"Then A Star Fell:" Folk-Memory of A Celestial Impact Event in The Ancient Egyptian Tale of The Shipwrecked Sailor?

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Lloyd D. Graham

The motif in the centre of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
(ca. 2000-1900 BCE) concerns a star that fell to earth and caused the extinction of a
population of giant serpents on an enchanted island, whose location is traditionally ascribed
to the Red Sea. These creatures could apparently breathe fire, but they themselves were
“burned utterly” in the fireball that followed the celestial body’s impact with the earth. If
the recently postulated Late Holocene meteorite impact (<5000 years ago) at Umm al
Binni/al Amarah in southern Iraq is indeed the cause of a regional impact fallout layer dated
to ca. 2350 BCE, then a folk memory of this event could be preserved in the Egyptian story;
the proposed impact site and the story’s likely setting both lie due east of Egypt, and oral
reports of the loss of life wrought by the impact in Mesopotamia would soon have reached
Egypt. A less likely candidate is the putative comet strike of ca. 2807 BCE that has been
proposed to account for the undersea “Burckle crater” south-east of Madagascar. Both of
these sites are as yet unproven as impact craters. A confirmed meteorite impact in south-
western Egypt <5000 years ago, which caused the Kamil crater, is another possible
contributor to the fireball motif in the Tale. In light of modern theories that a meteorite,
comet or asteroid impact caused the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event in which the
non-avian dinosaurs were eliminated 66.5 million years ago, it is uncanny to find the
destruction of a unique population of flightless, dragon-like giant reptiles attributed to just
such a collision in this ancient narrative.


Unusual and dramatic celestial phenomena are often recorded in the written heritage that
survives from ancient cultures and are similarly preserved in the oral traditions and/or graphic
inscriptions of modern-day traditional societies. For example, the Assyrian Eponym Chronicle
records a solar eclipse that is known to have taken place on 15 June 763 BCE, thereby providing
a reliable absolute chronology for the 261 years for which a full sequence of eponyms has been
preserved (van de Mieroop, 2016: 255). In Central Australia, the present-day oral traditions of
local Aboriginal groups describe impact origins for the meteorite craters at Gosse Bluff,
Henbury and Wolfe Creek (Hamacher and Goldsmith, 2013).

Similar commemorations are found in writings from Ancient Egypt. The Tempest Stele of
Ahmose I, the founder of the Egyptian New Kingdom (Dynasty 18, accession ca. 1570-1544
BCE), may record the after-effects of the Thera volcanic eruption ca. 1627-1600 BCE (Ritner
and Moeller, 2014). Later in the same dynasty, lines 33-37a in an inscription of Thutmose III
from Gebel Barkal (near the Fourth Cataract of the Nile) describe a miraculous star that
unnerved the enemy’s troops and gave Thutmose the victory (Hoffmeier, n.d.).
...[sentr]ies were in the very act of being posted at night in order to do their regular watch.
There were two astronomers (present). A star approached, coming to the south of them.
The like had not happened before. It shot straight toward them (the enemy), not one of them

could stand […] falling headlong. Now then […] was behind them with fire in their faces.
Not one of them retaliated; no one looked back. Their chariotry is gone, they (the horses?)
having bolted...

While the incident is attributed to divine intervention on the part of Amun-Re, it may reflect a
genuine astronomical event – a shooting star or meteorite – that occurred during Thutmose’s
military campaign against the Nubians.

The Egyptian Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor, which was written in the Middle Kingdom,
relates how a star fell to earth on an island traditionally placed to the east of Egypt in the Red
Sea. It is this motif, and the possibility that it might represent the folk-memory of a regional
meteorite impact not long before the time of the story’s composition, that forms the main
subject of the present paper. An ancillary topic is the ancient story’s remarkably prescient
attribution of the extinction of giant reptiles to a holocaust which arose from a collision between
the earth and an extraterrestrial body.


2.1 Structure and Narrative

The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor (ShS) (Blackman, 1932: 41-48; De Buck, 1948: 100-106;
Allen, 2015: 9-53) is the oldest surviving ancient Egyptian story (Allen, 2015: 9). Its
composition dates from early- to mid-Dynasty 12 (Wilkinson, 2016: 245), i.e., somewhat after
2000 BCE (Simpson 2003:45). It is preserved in a single hieratic copy on papyrus from ca.
2000-1900 BCE, which is currently preserved as p.Hermitage 1115 in St. Petersburg (Allen,
2015: 9). The story’s setting, which is not defined either temporally or geographically, has the
vagueness that characterises many folk-tales – unnamed characters who are types rather than
individuals, and locations that are poorly defined. The frame story opens with an unsuccessful
boat expedition arriving back in Egypt, at which point one of the sailors tries to cheer up his
despondent commander by promising to relate the tale of his own maritime misfortune (ShS
21-24; verse-line numbering from Allen, 2015).

