Alpha-Particle Spectrometry of Water: Standard Practice For

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 3084 96

Standard Practice for

Alpha-Particle Spectrometry of Water1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3084; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope sion plates, cloud chambers, absorption techniques, and solid-

1.1 This practice covers the process that is required to state counters. Gas counters, operating either as an ionization
obtain well-resolved alpha-particle spectra from water samples chamber or in the proportional region, have been widely used
and discusses associated problems. This practice is generally to identify and measure the relative amounts of differenta
combined with specific chemical separations and mounting -emitters. However, more recently, the solid-state counter has
techniques, as referenced. become the predominant system because of its excellent
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the resolution and compactness. Knoll (3) extensively discusses
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the the characteristics of both detector types.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 4.2 Of the two gas-counting techniques, the pulsed ioniza-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- tion chamber is more widely used as it gives much better
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. resolution than does the other. This is because there is no
spread arising from multiplication or from imperfection of the
2. Referenced Documents wire such as occurs with the proportional counter.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 4.3 The semiconductor detectors used for alpha-particle
C 859 Terminology Relating to Nuclear Materials2 spectrometry are similar in principle to ionization chambers.
C 1163 Test Method for Mounting Actinides for Alpha The ionization of the gas by a-particles gives rise to electron-
Spectrometry Using Neodymium Fluoride2 ion pairs, while in a semiconductor detector, electron-hole
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water3 pairs are produced. Subsequently, the liberated changes are
D 3648 Practices for the Measurement of Radioactivity4 collected by an electric field. In general, silicon detectors are
D 3865 Test Method for Plutonium in Water4 used for alpha-particle spectrometry. These detectors are n-type
D 3972 Test Method for Isotopic Uranium in Water by base material upon which gold is evaporated or ions such as
Radiochemistry4 boron are implanted, making an electrical contact. A reversed
bias is applied to the detector to reduce the leakage current and
3. Terminology to create a depletion layer of free-charge carriers. This layer is
3.1 For definitions of terms used in this practice, refer to thin and the leakage current is very low. Therefore, the slight
Terminologies D 1129 and C 859. For terms not found in these interactions of photons with the detector produce no signal.
terminologies, reference may be made to other published The effect of any interactions of beta particles with the detector
glossaries (1, 2).5 can be eliminated by appropriate electronic discrimination
(gating) of signals entering the multichannel analyzer. A
4. Summary of Practice semiconductor detector detects all alpha particles emitted by
4.1 Alpha-particle spectrometry of radionuclides in water radionuclides (approximately 2 to 10 MeV) with essentially
(also called alpha-particle pulse-height analysis) has been equal efficiency, which simplifies its calibration.
carried out by several methods involving magnetic spectrom- 4.4 Semiconductor detectors have better resolution than gas
eters, gas counters, scintillation spectrometers, nuclear emul- detectors because the average energy required to produce an
electron-hole pair in silicon is 3.5 6 0.1 eV (0.56 6 0.02 aJ)
compared with from 25 to 30 eV (4.0 to 4.8 aJ) to produce an
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-19 on Water and ion pair in a gas ionization chamber. Detector resolution,
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.04 on Methods of Radiochemical
defined as peak full-width at half-maximum height (FWHM),
Current edition approved May 10, 1996. Published July 1996. Originally is customarily expressed in kiloelectron-volts. The FWHM
published as D 3084 72 T. Last previous edition D 3084 95. increases with increasing detector area, but is typically be-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.01. tween 15 and 60 keV. The background is normally lower for a
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02. semiconductor detector than for ionization chamber. Silicon
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of detectors have four other advantages compared to ionization
this document.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 3084 96
chambers: they are lower in cost, have superior stability, have instrumentation, and the quality of the source. If peaks overlap,
higher permissible counting rates, and have better time reso- a better spectrometer or additional chemical separations will be
lution for coincidence measurements. However, the semicon- required.
