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Made in United Stoles of America

Vol. 33, No. 3, June 1997
Copyright 1997 by the American Water Resources Association



Paul V. Bolstad and Wayne T. Swank2

ABSTRACT: Water quality variables were sampled over 109 weeks classes of landcover associated with specific land-
along Coweeta Creek, a fifth-order stream located in the Appalachi- uses). Such environmental analyses can be
an mountains of western North Carolina. The purpose of this study
was to observe any changes in water quality, over a range of flow approached from a "cumulative effects" or "cumula-
conditions, with concomitant downstream changes in the mix of tive impacts" viewpoint (Sidle and Hornbeck, 1991).
landuses. Variables sampled include pH, HCOs2", conductivity, Gosselink et al. (1990) have defined cumulative
N03--N, NH4+-N, P043--P, C1-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, SiO2, impacts as the incremental, summed, or interactive
turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total and fecal coliform, effects of human action, added to past, present, and
and fecal streptococcus. Landcover/landuse was interpreted from
1:20,000 aerial photographs and entered in a GIS, along with infor- reasonably foreseeable effects. The impetus for cumu-
mation on total and paved road length, building location and densi- lative impact analyses on forest land includes the
ty, catchment boundaries, hydrography, and slope. Linear Multiple-Use and Sustained-Yield Act of 1960, the
regressions were performed to relate basin and near-stream land- National Forest Management Act of 1976, and the
scape variables to water quality. Clean Water Act of 1977 (Sidle and Hornbeck, 1991).
Consistent, cumulative, downstream changes in water quality
variables were observed along Coweeta Creek, concomitant with While cumulative impacts analyses have been
downstream, human-caused changes in landuse. Furthermore, operationally implemented by some agencies (Coburn,
larger downstream changes in water quality variables were 1989), there is a weak scientific foundation for many
observed during stormflow when compared to baseflow, suggesting specific features of cumulative impacts guidelines,
cumulative impacts due to landscape alteration under study condi- particularly in water quality planning (Sidle and
tions were much greater during storm events. Although most water
quality regulations, legislation, and sampling are promulgated for Hornbeck, 1991). This is particularly true for upland
baseflow conditions, this work indicates they should also consider watersheds. Most published studies of cumulative
the cumulative impacts of physical, chemical, and biological water impacts analyses have primarily focused on wetland
quality during stormflow. ecosystems (Winter, 1988; Childers and Gosselink,
(KEY TERMS: water quality; cumulative effects; North Carolina; 1990; Leibowitz et al. 1987) where geographic infor-
mountain; U.S.; stormflow, baseflow; GIS.)
mation systems (GIS), aerial photography, and remote
sensing have been valuable tools in assessments
(Johnston et al., 1988; Johnston et al., 1990). Cumula-
INTRODUCTION tive impact of landuse practices on water quality in
upland forested watersheds has also received atten-
tion (Ziemer et al., 1991). However, the interrelation-
Environmental planning and regulatory mandates ship between landuse and water quality of upland
require assessment of water quality changes associat- tributaries which drain from forests into higher-order
ed with distributed landuse activities (in this study,
streams with a variety of downstream landuses has
as in much of the literature, landuse and landcover
received less attention (Sidle and Hornbeck, 1991).
will be used interchangeably, and refer to general We need to understand the cumulative contributions

o. 96005 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (formerly Water Resources Bulletin). Discussions are open
until December 1,1997.
Respectively, Assistant Professor, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, 1530 North Cleveland Avenue, St. Paul, Min-
nesota 55108; and Project Deader, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, U.S. Forest Service, 3160 Coweeta Lab Road, Otto, North Carolina 28763.


Bolstad and Swank

of different landuses as they change downstream if we Coweeta Basin (Hatcher, 1988). Metasandstones are
are to develop meaningful water quality regulations interlayered with mafic volcanic rocks and aluminous
in many parts of the country. For example, results schists. Quartz, biotite and muscovite micas, plagio-
from a predominantly agricultural midwestern water- case feldspar, and almandine garnet comprise the
shed, with some forest and urban development, most abundant rock-forming minerals (Velbel, 1988).
showed landuse had a distinct overall and seasonal Well developed Ultisols and immature Inceptisols are
effect on stream water quality (Osborne and Wiley, the most common soil types.
1988). In addition, a recent study in the Pinelands of
New Jersey showed substantial landuse effects on
natural water quality which were related to agricul-
tural development, urban density, and domestic Creek
wastewater flow (Zampella, 1995).
Methods for assessing the relative contributions of N
nonpoint source pollution from different activities
would be particularly useful if State environmental
programs are to classify watersheds and develop cri- Stations
teria for different levels of development (State of /\/ Streams
North Carolina, 1994). Toward this goal, we began a /\/Watershed
study of cumulative impact on Coweeta Creek in
western North Carolina (Swank and Bolstad, 1994).
2000 Meters
Managed forests occupy about 99 percent of the area
in the upper Coweeta Creek watershed. Subsequently,
the stream flows through agricultural, recreational,
and residential lands. The objective of our study is to
document any cumulative effects of these landuses on Figure 1. Watershed Boundary and Stream Sampling Locations
important and commonly-measured water quality in the Coweeta Creek Watershed in Western North Carolina.
variables in a representative southern Appalachian Stations 1 through 5 are arranged down the stream gradient
on Coweeta Creek. First order streams are not shown.
watershed. The study is an effort to identify changes
in both baseflow and stormflow water quality associ-
ated with changes in downstream landuses and devel-
opment. Monitoring Stations