The sailor’s adventure, which constitutes the main narrative of the Tale, begins with him
serving as a crew member in a ship on the Great Green (an Egyptian phrase denoting the ocean)
that was headed for “the mining region of the Sovereign” (ShS 24-27). The sailor relates how
he alone survived his ship’s destruction in a fierce storm and was washed up on an enchanted
island by a huge wave (ShS 32-42). Having sampled some of the island’s abundant delights,
the sailor was suddenly confronted by a giant serpent of 30 cubits length (15.7 m), whose beard
was more than 2 cubits (1 m) long (ShS 56-66). The giant snake threatened to reduce the sailor
to ashes if he did not say who had brought him to the island (ShS 70-73), from which we may
deduce that the serpent was able to breathe fire – a standard attribute of the uraeus (rearing
cobra) adorning the brow of the Pharaoh (Shaw and Nicholson, 2008: 76), but equally making
the island’s inhabitant a conceptual forerunner of the dragons of medieval European legend.
Unlike the European dragon, however, the snake of the enchanted island – as far as we can tell
– had no wings and could not fly. The serpent-god described himself as “Lord of Punt” (ShS
151). This location, which today is usually identified as Somalia or Yemen, was the target of
many Egyptian maritime missions (Allen, 2015: 41).

In a story-within-a-story, the serpent empathizes with the sailor’s hardship by telling briefly
of his own personal tragedy (ShS 125-132). At a time when he, his siblings and all of their
children – 75 serpents in total – had been living happily on the island paradise, catastrophe
struck (Fig. 1). In the translation of Simpson (2003: 51):
Then a star fell
And because of it these went up in fire
It happened utterly.
But I was not with them [when] they burned;
I was not among them.
Then I died for them
When I found them as a single heap of corpses.

Fig. 1 The serpent’s story in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor. Lines 126-132 (numbering of Allen, 2015).
It is standard academic practice to transcribe hieratic text into its hieroglyphic counterpart for the purpose of
publication. Hieroglyphs (read right-to-left) are at the right-hand side of the figure, transliteration and author’s
literal translation at the left, following the conventions of Ockinga (2012). For a polished translation, see Section
2.1, Structure and Narrative. Line-breaks are indicated by vertical lines, which are numbered in the hieroglyphic
text and its transliteration.

The story then returns to the plight of the sailor (ShS 132-186), whom the serpent continued to
encourage and assist. The serpent predicted that the sailor would be rescued and would return
safely to Egypt, and this is indeed what transpires. The papyrus concludes with a colophon that
identifies the scribe (ShS 187-189).

2.2 Interpretation

The standard interpretation of the “Great Green” or ocean in the main narrative is the Red Sea,
and “the mining region of the Sovereign” is taken to be a location in Sinai (Wainwright, 1946:
31) (Fig. 2). In truth, however, the sailor’s voyage appears to be a type of Otherworld Journey
– a dangerous crossing-over to a divine or magical realm beyond the edge of the known world.

Fig. 2 Sites of confirmed/proposed impacts mentioned in the text. Map of Africa and Near East, showing
modern political boundaries. Country names are in blue bold capitals, ancient city names in black capitals. Filled
red discs indicate confirmed and putative impact sites discussed in detail in the text; open red circles show
confirmed and putative impact sites mentioned in Section 3.5, Other Sites. Being on the east coast of Mexico, the
Chicxulub site lies far beyond the western boundary of the map. Asterisk: strewn field of Libyan Desert Glass.

Another early example is contained in the Epic of Gilgamesh, whose oral roots date back to
2200 BCE (George, 1999: lx-lxi). In this story, the eponymous Mesopotamian hero braves the
scorpion-men guarding the mountains of Mashu and crosses over to the Garden of the Gods in
quest of immortality (Standard Version, Tablet IX; George, 1999: 70-75). The genre is more
likely to be familiar to Western readers from the later examples in Celtic legend. For example,
there are many tales in which an Arthurian knight makes a perilous crossing to a wonderful
land in the Otherworld (Besamusca, 2007: 8-9). The Egyptian sailor’s adventure seems to have
particular parallels in the pre-Christian Irish tales of voyages to magical islands, such as the
Voyage of Mael Dúin and the Voyage of Bran, which were first committed to writing in the 8th
century CE (Ellis, 1991: 45-46, 160-161).

