Detection and Measurement of Partial Discharge (Corona) Pulses in Evaluation of Insulation Systems

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 1868 – 93 (Reapproved 1998)

Standard Test Method for

Detection and Measurement of Partial Discharge (Corona)
Pulses in Evaluation of Insulation Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1868; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope D 149 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and

1.1 This test method covers the detection and measurement Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials
of partial discharge (corona) pulses at the terminals of an at Commercial Power Frequencies3
insulation system under an applied test voltage, including the D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical
determination of partial discharge (corona) inception and Insulating Materials for Testing4
extinction voltages as the test voltage is raised and lowered. D 2275 Test Method for Voltage Endurance of Solid Elec-
The test method is also useful in determining quantities such as trical Insulating Materials Subjected to Partial Discharges
apparent charge and pulse repetition rate together with such (Corona) on the Surface3
integrated quantities as average current, quadratic rate and D 3382 Test Methods for Measurement of Energy and
power. The test method is useful for test voltages ranging in Integrated Charge Transfer Due to Partial Discharges
frequency from zero (direct voltage) to approximately 2000 (Corona) Using Bridge Techniques5
Hz. 2.2 Other Documents:
1.2 The test method is directly applicable to a simple AEIC CS5-87 Specifications for Thermoplastic and
insulation system that can be represented as a two-terminal Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulated Shielded Power
capacitor (1), (2). Cables Rated 5 through 35 kV (9th Edition) October
1.3 The test method is also applicable to (distributed param- 19876
eter) insulation systems such as high-voltage cable. Consider- ICEA T-24-380 Guide for Partial Discharge Procedure7
ation must be given to attenuation and reflection phenomena in IEEE 48 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for
this type of system. Further information on distributed param- High Voltage Alternating Current Cable Terminations8
eter systems will be found in Refs. (1), (2), (3), and (4).2 3. Terminology
1.4 The test method can be applied to multi-terminal insu-
lation systems, but at some loss in accuracy, especially where 3.1 Definitions—The following terms are presented in a
the insulation of inductive windings is involved. developing sequence; it is best that they be read in their
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the entirety:
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1.1 ionization—the process by which electrons are lost
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- from or transferred to neutral molecules or atoms to form
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- positively or negatively charged particles.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precaution 3.1.2 partial discharge (corona)—an electrical discharge
statements are given in Sections 8 and 14. that only partially bridges the insulation between conductors. A
transient gaseous ionization occurs in an insulation system if
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 08.01 and 10.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.
1 6
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-9 on Available from the publication department of the Association of Edison
Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and is the direct responsibility of Illuminating Companies, 600 N. 18th St., PO Box 2641, Birmingham, AL
Subcommittee D09.12 on Electrical Tests. 35291-0992.
Current edition approved June 15, 1993. Published August 1993. Originally Available from the Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc., PO Box 440,
published as D 1868 – 61 T. Last previous edition D 1868 – 81 (1990) e1. South Yarmouth, MA 02664.
2 8
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of Available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Service
this test method. Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1868
the voltage stress exceeds a critical value, and this ionization 3.1.10 average discharge (corona) current (It)—the sum of
produces partial discharges. the absolute magnitudes of the individual discharges during a
3.1.3 corona—visible partial discharges in gases adjacent to certain time interval divided by that time interval. When the
a conductor. This term has also been used to refer to partial discharges are measured in coulombs and the time interval in
discharges in general. seconds, the calculated current will be in amperes.
3.1.4 continuous partial discharges (continuous corona)— t1
discharges that recur at rather regular intervals; for example on (t Q1 1 Q 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q n
It 5
approximately every cycle of an alternating voltage or at least t1 2 t 0 (2)
once per minute for an applied direct voltage.
3.1.5 partial discharge (corona) inception voltage (PDIV where:
[CIV])—the lowest voltage at which continuous partial dis- It 5 average current, A,
charges above some stated magnitude (which may define the t0 5 starting time, s,
t1 5 completion time, s, and
limit of permissible background noise) occur as the applied
Q1, Q2, Qn 5 partial discharge quantity in a corona pulse 1
voltage is gradually increased (Note 1). Where the applied
through n, C.
voltage is alternating, the PDIV is expressed as 1/=2 of the
peak voltage. Many test and specimen parameters can affect 3.1.11 quadratic rate—the sum of the squares of the indi-
this value, and in some cases reproducibility may be difficult to vidual discharge magnitudes during a certain time interval
achieve. divided by that time interval. The quadratic rate is expressed as
(coulombs)2 per second.
NOTE 1—Many factors may influence the value of the PDIV and PDEV
including the rate at which the voltage is increased or decreased as well as
3.1.12 partial discharge (corona) energy (W)— the energy
the previous history of the voltage applied to the specimen. In many cases drawn from the test voltage source as the result of an individual
it may be difficult to obtain the same value with subsequent tests. discharge. It is the product of the magnitude Q of that discharge
Moreover, the “continuous” character of the partial discharges is and the instantaneous value V of the voltage across the test
sometimes quite difficult to define, and an arbitrary judgment in this specimen at the inception of the discharge (5). Thus the
respect may lead to different values of the PDIV or PDEV. discharge energy of the ith pulse is:
3.1.6 partial discharge (corona) extinction voltage (PDEV W i 5 Q iVi (3)
[CEV])—the highest voltage at which partial discharges above
some stated magnitude no longer occur as the applied voltage where:
is gradually decreased from above the inception voltage (see Wi 5 the discharge energy, W·s( 5 J),
Qi 5 the partial discharge magnitude, (see 3.1.8), and
Note 1). Where the applied voltage is alternating, the PDEV is
Vi 5 the instantaneous value of the applied test voltage at
expressed as 1/ =2 of the peak voltage. Many test and
the time of the discharge, V.
specimen parameters can affect this value, and in some cases
reproducibility may be difficult to achieve. 3.1.13 partial discharge (corona) power loss (P)— the
3.1.7 partial discharge pulse voltage (Vt)—the terminal summation of the energies drawn from the test voltage source
pulse voltage resulting from a partial discharge represented as by individual discharges occurring over a period of time,
a voltage source suddenly applied in series with the capaci- divided by that time period.
tance of the insulation system under test, and that would be 1 i5m
P 5 T ( Q iVi (4)
detected at the terminals of the system under open-circuit i51
3.1.8 partial discharge quantity (terminal corona charge)
P 5 the discharge power, W,
(Qt)—the magnitude of an individual discharge in an insulation T 5 the time period, s,
system expressed in terms of the charge transfer measured at m 5 the number of the final pulse during T, and
the system terminals. The measured charge is in general not QiVi 5 the discharge energy of the ith pulse (see 3.1.12).
equal to the charge transferred at the discharge site, and does
When pulse height analysis is used, the summation over a
have a relation to the discharge energy. For a small specimen
period of time of pulses above a preset level of corona usually
that can be treated as a simple lumped capacitor, it is equal to
determined by background noise multiplied by the instanta-
the product of the capacitance of the insulation system and the
partial discharge pulse voltage, that is: neous test voltage at the time of the pulses in the specimen is
approximately equal to:
Qt 5 CtVt (1)