Five water quality monitoring stations were locat-

ed over 8.7 km of Coweeta Creek (Figure 1). Stations
EXPERIMENTAL LOCATION AND DESIGN were designated as 1 through 5 from upstream to
downstream. Along Coweeta Creek, stream size and
This study was conducted within the Coweeta permanent landscape alteration increases ( e.g., con-
Creek drainage, a fifth-order stream which drains version of forests to agriculture and increases in road
4350 ha in the Nantahala Mountain Range of western density) from lower to higher station numbers (Fig-
North Carolina, USA, latitude 3502'N, longitude ure 1, Table 1). Sites were selected to encompass
8325'W (Figure 1). The Coweeta Hydrologic Labora- incremental additions and a variety of landuses. Cri-
tory, a research facility of the USDA Forest Service, teria for station selections were largely subjective and
comprises 2185 ha of the upland drainage area partly based on potential influences of near-stream
(Swank and Crossley, 1988). Elevations of the study landuse activities. Most of the area above Station 1
area range from 650 m at the confluence of Coweeta was covered with mature deciduous forest and paved
Creek and the Little Tennessee River, to 1592 m at road density was low, while unpaved road density was
the western side of the basin. The climate is classed relatively high. Downstream stations were selected to
as Marine, Humid Temperate due to high moisture encompass additional landuse features such as resi-
and mild temperatures (Swift et al., 1988). Average dences along the stream, grazing and other agricul-
annual precipitation ranges from 1800 to 2500 mm on tural practices, plus additional roads. Stations 2
a low to high elevation gradient, with frequent low through 4 were characterized by a two to six-meter
intensity rains in all seasons and little snow (Swift et wide riparian shrub strip (chiefly Alnus, Rubus, and
al., 1988). Average monthly temperatures at 700 m Salix) with a mix of pastures, homesites, and farm-
elevation range from 3.3C in January to 21.6C land beyond the riparian strip. Station 5 was in a
in July. The bedrock geology is of late Precambrian low-density suburban mix, with mown grass up to the
and two major lithostratigraphic units occur in the stream edge.


Cumulative Impacts of Landuse on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

TABLE 1. Summary Data for the Catchments Above Five Sampling Stations Used in This Study.
Sampling Station Number
Characteristics Upstream of Upstream ton. Downstream
Sample Station 1 2 3 4 5
Total Area (ha) 1605 1798 3099 4163 4456
Forest Area (ha) 1600 1782 2986 3904 4113
Agricultural Area (ha) 4 13 89 155 192
Urban/Suburban Area (ha) 1 3 24 104 151
Total Road Length (km) 39.8 45.2 80.8 106.8 122.6
Unpaved Road Length (km) 38.6 43.9 73.4 96.4 106.5
Total Road Density (km/km ) 2.49 2.51 2.61 2.60 2.75
Unpaved Road Density (km/km ) 2.41 2.44 2.37 2.33 2.39
Structures/Area (# / 100 ha) 0.37 3.06 5.36 6.01 9.23

Stream Sampling Stream discharge was estimated at Station 1 by

extrapolating hydrologic records taken approximately
100m above Station 1 near the confluence of two
Stream water samples were collected during base-
fourth-order streams which form Coweeta Creek (Fig-
flow and stormflow periods. During baseflow, grab
ure 1). Discharge is measured continuously on each
samples were collected in 1-liter bottles from the free-
stream with 3.66 m Cipolletti weirs. Flow rates for
flowing section of the stream at each station; eddies
the gaged 1484 ha were prorated to the 1626 ha rep-
and pools were avoided. Samples were prepared with-
resented by Station 1, with appropriate proportional
in 45 minutes after sampling, and stored until analyt-
area corrections for precipitation amounts.
ical processing. Sampling was initiated the first week
of June 1991 and was conducted twice weekly through
August. Thereafter, baseflow sampling was conducted Water Quality Parameters and Methods
approximately weekly through the first week of
November 1993.
During selected storm events, two different sam- Water samples were analyzed for a variety of phys-
pling methods were used. Grab samples were taken ical, chemical, and biological characteristics. Dis-
on the rising limb of the hydrograph, near peak flow, solved oxygen and temperature were measured
and on the hydrograph recession. Repeat samples on-site with a YSI Model 59 portable meter standard-
were collected at approximately the same point in the ized to 93.0 percent to account for altitude. All other
channel, near the surface, approximately 1 meter analyses were conducted using previously established
from channel edge. Sampling frequency and timing procedures (Deal et al., 1996). Turbidity was mea-
during a storm varied in accordance with storm pat- sured with a Hack Model 2100A turbidimeter
terns. Because of limited personnel, not all stations standardized to 12 NTUs. Conductivity was deter-
were sampled at all storm events, nor were samples mined with a Fisher Conductivity Meter Model 152
simultaneous across stations. However most samples standardized to 75 umhos/cm. Determinations of pH
were taken within a one-hour period, and no "stan- were made with an Orion digital pH meter, Model
dard route" was used, to preclude time bias associated 611, calibrated with pH 7 and pH 4 buffers. Concen-
with any station. Some storm events were also sam- trations of dissolved inorganic ions were measured
pled using a time-proportional automated sampler using the following methods: K + , Na + , Ca2+, Mg2+
which was activated near storm onset. Samplers were with a Perkin Elmer 2100 Atomic Absorption Spec-
programmed to collect 24 samples at either one- or trophotometer; PO43--P, S042-, NO3--N, Cl- with a
two-hour intervals during storms. We attempted to Dionex Series 4500i Ion Chromatograph; NH 4 +-N,
sample during periods of "significant" rainfall, defined SiO2 with a Technicon AutoAnalyzer; and HC03m with
subjectively as greater than 1cm of precipitation. We 0.01 N H2S04 titration.
did not sample based on time between storms or Water samples for bacteria determination were col-
intensity of rainfall. lected in autoclaved 1-liter bottles and refrigerated
until filtered, usually within four hours of sampling.


