Voltammetric Techniques by Samuel P. Kounaves
Voltammetric Techniques by Samuel P. Kounaves
Voltammetric Techniques by Samuel P. Kounaves
Voltammetric Techniques
Samuel P. Kounaves
Tufts University Department of Chemistry
General Uses
Quantitative determination of organic and inorganic compounds in aqueous and nonaqueous solutions Measurement of kinetic rates and constants Determination adsorption processes on surfaces Determination electron transfer and reaction mechanisms Determination of thermodynamic properties of solvated species Fundamental studies of oxidation and reduction processes in various media Determination of complexation and coordination values
Common Applications
Quantitative determination of pharmaceutical compounds Determination of metal ion concentrations in water to subparts-per-billion levels Determination of redox potentials Detection of eluted analytes in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and flow injection analysis
Species of interest must be dissolved in an appropriate liquid solvent and capable of being reduced or oxidized within the potential range of the technique and electrode material.
The amounts needed to obtain appropriate concentrations vary greatly with the technique. For example, cyclic voltammetry generally requires analyte concentrations of 103 to 10 5 M, whereas anodic stripping voltammetry of metal ions gives good results with concentrations as low as 1012 M. Volumes may also vary from about 20 mL to less than a microliter (with special microelectrode cells).
The degree of preparation required depends on both the sample and the technique. For determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in seawater with a microelectrode and square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV), no preparation is required. In contrast, determination of epinepherine in blood plasma at a glassy carbon electrode with differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) requires that the sample first be pretreated with several reagents, buffered, and separated.
Analysis Time
Once the sample has been prepared, the time required to obtain a voltammogram varies from a few seconds using single-sweep square-wave voltammetry, to a couple of minutes for a cyclic voltammogram, to possibly 30 min (or more) for a very-low-concentration ASV determination.
Substance must be oxidizable or reducible in the range were the solvent and electrode are electrochemically inert. Provides very little or no information on species identity. Sample must be dissolved
Accuracy varies with technique from 1 to 10%.
Voltammetric Techniques
Detection limit varies with technique from parts per thousand to parts per trillion.
Historically, the branch of electrochemistry we now call voltammetry developed from the discovery of polarography in 1922 by the Czech chemist Jaroslav Heyrovsky, for which he received the 1959 Nobel Prize in chemistry. The early voltammetric methods experienced a number of difficulties, making them less than ideal for routine analytical use. However, in the 1960s and 1970s significant advances were made in all areas of voltammetry (theory, methodology, and instrumentation), which enhanced the sensitivity and expanded the repertoire of analytical methods. The coincidence of these advances with the advent of low-cost operational amplifiers also facilitated the rapid commercial development of relatively inexpensive instrumentation. The common characteristic of all voltammetric techniques is that they involve the application of a potential (E) to an electrode and the monitoring of the resulting current (i) flowing through the electrochemical cell. In many cases the applied potential is varied or the current is monitored over a period of time ( t). Thus, all voltammetric techniques can be described as some function of E, i, and t. They are considered active techniques (as opposed to passive techniques such as potentiometry) because the applied potential forces a change in the concentration of an electroactive species at the electrode surface by electrochemically reducing or oxidizing it. The analytical advantages of the various voltammetric techniques include excellent sensitivity with a very large useful linear concentration range for both inorganic and organic species (1012 to 101 M), a large number of useful solvents and electrolytes, a wide range of temperatures, rapid analysis times (seconds), simultaneous determination of several analytes, the ability to determine kinetic and mechanistic parameters, a well-developed theory and thus the ability to reasonably estimate the values of unknown parameters, and the ease with which different potential waveforms can be generated and small currents measured. Analytical chemists routinely use voltammetric techniques for the quantitative determination of a variety of dissolved inorganic and organic substances. Inorganic, physical, and biological chemists widely use voltammetric techniques for a variety of purposes, including fundamental studies of oxidation and reduction processes in various media, adsorption processes on surfaces, electron transfer and reaction mechanisms, kinetics of electron transfer processes, and transport, speciation, and thermodynamic properties of solvated species. Voltammetric methods are also applied to the determination of compounds of pharmaceutical interest and, when coupled with HPLC, they are effective tools for the analysis of complex mixtures.
