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Brochure - IPower For CIMPLICITY 9.5 (2017-01-V0.55)

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Advanced SCADA HMI for industrial operations, process automation and electricity distribution management.

iPower is a suite of enhancements for the industry leading GE CIMPLICITY SCADA HMI
platform. iPower reinforces CIMPLICITY with robust, easy to use operations and project
engineering tools that make CIMPLICITY an ideal solution for any industrial automation

iPower for CIMPLICITY is an open, standards-based solution thats intuitive to configure and
easy to own. It is vendor-agnostic; enabling it to manage a range of devices from a variety
of manufacturers. iPowers range of enhanced features for CIMPLICITY ultimately lowers the
cost of ownership, while enabling you to quickly realize the return on your investment.
iPower provides real-time data display, intuitive
iPower is a solution for organizations in need of safe, efficient and reliable process screen interaction and centralized management
automation. It enables centralized monitoring and management for distributed equipment, for all your equipment and processes.
connecting to remote telemetry devices. It connects and communicates in real-time with all
equipment and smart power devices in your facility and brings together display, control and
reporting functions under one easy-to-use interface, providing a dynamic window into your

Key Features:
Menu & Navigation - easy to use navigation controls with intuitive customizable
Screen Interaction - advanced pan and zoom screen tools, multi-display and multi-screen
arrangement functions that enable you to make operations more efficient with fewer
Sequence of Events - high resolution, millisecond event recording and reporting for iPower alarm management is fast and efficient;
detailed fault investigation, production reporting and troubleshooting. providing clear prioritization and reducing alarm
Accessible Reporting - permanent event recording with intuitive and accessible list
reports cover chronological events, operator actions, alarms, disabled alarms, equipment
state summary and much more. Key Benefits:
Alarm Management - comprehensive alarm handling including dynamic changes to Faster time to solution with automated
alarm limits, intuitive acknowledgement options, alarm disabling and reports such as the engineering tools.
Disabled Alarms List help maintain system integrity. Lowers Cost of Ownership with less
Robust Control & Operations - control dialogs provide a consistent, universal operations maintenance and engieering effort.
interface with safe control steps and inherent awareness of equipment state ensures that Facilitates safer operations with tighter
screens and real-world conditions are synchronized. controls.
Database Management (dbArchitect) - essential project development tool which Improves ease of use with more intuitive
enables direct import of IEC-61850 SCL files for project development and database interfaces.
management. Enhances operational intelligence
by enabling you to better control data
Solutions for Industry represented on screens.
iPower is designed to suit a wide range of SCADA HMI applications for a variery of industries: Extended versatility for your CIMPLICITY
Process Automation - Manufacturing / Oil & Gas / Mining / Water & Wastewater / Food system.
& Beverage / Timber Processing Enhances decision making by making
Electrcity Distribution Management - Industrial / Manufacturing / Transport operational data more accessible.
Substation Automation - Electricity / Industrial / Transport Increases productivity and
Utility Control Room SCADA - Electricity / Water & Wastewater / Oil & Gas accountability via tools such as Event
Traction Control System - Rail / Transportation Notes.
Building Management - Commercial / Education / Healthcare / Datacenters Greater operator acceptance, reduced
Critical Power Management - Industrial / Manufacturing / Hospitals / Datacenters / Air configuration and training time with
and Sea Ports consistent, vendor agnostic HMI controls
and familiar navigation.