William K. Simpson observes (Simpson 2003: 45-46) that the Tale of the Shipwrecked
Sailor is
...one of the most interesting, straightforward, and yet puzzling compositions of ancient
Egyptian literature. [...] A curious emphasis is placed on numbers, the height of the wave,
the dimensions of the ship, the number of sailors, the length of the serpent’s hood, the
number of months of the sailor’s stay, and so on. It is almost as if the tale is an allegory
involving the movement of stars.

Prior scholarship on the Tale has established that the serpent is probably to be identified with
the Heliopolitan creator god Re-Atum (Derchain-Urtel, 1974). Moreover, it seems that the
serpent’s strange story about the extinction of his 74 kin as a result of a falling star is likely to
be a reference to the 74 forms of the sun-god Re listed in the later Litany of Re, a New Kingdom
funerary text first inscribed in the tomb of Thutmose III (Dynasty 18) (Baines, 1990: 62). The
version in the tomb of Seti I (Dynasty 19) specifies 75 such forms (Derchain-Urtel, 1974: 84;
Hornung, 1999: 138). The destruction of all but one of the serpent’s species situates the island
in an eschatological zone at the end of time. Such a time is predicted in Spell 175 of the Book
of the Dead, where Re-Atum says “I will despatch the Elders and destroy all that I have made;
the earth shall return to the Abyss, to the surging flood, as in its original state. But [...] I will
transform myself into something else, namely a serpent, without men knowing or the gods
seeing” (Faulkner, 1972: 175). Accordingly, the serpent that the sailor meets in the middle of
the ocean may represent this final form of Re-Atum.

The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor is considered to contain esoteric knowledge, much of it
related to the serpent’s story (Baines, 1990: 58, 67). Whatever its meaning, this tragedy is
enshrined as the central motif of the narrative: it is element X in a structure A-B-C-X-C'-B'-A'
(Baines, 1990: 67). Unlike all of the other motifs, its form is mythic rather than folkloric; it
seems to be a religious allegory. As a mythic island (X) set in the dead centre of a sea of folk-
tale elements (A-C and A'-C'; Baines, 1990: 65), it may even be the “payload” of the whole
story. As if to highlight the passage, the layout of the writing on p.Hermitage 1115 switches
from vertical columns (ShS 1-123) to horizontal lines at precisely the point where the serpent
begins the preface to his personal tragedy (ShS 124). In his translation and commentary, Allen
(2015: 34) is mystified by the switch, commenting that “[t]he reason for the change is
unknown.” Moreover, the phrase “Then a star” in the sentence “Then a star fell” is written in
red (Fig. 1); rubrics in Egyptian texts usually indicate headings and/or mark the beginning of a
new theme. The layout of the hieratic writing later reverts to vertical columns, with the text
concluding in same format as that in which it began (ShS 177-189) (Allen, 2015: 9, fn 2).

Allegorical references to Egyptian religious concepts can be identified in many features of
the serpent’s story; for example, the “little daughter brought to me through wisdom” may be
equated with the Egyptian personification of order/justice/truth as the goddess Maat (Derchain-
Urtel, 1974: 99), and the destruction of all but one of the island’s 75 snakes can be identified
with the anticipated death all but one of the 75 forms of Re at the end of time (Baines, 1990:
62). In contrast, the falling star and its destructive fireball has no obvious referent in Egyptian
religion. On the contrary, its direct and matter-of-fact presentation suggest that may be derived
from a real-world event.


3.1 References in Cuneiform Texts

Shooting stars, comets, meteors, meteorites and fireballs are relatively common phenomena in
the astromantic literature of the Ancient Near East (Bjorkman, 1973; Chadwick, 1993; Fincke,
2013). References also occur in mythological accounts. For example, the Pennsylvania Tablet
(“Surpassing all other kings,” Tablet II), which was written in southern Babylonia (i.e., in the
south of modern Iraq) in the late 18th century BCE, has the hero-king Gilgamesh relate a dream
to his mother (Gilgamesh P, 4-14; George, 1999: 101-102) in the following words:

“O mother, during the course of my night

I walked hale and hearty among the young men.
“Then the stars of the night hid from me,
a piece of the sky fell down to me.
I picked it up, but it was too heavy for me,
I pushed at it but I could not dislodge it.

“The land of Uruk was gathered about it,

the young men were kissing its feet.
I braced my forehead and they helped me push,
I picked it up and carried it off to you.”