Bolstad and Swank

Filtration methods followed standard procedures (Mil- areas draining into each sample point were identified
lipore, 1986) using pre-sterilized HA-type (0.45 um on 1:24,000 USGS quadrangle maps and digitized.
pore size) membrane filters for Streptococcus and Digital spatial data layers were then aggregated
total coliform and HC-type (0.7 um pore size) filters based on pertinent attribute values, and overlain with
for fecal coliform. Pre-prepared commercial media catchment boundaries to provide specific characteris-
were used for total and fecal coliform and the agar for tics on a catchment basis. Landuse classes were com-
fecal Streptococcus was prepared from dehydrate. Fil- bined to form three broad classes (forest, agriculture,
tered volumes varied for each site, flow condition, and and urban/suburban). Aggregate statistics were com-
each type of bacteria to obtain counts that correspond- puted for each catchment and included percent lan-
ed to testing guidelines (Millipore, 1986). Dissolved duse for each broad landuse class, building density
oxygen, total coliform, fecal coliform, and Streptococ- (buildings/km2), total road length, paved road length,
cus were measured only during select baseflow and number of buildings, percent area by soil order, and
stormflow events, resulting in reduced sample num- percent area underlain by colluvial deposits.
bers for those parameters. Catchment characteristics were determined for all
land in the basin, and characteristics for near-stream
area were determined by applying a cartographic
Spatial data buffering operation in a GIS. Cartographic buffer
regions were defined by identifying areas within 50,
Nine spatial base data layers were developed for 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 meters of the nearest
the entire Coweeta Creek watershed: catchment stream. The 50 m lower limit was chosen because it is
boundaries, hydrography, landcover, roads, dwellings more than three times the approximate root-mean-
(including all enclosed buildings), slope, soils, surficial square positional error for the spatial data, while
geology, and bedrock geology. All data were converted characteristics for the 300 m cartographic buffer
to a vector digital format and co-registered to the regions approached those for the entire basin. These
UTM Zone 17 coordinate system. An error limit of 15 cartographic buffers were then used to characterize
m was established for both digitization and registra- near-stream conditions from each of the digital data
tion of all data layers. Catchment boundaries were layers through a cartographic overlay process. Sum-
visually interpreted on paper 1:24,000 scale, 7.5' mary landuse characteristics and aggregate statistics
series United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) maps, were calculated for each sampling station, using each
and manually digitized. Hydrography and roads lay- of the cartographic buffer distances. For example, per-
ers were digitized from 1:24,000 USGS maps, with cent non-forest landcover was determined for each
newer roads added through the interpretation of stream sampling station, based on areas within 50m
1:40,000 aerial photographs. Attributes for roads of the stream, areas within 100m of the stream, etc.,
included length and surface type (paved or unpaved). up to 300 meters from the stream, and for the entire
Attributes for hydrographic data included stream catchment.
length, stream order, and water sampling locations. Pearson's and Spearman's correlations were used
Building (structure) locations were identified from to reduce the number of landscape variables in subse-
nine-inch, 1:6,000 color infrared photographs taken quent water-quality regression models. High correla-
September 1991. Soils mapping unit boundaries were tion was expected among some landuse variables, e.g.,
manually digitized from 1:20,000 USDA Soil Conser- building density and percent developed landcover.
vation Service maps from the Macon County Soil Sur- This could lead to regression models with correlated
vey. Slope data were derived from the 7 m USGS predictor variables, which often results in poor regres-
digital elevation model, using a Rook's Case algorithm sion parameter estimates (Draper and Smith, 1981).
(Burrough, 1986). Bedrock and surficial geology were Because the objectives focused on identifying down-
manually digitized from a paper 1:24,000 geologic stream changes in the water quality variables and not
map published by the North Carolina Department of the development of regional models or methods to
Natural Resources and Community Development. estimate landuse impacts (both of which would
Surface geology was categorized into six classes, while require a much larger sampling effort, across a broad-
bedrock geology was represented by 14 rock unit er range of conditions), stepwise regression, principal
types. Landcover was interpreted on screen from digi- components regression, or other multi-variable meth-
tally rectified, scanned photography (Wolf, 1983). ods were not used. Upstream aggregated catchment
Landcover was categorized into 32 classes at the areas were used to calculate summary landuse vari-
Anderson Level III (Anderson et al., 1976) ables for each of the five stations. Variables included
Catchment characteristics were determined above percent agricultural, percent (sub)urban, percent
each sampling point through a cartographic overlay non-forest, building density, total road density
processes. First, catchment boundaries defining the (km/km2), paved and unpaved road density, percent


Cumulative Impacts of Landuse on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