where: P 5 ( njQtjVj
Q t 5 partial discharge quantity, C,
Ct 5 capacitance of the specimen insulation system, F, and where:
Vt 5 peak value of the partial discharge pulse voltage P 5 pulse discharge power loss, W,
appearing across Ct, V. nj 5 recurrence rate of the jth discharge pulse in pulses/
3.1.9 partial discharge (corona) level—the magnitude of second.
Qtj 5 the corresponding value of the partial discharge
the greatest recurrent discharge during an observation of
quantity in coulombs for the particular pulse.
continuous discharges.

D 1868

Vj 5 instantaneous value of the applied voltage in volts at stop in a nonuniform and unpredictable fashion, especially for
which the jth discharge pulse takes place (6). discharges within cavities in certain materials.
If the assumption (7) is made that VjDCj. CtDVj (where DCj 5.4 The magnitude (pulse height) of a partial discharge is an
is incremental capacitance rise in C t due to the drop DV j in Vj indication of the amount of energy that it dissipates in the
as a result of the jth discharge), then the above summation must insulation system. Partial discharge magnitude and pulse rate
be multiplied by 1⁄2. However, this assumption is not usually are useful in estimating the rate, or change of rate, at which
borne out in practice. deterioration is produced.
3.1.14 partial discharge apparent power loss (P a)—the 5.5 In general, the occurrence of partial discharges is not
summation over a period of time of all corona pulse amplitudes directly related to the basic properties of a solid insulating
multiplied by the rms test voltage. material, but usually results from overstressing of gaseous
occlusions or similar imperfections or discontinuities in an
P a 5 I tV s (6)
insulating system. Partial discharges may originate at locations
where: such as on the leads or terminals without resulting in any
Pa 5 apparent power loss in time interval (t1 − t0), W, hazard within the main part of the insulation system.
It 5 average corona current, A, and
Vs 5 applied rms test voltage, V. 6. Interference
3.1.15 partial discharge (corona) pulse rate (n)— the aver- 6.1 Radiated or conducted electrical disturbances from
age number of discharge pulses that occur per second or in sources other than the test specimen may interfere with the
some other specified time interval. The pulse count may be measurement of partial discharges. The magnitude of distur-
restricted to pulses above a preset threshold magnitude, or to bances reaching the measuring instrument must be kept small
those between stated lower and upper magnitude limits. relative to the most sensitive measurements to be made.
3.1.16 partial discharge pulse—a voltage or current pulse 6.2 Interference from radiation may be reduced by shielding
that occurs at some designated location in a circuit as a result the test circuit or by conducting the test in a shielded room.
of a partial discharge. Interference by conduction may be suppressed by means of a
low-pass filter in the voltage supply circuit.
4. Summary of Test Method 6.3 Corona on the connecting leads between the test voltage
4.1 A specimen insulation system is energized in a test source and the specimen may interfere with the measurement.
circuit by a high-voltage source. A partial discharge (corona) in Such interference may be avoided if the leads are smooth-
the specimen will cause a sudden charge transfer and a surfaced and of sufficient diameter, with spherical terminals.
resulting voltage pulse at the specimen terminals. A measuring 6.4 Interference may often be identified from the display of
instrument coupled to the terminals may be calibrated to an oscilloscope coupled to the measuring circuit, with its
respond to the voltage pulse in terms of the charge transferred horizontal deflection relating to the instantaneous value of the
at the terminals. test voltage. For example, pulses that appear only during the
negative half-cycle of the alternating test voltage are often the
5. Significance and Use result of corona originating on the connecting lead or terminal
5.1 The presence of partial discharges (corona) at operating rather than the result of partial discharges within the specimen.
voltage in an insulation system may result in a significant 6.5 Interference may be controlled by the use of time
reduction in the life of the insulating material. Some materials window circuits that suppress the measuring device input
are more susceptible to such discharge damage than others. during the portion of the test voltage wave when partial
This characteristic can be investigated using Test Method discharges do not occur, that is, at the voltage zero-crossing
D 2275 (6). points. Using this technique take care to avoid the loss of
5.2 The presence of partial discharges (corona) in an appar- wanted signals. Other more sophisticated interference suppres-
ently solid insulation may be an indication of the existence of sion techniques of signal processing can be used (1).
internal cavities. Partial discharge tests have been useful in the
design and inspection of molded, laminated, and composite 7. Apparatus
insulation, as well as specimens in the form of cables, 7.1 Test Voltage Supply:
capacitors, transformers, and bushings. 7.1.1 The voltage supply must be capable of energizing the
5.3 Partial discharge (corona) inception and extinction volt- test circuit, including the specimen, over a range of voltages to
ages are used in the determination of the limiting voltage at the maximum desired test value. The requirements in Test
which an insulation system will operate free of such dis- Method D 149 may be used. The frequency of the supply
