO/LBOD Probe Calibration

7.1.1 Add approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm of reagent water to a clean BOD bottle and stopper.

7.1.2 Shake vigorously for ~ 10 seconds.

7.1.3 Allow for the BOD bottle and its contents to equilibrate to room temperature. Room
temperature should be approximately 20 3 C.

7.1.4 The stopper may now be removed from the BOD bottle and the LBOD probe inserted for
calibration purposes.

7.1.5 The luminescence technology for measuring dissolved oxygen is a superior technique from
that of Winkler titration and membrane potentiometric measurement and has no interferences
associated with the oxygen detection process. Therefore, for calibration and measurement
purposes, do not adjust the calibration luminescence measurement to that of Winker or
membrane measurement readings.

Note: Section 7.1 is a suggested procedure for the preparation of water-saturated air. Other procedures
for the preparation of water-saturated air may be used that are equally effective.

7.2 Calibration Verification, Initial Precision and Recovery, and On-going Precision and Recovery

7.2.1 Add approximately 1500 mL of organic-free water or BOD dilution water to a 2-L beaker or
PET bottle.

7.2.2 Allow the water to equilibrate to room temperature. Room temperature should be
approximately 20 3 C.

7.2.3 With a steady gentle stream of filtered air ( 10 40 mL per minute), aerate the water for a
minimum of 30 minutes. Alternatively, vigorously shake the reagent water or BOD dilution
water for several minutes.

7.2.4 At the completion of aeration, let water re-equilibrate to room temperature (20 3 C) for 30

minutes and note the barometric pressure of the laboratory during preparation. The
barometric temperature reading is used in the calculation and determination of the
theoretical DO concentration for the preparation of air-saturated water.

7.2.5 Transfer the aerated water to a BOD bottle until overflowing and stopper.

7.2.6 Calculate the theoretical dissolved oxygen concentration using a dissolved oxygen table
such as Hitchman referenced in Section 17.2 of this method.

Note: Section 7.2 is a suggested procedure for the preparation of air-saturated water. Other procedures
for the preparation of air-saturated water may be used that are equally effective.

8. Sample Collection Preservation and Storage

8.1 Samples should be collected in polyethylene, fluoropolymer, polypropylene, or glass containers.

Immediately upon collection, cool samples to 6 C.


166 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

8.3 Prepare samples within 48 hours of collection and preservation.

8.4 See Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 136.3, Table II for further information
regarding required sample collection containers, preservation techniques and holding times for
collection of water for measurement of DO and for the determination of BOD5 and cBOD5.

9. Quality Control

9.1 It is recommended that each laboratory that uses this method be required to operate a formal
quality assurance program (Reference 17.1). The minimum requirements of this program consist of
an initial demonstration of laboratory capability and ongoing analyses of laboratory prepared water
standards as a test of continued performance to assess accuracy and precision. Laboratory
performance is compared to established performance criteria to determine if the results of analyses
meet the performance characteristics of the method.

9.1.1 The analyst shall make an initial demonstration of the ability to generate acceptable accuracy
and precision with this method. This ability is established as described in Section 9.2.

9.1.2 The laboratory shall, on an ongoing basis, demonstrate through calibration verification and
analysis of the ongoing precision and recovery sample that the analysis system is in control.
These procedures are described in Sections 9.3 and 9.4, respectively.

9.1.3 Accompanying QC for the determination of DO is required per analytical batch. An analytical
batch is a set of samples processed during a contiguous 8-hour period, not to exceed 20
samples. Each analytical batch should be accompanied by a calibration verification and
ongoing precision and recovery sample, resulting in a minimum of three analyses (1 CV, 1
sample, and 1 OPR). Perform additional CV and OPR for each batch that exceeds 20

9.2 Initial Demonstration of Laboratory Capability

9.2.1 Initial precision and recovery (IPR) - To establish the ability to generate acceptable precision
and accuracy for the measurement of DO in water, the analyst shall perform the following
operations: Prepare and measure four samples of the IPR standard (Section 7.2) according to
the procedure beginning in Section 11. Using the results of the set of four analyses, compute the average percent recovery
(X) and the standard deviation of the percent recovery (s) for DO. Use the following
equation for calculation of the standard deviation of the percent recovery:

( x ) 2

x 2
n 1


n = Number of samples
x = Concentration in each sample
s = standard deviation of the percent recovery Compare s and X with the corresponding limits for initial precision and recovery in
Section 18, Table 4. If s and X meet the acceptance criteria, system performance is

Dissolved Oxygen 167

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

acceptable and analysis of samples may begin. If, however, s exceeds the precision
limit or X falls outside the range for recovery, system performance is unacceptable. In
this event correct the problem, and repeat the test.

9.3 Calibration Verification

9.3.1 Upon air calibration, prepare a calibration verification standard (Section 7.2) with each
analytical batch of 20 samples or less in an 8 hour period. Analyze according to the
procedure beginning in Section 11 and compare the recovery results to those in Section 18,
Table 4.

9.4 Ongoing Calibration and Precision and Recovery

9.4.1 To demonstrate that the analysis system is in control, and acceptable precision and
accuracy is being maintained with each analytical batch, the analyst shall perform the
following operations

9.4.2 Prepare a precision and recovery standard (Section 7.2) with each analytical batch according
to the procedure beginning in Section 11.

9.4.3 Initially, and at the end of each analytical batch of samples, analyze a precision and recovery
standard and compare the concentration recovery with the limits for ongoing precision and
recovery in Tables 4 and 5. If the recovery is in the range specified, measurement process is
in control and analysis of samples may proceed. If, however, the recovery is not in the
specified range, the analytical process is not in control. In this event, correct the problem,
recalibrate and verify the calibration and reanalyze analytical batch, repeating the ongoing
precision and recovery test.

9.4.4 The laboratory should add results that pass the specification in Tables 4 and 5 to IPR and
previous OPR data and update QC charts to form a graphic representation of continued
laboratory performance. The laboratory should also develop a statement of laboratory data
quality for each analyte by calculating the average percent recovery (R) and the standard
deviation of the percent recovery (sr). Express the accuracy as a recovery interval from R 2sr
to R + 2sr. For example, if R = 95% and sr = 5%, the accuracy is 85% to 105%.

9.5 Depending upon specific program requirements, field replicates may be required to assess the
precision and accuracy of the sampling and sample transporting techniques.

9.6 Glucose-Glutamic Acid Seed Strength Check

9.6.1 Many factors can influence the BOD analysis (toxicity from sample matrix, contaminated
dilution water, poor quality seed, etc. In order to insure sufficient seeding in the BOD test, a
glucose-glutamic acid check is performed in parallel with each days BOD5 and cBOD5 test
samples. Well prepared dilution water and an active seed will produce a BOD5 of 198 30
mg/L BOD (Reference 17.7). Prepare in triplicate a 300-mL BOD bottle with 3.0 mL of the 300 mg/L Standard
Solution of GGA (Section 6.4) or 1 ampoule (2.0 mL) of ezGGA (Section 6.4) with
each day of samples prepared for BOD determination. When using ezGGA ampoules, place the ezGGA ampoule in the ampoule
breaker (provided with ezGGA ampoules) and rinse the assembly with reagent
water. Hold the ampoule and breaker over the rim of the BOD bottle, break and
allow the ampoule to fall into the BOD bottle. Leave the ampoule in the BOD
bottle during the incubation period and reading of DO.

168 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

GGA Standard Solution

3.0 mL x 0.300 mg/mL GGA x 1000 mL/L = 3.0 mg/L GGA per bottle
300 mL final volume
ezGGA Ampoule

1 ampoule (2.0 mL) x 0.450 mg/mL GGA x 1000 mL/L = 3.0 mg/L GGA per bottle
300 mL final volume Add seed at three different volumes (typically 4 mL, 6 mL, and 8 mL,) to the GGA
bottles. Other volumes may be required, depending on the strength of the seed
being used. Bring to volume with dilution water and analyze as described in Sections 12.9
and 12.10.

Note: GGA BOD5 recovery results outside of 198 30 mg/L should be investigated as to causation. If
toxicity of dilution water has been ruled out as a probable cause for low recovery, it is likely that the
seed is of low activity or poor quality. Either increase the seed amount or use a seed of higher
quality. High GGA recoveries are generally due to incorrect amount of GGA Standard Solution.

10. Calibration and Standardization

10.1 Because of the possible diversity of future LDO instrument hardware and, no detailed operating
conditions are provided. The analyst is advised to follow the recommended operating conditions
provided by the manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the analyst to verify that the instrument
configuration and operating conditions satisfy the analytical requirements of this method and to
maintain quality control data verifying instrument performance and analytical results.

10.2 Water-saturated air (Section 7.1) is used for instrument calibration.

10.3 Calibration verification (Section 7.2) is performed with air-saturated water prior to any DO sample
measurements to the method specifications in Section 14.

11. Procedure for Measuring DO in Grab Samples, Outfalls, and Open Water

11.1 Instrument Setup

11.1.1 Follow the instrument manufacturers instructions for instrument setup (Hach Document
DOC022.53.80021 for Hach LDO IntelliCal Rugged and Standard Probes, Hach
Document Number DOC022.53.80116 for LBOD probes, and Hach Catalog Number
5790018 for Hach LDO process probes.

Note: Manufacturers instructions are only for instrument set and use. These instructions do not preclude
the calibration and performance requirements of this method.

11.2 Measurement of DO

11.2.1 For samples in an open vessel, container, or water body, place the LDO probe into the
water sample to be measured and stir gently with probe or add a stir bar. Do not put the
probe on the bottom or sides of the container. Stir the sample at a moderate rate or put the
probe in flowing conditions. Read sample. The display will show "Stabilizing" and a
progress bar as the probe stabilizes in the sample. The display will show the lock icon
when the reading stabilizes.

Dissolved Oxygen 169

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

11.3.1 For BOD5 and CBOD5 prepared samples, insert the LBOD probe into the BOD bottle for
DO determination. Insure that there are no air bubbles that may have collected around the
probe or sensor. Turn on the stir paddle and read sample. The display will show
"Stabilizing" and a progress bar as the probe stabilizes in the sample. The display will show
the lock icon when the reading stabilizes.

12. Procedure for the Preparation and Determination of BOD5 and cBOD5

12.1 The BOD test is a 5-day test. Follow all steps carefully to make sure that the test does not have to
be repeated.

12.2 The dilution water for this test must be fully air-saturated immediately before use and determined to
not have an oxygen demand or any toxins. When incubated for 5 days at 20 1 C, the dissolved
oxygen concentration in the dilution water must not change by more than 0.2 mg/L. Air-saturation
is a function of water temperature and laboratory barometric pressure. Use an oxygen saturation
table such as in Section 17.2 of this method to insure full air-saturation of dilution water.

12.3 Distilled Water Preparation

12.3.1 The distilled water must be prepared very carefully to make sure that no source of oxygen
demand or toxins are added. The water that is used to prepare the dilution water must be
of very high quality. The water must not have any organic compounds or any toxic
compounds such as chlorine, copper, and mercury at a concentration level that would
interfere would the BOD seed and inhibit microbiological growth of organisms.

12.3.2 For best results, use an alkaline permanganate distillation for preparing dilution water.
Resin in ionization cartridges will occasionally release organic materials that have an
oxygen demand.
12.3.3 Store the distilled water in clean jugs at a temperature of 20 3 C. Fill the containers to
about full and shake the jugs to saturate the water with air. Alternatively, saturate the
water with air as described in Section 7.2.1. A small aquarium pump or air compressor can
be used to saturate the water with air. Insure that the air is filtered and that the air filter
does not grow bacteria.

12.4 Dilution Water Preparation

12.4.1 Using the distilled water prepared above in Section 12.3, select a BOD nutrient buffer pillow
from the BOD nutrient buffer pillows in Table 1.

12.4.2 Add the contents of the BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillow to the distilled water in a jug with ample
headspace. Cap the jug and shake vigorously for one minute to dissolve the nutrients and
to saturate the water with air.

12.4.3 Alternatively, prepare the dilution water by adding 1 mL each of the following solutions per
liter of distilled water prepared in Section 12.4:

Phosphate Buffer Solution 1.7 g AR grade Ammonium Chloride, 8.5 g Potassium

Phosphate Mono Basic, 17.7 g Sodium Phosphate Dibasic, 21.7 g Potassium Phosphate
Dibasic to 1000 mL with deionized water, APHA, pH 7.2, (Hach Catalog Number 43149, or

Calcium Chloride Solution - 27.5 g AR grade Calcium Chloride to 1000 mL with deionized
water, APHA, for BOD (Hach Catalog Number 42849, or equivalent)

170 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Ferric Chloride Solution - 0.25 g Ferric Chloride to 1000 mL deionized water, APHA, for
BOD (Hach Catalog Number (42953, or equivalent)

12.5.4 Cap the jug and shake vigorously for one minute to dissolve the nutrients and to saturate
the water with air.

Note: Dilution water should be prepared immediately before use unless it can be demonstrated that the
dilution water blank has no DO depletion greater than 0.2 mg/L.

12.5 Seed Preparation

12.6.1 Use raw sewage or other reliable sources for the bacterial seed that will yield 198 30
mg/L BOD with the GGA check sample in Section 9.6. Potential seed sources include
wastewater influent, primary effluent, soil, and domestic sewage.
12.6.2 Allow raw sewage to stand undisturbed at 20 3 C for 24 to 36 hours before use.

12.6.3 When seeding samples with raw sewage, always pipette from the upper portion of the

12.7 Sample Size Selection Guide

12.7.1 Make an estimate of the sample volumes that are necessary for the test. At least 2.0 mg/L
of DO should be consumed during the test and at least 1.0 mg/L of un-depleted DO should
remain in the bottle.

12.7.2 Samples such as raw sewage will have a high BOD. Small sample volumes must be used
because large samples will deplete all of the oxygen in the sample. Samples with a low
BOD must use larger sample volumes to insure that adequate oxygen is depleted to give
accurate results.

12.7.3 Refer to the Minimum Sample Volume in Table 2 to select the minimum sample volume.
For example, if a sewage sample is estimated to contain 300 mg/L BOD, the minimum
sample volume is 2 mL. For sewage effluent with an estimated BOD of 40 mg/L, the
minimum sample volume is 15 mL.

12.7.4 Refer to the Maximum Sample Volume in Table 3 to select the maximum sample volume.
At 1000 in elevation, with an estimated BOD5 of 300 mg/L, the largest sample volume is 8
mL. For a BOD of 40 mg/L, the maximum volume of sample is 60 mL.

12.8 Sample Matrix Pretreatment

12.8.1 Determine the pH of each sample at a sample temperature of 20 3 C. prior to BOD
sample preparation. For samples that of have pH of less than 6 or greater than 8, adjust
the pH accordingly with a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
Strength of pH adjustment solution should be at a concentration that does not dilute the
sample by greater than 0.5 percent. Always seed samples that have been pH adjusted

12.8.2 For sample matrices that contain residual chlorine, de-chlorinate with a solution of
Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3). Measure 100 mL of sample into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Using a 10-mL
serological pipette and pipette filler, add 10 mL of 0.020 N Sulfuric Acid
Standard Solution and 10 mL of Potassium Iodide Solution, 100-g/L, to the
flask. Add three full droppers of Starch Indicator Solution and swirl to mix.

Dissolved Oxygen 171

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center Fill a 25-mL burette with 0.025 N Sodium Thiosulfate Standard Solution and
titrate the sample from dark blue to colorless. Calculate the amount of 0.025 N Sodium Thiosulfate Solution to add to the

mL 0.025 N Sodium Thiosulfate required = mL titrant used x volume of

remaining sample divided by 100 Add the required amount of 0.025 N Sodium Sulfate Standard Solution to the
sample. Mix thoroughly and wait 10 to 20 minutes before performing the BOD
Note: Samples should be brought to a temperature of 20 3 C. prior to making dilutions.