3.2 Umm al Binni

The unusual morphology of the Umm al Binni structure in the al Amarah marshlands of
southern Iraq, near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, suggests that it may be a
relatively young meteorite crater (Master, 2001 and 2002), probably <5000 years old (Master
and Woldai, 2007: 94). With a radius of ca. 3.4 km, the structure has a polygonal outline with
what appears to be a raised rim and surrounding annulus (Master and Woldai, 2007: 89); it is
consistent with a spherical iron impactor of ca. 4.1 x 109 kg (calculated from parameters in
Master and Woldai, 2007: 95). The absence of ejecta-like material around the northern portion
of the structure may potentially be explained by erosion caused by a north-to-south water flow
in the marshes (Master and Woldai, 2007: 100). Until recently filled with water, the lake was
emptied in the 1990s in the course of Saddam Hussein’s marshland drainage project (Master
and Woldai, 2007: 89).

An “ash layer” found at Tell Leilan and Tel Brak in Syria (Weiss et al., 1993; Courty, 2001)
and in sea-sediment core off the coast of Oman (Kerr, 1998), which was dated to ca. 2350
BCE, has been interpreted as an impact fallout layer (Courty, 1997, 1998 and 2001; Master and
Woldai, 2007: 95; Masse, 2007: 35). It has been pointed out that a bolide impact in the al
Amarah marshlands around 2350 BCE could account for both the Umm al Binni structure and

the regional ash layer (Master, 2002; Master and Woldai, 2007: 95). For an impact on dry land,
the energy yield of the resulting explosion has been estimated at 7.9 × 1017 J (Fig. 3), equivalent
to 188 megatons (Mt) of TNT (Master and Woldai, 2007: 95). By way of comparison, the
largest nuclear bomb ever detonated – the Soviet “Tsar Bomba” H-bomb – had a yield of 50
Mt (Atomic Heritage Foundation, 2014).

It is possible that the site was under water at the time of the impact (Master and Woldai,
2007: 94-95). However, the famously thick (up to 3.7 m) water-laid clay/silt layer discovered
by Sir Leonard Woolley at the nearby Sumerian city of Ur (Fig. 2) – which he attributed to a
Near Eastern “Great Flood” that inspired the later story of Noah’s Ark – is much too early to
be associated with a tsunami event ca. 2350 BCE; it lies at the top of the Ubaid strata (Woolley,
2006: 30-31; Ur Online, n.d.; Leick, 2001: 111-112), and must therefore be dated to ca. 4000
BCE (van de Mieroop, 2016: 15). The fall of the pan-Babylonian kingdom of Akkad ca. 2150,
which was allegedly predicted by a prodigy in which “many stars were falling from the sky”
(Bjorkman 1973: 106), was followed by a period of confusion (van de Mieroop, 2016: 348).
There is general agreement that the Ancient Near East, including Egypt, entered a Dark Age
ca. 2200 BCE (Monson and Lancaster, 2014: 41), and it is entirely possible that one or more
extraterrestrial impact events were responsible for some of the disorder associated with that
time (Masse, 2007: 34-35).

Oral reports of the catastrophic loss of life wrought by such an impact in Mesopotamia
would soon have reached Egypt via long-established communication networks. Connections
between the two regions date back to prehistoric times and include economic migration, trade

Fig. 3 Log-scale plot of energy estimates (Joules) for confirmed/proposed impacts discussed in the text.
Bars for confirmed impacts are dark blue, those for proposed impacts are light blue. Kamil value calculated from
parameters in Folco et al., 2010 using the algorithm of Schmidt (2004). Wabar value converted from kT TNT
equivalent for largest impact, as cited by Wynn and Shoemaker (1998: 66 and 70). Umm al Binni value from
Master and Woldai (2007: 95). Burckle value from Abbott et al. (2007: 4). Chicxulub column shows the mean
value for the range cited by Durand-Manterola and Cordero-Tercero (2014).

by land and sea, diplomatic exchanges and forced relocations arising from war (Mumford,
2013). As David Wengrow writes, “[i]n the second millennium BC, as from the time of their
inception, the principal dynastic powers of South-West Asia and North-East Africa were
related through material interests and exchanges, even as they remained culturally and
politically divided” (Wengrow, 2006: 13). More specifically, J.C. Fincke comments: “ Since
news of exceptional occurrences could be expected to have spread quickly among the
population, the incidences of meteorite falls would have soon become common knowledge in
ancient Near Eastern civilizations” (Fincke, 2013: 175-176).