Features At-a-Glance
iPower for CIMPLICITY enhances default CIMPLICITY systems with a range of new features and improvements:

Functionality iPower Description

Menu Complete navigation for operations & engineering without scripting

Events Accessible & detailed permanent event recording & reporting

Operator Message Text messages added to the Events history

Event Comment Operator annotations to facilitate event diagnosis

Data List Quick real-time display and operations without screen configuration

Pan & Zoom Intuitive map-style screen interaction

Screen Resizing Display multiple CIMPLICITY screens on a single monitor

Multi-Monitor Support Easily move screens between multiple monitors

Right-Click Menu Quick access to key tasks, screens and options

Tab Displays Centralized, one-stop equipment control and information containers

Notes Record and edit text notes

Alarm Acknowledgment Single alarm and screen alarm acknowledgment without programming

Alarm Limit Change Ability to dynamically adjust alarm limits for better accuracy

Enhanced Alarm List Flexible alarm sorting and prioritization

Disable Alarms Disable the alarm function for specific devices

Disabled Alarms List Quick reference list for disabled alarms

Off Normals List Quick reference list of all digital points not in their normal state

Operator Dialog Universal equipment operations interface

Control Tagging Safety lockout to prevent dangerous / inappropriate control

Information Tagging Visual pre-operation warnings for operators

Local Force Ability to overwrite field data for unreliable or faulty inputs

Control Interlock Automatic, logic-based software control lockout for safer operations

Off Scan List Quick reference list for all points that are unreachable or off network

dbArchitect Automated CIMPLICITY project production from IEC-61850 SCL source files

KEY: New Functionality | Improved Functionality


Saves Time Saves Money Easy to Use Enhanced Data Increased Safety + Extended
Effectiveness Reliability System Life

Benefits of iPower for CIMPLICITY

Lowers Cost of Ownership Examples of simplifying management, Facilitates Safer Operations
Saves deployment and maintenance costs automating house-keeping, reducing Provides robust and consistent operational
by adding out-of-the-box solutions for maintenance costs: processes and reliable protection that
common SCADA HMI requirements. iPower services and information are extends equipment life and helps prevent
consistently maintained in dual server, unplanned downtime. Examples include:
iPower lowers the cost of ownership for multi-client CIMPLICITY architectures, Control Tags, Operator Dialogs, Disabled
CIMPLICITY by reducing programming including during shutdown and restart Alarms List, built-in process logic and
requirements and making common operations. validation of operations.
maintenance and development tasks Implementation of a single menu that
accessible to anyone. iPower HMI solutions requires no programming or scripting to Enhances Operational
ready to go out-of-the-box include: maintain. Intelligence
Menu for navigation. Event archiving and retrieval requires no Provides enhanced operational decision
Quick access right-click menu for operator activity. support through advanced reports and
common tasks. Real-time data display requires no easily accessible historical data. Examples of
Operator dialogs for operations like configuration new CIMPLICITY objects enhancements to operational data include:
control, information tag, alarm disable, or classes added to the database are Easily accessible historical and real-time
alarm acknowledgment. automatically included. data lists. Retain data for years and keep
Population of quick filters in Lists with online without performance concerns.
Multi-screen display on a single monitor.
plant locations and device names is Permanent records of all system events
Tabular real-time supporting data display
automatic. and operator actions.
for equipment.
Archiving and access to historical Notes Insert data tables where you need them.
Operator Notes. Dedicated reporting pictures, incorporate
revisions is automatic.
Information & Control Tagging. banners into existing pictures or place
Operator dialogs require no programing
Events system. pre-filtered reports into equipment Tab
or scripting and are easily added for all
Suite of alarm management CIMPLICITY objects. Displays.
enhancements. Easy exporting of historical records to
dbArchitect can retrieve and display
Local Force. the consistency of point naming in any CSV, XML, etc.
Off Normal and Off Scan records. existing CIMPLICITY system.
Extended Versatility for
Delivers consistency across the user Improves Ease of Use CIMPLICITY
interface, improving operations, Adds new capabilities that promote
Becomes easier to use and learn,
simplifying management, automating operational excellence, simplify
increasing the efficiency and productivity
house-keeping, reducing maintenance management, support regulatory and
of your operators while reducing training
costs and ultimately extending system accountability reporting, and helps future
requirements. Examples of ease-of-use
life. proof your investment.
enhancements include:
Browser-style screen navigation that is
Examples of consistency across the user Reduces maintenance, standardizes core
familiar and intuitive.
interface: capabilities, adds structure to your database
Right-click menu for key tasks.
One navigation menu is consistent across which supports easier and more consistent
Intuitive table interaction with column
the entire system. future expansion. Adds indispensable new
sorting and arrangement, quick filters
capabilities for operators including intuitive
Operator dialogs look and behave the and drill-down detail with a single mouse
alarm management, disabled alarm reports,
same way for all controllable objects. click on a row.
on-the-fly configuration for common tasks.
All iPower lists look and operate the same Quick switching between types of
Other iPower services add entirely new
way: Alarms, Events, Data, Information information lists such as events, alarms
capabilities to a CIMPLICITY system. Key
Tag, Control Tag, Local Force, Disabled and disabled alarms.
Alarms, Off Normal, Off scan. Multiple methods for acknowledging
Tab Displays introduce a consistent user alarms, disabling alarms or muting the
Operator dialogs
interface for complex devices from all alarm horn and the ability to dynamically
Comprehensive Event Management &
manufacturers across industries. change alarm thresholds on-the-fly.
Information and Control Tagging
Control Interlocks
Tab Displays
Attribute Indicators


