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Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy (BJSEP), Volume 5, Number 1, 2011



Remziye ERGL, Yeter EKL , Sevgl ALI , Zehra ZD LEK

irin GMENELEB , Meral ANLI
Uludag University, TURKEY

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine Turkish elemen-

tary school students level of success on science process skills and science
attitudes and if there were statistically significant differences in their success
degree and science attitudes depending to their grade level and teaching method.
The total 241 students comprised of 122 males, 119 females. For this purpose, a
pretest-post test control group and experimental group design was used. The
data were collected through using Basic Science Process Skill Test and Inte-
grated Science Process Skill Test and Science Attitude Scale. Study was con-
ducted during the two semesters. Results of the study showed that use of in-
quiry based teaching methods significantly enhances students science process
skills and attitudes.
Keywords: science education, inquiry teaching, science process skills,

Science process skills (SPS) are defined as transferable skills that are
applicable to many sciences and that reflect the behaviors of scientists.1) They
are the skills that facilitate learning in physical sciences, ensure active student
participation, have students develop the sense of undertaking responsibility in
their own learning, increase the permanence of learning, and also have students
acquire research ways and methods, that is, they ensure thinking and behaving
like a scientist. For this reason, it is an important method in teaching science
lessons. SPS are the building-blocks of critical thinking and inquiry in science
(Ostlund, 1992).
Learning science lessons by apprehending requires using science
process skills (SPS). Having science process skills acquired, at the same time,
means preparing future scientists, having scientific literacy acquired, that is
enabling students to use science information in daily life (personal, social and
global) (Harlen, 1999). Science process skills are based on scientific inquiry
and teaching science by inquiry involves teaching students science process
skills, critical thinking, scientific reasoning skills used by scientists (Pratt &
Hackett, 1998) and inquiry is defined as an approach to teaching, the acts
scientists use in doing science and it can be a highly effective teaching method
that helps students for to understanding of concepts and use of process skills
(Yager & Akay, 2010).
Due to the above-mentioned importance of science process skills, many
researchers have focused on this subject matter. In recent years, many studies
have been conducted on students acquisition of basic science process skills
(BSPS) and integrated science process skills (ISPS).
Science- A Process Approach (SAPA) grouped science process skills
under two main headings.1) The first is called as basic science process skills
(BSPS), such as observing, measuring and using number, and classifying.
BSPS provide the intellectual groundwork in scientific inquiry (Walters &

Soyibo, 2001). These skills are those which must be acquired in the first level of
primary education. And the latter is called integrated science process skills
(ISPS), such as controlling variables, formulating hypotheses, and experi-
menting. These skills are structured on basic skills. Some studies have indicated
that there is a positive relationship between SPS and Piagetian development
level and finding supports the separation of process skills into a two-level-
hierarchy, namely basic and integrated (Brotherton & Preece, 1995).

The role of science process skills in science learning

The studies aiming at developing school programs to improve science
process skills began in 1960s. A perennial issue in science education concerns
the emphasis to be given to methods of science the science process skills- in the
school curriculum. AAAS started the studies on the issue in the USA in 1967
while DES did it in England in 1960s (Brotherton & Preece, 1995). Many
studies have noted that science process skills are effective on teaching and
learning about science (Brotherton & Preece, 1995; Harlen, 1999; Chang &
Mao, 1999; Keys & Bryan, 2001; Walters & Soyibo, 2001; Turpin & Cage,
2004; Wilke & Straits, 2005).
Children are like scientists. For in the nature of many children is already
the curiosity for searching and this curiosity leads them to search. In this way,
children begin to search at early ages. That is to say, the skills and processes
students use and develop are the same as those that scientists use while studying.
These studies are necessary for understanding the functioning of nature and
preparing livable environments. Scientists make observations, classifications,
measurements, and inferences, propose hypotheses, and make experiments as
well. Ways of thinking in science are called the process skills (Rezba et al,
1995). When we doing science we ask questions and find answers to questions,
these are actually the same skills that we all use in our daily lives as we try to
solve everyday questions. When we teach students to use these skills in science,