12.9 Sample Preparation

12.9.1 Select the sample volume as described in Section 12.7. Select a minimum of three
different volumes for each sample. If the minimum sample volume is 3 mL or more, determine the DO

concentration in the undiluted sample; this determination can be omitted when
analyzing sewage and settled effluents known to have dissolved oxygen
content near 0 mg/L.

12.9.2 Stir the sample gently with a pipette. Use the pipette to add the determined sample
volumes to the BOD bottles.

12.9.3 Add the appropriate seed to the individual BOD bottles as described in Section 12.6. Separately, with each batch of BOD samples, prepare a seed sample with
dilution water. Measure the BOD of the seed for subtraction from the sample
BOD. A seed that has a BOD5 of 200 mg/L (a typical range for domestic sewage) will
typically deplete at least 0.6 mg/L DO when added at a rate of 3 mL/L of
dilution water.

12.9.4 If the test is for cBOD5, add two potions of Nitrification Inhibitor (approximately 0.16 g) to
each bottle. The oxidation of nitrogen-based compounds will be prevented.

12.9.5 Fill each bottle to just below the lip with dilution water. Allow the dilution water to flow down the sides of the bottle to prevent air
bottles from becoming entrapped in the bottle.

12.9.6 Fill an additional BOD bottle with only dilution water. This will be the dilution water blank.

12.9.7 Stopper the bottles carefully to prevent air bubbles from becoming entrapped. Tightly twist the stopper and invert the bottles several times to mix.

Note: The sample preparation procedures in Section 12.9 are designed for a BOD sample analysis
volume of 300 mL. A 60-mL sample preparation volume may also be used.

172 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

12.10 Sample Analysis

12.10.1 Measure the initial dissolved oxygen concentration in each bottle with the LBOD probe
within 30 minutes of sample preparation.

12.10.2 After the initial DO measurement, stopper the bottles carefully to prevent air bubbles from
becoming entrapped. Add dilution water to the lip of each BOD bottle to make a water seal.
12.10.3 Place a plastic cap over the lip of each bottle and incubate at 20 1 C for five days.

12.10.4 After 5 days, measure the remaining dissolved oxygen concentration in each bottle with
the LBOD probe. At least 1.0 mg/L DO should have remained in each bottle. Discard results of samples where the DO is depleted below 1.0 mg/L.

13. BOD and cBOD Calculations

13.1 When Dilution Water Not Seed (generally influent and primary treated influent to treatment)

BOD5 or cBOD5, mg/L = D1 D2


BOD5 or cBOD5 = BOD value from the 5-day test

D1 = DO of diluted sample immediately after preparation, in mg/L
D2 = DO of diluted sample after 5 day incubation at 20 1 C, in mg/L
P = Decimal volumetric fraction of sample used

13.2 When Dilution Water Requires Seed

BOD5 or cBOD5, mg/L = (D1 D2) (B1 B2)f

as defined above plus:

B1 = DO of seed control before incubation, in mg/L

B2 = DO of seed control after incubation, in mg/L
f = ratio of seed in diluted sample to seed in seed control (% seed in diluted sample/%seed in
seed control) or, if seed material is added directly to sample or to seed-control bottles:
f = (volume of seed in diluted sample/volume of seed in seed control)

13.3 Averaged Results

13.3.1 Averaged results from different dilutions are acceptable if more than one sample dilution
meets all of the following criteria: The remaining un-depleted DO is at least 1 mg/L. The final DO value is at least 2 mg/L lower than the initial prepared sample DO There is no evidence of toxicity at higher sample concentrations

Dissolved Oxygen 173

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

14. Method Performance for Dissolved Oxygen in Reference Water and GGA
BOD5 Recovery

Acceptance Criterion Section Limit

Initial DO Accuracy in Reagent Water 9.2.1 95% to 105%

Initial Precision in Reagent Water 9.2.1 2.1%
On-going DO Accuracy 9.4.1 95% to 105%

15. Pollution Prevention

15.1 There are no standards or reagents used in this method that when properly disposed of, pose any
threat to the environment.

16. Waste Management

16.1 It is the laboratorys responsibility to comply with all federal, state, and local regulations governing
waste management, particularly the hazardous waste identification rules and land disposal
restrictions, and to protect air, water, and land by minimizing and control all releases from fume
hoods and bench operations. Compliance with all sewage discharge permits and regulations is
also required.

16.2 For further information on waste management, consult The Waste Management manual for
Laboratory Personnel, and Less is Better: Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste
Reduction, both available from the American Societys Department of Government relations and
Science Policy, 1155 16 Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

17. References

17.1 Handbook of Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories, USEPA, EMSL-CI,
Cincinnati, OH 45268, EPA-600-4-79-019, March 1979.

17.2 Hitchmen, M.L. (1978) Chemical analysis. Vol. 49. Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen. Wiley and
sons, New York.

17.3 Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR), Part 136.

17.4 Protocol for EPA Approval of New Methods for Organic and Inorganic Analytes in Wastewater and
Drinking Water (EPA-821-B-98-003, March 1999).

17.5 OSHA Safety and Health Standards, General Industry, (29 CFR 1910), Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, OSHA 2206 (Revised, January 1976)

17.6 Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories, American Chemical Society, Committee on Chemical
Safety, 3 Edition, 1979.
17.7 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20 Edition; American Public
health Association: 1015 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 2005, 1998; Method 5210B.

174 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

18. Tables

18.1 Nutrient Buffer Preparation Options

Table 1 - BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows

Volume of Dilution Water to Prepare Hach BOD Nutrient Pillow Catalog Number
300 mL) add pillow to each BOD Bottle 1416066
3 liters 1486166
4 liters 2436466
6 liters 1486266
19 liters 1486398

Note: Hach BOD Nutrient Pillows are formulated with the same reagents adjusted for volume preparation
as in Sections 6.1 through 6.3.

18.2 Sample Volume Selection Guides

Table 2 - Minimum Sample Volume Selection Guide

Sample Type Estimated BOD mg/L Minimum Sample Volume (mL)
Strong Waste 600 1
300 2
200 3
150 4
Raw and Settled Sewage
100 6
75 8
60 10
50 12
40 15
Oxidized Effluents 30 20
20 30
10 60
6 100
Polluted River Water 4 200
2 300

Table 3 Maximum Sample Volume Selection Guide

BOD at Sea Level BOD at 1000 ft BOD at 5000 feet Maximum Sample
(mg/L) Elevation (mg/L) Elevation (mg/L) Volume (mL)
615 595 508 4
492 476 406 5
410 397 339 6
304 294 251 8
246 238 203 10
205 198 169 12
164 158 135 15
123 119 101 20
82 79 68 30
41 40 34 60
25 24 21 100
12 12 10 200
8 8 7 300

Note: Samples with higher concentrations of BOD should be pre-diluted.

Dissolved Oxygen 175

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

18.3 Performance Criteria

Table 4 - Initial Precision and Recovery Method Performance

IPR IPR DO Conc. 97.5% Lower Limit 97.5% Upper Limit 95% Upper Limit
Range (mg/L) of Recovery (%) of Recovery (%) of Precision (%)
High 7.22 9.23 95.8 104.8 1.26

Table 5 - Calibration Verification Performance

Average % % Standard % Relative Standard
CV DO Concentration Recovery Deviation Deviation
7.22 mg/L 9.23 mg/L 100.1 2.5 2.5

19. Glossary of Definitions and Purposes

The definitions and purposes are specified to this method but have been conformed to common
usage as much as possible.

19.1 Units of Weight and Measure and their Abbreviations

19.1.1 Symbols
C degrees Celsius

19.1.2 Alphabetical characters

mg/L milligram per liter

19.2 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

19.2.1 LDO - Luminescence dissolved oxygen

19.2.2 LBOD - Luminescence biochemical oxygen demand

19.2.3 BOD - Biochemical oxygen demand

19.2.4 BOD5 - Biochemical oxygen demand, 5-day test

19.2.5 cBOD5 - Carboneous biochemical oxygen demand, 5-day test

19.2.6 DO: Dissolved oxygen

19.2.75 CV: Calibration verification

19.2.8 IPR: Initial precision and recovery

19.2.9 OPR: On-going precision and recovery

176 Dissolved Oxygen

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

Oxygen, Dissolved DOC316.53.01243

Direct Measurement Method1 Method 10360

0.1 to 20.0 mg/L (or 1 to 200% saturation) O2 LDO probe
Scope and application: For water, wastewater and process water applications.
1 Luminescent dissolved oxygen is USEPA approved for dissolved oxygen measurements in wastewater treatment process (e.g., aeration
and biological nutrient basins, effluent outfalls and receiving water). Refer to USEPA 40CFR Part 136.3.

Test preparation

Instrument-specific information
This procedure is applicable to the meters and probes that are shown in Table 1.
Procedures for other meters and probes can be different.
Table 1 Instrument-specific information
Meter Probe
HQ30d portable single input, multi-parameter IntelliCAL LDO101 LDO
HQ40d portable dual input, multi-parameter
HQ430d benchtop single input, multi-parameter
HQ440d benchtop dual input, multi-parameter

Before starting
Refer to the meter documentation for meter settings and operation. Refer to probe documentation for probe preparation,
maintenance and storage information.
Prepare the probe before initial use. Refer to probe documentation.
When an IntelliCAL probe is connected to an HQd meter, the meter automatically identifies the measurement parameter
and is prepared for use.
The IntelliCAL LDO101 probes automatically adjust for barometric pressure, elevation and temperature.
Do not touch the probe cap with a hand, fingers or any surface that can scratch the cap.
Prepare the probe before initial use. Refer to probe documentation.
Condition the probe before use. To condition the probe, put the probe in 100 mL of tap water for 30 minutes before use.
For probes that are continuously in aqueous solutions, condition the sensor cap for 72 hours.
Calibrate the probe before initial use. Refer to Calibration on page 3.
Salinity affects the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the sample. To correct for salinity effects, refer to the probe
Analyze the samples immediately. The samples cannot be preserved for later analysis.
Stir the samples at a slow and constant rate to prevent the formation of a vortex.
Air bubbles under the sensor tip can cause slow response or measurement errors. To remove the bubbles, carefully shake
the probe.
For rugged electrodes, it may be necessary to remove the shroud before measurement and calibration.
Review the Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) for the chemicals that are used. Use the recommended personal protective
Dispose of reacted solutions according to local, state and federal regulations. Refer to the Safety Data Sheets for disposal
information for unused reagents. Refer to the environmental, health and safety staff for your facility and/or local regulatory
agencies for further disposal information.

Dissolved Oxygen 177 1

Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center
Items to collect
Description Quantity

BOD bottle, 300 mL or Erlenmeyer flask, 250 mL 1

Beaker (laboratory test) 1

Refer to Consumables and replacement items on page 4 for order information.

Sample collection
The main consideration with sample collection is to prevent contamination of the sample
with atmospheric oxygen.
Analyze the samples immediately. The samples cannot be preserved for later
Analyze the samples at the collection site if possible.
Do not introduce air into the sample.

Test procedure

1. Rinse the probe with 2. Laboratory test: Put the 3. Push Read. A progress 4. When the value is stable,
deionized water. Dry the probe in a beaker that bar is shown. When the store or record the mV value
probe with a lint-free cloth. contains the solution. Do not measurement is stable, the and the temperature value.
let the probe touch the stir lock icon is shown.
bar, bottom or sides of the
container. Remove the air
bubbles from under the
probe tip. Stir the sample at
a slow to moderate rate.
Field test: Put the probe in
the sample. Move the probe
up and down to remove
bubbles from the probe tip.

2 178 Oxygen, Dissolved, Direct Measurement (20.0 mg/L or 200% saturation)

Dissolved Oxygen
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 4

1. Add a small amount of 2. Insert a stopper and 3. If the probe cap is wet, 4. Remove the stopper. Put
water (approximately 1 cm) shake the bottle vigorously carefully dry the probe cap the probe in the bottle.
to the bottom of narrow- for several minutes. with a soft cloth.
neck bottle, such as a BOD

5. Push Calibrate. 6. Push Read. A progress 7. Push Done. The 8. Push Store to accept the
bar is shown. When the calibration summary shows. calibration.
measurement is stable, the The slope value is the
lock icon is shown. comparison between the
latest calibration and the
factory calibration shown as
a percentage.

Clean the probe

Clean the probe when:
Drifting/inaccurate readings occur as a result of contamination on the sensing
element or incorrect storage conditions.
Slow response time occurs as a result of contamination on the sensing element.
For general contamination, complete the steps that follow.

1. Rinse the probe with deionized water. Blot dry with a lint-free cloth.
2. If harsh contaminants are attached to the probe, polish the probe tip with a soft cloth
or cotton swab to remove the contaminants.
3. Soak the probe in deionized water for 1 minute.

Summary of method
The oxygen sensor is a clear, oxygen impermeable hard substrate. An oxygen-sensitive
luminescent dye and a scattering agent is on the substrate. A final overlay of dark
pigment is added to keep stray light out of the measurement cell. The luminescent dye
gives a red light when exposed to blue light. The scattering agent distributes the light in
the sensor matrix and contributes to the opacity of the sensor. Pulses from a red LED are
used as an internal reference. The duration of the luminescence is proportional to the
concentration of dissolved oxygen in the sample.

Oxygen, Dissolved, Direct Measurement (20.0 mg/L or 200%

Dissolved Oxygensaturation) 179 3
Section 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center
Consumables and replacement items
HQd meters and probes

Description Unit Item no.

HQ30d portable single input, multi-parameter meter each HQ30D53000000

HQ40d portable dual input, multi-parameter meter each HQ40D53000000
HQ430d benchtop single input, multi-parameter meter each HQ430D
HQ440d benchtop dual input, multi-parameter meter each HQ440D
IntelliCAL LDO101 luminescent/optical dissolved oxygen (LDO) probe, 1 m cable each LDO10101
IntelliCAL LDO101 luminescent/optical dissolved oxygen (LDO) probe, 3 m cable each LDO10103
IntelliCAL LDO101 luminescent/optical dissolved oxygen (LDO) probe, 5 m cable each LDO10105
IntelliCAL LDO101 luminescent/optical dissolved oxygen (LDO) probe, 10 m cable each LDO10110
IntelliCAL LDO101 luminescent/optical dissolved oxygen (LDO) probe, 15 m cable each LDO10115
IntelliCAL LDO101 luminescent/optical dissolved oxygen (LDO) probe, 30 m cable each LDO10130


Description Unit Item no.

BOD bottle with glass stopper, 300 mL each 62100

BOD bottle with glass stopper, 300 mL 6/pkg 62106
BOD bottle with glass stopper, 300 mL 24 pkg 62124
Beaker, polypropylene, 50-mL, low form each 108041
Flask, Erlenmeyer, 250-mL each 50546
Probe clips, color-coded, for IntelliCAL probes 50/pkg 5818400
Probe, depth markers, rugged LDO probe only 10/pkg 5828610
Probe stand, universal each 8508850


In the U.S.A. Call toll-free 800-227-4224 WORLD HEADQUARTERS
Outside the U.S.A. Contact the HACH office or distributor serving you. Telephone: (970) 669-3050
On the Worldwide Web; E-mail [email protected] FAX: (970) 669-2932
180 Dissolved Oxygen
Hach Company/Hach Lange GmbH, 20072015. All rights reserved. 03/2015, Edition 8
Section 5
Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Introduction to BOD
What is BOD?

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Why is BOD Important?

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

BOD Calculations




Laboratory Biochemical Oxygen Demand is the amount of oxygen,
Set up BOD Bottles expressed in mg/L or parts per million (ppm), that
bacteria take from the water when they oxidize organic
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Measure Initial DO
How is BOD Run?
(Hach, Clifford; R. Klein; C. Gibbs. Introduction to Biochemical
Oxygen Demand. Hach Company, 1997.)

