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Religion is a universal human belief, affecting many

different cultural parameters, moral concepts, and ideals,
and influencing human thinking and behaviour.

Religion provides a comprehensive and sympathetic

insight on the human orientation in the world and is an
important element of human culture.

The practice of dealing with the sacred sphere through

ritual or non-ritual ceremonies, the interpretation of
everyday and special experiences, with social norms, the
contact with aesthetic and artistic expressions and symbols,
as well as many other life domains, are all comparably
embedded in this individual and complex system.

On the other hand, religiosity as a term reflects

various aspects of religious beliefs and activities in a
person’s life. In the literature, intrinsic religiosity is
commonly distinguished from extrinsic religiosity.

Intrinsic religiosity implies the internalization of

the religions’ teachings and the finding of personal motives
in religion, whereas extrinsic religiosity reflects more
instrumental and utilitarian aspects of religion, providing
security and comfort, sociability and distraction and

Spirituality is suggested to be a Tran’s cultural and
trans-religious parameter of human experience constituting a
complex, idiographic, and multidimensional construct, not
closely associated to a particular belief system.

Religious practices, and personal beliefs are not only

important for culture and social life, but they also seem to
play a significant role with respect to individual.

Personal beliefs are shown to be multidimensional, whereas

several aspects seem to have different and not always
positive impact on influencing other person.

Ultimately our mission that classroom experiences

affect the school-wide community was validated, while
measuring the impact of religiosity proved hard to measure
and analyses.

This study of personal religiosity seeks to determine

the effects which are the negative and positive impacts of
student relationship.
In addition, for this, personal religiosity reflects in
many aspects such derived from aesthetic impact to the other
person commonly in the school community. In this dimension
or setting may be applying the aesthetic behaviour of a
person to influencing others person.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aimed to determine the effects of

personal religiosity among grade 10 students of Bongabon
Essential School.

Precisely this study sought to answer the factors that

characterized the problem including;

1. How may the socio-demographic profile of the respondents

be described in terms of their:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Religion
2. Identify the effects of personal religiosity among Grade
10 students of Bongabon Essential School in terms of:

2.1 Negative effects

2.2 Positive effects

3. Determine the influences of personal religiosity in terms

3.1 Students Relationship
4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile
of the respondents and the effects of personal religiosity
among Grade 10 students of Bongabon Essential School.


There is no significant relationship between the profile of

the respondents and the effects of personal religiosity
among Grade 10 students of Bongabon Essential School.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focused on effects of personal religiosity
among Grade 10 students of Bongabon Essential School, it is
located at Palomaria, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. There are 86
respondents from Grade 10 students (Special English Class,
Sincerity and Humility, therefore these people were chosen
as respondents for this study. Specifically, it focused on
negative and positive effects and identifies the influences
of student’s relationship on its personal religiosity.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the effects of personal

religiosity among Grade 10 students of Bongabon Essential

For the researcher, as personal experienced about this

study, we recognize the progress of relationship of the
researcher from the respondents.

For the student, student are respondents of this study, they

knew the effects of personal religiosity.

For the school, environment offers students the opportunity

to learn to work with others which is a very important

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The study was conceptualized to determine the effects

of personal religiosity among Grade 10 students of Bongabon
Essential School.

It is true, that there are several researchers

conducted in student relationship and personal religiosity.
This researcher led to the idea conducting with proper ways

to again to applicable information that we use in

Theoretical Framework

This study assessed the effectiveness of personal

religiosity among Grade 10 students from Bongabon Essential
School. Those questions indicated in the objectives of the
study that divide into two parts.

Firstly, determine the demographic profile of the


Second, identify the negative and positive effects of

personal religiosity among Grade 10 students of Bongabon
Essential School.

This study focused on social relationship to determine

that personal religiosity can affect to the students’

In the personal religiosity affects their aesthetic

position which is actually applied the various beliefs
concerning to the limitation of values to stop the
unbalanced deliberate the influence of educational religion.

Therefore, this study closely with precious research

own by Brick, 2015 that the focused are the negative and
positive side of personal religiosity as a student.