As mentioned above, the serpent’s mysterious island is generally presumed to lie in the Red
Sea, whereas of course Umm al Binni lies further to the east, atop the Persian Gulf (Fig. 2). It
is perhaps worth noting that ancient authors often equated the two gulfs, identifying one with
the other. Explaining Herodotus’ usage in Histories 1.1, A.R. Burn’s footnote (de Sélincourt,
1972: 41 fn 1) reads “Red Sea: the Greeks used this expression for all parts of the southern (or
Indian) Ocean. Here the Persian Gulf is meant, and the reference is to (real) ancient influences
from Mesopotamia.” Likewise, in his Natural History (6.115), Pliny the Elder writes “The
Persians have always lived on the shore of the Red Sea, which is the reason why it is called the
Persian Gulf” (Rackham, 1942: 425). Pliny, Statius, Livy, Strabo and Plutarch all use “Red
Sea” as an umbrella term that includes the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean.

3.3 Burckle

There is one other proposed impact event east of Africa in the third millennium BCE that could
have served as an inspiration for the Egyptian “falling star.” This relates to the so-called
Burckle crater, an undersea structure in the Indian Ocean south-east of Madagascar (Fig. 2)
that is reportedly ca. 29 km in diameter (Abbott et al., 2006a,b; Abbott et al., 2007: 2). With
an age estimate of <6000 years, it has tentatively been ascribed to a comet strike around 2807
BCE (Carney 2007; Abbott et al., 2007; Masse, 2007: 56-63). The collision energy is calculated
to have been 1.3 x 1023 J (Fig. 3) (Abbott et al., 2007: 4). The site’s greater distance from Egypt,
and the fact that the date proposed for this incident is 457 years earlier than that proposed for
the Umm al Binni strike, combine to make the putative Burckle strike the less attractive of the
two candidates for the impact described in the Egyptian tale. Moreover, an analysis of sediment
layers near the Burckle structure by proponents of the impact hypothesis has yielded ambiguous
results (Abbott et al., 2009). The Burckle impact hypothesis is controversial (Carney 2007).
While doubt has been cast on some of the key evidence (Pinter and Ishman, 2008; Bourgeois
and Weiss, 2009), its proponents have responded vigorously to the challenge (Abbott et al.,
2008; Gusiakov et al., 2010).

The immediate loss of terrestrial life from a mid-oceanic impact would have been by water
(in the form of mega-tsunamis) rather than by fire, the agent recorded in the Tale of the
Shipwrecked Sailor. Still, the maritime setting of the Tale’s island east of Egypt and its linkage
with Punt (Somalia/Yemen; Fig. 2) to Egypt’s south is consistent with the location of the
Burckle structure in the Indian Ocean, far to the south-east of Egypt. In addition, the driver of
the Tale’s plot is a fierce storm at sea which contained a wave 8 cubits (4.2 m) in height and
which culminated in the sailor being cast ashore by another huge wave (ShS 34-37). In the
narrative, the tsunami-like storm is presented as causally and temporally unrelated to the falling
star, but the two events do occur in the correct natural sequence; although we are told about the
former before the latter, the celestial impact that killed all the serpent’s kin occurred prior to
the storm that caused the sailor’s shipwreck.

3.4 Kamil

Inspection of the Earth Impact Database (PASSC, 2017) revealed only one confirmed impact
event of an appropriate age proximal to Egypt and the Near East: the Gebel Kamil meteorite
strike in the eastern Sahara, in the south-western corner of modern Egypt (Fig. 2). The crater,
which was first identified in 2010 (Folco et al., 2010), is the result of an iron meteorite impact
<5000 years ago (D’Orazio et al., 2011: 1180). The crater is 45 m in diameter (D’Orazio et al.,
2011: 1180) and the impactor is estimated to have weighed 9.1 x 103 kg (Folco et al., 2010),
although with an oblique trajectory it could have been three times heavier (D’Orazio et al.,
2011: 1193). For the former option, the energy yield of the explosion may be estimated at 5.6
x 1010 J (Fig. 3) (Folco et al., 2010; Schmidt, 2004), which is more than 10 million times smaller
than the estimate for the putative strike at Umm al Binni. Such an explosion would have been
equivalent to just 13.4 tons of TNT.

By coincidence, the heat from a powerful impact or airburst in the same region of Egypt
some 28.5 million years ago is believed to have created the strewn field of “Libyan Desert
Glass” north of Gilf Kebir (Koeberl et al., 2003; Aboud, 2009) (Fig. 2, asterisk). The typically
yellow glass was worked to form cutting edges in prehistoric times (Olsen and Underwood,
1979). A piece also features as the central gemstone in the pectoral of Tutankhamun, where it
is carved into a large scarab (BBC News, 2006).