Examining Key Features

Intuitive Navigation ABOVE: iPower provides an intuitive and familiar

navigation menu which can be customized for
A complete navigation system for CIMPLICITY with a familiar Web-browser look-and-feel. layout, quick access buttons and immediately
Totally user-configurable, Menu is intuitive, with recognizable functions like Back, familiar navigation options.
Forward, Home and Favorites as standard. Users can navigate to any screen,
CIMPLICITY configuration tool (CimEdit) or have restricted navigation based on CIMPLICITY
security. Menu makes CIMPLICITY more user-friendly, easier to learn and operate and makes
day-to-day operations simpler, faster and more efficient.

Free your screen real-estate by removing cluttered existing navigation buttons.

Highly user-configurable for size, position, content, structure, buttons, icons, labels, etc.
Consistent navigation, simply configured, easily maintained.
Effortlessly added to existing systems without needing screen re-configuration or
Menu editor eliminates the need for scripting or programming.

Pan & Zoom Picture Interaction

This picture interaction enhancement allows operators to quickly transition between macro
and micro overviews of all operations and connected sites. Operators can quickly and
easily drilldown into a specific site or area of the system to interact with individual devices,
Quick access right-click menu options for screen
processes or monitor smaller areas in detail. Features include: interaction provide a more intuitive experience
for operators
Zoom in/out - by dragging the mouse up/down the picture
Zoom in by drawing a rectangle over an area of interest
Step zoom in/out
Zoom-based clutter/de-clutter - graphics layering at different zoom levels
Dragging the picture in any direction to Pan
Return to full screen

iPower screen interactions provide a more intuitive operator interface. These enhancements
make operators more effective by avoiding information overload and enabling operators
to manage the information on screen while quickly and easily having the ability to access
detailed information. iPower provides a flexible interface. Operators
can display and arrange screens on one or
multiple monitors to maximize screen real-
Flexible Picture Sizing & Arrangement estate, monitor multiple systems and quickly
Drag to resize pictures to smaller than full screen. Open multiple pictures, then automatically switch between tasks.
size and position them to fill a single monitor using standard stacking options: tile, cascade,
vertical stack or horizontal stack. On workstations with multiple screens, operators can send
pictures to other screens. Options are available to send left, right, up or down, depending on
how you want to arrange screens.

Operator Dialogs: Consistent Control Interface

Operator Dialogs provide a powerful and consistent interface for managing all types of
devices or equipment. This means once operators have been shown how to manage one type
of device, they automatically know how all devices are managed. Simply click on a device to
open its pop-up Operator Dialog.