Demographic profile of the respondents

 Age 5
 Gender
 Religion
This study generally aimed to determine the
Effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10
students of Bongabon Essential School.
Specifically, this study aimed to:
1. Identify the effects of personal
religiosity among Grade 10 students of
Bongabon Essential School in terms of:

1.1 Negative effects

1.2 Positive effects

2. Determine the influences of personal

religiosity in terms of:

2.1 Students Relationship

The effects of Personal Religiosity among Grade 10

students of Bongabon Essential School

Definition of Terms


- The condition in which things are happening or being



- A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or

something, typically one that is reflected.


- An acceptance that a statement is true or that

something exists.


- Relating to an individual or an individual’s character,

conduct, motives, or private affairs often in an
offensive manner.


- The actual application or use of an idea, belief or

method as opposed to theories about such application or


- The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or

people are connected, or the state of being connected.


- An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules

used to worship a god or a group of gods.


- Relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an

acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.


- Studious inquiry or examination especially

investigation or experimentations aimed at the
discovery and interpretation of facts.


- One who answer in various legal proceeding as in equity

case or the prevailing party in the lower court.


-A moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain

something or to act in a certain way


- The justification or excusing of oneself or one’s



- To make secure, substantial or firmly fixed.


- Something that in ecclesiastical law belong to the

church or to a cleric as such.


- The regard that something is held to deserve, the

importance, worth or usefulness of something.

Chapter II

Review Related Literature

The review related literature are consist of foreign
and local literature that the focused of this research are
the effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10 students
of Bongabon Essential School.

This study consisting two parts, identify the effects

of personal religiosity and determine the influences of
student relationship among Grade 10 students of Bongabon
Esential School.

This study, the researcher attained the objectives of

the study based on the review related literature.

Foreign Literature

Personal religiosity is one’s personal religiosity of

being religious. In this study, personal religiosity
comprised of religious views. According to John Lert (2001),
student personal relationship religiosity can cause
multidimensional misunderstanding that affects student
values because of its personal religious views.

Moreover, in the final analysis of this study, the

personal religiosity is big influences to change the
personal value of student because of its personal religious

Local Literature

Extensive literature suggests the significant effects

of personal religiosity in terms of student relationship

(Jones, 1998). Religion and spirituality are evident and
persuasive in the ethical attitudes, moral reasoning, and
management behaviour of many students.

In the personal religiosity affects their relationship

which is actually applied the various beliefs concerning to
the limitation of values to stop the unbalanced deliberate
the own relationship of a student because of the influence
of personal views. (Brik,2015)

Additionally, religious practices, and personal beliefs

are not only important for culture and social life, but they
also seem to play a significant role with respect to

Personal beliefs are shown to be multidimensional, whereas

several aspects seem to have different and not always
positive impact on influencing other person.



This chapter presented the method used by the
researchers. The discuss the research design used, number of
respondents, instruments, and statistical treatment applied
in order to acquire the significant data needed in this

Research Methodology

The researchers utilized the quantitative method to aid

the study. Quantitative method emphasizes on objective
measurement and the statistical, mathematical or number
analysis of data collected through questionnaire and surveys
or manipulating pre-existing statistical.

Research Instruments

For this study, questionnaires were used to achieve the

main objectives of the study. Each questionnaire is set-up
into 2 parts. First, the profile of the respondents and
distinguishes their age, sex, and the religion. Second the
certain questions were indicated in the statement of the

Respondents of the Study

There are 86 selected respondents from Bongabon

Essential Schools located at Palomaria, Bongabon, Nueva

Ecija. In this study there are 40 students from Special
English Class, 23 students from Humility and 23 students
from Sincerity, with total of 86 students which serve as

Gathering Data Procedures

Prior to actual data collection, the researchers

construct a questionnaire to attain the specific objectives
of the study. The researchers distributed the questionnaires
to the respondents and explained the purpose of the study
and the importance of answering all the questions
truthfully. Confidentiality was assured at all times.
Sampling techniques are used to this research.