3 4


BOD is a measure of organic strength of the The Royal Commission on River Pollution, which was
wastewater: established in 1865 and the formation of the Royal
Commission on Sewage Disposal in 1898 led to the
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Changes in dissolved oxygen concentration are used as an

indirect measure of organic content. selection in 1908 of BOD5 as the definitive test for
organic pollution of rivers.
Five days was chosen as an appropriate test period
because this is supposedly the longest time that river
water takes to travel from source to the ocean in the

5 6

182 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5


In 1912, the commission also set a standard of 20 mg/L The United States includes BOD effluent limitations in
BOD5 as the maximum concentration permitted in its secondary treatment regulations.
sewage works discharging to rivers, provided that there

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Secondary sewage treatment is generally expected to
was at least an 8:1 dilution available at dry weather remove 85 percent of the BOD measured in sewage and
flow. produce effluent BOD concentrations with a 30-day
This was contained in the famous 20:30 average of less than 30 mg/L and a 7-day average of less
(BOD:Suspended Solids) + full nitrification standard than 45 mg/L.
that was used as a yardstick in the U.K. up to the 1970s
for sewage works effluent quality.

7 8
Source: Source:


All three must be present in order to have BOD.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

+ Food + Oxygen (O2) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) , Food, and O2

9 10


TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

+ Food + Oxygen (O2) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) + Ammonia + Oxygen (O2) Nitrate(NO3-)
(Bacteria) or Nitrite (NO2 )

Food - Organic material (carbon), exerts Food Reduced forms of nitrogen, exert nitrogenous
carbonaceous oxygen demand (cBOD) oxygen demand

11 12

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 183

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Dissolved oxygen levels are monitored before and after
an incubation period, to determine the amount of
oxygen depletion.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Carbonaceous Nitrogenous
Oxygen Oxygen BOD
Demand Demand

13 14


Incubation conditions: Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) aim to remove
Temperature 20 1C BOD from the influent (raw) water.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Time 5 days BOD can be used for process control and to measure the
In the dark efficiency of a WWTP.

15 16


BOD Removal Efficiency BOD measurements help
BOD of effluent versus influent in monitoring the effect of
effluent on the dissolved
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

oxygen concentration of
Influent Effluent the receiving water body.
BOD may be regulated by
permit requirements.
300 mg/L 30 mg/L
90% Removal

17 18

184 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5


Multiple sample dilutions Industrial wastes = 0.1 - 1.0 %
Dilution water blank Raw\settled sewage = 1.0 - 5.0 %

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Seed control Oxidized effluent = 5.0 - 25 %

Seed blank Polluted river water = 25 - 100 %

Glucose/Glutamic Acid Standard


19 20


Dilution Method BODTrak Using the dilution method, three values must be known
in order to calculate BOD:
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Initial DO
Final DO
Volume of sample

21 22

(Not EPA Approved for Permit Compliance)


Preparing dilution water
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Seeding dilution water

Sampling and sample handling

Determining range and sample volumes

Obtaining data points

Running Standards

23 24

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 185

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Glassware must be extremely clean! Source water
Have a set of glassware dedicated to BOD testing. Reagents

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Clean glassware thoroughly before each use
Method criteria
Clean with a dilute bleach solution
Failure factors
Rinse at least 3x with DI water
Clean with 1:1 sulfuric acid Other considerations
Rinse at least 3x with DI water

Allow to air dry

25 26


22nd Ed. Standard Methods 5210B 4.C Use clean glassware, tubing (medical grade) and bottles
Serves to check the quality of unseeded dilution water and Distilled water should be used in preparing reagents in
the cleanliness of bottles
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

advance (sterilized is preferred)
May be distilled, tap or receiving stream
Discard if any sign of precipitation or biological growth
As long as they meet depletion of < 0.2 mg/L
Commercial reagents are acceptable
Free of heavy metals
Ex: copper

27 28


Preferably run two blanks, beginning and ending of Check out this site for more information:
sample set
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dilution water blanks must meet quality control limits, Tubing constructed of oxygen-demand leaching material
< 0.2 mg/L DO (preferably <0.1 mg/L) (consider medical grades)
Otherwise discard and prepare fresh solution
No seed or nitrification inhibitor is added for dilution
water blank
Run one nitrification inhibitor blank

Total of three blanks

One dilution water blank at beginning
One nitrification blank at beginning 29 30
One dilution water blank at end

186 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5


Slime growth in delivery tubing Poor quality air for aeration.
Poor water quality/improperly maintained system Deionizer systems can leach organics and grow bacteria.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Poorly cleaned bottles or dilution water storage Must be cleaned on a regular basis.
container Try reverse osmosis (RO)/polisher combination systems that
will produce ASTM Type 1 water.
Improperly calibrated probe

31 32


Store bought distilled water Store distilled water in a
What are the containers made of? BOD incubator until the
temperature reaches
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

QA/QC of water? Whats in it?

If it aint broke, dont fix it. 20oC.

If the water that you purchased works satisfactorily and Water is then saturated
shows good QA/QC, continue using it. with oxygen and is ready
Use an all glass still, avoid metal stills. for use.

33 34


After adding buffer and
Add seed to the dilution
nutrients, shake the bottle water (if needed)
vigorously to ensure saturation.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Add buffer Seed can be added to:

and nutrients Use immediately! Bulk dilution water

Storage of prepared dilution preparation (good)
water for more than 24 hours Individual bottles (better)
after adding nutrients, minerals
and buffer is not recommended
unless dilution water blanks
consistently meet quality control

35 36

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 187

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Seed may be necessary when testing: Sources of seed:
Oxidized effluents Settled domestic wastewater

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Toxic effluents Effluent from primary clarifiers
Samples with insufficient microorganisms Diluted mixed liquor from an aeration basin
***cBOD samples*** Undisinfected effluent
Receiving water from below the point of discharge
Purchased BOD seed
When effluent of mixed liquor from a biological
treatment process is used as a seed source, inhibition of
nitrification is recommended

37 38


How much seed should be added? How is BOD of the seed determined?
Seed should contribute an oxygen demand ranging from 0.6- Run seed control to determine the BOD of the seed.
1.0 mg/L.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Seed controls are run as if they were samples
The amount of seed added should be adjusted from this Bottles containing dilution water and specific volumes of seed
range to that required to provide glucose-glutamic acid
(GGA) check results of 198 30.5 mg/L
For example, if 1 mL of seed is needed to achieve 198 30.5
mg/L, then use 1 mL in each BOD bottle receiving the test

39 40


Divide the DO depletion by the volume of seed in mL for Sampling Considerations
each seed control bottle having a 2.0 mg/L depletion and Preferable to sample BEFORE any disinfection
greater than 1.0 mg/L minimum residual DO and
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

If sampling after any disinfection, samples MUST be seeded

average the results.

41 42

188 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5


Sample Pre-Treatment Run a series of sample dilutions, at least 3 dilutions
Composite samples kept at 1-6 oC Want 2 mg/L oxygen depletion in the first dilution

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Recommended Hold Time = Minimum sample volume
Analysis must be run within 2 hours of collection (grab or end of 24- Want 1 mg/L oxygen remaining in the last dilution
hour compositing period) Maximum sample volume
Refrigerate if unable to do so, 6C
Bring sample to 20 3C before checking initial DO
48-hour holding time (40 CFR 136, Table II) @ 6C

Sample Temperature (20 3 oC)

Sample (Dilution) pH (between 6.0-8.0)
Check residual chlorine
If present, (1) quench chlorine, (2) seed samples
Samples Supersaturated? (DO > 9 mg/L at 20 oC)
43 44
Warm; shake or aerate to remove O2

Fill bottles to top without adding bubbles
If > 67% (200 mL) sample after dilution, add nutrients, First Last Dilution
Dilution 1mg/L
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

mineral and buffer solutions directly to the sample at a
rate of 1 mL/L (0.3 mL/300-mL bottle) or commercial 2mg/L oxygen
prepared product oxygen 8mg/L remaining
Add NI to partially filled sample bottle for cBOD.
Seeding is required
After preparing dilution, measure initial DO within 30

45 46

Selection of sample volumes used in the test depends on
two factors:
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Type of sample

47 48

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 189

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

If our sample is approximately 300mg/L BOD, what
should the minimum and maximum sample volumes be?

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center
49 50

If our sample is approximately 300mg/L BOD, what
should the minimum and maximum sample volumes be?
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Minimum volume = 2mL
Maximum volume = 8mL

51 52

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

53 54

190 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

Can add nitrification Nitrosomonas + NH3 + O2 NO2-

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

inhibitor (cBOD) and Nitrobacter + NO2- + O2 NO3-
seed after bottles Nitrogenous demand observed if these microbiologically mediated
reactions occur.
are 2/3 full

0mL 2mL 4mL 6mL 8mL

55 56

Nitrification inhibitor Fill bottles past the neck with dilution water and invert
Prevents Nitrosomonas from oxidizing ammonia to nitrite, to mix (no air bubbles).
preventing nitrogenous oxygen demand in the sample
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

(CBOD measurement).
TCMP 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine

0 mL 2 mL 4 mL 6 mL 8 mL

57 58


Dissolved oxygen concentration must be measured prior Measure DO
to incubation Prior to measurement, prepare probe by:
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Winkler titration Polarizing

Duplicate bottles must be prepared

Dissolved oxygen meter Calibrating
Water saturated air or versus Winkler titration

59 60

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 191

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Winkler titration - best; most accurate Probe: Water-saturated air (most common)
Relies on chemistry Air-calibration chamber calibrate at sample temperature.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Probe: Air-saturated water Minimizes errors caused by temperature differences.
Reagent water at 20C shaken/aerated to saturate Keep interior of the chamber just moist -- not filled with
Maximum DO at 20C ~ 9.00 mg/L water.
Meter result shouldnt vary greatly from the saturation point
Typical for probes
Correct for pressure and/or altitude differences
Probe is stored in a constant humidity environment
Container should be sealed somehow (to maintain constant

61 62


TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center


DO mg/L

2 mL

63 64


After measuring DO, replace any lost volume in the
bottle with dilution water.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Replace stopper watch for air bubbles!


7.3 Initial DO = 7.3

DO mg/L


Read all 5
65 66

192 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5


Fill area in around stopper with dilution water. Transfer samples to 200C
Cover with plastic BOD bottle cap. incubator and incubate
for 5 days.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

67 68


After 5 days, remove
samples from incubator
and measure final DO.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

DO mg/L

2 mL

69 70


Plug data into equation:
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

5.2 Final DO = 5.2

DO mg/L
BOD5, mg/L = (Initial DO Final DO)

Read all 5

71 72

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 193

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Plug data into equation: If bottles were seeded:

P = 2/300 = 0.00667 BOD5, mg/L = (D1 - D2) (B1 B2) f

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

D = DO of sample P
BOD5, mg/L = (7.3 5.2)
B = DO of seed
P = Sample volume/300
BOD5, mg/L = 315 F = Ratio of seed in sample to seed in control
73 74


Mix sample while removing aliquot
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Use wide bore pipette
Pipette as fast as possible to prevent loss of solids

Pipette each sample dilution separately

75 76


Sample depletion criteria Solubility of oxygen in water at 200C is 9.2 mg/L
Depletion should be greater than 2.0 mg/L Super saturation = initial DO > 9.0 mg/L
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Final DO should be > 1.0 mg/L

Average all dilutions that meet QC criteria
Seed control should also meet sample depletion criteria Suspect toxicity if smallest sample concentration yields
Seed contribution should be between 0.6 and 1.O mg/L greatest uptake
Blank's DO depletion <0.2 mg/l
What if no samples meet criteria?
GGA range approx. 198 30.5 mg/L
Report qualified results

77 78

194 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5


Not adjusting pH to within 6.0 8.0 Depletion criteria not met Not analyzing GGA
Adjustment not required if effluent is between 6.0-8.0 Not depleting 2.0 mg/L samples

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Otherwise, adjust sample temperature to 20 + 3oC, then Final DO <1.0 mg/L Not evaluating for
adjust pH to 7.0 to 7.2 (H2SO4 or NaOH) Subtracting blanks toxicity
If pH is adjusted, samples must be seeded
Not seeding when Improper calculations
Improper calibration of DO meter required Water quality issues
Incubation temperatures not constant Seed strength not
Initial DOs above saturation constant

79 80


Be careful purchasing GGA from Hach, some are not The concentration of standard does NOT equal BOD.
the same concentration as specified in Standard 150mg/L each = 198 30.5 mg/L BOD
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

300mg/L each = 396 61 mg/L BOD
Standard Methods - 150 mg/L each GGA
Hach BOD Standard 300mg/L each GGA (divide by 2)
Hach ezGGA gives 198 mg/L BOD results

81 82




BOD is an indirect measure of organic content.



Batch Size







BOD is measured by oxidizing organics using


TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

microorganisms (under specific conditions) and directly

measuring the amount of oxygen consumed in the
Depends on Permit
X, Calibrate meter
SM5210 B - 2001


X X X X X X X 20

83 84

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 195

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 & BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 &

DOC Control Charts Minimum DO depletion (including seed bottles) of 2.0
LRB Corrective Action mg/l

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center
LFB QC Acceptance Minimum residual DO of at least 1.0 mg/l

Dup Batch Size Dilution water quality check (nutrient, mineral, buffer)

QC Frequency
must not be more than 0.2 mg/l (0.1 is preferred)
Seed control of three dilutions. Smallest to give at least
2.0 mg/l depletion and the largest to at least 1.0 mg/l

85 86

BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 & BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 &

Demonstration of Capability (DOC) Method Blanks
Run a laboratory-fortified blank (LFB) at least four times Real people language: analyze dilution water
and compare to the limits listed in the method
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Preferably one at the beginning and one at end
Real people language: Each operator running this test needs 2014 Update Removed If reporting CBOD5 results, then also add
to analyze 4 samples of GGA at a concentration of 19830.5 one Nitrification Inhibitor (NI Blank)
mg/L Run on daily (day of)
Documentation (signed form) that analyst has read and Target value is less than 0.20 mg/L (preferably less than 0.10
understands all appropriate SOPs and Methods. mg/L)
Recommend backup analyst do this once a year.

87 88

BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 & BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 &

Laboratory Fortified Blank Duplicate
Real people language: analyze a Glucose/Glutamic Acid Analyze 2 samples for BOD or CBOD
(GGA) standard at a concentration of 19830.5 mg/L
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Example, if you run 6, 9 and 12 mL on your raw/influent sample, run

Run on a 5% basis, one for every 20 samples a second 9 mL sample.
You would end up with a total of 4 bottles for your raw/influent
2014 Update - If permit requires cBOD, add nitrification
inhibitor (NI) to one GGA bottle once/quarter (or more often
Run on a 5% basis, one for every 20 samples
if the Lot # of NI changes), which should be equal to 164
30.7 mg/L Calculate %RPD, 20%
2014 Update - For reporting purposes, average results
that meet method criteria.