area underlain by colluvial deposits, and percent area RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
with less than 5 percent slope. Correlations were cal-
culated for data derived from the entire catchment, Landuse Characteristics
and from each of the near-stream cartographic buffer
Overall, the study area was predominantly forest-
ed, with less than 6 percent of the total land area ded-
Statistical Analysis icated to developed or agricultural landuses (Table 1).
The proportion of non-forest landuse increased down-
stream, a characteristic of many watersheds in the
Summary statistics were calculated for all water southern Appalachian Mountains. Most other land-
quality variables. Values near peak flow were used for scape variables increased proportionally downstream,
stormflow samples. Peak was determined either dur- with the exception of unpaved road density (Table 1).
ing sampling, from recorded hydrographs, or by visual Correlations indicate there are two groups of land-
inspection of time-series plots for turbidity to esti- cover variables. A first set of variables was highly cor-
mate peak discharge. Near coincident peak turbidity related, including paved road density, percent
and discharge were observed at Station I for all storm non-forest, building density, percent area with < 5
events, and personal observations indicate turbidity percent slope, and percent area underlain by colluvial
peaks generally occurred within 1 hour at all stations deposits. Pearson's correlations ranged from 0.65 to
at our sample sites. Therefore, we assumed peak dis- 0.91, and were significantly different than zero. Agri-
charge at downstream stations coincided with peak culture and urban/suburban landuses and concomi-
turbidity. Scatter plots were produced for sufficient tant development were concentrated in the flatter
sample sets, defined as near-simultaneous collections areas near streams, and thus landscape variables
for at least three stations. Regression analyses were related to development increased downstream, as the
performed on each set, and after pooling sets based on proportion of flat, near-stream area increased. These
season (spring for March through May, summer for trends were reflected in building density (Figure 2),
June through August, fall for September through which increased downstream, both for the entire
November, and winter for December through Febru-
basin and for all cartographic buffer distances. Land-
ary). Measured sample variables were entered as scape analyses based on most of the development-
dependent variables, predicted by landscape (indepen- related variables lead to similar conclusions due to
dent) variables in simple linear regression models. the inter-correlation. Total road density and unpaved
Independent variables tested included absolute and road density were not highly correlated with the other
percent non-forest, paved and unpaved road density, landscape variables, due to the extensive unpaved
building density, total road density, absolute and per- road network in the Coweeta Basin. Roads have been
cent area less than 5 percent slope, and percent area constructed to test road designs and to support
in colluvial deposits. Landscape variable values were research.
for areas above each sampling point, using the entire Near-stream patterns of building density were
basin and the various cartographic buffer distances. complex. Building density increased downstream for
Because regressions which were significant at one all cartographic buffer distances (Figure 2). Below
buffer distance were generally significant for all Station 2, densities were lowest for the shortest car-
buffer distances, regression results are reported only tographic buffer distances (50 and 100 m), highest for
for the 50 m buffer data. Correlation among indepen-
the 150m cartographic buffer distance, and intermedi-
dent variables (described in results, below) led to the ate for larger cartographic buffer distances. We
selection of building density as an independent vari- attribute this to a strong desire to be near streams yet
able in separate simple linear regressions, and water above floodplain areas, particularly for downstream
quality variables as the dependent variable in each stations. Building density increased most rapidly
regression. Models were fit with an intercept; base- from stations 1 to 2 and 4 to 5.
flow models were typically fit with 105 to 109 weeks
of samples, and stormflow models were typically fit
with 35 to 45 storms for most physical and chemical Baseflow Water Quality
variables. Due to more limited sampling, total col-
iform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococcus models
were fit with between six and 19 sample sets. Bacteri- Water quality was good during baseflow conditions,
al counts were log-transformed prior to regression. as indicated by baseflow sampling over the three-year
study period (Table 2). Concentrations of most solutes
averaged less than 1 mg/1, typical of stream chemistry


Bolstad and Swank

Changes in Basin Building Density with

Longitudinal Position and Proximity to Stream

14 - - 14
v .
Buffer Distance
50 m
12 - - 12
-V- 150 m
- 200 m 10
T 250 m
-O~ 300 m
Full Basin 8

6 - - 6

E 4 H

2 - 2

0 0

1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

upstream downstream

Area Above

Sampling Station (ha)

Figure 2. Percent Area Plotted by Stream Sampling Location, for Each of Several Different Distances from Streams.
The percent of land with non-forested landuses increases as on moves from upstream to downstream sampling
stations (1 to 5). Building density is higher when only considering areas nearer the stream (within 50 m) than
farther away (within 300 m). These indicate non-forest landuses are concentrated near-stream and downstream.

for lightly-disturbed forest watersheds in the south- stream. Turbidity during baseflow was generally low,
ern Appalachians (Swank and Waide, 1988). NOs'-N, typical for the southern Appalachians (Swank and
NH4+-N, and PO43--P were very low, indicating the Crossley, 1988), averaging less than 6 NTU for all sta-
absence of point sources of inorganic solutes into the tions. Mean counts of total fecal coliform and fecal


Cumulative Impacts of Landuse on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

TABLE 2. Summary Water Quality Data from Baseflow Grab Samples at Each of Five Sampling Stations. Means and
standard errors (in parentheses) are based on from 105 to 109 samples for all physical and chemical variables,
except for Station 3 (n = 31). Summary data for fecal coliform (FC), total coliform (TC),
fecal streptococcus (FS), and dissolved oxygen (DO) are based on 11 samples.

Station Number
Variable 1 2 3 4 5

pH 6.85 6.77 6.83 6.89 6.91

(.013) (.009) (.011) (.011) (.012)

HCO32- 4.51 4.35 5.02 5.63 5.76

mg/l (.076) (.065) (.096) (.095) (.100)

Conductivity 13.82 14.26 16.13 17.38 17.92

us (.162) (.160) (.223) (.189) (.216)

N03--N 0.042 0.041 0.042 0.041 0.045

TDg/l (.0017) (.0016) (.0017) (.0017) (.0018)

NH4--N 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004

mg/l (.000472) (.000618) (.000282) (.000331) (.000717)

P043--P 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.002

mg/l (.000374) (.000235) (.000946) (.000605) (.000351)

ci- 0.521 0.533 0.606 0.630 0.664

mg/l (.0042) (.0036) (.0049) (.0058) (.0066)
K+ 0.399 0.408 0.447 0.465 0.483
mg/l (.0052) (.0061) (.0087) (.0097) (.0106)
Na+ 0.834 0.848 0.989 1.015 1.037
mg// (.0094) (.0101) (.0150) (.0158) (.0171)
Ca2+ 0.826 0.841 0.959 1.088 1.117
mg/t (.0140) (.0158) (.0164) (.0179) (.0189)

Mg2+ 0.342 0.351 0.374 0.467 0.478

mg/l (.0037) (.0037) (.0044) (.0060) (.0064)
S042- 0.603 0.631 0.663 0.672 0.696
mg/l (.0120) (.0120) (.0140) (.0137) (.0142)

