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Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247


Land use and land cover influence on water quality in the last
free-flowing river draining the western Sierra Nevada, California
Dylan S. Ahearna,*, Richard W. Sheibleya, Randy A. Dahlgrena,
Michael Andersonb, Joshua Johnsonc, Kenneth W. Tated
Department of Land, Air, Water, Resources, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Received 15 June 2004; revised 18 January 2005; accepted 18 February 2005

Land use and land cover across 28 sub-basins within the Cosumnes Watershed, CA (1989 km2) were correlated to nitrate-N
and total suspended solids (TSS) loading between water years 1999 and 2001. The impact of human development on stream
water quality was evident as both agricultural area and population density predicted TSS loading in a linear mixed effects
model. In contrast to the TSS model, the nitrate-N loading model was more complex with agriculture, grassland, and the
presence or absence of waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) all contributing. The lack of correlation between population
density and nitrate-N loading indicates that human habitation of the landscape does not impact stream nitrate levels until a
WWTP is built within the sub-basin. During dry water years the models predict a linear reduction in TSS loading but the
correlations to agriculture and population density remain positive. In contrast, nitrate is positively correlated to grasslands
during average water years and negatively correlated during dry water years. Analysis of constituent fluxes from the upper
watershed versus the lower watershed indicates that silica is derived primarily from the uplands and that during dry water years
the upper watershed is an important source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrate. The lower watershed contributes the
majority of the sediment and nutrients during both dry and average water years, the one caveat being that during dry years the
lower basin becomes a nitrate sink.
q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cosumnes River; Non-point source pollution; Landscape water quality relations; Land use; Impoundment; Water quality modeling

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 530 752 3073; fax: C1 530 752
1552. River water chemistry is controlled by numerous
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.S. Ahearn), natural and anthropogenic factors. These controls on
[email protected] (R.W. Sheibley), [email protected]
stream chemistry can either be spatially diffuse
(R.A. Dahlgren), [email protected] (M. Anderson),
[email protected] (J. Johnson), [email protected] (e.g. interflow through organic rich soils, return flow
(K.W. Tate). from extensive row crop cultivation) or concentrated
0022-1694/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247 235

(e.g. a hydrothermal spring, a waste water treatment The issue of seasonality also gives rise to
plant [WWTP] outfall). Calculating these latter inputs variation in results in LULC-water quality analyses.
is relatively simple as direct measurements can be Many authors have argued that the analysis should be
made at the source, but attributing stream water conducted during the storm season, as it is during this
chemistry to non-point sources (NPS) is much more time that the landscape is most intimately connected
difficult (Baker, 2003), as complications of scale are with local waterways (Arheimer and Liden, 2000;
inevitable. To address these problems researchers Basnyat et al., 1999; Bolstad and Swank, 1997).
have taken a landscape approach, subdividing water- Others have addressed this issue by analyzing stream
sheds into various combinations of land use/land chemistry during multiple seasons and conducting
cover (LULC) and monitoring the outflowing waters. separate correlations with LULC for each season
Some results have been qualitative in nature, simply (Johnson et al., 1997; Osborne and Wiley, 1988). The
stating, for example, that agriculturally dominated results of course indicate that, dependent upon
areas produce elevated concentrations of dissolved season, LULC has a varying impact on water quality.
salts (Smart et al., 1998) and nutrients (Keeney and Osborne and Wiley (1988) noted that median nitrate
Deluca, 1993; Pekarova and Pekar, 1996; Turner and concentrations were correlated with agricultural
Rabalais, 2003), while other studies have used GIS practices during the high-flow spring period, but
data and regression analysis or ordination to examine then became correlated with urban land cover during
relationships between LULC and suspended sediment the low-flow summer and autumn. Though season-
(Allan et al., 1997; Bolstad and Swank, 1997; Hill, ality has been addressed, few if any studies have
1981; Johnson et al., 1997) and nutrients (Allan et al., compared dry and wet year stream chemistry with
1997; Arheimer et al., 1996; Basnyat et al., 1999; Hill,
LULC gradients. The need for inter-annual analysis
1981; Omernik et al., 1981; Osborne and Wiley, 1988;
is especially acute in California as variability in
Sliva and Williams, 2001).
yearly precipitation can be extreme, and the impact
The majority of these studies conclude that
on water quality substantial.
agricultural land use strongly influences stream
Though there have been many studies linking
water nitrogen (Arheimer and Liden, 2000; Johnson
LULC to river water quality, we know of none that
et al., 1997; Smart et al., 1998), phosphorus
have been conducted in Californian watersheds,
(Arheimer and Liden, 2000; Hill, 1981), and
where a distinct Mediterranean climate makes water
sediments (Allan et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 1997).
Conversely, Osbourne and Wiley (1988) found that quality dynamics unique among other locales in the
urban land use determined soluble reactive phos- United States. This study examines the impact of
phorus in an east Illinois watershed while agriculture LULC on sediment and nitrate loading in both dry and
was only a secondary predictor of both N and P. average water years (a water year runs from October
Basnyat et al. (1999) and Sliva and Williams (2001) to September), taking into account the presence of the
came to similar conclusions in their studies of urban sub-watersheds that receive effluent from WWTPs, in
land-use impacts in Alabama and Ontario. However, order to quantify which land-use types drive chemical
using urban cover as a NPS for nutrients can give loading in the waterways of the Cosumnes River
spurious results, as much of the cover in urban areas Watershed. Additionally, chemical and sediment flux
is impervious and drainage is frequently routed to analysis of the upper and lower watersheds was used
WWTPs (which may or may not be in the same to determine if and when the upper watershed is an
basin), then discharged to local rivers as point important source of potential pollutants. In the
sources. To avoid this complexity Hill (1981) western Sierra Nevada, a watershed study of this
excluded watersheds with WWTPs from his study type and scale is only possible in the Cosumnes
of 22 watersheds in Ontario and as a result found no Watershed as every other drainage contains major
correlation between urban coverage and stream water impoundments which create discontinuity (Stanford
phosphorus. Obviously there are difficulties associ- and Ward, 2001; Ward and Stanford, 1983) in the
ated with quantifying urban impacts on water quality longitudinal land–water connection that is essential
using GIS based techniques. for such analyses to be valid.
236 D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247