charges. The extinction voltage is often substantially lower voltage should preferably be the frequency that will be used in
than the inception voltage. Where the operating voltage is service of the specimen.
below the inception voltage but above the extinction voltage, a 7.1.2 The voltage supply must not introduce into the mea-
transient over-voltage may initiate discharges which then suring circuit pulses of sufficient magnitude to interfere with
continue until the voltage is lowered below the extinction the most sensitive measurement. The internal impedance in-
voltage. Inception and extinction voltages depend upon many cluding the shunt capacitance of the voltage supply must not
factors, including temperature and the rate at which the voltage significantly reduce the sensitivity of the measurement. To
is changed. After a time at a voltage, discharges may start and assist in meeting these two requirements, a supply impedance,

D 1868
preferably in the form of a low-pass filter, may be inserted in discharge current may be determined from a pulse height
the output circuit of the voltage supply. distribution curve (see 7.4.7).
7.1.3 The voltage supply shall include a voltmeter that 7.4.4 The quadratic rate may be measured by an instrument
responds to the peak voltage applied to the test circuit and that responds to the mean square value of the discharge pulses
permits measurements of the voltage directly across the insu- that occur in a certain time interval. A suitable rectifier or a
lation system. thermal detector may be used to provide the squaring function.
7.2 Coupling Capacitor (Ccc)—The capacitance value of 7.4.5 The apparent discharge power loss may be determined
this capacitor is selected in relation to other circuit components from the area under a pulse height distribution curve (see
to realize the desired circuit sensitivity (see circuit sensitivity 7.4.7). A useful approximation of the discharge power loss for
expressions in X1.1). A value of 100 pF is often satisfactory for an alternating test voltage may be obtained from an instrument
low-capacitance specimens. In general, a higher capacitance that responds to the product of the average discharge current
value will improve circuit sensitivity but will require increased and the rMS value of the test voltage.
charging current from the test voltage supply. The coupling NOTE 2—Power loss due to continuous partial discharges under alter-
capacitor shall not introduce into the circuit pulses of sufficient nating voltage may be determined by Method A of Test Methods D 3382.
magnitude to interfere with the most sensitive measurement. Alternatively, Method B of Test Methods D 3382 may be used to obtain
7.3 Measuring Impedance: discharge energy per cycle in joules and then multiplying by the frequency
to obtain the loss in watts.
7.3.1 The measuring impedance should have a value at test
frequency that is low in comparison with other circuit elements 7.4.6 A pulse counter responsive to either positive or
to prevent the appearance of an excessive portion of the test negative pulses may be used to measure the partial discharge
voltage at the input terminals of the measuring device. The (corona) pulse rate, n. A rectifier bridge may be employed to
measuring impedance is usually inductive or resistive. obtain total pulse counts of the combined positive and negative
7.3.2 An inductive impedance, shunted by stray capacitance pulse responses. Suitable pulse-shaping circuits applied across
(consisting of connection cables and component mountings), the measuring impedance must be employed to ensure that
produces an oscillatory response to a partial discharge pulse. each discharge pulse is recorded as a single event. When
The persistence of the oscillations facilitates pulse observation, oscillatory responses are involved, a demodulation circuit with
but reduces resolution between pulses. Resolution can be proper active filtering constitutes an effective means for ob-
changed by the use of a shunting resistor to damp the taining smooth pulses having a single polarity (6). When high
oscillation or by modifying the frequency response of the pulse resolution is desired and the pulses are already unidirec-
discharge measuring system. tional but contain superimposed high-frequency oscillations,
7.3.3 A resistive impedance, shunted by stray capacitance, pulse shaping may be carried out using multivibrator circuits
produces an exponentially decaying step response to a dis- (8). An amplifier with a suitable bandwidth may be inserted
charge pulse. A resistive impedance is used to provide maxi- between the measuring impedance and the pulse-shaping
mum pulse resolution and where the impedance must be circuit to provide adequate sensitivity. A controlled gating
adjusted, as in a bridge circuit. system may be employed to prevent the counting of pulses
7.4 Measuring Devices: below selected magnitude levels. For example, in high ambient
7.4.1 A cathode-ray oscilloscope may be used to display and noise environments it may be useful to avoid counting pulses
measure the discharge pulses that appear across the measuring below a preset level.
impedance. The pulses are amplified by the vertical deflection 7.4.7 Single- or multichannel pulse-height analyzers may be
amplifier, which must respond to the important frequency utilized to obtain curves of the partial discharge pulse rate, n,
components of the pulses. Bandwidth in the range from 25 kHz as a function of the discharge magnitude, Q. The area under
to several hundred thousand Hz have been found satisfactory. such pulse height distribution curves is given by