we are also teaching them skills that they will use in the future in every area of
their lives. The use of science process skills by students increases the perma-
nence of learning. For learning by doing, student uses almost all of his or her
senses and learning becomes more permanent and hands-on activities get them
to acquire experience. The development of science process skills enables stu-
dents to solve problems, think critically, make decisions, find answers, and
satisfy their concerns. Not only do research skills get students to learn some
information about science, but also learning these skills helps them think
logically, ask reasonable questions and seek answers, and solve the problems
they encounter in their daily life. Problem solving is the essence of scientific
investigations. Students are given a problem or they identify a problem, then
they follow the guidelines of problem based learning to solve in the problem.
As they follow the investigative process, they use the science process skills
which are the methods and procedures of scientific investigation.2)
Teaching methods such as inquiry teaching, problem solving, problem
based learning and project based learning relies heavily on the effective use of
the science process skills by students to complete an investigation (Colley,
2006). Inquiry science teaching is teaching science by having students engage
in more science activities and exercises and encourages children to learn sci-
ence and learn about science (Olson & Louks-Horsley, 2000). Also, students
engaged in simple inquiry engage in processes such as observing, comparing,
contrasting and hypothesizing (Cuevas et al., 2005). One area of contemporary
research on inquiry is related to childrens understanding and use of science
process skills in designing investigations (Keys & Bryan, 2001). Scientific
inquiry exercises typically serve as the primary source of science process skill
development and inquiry is used to teach science process skills (Wilke & Straits,
2005). According to Minner et al. (2010), the term inquiry has figured
prominently in science education, three distinct categories of activities: what

scientists do, how students learn, and a pedagogical approach that teachers
In a study done in Texas to compare the traditional program and inquiry
oriented science program Mabie & Baker (1996) report that in favor of those
following inquiry oriented science programs there was found a 75% difference
in terms of the students attitudes towards science. Furthermore inquiry-based
instruction produced positive outcomes on student concept learning, (Chiap-
petta & Russell, 1982; Ertepinar & Geban, 1996; Gabel et al., 1977; Geban et
al., 1992); and problem-solving, laboratory instruction, cooperative learning,
and discovery instruction methods are commonly referred to as the inquiry
science teaching, which often emphasizes extensive use of science-process
skills and independent though (Basaga et al., 1994; Mao et al., 1998; Chang &
Taipei, 2002; Brickman et al., 2009). It could be concluded here that having
science process skills is a prerequisite to learn about science.
From a science perspective, inquiry-based science teaching engages
students in the investigative nature of science. Inquiry involves activity and
skills, but the focus is on the active search for knowledge or understanding to
satisfy a curiosity. According to Ketpichainarong et al. (2009) inquiry teaching
and learning methods affect student performances, for example in solving
problems, reflecting on their work, drawing conclusions, and generating pre-
diction. These qualities are necessary for a high-achieving graduate.

Science process skills in Turkish education system

Starting from 2000s, the significance of the acquisition of science
process skills has been appreciated in Turkey when developing science sylla-
buses. Up until now, two major changes have been made in elementary educa-
tion science programs concerning the 6-14 age groups. The first one of them
was made in 2000 and has been applied since 2001-2002 academic year. Dif-
ferent from the preceding program, the scope of the units were narrowed and

updated, and it was prepared considering the principle of reaching the content
via science processes3) (Kaptan & Korkmaz, 2001). The program attached
importance to also the improvement of scientific attitudes and it was stu-
dent-centered. However, the science syllabuses were revised in 2004 and un-
derwent a second change. The name of the course was made Science and
Technology. The vision of the program was summarized in educating students
as science and technology literates whatever their individual differences are.
The main approaches while developing the program were, giving the gist in
small amounts of information, dealing with all the dimensions of science and
technology literacy, basing the learning and assessing activities on construc-
tivist learning theory, revising and reviewing, parallelism to the syllabuses of
other courses and conformity with students physical and mental stages of
development. The above mentioned last program has been followed in whole
Turkey since the academic year of 2005-2006.4) There, science process skills
were particularly emphasized to be the primary learning area.