22 16

23 26 Stream Gage (Michigan Bar)

Rain Gages
20 Sample Sites
Waterways 20
Watershed Boundaries 21
Lower Watershed
28 27 Upper Watershed 23
28 d

Fig. 1. Cosumnes River Watershed with names and locations of the 28 sampling locations, four rain gages, and the one river gage used in this

2. The study area of the Bay-Delta ecosystem. Land use in the lower
reaches is dominated by production agriculture (e.g.
The Cosumnes River Watershed is located south- row crops and viticulture) (Fig. 2). Population
east of Sacramento, CA and has a drainage area of distribution is weighted toward the lower watershed
1989 km2 (Fig. 1). The watershed begins south of
Lake Tahoe at 2400 m and descends westward into Upper Watershed Lower Watershed
the Central Valley, joining with the Mokelumne River
at 2 m above sea level. Because the Cosumnes
Watershed drains the western flank of the Sierra 80%

Nevada the waterways pass through three distinct

geologic zones. The upper watershed is underlain by 60%
granodiorites of the Sierra Nevada batholith, the
middle reaches pass through a metamorphic belt, and 40%
the lower reaches meander through valley fill
sedimentary units. The human population is sparse
in the uplands and some logging of the coniferous
forest is the only significant land use. The middle
reaches of the Cosumnes River wind their way 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
through oak woodland habitat, where grazing and Sub-catchment ID
Agriculture Forest Grassland Urban Other
viticulture are the dominant land uses. Annual grass-
lands dominate the lower Cosumnes Watershed as Fig. 2. Landscape characteristic gradients for each of the 28 sub-
the river descends to its confluence with the basins used in the study. Note the predominance of grasslands in the
Mokelumne River and the important aquatic habitat lower basin and coniferous forest in the upper basin.
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247 237