All SCADA operations such as issuing a control, placing a control tag, attaching an equipment Operator Dialogs enable controls such as start/
stop a pump, open/close a valve, disabling
note, disabling an alarm, etc., are achieved using Operator Dialogs. This provides consistent spurious alarms
and intuitive operations. Each type of field device has an Operator Dialog specific to its
operational needs. Dialogs require no programming and are easily configured to meet all
operational requirements.


Advanced List Management
All iPower lists use a single common control,
providing consistent information delivery,
for minimal configuration effort. Common
Single click A>Z and Z>A sort
Advanced sort & filter
Drag column width and column position
Users preferences persist after screen
Alarms List increases operator awareness, Operators can adjust alarm thresholds
close/reopen decreases response times and helps manage dynamically by simply clicking on a device; as
Automatic structured filtering on point alarm flooding well as acknowledging or disabling an alarm
naming convention
Select list function or mode (Events, Flexible Alarm Management Information Tag Display provides a
Alarms, Data etc) A central role for any operator is the ability warning to operators before they can control
Select columns to display to quickly identify and address exception a device. This is useful to highlight unusual
conditions within the system. iPower or potentially dangerous conditions, or
Notes provides a multitude of alarm notification even unreliable equipment, but without
The Notes system is an intuitive and and management functionality to help preventing the operator from proceeding
versatile feature that allows operators to increase operator awareness, reduce alarm with the control.
record information about specific devices, flooding / noise, improve response time and
sites, pictures or events as reminders or system reliability: Control and Information tags record who,
for the use of other operators. Users can Visual and audible notification when and why they were put in place,
record, edit and update notes. Saving after Historical logging information that also gets stored in the
editing creates a new version of the note, Group, area and priority categories Events system. They also provide:
automatically delivering a note history. Advanced filtering and sorting User-configurable tag labels
Historical revisions are automatically time, Enhancements to standard CIMPLICITY alarm User-configurable Attribute displays
date and user stamped. The Note editor functionality include: Multiple tags per point
provides a secure text editor that does not Acknowledge all alarms on a screen - List of all Control Tags. List of all
expose the SCADA computers file system to from right click menu Information Tags
tampering. A summary list provides a record Acknowledge a single alarm - from dialog Control Tagging actions by operators are
of all notes in the system, plus quick access Change alarm limits - from dialog (this recorded as Events
to any note. facility can be disabled)
Disable/Enable alarms - from dialog
View all Disabled Alarms from Disabled
Alarms List
Disable/Re-enable alarms from
Disabled Alarms List
All these operator actions are
permanently recorded- in the Events list

Control & Information Tagging

for Safe Operations Applying a Control Tag (sometimes called a
lockout) to a device is as easy as a few mouse
Safe equipment control is a core clicks. A full list of Control Tag locked devices is
requirement of any SCADA system. IPower available to help you track and manage control
provides advanced features for safe locks.
Notes provide operators with a convenient equipment operations and management.
collaboration tool to record relevant information
about devices and events
Control Tag - Prevent a device from being
controlled, either by an operator or by
background automation. Control Tag is used
to stop controls at inappropriate times. For
example the control may cause danger to
people, or damage to plant or product.

IPOWER | Return on Investment





Events List
The Event List is a comprehensive and permanent record of SCADA activity including:
A permanent, searchable, chronological record of operator actions and system activity,
including: alarms, operator actions, event messages, control and information tags, off scan
changes and more
Advanced filtering
Quick filtering on location and device
Immediate access to historical events from any period
Operators can add observations to specific events
Operators can add their own text messages into Events
The Events List provides an accurate, permanent
Provides auditing of operator actions for security and accountability record of all operations for accountability and
Tab Displays
Tab Displays are a high data density, low clutter interface for equipment information &
supplementary resources. The number, content and labels of each tab are completely flexible
and customizable. Tabs can include any graphics content or iFIX pictures you need, plus
other supported Windows formats such as PDF documents, diagrams and ActiveX controls.