89 90

196 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 5

BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 & BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 &

Initial Calibration (ICV) Corrective Action - 1020 B.5., B.8,. & B.15.
Calibrate daily (day of) by
following manufacturers 5210 B.7.b. Identify results in the test reports when

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TDEC - Fleming Training Center
instructions any of the following quality control parameters is not
Using barometric pressure is met:
Continuing Calibration Dilution water exceeds 0.20 mg/L (5210B.6c)
(CCV) Glucose-glutamic acid check falls outside of acceptable limits
Prepare dilution water that (5210B.6b)
is air-saturated and analyze Test replicates show more than 30% difference between high
bottles and compare to the
theoretical dissolved oxygen and low values
concentration ( 0.2 mg/L). Seed control samples do not meet the above criteria in all
Same as DO CCV if using a dilutions (5210B.6d) or
different probe
91 Minimum DO is less than 1.0 mg/L (5210B.7a3) 92

BOD5/CBOD5 SM5210 B 2001 &

QC Acceptance Criteria
Blanks < 0.20 mg/L
TDEC - Fleming Training Center

GGA = 198 30.5 mg/L (if running cBOD, add NI to one

bottle once/quarter or more often if NI Lot# changes, and it
should = 164 30.7 mg/L)
RPD < 20%
Minimum of three dilutions for each sample, at least one
sample must have valid data with at least 2.0 mg/L depletion
and a residual of 1.0 mg/L


Biochemical Oxygen Demand 197

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

198 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

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Biochemical Oxygen Demand 199

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

200 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

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Biochemical Oxygen Demand 201

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202 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

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Biochemical Oxygen Demand 203

Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

204 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

22nd edition
TDEC - Standard Methods
Fleming Training Center5210B Operator: _ Checked by: __Section 5



Incubator Temperature C

Location Collected: Initial Date: After Cl2: Sample Seeded:

Sample Type: Final Date: Before Cl2: Time Sample Collected:


mL. used 300ml 300ml
OR % Concentration (P) 100% 100%
Bottle Number

Initial DO (D1)

(-) Final DO (D2)

Oxygen Demand
(D1 D2)
(-) Depletion due to seed
(B1 B2)f
Dilution Factor (1/P)
Vol/300mL= P

5-Day BOD (mg/L)

Avg. mg/L
For unseeded samples: (D1 - D2) (D1 - D2) - (B1 - B2) f
BOD5, mg/L = For seeded samples: BOD5, mg/L =
Add 4mL of settled primary clarifier effluent or settled raw sewage for each liter of seeded dilution water. Manufactured seed material is also available.
Seed Control
mL. used Seed Dilution Water
OR % Concentration (P) (Oxygen Demand Calculation)

Initial DO (B1) Source of seed material: ______________________

Final DO (B2) Initial Date:_______________Final Date:_______________
Oxygen Demand % Concentration Used: ______________
If seed material is added directly to sample or to seed control

(volume of seed in diluted sample)

f Value: f =
(volume of seed in seed control)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 205
Section 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center
Glucose-Glutamic Acid (GGA) Test
(18th edition Standard Methods 5210B)
Intended use for evaluation of dilution water quality, seed effectiveness, and analytical technique

Use 6 mL of BOD Standard and __ mL of seed (typically 2 mL)

GGA std
GGA std BOD values should lie within the range of
mL. GGA used 6 6 198 + 30.5 mg/L. (167.5-228.5 mg/L)

mL seed 2 2 1. Weak seed usually causes LOW GGA

Bottle Number
2. Some sewage seeds are relatively inactive
Initial DO (D1) and yield LOW GGA results.
3. Soap contamination typically yields HIGH
(-) Final DO (D2) GGA results.
4. Distilled water contaminated with copper
Oxygen Demand (depletion) yields LOW GGA results.
(D1 D2)
(-) Depletion due to seed
5. Too much seed usually causes HIGH GGA
(B1 B2)f results
6. BOD bottles that are not properly rinsed is
Net depletion due to GGA
(D1 D2) - (B1 B2)f indicated by HIGH GGA results and would
also result in high blank depletion
Dilution Factor (300/6) 50 50

5-Day BOD (mg/L)


206 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Section 6

Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

One of the most important and frequently used tests in
water chemistry
A measure of the intensity of the acidic or alkaline
character of a solution
Logarithmic scale of ionic activity
0 to 14 s.u.
pH pH values cannot be averaged

1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 2 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH Measurement pH Theory
pH is typically measured Acid
with a meter and probe increases the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in a solution
This is an Base
electrochemical method increases the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration in a solution
of analysis

3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 4 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH Theory pH Scale
pH is defined as the negative log of the molar hydrogen
ion concentration in aqueous solution

Acid Base
0 7 14

Vinegar Ammonia
pH 3 pH 11.5

5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

208 pH
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6

pH Scale How Does a pH Probe Work?

pH is a negative logarithmic function Probe measures hydrogen ion concentration
Each decrease in pH unit = 10X increase in acidity Two electrodes in probe:
Solution at pH4 is 10X more acidic than solution at pH5 a) sensing half-cell,
Solution at pH 4 is 100X more acidic than pH6 solution b) reference half-cell

0 7 14
4 5 6

7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

METER Reference Half-Cell

Dispenses reference solution which completes circuit for
Ion Sensing Reference meter
Half-Cell Half-Cell

Internal Filling

Salt Bridge
9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center Junction 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Sensing Half-Cell Sensing Half-Cell

pH 7 Solution pH 7 Solution
H+ conc. the Hydrogen ion H+ conc. the same
same both inside concentration fixed both inside and 0.0mV
and outside glass at pH 7 outside glass bulb
*No potential
*No potential develops
H+ H+
develops H+ H+ H+ H+
H+ H+
H+ H+ + H+
H H+
H+ H+ H+

11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 12 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH 209
Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Sensing Half-Cell Sensing Half-Cell

pH 4 Solution pH 4 Solution
H+ conc. 1000x Hydrogen ion H+ conc. 1000x
greater outside concentration fixed greater outside
glass bulb glass bulb 180mV
at pH 7
*Potential develops *Potential develops
1000H+ H+ 1000H+
H+ H+ H+ H+
1000H+ 1000H+
H+ + H+
1000H+ H
1000H + 1000H +

13 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 14 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Sensing Half-Cell Sensing Half-Cell

pH 10 Solution pH 10 Solution
H+ conc. 1000x Hydrogen ion H+ conc. 1000x
greater inside glass concentration fixed greater inside glass
bulb bulb -180mV
at pH 7
*Potential develops *Potential develops

H+ H+
H+ H+ H+ H+
H+ + H+ H+

15 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 16 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Calibration Calibration
A calibration curve allows The optimal slope for pH is -58 3 mV/decade.
the meter to convert a
measured millivolt
potential into a pH


17 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 18 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

210 pH
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6

Calibration Calibration
+180 -180mV difference measured between pH4 and pH7
pH4 to pH7 (3 pH units) is 1000x concentration change
Decade = 10-fold concentration change
mV 0 = 1pH unit
-180/3 = -60 -58mV/decade
4 7 10
The mV values from the previous demos (4, 7, and 10 buffers) are plotted on a
graph of mV versus pH. A line is drawn between the points and the slope
determined. Since slope is rise over run, it will be in units of mV per pH unit, or
mV per decade (since the difference between pH units is 10X).
19 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 20 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Importance of pH control pH Sampling

Ammonia toxicity is influenced by pH Holding time = 15 minutes
Preservation = none
pH plays an important role in the solubility of metal salts Sample container = glass or plastic
Grab sample
pH affects the rate at which chlorine reacts to form
chloramines (which are less effective disinfectants) Continuous monitoring possible

21 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 22 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH Meter Calibration pH Meter Calibration (cont.)

Follow manufacturers instructions Start with pH = 7.0 buffer (usually)

Use fresh buffers (4, 7, & 10 s.u.) Second buffer 3 s.u. different that brackets expected
Stir buffers and samples at the same speed without a sample pH (4 or 10)
vortex Immerse in a third buffer - reading should be within 0.1
Rinse and blot dry electrodes between samples and s.u.
buffers If response is accurate - read and record previous buffers
Accurate and reproducible to within 0.1 s.u. as samples (pH and temperature )

23 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 24 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH 211
Section 6 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Common Deficiencies Maintenance

The pH meter was calibrated using one buffer or expired New probe
buffers Calibration
The continuous pH meter was not calibrated on a regular Troubleshooting
Buffers were left open and being reused for a week

25 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 26 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

New Probe Calibrate

Condition new pH probe Calibrate pH meters daily using two or three buffer
in pH 7 buffer for solutions
approximately 30 minutes
before initial use
Probes must also be
conditioned after cleaning
or if it had been stored
dry as long term storage

4.0 7.0 10.0

27 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 28 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Measurement Troubleshooting
Place probe into sample, stir, and wait for readings to mV reading in pH 7 buffer
stabilize Should read 0 30 mV in pH 7 buffer
Rinse and blot dry between measurements Response time
Storage between measurements May require cleaning if slow in buffered solution
As suggested by probe manufacturer Slope
pH electrode storage solution (best) Optimal slope is -58 3 mV/decade

29 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 30 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

212 pH
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 6

Slow response may indicate need for cleaning
Alternate soaking in dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute
sodium hydroxide
Rinse with deionized water
Condition in pH 7 buffer before use
Filler hole button was not removed

Read probe manual for cleaning method

recommended by manufacturer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

31 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 32 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH SM4500-H+ B 2000 pH SM4500-H+ B 2000 Electrometric

Electrometric Method Measurement
DOC Read to 1/10th units only, 0.0 s.u.
ICAL/CCV Demonstration of Capability (DOC)
Corrective Action Run buffer at least four times and compare to the limits listed
in the method
QC Acceptance
Batch Size
Real people language: each operator running this test need to
QC Frequency calibrate and analyze 4 buffers at a pH of 7
Documentation (signed form) that analyst has read and
understands all appropriate SOPs and Methods.
Recommend backup analyst do this once a year.

33 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 34 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH SM4500-H+ B 2000 Electrometric pH SM4500-H+ B 2000 Electrometric

Measurement Measurement
Initial Calibration Duplicates of the sample
Calibrate per manufactures Run on a 5% basis, one for every 20 samples
instructions with fresh
Within 0.2 s.u.
buffers daily (day of).
2014 Update Analyze a 2014 Update For reporting purposes, all duplicates
7 buffer solution as a should be reported according to your permit limits. If
sample after calibration your permit sets a minimum or maximum limit such
and before samples to
verify initial calibration as pH, then the minimum or maximum value should
(ICV), should be within be reported even if falls outside your permit limit.
0.2 s.u.
Calibration Verification
Read 7 buffer after
analyzing samples daily

35 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 36 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH 213
Section 6 Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

pH Calibration Record

Date Time Temperature Slope Buffers Used Technician Remarks

of Buffers 4 7 10

Month___________ pH pH Meter _______________
Section 7

Section 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Why do I care about Solids?

Analysis of Solids in Wastewater Major function of STP is reduction
Wastewater Laboratory Class
organic loading of wastewater for safe
discharge to receiving stream
Biological treatment: monitored through BOD
and COD (Demands)
Sedimentation: monitored through total
suspended solids (TSS)

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 2

Wastewater Solids Removal Solids Testing

Most suspended solids are organic Why should I care about solids tests?

Oxygen Demand Assessment of compliance

Serve as refuge for harmful bacteria Control of Biological and Physical treatment
Poor data = Poor decisions
Unsightly appearance

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 4

Definitions Standard Methods 2540B-G

Total Solids Sources of error
All residue left after drying
Dissolved Solids
The portion of TS which pass through a 2.0um filter Sub sampling
Suspended Solids Measuring
The portion retained on the 2.0um filter Filter/Bowl preparation
Fixed Solids Filter/Bowl handling
The portion of TS, DS, TSS which remains after
ignition at 550C Remedies
Volatile Solids MIX WELL
The portion which burned away at 550C Measure quickly

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216 Solids
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 7

Standard Methods 2540B-G Standard Methods 2540B-G

Temperatures Sampling
Each Method has a specified drying Temp. Glass or plastic containers, watch for particles
Minimize opening desiccator adhering to container walls especially plastic.
Weigh quickly, dry samples attract moisture Begin test ASAP is preferred.
Rinse Water Sampling Holding
Type III, distilled or deionized water Preserve at 4C to minimize bio. decomp.
Hold <24 hours preferred
Never hold over 7 days

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 8

Method Choice Total Solids 2540-B

Methods B-F
Potable, surface, saline, domestic and industrial Temperature 103-105C
wastewater up to 20,000mg/L

Calculations based on sample volume

Method G
Solid and Semisolid samples >2%
Biosolids, per 40 CFR 503

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 10

Dissolved Solids 2540-C Total Suspended Solids 2540-D

Temperature 103-105C
Temperature 180C Interferences
Limit sample size to 200mg of residue, small
Non-regulatory at 103-105C Avoid prolonged filtration times >5-7 min.
Glass fiber filter 22-125mm diameter.
Whatman 934AH 1.5um
Gelman A/E 1.0um
Millipore AP40
E-D Scientific Grade 161
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 12

Solids 217
Section 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TSS SM2540 D 1997 TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC Dried at 103-105oC
Filter preparation:
Pre-wash approved glass fiber filter by rinsing
three times with 20mL of deionized (DI)
Dry in weighing pans at 103 105 C for 1
hour and cool in desiccator
Record the initial weight of the filter & pan
after drying
Repeat this cycle of drying, desiccating and
weighing until a constant weight has been
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 13 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 14

TSS SM2540 D 1997 TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC Dried at 103-105oC
Sample Analysis: Sample Analysis continued:
Choose a sample volume to yield between 2.5 Wash filter and apparatus three times with 10
- 200 mg dried residue mL of DI water
Assemble filtering apparatus and filter Transfer filter into support pans
Wet filter with small amount of distilled water Dry in oven at 103-105 C for at least1 hr
to seal before applying the sample and cool in desiccator
Sample must be well mixed before applying to Weigh filter until a constant weight is
filter obtained
Filter sample

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 15 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 16

TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC
Fats, Oil, and Grease
May interfere due to difficulty in drying to a
constant weight in time range.
Duplicates should weigh within 5% of
their average weight
Weigh to a constant weight, within 4% or
0.0005g, whichever is less with at least a
second drying/cooling/weighing step.

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218 Solids
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 7

TSS SM2540 D 1997 TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC Dried at 103-105oC
Uses Sample Common Range, mg/L
Influent 150 400
Influent and effluent regulatory tests
Primary Effluent 60 150
Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids MLSS
Secondary Effluent 10 60
Return Activated Sludge RAS
Tertiary Effluent 0.0 3.0
Clarifier Core Suspended Solids MLSS 1,000 5,000
Stream samples RAS 2,000 12,000
Some digester solids tests

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 19 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 20

TSS Calculations TSS Calculations

TSS in mg/L is equal to the amount of residue Wt. of filter + residue = A = 1.0215 g
retained on the filter in mg per liter of sample Wt. of filter = B = 1.0160 g
Sample volume = 200
Formula: TSS mg/L = (A B) x 1,000,000
sample volume mL Mg/L = (1.0215 1.0160)(1,000,000)
Where: A = wt. of filter + dried residue (g) = (0.0055)(1,000,000)
B = initial wt. of filter (g) 200
1,000,000 = conversion factor = 5500
(1 g = 1000 mg & 1L = 1000 mL) 200
= 27.5 mg/L

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 21 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 22

TSS Calculations TSS Calculations

ppm is an abbreviation of parts per million.
ppm is a value that represents the part of a whole
Lets say youre given 4000 mg/L of suspended
number in units of 1/1000000.
solids and you want to determine the % of
solids. This is measurement is the same as
1 ppm = 1mg/l = 1ug /ml = 1000ug/L 4000 ppm (parts per million).
Parts can be any measure, pints, gallons, or a drop of Divide the ppm by 1,000,000 then multiply by
water (grape juice, antifreeze, etc.). The size of the 100 to get %.
sample doesnt matter. Its the RATIO of the tested 4,000 = 4 .

parts to the total number of parts thats important.