SiO2 6.81 6.74 7.32 7.53 7.45

mgfl (.089) (.084) (.097) (.102) (.099)
Turbidity 2.86 3.13 3.91 5.13 5.52
(NTU) (.40) (.47) (.62) (.85) (.93)
Temperature 11.9 12.1 12.4 12.7 12.8
CC) (0.43) (.43) (.44) (.45) (.47)
DO 9.92 9.65 9.66 9.65 9.63
mg/t (0.11) (.11) (.11) (.11) (.12)
TC 9470 13660 40040 30740 52140
counts/100 ml (5046) (5599) (20765) (18734) (29861)
FC 200 340 460 1130 840
counts/100 m/ (125) (293) (227) (547) (308)

FS 710 1310 2180 1590 1840

counts/100 ml (223) (491) (948) (720) (793)

FC/FS .16 .17 .17 .27 .65


Bolstad and Swank

streptococci at Station 1 were typical of mean values Stormflow Water Quality

reported for other streams draining relatively undis-
turbed forested watersheds in western North Caroli-
Conductivity, NO3--N, HC03-, C1-, K+, Na+, Ca2+,
na (McSwain and Swank, 1977; McSwain, 1977).
Mg2+, Si02, turbidity, temperature, and total coliform,
While baseflow water quality was generally high,
often showed cumulative increases downstream
several variables show distinct downstream increases.
(Table 3). Due to small sample sizes and higher inher-
Cation concentrations, SiO2, HCO32-, SO42', C1-, con-
ent variability during storms, few among-station com-
ductivity, turbidity, and temperature generally
parisons were statistically different.
increased downstream from Station 1 to 5 (Table 2).
Two patterns are particularly obvious in comparing
In many cases these downstream increases in station
stormflow and baseflow data. First, mean values for
means were statistically significant (e.g., there were
most,variables at most stations were higher during
statistically significant differences among stations in
stormflow. These increases range from slight and non-
mean cation concentrations (a = 0.05)). Many of these
significant (a > 0.05; e.g., mean Cl- concentration of
differences are not biologically significant, in that
0.52 mg/1 at Station 1 during baseflow vs. 0.55 mg/1
they are within the acceptable ranges for most com-
during stormflow), to quite large (e.g., mean turbidity
mon aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate species
at Station 5 of 4.0 NTU during baseflow and 21.8
found in the southern Appalachians (Grubah et al.,
NTU during stormflow). Bacteria levels were among
1996). Statistical significance may be due to the large
the most responsive water quality variables during
sample sizes and correspondingly small mean
storm events although patterns were highly variable
standard errors. Phosphorus and both forms of N
among storms and among seasons. Total coliform,
exhibited generally low concentrations, although
fecal coliform, and fecal streptococci typically
downstream values were slightly higher than long-
increased two- to three-fold during storm events com-
term measurements in the forested portions of the
pared to baseflow populations. However, while bacte-
watershed (Swank and Crossley, 1988). There were
ria levels typically increased downstream, they were
distinct trends for total coliform, fecal coliform, and
highly variable. For some storms, levels decreased
fecal streptococcus, with all values generally increas-
from a station to a downstream station, whereas for
ing downstream. However, downstream increases
other storms increases were as high as seven-fold.
were not statistically significant, due in part to large
Elevated bacterial counts during storms at Station 1
observed standard errors for these variables. Mean
are similar to previous responses observed at Coweeta
baseflow levels for total coliform, fecal coliform, and
(McSwain, 1977). The source of these large down-
streptococci counts increase from three- to eight-fold
stream increases in bacteria may be attributed to
downstream (Table 2). Thus, there is a cumulative
observed overland flow from adjacent lands directly
increase in bacteria populations, indicating additive
into streams during large storms, disturbance of bot-
sources downstream. The transport of these bacteria
tom sediments, and streambank flushing.
is probably primarily through the soil or direct input
The second noticeable difference between storm-
by warm-blooded vertebrates (e.g., raccoons, live-
flow and baseflow are larger downstream increases
stock) since baseflow samples represent periods when
for some variables. For example, N03--N concentra-
there is little or no overland flow input from adjacent
tions increased by 7 percent as one moved from Sta-
tions 1 to 5 during baseflow, and by 34 percent during
Fecal coliform/fecal streptococci ratios (FC/FS)
stormflow. Mean Mg+ concentrations increased by 33
have been used to differentiate between contamina-
percent between Stations 1 and 5 during baseflow and
tion from human (> 4.0), domestic animal (0.1-4.0)
60 percent during stormflow. Not all variables exhib-
and wild animal (< 0.1) sources (Howell et al., 1995).
ited steeper downstream increases, e.g., dissolved
In our study, baseflow FC/FS ratios were < 1 along
oxygen decreased approximately 3 percent down-
the entire stream length sampled, indicating a lack of
stream during both baseflow and stormflow, Cl- con-
human contamination. Sample sites 1 and 2 drained
centration increased downstream by approximately
primarily forested land and had baseflow FC/FS
21 percent during both baseflow and stormflow, and
ratios < 0.2, while Stations 4 and 5 had a larger pro-
Si02 increased by 9 percent downstream for both
portion of pasture land and grazing cattle, and base-
sampling sets. Some variables (e.g., temperature and
flow FC/FS ratios which exceeded 0.5. These patterns
S042-) showed no pattern or only slight increases or
were not maintained during stormflow.
decreases during storm events.