Tab Displays provide:

A modern look and feel
Improved ease-of-use for operators
Consistent user interface for all types of equipment - from pump to conveyor to process
line, to well head to generator.
Fast access to all information, without information overload
Fast operations via centralized controls, information and tools Tab Displays offer simple, convenient and
consistent access to all data, controls and
Reduced screen clutter reduces operator fatigue, enhancing operations and safety resources for each device.
Complete customization of tabs and content to any customer requirement
Fast and consistent configuration for multiple equipment types

dbArchitect supports automated bulk production from IEC-61850 SCL configuration files
directly into a CIMPLICITY project database. This enables engineers designing substation
points and communications in SCL configuration files to quickly and effortlessly generate a
CIMPLICITY project with a high degree of accuracy. This in turn means that engineers can
spend less time on commissioning and testing thanks to a high degree of confidence in the
reliability of the conversion process. In conjunction with dbArchitect, iPower for CIMPLCITY
also includes class definitions for most of the IEC-61850 Common Data Classes. These iPower
for CIMPLICITY IEC-61850 classes include the definitions of the multiple data items that can
belong to an IEC-61850 object, as well as pre-defined screen animation objects to assist with
screen development.

Fast and efficient project configuration through automated conversion of SCL (SCD/ICD)
files. dbArchitect structured point visulaization
Substantial savings in configuration time, and engineering cost to create a CIMPLICITY
Accurate, reliable commissioning, thanks to the automated conversion process;
helping ensure correct database configuration and reliable SCADA implementation with a
minimum of complexity or testing.
Rapid time to solution for substation projects. A substantial amount of time and effort
is invested in the design and configuration of Substation Configuration Description (SCD)
files. dbArchitect enables you to plan and edit your SCADA configuration in an industry
standard format and then utilize that unaltered source file to effortlessly create an
accurate SCADA project.


Scalable, Redundant SCADA Architecture
Extensible architecture means iPower can scale to multi-server deployments and achieve high availability with redundant systems and multiple operators.

Core SCADA Capabilities Pan, zoom with automatic declutter Standard Lists/Reports
Real-time data communication, database Configurable multi-pen charts with left/ Alarms
management, dynamic data display right scroll, X-Y, and configurable look Events
Secure operator supervisory control and feel Sequence of events
Alarm, event, sequence of events, Off-Normal
momentary change detection Connectivity Dynamic database display
Historical collection with real-time and Proven communications software for Control tag
historical graphing hundreds of brands of RTUs, IEDs, PLCs Information tag
Standard SCADA Historian or full and other I/O devices Local force
Enterprise-wide Historian options Industry standard communications Off-Scan
User-based security protocol compatibility for DNP 3.0 and Disabled alarms
Online configuration IEC 61850 Operator notes
IEC 870-5-101, 870-5-104, and ICCP
Standards and Tools Full OPC server and client support Software Requirements
CIMPLICITY BCL scripting language Multiple simultaneous serial and/or GE CIMPLICITY 9.5
ActiveX / OPC / SQL / ODBC / COM / Ethernet communications channels Earlier GE CIMPLICITY versions are
DCOM / TCP/IP PI and Proficy Historian connectors supported from 8.2
ODBC and SQL tools One of the following operating systems:
Display and Graphics VisiconX SQL wizard Microsoft Windows 10
Multiple monitors per workstation MultiSpeak compliant Windows Server 2012 and R2
Windows-familiar navigation including Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Back, Forward, Home, Favorites Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1
Object-oriented graphics phan mem cimplicity su Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
Industry specific object libraries dung cho may tinh

Contact Information
Level 1, 19 Como St, Takapuna 0622
P.O. Box 33-885, Takapuna 0740 | Auckland, New Zealand
US/Canada Toll Free: 888 489 9949 | International: +64 (0)9 489 9944
[email protected]
2017 Catapult Software Ltd. CIMPLICITY is a Registered Trademark of GE Digital. Windows is a Registered Trademark of Microsoft Corp.
All other brands or names are property of their respective holders. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.


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