ductor detector requires sophisticated electronics because of
the low charge that is generated by the incident a-particle in 7. Apparatus
the detector. Low-noise and high-stability, charge-sensitive 7.1 Alpha Particle Detector, either a silicon semiconductor
preamplifiers are used prior to the detection, analog-to-digital or a Frisch-grid pulse-ionization chamber.
conversion, and storage of the voltage pulse by a multichannel 7.2 Counting Chamber, to house the detector, hold the
analyzer. The counting is nearly always performed in a vacuum source, and allow the detector system to be evacuated.
chamber so that thea -particles will not lose energy by 7.3 Counting Gas, for ionization chamber, typically a 90 %
collisions with air molecules between the source and the argon10 % methane mixture, and associated gas-handling
detector. equipment.
4.5 A gridded pulse-ionization chamber was developed by 7.4 Pulse Amplification System, possibly including a pream-
Frisch for high-resolution alpha spectrometry. The unit consists plifier, amplifier, postamplifier, pulse stretcher, and a high-
of a standard ionization chamber fitted with a collimator voltage power supply, as directed by the quality and type of
between the source and the collector plate and a wire grid to detector employed.
shield the collector from the effects of positive ions. The 7.5 Multichannel Pulse-Height Analyzer, including data
resolution of a gridded pulse ionization chamber is from 35 to readout equipment. This is now often computer based.
100 keV for routine work. The detector parameters that affect 7.6 Vacuum Pump, with low vapor-pressure oil and prefer-
resolution are primarily the following: statistical variations in ably with a trap to protect the detector from oil vapors.
the number of ion pairs formed at a given alpha energy, the
variation in rise time of pulses, and the effects of positive ions. 8. Source Preparation
An advantage of gridded ionization chambers is their ability to 8.1 The technique employed for preparing the source should
count large-area sources with good efficiency. produce a low-mass, uniformly distributed deposit that is on a
4.6 There are two reasons for collimating a sample in a very smooth surface. The three techniques that are generally
gridded ionization chamber. When thick-sample sources are employed are electrodeposition, microcoprecipitation, and
encountered, the alpha-particles emitted at a large solid angle evaporation. The first two usually are preferred. Fig. 1 com-
would show an energy degradation upon ionization of the gas. pares the alpha-particle spectrum of an electrodeposited source
The effect leads to tailing of the alpha-particle spectrum. This with that of an evaporated source.
problem is reduced significantly by use of the collimator. 8.1.1 Electrodeposition of a-emitters can provide a sample
Secondly, when the nucleus following ana -particle emission with optimum resolution, but quantitative deposition is not
does not decay to a ground state, the g-rays that may be necessarily achieved. Basically, the a-emitter is deposited from
produced are usually highly converted, and the conversion solution on a polished stainless steel or platinum disk, which is
electrons ionize the gas. The special mesh-type collimators the cathode. The anode is normally made from platinum gauze
stop the conversion electrons and collimate the source simul- or a spiralled platinum wire, which often is rotated at a constant
taneously. rate. Variants of this technique may be found in Refs 5 and 6.
4.7 A more recently developed measurement method is See also Test Method D 3865. Polonium can be made to
photon-electron-rejecting alpha liquid-scintillation spectrom- deposit spontaneously from solution onto a copper or nickel
etry. The sample is counted in a special liquid-scintillation disk (7).
spectrometer that discriminates electronically against non- 8.1.2 Micro-coprecipitation of actinide elements on a rare-
alpha-particle pulses. The resolution that can be achieved by earth fluoride, often neodymium fluoride, followed by filtration
this method is 250 to 300-keV FWHM. This is superior to
conventional liquid-scintillation counting, but inferior to sili-
con detectors and gridded pulse-ionization chambers. An
application of this method is given in Ref 4.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Alpha-particle spectrometry can either be used as a
quantitative counting technique or as a qualitative method for
informing the analyst of the purity of a given sample.
5.2 The method may be used for evaporated alpha-particle
sources, but the quality of the spectra obtained will be limited
by the absorbing material on the planchet and the surface finish
of the planchet.
6. Interferences
NOTE 1Inner curve: nuclides separated on barium sulfate and then
6.1 The resolution or ability to separate alpha-particle peaks electrodeposited.
will depend on the quality of the detector, the pressure inside NOTE 2Outer curve: carrier-free tracer solution evaporated directly.
the counting chamber, the source-to-detector distance, the FIG. 1 Resolution Obtained on Six-Component Mixture

