Gender Lesson

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USD Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Karen Clark Lesson Date: 11/3/17

Cooperating Teacher: Laura Lowery School: Bonita Vista High Grade: 9
Subject: Human Geography Lesson/Unit Title: Gender in Geographies of Identity

CCSS and CA SS /Standards: (What are the skills being taught? Which standards are being Agenda: (What is the snapshot of my class flow?)
specifically addressed in this lesson?)
Review Assignment Packet
CCS 9.2 Determine central ideas of sources; provide Gender Roles on White Board
summary What is a stereotype?
CCSS 10.5 - Determine the meaning of words and Breaking the Gender Norms
phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary Geographies of Gender Norm W.S.
describing political, social, or economic aspects of
history/social science.
National Geographic 6 - How culture and experience
influence peoples perceptions of places and regions.

Lesson Objective: (What will my students KNOW by the end of the lesson? What will they DO to learn it?)

Gender norms are a social construct that are reinforced by our culture and language.
Gender norms are not easily changed, but the language we use to describe people who break the norms can
be changed.
Gender is a spectrum and does not accurate characterize individuals into a box as drawn on the board.
Key vocabulary and phrases:

Gender, Gender Roles, Gender Norms, Sexuality

Context of Lesson (what happened previous to lesson and how does this lesson build on that)

Students have learned how language, religion, and ethnicity affect identity and are dependent on place, now they will turn to gender.
This lesson will build on language because we will discuss how the language we use encourages gender stereotypes.
This lesson will build on ethnicity because students will complete the Geographies of Gender Norms W.S. which will involve learning about gender
norms in other places.


A variety of formative assessments should Technology
be used at key points throughout the

Get started/Drill/Do Now: (What meaningful activity will students complete as soon as they Quick Questions Ppt.
3 enter the classroom?)
min Orienting Minds
Warm Up: How does gender affect your identity?
Engage/Motivation: (How will student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that Checking for following
should be tapped? Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there brainstorming that
student need to complete before the lesson begins?) directions do the girls
and guys split.
Split the room in half - Woman & Men (you can choose
3 min
11:45 ** remember to acknowledge that some students may be
uncomfortable to be categorized but this is exactly the
point, I am categorizing you as society does and we are
going to talk about how societys gender norms, gender
Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy
All eyes on me during White boards on
demonstration, activate prior knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing
process.) directions. Explanation different sides
then ask a student to of room
Instructions: Settle yourselves in each group so you are facing the repeat directions to make Dry-Erase
5 min whiteboard. Your task is to write all the gender expectations of the sure both groups Markers
11:50 gender society tells you about the opposite group. Gentlemen will be understand. Box & Caption
writing gender norms of the ladies, ladies, the gentlemen. Choose pre-drawn on
one or two people to be the writers and one person to be the monitor. boards
The monitor's role is to make sure everyone thinks of at least one
gender expectation.
Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated group discussion, student Checking for list & active White boards on
or teacher-led collaboration, student conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process)
participation. Checking in different sides
In gender stereotypical groups, students will formulate a with monitor to see if of room
10 they are making sure Dry-Erase
min list of gender norm/expectations which they are told
12:00 about the opposite group. everyone is contributing Markers
Box & Caption
pre-drawn on
Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy Volunteer answers and White boards on
demonstration, activate prior knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing
process.) picking at random. different sides
of room
Class Discussion: Dry-Erase
Take a moment to reflect on what the other group wrote Markers
silently Box & Caption
Lets talk about place. Where do these norms or pre-drawn on
expectations come from? boards
12:10 What is a stereotype? - write definition on board - rework
until students are happy with it
Are these gender expectations stereotypes?
How do we feel about these gender expectations?
How many men have cried? Does this mean you are not a
man because society says you cant cry?
How many girls want to be passive? If you arent passive
are you not a woman?
Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated group discussion, student Checking for list & active White boards on
or teacher-led collaboration, student conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process)
participation. Checking in different sides
In gender stereotypical groups, students will switch with monitor to see if of room
10 they are making sure Dry-Erase
min boards and now ladies will write a list of phrases they
12:20 hear if they were to break the gender norms the everyone is contributing Markers
gentlemen have written for them, the gentlemen will do Box & Caption
the same for the list the ladies have created. Focus: What pre-drawn on
are you called when you dont fit these norms? boards

Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy Volunteer answers and
demonstration, activate prior knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing
process.) picking at random.

Class Discussion:
Take a moment to reflect on what the other group wrote
Why do we as a society have gender norms? (This class is
not arguing against gender norms for societies rather explaining they
exists as evident in the students ability to list them, and argue that the
10 language we use to describe someone who breaks the norms is what
min can be argued against and changed.)
What happens when someone doesnt fit the norm?
How are these expectations/stereotypes reinforced?
Why does language matter?
How does our language affect our gender identity?
If you feel comfortable, how many of you have faced one of
these phrases? look around the room, these are your
peers, maybe you call them friends, yet we face hurtful
language are we supporting each other or ignoring the

Independent Practice: (individual practice, discussion, writing process.) Open Textbooks Textbooks
6 min Students will complete worksheet using the textbook to Writing on Worksheet Worksheet
identity gender norms in other societies and define key
Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: (How will I know if students have achieved
todays objective?)

Checking for Gender Norms list who is adding, who is

not contributing
On- Checking for Phrases List - who is adding, who is not
going contributing
Asking for definition of stereotype allowing multiple
people to contribute to creating a working definition
Geographies of Gender Norms in-class and completed
as homework.
Closing Activities/Summary: (How will I tie up loose ends, reinforce/revisit the objective
and connect the lesson to the unit?)

1 min When you go about your days, I want you to think about
how the media and your friends language is creating
your gender identity.

ELL Strategies/Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/Accommodations: (How will my lesson satisfy the needs of all

learners, including IEP, 504 plans, high ability learners, etc.?) ADD ROWS AS NEEDED.



ADD 1 504 asks for clear instructions and longer time allotments for


LTEL 2 Because the activities are group oriented, LTELs can work
with peers to list norms


Accelerated 12 Activity is engaging and supportive of all learners. Directions given in

increments, prevents accelerated from completing tasks on their own
ahead of class.
Struggling Readers 3 Allowed to work together on geographies of gender norms

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