The location and setting of the Kamil impact diverges from the eastern and maritime
location of the island in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor. However, recollections of
independent but similar events are likely to become fused in ancient narratives. For example,
the biblical Exodus story may combine a Canaanite collective memory of the expulsion of the
Hyksos from Egypt in the mid-16th century BCE with the migration stories of much smaller
Semitic groups who left Egypt in the 13th century BCE, and the written account was probably
modernised for its immediate audience by the addition of contemporary details from the 7th
century BCE (Finkelstein and Silberman, 2001: 48-71). In the same vein, Tacitus probably uses
details of the more recent Syrian earthquake of 115 CE when composing Annals 2.47, his
account of the earthquake of 17 CE in Roman Asia (Graham, 2017). It is easy to imagine that
recollections of the smaller but more immediate “falling star” at Gebel Kamil might have
served to embellish and enliven Egyptian accounts of a larger but more distant impact in
Mesopotamia or elsewhere to the east/south-east of Egypt.

3.5 Other sites

Another desert impact site, this time between Egypt and Mesopotamia, was discovered in the
Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. The Wabar site (Fig. 2) contains at least three
craters, the largest being 116 m in diameter (Wynn and Shoemaker, 1998: 68). An original
meteoroid of ca. 3.2 x 106 kg underwent several fragmentations during descent, with the largest
impactor at Wabar (of 8.0-9.5 m diameter) causing an explosion equivalent to ca. 12 kT TNT
(Wynn and Shoemaker, 1998: 66 and 70) (Fig. 3). However, the Wabar event is too recent to
be a candidate for the “falling star” in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor; the site is less than
450 years old, and is perhaps ground-zero to a celestial fireball that passed over Riyadh in 1863
or 1891 (Wynn and Shoemaker, 1998: 71). The recency of the impact, coupled with the
remoteness and homogeneity of the desert location, mean that Wabar “is perhaps the best-
preserved and geologically simplest meteorite site in the world,” as well as one of just 17 sites
worldwide that contain remnants of the impactor (Wynn and Shoemaker, 1998: 71).

Other potential impact sites in or near Egypt have been nominated since 2000. For the most
part, these are either now considered unlikely to have a genuine extraterrestrial origin or else
are too old to have served as an inspiration for the “falling star” in the Tale of the Shipwrecked
Sailor (Reimold, 2010). An Egyptian site proposed in 2011 at Raz Zeidun, between the Nile
and the Red Sea east of Thebes/Luxor (Fig. 2), has a location highly relevant to the present
study (Baratoux et al., 2012), but the status of the site remains unclear and the age of the
putative impact unknown.


4.1 Inspiration from the Fossil Record?

Folk explanations of notable geological features, including the fossil remains of extinct
megafauna, are found around the world (Mayor, 2007). Indeed, many palaeontologists believe
that there are connections between the dragons of myth and legend and the discovery of
dinosaur fossils by ancient peoples (Humanities at Stanford, 2008). For example, a number of
the fantastic creatures of classical mythology, such as the griffin, may have been inspired by
real-life encounters with the fossilized bones of prehistoric creatures (Mayor, 2011).

With regard to the giant serpent in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor, we might note the
existence of Gigantophis, a genus of prehistoric giant snake which lived in the northern Sahara.
In Egypt, vertebral remains were collected in 1901 from the Upper Eocene Qasr el-Sagha
formation in the Fayum (Rio and Mannion, 2017: 1). Adult specimens of G. garstini are
estimated to have been ca. 6.9 m in length (Rio and Mannion, 2017: 13), slightly less than half
the size of the serpent in the story. In addition, only a small number of fossils are known today
(Rio and Mannion, 2017: 2). On balance, then, the remains of Gigantophis seem unlikely to
have served as an inspiration for the giant serpent of the Egyptian tale.

However, other paleontological discoveries in ancient Egypt may well have contributed in
a general sense to the concept of the “giant serpent.” The Greek historian Herodotus (5th century
BCE) heard Egyptian tales of winged serpents and – in the desert near Buto, in the Nile Delta
– was shown “proof” of their former existence (Mayor, 2011: 135-136). His account (Hdt. Hist.
II 75-76; de Selincourt, trans. (1972: 157-158) reads:
On my arrival I saw their skeletons in incalculable numbers; they were piled in heaps, some
of which were big, others smaller, [...] The place where these bones lie is a narrow mountain
pass leading to a broad plain which joins on to the plain of Egypt [...] The winged snakes
resemble watersnakes; their wings are not feathered, but like a bat’s.

Phlegon, a later Greek historian (2nd century BCE), described giant articulated skeletons
eroding out on the surface of the desert at the Wadi Natrun in Lower Egypt. Modern science
has discovered Egypt’s most significant Pliocene exposures at this site, leading Adrienne
Mayor to claim that “by Phlegon’s day, travellers went out of their way [to Wadi Natrun] to
view the spectacle of massive, articulated skeletons of mastodons, such as Gomphotherium
angustidens [...] or the huge giraffids Sivatherium maurusium and Libytherium” (Mayor, 2011:
150). Since Wadi Natrun has always been the main source of the natron required for artificial
mummification, its marvels would have been known to ancient Egyptians of the 2nd millennium
BCE and earlier (Mayor, 2011: 150).

