Sew Ability
Sew Ability
Sew Ability
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Esra Yldz
Ege University
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Abstract: In the literature, sewability is known as the ability and the ease with which the 2-D fabric components can
be qualitatively and quantitatively be seamed together to 3-D garment.
Seam damage can be occured due to the fabric and the sewing parameters. The needle penetration force is one of
these parameters. The needle penetration force is an important factor and through this the sewing damage can be
determined by this factor in the sewing operations. The penetration force is related to the fabric resistance and if there
is a high resistance in the fabric, the risk of the damage is also higher.
Key Words: Sewability, needle penetration force, seam performance, L&M Sewability Tester
manufacturing. The sewability is one of these sewing threads (Gurarda, A., 2005).
The frictional characteristics of the fabric are
The selection of sewing thread for a fabric determined by a number of factors. Of prime
depends on the dimensional and mechanical importance is the method of dyeing and
properties of the fabric and the sewing thread, finishing, for example, solvent-scoured fabrics
their compatibility, the sewing process and the from which lubricants have been removed,
end use of the garment. Similarly the quality and possess high frictional characteristics and poor
performance of a sewn garment depends on sewability, and fabrics to which lubricants and
various factors such as seam strength, slippage, softeners have been added have low forces for
puckering, appearance and yarn severance. All penetration and good sewability (L&M
these factors combined together contribute to catalogue).
sewability of the fabric which is considered to be
one of the most important aspects of clothing The seam performance and quality depends on
science (Behera, B.K., 1997). various factors such as seam strength,
slippage, puckering, appearance and yarn
The tensions generated in the needle and bobin severance. Sewing needle penetration forces
thread are an important factor in determining the and fabric deformation during sewing are
quality of a lockstitch seam. Improper tensions effective for seam performance, too (Gurarda,
can cause various problems, such as puckered A., 2007).
seams, thread breakage and unbalanced seams
(Ferreira, F.B.N., 1994) The seam efficiency of a garment is affected
by the neddle penetration forces. Seam
Experience has demonstrated that the strength of damage caused by the needle penetrating
many woven fabrics is considerably reduced by through the fabric can occur severe sewability
the sewing operation. The result of such reduction problems.
is the shortening of the overall life of a garment.
The measurement of the loss in fabric strength The sewing needle penetration force is the
due to needle damage consists of sewing a seam quantitative measure of the damage which
in the fabric, breaking the fabric at the line of appears in a garment as the result of the
stitching, and establishing a ratio between the sewing process. A high penetration force
orginal and seamed fabric strength. (Gurarda, A., means a high resistance of the fabric and thus
2008) a high risk of damage (Gurarda, A., 2007).
The L&M Sewability Tester is used to test fabric The sewability index (value), is the ratio
sewability. (Manich, A. M., 1998) It enables between the sewability and the thrusting force.
consecutive readings of force for penetration of The sewability index increases with the
the fabric by a selected needle to be measured on number of points that exceed the nominal
a small sample of fabric at a rate of 100 force level previously set and decreases when
penetrations/min (L&M catalogue). the mean thrusting force increases. This
parameter could therefore be considered to be
The equipment is simple to use, requires only a relative value of the thrusting-force
small fabric samples and tests can be made in a dispersion or unevenness (Manich, A.M.,
few minutes by a single operator (L&M 1998).
If the sewability value is zero, and sewability
The fabric specimens are 30-40 mm wide and a is considered to be very good. When
minimum of 100 perforations must be carried out. sewability values range between 0 and 10%,
The specimen length is thus about 350 mm. If the fabric sewability is considered good;
additional perforations are performed, then a 250- between 10% and 20%, even though no great
mm fabric length is necessary for each 100 difficulties arose during sewing, the sewability
additional perforations (Manich, A.M., 1998). is considered fair (Gurarda, A., 2008).
This device measures the thrusting force exerted The expected properties of the fabrics can
by a sewing needle on the fabric. A strip of fabric vary according to the using areas of the
passes through a zone in which a sewing needle finished product. The most important
operates. The number of thrusts is set. The properties are as follows:
thrusting force of each perforation is recorded
(Manich, A.M., 1998). - strength,
relations are preserved and costly claims Fabrics, Textile Research Journal, Vol. 75,
for faulty fabric avoided. No. 8, pp.628-633.
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2. Routine testing in the same way by a of Elastane Yarn Type and Fabric Density on
maker-up prior to cutting out leads to Sewing Needle Penetration Forces and Seam
higher efficiency in the sewing room, Damage of PET/Elastane Woven Fabrics,
minimises customer complaints and Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol. 15,
avoids time-wasting profitless work on No. 4 (63).
satisfactory material. Again, the material Gurarda, A. (2008). Investigation of the
can be returned for correction while it is Seam Performance of PET/Nylon-elastane
still possible. After the fabric has been Woven Fabrics, Textile Research Journal,
cut, nothing can be done improve bad Vol. 78, No. 21, pp.21-27.
sewability. Manich, A.M., Domingues, J.P., Sauri,
R.M., Barella, A. (1998). Relationships
Tests carried out before agreeing to between Fabric Sewability and Structural,
purchase fabric can forestall many Physical, and FAST Properties of Woven
production problems. Wool and Wool-blend Fabrics, Journal of the
Textile Institute, Vol. 89, Part 1, No. 3,
3. New knitted structures can be developed pp.579-589.
for higher levels of sewability by using Nayak, R. (2010). Sewing Performance of
the instrument on development samples. Stretch Denim, Journal of Textile and
Apparel, Technology and Management, Vol.
4. Assesment of the relative performance of 6, I. 3, pp.1-9.
different finishing agents becomes
simple. The L&M Sewability Tester Catalogue.