D 3084 96
on a specially prepared membrane-type filter (see Test Method of the pulse-height analyzer, alpha-particle emitters may be
C 1163) also produces a good-quality source for alpha-particle identified. Fig. 2 shows a typical spectrum with very poor
spectrometry. The microgram quantity of precipitant only resolution.
slightly degrades spectral resolution.
8.1.3 The evaporation technique involves depositing the 11. Calculation
solution onto a stainless steel or platinum disk. The liquid is 11.1 Analyze the data by first integrating the area under the
applied in small droplets over the entire surface area so that alpha peak to obtain a gross count for the alpha emitter. When
they dry separately, or a wetting agent is applied, which causes the spectrum is complex and alpha peaks add to each other,
the solution to evaporate uniformly over the entire surface. The corrections for overlapping peaks will be required. Some
total mass should not exceed 10 g/cm2, otherwise self- instrument manufacturers computer software can perform
absorption losses will be significant. In addition, the alpha- these and other data-analysis functions.
particle spectrum will be poorly resolved, as evidenced by a 11.2 The preferred method for determination of chemical
long lower-energy edge on the peak. This tailing effect can recovery is the use of another isotope of the same element
contribute counts to lower energy alpha peaks and create large (examples: polonium-208 to trace polonium-210, plutonium-
uncertainties in peak areas. Alpha sources that are prepared by 236 to trace plutonium-239, and americium-243 to trace
evaporation may not adhere tenaciously and, therefore, can americium-241). Add a known activity of the appropriate
flake causing contamination of equipment and sample losses. isotope(s) to the sample at the beginning of the analysis,
perform the appropriate chemical separations, mount the
9. Calibration
sample, and measure it by alpha-particle spectrometry. The
9.1 Calibrate the counter by measuring a-emitting radionu- chemical yield is directly related to the reduction in the activity
clides that have been prepared by one of the techniques of the added isotope.
described in Section 8. All standards should be traceable to the 11.2.1 When the recovery factor is determined by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology and in the case addition of a tracer, calculate the gross radioactivity concen-
of nonquantitative mounting, standardized on a 2p or 4p tration, C, of the analyte in becquerels per litre (Bq/L) as
alpha-particle counter. Precautions should be taken to ensure follows:
that significant impurities are not present when standardizing Radiotracer Net Counts:
the alpha-particle activity by non-spectrometric means. The
NT 5 G T 2 BC 2 I
physical characteristics of the calibrating sources and their (1)

positioning relative to the detector must be the same as the
samples to be counted. A mixed radionuclide standard can be
counted to measure simultaneously the detector resolution and
F tS
sNT 5 GT 1 I 1 B 3 t
2 1/2

efficiency, and the gain of the multichannel analyzer. Check the where:
instrumentation frequently for consistent operation. Perform NT = net counts in the tracer region of interest,
background measurements regularly and evaluate the results at GT = gross counts in the tracer region of interest,
the confidence level desired. BC = background counts in the region of interest cor-
rected for sample count time,
10. Procedure sNT = one-sigma uncertainty of the net tracer counts,
10.1 The procedure of analysis is dependent upon the B = uncorrected background counts in the region of
radionuclide(s) of interest. A chemical procedure is usually interest,
required to isolate and purify the radionuclides. See Test I = imprinity counts in the analytes region of interest,
Methods D 3865 and D 3972. Additional appropriate chemical tS = sample analysis time, s, and
procedures may be found in Refs (7 8 910. A source is then tB = background analysis time, s.
prepared by a technique in accordance with Section 8. Measure Analyte Net Counts:
the radioactivity of this source in an alpha spectrometer,
following the manufacturers operating instructions. The
counting period chosen depends on the sensitivity required of
the measurement and the degree of uncertainty in the result that
is acceptable (see Section 12).
10.2 Silicon detectors will eventually become contaminated
by recoiling atoms unless protective steps are taken. Control-
ling the air pressure in the counting chamber so that 12 g/cm2
of absorber is present between the source and the detector will
cause only a 1-keV resolution loss; however, the recoil
contamination will be reduced by a factor greater than 500.
Recoiling atoms can also be reduced electrically (11). Rugge-
dized detectors can be cleaned to a limited degree.
10.3 Qualitative identifications sometimes can be made
even on highly degraded spectra. By examining the highest FIG. 2 Poor Resolution Alpha-Spectrum Containing Minor
energy value, and using the energy calibration (keV/channel) Components at Higher Energies