where suburban encroachment from the city of measured with the ammonium molybdate method
Sacramento is spurring rapid growth, while gold (Clesceri et al., 1998) using a Hitachi U-2000
rush mountain towns account for some elevated spectrophotometer with a detection limit of 5.0 ppb.
population numbers in the middle reaches. Total nitrogen (TN) was measured on a persulfate-
In the Mediterranean climate of central California digested split of unfiltered sample on a Carlson
there is a strong seasonal cycle with virtually all of the autoanalyzer (Carlson, 1978, 1986) with a detection
annual precipitation occurring between December and limit of 50 ppb.
March. Average precipitation in the upper watershed
is 804 mm yrK1 while approximately 445 mm yrK1 3.2. GIS analysis
falls in the lowlands. The Cosumnes River, as gaged
at Michigan Bar (Fig. 1), has a long-term (1907–2002) ArcGIS 8.3 Desktop GIS software was used to
mean daily discharge of 14.4 m3 sK1 (USGS gage determine the relative composition of land use and
#11335000). population characteristics within the Cosumnes River
Water sampling stations were located at 28 sites sub-watersheds. All datasets were converted to a
throughout the Cosumnes River Watershed (Fig. 1). common digital format, using a common coordinate
The sites were selected across a range of land uses, system (Albers Equal Area). Multi-source Land
geology types, and stream orders. The two sites with Cover Data (California Department of Forestry and
the most extensive urban development (sites 19 and Fire Protection, 2002b), also referred to as FVEG
24) have 25 and 20% urban coverage respectively; (Forestry-Vegetation management concentration),
each of the two sub-watershed contains a WWTP were reclassified into Agriculture, Forest, Grassland
which services areas that extend beyond the confines (Oak woodland habitat was classified with grassland),
of the drainages. Urban, and Other. The FVEG was then converted
from raster to a vector dataset and intersected with
previously-derived watershed boundaries. GIS tools
3. Methods were used to calculate the area of each land cover type
within each sub-watershed, which was subsequently
3.1. Water collection and analysis divided by the watershed area to derive the percentage
of the watershed covered by each type (Fig. 2). Year
Grab samples were collected from 28 sites every 2 2000 Census Blocks (California Department of
weeks from October 1998 to September 2001. Total Forestry and Fire Protection, 2002a) were intersected
suspended solids (TSS) were measured from a 500 ml with the same watershed boundaries. GIS tools were
sample collected from the thalweg of the river and at used to calculate the total population for each
approximately the mid-depth of the water column. watershed, which was subsequently divided by the
The 500 ml subsample was filtered through a pre- watershed area to get the population density (people/
weighed glass fiber filter; the filter was dried at 60 8C km2). A geologic map (Wagner et al., 1981) was
for 24 h and weighed again, the difference being the digitized for The Nature Conservancy and provided to
mass of sediment in the water sample. A separate the Cosumnes Research Group as a GIS dataset. The
125 ml sample was filtered through a 0.2 mm poly- map was simplified into three categories—igneous,
carbonate membrane (Nuclepore) and stored at 4 8C metamorphic, and sedimentary—and percent cover-
through completion of analyses. Ion chromatography age of each was calculated for the sub-basins.
(Dionex 500x; CS12 cations; AS4A anions) was used
to measure nitrate-N and phosphate-P with a detection 3.3. Hydrologic modeling
limit of 6.0 ppb. A Dohrmann UV-enhanced persul-
fate TOC analyzer (Phoenix 8000) was used in the Two models were used in the estimation of flow
analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) with a from each of the 28 sub-watersheds. A Precipitation
detection limit of 50 ppb. Total phosphorous (TP) was Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) with input from
analyzed from a persulfate-digested split of unfiltered three rain gages in and around the upper basin (Fig. 1)
sample (Yu et al., 1994), the digested sample was was used to estimate flows in the upper watershed,
238 D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247