In Upper Egypt, Egyptian worshippers of Seth “collected nearly three tons of black, river-
polished fossil bones” between 1300 and 1200 BCE. They deposited these finds as relics at two

shrines devoted to the god Seth at Qau and Matmar, near Asyut (Mayor, 2011: 177). Other
fossilized bones (including those of extinct crocodile and gigantic buffalo) found at Qau had
been carefully wrapped in linen and placed within tombs. The heavy, mineralized black bones,
which had been highly polished by river sand, were probably revered as the remains of Seth,
the god of disorder and darkness (Mayor, 2011: 177-178). As Mayor notes in another context
(Mayor, 2011: 198):
The discovery of gigantic, blackened, burnt-looking petrified bones [...] might well evoke
scenarios of huge creatures incinerated by bolts of lightning in the deep past. [...] The notion
that fossil-monsters were killed by lightning is not unique to classical antiquity. [...] The
lightning motif [...] reflects the attempt to imagine a force powerful enough to destroy
monsters of such size and strength. Today, many believe that a giant asteroid impact was
the great cataclysm that destroyed the dinosaurs.

Mayor’s last sentence leads us effortlessly into the final topic for discussion in this paper.

4.2 Extinction of the Terrestrial Dinosaurs

The fact that some meteors move through the sky with a spiralling motion has led certain
cultures – such as the ancient Chinese – to associate them with snakes (Wu and Zhang, 2010:
440-441); similarly, the folklore of Slavic and Fenno-Ugric peoples identify shooting stars and
comets as flying fire-serpents (Kõiva and Boganeva, 2020: 388). However, such generic
correlations fall far short of the specifics in the Egyptian story – a tale in which the explosive
collision of a falling star with the earth instantly exterminates all but one of the narrative’s
population of giant terrestrial serpents.

Having identified the sailor’s enchanted island with St. John’s Island (Zeberged/Zabarjad)
off the Rās Benās promontory in the Red Sea (Fig. 2), at whose base lies the southern Egyptian
port of Berenice Troglodytica, G.A. Wainwright was prompted by the modern-day absence of
snakes on the island to wonder in 1946 whether “[i]n view of this accuracy, it may be asked
whether of the destruction of the serpents may not be the romanticized record of an actual
event” (Wainwright, 1946: 38). Post-1980 – and especially post-2010 – readers are more likely
to recognize in the giant serpent’s story of the destruction of his kin an astounding similarity
to the modern scientific understanding that a large meteorite, comet or asteroid hit the Earth
and caused global environmental damage, leading to Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) [=
Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T)] boundary and the extinction of the earth-bound giant reptiles.

This mass extinction event is now securely attributed to a large asteroid impact at Chicxulub,
Mexico, ca. 65.5 million years ago (Bottke et al., 2007; Schulte et al., 2010; Kring, 2010). The
energy yield of the impactor has been estimated at 1.3-58 x 1024 J (Fig. 3) (Durand-Manterola
and Cordero-Tercero, 2014). J. Bradley Schaefer predicts that “[t]he immediate shock and heat
from the impact would have annihilated all life within perhaps a 1,000-mile radius from ground
zero” (Schaefer, 2005). The possibility of a human folk-memory of this event is, of course,
precluded by the absence of any humans at the time; the Hominina (humans and their bipedal
ancestors) separated from the Panina (chimpanzee family) only some 5-8 million years ago
(Conroy, 2005: 123; Haviland et al., 2008: 121). We should note that the terrain inhabited by
the giant serpents of the Egyptian Tale was similarly devoid of human life; the sparing of a
single snake is a literary device necessary for the sailor (and, by extension, the reader) to learn
how the reptilian megafauna met its end prior to his arrival on the scene.

In science, however, no such device exists; the geographic and temporal remoteness of the
Chicxulub impact from Middle Kingdom Egypt constitute insuperable obstacles. Thus, while
we must acknowledge the remarkable accuracy of the Egyptian Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
in attributing the rapid demise of a large population of flightless giant reptiles to a fireball
resulting from a collision between the earth and a celestial body, it is not possible to propose a
rational explanation for it. However, this uncanny convergence of ancient literature and modern
science deserves to be more widely appreciated.