How It Works
The electrochemical cell, where the voltammetric experiment is carried out, consists of a working (indicator) electrode, a reference electrode, and usually a counter (auxiliary) electrode. In general, an electrode provides the interface across which a charge can be transferred or its effects felt. Because the working electrode is where the reaction or transfer of interest is taking place, whenever we refer to the electrode, we always mean the working electrode. The reduction or oxidation of a substance at the surface of a working electrode, at the appropriate applied potential, results in the mass transport of new material to the electrode surface and the generation of a current. Even though the various types of voltammetric techniques may appear to be very different at first glance, their fundamental principles and applications derive from the same electrochemical theory. Here we summarize some of the electrochemical theory or laws common to all of the voltammetric techniques. Where necessary, more specific details are given later under the discussion of each technique.
General Theory
In voltammetry, the effects of the applied potential and the behavior of the redox current are described by several well-known laws. The applied potential controls the concentrations of the redox species at the electrode surface (CO0 and CR0) and the rate of the reaction (k0), as described by the Nernst or ButlerVolmer equations, respectively. In the cases where diffusion plays a controlling part, the current resulting from the redox process (known as the faradaic current) is related to the material flux at the electrodesolution interface and is described by Ficks law. The interplay between these processes is responsible for the characteristic features observed in the voltammograms of the various techniques. For a reversible electrochemical reaction (that is, a reaction so fast that equilibrium is always reestablished as changes are made), which can be described by O + ne R, the application of a potential E forces the respective concentrations of O and R at the surface of the electrode (that is, cO0 and cR0) to a ratio in compliance with the Nernst equation: RT c R E = E ------- ln ----nF c 0 O
0 0
where R is the molar gas constant (8.3144 J mol1K1), T is the absolute temperature (K), n is the number of electrons transferred, F = Faraday constant (96,485 C/equiv), and E0 is the standard reduction potential for the redox couple. If the potential applied to the electrode is changed, the ratio cR0/cO0 at the surface will also change so as to satisfy Eq. (37.1). If the potential is made more negative the ratio becomes larger (that is, O is reduced) and, conversely, if the potential is made more positive the ratio becomes smaller (that is, R is oxidized). For some techniques it is useful to use the relationship that links the variables for current, potential, and concentration, known as the ButlerVolmer equation: i 0 0 0 ---------- = k { c O exp [ ] c R exp [ ( 1 ) ] } nFA (37.2)
where = nF(E E0)/RT, k0 is the heterogeneous rate constant, is known as the transfer coefficient, and A is the area of the electrode. This relationship allows us to obtain the values of the two analytically important parameters, i and k0. Finally, in most cases the current flow also depends directly on the flux of material to the electrode surface. When new O or R is created at the surface, the increased concentration provides the force for
Voltammetric Techniques
its diffusion toward the bulk of the solution. Likewise, when O or R is destroyed, the decreased concentration promotes the diffusion of new material from the bulk solution. The resulting concentration gradient and mass transport is described by Ficks law, which states that the flux of matter () is directly proportional to the concentration gradient: = AD O ( c O x ) (37.3)
where DO is the diffusion coefficient of O and x is the distance from the electrode surface. An analogous equation can be written for R. The flux of O or R at the electrode surface controls the rate of reaction, and thus the faradaic current flowing in the cell. In the bulk solution, concentration gradients are generally small and ionic migration carries most of the current. The current is a quantitative measure of how fast a species is being reduced or oxidized at the electrode surface. The actual value of this current is affected by many additional factors, most importantly the concentration of the redox species, the size, shape, and material of the electrode, the solution resistance, the cell volume, and the number of electrons transferred. In addition to diffusion, mass transport can also occur by migration or convection. Migration is the movement of a charged ion in the presence of an electric field. In voltammetry, the use of a supporting electrolyte at concentrations 100 times that of the species being determined eliminates the effect of migration. Convection is the movement of the electroactive species by thermal currents, by density gradients present in the solution, or by stirring the solution or rotating the electrode. Convection must be eliminated or controlled accurately to provide controlled transport of the analyte to the electrode. Many voltammetric techniques have their own unique laws and theoretical relationships that describe and predict in greater detail the various aspects of the iE behavior (such as curve shape, peak height, width, and position). When appropriate, these are discussed in more detail.
The basic components of a modern electroanalytical system for voltammetry are a potentiostat, computer, and the electrochemical cell (Fig. 37.1). In some cases the potentiostat and computer are bundled into one package, whereas in other systems the computer and the A/D and D/A converters and microcontroller are separate, and the potentiostat can operate independently.