while HEC-HMS, an updated version of the United and TSS and nitrate-N flux in dry and average water
States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) rainfall– years (Pinheiro and Bates, 2000). This approach
runoff model, was used in the lower basin. HEC-HMS allows for robust, simultaneous evaluation of associ-
used input from the one rain gage adjacent to the ations between response variables and environmental
lower basin. Two separate models were used because gradients while accounting for the repeated measures
the PRMS model for the upper basin existed prior to embedded in the data structure (Atwill et al., 2002;
the study, applying the PRMS model to the lower Bedard-Haughn et al., 2004; Tate et al., 2003).
basin would have been inefficient due to the paucity of Separate statistical models were developed for TSS
gages in the lower basin. HEC-HMS was more suited and nitrate. A backwards stepping approach was
for the conditions in the lower basin. Both models employed to isolate a final model with only significant
were calibrated to the Michigan Bar gaging station (p!0.05 for TSS, p!0.10 for nitrate) independent
located in the middle of the watershed (Fig. 1). After variables included. For each model, the initial
calibration the PRMS model had a relative standard fixed independent variables were LULC variables
error of 11.2% while the HEC-HMS model had an (%forest, %agriculture, %grassland, %urban, popu-
error of 17%. lation density, %sedimentary, %igneous, %meta-
The PRMS model, was developed by the United morphic, elevation, and presence or absence of
States Geological Survey (Leavesley et al., 1983). It is WWTP), annual rainfall (average or dry), and
a conceptual, distributed parameter model capable of interaction terms for LULC variables and rainfall.
continuous simulations. There are over 50 modules Sub-basin identity was treated as a grouping variable
used to describe hydrologic function which can be to account for repeated measures. Insignificant main
used in any combination in the construction of a effects remained in the model if interaction terms
model for a particular region. containing the main effect were significant. Both
HEC-HMS is a conceptual, lumped parameter dependent and independent data were natural log
model that utilizes a graphical user interface to build a transformed to meet the assumptions of normality, as
watershed model and to set up the precipitation and determined via graphical evaluation of standard
control variables for simulation (USACE, 2000). The diagnostic graphs. Goodness-of-fit of final significant
watershed model contains seven different elements statistical models was evaluated by scatter plot and
describing sub-watersheds, channel segments, diver- simple linear regression of observed data against
sions, reservoirs, sources, and sinks. The sub- equivalent model prediction.
watershed element has routines to compute losses In addition to a LME model, simple linear
due to infiltration, transforming the rainfall to runoff, regression was also conducted. The water quality
and baseflow. and geographical data were not normally distributed
Estimated daily discharges for each sub-basin were across the sub-watersheds so a non-parametric test
multiplied by linearly interpolated constituent con- (Kendall’s Tau) was used to determine significance of
centrations of TSS and nitrate (see Fig. 3 for the data simple linear regressions between environmental
range and median). The resultant flux numbers were variables and response variables.
summed by year, in-flowing fluxes were subtracted,
and finally divided by sub-basin area (Fig. 4).
4. Results
3.4. Statistical analysis
4.1. Linking land use and river water quality
The data structure is a longitudinal, cross-sectional
survey of TSS and nitrate-N annual fluxes repeated Multiple linear regression was used to quantify the
yearly for 28 sub-basins over 3 water years. In order to magnitude, direction, and significance of relations
account for co-dependence introduced by repeated between individual environmental variables and
measurements on the 28 experimental units (sub- loading of nitrate-N and TSS. During the average
basins) we used linear mixed effects (LME) analysis precipitation years of 1999 and 2000 the environ-
to examine the relationship between LULC factors mental variables most strongly related to nitrate-N
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247 239

137 167 167 197 367 300 154 487

Discharge (m3 s–1)

0 30

Nitrate-N (mg l–1)

Nitrate-N (mg l–1)


0 0

TSS (mg l–1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Fig. 3. Boxplots representing nitrate-N, TSS, and discharge data distributions (1999–2001) from the 28 sub-basins. The open circle represents
the maximum value obtained, the closed circle the upper 95% and lower 5%, whiskers are the upper 90% and lower 10%, boxes are the upper
75% and lower 25%, median line is displayed in each box. Lower watershed sites are in the shaded region. Note the change of scale for nitrate
between the upper and lower watershed.

loading were population density, %grassland, 1999 is not displayed because the results were very
elevation, and %forest (Table 1). For TSS the most similar to those in 2000) (Fig. 5). Geologic variables
important environmental drivers included %urban, were not significant in any of the model runs so we
%agriculture, and elevation. During 2001, nitrate was excluded these from our analyses and focused on
only correlated to population density while the LULC. TSS loading was predicted by a linear
relationship between TSS and %agriculture combination of %agriculture, %agriculture!rainfall,
weakened. population density, and rainfall (Fig. 5a). Population
In order to formulate a more rigorous predictive density was the driving factor with a coefficient of
model for chemical loading from our environmental 0.588 while %agriculture played a slightly less
data, a linear mixed effects model was constructed for important role (coefficientZ0.516). The rainfall
water years 1999–2001 (the data from water year term indicates that TSS loading is greatly reduced
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247
Fig. 4. TSS and nitrate-N loading distribution across the watershed in an average (2000) and dry (2001) water year. Stars indicate the presence of WWTPs. Note differences in
legend scales between years. The loading distributions in water year 1999 were very similar to those found in 2000, for simplicity only the results from 2000 to 2001 are reported.
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247 241