Unexpected agreements between traditional wisdom and modern science occur in other
contexts. For example, Adrienne Mayor has noticed that a recent theory, which attributes a
mass extinction of marine and terrestrial life at the Permian-Triassic boundary (ca. 251 million
years ago) to a huge underwater explosion of flammable gas (Ryskin, 2003), has a remarkable
parallel in the cosmogony of Zuni Native Americans (Mayor, 2005: 116). The Zuni creation
myth also has humans evolve from lower life-forms, thereby anticipating the concept of
Darwinian evolution (Mayor, 2005: 116).


The central motif in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor (ca. 2000-
1900 BCE) concerns a star that fell to earth and caused the extinction of a population of giant
serpents on an island to the east or south-east of Egypt. All but one of the serpents were “burned
utterly” in the fireball that followed the impact. “Falling stars” are relatively common
phenomena in the astromantic records of the Ancient Near East. If the recently postulated Late
Holocene meteorite impact at Umm al Binni in the al-Amarah marshland of southern Iraq (Fig.
2) is indeed the cause of a regional impact fallout layer dating to ca. 2350 BCE, then a folk-
memory of this event, and the loss of life that it caused, could be preserved in the Egyptian
story. Another candidate is a putative comet strike of ca. 2807 BCE that has been proposed to
account for the undersea “Burckle crater” south-east of Madagascar, and thus south-east of
Egypt (Fig. 2). Its earlier date and greater distance from Egypt make it a less attractive option,
but its location accords with the mid-ocean setting of the Egyptian story and one could interpret
the Tale’s fierce storm, with its huge waves, as a folk-memory of the tsunami that an oceanic
impact would generate. A similar connection – albeit on a much smaller scale – could be made
for the less energetic and land-proximal Umm al Binni strike if the site was under water at the
time of proposed impact.

It is, of course, important to remember that both the Umm al Binni and Burckle impact
events are at this stage proposals which await testing and confirmation. As outlined above, an
impact origin for the Burckle structure remains unproven and highly contested, so – together
with its greater temporal and geographic remoteness from Egypt of ca. 2000 BCE – it must be
regarded less favourably than the Umm al Binni option. Unfortunately, the security situation
in Iraq has for many years prevented scientists from accessing the al-Amarah marshland, so
the most recent analyses have relied upon satellite imagery, and fall short in several respects
(French and Koeberl, 2010). If the putative fallout layer dated to ca. 2350 BCE that has been
detected in Syria and off the coast of Oman (Fig. 2) proves to have its origin in a Near Eastern
impact other than the one proposed for Umm al Binni, then this might serve equally well as a
candidate for the serpent’s “falling star.” Artefacts fashioned from meteoric iron have been
found in Iraq, Turkey and Egypt in contexts dating to 2500, 2400-2200 and 2050-2025 BCE,
respectively (Bjorkman, 1973: 124-125). A confirmed terrestrial impact crater in the eastern
Sahara, within the borders of modern Egypt near Gebel Kamil, is dated to 3000 BCE or later;
while its location is at odds with the setting of the island in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor,

it may still have contributed to the narrative’s description of the impact-derived fireball and its
catastrophic effects on life.

In light of the modern belief that an asteroid impact caused the Cretaceous–Paleogene
extinction event in which the non-avian dinosaurs were eliminated some 66 million years ago,
it is uncanny to find the destruction of a population of flightless yet dragon-like giant reptiles
attributed to just such a collision in an Egyptian narrative dating to ca. 2000 BCE. Clearly the
Egyptian sages fully appreciated the potential consequences for earthly life of celestial impact
events some two millennia before John of Patmos described how, in his eschatological vision
(Rev 8: 8-11),
... something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea. A third of
the sea became blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships
were destroyed. The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven , blazing
like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the
star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many died from the
water, because it was made bitter. [NRSV]

Papyrus Chester Beatty IV (Dynasty 19, i.e., 13-12th century BCE) describes the Egyptian
sages as “those learned scribes from the time of the successors of the gods, those who foretold
the future” and it promises of “those sages who foretold the future, that which came forth from
their mouths took place” (Simpson 2003: 1). It would seem that this was no idle boast. Whether
their apparent prescience in respect of the extinction of reptilian megafauna by a celestial
impact event was arrived at by divine revelation about deep prehistory, clairvoyance of what
modern science would reveal, keen observation of the world around them, lucky guesswork or
sheer coincidence is a matter for individual readers to decide for themselves.

© Lloyd D. Graham, 2017 (excluding third-party quotations). v05_02.02.22.

Cite as: Lloyd D. Graham (2017-22) “Then a Star Fell:” Folk-Memory of a Celestial Impact Event in the
Ancient Egyptian Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor?, online at


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