Data Collection

The researchers employed the following steps in

gathering data. The researchers sought for the approval of
the school administrators of private school to administer
the questionnaire of the study. After approval, the
questionnaire was distributed to the selected Grade 10
students from Bongabon Essential School.

Sampling Techniques and the Respondents

This study covered the private school, the students as
respondents were simple random sampling to attain an
objective data for the study.

The sample size or the respondents are computed using

Slovenes formula that use 0.01 as margins of errors.

Computation of the population and the errors of margins

N=Population: 87

Errors of margins: 0.01

Formula: n= 2
1 + Ne

n= 2
1 + ( 87 ) ( 0.01 )

n= ❑
1 + ( 87 ) (0.0001)



n= 86

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data were collected and computed using weighted
mean and percentage. The formulas are:

f ×100


P = percentage

F = frequency

n = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean =


f – Total number of frequency in a particular item

w – Weight of the frequency

N - Total number of respondents

Verbal Description

Determine the effects of personal religiosity among
Grade 10 students of Bongabon Essential School in terms of:
positive and negative effects and identify the influences of
student’s relationship.

The computed weighted mean for all the responses of the

respondents were given an equivalent verbal interpretation
using the scales below.

Rating Scale

Degree of Verbal Description Range of

Responses Classification
4 Strongly Agree 3.25 – 4.0

3 Agree 2.50 – 3.24

2 Disagree 1.75 – 2.49

1 Strongly Disagree 1.0 – 1.74

Chapter IV


This chapter presents analysis the data gathered in an
organized and comprehensive form related to the profile of
the respondents and about personal religiosity among Grade
10 students of Bongabon Essential School.


The following table presents the distribution of

Grade 10 Students’ profile in terms of age, sex and


Age of the respondents


14-15 years old 50 58.14%
16-17 years old 35 40.70%
18 years old above 1 1.16%
Total 86 100%

Table 1.1

Table 1.1 shows that out of 86% respondents, 58.14% of

them are in the range of 14-15 years old, 40.70% are in the
range of 16-17 years old, and 1.16% are in the range of 18
years old above. It therefore shows that the most of
respondents are in the range of 14-15 years old.

Sex of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 44 51.16%

Female 42 48.84%
Total 86 100%
Table 1.2

Table 1.2 shows that 51.16% of the respondents are male

and 48.84% are female. It therefore shows that most of the
respondents are male.

Religion of the Respondents

Religion Frequency Percentage

Roman Catholic 62 72.09%

Seventh Day 6 6.98%

Methodist 3 3.49%
Born Again 1 1.16%
Baptist 1 1.16%
Iglesia Ni Cristo 13 15.12%

Total 86 100%
Table 1.3

Table 1.3 shows that 72.09% of the respondents are

Roman Catholic, 15.12% are Iglesia Ni Cristo, 6.98% are
Seventh Day Adventist, 3.49% are Methodist and 1.16% is Born
Again and Baptist. It therefore shows that the most of the
respondents are Roman Catholic.

2. Effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10 students

of Bongabon Essential School


Statement Weighted Verbal

Mean Description

1. The students should have 
3.6 Strongly Agree
good relationship with other 
students because of its 
personal religiosity.
2. Students with personal
religiosity will respect their 3.6 Strongly Agree

schoolmates because of its

good moral.
3.The students who have
personal religiosity can give 3.3 Strongly Agree

advice to fellow students

based on its moral discipline
4. Students who have personal
religiosity influence the 3.4 Strongly Agree
goals, strategies and
accomplishment of their
5. Students who have personal Strongly Agree

religiosity are equal in views 3.3

with ethical and humanistic

6. Personal religiosity should
encourage the students to 3.4

attain his/her goals. Strongly Agree

7. Students can build rapport

with their schoolmates because 3.4 Strongly Agree

of its personal religious

8. Students could be
optimistic about his/her 3.4 Strongly Agree

personal future.