Table 1 coverage are input into this model the results give a
Linear regression results using Kendall’s Tau b computed on log clear picture of how TSS varies with land use (Fig. 6).
transformed data
As population increases TSS loading is predicted to
1999 and 2000 2001 increase, especially in a wet year, while an increase in
3 TSS %agriculture is predicted to have a lesser effect on the
Agriculture 0.34* 0.32* – 0.31 resultant TSS loading.
Forest K0.49* K0.24 – K0.50* The LULC-nitrate model is more complex and the
Grassland 0.45* 0.24 – 0.45* fit not as strong as that obtained for the TSS model
Urban 0.35* 0.30* – 0.50*
(Fig. 5). Nitrate was explained through a combination
Pop. density 0.43* 0.24 0.31 0.37
of %agriculture, %grassland, %grassland!rainfall,
The * indicates ProbOTau b!0.01, otherwise !0.05, – indicates and the presence or absence of WWTPs (Fig. 5b).
an insignificant relation. A Kendall’s Tau b of 1.0 is a perfect fit.
Because the two sub-basins that included WWTPs
(basins 19 and 24) exhibited such high nitrate-N
during dry years, while the %agriculture!rainfall loading (Fig. 4) the WWTP term was a strong
interaction indicates that this is especially true in predictor of nitrate-N loading, but outside of these
agricultural lands. In order to understand the results of two highly urbanized basins, %urban or population
a LME model it is frequently helpful to graph the density did not predict nitrate-N loading. Instead, a
results with hypothetical dependant variables. When combination of grassland and agricultural land drove
hypothetical population densities and %agricultural nitrate-N loading in both average and dry years.

3 y = 0.118 + 0.901x (a)

r2 = 0.931
Factor Coeff. Effect P Value
log TSS Predicted

TSS~ 0.269
+ 0.516 (% Agriculture) 0.043
– 0.497 (Rainfall) <0.0001
+ 0.588 (Pop. Density) 0.005
0 – 0.301 (% Ag. x Rainfall) 0.047


–1 0 1 2 3
log TSS Actual

1.5 (b)
y = 0.100 + 0.447x Factor Coeff. Effect P Value
log NO3-N Predicted

r2 = 0.469 NO 3-N~ –0.045

+ 0.715 (WWTP) <0.0001
+ 0.114 (Rainfall) 0.525
+ 0.145 (% Agriculture) 0.021
+ 0.134 (% Grassland) 0.089
0.0 – 0.301 (% Grassland
x Rainfall) 0.061

–0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

log NO3-N Actual

Fig. 5. Results of LME model analysis for (a) TSS and (b) nitrate-N. Model fit is graphically depicted with 95% confidence limits, while the
linear equation is presented in the accompanying tables. All units are kg haK1 yrK1.
242 D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247

140 (a) 20
10% Ag. (average)
120 40% Ag. (average)
10% Ag. (dry)

NO3-N load (kg ha–1 yr–1)

TSS load (kg ha–1 yr–1)

40% Ag. (dry)

10% Ag. (average)
80 40% Ag. (average)
0 10% Ag. (dry)
60 40% Ag. (dry)
40 –10

20 –15

0 –20
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Population Density (people km–2) % Grassland

Fig. 6. TSS linear model with hypothetical %agriculture and (b) 20

population density numbers input to depict output results for dry and 15
average water years.

NO3-N load (kg ha–1 yr–1)


The correlation between %agriculture and nitrate-N
loading was clear as loading increased with increasing
agricultural coverage in both average and wet years –5

(Fig. 7). Grasslands however had a more complex –10

10% Grass (average)
relationship with nitrate-N loading. During average –15
80% Grass (average)
10% Grass (dry)
years grassland was a positive predictor of stream 80% Grass (dry)
nitrate-N loading, but during dry years grassland was 0 10 20 30 40 50
negatively correlated to nitrate-N loading (Fig. 7). % Agriculture
While nitrate-N loading changed markedly between
Fig. 7. Nitrate-N model for dry and average water years with
wet and dry years, the relative contribution of each hypothetical %grassland and %agriculture depicted (a) without
sub-watershed to TSS loading remained relatively WWTPs and a %grassland x-axis and (b) with WWTPs and a
constant inter-annually (Fig. 4). %agriculture x-axis.

