Engineering Mechanics For Biomedical Engineers-LESSON PLAN
Engineering Mechanics For Biomedical Engineers-LESSON PLAN
Engineering Mechanics For Biomedical Engineers-LESSON PLAN
Lecture Plan 3003
Week Lecture Topic
01 1 Introduction Units and Dimensions Laws of Mechanics
2 Lamis theorem, Parallelogram and triangular Law of forces -
Vectorial representation of forces Vector operations of forces -
additions, subtraction, dot product, cross product.
3 Coplanar Forces rectangular components Equilibrium of a
02 4 Problem Solving:
(i) Vector Addition, Multiplication, Dot Product & Cross
(ii) 2-D Equilibrium: Resolution of Forces
(iii) Lamis Theorem
5 Problem Solving
(i) Equilibrium of a Particle in a plane
6 Forces in space Equilibrium of a particle in space
03 7 Problem Solving
Equilibrium of a Particle in space
8 Equivalent systems of forces Principle of transmissibility.
9 Problem solving: Equivalent systems of forces
04 10 Free body diagram Types of supports Action and reaction
11 Stable equilibrium Moments and Couples Moment of a force
about a point and about an axis Vectorial representation of
moments and couples Scalar components of a moment
12 Varignons theorem Single equivalent force
05 13 Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in two dimensions
14 Problems: Equilibrium of Beams
15 Problems: Equilibrium of Trusses
06 16 Problems: Equilibrium of a 2-D Rigid Body
17 Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in three dimensions
18 Problems: Equilibrium of a 3-D Rigid Body
07 19 Rigid bodies and deformable solids Tension, Compression and
Shear Stresses
20 Deformation of bodies in Tension, Compression & Shear
21 Problems: Tension, Compression and Deformation in Axial
Loading, Normal Stresses & Strains
08 22 Problems: Shear Stresses & Strains
23 Centroids of areas - Rectangular, circular, triangular areas by
24 Centroids of areas - Problems
09 25 Moment of Inertia of Areas : Principal moments of inertia of
plane areas Principal axes of inertia
26 Moment of Inertia of Areas - Problems
27 Mass moment of inertia mass moment of inertia for prismatic,
cylindrical and spherical solids from first principle. & Problems
10 28 Fluids density pressure blood pressure and gravity
29 buoyancy moments of force and stability
30 Problems density, Pressure, buoyancy
11 31 Newtons law of viscosity - Definitions and simple problems on
Newtonian fluid
32 Non-Newtonian fluids Blood as a Non-newtonian fluid
33 Euler equations and Navier Stokes equations
Reynolds Number, laminar vs Turbulent flows
12 34 Couette flow - Problems
35 Hagen poiseuille equation : laminar Pipe flow - Problems
36 turbulent flow & Darcy Equation.
13 37 Displacements, Velocity and acceleration, their relationship.
38 Relative motion Newtons laws of motion.
39 Problems Newtons Laws of motion to Rectilinear motion &
Projectile Motion
14 40 Problems Newtons Laws
41 Work Energy Equation, Problems
42 Friction force Laws of sliding friction
15 43 equilibrium analysis of simple systems with sliding friction.
44 Problems - Friction
45 Application of Friction in simple problems.