The height of the vertical deflection caused by a partial `
A~n, Q! 5 n~Q!dQ (7)
discharge can be related to the discharge magnitude. In a 0

common arrangement, the vertical deflections are superim- and is dimensionally equal to the corona current and is
posed on an elliptical oval trace synchronized with the test proportional to the partial discharge power loss. As in the case
voltage. Thus the point on the voltage wave at which each of pulse counters (7.4.6), the use of proper pulse shaping and
discharge occurs can be visualized. The oscilloscope may be amplification circuitry is of the utmost importance to ensure a
equipped with a beam-brightening or pulse-stretching circuit to meaningful pulse-height analysis.
facilitate the observation of peak deflections. 7.5 Calibration Capacitor (Cc)—The calibration capacitor
7.4.2 The partial discharge level may be measured by a should preferably not exceed 200 pF. If its position in the test
peak-reading voltmeter connected across the measuring imped- circuit subjects it to the test voltage, the capacitor shall not
ance. The meter must be able to respond accurately over a introduce into the measuring circuit discharge pulses of suffi-
range of pulse rates between 1 and at least 1000 per second. cient magnitude to interfere with the most sensitive measure-
7.4.3 The average discharge current may be measured by an ment, and it must have a voltage rating equal to the highest test
instrument that responds to the average value of the rectified voltage.
discharge pulses that occur in a certain time interval. Precau- 7.6 Calibration Pulse Generator—The pulse generator
tions may be necessary to avoid oscillations in the measuring must have an output impedance of not more than 100 V
circuit that could reduce accuracy. Alternatively, the average capable of withstanding the charging current at test voltage of

D 1868
the calibration capacitor. When connected to the circuit the made between any two insulated sets of conductors or metallic
generator must produce pulses having a rise time of 0.1 µs or parts. Other conductors or metallic parts may or may not be
less and a decay time to half crest of greater than 1 ms. grounded, but their disposition should be noted in the report.
Provision must be made for determining the crest value of the 10.2 Where the test specimen does not have its own
output pulse. A square-wave generator that meets these require- electrode system, temporary electrodes must be applied. There
ments is a satisfactory pulse source. The maximum repetition should be no cavities between an electrode and the surface of
rate of the pulse generator should be 12.5 kHz. the specimen insulation, since discharges in such cavities
cannot be distinguished from partial discharge within the
8. Hazards specimen. A film of insulating paste or grease spread on the
8.1 The portion of the test area that includes the test surface of the insulation before applying the electrode is
specimen and other components of the test circuit to be helpful in preventing discharges at this location.
energized at high voltage shall be blocked from easy access 10.3 When the test specimen is energized in air, corona may
and marked by warning signs. Doors or gates to this area shall occur in the air at the edges of the electrodes. If the measure-
be provided with switches interlocked with the test voltage ment is to be confined to internal discharges, edge corona may
supply system. be suppressed by immersing the test specimen in a suitable
8.2 Provision shall be made for the remote (automatic) dielectric fluid, or by covering the edges with a thick coat of
grounding of the high-voltage circuit. The high-voltage circuit insulating paste or grease.
shall not be approached unless a ground is applied. This
precaution is especially important when direct-voltage tests are 11. Arrangement of Apparatus
employed, since the circuit may remain charged at high voltage
after the energizing source is interrupted. 11.1 Some common circuit arrangments are shown in Figs.
8.3 Surge voltage protectors must be applied to those parts 1-3. In these figures the test specimen is represented by
of a measuring circuit that must be accessible during the capacitor Ct, the calibration capacitor by capacitance Cc, and
measurement, such as the measuring device and calibration the coupling capacitor as capacitance Ccc. Optional connec-
pulse generator, to minimize danger from accidental high tions for the calibration circuit are indicated by broken lines.
voltage which could result from the failure of the test speci- The calibration circuit may be disconnected during the appli-
men, high-voltage calibration capacitor, or other circuit ele- cation of high voltage to the test specimen (see 12.4).
ment. The instrumentation must be enclosed in a grounded 11.2 The circuit of Fig. 1 may be used when it is convenient
case. to have one terminal of the specimen grounded. The circuit of
8.4 It is recommended that the safety practices as outlined in Fig. 2 is suitable for specimens of small dimensions that can be
paragraph 2.0 to 2.8 of Ref. (9) be followed. easily isolated from ground. The circuit of Fig. 3 is advanta-
geous for minimizing interference conducted from the test
9. Sampling voltage supply. In this circuit the measuring impedance is
9.1 Because this test method is used on a variety of composed of two adjustable resistance sections, one section in
insulating materials and systems, no one sampling procedure series with the test specimen and the other in series with the
can be specified. Material specification methods may provide coupling capacitor. Proper balancing of the resistance values
guidance. For some insulation systems, each production unit is can substantially reduce the level of conducted interference
tested individually as a quality control measure. appearing across the input terminals of the measuring device.
11.3 Precautions must be taken to avoid corona on the
10. Test Specimens high-voltage connecting leads (see 6.3).
10.1 Specimens may be entire insulation systems with 11.4 Stray capacitance between connecting leads and be-
normally included electrodes. Discharge measurements may be tween leads and ground generally reduces the maximum