4.2. Uplands versus lowlands

nitrate concentrations were elevated in the lowlands
Though chemistry varied across each of the 28 sub- especially in the Deer Creek sub-watershed (con-
watersheds, upland drainages tended to deliver dilute, taining WWTPs), while Si and DOC concentrations
clear waters to the lowlands, while lower elevation were more evenly distributed throughout the water-
sub-watersheds produced more turbid waters with shed (data not shown).
elevated levels of constituents (Fig. 3). In the upper During water year 2000 (an average precipitation
watershed median TN for the 16 sub-watersheds was year) the upper watershed produced a water flux of
0.15 mg lK1 while median EC was 62.9 mS cmK1 4.45!1011 L yrK1 (Fig. 8). Though the lower water-
(data not shown). This contrasted sharply with the shed delivered half as much water (2.14!1011 L yrK1)
lower watershed where median concentrations of in this year, chemical concentrations in lowland areas
TN and EC over the three years of this study (Fig. 3) were high enough to cause the lower
were 0.83 mg lK1 and 192.5 mS cmK1, respectively. watershed to be the primary source of solutes and
Median TSS concentrations of 1.6 mg lK1 in the sediment in the basin. While the upper basin proved
upper watershed and 8.7 mg l K1 in the lower to be an important source of Si, far more TSS was
watershed indicated that the lower watershed is the delivered by the lower basin; in water year 2000
primary source of sediment in the Cosumnes. TP and (an average water year) the lower basin delivered
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247 243

TSS Water Si and DOC N and P

107(kg yr–1) 1011(L yr–1) 106(kg yr–1) 104(kg yr–1)
5 7 3.5 16
Lower Watershed (avg.)
6 Upper Watershed (avg.) 3.0 14
Lower Watershed (dry)
4 Upper Watershed (dry)
5 2.5
4 2.0
3 1.5
2 1.0
1 0.5 2

0 0 0.0 0


Fig. 8. Fluxes of nine constituents and water from the upper and lower Cosumnes Watershed in water year 2000 (average) and water year 2001
(dry). Note the variable scales on the four y-axes.

800% more TSS than the upper basin. Nitrate-N water year it is difficult to say whether this is a dry
and phosphate-P fluxes were also disparate with year phenomenon or not. Lastly, the lower water-
approximately 330% more nitrate-N being generated shed—though exporting an order of magnitude less
in the lower watershed and no measurable phosphate sediment than in the previous water year—remained
being generated by the upper watershed. the primary source for TSS in 2001.
In water year 2001 a similar flux analysis was
conducted, except in this dry year we included DOC,
TP, and TN data (Fig. 8). Because water year 2001 5. Discussion
was a dry year there was not much precipitation in the
lowlands (410 mm); the lack of regional storms meant Analysis of water, chemical, and sediment fluxes
that orographic precipitation in the uplands became between the upper and lower watersheds revealed the
the primary source for water in the basin. This is relative importance of the upper watershed in the
reflected in the water budget for 2001; while the upper delivery of select solutes during dry years. Silica,
watershed produced 1.66!1011 L yrK1, the lower DOC, and nitrate (Fig. 8), all potentially important
watershed produced only 5.39!1010 L yrK1. The solutes in the receiving waters of the downstream
relative contributions from the two sub-basins chan- Bay-Delta ecosystem—Si and nitrate as nutrients,
ged in 2001, as the upper watershed weighed more DOC as a potential aquatic food source and
heavily in the total flux budget. The nitrate response contributor to trihalomethanes generated from drink-
changed considerably with the lower watershed acting ing water chlorination—were sourced primarily in the
as a nitrate sink while the upper watershed continued uplands during water year 2001 (a dry year). During
to export nitrate (though in small quantities, 1873 kg average water years the upper watershed delivers
in 2001). While the lower watershed was a nitrate relatively insignificant amounts of nutrients and
sink, it was acting as a source of other nutrients; the sediment when compared to the lowlands (Si being
lower watershed produced 528% more TP and 299% the only exception), and instead becomes an important
more TN than the upper watershed during the dry year source of dilute water (Fig. 8).
of 2001. In 2001, the upper watershed produced During water year 2001 the lower watershed acted
slightly more DOC than the lower watershed. Because as a nitrate sink. This is most likely due to two factors:
there were no DOC data collected during an average (1) there was not enough precipitation in the lower
244 D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247

watershed to effectively flush nitrate from grasslands

Discharge (m3 s–1)

and agricultural lands (Ahearn et al., 2004), and (2) 30 Inflow 400
high hydraulic residence times promoted nutrient 25
Discharge (site 18)