Science process skills in the syllabus of science and technology

The basic process skills in the program were determined as Observing,
Comparing and Classifying, Inferring, Predicting, Defining Operationally,
Measuring, Recording and Interpreting, Formulating Models, Constructing
Tables of Data and Graphs, while the integrated process skills were to be
Formulating Hypotheses, Identifying and Controlling Variables and Experi-
The program specified3) also some acquisitions needed by students to
improve their skills of researching and questioning with a scientific and tech-
nological point of view, solving problems, conveying scientific views and
results, working in cooperation and deciding sensibly.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hands-on
activities incorporating inquiry based science teaching on fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth grades students science process skills and attitudes toward
science lessons. It compared the performance of the students using hands-on
activities incorporating inquiry based science teaching to students using a tra-
ditional science curriculum.

Research questions
The study focused on two main problems and some related
sub-questions has been provided to develop solutions to following research
questions: (1) are there any effects of inquiry based science teaching on ele-
mentary school students level of scientific process skills: i) are there any
significant differences after the study on the elementary school 4th, 5th and 6th
grade (10-12 age group) students level of scientific process skills between the
experimental and control groups; ii) are there any significant differences after
the study on the elementary school 7th and 8th grade (13-14 age group)
students level of scientific process skills between the experimental and control
groups; (2) are there any significant differences between the attitudes of ex-
perimental and control groups elementary school students towards Science
Courses: iii) are there any differences after the study in the experimental and
control groups 4th, 5th and 6th grade (10-12 age group) students attitudes to-
wards science courses; iv) are there any differences after the study in the ex-
perimental and control groups 7th and 8th grade (13-14 age group) students
attitudes towards science courses.

Methodology of research
In the study, pre-test and post-test experimental design
(control-experimental group) was used. The main study sample comprised 241
students in total. 71 of them constituted the experimental group for the 4th, 5th

and 6th grades and 68 students constituted the control group. The experimental
group for the 7th and 8th grades was composed by 50 students while 52 stu-
dents comprised the control group. When creating the experimental and control
groups, it was aimed not to cause any distinct differences between the groups.
To ensure this, SPST had been done before the study and then choices were
made randomly in the classes that had similar performances to one another.
Nearly all of the students had mid-level socioeconomic statuses. The study was
conducted the one of the large elementary school in the city of Bursa. The
school has 5 classrooms for each one of the 4th and 5th grades and 3 classrooms
for each one of the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Besides, there are science and
mathematics laboratories in it. Study was conducted during the two semesters.
Science Process Skill Test (SPST): to measure the integrated science
process skills, the test developed by Burns et al. (1985) with its 36 items was
modified by the researchers with some particular changes and additions. So
Integrated science process skills test (ISPST) redeveloped had 38 items. Be-
sides that, another test basic science process skills test (BSPST) was developed
in order to measure the basic science process skills of the 4th, 5th and 6th grade
students (10-12 age group) and it consisted of 24 items. Thus, BSPST was
administered to measure the basic science process skills and the ISPST was
given to measure the integrated process skills of the 7th and 8th graders (13-14
age groups). For the pilot study, BSPST was applied to the 4th, 5th, and 6th
grades students (ages 10-12) and the Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficient of
the test was found to be 0.74, and ISPST was applied to the 7th and 8th grades
students (ages 13-14) and the Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficient of the test
was found to be 0.78.
BSPST, which has 6 dimensions, 6 items related to observation, 6 items
related to classification, 6 items related to measuring, 8 items related to pre-
dicting, 4 items related to inferring and 4 items related to communicating.
ISPST, which has 11 dimensions 6 items related to formulating hypothesis, 7