1,000,000 1000
Now think about a milligram. It is 1/1000th of a gram, = 0.004 x 100
making it 1/1,000,000th of a kilogram. Put another = 0.4%
way, a liter of water weighs 1,000,000 milligrams. Alternatively, divide the % value by 100 and
One million milligrams see where this is going? multiply by 1,000,000 to get ppm.
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 23 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 24

Solids 219
Section 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TSS SM2540 D 1997

TSS Portable and Inline
Dried at 103-105oC
DOC Corrective Action
LRB QC Acceptance
LFB Batch Size
Dup QC Frequency

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 25 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 26

TSS SM2540 D 1997 TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC Dried at 103-105oC
Demonstration of Capability Blanks
Run a laboratory-fortified blank Filter 100 mL of deionized/distilled water through
(LFB) at least four times and a pre-washed/pre-dried/pre-weighed filter with
compare to the limits listed in
the method each batch of 20 or fewer samples
Run on a 5% basis, one for every 20 samples
Real people language: each 2014 Update Should be less than 2.5 mg/L
operator running this test need
to analyze 4 samples of an Total
Suspended Solids Standards
Laboratory Fortified Blank
Documentation (signed form) Real people language: analyze a TSS standard that
that analyst has read and can be prepared from recipe (next slide) or
understands all appropriate
SOPs and Methods. bought premade
Recommend backup analyst do Run on a 5% basis, one for every 20 samples
this once a year.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 27 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 28

TSS SM2540 D 1997 TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC Dried at 103-105oC
To prepare TSS check samples from dry reference material: Standard Methods 2020.B.2.a
Dry the reference material* in the desiccator
Check instrument balances daily
On an analytical balance, weigh 0.1000 gram of the dry powder,
put it in a 1000 mL volumetric flask, bring it to the mark with Standard Methods 9020.B.4.b
distilled or deionized water and shake well until well suspended.
Measure 100 mL and process as usual for environmental
Service balances annually or more often as
samples. conditions change or problems occur
A difference of 10 mg should be obtained. Check balances routinely, preferably daily before use,
Calculation: (A - B) (1000) = (10 mg) (1000) = 100 mg/L with at least two working weights that bracket the
normal usage range (e.g. ANSI/ASTM Class 1 or NIST
Vol. used 100 mL Class S accompanied by appropriate certificate) for
accuracy, precision and linearity.
*Example of material available from Fisher Record results along with date and technicians initials
Celite 545 Filter Aid (Powder), Fisher Chemical, 500 gram Recertify reference weights as specified in the certificate
bottle Cat#C212-500 of calibration or at least every 5 years.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 29 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 30

220 Solids
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 7

TSS SM2540 D 1997 TSS SM2540 D 1997

Dried at 103-105oC Dried at 103-105oC
Initial Calibration 2014 Update - Create and maintain
Check balances daily (day of) with at least 2
working weights that bracket the normal usage control charts if you have 20-30 data
range and record results on bench sheet or points within 90 days.
separate log book
If you do not meet the above criteria, follow
Run on a 10% basis, one for every 10 samples QC Acceptance Criteria below.
Calculate %RPD Blanks < 2.5 mg/L
Target value should be close to the first value and have a LFB 15%
small RPD (less than 15%)
RPD < 15%
2014 Update For reporting purposes,
average sample and duplicate.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 31 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 32

SS SM2540 F 1997 SS SM2540 F 1997

Settleable Solids Settleable Solids
Important process control test for rates and Sample Common Range, mL/L
volume of sedimentation Influent 8 20
Report as mL/L Primary Effluent 0.1 3
Minimum Detection Limit 0.1mL/L
Secondary Effluent 0.1 0.5
Adjust for water layers if present
Basin control: Imhoff cone
Sample volume: 1 L
Solids settle 45 min
Gently stir sides
Solids settle another 15 minutes
Read after a total of 60 min

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 33 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 34

SS SM2540 F 1997 SS SM2540 F 1997 Settleable

Settleable Solids Solids
For example, pour up 1000
Corrective Action mL of effluent into Imhoff
then pour up another 1000
Batch Size mL of effluent in another
Imhoff. Wait 45 min, stir,
QC Frequency wait 15 min, read. Figure
RPD for both samples.
Calculate RPD, (less than
Run on a 5% basis (see batch
size for more information).
2014 Update For
reporting purposes,
average sample and

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 35 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 36

Solids 221
Section 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

SS SM2540 F 1997 Settleable

Total Solids 2540-G
2014 Update - QC Acceptance Criteria For solid and semisolid materials
below. Required or Biosolids per 40 CFR 503
RPD < 20%
Reporting Limit = lowest graduation mark on Calculations based of wet and dry weight.
Imhoff cone

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 37 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 38

Fixed and Volatile 2540-E Balance Operation

An additional step of the Total, Suspended, Key to quality solids tests
or Dissolved Solids test. Care of Balance
Sample is ignited at 550C for 1 hr. Vibration, heat, sunlight
Fixed Solids or Ash remains Dust, dirt, moisture
Volatile Solids were burned away. Calibration
Outside contractor
In house, S class weights

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 39 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 40

222 Solids
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 7

Solids 223
Section 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TSS Exercise

Total _____________ Solids

SM ____ D-2011

1. A sample that is _________ is filtered through a weighed standard glass-fiber filter.

2. The residue retained on the filter is ____ to a constant weight at ___ to ___oC.
3. Exclude large floating _______ or submerged agglomerates of nonhomogeneous _______
from the sample if their inclusion is not ___________.
4. Because _____________ on the filter may form a water-___________ crust, limit the
__________ to that yielding no more than ______ residue.
5. For samples ____ in __________ thoroughly ____ the filter to ensure removal of dissolved
6. Preparation of _________ filter disk:
7. If ___________ glass fiber filter disks are used, eliminate this step.
8. Insert disk with _________ up in filtration apparatus.
9. Apply vacuum and wash disk with ____________ portions of _____________ water.
10. Continue suction to remove __________ of water, turn vacuum off, and ________
11. Remove filter from _________ apparatus and transfer to an __________ weighing dish.
12. Dry in an oven at 103 to 105oC for ____.
13. If ________ solids are to be measure, ignite at ______ for 15 min in a ____________.
14. Cool in _________ to balance temperature and ________.
15. ______ cycle of ______ or igniting, _____, __________, and _________ until a _______
weight is obtained or until weight change is __________ of the previous weighing or
_______, whichever is ____.
16. Store in __________ until needed.
17. Selection of filter and __________:
18. Choose sample __________ to yield between 2.5 and 200 __ dried residue.
19. If volume filtered fails to meet _________ yield, _______ sample volume up to ___.
20. If _________________ takes more than _______. increase filter diameter or ________
sample volume.
21. Sample ___________:
22. Assemble filtering apparatus and filter and being ________.
23. ___ filter with a small ________ of ___________ water to ____ it.
224 Solids
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 7

24. Stir sample with magnetic stirrer at a speed to shear larger particles, __________, to obtain
a more uniform (_________________) particle size.
25. ____________ force may separate particles by ______________, resulting in
_____________ when point of sample withdrawal is varied.
26. While _________, pipet a measured volume onto the seated glass-fiber filter.
27. For homogeneous samples, pipet from approximate _________ of container but ___ in
28. Choose a point both ________ and ______ between wall and vortex.
29. Wash filter with _____ successive _______ volumes of reagent-grade water, allow
________ drainage between washings, and ________ suction for about ____ after filtration
is ___________.
30. Samples with _____ dissolved solids may require additional __________.
31. Carefully remove filter from filtration apparatus and ___________ to an aluminum weighing
dish as a _______.
32. Dry for _____________ at 103 to 105oC in an oven, cool in a desiccator to balance
temperature, and weight.
33. _______ the cycle of drying, cooling, desiccating, and weight until a constant weight is
obtained or until the weight change is less than ____ of the previous weight or _________
whichever is less.
34. Analyze __________ of all samples in ______________.
35. ___________ determinations should agree within ___ of their ________ weight.

Solids 225
Section 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

TSS Sample Worksheet

Sample Filter + dried

Dish Filter Weight, Volume, mL Filter + dried sample, g TSS =
Sample Number g (B) (C) sample, g (A) (2nd) (A-B)(1,000,000) C

Blank 100

Effluent 100

Raw 25

Mixed Liquor 5

Dup Raw 25

Blank 100

226 Solids
Section 8
WET Testing

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Approaches to Evaluating
Environmental Samples
Test sample for specific chemical substances
dangerous to environment (ex: ammonia,
Whole Effluent Toxicity metals, etc.)
Laboratory knows what to look for in sample
Identification techniques specific to analytes
WET Testing
May overlook a compound harmful to

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 2

Approaches to Evaluating
WET Test
Environmental Samples
Treat a living organism with a portion of Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) refers to the
aggregate toxic effect to aquatic organisms from
sample and see if it exhibits effects: all pollutants contained in a facility's wastewater
Many samples screened quickly (effluent).
Results somewhat dependent on species used in It is one way we implement the Clean Water
tests Act's prohibition of the discharge of toxic
pollutants in toxic amounts.
If toxicity found, no indication of exact cause of WET tests measure wastewater's effects on
toxicity specific test organisms' ability to survive, grow
and reproduce.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 4

Test Organisms and Methods WET Test Organisms

Methods for compliance Lab verifies cultures are
with NPDES permits in disease-free and
40 CFR 136.3 maintain certain level of
toxicant sensitivity
Ceriodaphnia dubia
(invertebrate Water flea: organisms no
more than 24-hrs old
microcrustacean) and all born within 8 hrs
Pimephales promelas Minnow: larvae < 48-hrs
(vertebrate fish) old and all born within
24-hr time period

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 6

228 WET Testing

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 8

Biomonitoring Requirements,
Effluent Sampling
Collected as composite over 24 hrs NPDES Permit 3.4
Chilled to 4C during and after sampling The permittee shall conduct a 3-Brood Ceriodaphnia
dubia Survival and Reproduction Test and a 7-day
Hold time 36 hrs from last aliquot collection Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Larval Survival
until beginning of testing and Growth Test on samples on final effluent
Sample size: 4L or 1gal cubitainer The measured endpoint for toxicity will be the
inhibition concentration causing 25% reduction in
survival, reproduction and growth (IC25) of the test

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 7 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 8

Chronic Sample Preparation Chronic Water Flea Tests

Effluent alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, Test chamber: 30-50 mL plastic cups, each with 15
residual chlorine, pH, etc. determined at lab mL and 1 organism
Minimum 10 replicates for each concentration for
Chronic tests conducted by filtering sample
total of 50 test organisms and 10 controls
through 60-m plankton net
Reference toxicant often run concurrently (sodium
Example: Undiluted sample (100%), 50%, 25%, chloride) for quality control
12.5%, and 6.25 (or less for no-effect Food added to each chamber
concentration) are tested Incubate at 25C; 16 hrs light
8 hrs dark

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 10

Chronic Water Flea Tests Chronic Minnow Testing

Next day, surviving creatures and offspring are Test chambers are 500-1000mL glass beakers
counted and recorded containing 250mL test solution
Living test organisms transferred to clean test Each beaker contains 10-15 embryo fish
Usually 4 replicates for each concentration
Food is added and organisms are incubated
Test continues 6-8 days Reference toxicant (copper sulfate) often run for
quality control
Total number surviving organisms for each test are
tallied with number of broods and total offspring for Food added to each chamber
each adult Incubate at 25C; 16 hrs light/8 hrs dark

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WET Testing 229

Section 8 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Chronic Minnow Testing Chronic Minnow Testing

Next day, dead fish are removed Test continues for 7 days
Test chamber cleaned of debris with siphon Surviving fish for each replicate tallied
Fresh test solution added to bring level back Growth determined by placing all surviving
to original volume fish for each replicate in tared weigh boat,
Food is added; test chamber put in incubator drying at 60C for 24 hrs or 100 C for 6 hrs
Average growth reported to nearest 0.001 mg

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 13 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 14

Quality Assurance Interpretation of Chronic Results

Control organisms: survival 80% Data processed and plotted to determine:
Ceriodaphnia NOEC- maximum concentration of effluent that
At least 60% of control adults must have produced three
broods by 71 days
gives no statistical difference from controls
Surviving control adults must produce at least 15 offspring LOEC- lowest concentration that produces a
Fathead minnows statistically significant difference between controls
Average dry weight of controls at 7 days must be 0.25 mg and test samples
per fish or greater IC25/50- toxicant concentration that produces 25
If minimum control requirements not met, tests are invalid or 50% reduction in effect
and must be repeated

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 15 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 16

Biomonitoring Requirements,
Acute Bioassay
NPDES Permit 3.5 Conducted with Pimephelas promelas and
The permittee shall conduct a 48-hour static acute toxicity Ceriodaphnia dubia
test on two test species on samples of final effluent
The test species to be used are Water Fleas (Ceriodaphnia Determine end of pipe conditions
dubia) and Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas). Effects in 100% effluent
The measured endpoint for toxicity will be the Last 48-96 hrs
concentration causing 50% lethality (LC50) of the test
organisms. Objective: determine effluent concentration that
The LC50 shall be determined based on a 50% lethality as causes 50% lethality during short term exposure
compared to controls, and as derived from linear

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230 WET Testing

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 8

Toxicity Reduction Evaluation

Interpretation of Acute Results
If result of a WET test on the effluent is at or Systematic evaluation of effluent
near the permit limit , you have a violation Determine sources of toxicity and how to
Retest conducted control toxicity
If toxic effect consistently found, a Toxicity May include chemical screening, process
Reduction Evaluation (TRE) is conducted reviews, evaluation of plant performance, and
toxicity identification evaluation (TIE)

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 19 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 20

Toxicity Identification Evaluation

Effluent samples are manipulated to remove
suspect chemicals
Samples re-tested to see if toxicity remains
If successful, provides clue to source of

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 21

WET Testing 231

Section 9

Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


Alkalinity is a general measure of the ionic

characteristics of water.

Others: pH, redox potential, hardness, and

Measurement of Alkalinity conductivity.
for Process Control
Intermediate Wastewater Lab Workshop Not normally a compliance-monitoring
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 1 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 2

Importance in Wastewater
Defined as the measurement of a waters Chemical and biological treatment systems
capacity to neutralize an acid
An acid releases H+ Biological nutrient removal
The alkalinity in the water will absorb H+
Most common ions that add alkalinity are Anaerobic digestion control

OH , CO3 ,HCO3
Ammonia removal by air stripping

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 3 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 4

Activated Sludge Alkalinity Alkalinity Determination

Essential to process control Titration against a standard acid:

Color change of standard indicator
Insufficient alkalinity: pH meter
Reduces organism activity
May result in low effluent pH Results expressed as total alkalinity, mg/L
May result in extremely high chlorine demand in as calcium carbonate
disinfection process
Buret Titration Method, SM 2320 B
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 5 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 6

234 Alkalinity
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Alkalinity Determination pH End Points

End Point pH
Measured by determining the amount of acid Sample Composition Total Alkalinity Phenolphthalein
needed to drop the pH of a sample to a Alkalinity
certain endpoint Alk ~ 30 mg/L pH 4.9 pH 8.3
Phenolphthalein alkalinity is measured by Alk ~ 150 mg/L pH 4.6 pH 8.3
titrating to a pH of 8.3 Alk ~ 500 mg/L pH 4.3 pH 8.3
Total alkalinity is measured by titrating to a pH of Silicates or Phosphates pH 4.5 pH 8.3
4.5 present
Industrial Waste or pH 4.5 pH 8.3
Complex System
Routine or Automated pH 4.5 pH 8.3
TDEC - Fleming Training Center 7
Process TDEC - Fleming Training Center 8

Alkalinity Apparatus

Alkalinity caused by OH is called Buret and stand
hydroxyl alkalinity

Alkalinity caused by CO3 is called
carbonate alkalinity Beaker, 250 mL

Alkalinity caused by HCO3 is called
bicarbonate alkalinity Stir plate
The combined effect of all three types is called
total alkalinity
Stir bar

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 10

Sampling and Storage Interferences

Collect samples in clean plastic or glass Highly colored or turbid samples may mask
bottles the color change at the end point.
Avoid excessive agitation or prolonged Use a pH meter for these samples.
exposure to air
Analyze as soon as possible Chlorine may interfere with indicators.
May be stored for 24 hrs at 4C Add one drop 0.1N sodium thiosulfate to
Warm to room temperature before analysis. eliminate this interference.

TDEC - Fleming Training Center 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center 12

Alkalinity 235
Alkalinity, BT, 8221
Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Alkalinity DOC316.53.01151

USEPA1 Buret Titration Method2 Method 8221

(0 to 5,000 mg/L as CaCO3) Buret Titration
Scope and Application: For water, wastewater and seawater
1 USEPA Accepted
2 Adapted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 2320 B

Test preparation

Before starting the test:

Read the entire procedure before starting the test.

A pH meter is required for NPDES reporting and is recommended for best results.

Substitute six drops of Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution for the Phenolphthalein Indicator Powder Pillow if necessary

Substitute six drops of Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Indicator Solution for the Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Powder Pillow
if necessary.