NO3-N (mg l–1)

uptake and/or denitrification in the stream channel
(Triska et al., 1993a, b) and riparian zone (Groffman 0
et al., 1996; Schade et al., 2001). The LME model 15
revealed that grasslands are an important nitrate 10
source during average water years and that the
channels flowing through the grasslands are an
important nitrate sink during dry years. Since the 0
lower watershed is predominantly grasslands (Fig. 2), Oct-98 Feb-99 Jun-99 Oct-99 Feb-00 Jun-00 Oct-00
the model results are consistent with the flux
comparison between the upper and lower watersheds Fig. 9. Temporal nitrate-N fluctuation between the inflow and
outflow of sub-basin 24. Discharge from the only gage in the basin
during average and dry years. (site 18) is graphed in the inset.
Grasslands as an important nitrate source has been
reported previously (Hart et al., 1993; Holloway and
Dahlgren, 2001) and attributed to asynchrony within the nine grassland dominated sub-watersheds, yet still
nutrient cycling. Instead of a continuous nitrogen a number of these grassland watersheds act as annual
feedback among senescing plants, their soils, and new nitrate sinks—the result most strikingly illustrated as
growth (biotic uptake), nitrogen in annual grasslands fluxes when comparing Fig. 4c and d.
is mineralized and accumulates in soils during the dry Outside of grasslands, agriculture and the presence
summer and fall months (Hart et al., 1993). With the or absence of WWTPs were the dominant controls on
onset of winter rains, water begins to flow through the nitrate-N loading. Basnyat et al. (1999) and Sliva and
upper soil horizons, mobilizing the accumulated Williams (2001) both found urban coverage to be a
nitrate (Holloway and Dahlgren, 2001) before new primary nitrate predictor and indeed our analysis
growth can uptake nutrients. As such annual grass- would have come to the same conclusion if we did not
lands are inherently leaky systems with respect to
factor out those basins with WWTPs (as evidenced in
nitrate. The novelty of this analysis lies in the fact that
Table 1 where, during average water years, population
if there are no storms large enough to flush the soil
density has a stronger relation to nitrate than
nitrogen pool, as in 2001, then these same grassland
%agriculture). The fact that the basins with substantial
dominated sub-basins can become nitrate sinks. The
urban area but no WWTPs (sub-basins 12, 13, 14, 17,
streams flowing through the grassland ecosystems of
20, 23, 25) did not contribute to the nitrate-N loading
the Cosumnes Watershed tend to have relatively wide
and shade-free channels with gravel substrates and LME model calls into question the implication that
intermittent disturbance regimes, all conditions favor- urban coverage can be considered an extraordinary
able for nutrient removal from the water column source of nitrate NPS pollution; in our analysis it
(Allan, 1995). It would seem that within-channel would seem that urban areas do not have a significant
nutrient reduction outweighs nitrate input from influence on stream nitrate-N loading until a major
grassland contributing areas during dry years. Fig. 9 WWTP (a point source) is constructed within the
illustrates nitrate-N inflow and outflow concentration basin. Furthermore, once such a treatment plant is
in sub-basin 24 (a grassland dominated sub-basin). It constructed one has to consider where the water that
can be seen how nitrate-N outflow concentrations reaches the plant is coming from, as inter-basin
were much lower than inflow concentrations, transfers are commonplace.
especially during the baseflow season. This vivid Our analysis indicates that agricultural coverage
example of stream-channel assimilative capacity is and population density have nearly equal effects on
exaggerated by high nitrate input from an upstream TSS loading. These findings are in contrast to Hill
WWTP (7 km above the inflow station). The high N (1981) who found no correlation between LULC and
loading, depicted in Fig. 9, is only seen in two of TSS in a Southern Ontario watershed, but Hill
D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247 245