items related to identifying of variables, 7 items related to defining operation-
ally, 6 items related to interpreting data, 4 items related to formulating models
and 6 items related to experimenting.
Attitudes Scale towards Science (ASTS): this scale, developed by Oru5)
measures students attitudes towards science and contains 40 items. The reli-
ability of this scale was found to be 0.87.
Pre-test post-test control group design, which is one of the methods of
the experimental design, is applied. All participants attended the three-hour
lectures per-week in a science course. While the students in the control group
were being taught by their teachers with traditional methods, the ones in the
experimental group were supplied some hands-on activities prepared by the
researchers to improve their science process skills. Throughout the studies, the
topics to be studied were selected in conformity with the syllabus and what the
control group students were studying. Throughout the year, the students did 108
hands-on activities to improve their science process skills. They worked in
groups of at least 2 and maximum 4 students. The groups were heterogeneous
with respect to their science achievement. Students in the experimental group
were trained about inquiry teaching method and hands-on activities.
50 experiments set up were on physics subjects while 25 were about
chemistry and 33 of them were on biology subjects. The numbers of the ex-
periments are in proportion to the scopes of the units determined by the syllabus.
The experiments were designed considering the levels of the students and the
science process skills aimed to be given and improved. The numbers of the
activities in all the grades are given in the Table 1.

Table 1. Numbers of the activities aiming to improve the skills in all the grades

SPS Grades Level

4 5 6 7 8
Observing 16 22 18 10 8
Comparing and classi- 7 8 6 3 2
Inferring 11 20 14 7 4
Predicting 11 4 4 4 6
Measuring 10 10 12 18 10
Recording and inter- 18 18 18 22 22
Formulating models 4 4 5 4 3
Constructing tables of 11 4 4 7 9
data and graphs
Experimenting - - - 6 6
Defining operationally - - - 4 3
Formulating hypotheses - - - 7 7
Identifying and control- - - - 6 6
ling variables

During the studies, the students were asked some open-ended questions
to attract their attention to the topics and activities and they were asked to
answer them working cooperatively. At that stage, the students were often
supported by the researchers. The groups were demanded their findings and
results attained in writing or verbally whenever they finished working together.
They write some group reports and different students in the work groups pro-
vided oral explanations to the rest of the students about each one of those re-
ports. The findings were discussed all together to have some specific results. To
consolidate things, the classification skill for example, the class was asked a
common question on classification before ending the lesson.
Students all grade levels, the number of the hands-on activities, the content
knowledge related to the science process skills, and the instructional time were
held constant. Dependent variables of the study were the students achievement
scores of BSPST or ISPST and ASTS. Independent variables of the study were
the different types of instructions employed.

When students pre- BSPST and pre-ISPST scores and pre- ASTS
scores were used as a covariate, ANCOVA was used to test the research ques-
tions and to determine the treatment effects on students post- BSPST and post-
ISPST scores and post- ASTS scores.

To determine the science process skills and attitudes of the groups be-
fore the experimental studies, a t-test analysis was made using their pre-test
scores. Descriptive statistics for pre and posttest scores for the control and
experimental groups on BSPST, ISPST and ASTS are given in Tables 2-5.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for pre- and post BSPST scores for grades 4-6


Group n Mean SD Mean SD
Experimental group 71 10,9155 3,99552 14,0423 2,58256
Control group 68 10,8382 3,46673 12,2206 3,36286

Table 3. Descriptive statistics for pre- and post ISPST scores for grades 7 and 8


Group n Mean SD Mean SD
Experimental group 50 11,3800 3,34963 12,1200 4,31722
Control group 52 8,2500 3,76712 8,1923 4,59342

Table 4. Descriptive statistics for pre- and post ASTS scores for grades 4-6


Group n Mean SD Mean SD
Experimental group 67 163,0000 16,58312 165,5821 20,61564
Control group 69 159,3478 20,25922 156,1159 22,43457

Table 5. Descriptive statistics for pre- and post ASTS scores for grades 7 and 8


Group n Mean SD Mean SD
Experimental group 50 144,3600 23,07287 158,9400 20,75652
Control group 48 145,5417 21,39493 148,4375 19,92422