Results in mg/L as CaCO3 17.12 = grains per gallon

Collect the following items:

Description Quantity

Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red indicator powder pillow 1

Phenolphthalein indicator powder pillow 1

Sulfuric acid standard solution, 0.020 N varies1

Buret clamp, double 1

Buret, Class A, 25-mL 1

Graduated cylinder varies1

Erlenmeyer flask, 250-mL 1

Funnel, Micro 1

Support Stand 1

1 See Consumables and replacement items on page 6.

236 Alkalinity Alkalinity

Page 1 of 6
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Buret titration (Method 8221)

Table 1

1. Select a sample 2. Use a graduated 3. Transfer the sample 4. Add the contents of
volume from the Sample cylinder or pipet to into a 250-mL Erlenmeyer one Phenolphthalein
volume selection for measure the sample flask. Dilute to about Indicator Powder Pillow.
expected concentration volume. 50-mL with deionized Swirl to mix. (Omit this
table that corresponds to water if necessary. step when using a
the expected alkalinity pH meter.)
concentration in mg/L as
calcium carbonate

5. Fill a 25-mL buret to 6. While swirling the 7. Calculate: 8. Add the contents of
the zero mark with 0.020 N flask, titrate the sample mL Titrant multiplier one Bromcresol Green-
Sulfuric Acid standard until the solution color used = mg/L Methyl Red Indicator
solution. changes from pink to phenolphthalein alkalinity Powder Pillow to the
colorless (pH 8.3). as CaCO3. titrated sample. Swirl to
If the solution is colorless mix.
before titrating with sulfuric Do not add indicator if a
acid, the phenolphthalein pH meter is used.
alkalinity is zero. Specific sample
composition may require
titration to a specific pH
(see the
Alkalinity relationship

Alkalinity Alkalinity 237

Page 2 of 6
Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Buret titration (Method 8221)

9. Continue the titration 10. Calculate:

until a light pink end point mL Titrant multiplier
is reached. used = mg/L total alkalinity
as CaCO3.

Table 1 Sample volume selection for expected concentration

Sample Volume (mL) Sulfuric Acid Multiplier
(mg/L as CaCO3)

0500 50 20353 20
4001000 25 20353 40
10002500 10 20353 100
20005000 5 20353 200

The end points in the Alkalinity endpoints table are recommended for determining total alkalinity in
water samples of various compositions and alkalinity concentrations.

Table 2 Alkalinity endpoints

End point pH
Sample composition
Total Alkalinity Phenolphthalein Alkalinity
Alkalinity about 30 mg/L pH 4.9 pH 8.3
Alkalinity about 150 mg/L pH 4.6 pH 8.3
Alkalinity about 500 mg/L pH 4.3 pH 8.3
Silicates or phosphates present pH 4.5 pH 8.3
Industrial wastes or complex system pH 4.5 pH 8.3
Routine or Automated Analyses pH 4.5 pH 8.3

238 Alkalinity Alkalinity

Page 3 of 6
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Total alkalinity primarily includes hydroxide, carbonate, and bicarbonate alkalinities. The
concentration of these types in a sample may be determined when the phenolphthalein and total
alkalinities are known ( Alkalinity relationship table).
Table 3 Alkalinity relationship
Hydroxide Alkalinity Carbonate Alkalinity Bicarbonate
Row Result of Titration
Equals: Equals: Alkalinity Equals:
1 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity equal to 0 0 0 Total Alkalinity
2 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity equal to Total Total Alkalinity 0 0
3 0 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity Total Alkalinity minus
Phenolphthalein Alkalinity less than times 2 two times
one-half of Total Alkalinity Phenolphthalein
4 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity equal to one- 0 Total Alkalinity 0
half of Total Alkalinity
5 2 times 2 times the difference 0
Phenolphthalein Alkalinity greater than Phenolphthalein between Total and
one-half of Total Alkalinity Alkalinity minus Total Phenolphthalein Alkalinity

Use the Alkalinity relationship table with the following procedure:

1. Does the phenolphthalein alkalinity equal zero? If yes, use Row 1.

2. Does the phenolphthalein alkalinity equal total alkalinity? If yes, use Row 2.

3. Divide the total alkalinity by 2 to calculate one-half the total alkalinity.

4. Select Row 3, 4 or 5 based on comparing the result of step c (one-half total alkalinity) with the
phenolphthalein alkalinity.

5. Perform the required calculations if any.

6. Check your results. The sum of the three alkalinity types will equal the total alkalinity.

A sample has 170 mg/L as CaCO3 phenolphthalein alkalinity and 250 mg/L as CaCO3 total
alkalinity. What is the concentration of hydroxide, carbonate, and bicarbonate alkalinities?
a. The phenolphthalein alkalinity does not equal zero but 170 mg/L.
b. The phenolphthalein alkalinity does not equal total alkalinity (170 mg/L vs. 250 mg/L).
c. One-half of the total alkalinity equals 125 mg/L.
d. Because the phenolphthalein alkalinity of 170 mg/L is greater than one-half the total
alkalinity of 125 mg/L, select Row 5.
The hydroxide alkalinity is equal to:

2 170 = 340

340 250 = 90 mg/L hydroxide alkalinity

The carbonate alkalinity is equal to:

250 170 = 80

80 2 = 160 mg/L carbonate alkalinity

Alkalinity Alkalinity 239

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Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

The bicarbonate alkalinity is equal to zero mg/L.

90 mg/L hydroxide alkalinity + 160 mg/L carbonate alkalinity + 0 mg/L bicarbonate alkalinity = 250 mg/L

The answer is correct.

The sum of each type equals the total alkalinity (250 mg/L).

Chlorine at levels above 3.5 mg/L cause a yellow-brown color upon the addition of the Bromcresol
Green-Methyl Red Indicator Powder Pillow. Residual chlorine interference with the indicator may
be removed by adding a drop of 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulfate Standard Solution* before adding the
Highly colored or turbid samples may mask the color change at the end point. Use a pH meter for
these samples, titrating to pH 8.3 for phenolphthalein alkalinity and the appropriate pH (see the
Alkalinity endpoints table) for total alkalinity.
Sampling and storage
Collect samples in plastic or glass bottles. Fill completely and cap tightly. Avoid excessive agitation
and prolonged exposure to air. Samples should be analyzed as soon as possible after collection
but can be stored at least 24 hours by cooling to 4 C (39 F) or below. Warm to room temperature
before analyzing.
Accuracy check
End point confirmation
To accurately determine the phenolphthalein alkalinity end point, mix the contents of one
Phenolphthalein Indicator Powder Pillow and the contents of one pH 8.3 Buffer Powder Pillow
with 50 mL of deionized water in a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. The resulting color is the end
To accurately determine the total alkalinity end point, mix the contents of one pH 4.5 Buffer
Powder Pillow and the contents of one Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Indicator Powder Pillow
with 50 mL of deionized water in a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Titrate to a light pink color
Standard additions method (Sample Spike)
Perform the standard additions method check as follows:

1. Break the top off an Alkalinity Voluette Ampule Standard Solution, 0.500 N.

2. Use the TenSette Pipet* to add 0.1 mL of standard to the sample titrated in step 6 or step 9.
Resume titration back to the same end point. Record the volume of titrant needed.

3. Repeat, using two more additions of 0.1 mL. Titrate to the end point after each addition.

4. The mL of titrant required should increase by 2.5 mL for each 0.1 mL increment of standard

Summary of method
Alkalinity is expressed as P (phenolphthalein) alkalinity or as T (total) alkalinity. Both types are
determined by titration with a Sulfuric Acid Standard Solution to an end point evidenced by the
color change of an indicator solution or determined with a pH meter. The P alkalinity is determined
by titration to a pH of 8.3 and registers the total hydroxide and one half the carbonate present. The
T alkalinity is determined by titration to a pH of 4.5. The total alkalinity includes all carbonate,
bicarbonate and hydroxide alkalinity. Alternatively, total alkalinity end points may be determined by
using a pH meter and titrating to the specific pH required for the sample composition.

* See Consumables and replacement items on page 6.

240 Alkalinity Alkalinity

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TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 9

Consumables and replacement items

Required reagents
Description Quantity/test Unit Catalog number
Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Indicator Powder Pillows 1 pillow 100/pkg 94399
Phenolphthalein Indicator Powder Pillows 1 pillow 100/pkg 94299
Sulfuric Acid Standard Solution, 0.020 N varies 1L 20353

Required apparatus
Description Quantity/test Unit Catalog number
Buret Clamp, double 1 each 32800
Buret, Class A, 25-mL 1 each 2636540
Select one or more based on sample volume:
Cylinder, graduated, 5-mL each 50837
Cylinder, graduated, 10-mL each 50838
Cylinder, graduated, 25-mL each 50840
Cylinder, graduated, 50-mL each 50841
Flask, Erlenmeyer, 250-mL 1 each 50546
Pipet, volumetric, Class A, 5-mL, each 1451537
Pipet, volumetric, Class A, 10-mL each 1451537
Pipet Filler, Safety Bulb each 1465100
Ampule Breaker each 2196800
Funnel, Micro 1 each 2584335
Support Stand 1 each 56300

Required standards
Description Unit Catalog number
Alkalinity Standard Solution, Voluette Ampules, 0.500 N, 10-mL 16/pkg 1427810
Buffer Powder Pillows, pH 4.5 25/pkg 89568
Buffer Powder Pillows, pH 8.3 25/pkg 89868
Water, deionized 4L 27256

Optional items
Description Unit Catalog number
Sodium Thiosulfate Standard Solution, 0.1 N 32332
TenSette Pipet, 0.11.0 mL 1970001
Tips for Tensette Pipet 50/pkg 2185696


In the U.S.A. Call toll-free 800-227-4224 WORLD HEADQUARTERS
Outside the U.S.A. Contact the HACH office or distributor serving you. Telephone: (970) 669-3050
On the Worldwide Web; E-mail [email protected] FAX: (970) 669-2932

Hach Company, 2007. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 241
Updated February 2008, Edition 5
Section 9 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Influent Effluent
mL sample used = mL sample used =

Bench 1 total mL to pH 4.5 = total mL to pink =

Bench 2 total mL to pink = total mL to pH 4.5 =

Bench 3 total mL to pH 4.5 = total mL to pink =

Bench 4 total mL to pink = total mL to pH 4.5 =

Bench 5a total mL to pH 4.5 = total mL to pink =

Bench 5b total mL to pink = total mL to pH 4.5 =

Influent Alkalinity - Titrate to pH 4.5 or pink color

Alkalinity = ( mL titrant used to reach pH of 4.5 )( 0.02 N H 2SO4 )( 50,000 )

mL sample

Alkalinity = (____________________)( 0.02 N H 2SO4 )( 50,000 ) =

__________ mL sample

Effluent Alkalinity - Titrate to pH 4.5 or pink color

Alkalinity = ( total mL titrant used to reach pH of 4.5 )( 0.02 N H 2SO4 )( 50,000 )

mL sample

Alkalinity = (____________________)( 0.02 N H 2SO4 )( 50,000 ) =

__________ mL sample

Orion Alkalinity Method =

242 Alkalinity
Section 10
Chemical Oxygen Demand

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

1 2

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Why Test For COD??

To measure the organic matter content of a
sample that is susceptible to oxidation by a
strong chemical oxidant.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Approved Methods Under TDEC - Fleming Training Center

the Clean Water Act (NPDES)

3 4

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Chemical Oxygen Demand vs.

Sample Collection
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Plastic or glass bottles COD is a good estimate of the first-stage oxygen
Bottles must be thoroughly cleaned demand for most municipal wastewaters.
Representative sample (100 mL) COD measures the strength of the organic waste
Composite sample preserve at 4C that is too toxic for BOD.
Analyze as soon as possible (same day) OR COD results are quicker.
Preserve with H2SO4 to pH<2 and cool to 4 C COD results can be used to estimate BOD.
Holding time is 28 days after preservation

5 6

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

COD vs BOD (Disadvantages) Summary of Method

Does not measure the rate of biodegradability. The method oxidizes organic substances in the
Cannot be used to predict the effects of an wastewater sample using:
effluent on the DO in receiving waters OR Potassium dichromate in 50% sulfuric acid
Treatment of a particular wastewater by Silver sulfate (catalyst)
biological processes. Mercuric sulfate (remove interferences)
Sample heated or reflux for 2 hours

Watertown, TN

244 Chemical Oxygen Demand

TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

7 8

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Selection of Method Laboratory Apparatus

Titrimetric (blue-green to reddish): Titrimetric Method:
Reflux ground-glass
EPA Method 410.1, 410.2 & 410.3 apparatus
SM 5220C (18th, 19th, & 20th editions) Heat source
Colorimetric (manual or automated):
Colorimetric Method:
EPA Method 410.4 Digestion tubes
SM 5220D Hot block (150C)
Spectrometer 420nm and/or
Hach Method 8000 600 nm

9 10

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Calculations Calculations (continued)

Titrimetric Colorimetric:
COD, mg/L = (A-B)N x 8000 Direct reading in mg/L from instrument
A = mL of titrant for blank If different sample volumes used then,
B = mL of titrant for sample COD, mg/L = (mg O2 in final vol.)(1000)
N = Normality of titrant mL sample
S = mL of sample used

11 12

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Colorimetric Methods - QA/QC

Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Titrimetric Method EPA 410.2 Hach Method 8000: EPA Method 410.4/SM5220D
& 410.3: Pre-programmed calibration
DI Blank curve Initial Demonstration of Performance:
Chloride check Accuracy Check Standard Linear Calibration Range (LCR)
Standardize Titrant (potassium acid phthalate) Quality Control Sample (QCS)
Fe(NH4)2(SO4)26H2O DI Blank
Method Detection Limit (MDL)

Chemical Oxygen Demand 245

Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

13 14

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Colorimetric Methods - QA/QC

COD Audit Checklist
EPA Method 410.4/SM5220D Sample collection & preservation
Laboratory Performance: Holding time
Laboratory Reagent Blank (LRB) Approved Method
Laboratory Fortified Blank (LFB) Heat regulated devices checked for accuracy
Instrument Performance Check (IPC)
Apparatus e.g. ground-glass used (titrimetric)
Glassware cleaned properly
Analyte Recovery & Data Quality:
Matrix Spike, Duplicate & Reference Standard QC samples analyzed
Results reported correctly

246 Chemical Oxygen Demand

Oxygen, COD, MR, 8000
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Oxygen Demand, Chemical DOC316.53.01099

USEPA1 Reactor Digestion Method2 Method 8000

0.7 to 40.03 mg/L COD; 3 to 150 mg/L COD;
20 to 1500 mg/L COD; 200 to 15,000 mg/L COD
Scope and Application: For water, wastewater; digestion is required
1 Ranges 3 to 150 mg/L COD and 20 to 1500 mg/L COD are USEPA approved for wastewater analyses (Standard Method 5220 D),
Federal Register, April 21, 1980, 45(78), 26811-26812.
2 Jirka, A.M.; Carter, M.J., Analytical Chemistry, 1975, 47(8), 1397
3 The ULR range is not available on the DR 2700 or the DR/2400.

Test preparation

How to use instrument-specific information

The Instrument-specific information table displays requirements that may vary between
instruments. To use this table, select an instrument then read across to find the corresponding
information required to perform this test

Table 1 Instrument-specific information

Instrument Light shield Adapter

DR 5000

DR 2800 LZV646

DR 2700 LZV646


DR/2400 5945700

Before starting the test:

DR 2800 and DR 2700: Install the light shield in Cell Compartment #2 before performing this test.

DR 2700 and DR/2400: Ultra low range (0.7 to 40.0 mg/L) is not available.

Some of the chemicals and apparatus used in this procedure may be hazardous to the health and safety of the user if
inappropriately handled or accidentally misused. Please read all warnings and associated MSDS sheets.

Run one blank with each set of samples. Run all tests (the samples and the blank) with the same lot of vials. The lot number
appears on the container label. See Blanks for colorimetric determination.