The Potentiostat
The task of applying a known potential and monitoring the current falls to the potentiostat. The most widely used potentiostats today are assembled from discrete integrated-circuit operational amplifiers and other digital modules. In many cases, especially in the larger instruments, the potentiostat package also includes electrometer circuits, A/D and D/A converters, and dedicated microprocessors with memory. A simple potentiostat circuit for a three-electrode cell with three operational amplifiers (OA) is shown in Fig. 37.2. The output of OA-1 is connected to the counter electrode with feedback to its own inverting input through the reference electrode. This feedback decreases the difference between the inverting and noninverting inputs of OA-1 and causes the reference electrode to assume the same potential as Ein of OA-1. Because the potential difference between the working electrode and the reference electrode is zero the working electrode is set to the same potential as applied to the OA-1 input. With the reference electrode connected to Ein through the high impedance of OA-3, the current must flow through the counter electrode. Current flow through the reference not only is undesirable because of its higher resistance but also would eventually cause its potential to become unreliable. A three-electrode system is normally used in voltammetry for currents in the range of microamperes to
Figure 37.1 Block diagram of the major components of an electroanalytical system for performing voltammetric analysis.
milliamperes. With the use of micron-sized electrodes, currents are in the pico- to nanoampere range, and thus two electrodes are often used (that is, the counter and reference are tied together). An OA acting as a current-to-voltage converter (OA-2) provides the output signal for the A/D converter. Most voltammetric techniques are dynamic (that is, they require a potential modulated according to some predefined waveform). Accurate and flexible control of the applied potential is a critical function of the potentiostat. In early analog instruments, a linear scan meant just that, a continuous linear change in potential from one preset value to another. Since the advent of digital electronics almost all potentiostats operate in a digital (incremental) fashion. Thus, the application of a linear scan is actually the application of a staircase modulated potential with small enough steps to be equivalent to the analog case. Not surprisingly, digital fabrication of the applied potential has opened up a whole new area of pulsed voltammetry, which gives fast experiments and increased sensitivity. In the simpler standal-
Voltammetric Techniques
one potentiostats the excitation signal used to modulate the applied potential is usually provided by an externally adjustable waveform generator. In the computer-controlled instruments, the properties of the modulation and the waveform are under software control and can be specified by the operator. The most commonly used waveforms are linear scan, differential pulse, and triangular and square wave. The use of micro- and nanometer-size electrodes has made it necessary to build potentiostats with very low current capabilities. Microelectrodes routinely give current responses in the pico- to nanoampere range. High-speed scanning techniques such as square-wave voltammetry require very fast response times from the electronics. These diverse and exacting demands have pushed potentiostat manufacturers into providing a wide spectrum of potentiostats tailored to specific applications.
What It Does
This section of the chapter discusses in more detail some of the more common forms of voltammetry currently in use for a variety of analytical purposes. The uniqueness of each rests on subtle differences in the manner and timing in which the potential is applied and the current measured. These differences can also provide very diverse chemical, electrochemical, and physical information, such as highly quantitative analyses, rate constants for chemical reactions, electrons involved on redox reactions, and diffusion constants.
Even though polarography could be considered just another variation of technique within vol-tammetry, it differs from other voltammetric methods both because of its unique place in the history of electrochemistry and in respect to its unique working electrode, the dropping mercury electrode (DME). The DME consists of a glass capillary through which mercury flows under gravity to form a succession of mercury drops. Each new drop provides a clean surface at which the redox process takes place, giving rise to a current increase with increasing area as the drop grows, and then falling when the drop falls. Figure 37.3 shows a polarogram for a 1 M solution of HCl that is 5 mM in Cd2+. The effect of drop growth and dislodging can be clearly seen. The potential when the current attains half the value of the plateau current is called the half-wave potential and is specific to the analytes matrix. The plateau current is proportional to the concentration of analyte. For example, Fig. 37.4 shows a differential pulse polarogram for the acetyl derivative of chlordiazepoxide. In this case the peak height is proportional to the analyte concentration. The current for the polarographic plateau can be predicted by the Ilkovic equation: i d = 708 nD
23 16 0
where m is the rate of flow of the Hg through the capillary, t is the drop time, and c is the bulk analyte concentration. Even though polarography with the DME is the best technique for some analytical determinations, it has several limitations. Mercury is oxidized at potentials more positive than +0.2 V versus SCE,
Voltammetric Techniques
Figure 37.3 Classic polarogram taken at a DME showing background taken in 1 M HCl (line A) and 1 M HCl + 0.5 mM Cd(II) (line B). (From D. T. Sawyer and J. L. Roberts, Experimental Electrochemistry for Chemists, copyright 1974 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
which makes it impossible to analyze for any analytes in the positive region of potential. Another limitation is the residual current that results from charging of the large capacitance of the electrode surface. By manipulating the potential and synchronizing potential pulses with current sampling, the same basic experiment can be made to yield a more useful result.