9. Personal religiosity can

gives positive values to do 3.4

what is right. Strongly Agree

10. Personal religiosity

should help students develop 3.3 Strongly Agree

self-esteem and take student

seriously through personal

TOTAL 3.4 Strongly Agree

Table 2.1 presents the weighted mean and the
corresponding verbal description of students' responses on
the positive effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10
students. The respondents strongly agreed that they are
experiencing those effects. It also shows that out of ten
questions, 3.3 is the lowest weighted mean and the highest
weighted mean is 3.6. Therefore, it presents that the
students should have good relationship with other students
because   of   its   personal   religiosity   and  students will
respect their schoolmates because of its good moral.


Statement Weighted Verbal
Mean Description
1. Religiosity leads people 
3.4 Strongly Agree
to recognize their own 
beliefs and do not consider 

the perception of other 
people about their religion.
2. The student should have
defend and prove the beliefs 3.4 Strongly Agree

that his/her had.

3. Students will conduct
debate about religion. 3.3 Strongly Agree
4. Personal religiosity can
cause misunderstanding 3.4 Strongly Agree
affecting the student’s
5. Religion can also be a
source of discrimination the 3.5 Strongly Agree

on prejudice treatment of
different categories of
6. The students will not
participate in some school 3.6 Strongly Agree

activities because of his/her

personal religiosity.
7. Personal religiosity can
affect the student’s 3.3 Strongly Agree

8. A student may look selfish
because he/she refuse to 3.1 Strongly Agree

accept other opinion

regarding his/her personal
9. Personal religiosity can Strongly Agree

cause personal conflicts. 3.1

10. May arouse
argumentations. 3.4 Strongly Agree

TOTAL 3.4 Strongly Agree


Table 2.2 presents the weighted mean and the

corresponding verbal description of students' responses on
the negative effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10
students. These ten questions of negative effects of
personal religiosity, the respondents strongly agree by
experiencing those effects. It also shows out of ten
questions, 3.1 is the lowest weighted mean and the highest
weighted mean out of ten questions is 3.6, therefore, it
presents that the  students will not participate in some
school activities because of his/her personal religiosity
and student may look selfish because he/she refuse to accept
other opinion regarding his/her personal views.

3. The influences of personal religiosity.

Statement Weighted Verbal
Mean Description
1 Students personal 
religiosity helps him to have  3.1 Strongly Agree
a positive relationship 
his/her schoolmates.

2. A student religiosity can
bring good social interaction
with his/her schoolmates. 3.4 Strongly Agree

3. Personal religiosity of
student can bring opportunity 3.4
to share his/her religious Strongly Agree
views with his/her

4. A student personal
religiosity can disunite group Strongly Agree
of friends because of his/her 3.4
religious views.

5. Personal religiosity of
student can cause 3.4
misunderstanding with his/her Strongly Agree
schoolmates because of his/her
religious views.
6. Student personal
religiosity provide concerned 3.6 Strongly Agree
in the time of trouble with
his/her schoolmates.

7. A student personal
religiosity influences for 3.2 Strongly Agree
being good role model with
his/her schoolmates.

8. Student personal
religiosity can lead 3.3 Strongly Agree

devotional with his/her

9. Student personal
religiosity helps to maintain 3.5
a good character with his/her Strongly Agree
schoolmates because of its
personal views.

10. A student personal

religiosity provides a caring, 3.2 Strongly Agree
encouraging student

TOTAL 3.4 Strongly Agree


Table 3.1 presents the weighted mean and the

corresponding verbal description of students' responses on
the student personal religiosity among Grade 10 students.
These ten questions of student’s relationship of personal
religiosity, the respondents strongly agree by experiencing
those effects. It also shows out of ten questions, 3.1 is
the lowest weighted mean and the highest weighted mean out
of ten questions is 3.6, therefore, it presents that student
personal religiosity provide concerned in the time of
trouble with his/her schoolmates and student’s   personal
religiosity   helps   him   to   have   a   positive   relationship
his/her schoolmates.


This chapter presents the summary of the findings,

conclusions, and recommendations based on the obtained
result of the study.