Cumulative Impacts of Landuae on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

TABLE 3. Summary Stormflow Water Quality Data Stream Samples at Each of the Five Sampling Stations.
Means and standard errors (in parentheses) are based on 72 storms for physical
and chemical variables and nine storms for biotic variables.
Station Number
Variable 1 2 3 4 5

PH 6.62 6.59 6.98 6.69 6.63

(.012) (0.023) (0.055) (0.032) (0.044)
HCO32- 3.54 3.43 5.55 4.20 4.27
mg/l (0.077) (0.118) (0.199) (0.132) (0.261)
Conductivity 15.05 16.41 15.25 18.72 17.8
uS (0.191) (0.333) (0.250) (0.277) (0.430)
N03--N 0.050 0.060 0.054 0.082 0.067
rag/t (0.0033) (0.0047) (0.0080) (0.0057) (0.0079)

NH4+-N 0.005 0.008 0.017 0.007 0.008

rog/l (.000461) (.000145) (.000100) (.000062) (.000116)
P043--P 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.006 0.005
rag/t (.00019) (0.001592) (0.000916) (0.00188)
ci- 0.549 0.555 0.568 0.754 0.663
mg/t (0.0148) (0.0241) (0.0145) (0.0297) (0.0237)
K+ 0.511 0.610 0.497 0.774 0.742
rag/I (0.0148) (0.0235) (0.0050) (0.0346) (0.0548)
Na+ 0.716 0.738 1.106 0.865 0.8324
mg/^ (0.0108) (0.0181) (0.0215) (0.0172) (0.0411)
Ca2+ 0.869 0.944 1.053 1.161 1.239
mg/l (0.0139) (0.0179) (0.0215) (0.0238) (0.0564)
0.359 0.384 0.393 0.431 0.496
mg/i (0.0047) (0.0055) (0.0005) (0.0059) (0.0156)
S042- 1.038 1.143 0.094 1.237 1.149
mg# (0.0309) (0.0427) (0.0700) (0.0460) (0.0705)

Si02 5.12 5.25 7.97 5.61 5.57

rag/t (0.124) (0.149) (0.233) (0.144) (0.394)
Turbidity 12.58 20.10 41.27 37.00
(MTU) (1.41) (2.77) - (6.36) (6.95)
Temperature 12.38 12.48 12.6 12.7
CC) (1.26) (1.29) _ (1.34) (1.65)
DO 9.78 9.53 9.51 9.43
mg/t (0.346) (0.308) - (0.355) (0.447)
TC 18790 34640 77160 98390
counts/100 mt (7822) (16697) - (52278) (73504)
FC 880 130 - 970 1260
counts/100 m/ (49) (67) (694) (896)
FS 450 8710 3260 4190
counts/100 mt (297) (491) - (2733) (3854)
FC/FS 0.52 0.22 - 0.32 0.49


Bolstad and Swank

Regression Analyses and Comparisons nitrogen during baseflow showed slight increases
with increased downstream building density. Howev-
er, during stormflow, there were large, consistent
Regression analyses indicate single variable mod-
increases in N03--N concentration as building density
els were best when trying to relate specific landuse
increased, with the highest rates of increase observed
characteristics to downstream trends in water quality
for fall samples (Table 4).
variables. Percent cover, building density, percent col-
These more rapid downstream increases in water
luvium, and paved road density were all consistently
quality variable concentration are most likely caused
good predictors of water quality variables when used
by increasing inputs from overland flow. Overland
singly in regression analysis. Multi-colinearity was
flow was observed during storms, in pastures, pave-
indicated by tolerance values, variance inflation fac-
ment, compacted unpaved roads, and other developed
tors, variance proportions, and other diagnostics of
areas. Overland flow, coupled with fertilizer amend-
multicolinearity (Belsley et al., 1980). Thus, regres-
ments, animal waste, and human-caused soil distur-
sion models were restricted to individual independent
bance in urban and agricultural lands, most probably
variables, with intercept. As noted earlier, we used
led to increased inputs along the upstream to down-
building density within 50m of a stream as the predic-
stream gradient. Lower rates of NO3" increase during
tor variable. This variable is easily estimated, highly
spring are consistent with this explanation, in that
correlated with the other noted landuse variables,
most human soil disturbance and fertilization occurs
and representative of the suite of landuse characteris-
during the late spring and summer, and frequent
tics which changed in the downstream direction.
overland flow during fall, winter, and early spring
When water quality variables were regressed
would "flush" the system. This may cause lower down-
against building density above the sampling station,
stream increases during spring. Turbidity increases
variable responses were observed (Table 4). A positive
may be due to overland inputs, increased streambank
regression slope indicates an increase in the water
erosion, and increased entrainment of bedload sedi-
quality variable with an increase in building density
ments during stormflow. Logging, farming, and con-
above the sampling station. As building density
struction has occurred over much of the Coweeta
increases, so does the level or concentration of the
Creek Basin, which undoubtedly increased sediment
variable. A larger slope coefficient, either among sea-
loads. Farming and construction were more frequent
sons or for storm vs. baseflow, indicates a more rapid
in the downstream, nearstream areas. Sediments
increase in the variable with an increase in building
deposited as a result of these activities may still be
density. We observed all combinations of slope
present, picked up and re-deposited with each storm.
increase and decrease in comparisons among storm-
Thus, turbidity increases may be due to past, as well
flow and baseflow, and in comparisons among sea-
as present, landuse activities.
sons. However, the regression results indicate that
A second group, including all the remaining water
there are two groups of variables defined according to
quality variables, exhibited non-significant differ-
how their regression slopes differ between baseflow
ences in regression slope values when stormflow data
and stormflow.
were compared to baseflow data (Table 4). Some vari-
The first group was comprised of those which
ables in this group, including pH, Na+, Mg+2, temper-
showed some significant differences in regression
ature, and DO, had small and inconsistent differences
slope between baseflow and stormflow (a = 0.1), and
in regression slopes between baseflow and stormflow
which generally showed more rapid downstream
and across season. For these water quality variables,
increases during storms than during baseflow. This
stormflow regression slopes, when compared to base-
group included of NO 3 --N, NH 4 +-N, turbidity, and
flow, were higher for some seasons, and lower or equal
total coliform. These variables showed a marked
for others, and hence no trends could be detected.
increase when baseflow levels were compared to
Other water quality variables showed variable but
stormflow (Figures 3 and 4; Table 4), for some sea-
often increasing regression slopes (and hence
sons, and on an annual basis. These stormflow
increased downstream rates of change) for stormflow,
increases were notably higher for four important
relative to baseflow. Regression results suggest there
water quality variables: turbidity, N03--N, NH4+-N,
may be some r e l a t i o n s h i p here, however they
and total coliform bacteria. Downstream rates of tur-
appeared weak and were not statistically significant
bidity increased by 0.08 to 0.61 NTU/building/100 ha,
in our study. This set of variables included conductivi-
with the highest rates of increase observed during
ty, P04-3-P, K + , Cl", fecal streptococcus, and fecal
winter (Table 4). Rates of downstream increase
coliform. Finally, there is a third set of these non-
during stormflow ranged from slightly below those
significant variables for which regression slopes
observed during baseflow (spring observations)
decreased under stormflow conditions, compared to
to more than four times greater (winter). Nitrate-
baseflow conditions. These variables included Ca2+,