excluded all sub-basins with WWTPs in his analysis, the Cosumnes error in flux calculations could be
thus reducing the possibility of a correlation between as high as 21.4% (Ahearn et al., in press). Error can
population density and TSS. Others have found be reduced by increasing sampling frequency during
%agriculture to have a strong relation with TSS the winter, but because our study area was so large
(Allan et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 1997), but we are storm sampling proved difficult. The primary
not aware of any studies that have correlated reason storm sampling was not conducted was that
population density to TSS. This may be evidence it takes a storm wave approximately 36 h to move
that complex studies such as these may only hold through the Cosumnes Basin. In order to accurately
valid within spatially limited areas (Baker, 2003), or it compare each sub-basin sampling needs to be
may be a reflection of the fact that other researchers conducted on a comparable portion of the hydro-
have used %urban coverage and not census derived graph. In practice this would mean following the
population density as a measure of human habitation storm wave through the basin and sampling over a
impact on water quality. Percent urban coverage fell 36 h period. This, of course, was not feasible during
out of our LME model while population density a 3 year study. Although our sampling design
remained significant, so apparently they are disparate introduced some error we feel that disproportionate
metrics of human habitation. storm sampling between the sites would have further
During 2001, a dry year, TSS loading was greatly obfuscated the results. By keeping the sampling at a
reduced, especially from agricultural lands. This 2 week interval the flow at the time of sampling at a
reduction is expected as large storms are needed to given site was randomized, the result being a cross
mobilize sediment and erode stream banks. In section of all flow regimes sampled at each site. We
agricultural fields a relatively high infiltration believe that, since the crux of the experiment was to
capacity needs to be exceeded before surface runoff compare sub-basins, that this was the most appro-
is initiated and sediment is efficiently exported to the priate sampling design.
channel. Infiltration is greatly reduced in impervious
urban areas, so this may explain why dry year 5.1. Impact of impoundment on spatial
reduction in TSS loading was greater in agricultural watershed chemistry
lands than in populated areas.
Both Johnson et al. (1997) and Osborne and Wiley Research in the adjacent Mokelumne Watershed
(1988) affirm that concentration data should be used has indicated that large impoundments can act to
when examining landscape influence on water quality. sever the chemical continuity between the uplands
The assertion is that concentration is more directly and the lowlands (Ahearn, 2004). Like many
linked to the health or ‘integrity’ of the system than reservoirs (Hannan, 1979), the Pardee–Camanche
loading. Yet in such analyses where hydrologically reservoir system on the Mokelumne acts as a
linked sub-basins are being used concentration data substantial chemical sink for most constituents (the
can only be regressed against the total upstream land exceptions, nitrate and phosphate, can be either
use (see Hill, 1981; Johnson et al., 1997; Osborne and retained or released). This phenomenon has been
Wiley, 1988; Smart et al., 1998). Loading, because it witnessed in reservoirs of varying size and function
is on a mass basis, can be successively subtracted from Tennessee (Higgins, 1978) to Montana (Soltero
from basin to basin and local environmental variables et al., 1973) to the arid west (Kelly, 2001), and the
(rather than total upstream) can be used. same phenomenon is expected in other reservoirs
The most salient limitation of using loading impounding major tributaries draining the western
rather than concentration is that more error is Sierra Nevada. The reservoirs reduce the flux of most
introduced when loads are calculated. Sources of constituents coming from the upper watershed, and by
error include stream gage error, flow modeling error, doing so decrease the importance of the upper
and error introduced by interpolating concentration watershed to downstream water quality. In the
data between sampling dates. A simultaneous study Cosumnes Watershed we have seen how important
analyzing chemical fluxes from the Cosumnes and the upper watershed is in determining downstream
adjacent Mokelumne watershed found that in loading of nitrate-N and DOC during dry years, and Si
246 D.S. Ahearn et al. / Journal of Hydrology 313 (2005) 234–247

during both dry and average water years. These data Acknowledgements
lead us to believe that the emplacement of dams on 19
of the 20 tributaries draining into the Bay-Delta This research was funded by the CALFED Bay-
has shifted the primary source of these dissolved Delta Project (Grant # 99-NO6). Research would not
constituents from the upland to the lowlands. have been possible without the support of The
Additionally, most urban and agricultural develop- Information Center for the Environment, John Muir
ment has occurred downstream of the major impound- Institute of the Environment, Jeffery Mount, Kaylene
ments along the Sierran front. With the reservoirs Keller, Wendy Trowbridge, Sarah Diep, Jenn
acting as sinks for many constituents and lowland McDowell, and Kai Wood.
LULC contributing to increased sediment and nutrient
loading, the lowlands have become the primary source
for NPS pollution.

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