FIG. 1 Circuit No. 1

D 1868

FIG. 2 Circuit No. 2

FIG. 3 Circuit No. 3

achievable sensitivity of the test circuit. Leads should be well 12.3 Two methods of calibration can be carried out, (1)
spaced from each other and from ground. direct, (2) indirect. In the direct method, the calibration is
performed with the calibration signal being applied directly
12. Calibration
across the terminal of the test specimen as in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3
12.1 A calibration procedure is carried out to establish a connection A. When the calibration capacitor is to remain in the
scale factor relating the response of the measuring device to the circuit during test, the calibration capacitor must be able to
magnitude of a discharge pulse. Since the response of the withstand the highest test voltage and have partial discharge
measuring device is affected by the value and location of the with a lower level than the specimen to be tested. When the
various test circuit components, the calibration must involve calibration capacitor is not to remain connected to the speci-
the entire test circuit. Recalibration is required for each test men high-voltage terminal during application of test voltage, a
specimen (except for specimens of the same dimensions and correction of the sytem sensitivity must be made to compensate
capacitance) or when any other test circuit component is for its removal. See Appendix X1 for correction factor.
changed or relocated.
12.2 In the calibration procedure, a calibration circuit con- 12.4 When the calibration capacitor is disconnected, it may
sisting of a calibration pulse generator in series with a be reconnected as in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 connection B, and Fig.
calibration capacitor is connected to the test circuit. The 2 to perform an indirect method of calibration and determine a
calibration circuit produces a pulse resulting in equivalent correction factor. The ratio of the sensitivity determined by the
response in the detection system to a partial discharge pulse. direct to indirect method is called the correction factor. By
The value of charge (Q) in picocoulombs is equal to the maintaining the measuring device sensitivity constant when
product of the crest voltage (E) in volts of the pulse produced going from the direct to indirect methods and adjusting the
by the calibration generator, and the capacitance (Cc) in calibration pulse generator output, the correction factor can be
picofarads of the calibration capacitor. From the observed made to equal unity.
response of the measuring device, a scale factor relating the 12.5 To calibrate a device for the measurement of pulse rate,
calibrating pulse response to the partial discharge response can average discharge current, or quadratic rate, the calibration
be established. By adjustment of the sensitivity of the measur- pulses may be supplied by a square-wave generator. The
ing device, its response may be made to correspond to a frequency ( f) of the generator may be in the 50 to 5000-Hz
precalibrated magnitude scale. The scale factor as determined range. A pulse-rate measuring device should indicate a value of
for a given calibration pulse magnitude may be applied to all 2f, since each wave generates one positive and one negative
magnitudes within the linear response range of the measuring pulse. A device for measuring the average discharge current
device. should indicate a value of 2 fQ picoamperes, where Q is the