It is seen from the tables that the students pre-BSPST scores (4th, 5th
and 6th grades), pre- ASTS scores (4th-8th grades) were not significantly dif-
ferent between the control and experimental groups. ASTS scores were (t=
2.554, df= 96, p> 0.05) for 7th and 8th grades, and t=1.149, df= 134, p>0.05 for
4th, 5th, and 6th grades. BSPST scores were (t= 0.122, df= 137, p> 0.05) for 4th,
5th, and 6th grades. The only difference was found between the 7th and 8th
grades ISPST scores (t= 4.428, df= 100, p<0.05).
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the effects of the
instruction done with inquiry teaching on students science process skills and
attitudes towards science considering the pre-test scores as a covariate. Before
making comparisons between the groups, the relationship between the de-
pendent and independent variables was analyzed and it was tested whether the
assumption that the tendency of the regression lines that are to be used to pre-
dict the post-test scores compared to pre-test ones are equal to one another is
achieved through the data obtained from the study. According to the results of
the analyses, the relationships between pre-test and post-test scores were found
to be r=0.742, for the experimental group and r= 0.740 for the control group
(p<0.01) for the ISPST result scores belonging to the 7th, and 8th grades, and for
the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades the BSPST result scores were r=0.419 for the ex-
perimental group (p<0.05) and r= 0.636 for the control group (p<0.01).
Tables 6 and 7 show the summary of ANCOVA comparing the mean
scores of students performances in both the experimental and control groups
with respect to the post- BSPST, post- ISPST and post- ASTS.

Table 6. Results of ANCOVA of post- BSPST scores of the students in control
and experimental groups with respect to treatment

Type III Sum

Source of Squares df Mean Square F p
Pre-BSPST 302,531 1 302,531 44,623 ,000
Treatment 111,405 1 111,405 16,432 ,000
Error 922,033 136 6,780

Table 7. Results of ANCOVA of post- ISPST scores of the students in the

control and experimental groups with respect to treatment

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p

Pre-ISPST 623,678 1 623,678 45,211 ,000
Treatment 64,323 1 64,323 4,663 ,033
Error 1365,679 99 13,795

As seen in Table 6 and Table 7 pre-BSPST and pre-ISPST scores have

significant effects on students post-BSPST and post ISPST scores. Also Table
5 and Table 6 show significant treatment effects on students science process
skills (F (1,136)= 16.432, p< 0.05, and F(1,99)= 4.663, p<0.05). As can be seen
in these results, the students in the experimental group had a better performance
in terms of BSPST and ISPST scores than the control group did.
In addition, it was found that there was no statistically significant inter-
action between treatment and gender on all test scores.

Table 8. Results of ANCOVA of post- ASTS Scores of the students (10-12-age

group) in the control and experimental groups with respect to treatment

Type III Sum

Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Pre- test 18913,475 1 18913,475 58,012 ,000
Group 1709,229 1 1709,229 5,243 ,024
Error 43361,896 133 326,029

Table 9. Results of ANCOVA of post- ASTS Scores of the students (13-14-age
group) in the control and experimental groups with respect to treatment

Type III Sum

Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Pre- test 12024,169 1 12024,169 41,172 ,000
Group 3013,272 1 3013,272 10,318 ,002
Error 27744,464 95 292,047

As seen in Table 8 and Table 9, pre-ASTS scores have significant ef-

fects on students post-ASTS. Also these Tables show significant treatment
effects on students attitudes towards to science between the groups (F (1,133)=
5.243, p< 0.05, and F(1,95)= 10.318, p<0.05). As can be seen in these results,
the students in the experimental group had a better performance in terms of
ASTS scores than the ones in the control group did.