Cumulative Impacts of Landuse on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

TABLE 4. Regression Slopes for Models Variable = Constant + Slope * Building Density in the 50 m Cartographic Buffer.
Building density recorded as buildings per square kilometer. Regressions based on baseflow grab samples, with sample
size typically from 84 to 103. Peak storm values based on samples collected near estimated stormflow peak, determined
from field observations for grab samples and from hydrographs from ISCO-obtained samples, with sample size typically
from 22 to 41. Table entry of n.s. indicates the regression slope was not significantly different from zero.
A * indicates the regression slope for storm samples was significantly different from baseflow samples, a = 0.05.
Baseflow Peak Storm
Variable Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter

pH 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.

HCO3- 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.14 n.s. n.s. 0.15 n.s.

Conductivity 0.47 0.49 0.55 0.58 n.s. 0.68 0.66 n.s.

N03--N 0.061 n.s. n.s. 0.170 0.177* 0.143 0.564* 0.510*

NH4+-N 0.006 n.s. n.s. 0.009 0.201* 0.019 0.051 0.105*
P043--P 0.007 0.008 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.059 n.s.
Cl- 0.014 0.017 0.018 0.015 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
Na+ 0.021 0.026 0.029 0.020 n.s. 0.029 0.018 0.017

K+ 0.008 0.013 0.013 0.009 n.s. 0.020 0.038 0.025

Ca2+ 0.038 0.039 0.043 0.039 0.040 0.050 0.039 0.017

Mg2+ 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.018 n.s. 0.019 0.020 0.013


S042- 0.010 0.012 0.011 0.012 n.s. 0.011 0.034 n.s.

Si02 0.089 0.082 0.085 0.086 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.

Turbidity 0.09 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.08 0.22 0.33* 0.61*


Temperature 0.141 0.121 0.097 0.099 0.140 0.112 0.170


DO -0.042 -0.021 -0.039 -0.028 -0.039 -0.038 -0.025

TC n.s. n.s. n.s. - n.s. 24,425* 2,950
counts/100 m^

FC n.s. n.s. n.s. - n.s. n.s. n.s. -

counts/100 mt

FS n.s. n.s n.s. - n.s. 1277 n.s. -

counts/100 mt


Bolstad and Swank

HC03-, and SiC>2. Some of these reductions may be 50

due to a dilution effect from increased flow volumes
40 -
Total Coliform by Building Density
IOU 30
Baseflow Stormflow
_ 140 - v Stormflow ..\ 7
I 120- \7 | 20 -j

c 80 - ' r /7
o 10 Baseflow data
"o 60 -
tn 40 - ..' 's 7
o 20 -
o f fi Iffffi **
2 4
6 8 10 12 14
^ 0 -
Building Density (no./100 ha)
i r
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Figure 4. Mean and Standard Error (bars) for Turbidity, Plotted
Building Density (no./100 ha.) Against Building Density for Each Sampling Condition
(baseflow and Stormflow). Turbidity increases were
significant (a = 0.05) for both baseflow and Stormflow
collections based on linear regression. In addition, slopes
Fecal Streptococcus by Building Density of the regression lines for baseflow and Stormflow
samples were significantly different (a = 0.05).
/uuu -
6000 - v Stormflow ..\7
E \7 Coincident plots of flow rate and water quality
0 5000 - variables during storms indicate discharge and water
quality values reached their maximum at approxi-
^4000 - mately the same times, a finding consistent with pre-
0) ..'' "\ 7
vious studies at Coweeta Creek. Figure 5 illustrates
"c 3000 -
_0 ..' T the course of streamflow, turbidity, and NOs'-N at
Q 2000 - ,'' i Station 1 during a representative winter storm. Vari-
ables are plotted as a percent of their respective peak
1000 - observed during the storm event. As with most
f ^ " observed storms, the turbidity peak is nearly coinci-
0- . r* dent with flow rate, and recedes concomitantly.
Nitrate in this instance peaks after maximum flow, is
more variable, and maintains a higher level for a
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 longer period of time. In general, nitrogen and phos-
Building Density (no./100ha) phorus were more variable, peaked near but not
always coincident with stormflow, and varied consid-
Figure 3. Mean and Standard Error (bars) for Total erably during storms.
Coliform and Fecal Streptococcus, Plotted Against
Building Density for Each Sampling Conditions
(baseflow and storm samples during Stormflow). Comparisons with Other Studies
Subset of data were selected to balance station samples.
Regression lines for Stormflow data are significant,
while they were not for baseflow samples (a = 0.05). Mean anion and cation concentrations, and turbidi-
ty values reported here are quite low when compared
to measurements reported for other human-impacted
waters (Osborne and Wiley, 1988; Jordan et al, 1993).