D 1868
picocoulomb magnitude of the calibration charge (after correc- of test voltage increase must be low enough to permit a
tion, if appropriate, see 12.4 and 12.5). Similarly, a device for differentiation between intermittent and continuous discharges.
measuring quadratic rate should indicate a value of 2fQ 2. The minimum test voltage at which continuous discharges,
exceeding some stated magnitude, occur is the partial dis-
13. Conditioning charge inception voltage (see Note 1).
13.1 The occurrence and magnitude of partial discharges
NOTE 3—When the device capacitance is too high (for example, >0.1
(corona) is influenced by environmental conditions such as µFd), a partial discharge quantity of 1 pC will generally be in the
temperature, pressure, humidity, previous electrification, and background noise, even with low noise equipment. Since most specifica-
the dielectric properties of the immersing fluid. Unless the tions on equipment require determination of the PDEV at 5 pC, (for
specimen is designed for use in some special environment, instance, AEIC CS5 – 87, and ICEA T-24-380) and the most sensitive
partial discharge tests should be made with the specimen in air requirement is 3 pC (for instance, IEEE 48), the ability to read 1 pC above
under standard laboratory conditions described in Practice background noise is not essential. It is, however, desirable.
D 618. 14.4 Partial Discharge Extinction Voltage (PDEV):
14.4.1 Set the sensitivity of the test equipment as in 14.3.
14. Procedure 14.4.2 Raise the applied voltage to a level at least 30 %
14.1 Warning— Lethal voltages may be present during this above PDIV but not exceeding the maximum voltage set by the
test. It is essential that the test apparatus, and all associated specification (for instance, the ac withstand test voltage), and
equipment that may be electrically connected to it, be properly then gradually lower the applied voltage at a rate not exceeding
designed and installed for safe operation. Solidly ground all 2000 V/s until all discharges above a specified level cease.
metal parts that any person might come into contact with 14.4.3 The voltage at which the final pulse above the
during the test. Provide means for use at the completion of any specified level occurs is the partial discharge extinction voltage
test to ground any parts which: were at high voltage during the (PDEV).
test, may have acquired an induced charge during the test; may 14.4.4 For a direct voltage test, the inception and extinction
retain a charge even after disconnection of the voltage source. voltages may be the same.
Thoroughly instruct all operators in the proper way to conduct 14.4.5 For alternating voltage tests on certain materials the
the test safely. When making high voltage tests, particularly in extinction voltage may be significantly lower than the incep-
compressed gas or in oil, the energy released at breakdown tion voltage (See Note 1). This lowering may be caused by: (
may be suffıcient to result in fire, explosion, or rupture of the 1) Trapped surface charge on the specimen, (2) localized
test chamber. Design test equipment, test chambers, and test heating within the specimen, (3) creation of gas filled cavities
specimens so as to minimize the possibility of such occur- within the specimen from the partial discharges that occur after
rences, and to eliminate the possibility of personal injury. the inception voltage is reached, or (4) Unknown reasons.
14.2 Warning— Ozone is a physiologically hazardous gas 14.5 Other Partial Discharge (Corona) Measurements—
at elevated concentrations. The exposure limits are set by Measurements of partial discharge (corona) magnitude, level,
governmental agencies and are usually based upon recommen- average discharge current, and quadratic rate and power loss,
dations made by the American Conference of Governmental when required, are made at a specified test voltage, usually
Industrial Hygienists.9 Ozone is likely to be present whenever based on the expected operating voltage of the test specimen.
voltages exist which are suffıcient to cause partial, or complete, Obtain the reading of the measuring device promptly after
discharges in air or other atmospheres that contain oxygen. application of the test voltage. Specific programs for applica-
Ozone has a distinctive odor which is initially discernible at tion of test voltage with time must be established for those
low concentrations but sustained inhalation of ozone can cause specimens in which the magnitude of discharges had a marked
temporary loss of sensitivity to the scent of ozone. Because of time dependency and for those specimens which are highly
this it is important to measure the concentration of ozone in the susceptible to discharge damage.
atmosphere, using commercially available monitoring devices,
whenever the odor of ozone is persistently present or when 15. Report
ozone generating conditions continue. Use appropriate means, 15.1 Report the following information:
such as exhaust vents, to reduce ozone concentrations to 15.1.1 Identification of the test specimen or description of
acceptable levels in working areas. the material tested and the electrode system used. Disposition
14.3 Partial Discharge (Corona) Inception Voltage—Set of electrodes if there are more than two,
the sensitivity of the measuring device so that a partial 15.1.2 The specimen capacitance as measured at or near the
discharge quantity of 1 pC will produce a readable value above supply frequency unless implicit in 15.1.1,
background noise on either the discharge meter or the oscillo- 15.1.3 Ambient temperature, relative humidity, barometric
scope. See 3.1.5 and Note 1. If background noise is too great pressure, and immersing fluid type and temperature if other
for this, see Note 3. Apply an increasing test voltage to the test than air,
specimen, starting at a value well below the expected inception 15.1.4 A description of any method used to suppress exernal
voltage. Continue the increase until a predetermined voltage is corona,
reached or until continuous discharges (3.1.4) occur. The rate 15.1.5 Inception and extinction voltages, if required, to-
gether with a statement of the test voltage frequency and the
sensitivity of the measuring device as used in the determina-
Located in Bldg. D-7 at 8500 Glenway Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45211. tion. All correction factors should be reported,