Spilled reagent will affect test accuracy and is hazardous to skin and other materials. Be prepared to wash spills with
running water.

Wear appropriate eye protection and clothing for adequate user protection. If contact occurs, flush the affected area with
running water. Review and follow reagent MSDS safety instructions carefully.

If high chloride samples are being tested, refer to the Alternate reagents section.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand, Chemical

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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Collect the following items:

Description Quantity

Beaker, 250-mL 1

Blender 1

COD Digestion Reagent vials varies

DRB200 Reactor 1

Light Shield or adapter (see Instrument-specific information) 1

Magnetic stirrer and stir bar 1

Opaque shipping container for storage of unused, light-sensitive reagent vials varies

Pipet, TenSette, 0.1 to 1.0 mL, with tips (for 20015,000 mg/L range) 1

Pipet, volumetric, 2.00 mL 2

Pipet Filler, safety bulb 1

Test Tube Rack 2

See Consumables and replacement items for reorder information.

Reactor digestion procedure

1. Homogenize 100 mL 2. For the 200 3. Turn on the DRB200 4. Remove the caps from
of sample for 30 seconds 15,000 mg/L range or to Reactor. Preheat to two COD Digestion
in a blender. For samples improve accuracy and 150 C. Reagent Vials. (Be sure to
containing large amounts reproducibility of the other See the DRB200 User use vials for the
of solids, increase the ranges, pour the Manual for selecting pre- appropriate range.)
homogenization time. homogenized sample into programmed temperature
If the sample does not a 250-mL beaker and applications.
contain suspended solids, gently stir with a magnetic
omit steps 1 and 2. stir plate.

248 Demand, Chemical Chemical Oxygen Demand
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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Reactor digestion procedure (continued)

5. Prepared Sample: 6. Blank Preparation: 7. Cap the vials tightly. 8. Hold the vials by the
Hold one vial at a Hold a second vial at a Rinse them with water and cap over a sink. Invert
45-degree angle. Use a 45-degree angle. Use a wipe with a clean paper gently several times to
clean volumetric pipet to clean volumetric pipet to towel. mix. The sample vials
add 2.00 mL of sample to add 2.00 mL of deionized become very hot during
the vial. water to the vial. mixing.
For the 20015,000 mg/L For the 20015,000 mg/L Insert the vials in the
vials: Use a TenSette vials: Use a TenSette preheated DRB200
Pipet to add 0.20 mL of Pipet to add 0.20 mL of Reactor. Close the
sample to the vial. sample to the vial. protective lid.

9. Heat the vials for two 10. Turn the reactor off. 11. Invert each vial 12. Place the vials into a
hours. Before removing the vials, several times while still rack and cool to room
wait about 20 minutes for warm. temperature.
the vials to cool to 120 C Proceed to Colorimetric
or less. determination.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand, Chemical

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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Colorimetric determination

Stored Programs


430 COD LR Zero
435 COD HR


1. Select the test. 2. Clean the outside of 3. Insert the blank into 4. ZERO the instrument.
Insert an adapter or light the vials with a damp towel the 16-mm cell holder. The display will show:
shield if required (see followed by a dry one.
0 mg/L COD
Instrument-specific or
information). 0.0 mg/L COD
Refer to the user manual
for orientation.


5. Insert the sample vial 6. READ the results in 7. If using High Range
into the 16-mm cell holder. mg/L COD. Plus COD Digestion
Reagent Vials, multiply the
result by 10.
For most accurate results
with samples near 1500 or
15,000 mg/L COD, repeat
the analysis with a diluted

Blanks for colorimetric determination

The blank may be used repeatedly for measurements using the same lot of vials. Store the blank
in the dark.

1. Monitor decomposition by measuring the absorbance at the appropriate wavelength. Refer to

the Range-specific test wavelengths table.

2. Zero the instrument in the absorbance mode. Use a vial containing 5 mL of deionized water
and measure the absorbance of the blank. Record the value.

3. Prepare a new blank when the absorbance has changed by about 0.01 absorbance units.

250 Demand, Chemical Chemical Oxygen Demand
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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Chloride is the primary interference when determining COD concentration. Each COD vial
contains mercuric sulfate that will eliminate chloride interference up to the level specified in
Column 1 of the Interfering substances table. Dilute samples with higher chloride concentrations.
Dilute the sample enough to reduce the chloride concentration to the level given in Column 2.
Note: For best results, use the low range and ultra-low range test for samples with high chloride
concentrations (approaching maximum concentration) and low COD concentrations.

If sample dilution will cause the COD concentration to be too low for accurate determination, add
0.50 g of mercuric sulfate (HgSO4) to each COD vial before the sample is added.
The additional mercuric sulfate will raise the maximum chloride concentration allowable to the
level given in Column 3.

Table 2 Interfering substances

Column 2 Column 3
Column 1
(Suggested chloride (Maximum chloride
Vial range (Maximum chloride
concentration for concentration with
concentration )
diluted samples) mercuric sulfate)

Ultra Low Range 1 2000 1000 N/A

(0.740.0 mg/L)
Low Range 2000 1000 8000
(3150 mg/L)
High Range 2000 1000 4000
(201500 mg/L)
High Range Plus 20,000 10,000 40,000
(20015,000 mg/L)
1 Ultra Low Range is not available on the DR 2700 or the DR/2400.

Sample collection, preservation and storage

Collect samples in glass bottles.
Use plastic bottles only if they are known to be free of organic contamination.
Test biologically active samples as soon as possible.
Homogenize samples containing solids to assure representative samples.
Samples treated with sulfuric acid* to a pH of less than 2 (about 2 mL per liter) and refrigerated
at 4 C can be stored up to 28 days.
Correct the test results for volume additions.

* See Optional reagents and apparatus.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand, Chemical

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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Accuracy check
Standard solution method
Note: Refer to the instrument user manual for specific software navigation instructions.

Required for accuracy check:

Potassium acid phthalate (KHP), dried overnight at 120 C
Deionized water, organic free
Class A volumetric flasks
Class A volumetric pipet
0.7 to 40.0 mg/L range

1. Prepare a 30-mg/L COD standard solution as follows:

a. Dissolve 850 mg of dried KHP in 1000-mL of organic-free deionized water to make a

1000-mg/L standard.
b. Pipet 3.00 mL of the 1000 mg/L standard into a 100-mL volumetric flask.
c. Dilute to volume with deionized water and mix well.

2. Use 2 mL of the 30 mg/L COD solution in place of the sample. Follow the Colorimetric
determination test procedure. The result should be 30 mg/L. Refer to the Standard adjust
instructions in this procedure to adjust the curve with the reading obtained from the standard.

3 to 150 mg/L range

1. Prepare a 100-mg/L COD standard solution as follows:

a. Dissolve 85 mg of dried KHP in 1000-mL of organic-free deionized water to make a

1000-mg/L standard.
b. Pipet 10 mL of the 1000 mg/L standard into a 100-mL volumetric flask.
c. Dilute to volume with deionized water and mix well.

2. Use 2 mL of the 100-mg/L solution in place of the sample. Follow the Colorimetric
determination test procedure. The result should be 100 mg/L. Refer to the Standard adjust
instructions in this procedure to adjust the curve with the reading obtained from the standard

20 to 1500 mg/L range

1. Prepare a 500-mg/L COD standard solution as follows:

a. Dissolve 425 mg of dried KHP in 1000-mL of organic-free deionized water to make a

500-mg/L standard.
b. Mix well.

2. Use 2 mL of the 500 mg/L COD solution in place of the sample. Follow the Colorimetric
determination test procedure. The result should be 500 mg/L. Refer to the Standard adjust
instructions in this procedure to adjust the curve with the reading obtained from the standard.
Note: Alternately, use 2 mL of 300 mg/L, 800 or 1000 mg/L COD standards for accuracy check.

252 Demand, Chemical Chemical Oxygen Demand
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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

200 to 15,000 mg/L range

1. Prepare a 10,000-mg/L COD standard solution as follows:

a. Dissolve 8.500 g of dried KHP in 1000-mL of organic-free deionized water.

2. Use 0.2 mL of the 10,000 mg/L COD solution in place of the sample. Follow the Colorimetric
determination test procedure. The result should be 10,000 mg/L (after multiplying by 10).
Refer to the Standard adjust instructions in this procedure to adjust the curve with the reading
obtained from the standard.

Standard adjust

1. To adjust the calibration curve using the reading obtained with the standard solution, navigate
to Standard Adjust in the software.

Instrument Navigate to:


2. Turn on the Standard Adjust feature and accept the displayed concentration. If an alternate
concentration is used, enter the concentration and adjust the curve to that value.

Alternate reagents
Mercury-free COD2 Reagents can provide a mercury-free testing option for non-reporting
purposes. For process control applications, COD2 Reagents will eliminate mercury waste and
save on disposal costs. These reagents are fully compatible with test procedures and calibration
curves programmed into the spectrophotometer. Determine chloride and ammonia for
accurate results.
Important Note: COD2 reagents are not approved for USEPA reporting purposes. Because
COD2 reagents do not contain mercury as a masking agent, they exhibit a positive
interference from chloride. Request a copy of the COD Reagent Vial Information Brochure,
Lit. No. 1356, for more information about specific applications.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand, Chemical

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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Method performance

Precision Sensitivity
Program Instrument Standard 95% Confidence Limits Concentration change
of Distribution per 0.010 Abs change
430 DR 5000 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 7783 mg/L COD 3 mg/L COD
(Range, DR 2800 Range); 7783 mg/L COD 3 mg/L COD
3150 mg/L) 80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
DR 2700 800 mg/L COD (High Range); 7783 mg/L COD 3 mg/L COD
8000 mg/L COD (High Range
DR/2500 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 77.682.4 mg/L COD 3 mg/L COD
DR/2400 Range); 77.682.4 mg/L COD 3 mg/L COD
80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
800 mg/L COD (High Range);
10,000 mg/L COD (High
Range Plus)
431 DR 5000 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 28.831.2 mg/L COD 0.5 mg/L COD
(Range, DR 2800 Range); 28.831.2 mg/L COD 0.5 mg/L COD
0.540.0 mg/L) 80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
800 mg/L COD (High Range);
8000 mg/L COD (High Range
431 DR/2500 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 29.031.0 mg/L COD 0.7 mg/L COD
(Range, Range);
0.740.0 mg/L) 80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
800 mg/L COD (High Range);
10,000 mg/L COD (High
Range Plus)
435 DR 5000 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 785815 mg/L COD 23 mg/L COD
(Range, DR 2800 Range); 785815 mg/L COD 23 mg/L COD
201500 mg/L) 80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
DR 2700 800 mg/L COD (High Range); 785815 mg/L COD 23 mg/L COD
8000 mg/L COD (High Range
DR/2500 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 778822 mg/L COD 20 mg/L COD
DR/2400 Range); 778822 mg/L COD 20 mg/L COD
80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
800 mg/L COD (High Range);
10,000 mg/L COD (High
Range Plus)
435 DR 5000 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 78508150 mg/L COD 230 mg/L COD
(Range, DR 2800 Range); 78508150 mg/L COD 230 mg/L COD
20015,000 mg/L) 80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
DR 2700 800 mg/L COD (High 78508150 mg/L COD 230 mg/L COD
Range);8000 mg/L COD (High
Range Plus)
DR/2500 30 mg/L COD (Ultra Low 978010,220 mg/L COD 200 mg/L COD
DR/2400 Range); 978010,220 mg/L COD 200 mg/L COD
80 mg/L COD (Low Range);
800 mg/L COD (High Range);
10,000 mg/L COD (High
Range Plus)

254 Demand, Chemical Chemical Oxygen Demand
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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Summary of method
The results in mg/L COD are defined as the milligrams of O2 consumed per liter of sample under
the conditions of this procedure. The sample is heated for two hours with sulfuric acid and a strong
oxidizing agent, potassium dichromate. Oxidizable organic compounds react, reducing the
dichromate ion (Cr2O72) to green chromic ion (Cr3+).

When the 0.740.0 or the 3150 mg/L colorimetric method is used, the amount of Cr6+ remaining
is determined. When the 201500 mg/L or 20015,000 mg/L colorimetric method is used, the
amount of Cr3+ produced is determined. The COD reagent also contains silver and mercury ions.
Silver is a catalyst, and mercury is used to complex chloride interferences.
Test results are measured at the wavelengths specified in the Range-specific test
wavelengths table.

Table 3 Range-specific test wavelengths

Range in mg/L COD Wavelength

0.7 to 40.0 mg/L1 350 nm

3 to 150 mg/L 420 nm
20 to 1500 620 nm
2000 to 15,000 mg/L 620 nm
1 Not available on the DR/2400 or the DR 2700

Chemical Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand, Chemical

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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Consumables and replacement items

Required reagents
Description Quantity/Test Unit Catalog number
Select the appropriate COD Digestion Reagent Vial:
Ultra Low Range, 0.7 to 40 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2415825
Low Range, 3 to 150 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2125825
High Range, 20 to 1500 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2125925
High Range Plus, 200 to 15,000 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2415925
Water, deionized varies 4L 27256

Alternate reagents1
Description Quantity/Test Unit Catalog number
Select the appropriate COD Digestion Reagent Vial:
COD2, Low Range, 0 to 150 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2565025
COD2, High Range, 0 to 1500 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2565125
COD2, High Range, 0 to 1500 mg/L COD 12 vials 150/pkg 2565115
COD2, High Range Plus, 0 to 15,000 mg/L COD 12 vials 25/pkg 2834325
COD Digestion Reagent Vials, 3 to 150 mg/L COD 150/pkg 2125815
COD Digestion Reagent Vials, 200 to 1500 mg/L COD 150/pkg 2125915
1 These reagents are not approved for USEPA reporting purposes. Request a copy of the COD Reagent Vial Information Brochure,
Lit. No. 1356, for more information about specific applications.

Required apparatus
Description Quantity/Test Unit Catalog number
Blender, 2-speed, 120 VAC 1 each 2616100
Blender, 2-speed, 240 VAC 1 each 2616102
DRB200 Reactor, 110 V, 15 x 16 mm 1 each LTV082.53.40001
DRB200 Reactor, 220 V, 15 x 16 mm 1 each LTV082.52.40001
Pipet Filler, safety bulb 1 each 1465100
Pipet, Volumetric, Class A, 2.00 mL 1 each 1451536

256 Demand, Chemical Chemical Oxygen Demand
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Oxygen Demand, Chemical
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

Recommended standards and apparatus

Description Unit Catalog number
Beaker, 250-mL each 50046H
COD Standard Solution, 300-mg/L 200 mL 1218629
COD Standard Solution, 300-mg/L 500mL 1218649
COD Standard Solution, 800-mg/L 200 mL 2672629
COD Standard Solution, 1000-mg/L 200 mL 2253929
Oxygen Demand Standard (BOD, COD, TOC), 10-mL ampules 16/pkg 2833510
Pipet, TenSette, 0.1 to 1.0 mL each 1970001
Pipet Tips, for TenSette Pipet 1970001 50/pkg 2185696
Pipet Tips, for TenSette Pipet 1970001 1000/pkg 2185628
Potassium Acid Phthalate, ACS 500 g 31534
Stir Bar each 2095352
Stirrer, Electromagnetic, 120 VAC, with electrode stand each 4530001
Stirrer, Electromagnetic, 230 VAC, with electrode stand each 4530002
Test Tube Rack each 1864100
Disposable wipes 70/pkg 2096900

Optional reagents and apparatus

Description Unit Catalog number
Balance, analytical, 80 g capacity, 115 VAC each 2936701
COD Digestion Reagent Vials, ULR 0.7-40.0 mg/L 150/pkg 2415815
COD Digestion Reagent Vials, HR plus,200-25,000 mg/L 150/pkg 2415915
Flask, volumetric, 1000 mL Class A each 1457453
Flask, volumetric, 100-mL Class A each 1457442
Mercuric Sulfate, 28 g 191520
Pipet, volumetric, 3-mL, Class A each 1451503
Pipet, volumetric, 10-mL, Class A each 1451538
Sulfuric Acid, 500 mL 97949
Wastewater Influent Standard for mixed parameters NH3N, NO3N, PO4, COD, SO4, 500mL 2833149
Wastewater Effluent Standard, for mixed parameters NH3N, NO3N, PO4, COD, SO4, 500mL 2833249
Weighing Paper, 76x76 mm 500/pkg 1473800
Finger cots 2/pkg 1464702
Gloves, chemical resistant 9-9 1 1 pair 2410104
Safety goggles, vented each 2550700
EZ COD TM Recycling Service with 5-gal2 bucket each 2895405
1 Other sizes are available
2 20 and 50 gal are available.