Summary of Findings

After administering the questionnaires and tabulating the

respondents’ profile, the effects and influences of personal

religiosity among Grade 10 students’, the findings are

summarized as follows:

1. Profile of the Respondents

From the results obtained from chapter III, the summary

of findings in the profile of the respondents in terms of
age, sex, and religion.

1.1 Age

It shows that out of 86% respondents, 58.14% of them

are in the range of 14-15 years old, 40.70% are in the
range of 16-17 years old, and 1.16% are in the range of

18 years old above. It therefore shows that the most of
respondents are in the range of 14-15 years old.

1.2 Sex
It shows that 51.16% of the respondents are male and
48.84% are female. It therefore shows that most of the
respondents are male.
1.3 Religion
It shows that 72.09% of the respondents are Roman
Catholic, 15.12% are Iglesia Ni Cristo, 6.98% are
Seventh Day Adventist, 3.49% are Methodist and 1.16% is
Born Again and Baptist. It therefore shows that the
most of the respondents are Roman Catholic.

2. Effects of Personal Religiosity among Grade 10 students’

2.1 Positive Effects

It presents the weighted mean and the corresponding
verbal description of students' responses on the positive
effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10 students.
These ten questions of positive effects of personal
religiosity, the respondents strongly agree by
experiencing those effects. It also shows out of ten
questions, 3.3 is the lowest weighted mean and the
highest weighted mean out of ten questions is 3.6,
therefore, it presents that the students should have good
relationship with other students because of its personal
religiosity   and students will respect their schoolmates
because of its good moral.

2.2 Negative Effects

It presents the weighted mean and the corresponding
verbal description of students' responses on the negative

effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10 students.
These ten questions of negative effects of personal
religiosity, the respondents strongly agree by
experiencing those effects. It also shows out of ten
questions, 3.1 is the lowest weighted mean and the
highest weighted mean out of ten questions is 3.6,
therefore, it presents that the  students will not
participate in some school activities because of his/her
personal religiosity and student may look selfish because
he/she refuse to accept other opinion regarding his/her
personal views.

3. Influences of Personal Religiosity

3.1 Student’s Relationship

It presents the weighted mean and the corresponding
verbal description of students' responses on the student
personal religiosity among Grade 10 students. These ten
questions of student’s relationship of personal
religiosity, the respondents strongly agree by
experiencing those effects. It also shows out of ten
questions, 3.1 is the lowest weighted mean and the
highest weighted mean out of ten questions is 3.6,
therefore, it presents that student personal religiosity
provide concerned in the time of trouble with his/her
schoolmates and student’s personal religiosity helps him
to have a positive relationship his/her schoolmates.


Based on the survey and given data that established

relationships between and among variables of profiles and
effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10 students’,
the following conclusions have been drawn:

1. The effects of personal religiosity among Grade 10

students of Bongabon Essential, this study shows the
positive effects of student personal religiosity
that can affects his/her personal relationship.
Based on this research the positive effects of
student personality are totally experienced of the
2. This study shows the negative effects of personal
religiosity, most the respondents strongly agree
with the ten questions, therefore, the negative
effects of personal religiosity can affect with
his/her relationship.

3. Student’s personal relationship, it presents the

corresponding verbal description of students' responses
on the student personal religiosity among Grade 10
students. These ten questions of student’s relationship
of personal religiosity, the respondents strongly agree
by experiencing those effects, therefore, it presents
that student personal religiosity provide concerned in
the time of trouble with his/her schoolmates and
student’s   personal   religiosity   helps   him   to   have   a
positive relationship his/her schoolmates.

4. Religion of the respondents, the purposed this

religion in this study to determine the influences of

its personal religiosity to student relationship that
can affects personal religious views.


In the above findings and conclusions, the following

recommendations were formulated:

1. Students may consider finding ways on how to make a good

relationship with his/her schoolmates even if they don’t
have the same religion, but through the positive effects of
personal religiosity can cause positive value.

2. This study helps the students to know what the effects of

personal religiosity are therefore; we will use this effect
to attained good personal relationship.

3. Students may classify if the effects of personal

religiosity are negative and positive because it shows the
effects of personal religiosity and influences of student
relationship from the particular respondents.