D 1868
15.1.6 Partial discharge (corona) level at specified test depends on an accurate knowledge of the test voltage, the
voltages. When a zero level is reported, the sensitivity of the calibration pulse voltage, the capacitance of the calibration
measuring device shall also be reported as described in 15.1.5, capacitor, and the frequency response of the measuring instru-
and ment. The characteristics of the discharge pulses are also a
15.1.7 The results of measurements of any other partial factor (see 16.1). Because of the many factors affecting the
discharge quantities described in this method that are required. precision, the precision range may approach 610 %.
The test voltages at which the measurements were made shall 16.4 Other Discharge Quantities—The measurement of
also be included in the report. discharge quantities, such as the average discharge current and
the quadratic rate, is subject to error in the magnitude of the
16. Precision and Bias pulses furnished to the measuring device, and also to error in
16.1 For measurements made by this test method where the processing function of the device. The precision range for
discharge magnitudes are involved, the precision is affected by measurements of these quantities may approach 620 %.
the characteristics of the discharge pulses, and is related to the 16.5 Bias—A statement of bias for this test method cannot
size, shape, internal pressure, and surface conductivity of the be made since there is no standard specimen that can be
discharging cavities. Since these parameters vary between measured with this method.
cavities and for different insulating materials, no specific
precision can be stated for the method. The precision figures 17. Keywords
given below are estimates meant to serve as a guide. 17.1 average discharge (corona) current (It); calibration
16.2 Inception and Extinction Voltages— For a given sen- pulse; corona; continuous partial discharges (continuous co-
sitivity of the measuring device, the precision to which partial rona); discharge magnitude; ionization; partial discharge ap-
discharge (corona) inception and extinction voltages can be parent power loss (Pa); partial discharge (corona); partial
determined is substantially that of the measurement of the test discharge (corona) energy (W); partial discharge (corona)
voltage. This test method anticipates the use of commercially extinction voltage; partial discharge (corona) inception voltage
available instrumentation that will permit the measurement of (CIV); partial discharge (corona) level; partial discharge (co-
test voltage within a precision range of 63 % (see Note 1). rona) power loss (P); partial discharge (corona) pulse rate (n);
16.3 Partial Discharge (Corona) Magnitude and Level— partial discharge pulse; partial discharge pulse voltage (Vt);
The precision of a measurement of the magnitude of individual partial discharge quantity (terminal corona charge); pulse
discharge pulses or of the level of continuous discharges height; quadratic rate


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Sensitivity as used in this Appendix is the ratio of the X1.4 The symbols used in this appendix are as follows:
crest value of the voltage pulse appearing at the input terminals
of the measuring device to the crest value of a calibration or
Vi 5 crest voltage at the measuring impedance, V
discharge pulse occurring elsewhere in the test circuit. Sensi-
Vt 5 terminal corona-pulse voltage, V
tivity expressions may be developed in terms of the capaci- Vc 5 crest voltage of calibrating pulse, V
tances of the circuit components. Such expressions are helpful Ct 5 capacitance of test specimen, pF
in the evaluation of the effect that any circuit component has on Ccc 5 capacitance of coupling capacitor, pF
the sensitivity. Ci 5 shunt capacitance across the measuring impedance,
X1.2 For a test circuit arrangement that provides an equal Cs 5 stray capacitance between high-voltage load and
sensitivity to both calibration and discharge pulses, the scale ground, pF
factor derived from the calibration procedure may be directly
NOTE X1.1—Cs cannot be evaluated and must be estimated or ne-
applied to the measurement of partial discharges in the test glected.
specimen. For test circuit arrangments that result in different
sensitivity, the response of the measuring device must be
modified by a scale factor equal to the ratio of the sensitivities. Cc 5 capacitance of calibrating capacitor, pF
Hc 5 maximum deflection from normal trace produced by
X1.3 In the development of the expressions listed below, calibration pulse, cm
the assumption was made that both the calibration pulse and S 5 circuit sensitivity to partial discharge signal
the discharge pulse have sufficient rates of rise so that the Sc 5 circuit sensitivity to calibration signal
initial voltage distribution throughout the circuit is determined SF 5 sensitivity scale factor for circuit of Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B,
only by the circuit capacitances. and Fig. 2

D 1868

CF 5 sensitivity correction factor for circuits of Fig. 1 ~Ct 1 C c 1 Cs!~Ccc 1 C i! 1 CccCi

CF8 5 (X1.11)
CF8 5 sensitivity correction factor for circuit of Fig. 1A Ccc ~C t 1 Cs 1 Ci! 1 C i ~Ct 1 Cs!
when calibration capacitor is removed X1.6 Oscilloscope deflection sensitivity is defined as the
value of the terminal corona-pulse voltage or terminal corona
X1.5 Circuit sensitivity is defined as the fraction of the
charge required to produce a deflection of unit height on the
terminal corona-pulse voltage that appears across the coupling
oscilloscope. The deflection sensitivity is calculated from the
impedance for measurement. The circuit sensitivity is not used
measured deflection to a calibrating pulse of known magnitude,
in the calculation of results and is included only to show the
with a factor included to account for the different circuit
effect of circuit capacitances on the sensitivity. The circuit
locations of the calibrating pulse generator and of the test
sensitivity and scale factor expressions are:
specimen. The deflection sensitivity must be scaled to account
X1.5.1 Fig. 1A: for the location the calibration signal is injected relative to the
CtCcc location of the partial discharge signal in the circuit. This is the
S 5 (X1.1)
~Ct 1 C c 1 Cs!~Ccc 1 C i! 1 CccCi scale factor. The deflection sensitivity may also require correc-
CcCcc tion to account for the change of location of the calibration
Sc 5 (X1.2) signal insertion location. This is the correction factor. The
~Ct 1 C c 1 Cs!~Ccc 1 C i! 1 CccCi
oscilloscope deflection sensitivity and factors are:
SF 5 C (X1.3)
c X1.6.1 Fig. 1A:
X1.5.2 Fig. 1B: Deflection sensitivity, V/cm 5 ~Vc/H c!~Cc/Ct! (X1.12)
CtCcc Vc
S 5 (X1.4) Picocoulombs per centimetre 5 H 3 C c (X1.13)
~Ct 1 C s!~Ci 1 Ccc 1 C c! 1 Ccc ~Ci 1 C c! c