Chemical Oxygen Demand Oxygen Demand, Chemical

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Section 10 TDEC - Fleming Training Center


In the U.S.A. Call toll-free 800-227-4224 WORLD HEADQUARTERS
Outside the U.S.A. Contact the HACH office or distributor serving you. Telephone: (970) 669-3050
On the Worldwide Web; E-mail [email protected] FAX: (970) 669-2932

258 Company, 2007. All rights reserved. PrintedChemical

Hach Oxygen Demand
in the U.S.A. Updated February 2008, Edition 5
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 10

COD Laboratory

Samples: Blanks (deionized water)

Screened raw influent
Oxidation ditch effluent settle supernatant
Plant effluent
COD Standard

Sample Vial No. COD, mg/L

Blank High Range ______ __________

Standard - ______ ______ __________

Screened Influent ______ __________

Oxidation Ditch Effluent ______ __________

Plant Effluent ______ __________

Duplicate ______ __________

Blank Low Range ______ __________

Chemical Oxygen Demand 259

Section 11

Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

1 2

TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Basically, an even mixture of two or more
Solution Chemistry A solution consist of two parts:
Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center
The solute part of the solution is dissolved in the
The most common solvent is water

3 4

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Milligrams per Liter and Grains per

The measure of a solution that describes the These express weight per volume
amount of solute in the solvent mg/L is the most commonly accepted
Listed below are expressions for concentration: measurement in water and wastewater industry
milligrams per liter (mg/L) 1ppm (part per million) is equivalent to 1 mg/L
grains per gallon
percent strength
molarity (M)
normality (N)

5 6

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Percent Strength Molarity

Molarity= moles of solute/ liters of solution
% Strength = weight of solute Mole-1.Any of various small, insectivorous, burrowing
weight of solution mammals with thickset bodies bearing silky light brown
to dark-gray fur, rudimentary eyes, tough muzzles, and
Weight of Solution = Weight of solute + weight of solvent strong forefeet for digging and usually living under
ground.-2. Total weight/ molecular weight
Mole Individual atoms have extremely minute masses.
Chemists use a fundamental unit called a mole. The
mole is the amount of substance of a system which
contains as many elementary particles as there are atoms
in 0.012 kg of carbon -12 (12C).

262 Solutions
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

7 8

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Normality Molarity and Normality

Normal solutions are solutions which have a specific number of
equivalent masses of the acid or base dissolved in the solution per How many grams of Na2CO3 would it take to make 1 L of
liter. A 1 N solution (a 1 normal solution) contains 1 equivalent
a 1 molar and a 1 normal solution?
mass per liter, a 2 N solution contains 2 equivalent masses per liter,
and so on. Step 1 - Determine molecular weight (mass of the molecule):
Na (2 moles of Na atoms) = 22.99 amu x 2 = 45.98 amu
Normality = number of equivalent weights of solute C (1 mole of C atom) = 12.01 amu x 1 = 12.01 amu
liter of solution O (3 moles of O atom) = 16.00 amu x 3 = 48.00 amu
Molecular weight (grams/mole) = 105.99 amu
Number of equivalent weights = total weight of solute (This means 1 mole of Na2CO3 = 105.99 grams)
equivalent weight
Na2CO3 Na+ + Na+ + CO32-
Equivalent weight = molecular weight
number of positive charges

9 10

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Na = 22.99 amu x 2 = 45.98 amu

g = 1 mole x g /mole Molarity C = 12.01 amu x 1 = 12.01 amu
Molarity molecular weight Shortcut O = 16.00 amu x 3
Molecular weight
48.00 amu
105.99 amu
Step 2 - Calculate the grams required
grams required = (#moles required)(g/mole) Na2CO3 Na+ + Na+ + CO32-

grams required = (1 mole)(105.99 g/mole)

Grams required=
grams required = 105.99 g
Step 3 - Calculate molarity of the solution (Molarity needed)(molecular wt)(L soln)
Molarity = # moles mole/liter grams/mole liter
volume of solvent
Molarity = 1 mole = (1M)(105.99)(1 L )
1 liter of water
Molarity = 1M
Every 105.99 grams of Na2CO3 in 1L of water gives a 1M = 105.99 g for a 1 molar solution

11 12

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Normality Na2CO3 Na+ + Na+ + CO32-

How many grams of Na2CO3 would it take to make
1 L of a 1 normal solution? Step 2b - Calculate the number of equivalents

Step 2 - Calculate the equivalent weight for Na2CO3 #Equivalent weights = total weight
equivalent weights
Equivalent weight = molecular weight
#Equivalent weights = 105.99 g
# of (+) charges
53 g/equivalent
Equivalent weight = 105.99 #Equivalents = 2
Equivalent weight = 53 grams

Solutions 263
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

13 14

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Normality Normality
OR Step 2c - Calculate the grams required Step 3 - Calculate Normality
Normality = # of equivalents
g required = (#equivalents)(g/equivalents) volume of solvent
Normality = 2 equivalents
g required = (2 equivalent wts)(53g/equivalents) 1 L of water
Normality = 2N
g required = 106 Every 105.99 grams of Na2CO3 in 1L of water
gives a 2N solution
to make a 1N solution, cut the grams in half

15 16

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Na = 22.99 amu x 2 = 45.98 amu

Normality C = 12.01 amu x 1 = 12.01 amu
O = 16.00 amu x 3 = 48.00 amu Dilutions
Shortcut Molecular weight = 105.99 amu
Weakening a stock solution
Na2CO3 Na+ + Na+ + CO32-
Grams required = Start with a stock solution, add an amount to the
volumetric flask, and fill to mark
= (Normality needed)(molecular weight)(L soln) Can use the following calculation with any expression of
# of positive charges concentration or normality
Use this equation to make calculation:
= (1 N)(105.99)(1 L) C1V1 = C2V2
2 N1V1 = N2V2
1 means stock or 2 is the concentration
= 53 g for a 1N solution of Na2CO3 initial concentration or volume you end
or volume up with

17 18

TDEC - Fleming Training Center TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Dilution Examples Dilution Examples

Operator has 12% bleach on hand and wants to make 25 Operator has 100 mL of 5N sulfuric acid on hand and
gallons of 8%. wants to make 1N. How much water should be added?
C1V1 = C2V2 N1V1 = N2V2

(0.12)(V1) = (0.08)(25 gal) (5N)(100 mL) = (1N)(V2)

V1 = (0.08)(25 gal) (5N)(100 mL) = (V2)
0.12 1N
V1 = 16.7 gals 500 mL = V2

500 mL is final volume, you started with 100 mLs and

added 400 mL to get a final volume of 500 mL

264 Solutions
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

Intermediate Wastewater Laboratory Workshop

Laboratory Solutions

1. A laboratory solution is made using 52 milligrams of sodium chloride

(NaCl) dissolved in 1-liter volumetric flask filled to the mark. What is
the mg/L concentration of the solution?

2. If 33 pounds of a chemical is added to 148 pounds of water, what is

the % strength by weight?

3. You are given 100 mL of 2.8N HCl. How many mL of water should be
added to make 0.4N HCl?

4. 250 mL of 3N NaOH is diluted to 1000 mL. What is the new normality

of the solution?

Solutions 265
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

5. 500 mL of 10N NaOH is diluted to 1 liter. What is the new normality of

the solution?

6. You are given 20 mL of 30N HCl. How many mL of water should be

added to make 1.1N HCl?

7. An operator needs a 0.1N solution in order to conduct an analysis.

The operator has a 1.5N solution on hand. How much (mL) of the
1.5N solution is needed to make 1L of 0.1N solution?

8. An operator needs a 0.1N solution in order to conduct an analysis.

The operator has 2.0N solution on hand. How many milliliters of the
2.0N solution is needed to make one liter of 0.1N solution?

9. 450 mL of 5N NaOH is diluted to 1L. What is the new normality of the


266 Solutions
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

10. You are given 8 mL of 15N H2SO4. How much water (in mL) should be
added to make 0.4N H2SO4?

11. An operator needs a 0.2N solution in order to conduct analysis. The

operator has 2.5N solution on hand. How many mL of the 2.5N
solution is needed to make one-half liter of 0.2N solution?

12. An operator needs to make 1-liter of a 1N and a 1M solution of sodium

bicarbonate (NaHCO3). How many grams would be needed for each?
(Hint: bicarbonate = HCO3)

Solutions 267
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

13. An operator needs to make 1-liter of a 1N and a 1M solution of sodium

hydroxide (NaOH). How many grams would be needed for each?

14. An operator needs to make -liter of a 5N and a 5M solution of ferric

sulfate Fe2(SO4)3. How many grams would be needed for each?

1. 52 mg/L 8. 50 mL 13. 40 g for 1M
2. 18.2% 9. 2.25N 40 g for 1N
3. 600 mL to add 10. 292 mL to add 14. 999.78 g for 5M
4. 0.75N 11. 40 mL 166.7 g for 5N
5. 5N 12. 84.01 g for 1M
6. 525.5 mL to add 84.01 g for 1N
7. 66.67 mL

268 Solutions
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

Common Valences

1+ 2+ 3+

Ammonium, NH4+ Barium, Ba2+ Aluminum, Al3+

Cuprous, Cu+ Calcium, Ca2+ Chromic, Cr3+
Hydrogen, H+ Cupric, Cu2+ Ferric, Fe3+
Hydronium, H3O+ Ferrous, Fe2+
Potassium, K+ Lead, Pb2+
Silver, Ag+ Magnesium, Mg2+
Sodium, Na+ Mercuric, Hg2+
Nickel, Ni2+
Zinc, Zn2+

1- 2- 3-

Acetate, C2H3O2- Carbonate, CO32- Phosphate, PO43-

Bicarbonate, HCO3- Chromate, CrO42-
Bromide, Br- Peroxide, O22-
Chlorate, ClO3- Sulfate, SO42-
Chloride, Cl- Sulfide, S2-
Hydroxide, OH- Sulfite, SO32-
Iodide, I-
Nitrate, NO3-
Nitrite, NO2-
Bisulfate, HSO4-

Solutions 269
Section 11 TDEC - Fleming Training Center

Period Periodic Table of the Elements

1 18
1.00794 +1 4.00260 0
H Atomic Mass 12.011 4 Selected Oxidation States
1 +2 2

Symbol Relative atomic masses are based
+4 on 12C = 12.000
Group Group
1 2 Note: Mass numbers in parentheses 13 14 15 16 17 18
6.941 +1 9.01218 +2
Atomic Number
6 are mass numbers of the most 10.81 +3 12.0111 4 14.0067 3 15.9994
2 18.998403 1 20.179 0
Electron Configuration 2-4 +2

Li 4
Be stable or common isotope.

B 6
C +4

N 1
O 9
F 10
2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 +5 2-6 2-7 2-8
22.98977 +1 24.305 +2 26.98154 +3 28.0855 4 30.97376 3 32.06 2 35.453 1 39.948 0

+2 +3 +1

Na Mg Si P Cl Ar
11 12
13 14


S +6

+7 18
2-8-1 2-8-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2-8-3 2-8-4 2-8-5 2-8-6 2-8-7 2-8-8
39.0983 +1 40.08 +2 44.9559 +3 47.88 +2 50.9415 +2 51.996 +2 54.9380 +2 55.847 +2 58.9332 +2 58.69 +2 63.546 +1 65.39 +2 69.72 +3 72.59 4 74.9216 3 78.96 2 79.904 1 83.80 0
+2 +4 +2

K Ca Sc Ti
+3 +3 +3 +1

Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Kr
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +2
19 20 21 22

V +4
Cr Mn Fe +6

26 27
Co 28
Ni 29 30 31 32



Br +5

2-8-8-1 2-8-8-2 2-8-9-2 2-8-10-2 2-8-11-2 2-8-13-1 2-8-13-2 2-8-14-2 2-8-15-2 2-8-16-2 2-8-18-1 2-8-18-2 2-8-18-3 2-8-18-4 2-8-18-5 2-8-18-6 2-8-18-7 2-8-18-8
85.4678 +1 87.62 +2 88.9059 +3 91.224 +4 92.9064 +3 95.94 +3 (98) +4 101.07 +3 102.906 +3 106.42 +2 107.868 +1 112.41 +2 114.82 +3 118.71 +2 121.75 3 127.60 2 126.905 1 131.29 0
+5 +6 +4 +3 +4

Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Te

In Sn Sb
+6 +1 +2

Rb 38
Sr 39
Y 40 41 42 43

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51


l +5
Xe +4

2-8-18-8-1 2-8-18-8-2 2-8-18-9-2 2-8-18-10-2 2-8-18-12-1 2-8-18-13-1 2-8-18-14-1 2-8-18-15-1 2-8-18-16-1 2-8-18-18 2-8-18-18-1 2-8-18-18-2 2-8-18-18-3 2-8-18-18-4 2-8-18-18-5 2-8-18-18-6 2-8-18-18-7 2-8-18-18-8
132.905 +1 137.33 +2 138.906 +3 178.49 +4 180.948 +5 183.85 +6 186.207 +4 190.2 +3 192.22 +3 195.08 +2 196.967 +1 200.59 +1 204.383 +1 207.2 +2 208.980 +3 (209) +2 (210) (222) 0
+6 +4 +4 +4 +3 +2 +3

Cs Ba La Ta At Rn
+4 +5

Hf W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl
55 56 57 72 73 74 75

76 77 78 79 80 81 82
Pb 83
Bi 84
Po 85 86
2-8-18-18-8-1 2-8-18-18-8-2 2-8-18-18-9-2 **18-32-10-2 -18-32-11-2 -18-32-12-2 -18-32-13-2 -18-32-14-2 -18-32-15-2 -18-32-17-1 -18-32-18-1 -18-32-18-2 -18-32-18-3 -18-32-18-4 -18-32-18-5 -18-32-18-6 -18-32-18-7 -18-32-18-8
(223) +1 226.025 +2 227.028 +3 (261) (262) (263) (264) (265) (268) (269) (272) (277) (285)

Fr 88
Ra Ac 89 104
Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Uun Uuu Uub
105 106 107 108 109 111 112
-18-32-18-8-1 -18-32-18-8-2 -18-32-18-9-2

*The systematic names and symbols for elements of atomic numbers above 109
**Denotes the presence of (2-8-) will be used until the approval of trivial names by IUPAC.
for elements 72 and above
140.12 +3 140.908 +3 144.24 +3 (145) +3 150.36 +2 151.96 +2 157.25 +3 158.925 +3 162.50 +3 164.930 +3 167.26 +3 168.934 +3 173.04 +2 174.967 +3

Er Tm Yb Lu

Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho
+4 +3

Ce 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

232.038 +4 231.036 +4 238.029 +3 237.048 +3 (244) +3 (243) +3 (247) +3 (247) +3 (251) +3 (252) (257) (258) (259) (260)
+5 +4 +4 +4 +4

Es Fm Md No

Th Pa 91 92
U +5
Np Pu Am Cm Bk
96 97 98
Cf 99 100 101 102 103
270 Solutions 51
8 Reference Tables for Physical Setting/ CHEMISTRY Reference Tables for Physical Setting/ CHEMISTRY 9
TDEC - Fleming Training Center Section 11

Solutions 271
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272 Solutions
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Solutions 273
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274 Solutions

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