D 3084 96
sets. The nominal chemical recovery factor is determined by
N 5 G 2 BC 2 I (3) analyzing a group of samples to which a known quantity of the
alpha-emitting nuclide of interest (or a radioisotope of the
element of interest) is added in accordance with the procedure.

tS 2 1/2 The recovery should be greater than 50 % and the standard
sN 5 G 1 I 1 B 3 t (4) deviation of the measurements should not exceed 5 %. For this
nominal recovery factor to be applicable, the recovery of
matrix quality control samples processed within a given set of
where: samples (<20) should be within 610 % of the nominal recov-
N = net sample counts in the analytes region of interest, ery factor. When the recovery of the matrix quality control
sN = one-sigma uncertainty of the net analyte counts, sample falls outside this range or when a different person
G = gross sample counts in the analytes region of inter- performs the analysis, the nominal chemical recovery factor
est, and should be reestablished by processing another group of spiked
I = impurity (interference) counts in the analytes region
standard samples.
of interest.
11.2.3 When utilizing the nominal chemical recovery ap- Combined Fractional Recovery and Counting Eff- proach, the terms RE of Eq 5 and sREof Eq 6 must be redefined
ciency: as Eq 9 and Eq 10. In this case, RE is defined as the product of
RE 5 NT/~AT 3 tS 3 DT! the nominal chemical recovery term and the absolute alpha
(5) detector efficiency and sRE is the propagated uncertainty of this
sRE product.

F s2GT 1 s2B 3 ~tS/tB!2 1 I 1 N2T 3 FS D S D S D GG
2 1/2

AT 3 t S 3 D T
sNFR 2 sEFD 2 1/2
(6) sRE 5 RE 3 NFR 1 E (10)

where: where:
RE = combined fractional recovery and efficiency term, NRF = fractional nominal chemical recovery factor,
EFD = fractional detector efficiency,
sNRF = uncertainty in NRF, and
AT = activity of tracer at reference date, Bq,
sEFD = uncertainty in EFD.
DS = sample decay fraction from time of sample col-
lection to midpoint of counting period, 11.3 If desired, calculate the net radioactivity concentration,
sDS = uncertainty in the sample decay fraction, C1, of the analyte in becquerels per litre (Bq/L) by:
sDT = uncertainty in the tracers decay fraction, C1 5 C 2 R (11)
DT = tracer decay fraction from tracers reference date
to the midpoint of sample counting period, and
sRE = uncertainty in the combined fractional recovery sC 1 5 ~sC 2 1 sR2!1/2 (12)
and efficiency term, c/d,
sAT = uncertainty in the activity of the tracer on tracer where:
reference date, Bq, R = reagent blank correction, Bq/L, measured on one or
s 2GT = GT, and more analyte-free samples of equivalent volume as
s2B = B. the sample, and Analyte Concentration (Bq/L): sR = total propagated uncertainty of R.
N 11.4 Some alpha-particle-emitting nuclides, such as
C 5 RE 3 t 3 V 3 D (7) polonium-210, have half-lives sufficiently short that significant
decay can occur between the sample collection time, or the

stS sDS
time of chemical separation, and the measurement time. To
sRE 2 sV 2 1/2
s2N 1 N2 3 tS
1 RE 1 D 2
1 V
calculate the activity at an earlier (reference) time, use the
sC 5 RE 3 tS 3 V 3 DS
following equation:
(8) Ao 5 A 3 e 0.69315Dt/T1/2 (13)

where: where:
C = nuclide concentration, Bq/L, Ao =
disintegration rate at the reference time,
sC = total propagated uncertainty of the nuclide concen- A =
disintegration rate at the time of measurement,
tration, Bq/L, 0.69315 =
approximate natural logarithm of 2,
V = sample volume, L, and Dt =
elapsed time between measurement and refer-
sV = uncertainty in the volume, L. ence times, and
11.2.2 When there is no practical radiotracer available for T1/2 = half-life of the radionuclide, in the same time
the element of interest, an experimentally determined nominal unit as Dt.
chemical recovery factor can be applied to a series of sample 11.4.1 Ao will be in the same unit as A.