CcCcc X1.6.2 Fig. 1B:

Sc 5 (X1.5)
~Ct 1 Cs!~Ci 1 C cc 1 Cc! 1 Ccc ~C i 1 Cc! V c Cc Ci 1 C s
Ct Deflection sensitivity, V/cm 5 H C 1 1 C
c t cc
SF 5 C (X1.6) (X1.14)

X1.5.3 Fig. 2:
Ct~Cs 1 Ccc!
Picocoulombs per centimetre 5 H
11 C S
Ci 1 C s
S 5 (X1.15)
C t ~Cs 1 Cc 1 C cc 1 Ci! 1 ~Cs 1 C cc!~Cc 1 Ci!
(X1.7) X1.6.3 Fig. 2:

Sc 5
C tC c
Ct ~Cs 1 C c 1 Ccc 1 Ci! 1 ~C s 1 Ccc!~Cc 1 C i!
Deflection sensitivity,V/cm 5 H C
c t
S 11C 1C
Ccc 1 C s
SF 5 Cc
X1.5.4 Fig. 3—The circuit sensitivity for Fig. 3 when used
(X1.9) VcCc
Picocoulombs per centimetre 5 H
11C 1C
as a straight system with a measuring impedance is the same as
Fig. 2. When used as shown in the bridge configuration at null, X1.7 The expressions for sensitivity in X1.5 for Fig. 1
there is a no difference between sensitivity and partial dis- show that when the value of the calibration capacitor is equal
charge signals and calibration signals in either A or B configu- in value to the specimen capacitance, there is direct compari-
ration, and therefore no scaling or correction factors are son between the calibration signal and the partial discharge
required. signal. The expressions for Fig. 2 indicate that there will be
X1.5.5 The circuit sensitivity correction factor for conver- direct comparison if the stray capacitance from the high
sion from calibration by Fig. 1A to Fig. 1B is: voltage to ground is negligible and the value of the coupling
~Ct 1 Cs!~Ci 1 C cc 1 Cc! 1 C cc~Ci 1 Cc!
capacitor is equal to the value of the calibration capacitor.
CF 5 (X1.10)
~Ct 1 C s 1 Cc!~Ccc 1 C i! 1 CccCi X1.8 The expressions for CF and CF8 indicate that the
X1.5.6 The circuit sensitivity correction factor for conver- correction factors are quantities dependent upon all the circuit
sion from calibration by Fig. 1A with calibrating capacitor then components and cannot be made to be equal unity by a simple
removed because of limited test voltage rating is: choice of circuit values.

D 1868

(1) Bartnikas, R., and McMahon, E. J., Engineering Dielectrics, Volume 1, and Cables,” CIGRE Proceedings, Part II, Paris, 1966, Paper 202, pp.
Corona Measurement and Interpretation, ASTM STP 669, ASTM, 1–37
1979. (7) Vogel, F. J., “Corona Measurements and Their Interpretation Applied
(2) Symposium on Corona, ASTM STP 198, ASTM, 1956. to Oil Insulated Transformers.” 1972 IEEE Winter Power Meeting,
(3) Eager, G. S., and Bahder, G., “Discharge Detection in Extruded Paper T72 093-8.
Polyethylene Insulated Power Cables,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Apparatus and Systems PAS-86: 10–34, January 1967. (8) Bartnikas, R., and Levi, J. H. E., “Improved Pulsed Discharge Rate
(4) Goossens, R. E., “Progress Report of Study Committee No. 2 on High Measuring Apparatus for Ionization Discharge Studies at Low Fre-
Voltage Cables,” Proceedings of CIGRE, Report No. 21-01, Appendix quencies,” Review of Scientific Instruments, RSINA, Vol 39 September
4, Paris, 1968, pp. 23–25. 1966, pp. 1245–1251.
(5) Whitehead, S., “Dielectric Breakdown of Solids,” Oxfords, 1951. (9) Densley, J., “Recommended Safety Practices in High Voltage and High
(6) Bartnikas, R.,“ Pulsed Corona Loss Measurement in Artificial Voids Power Testing,” IEEE PSIM P510/D4.

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
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views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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