Cumulative Impacts of Landuse on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

Relative Storm Flow, Turbidity,

and Nitrate Concentration

100 -

80 -

CO a.
60 -

<5 40

20 - NOs-N
--*-- Turbidity

--D~- Flow

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Feb. 25-26,1992

Date and Hour

Figure 5. Hydrograph, Turbidity, and Nitrate Concentration, Expressed as a Percent of Peak Value, for a Measured Storm.
In this and most storms observed, turbidity peaked at or near flow. Other variables, in this case nitrate
nitrogen, increased with water flow, but were more variable in their length of peak and decline.

In particular, phosphorus and both forms of nitrogen of development, even though development is concen-
are from one to several orders of magnitude lower in trated in near-stream areas. There were also no
Coweeta Creek, both during baseflow and stormflow, known point source inputs along Coweeta Creek.
than those reported for water quality in watersheds Stormflow stream chemistry concentrations and tur-
where a majority of the land surface has been con- bidity, although elevated relative to baseflow, were
verted to agricultural and urban landuses (Osborne still from half to several orders of magnitude lower
and Wiley, 1988; Zampella, 1995). High water quality than concentrations and turbidity levels observed in
during baseflow relative to other disturbed water- streams draining areas with more intensive and/or
sheds is most likely due to the relatively small extent extensive landuse conversion (Lowrance et al., 1984;


Bolstad and Swank

Osborne and Wiley, 1988; Jordan et al, 1993). This establish changes in landuse as the primary cause for
may be due to the relatively low percentage of the this change in water quality, because there are no
landscape permanently disturbed, even though this similar, undisturbed basins nearby for comparison.
disturbance was concentrated near the stream chan- However water quality, particularly during stormflow,
nel, and to the presence of riparian forest or shrub decreases at a much faster rate in our sampling than
strips along much of Coweeta Creek. The benefits of those observed along the forested, longer, larger
riparian vegetation have been demonstrated conclu- stream gradient in the catchments above our study
sively (Anderson and Ohmart, 1985). These strips areas. We conclude the cumulative impacts of other
have been documented to retain up to 90 percent of landuses appears to greatly increase turbidity, bacte-
the total N inputs from adjacent cropland (Lowrance ria populations, and some inorganic solutes, particu-
et al, 1984; Peterjohn and Correll, 1984), with sub- larly during stormflow. Increases in these water
stantial amounts of N03--N removed within the first quality variables are probably due to increased over-
20 m of the forest-field boundary (Peterjohn and Cor- land flow and transport of materials directly to the
rell, 1984; Jacobs and Gilliam, 1985; Jordan et al., stream.
1993). However, the riparian strips in these previous Water quality variables showed different, more
studies were typically wider than the one to four variable trends during stormflow conditions than dur-
meters commonly observed in Coweeta Creek. The ing baseflow sampling. N03'-N, NH4+-N, turbidity,
Coweeta Creek basin is representative of landuse pat- total coliform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococcus
terns in similar sized basins across much of the south- were characterized by higher mean levels down-
ern Appalachians. Population growth and associated stream and during stormflow. Moreover, these vari-
landuse disturbances are accelerating at an exponen- ables increased at greater rates downstream during
tial rate over the region, and this study provides evi- stormflow as compared to baseflow. Most other vari-
dence for cumulative impacts on important water able showed slight to no changes during storm events,
quality parameters from forested headwaters to with the exception of SiO2, which showed mean and
downstream landuses, particularly during stormflow downstream decreases in concentration during
periods. The majority of land available for develop- storms.
ment is located in the middle and lower portions of There were strong, positive relationships among
basins, in close proximity to streams; thus, the long- the suite of measures we used to measure human
range sustainability of water quality is of concern. impacts on the landscape. This is particularly true of
Our research indicates we should be particularly percent non-forest, paved road density and length,
observant of impacts on water quality during storm- and building number and density. Absolute levels of
flow. each variable changed, depending on the cartographic
buffer distance used. However, the trend of down-
stream increases held for most landscape measures of
human disturbance.
CONCLUSIONS In summary, this work identifies consistent, cumu-
lative downstream changes in Coweeta Creek con-
Based on this work, we conclude that during base- comitant with downstream changes in landuse.
flow conditions streamwater quality was high, with Furthermore, this work indicates consistently higher
generally low concentrations of chemical and biotic downstream changes during stormflow when com-
constituents, and predominantly influenced by forest- pared to baseflow conditions, suggesting cumulative
ed source area conditions. There were slight down- impacts due to landscape alteration, as tested here,
stream increases for most chemical, biological, and are much greater during storm events. Although most
physical variables, and most cations increased down- water quality regulations, legislation, and sampling
stream. Under baseflow conditions, we observed a are promulgated for baseflow conditions, this work
weak and variable increase in fecal streptococcus, indicates they should also consider the cumulative
fecal coliform, and total coliform bacteria in a down- impacts on physical, chemical, and biological water
stream direction, and small cumulative increases in quality during stormflow.
conductivity and turbidity.
Baseflow/stormflow comparisons suggest that the
influence of landuse on water quality changes during ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
storms. During baseflow, the high quality of water
flowing from forest sources is only slightly altered We wish to thank Natalie Runyon, Roger Allan, Robert McCol-
downstream. However, during storm events there is a lum, James Deal, and Barbara Reynolds for assistance in both field
and laboratory phases of this research, and Jim Perry, Ken Brooks,
reduction in forest influence on non-point source and Forrest Westall for reviews of an early version of this
pollution downstream. We cannot unambiguously manuscript.


Cumulative Impacts of Landuse on Water Quality in a Southern Appalachian Watershed

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