The first objective of this study was to compare the effects of hands-on
activities incorporating inquiry-learning approach on the development of 4-6th
grade students BSPST and attitudes toward science, 7-8th grade students ISPST
and attitudes toward science.
The results given in Tables 2-5 suggest that the values about the ex-
perimental groups are higher than those about the control groups when com-
paring the average scores both 4-6th graders and 7-8th graders got about their
process skills and attitudes towards science. Results of the study are consistent
with results of similar studies previously conducted.
Many researchers have shown that hands-on activities incorporating
inquiry based science teaching to science instruction will improve science
attitudes and science process skills (Staver & Small,1990; Turpin & Cage,2004)
and laboratories have long been recognized for their potential to facilitate the

learning of science concepts and skills (Hofstein & Lunetta, 2004). Anderson
(2002) states that the previous studies indicate employing inquiry based science
teaching in science education has some positive effects on cognitive achieve-
ment, process skills and attitude towards science but it is relative. Aktam &
Ergin (2008) found in their study to teach scientific process skills to students to
promote their scientific creativity, attitudes towards science, and achievements
in science. German & Odom (1996) conclude after a study with 7th grade
students that students need to be taught with inquiry teaching techniques to be
able to practice and develop the process skills and understand the goal of the
experimental context in science. Turpin & Cage (2004) found in their study that
activity-based methods had some effects on achievement in SPS but they did
not found any changes in attitudes towards science courses, and they concluded
that teacher behaviors are more influential on attitudes. Walter & Soyibo (2001)
discuss the change in the science programs that are mainly based on hands-on
and minds-on activities done in laboratories, and such programs are based on
BSPS and ISPS. Their study suggests that the 7th, 8th and 9th grade students in
the schools following the new program were more successful than those who
were in the schools adopting traditional methods. Bilgin (2006) found that
when hands-on learning activities are used together with cooperative learning
approach, 8th grade students were more successful in SPS and had more posi-
tive attitudes towards science than the control group students following the
traditional methods. Butts et al. (1997) reported that students needed more
practices to be done in laboratories to improve their problem solving skills and
SPS. Hartikainen & Sormunen6) sought an answer to the question Why the
scientific skills are not familiar to pupils? What they suggested as answer was
that teachers do not teach about science process skills first and encourage stu-
dents to search. They offered some solutions for it, and some of them are that
teachers might give well-defined research problems, completed questions,
obvious hypotheses, receipt-like methods, and teachers should offer students

the possibility to plan their own investigations, where they make their own
questions and hypotheses, choose methods and necessary equipment, discuss
about the means for ensuring reliability and the ways of scientific reporting. In
that way, the students can adopt a scientific skill, which means learning some
fundamental features of the nature of science, and, consequently, even deepen
their conceptual understanding of natural phenomena. Yager & Akay (2010)
indicated that student use and understanding of science skills and concepts in
the inquiry sections increased significantly more than they did for students
enrolled in typical sections in terms of process skills, creativity skills, ability to
apply science concepts, and the development of more positive attitudes.
Teachers should first follow a program that would make students ac-
quire the science process skills. Then they should integrate that program with
the science curriculum since science process skills have a hierarchic structure.
A student who does not have the basic skills could not improve the skills about
performing experiments easily. Whereas, what we firstly do at schools is
making students do experiments. That is starting from the end and a big mistake.
For this reason, teaching science process skills should never be neglected giv-
ing such excuses as shortage of time and overloaded syllabuses.
Results of the present study show that hands-on activities incorporating
inquiry based science teaching to science instruction will improve science
attitudes and science process skills and support the fact that the new science and
technology program followed in Turkey since 2004/2005 academic year is one
that could make positive contributions to students achievement in science,
scientific literacy and attitudes towards science.
The study was carried out in relatively crowded classrooms. The av-
erage population of the students per classroom was about 40 people. The les-
sons were given as based on hands-on activities under those conditions and the
results achieved are particularly significant in that respect.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Research Fund of
the University of Uluda , Project number E-2003/106.

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Dr. Remziye ERGL (corresponding author),

Elementary Education Department
Uludag University,
Grkle Kamp. No: 16059, BURSA /TURKEY
E-mail: [email protected]


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