D 3084 96
11.4.2 When a reference time is later than the time of sion, uncertainties associated with a measurement, and mini-
measurement, calculate the activity at this reference time by: mum detectable activity.
Ao 5 A 3 e20.69315D t/T1/2 (14) 13. Quality Control
11.5 Calculate the minimum detectable concentration (12), 13.1 Whenever possible, the project leader, as part of the
MDC, of the analyte in becquerels per litre (Bq/L) by: external quality control program, should submit quality control
2.71 1 4.65 3 [~B 3 ~tS/tB!2 1 I!#1/2 samples to the analyst along with routine samples in such a
MDC 5 RE 3 tS 3 V 3 DS (15) way that the analyst does not know which of the samples are
the quality control samples. These external quality control
12. Precision and Bias samples, which usually include duplicate and blank samples,
should test sample collection and preparation as well as sample
12.1 The precision and bias associated with alpha-particle analysis whenever this is possible. In addition, analysts are
spectrometry depend on several factors. These include: the expected to run internal quality control samples that will
quantity of radioactivity being measured, the number of indicate to them whether the analytical procedures are in
alpha-particle-emitting radionuclides present and the energies control. Both the external and internal quality control samples
of their emissions, the background count rate of the detector, should be prepared in such a way as to duplicate the chemical
the uncertainty in the values of the calibrating standards, the matrix of the routine samples, insofar as this is practical. The
resolution of the spectrum, and the length of the counting quality control samples that are routinely used consist of five
period. basic types; blank samples, replicate samples, reference mate-
12.2 See the precision and bias statements in Test Methods rials, control samples, and spiked samples.
D 3865 and D 3972.
12.3 See Section 8 of Practice D 3648 for information about 14. Keywords
establishing counter characteristics and preparing counter con- 14.1 alpha-particle; alpha-particle spectrometry; alpha
trol charts. See Section 9 of Practices D 3648 for information pulse-height analysis; pulse-ionization chamber; radioactivity;
about counting statistics, including confidence levels, preci- semiconductor detector; water


(1) Parker, S. P., ed., McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemical Terms, Procedures Manual, HASL-300, 27th ed., Procedures PO-01 and
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, NY, 1985. PO-02, U.S. Department of Energy, 1990.
(2) IUPAC, Glossary of Terms Used in Nuclear Analytical Chemistry, (8) Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility, Radiochemistry Proce-
Pure and Applied Chemistry, Vol 54, 1982, pp. 15331554. dures Manual, EPA520/5-84-006, U.S. Environmental Protection
(3) Knoll, G. F., Radiation Detection and Measurement, 2nd Ed., John Agency, 1984.
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1989, Chapters 5 and 11. (9) Gautier, M. A., ed., Health and Environmental Chemistry: Analytical
(4) Case, G. N., and McDowell, W. J., Separation of Radium and its Techniques, Data Management and Quality Assurance, LA-10300-M,
Determination by Photon/Electron-Rejection Alpha Liquid- Vol II, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1992.
Scintillation Spectrometry, Radioactivity and Radiochemistry, Vol 1, (10) Goheen, S. C., et al, eds., DOE Methods for Evaluating Environmen-
No. 4, 1990, pp. 5869. tal and Waste Management Samples, DOE/EM-0089T, NTIS, Spring-
(5) Puphal, K. W., Filer, T. D., and McNabb, G. J., Electrodeposition of field, VA, 1994.
Actinides in a Mixed Oxalate-Chloride Electrolyte, Analytical Chem- (11) Sill, C. W., and Olson, D. G., Sources and Prevention of Recoil
istry, Vol 56, 1984, pp. 113116. Contamination of Solid-State Alpha Detectors, Analytical Chemis-
(6) Talvitie, N. A., Electrodeposition of Actinides for Alpha Spectromet- try, Vol 42, 1970, pp. 15961607.
ric Determination, Analytical Chemistry, Vol 44, 1972, pp. 280283. (12) Currie, L. A., Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative
(7) Chieco, N. A., Bogen, D. C., and Knutson, E. O., eds., EML Determination, Analytical Chemistry, 40 (3), 1968, pp. 586593.

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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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