4. Further research about this topic may be conducted.



Sedigo (2008), The quantitative research, publishing

house .Inc.#338 Mc Arthur Highway Building.


Joey (2009) Relating the spiritual and physical

intelligence. http://www.relate/indexcode/reseach.article.

Britons (2016) The strategies of writing field study.

The innovative and Creativeness writing (application book)

Tango ( 2001) Report of the active religiosity living for

expend icy books.




Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Palomaria, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija

March 2, 2018
School Principal


Christian Greetings!

I would like to request from your good office to allow me to conduct a survey on an
action research study entitled , “EFFECTS OF PERSONAL RELIGIOSITY AMONG GRADE 10

I strongly believed that this study could be of great help for our students learning
especifically in their personal religiosity which is very applicable to our school being a Values and
Language School.

I am hoping to receive a favorable response. Thank you and God bless

Very truly yours,





Statement SA A SD DA
4 3 2 1
1. The students should have good 
relationship with other students 
58 25 2 1
because of its personal religiosity.
2. Students with personal
religiosity will respect their 55 27 3 1

schoolmates because of its good

3.The students who have personal
religiosity can give advice to 46 27 10 3

fellow students based on its moral

4. Students who have personal
religiosity influence the goals, 40 43 2 1
strategies and accomplishment of
their schoolmates.
5. Students who have personal
religiosity are equal in views with 30 51 3 2

ethical and humanistic value.

6. Personal religiosity should
encourage the students to attain 43 33 8 2

his/her goals.

7. Students can build rapport with

their schoolmates because of its 38 47 1 0

personal religious views.

8. Students could be optimistic
about his/her personal future. 44 34 5 3

9. Personal religiosity can gives

positive values to do what is right. 41 37 6 2

10. Personal religiosity should help

students develop self-esteem and 37 38 7 4

take student seriously through

personal views.

Table 1.4


Statement SA A SD DA
4 3 2 1

1. Religiosity leads people to 
40 41 2 3
recognize their own beliefs and 
do not consider the perception of
other people about their 
2. The student should have defend
and prove the beliefs that 43 36 2 5

his/her had.
3. Students will conduct debate 38 40 4 4

about religion.
4. Personal religiosity can cause
misunderstanding affecting the 50 24 5 7
student’s relationship.
5. Religion can also be a source
of discrimination the on 57 23 2 4

prejudice treatment of different

categories of religion.
6. The students will not
58 23 3 2
participate in some school
activities because of his/her
personal religiosity.
7. Personal religiosity can
affect the student’s decision- 41 34 5 6

8. A student may look selfish
because he/she refuse to accept 36 33 5 12

other opinion regarding his/her

personal religiosity.
9. Personal religiosity can cause
personal conflicts. 32 38 6 10

10. May arouse argumentations.
42 40 1 3

Table 1.5

The influences of personal religiosity in terms of:

Statement SA A SD DA
4 3 2 1

1 Students personal religiosity  40 26 9 11
helps him to have a positive 
relationship his/her schoolmates.

2. A student religiosity can 20 51 8 7

bring good social interaction
with his/her schoolmates.

3. Personal religiosity of 44 33 4 5
student can bring opportunity to
share his/her religious views
with his/her schoolmates.

4. A student personal religiosity 47 32 3 4

can disunite group of friends
because of his/her religious
5. Personal religiosity of
student can cause 46 32 3 5
misunderstanding with his/her
schoolmates because of his/her
religious views.
6. Student personal religiosity
provide concerned in the time of 51 22 7 6
trouble with his/her schoolmates.
7. A student personal religiosity
influences for being good role 42 30 5 9
model with his/her schoolmates.
8. Student personal religiosity
can lead devotional with his/her 34 45 2 5
9. Student personal religiosity
helps to maintain a good 49 34 1 2
character with his/her
schoolmates because of its
personal views.
10. A student personal

religiosity provides a caring, 46 25 5 10
encouraging student relationship.

Table 1.6


Researchers’ works were documented through pictures






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