Cyclic Voltammetry
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) has become an important and widely used electroanalytical technique in many areas of chemistry. It is rarely used for quantitative determinations, but it is widely used for the study of redox processes, for understanding reaction intermediates, and for obtaining stability of reaction products. This technique is based on varying the applied potential at a working electrode in both forward and reverse directions (at some scan rate) while monitoring the current. For example, the initial scan could be in the negative direction to the switching potential. At that point the scan would be reversed and run in the positive direction. Depending on the analysis, one full cycle, a partial cycle, or a series of cycles can be performed. The response obtained from a CV can be very simple, as shown in Fig. 37.5 for the reversible redox system:
Figure 37.4 Differential pulse polarogram of the seven-acetyl analog of chlordiazepoxide. (Reprinted from Anal. Chim. Acta, 74, M. A. Brooks, et al., p. 367, copyright 1975 with kind permission of Elsevier ScienceNL, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, 1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)
Fe(CN) 6 + e = Fe(CN) 6
in which the complexed Fe(III) is reduced to Fe(II). The important parameters in a cyclic voltammogram are the peak potentials (Epc , Epa) and peak currents (ipc , ipa) of the cathodic and anodic peaks, respectively. If the electron transfer process is fast compared with other processes (such as diffusion), the reaction is said to be electrochemically reversible, and the peak separation is E p = E pa E pc = 2.303 RT nF (37.6) Thus, for a reversible redox reaction at 25 C with n electrons Ep should be 0.0592/n V or about 60 mV for one electron. In practice this value is difficult to attain because of such factors as cell resistance. Irreversibility due to a slow electron transfer rate results in Ep > 0.0592/n V, greater, say, than 70 mV for a one-electron reaction. The formal reduction potential (Eo) for a reversible couple is given by E pc + E pa o E = --------------------2 (37.7)
For a reversible reaction, the concentration is related to peak current by the RandlesSevcik expression (at 25 C): i p = 2.686 10 n
5 32
Ac D
12 12
where ip is the peak current in amps, A is the electrode area (cm ), D is the diffusion coefficient (cm s ), c0 is the concentration in mol cm3, and is the scan rate in V s1. Cyclic voltammetry is carried out in quiescent solution to ensure diffusion control. A three-electrode arrangement is used. Mercury film electrodes are used because of their good negative potential range. Other working electrodes include glassy carbon, platinum, gold, graphite, and carbon paste.
Voltammetric Techniques
Pulse Methods
In order to increase speed and sensitivity, many forms of potential modulation (other than just a simple staircase ramp) have been tried over the years. Three of these pulse techniques, shown in Fig. 37.6, are widely used.
Figure 37.6 Potential waveforms and their respective current response for (a) differential pulse, (b) normal pulse, and (c) square-wave voltammetry.
Voltammetric Techniques
stripping step (that is, differential pulse, square wave, linear sweep, or staircase). The most common are differential pulse and square wave due to the discrimination against charging current. However, square wave has the added advantages of faster scan rate and increased sensitivity relative to differential pulse. The electrode of choice for stripping voltammetry is generally mercury. The species of interest can be either reduced into the mercury, forming amalgams as in anodic stripping voltammetry, or adsorbed to form an insoluble mercury salt layer, as in cathodic stripping voltammetry. Stripping voltammetry is a very sensitive technique for trace analysis. As with any quantitative technique, care must be taken so that reproducible results are obtainable. Important conditions that should be held constant include the electrode surface, rate of stirring, and deposition time. Every effort should be made to minimize contamination.
CSV can be used to determine substances that form insoluble salts with the mercurous ion. Application of a relatively positive potential to a mercury electrode in a solution containing such substances results in the formation of an insoluble film on the surface of the mercury electrode. A potential scan in the negative direction will then reduce (strip) the deposited film into solution. This method has been used to determine inorganic anions such as halides, selenide, and sulfide, and oxyanions such as MoO42 and VO35. In addition, many organic compounds, such as nucleic acid bases, also form insoluble mercury salts and may be determined by CSV.
Analytical Information
As shown in Figs. 37.3 through 37.5, voltammetric techniques give rise to current signals that appear at a characteristic position on the potential scale. The potential at which the signal appears gives qualitative information about the reactant. However, the ability of the potential of the signal to identify the reactant is not very large because the position of the signal depends on the reactant conditions and the resolution is poor. Thus, a characteristic potential excludes many possibilities for the identity of the reactant; in particular, the voltammetric response absolutely excludes all nonelectroactive substances. If the response is the same as that of a known substance, obtained under exactly the same conditions, then the known substance is a good hypothesis for the identity. However, in general voltammetric techniques are not good tools for qualitative identification of analytes.
The main virtue of voltammetric techniques is their good accuracy, excellent precision (<1%), sensitivity, and wide dynamic range. In the special case of stripping voltammetry, detection limits routinely are lower than the amount of signal due to contamination of sample. An impression of the relative ability of many electrochemical techniques to measure small concentrations of analytes in solution is given in Table 37.2. This table applies to routine practice with standard equipment. The detection limits given should be attainable, for example, in an undergraduate instructional laboratory.
Voltammetric Techniques
2701 Kent Ave. West Lafayette, IN 47906 phone: 765-463-4527 fax: 765-497-1102 email: [email protected] Internet: http://www.bioanalytical.com Cypress Systems, Inc. 2500 West 31st St., Suite D Lawrence, KS 66047 phone: 800-235-2436 fax: 913-832-0406 EG&G Princeton Applied Research P.O. Box 2565 Princeton, NJ 08543 phone: 609-530-1000 fax: 609-883-7259 Pine Instruments 101 Industrial Dr. Grove City, PA 16127 phone: 412-458-6391 fax: 412-458-4648 Internet: http://www.pineinst.com Brinkman Instruments (Metrohm) One Cantiague Rd. P.O. Box 1019 Westbury, NY 11590-0207 phone: 800-645-3050 fax: 516-334-7506 email: [email protected] Internet: http://www.brinkmann.com Eco Chemie B.V. P.O. Box 513 3508 AD Utrecht The Netherlands phone: +31 30 2893154 fax: +31 30 2880715 email: [email protected] Internet: http://www.ecochemie.nl
Voltammetric Techniques
opment, baccalaureate training and some specific experience with voltammetry are desirable. In the case of stripping methods, considerable experience with the specific techniques and problems of interest is often required, due not to increased complexity of the electrochemical technique but rather to general requirements for trace analysis involving sample handling, blank subtraction, and calibration.
Suggested Readings
BAARS, A., M. SLUYTERS-REHBACH, AND J. H. SLUYTERS, Application of the Dropping Mercury Microelectrode in Electrode Kinetics, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 364 (1994), 189. BARD, A. J. AND L. R. FAULKNER, Electrochemical Methods. New York: Wiley, 1980. BERSIER, B. M., Do Polarography and Voltammetry Deserve Wider Recognition in Official and Recommended Methods?, Analytical Proceedings, 24 (1987), 44. BRETT, C. M. A., AND A. M. O. BRET, Electrochemistry: Principles, Methods and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. CHRISTENSEN, P. A., AND A. HAMNET, Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1994. GOSSER, D. K., Cyclic Voltammetry: Simulation & Analysis of Reaction Mechanisms. New York: VCH Publishers, 1993. KISSINGER, P. T., AND W. R. HEINEMAN, Cyclic Voltammetry, J. Chem. Ed., 60 (1983), 702. KISSINGER, P. T., AND W. R. HEINEMAN, Laboratory Techniques in Electroanalytical Chemistry. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1984. KOUNAVES, S. P., AND OTHERS, Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry at the Mercury Film Electrode: Theoretical Treatment, Analytical Chemistry, 59 (1987), 386. ODEA, J. J., J. OSTERYOUNG, AND R. A. OSTERYOUNG, Theory of Square Wave Voltammetry for Kinetic Systems, Analytical Chemistry, 53 (1981), 695. OSTERYOUNG, J., AND R. A. OSTERYOUNG, Square Wave Voltammetry, Analytical Chemistry, 57 (1985), 101A. RUDOLPH, M., D. P. REDDY, AND S. W. FELDBERG, A Simulator for Cyclic Voltammetric Response, Analytical Chemistry, 66 (1994), 589A. VAN DEN BERG, C. M. G., Potentials and Potentialities of Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry of Trace Elements in Natural Waters, Anal. Chim. Acta, 250 (1991), 265. WANG, J., Stripping Analysis. Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH Publishers, 1985.