Nexgen Lps Flex Fixed Bearing Knee Surgical Technique

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Fixed Bearing Knee

NexGen Complete Knee Solution

Surgical Technique
Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................... 2
Patient Selection
Preoperative Conditioning
Preoperative Planning

Surgical Technique Introduction............................................................................... 6

Incision and Exposure............................................................................................... 6

PCL Resection............................................................................................................ 7

Soft Tissue Releases.................................................................................................. 7

Varus Release
Valgus Release

Tibial Preparation.................................................................................................... 10

Femoral Preparation................................................................................................ 10

Flexion/Extension Gaps.......................................................................................... 12

Patella Preparation.................................................................................................. 14

Finishing the Tibia.................................................................................................... 14

Trial Reduction......................................................................................................... 15

Implantation............................................................................................................ 15

Techniques for 17 mm and Thicker Articular Surface Assembly............................. 16

Assembly................................................................................................................. 17
For Back Table Assembly:
For in vivo Assembly:

Closure..................................................................................................................... 19

Rehabilitation Protocol............................................................................................ 19
2|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Figure 1 Figure 2

The NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing Knee is a posterior and pulled tightly against the anterior tibia and distal
stabilized prosthesis designed to accommodate greater femur. The LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee is designed to
range of motion for appropriate patients, such as those help relieve these stresses through a larger, deeper
who are physically capable or whose cultural customs or anterior cutout on the bearing (Figure 2). This cutout
recreational/work activities require deep flexion. accommodates the extensor mechanism in deep
The development of the LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee
is the result of an analysis of a knee prosthesis as it Additionally, the cam/spine mechanism has been
undergoes deep flexion beyond 120 degrees. For modified to provide greater jump height as the
example, the interaction of the posterior condyles on knee prosthesis undergoes deep flexion between
the bearing was carefully studied. As a result, efforts 120 and 155 degrees. The cam/spine mechanism
have been made to optimize the contact area as the induces mechanical rollback while inhibiting
posterior condyles roll back to flexion angles up to 155 posterior subluxation of the tibia.
degrees (Figure 1). This is addressed by thickening the
posterior condyles, thereby extending the radius. These design features accommodate high-flexion
activities and, together with proper patient selection,
The tibial bearing was also considered in the design. surgical technique, and rehabilitation, increase the
In deep flexion, the extensor mechanism experiences potential for greater range of motion.
a high level of stress as the soft tissues are stretched
3|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Introduction (cont.)
The LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee components can be will help provide a consistent flexion gap. Regardless
implanted using any of the NexGen Knee Instrument of the instrumentation system used, the spacer
Systems. These include: blocks should always be used to check the flexion
and extension gaps after the initial femoral and tibial
Multi-Reference 4-in-1 Femoral Instrumentation cuts have been made. Also, the V-STAT Variable Soft
System Tissue Alignment Tensor can be used with any of
MICRO-MILL Instrumentation System-Milling or the instrument systems except the intramedullary
5-in-1 saw blade options instrumentation system to aid in proper flexion/
Intramedullary instrumentation system extension gap balancing. When the flexion gap is
equal to the extension gap, the posterior recut guide
Epicondylar instrumentation system is used to prepare the posterior condyles for the LPS-
If the Multi-Reference 4-in-1 Femoral Instrumentation Flex femoral component.
System is used, the posterior referencing technique
4|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Meets selection criteria <90.

Does not meet
selection criteria

Figure 3
Thigh-calf angle

Patient Selection
The LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee should be used with sitting cross-legged, and squatting are common.
patients capable of higher flexion to optimize its Also, certain hobbies and recreational activities,
potential benefits. A common view among potential such as gardening, bowling, or golfing, may
orthopaedic surgeons is that preoperative range of require high-flexion capabilities.
motion is a good indicator of postoperative range of 3. The patient should have a thigh-calf index of less
motion. In determining the appropriateness of this than 90 degrees (Figure 3).
implant for any patient, careful consideration should
be given to the following criteria for patient selection. 4. The patient should have stable and functional
collateral ligaments.
1. The patient should be capable of reaching 5. If the patient has an angular deformity, it should
120 degrees of flexion preoperatively, with be less than 20 degrees. Keep in mind that it
a reasonable probability, in the surgeons is more difficult to achieve ligament balance
judgment, of achieving a range greater than 130 in these patients. And, in patients with severe
degrees postoperatively. deformity, consider the patient expectation for
2. The patient should have a need and desire to achieving high flexion.
perform deep-flexion activities. This need is 6. The patient should not be obese.
often dictated by cultural background where
practices such as frequent kneeling for prayer, It is also important to consider the length of time the
patient has not performed high-flexion activities.
5|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Preoperative Conditioning
To help prepare the patient for surgery, it may be techniques can be used: the Multi-Reference 4-in-1
helpful for the patient to perform mobility exercises Femoral Instrumentation System, the MICRO-MILL
to prepare the ligaments and muscles for the Instrumentation System with Milling or 5-in-1 Saw
postoperative rehabilitation protocol. Blade Options, the Intramedullary Instrumentation
System, or the Epicondylar Instrumentation System.
Preoperative Planning The spacer blocks available with these instrument
Use the template overlay (available through your systems should always be used to check the flexion
Zimmer Biomet representative) to help determine the and extension gaps.
angle between the anatomic axis and the mechanical
axis. This angle should be reproduced intraoperatively. In addition, the V-STAT Variable Soft Tissue
Alignment Tensor can be used with any of the
Use the various templates to approximate the instrumentation choices except the Intramedullary
appropriate component sizes. The final sizes must Instrumentation System.
be determined intraoperatively; therefore, larger and
smaller sizes should be available during surgery.

Select the instrumentation system and technique that

will be used to implant the LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee
components. Any of four instrumentation systems and
6|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Figure 4

Surgical Technique Introduction

Surgical technique is an important factor to consider selected femoral component is smaller than the A/P
when attempting to maximize range of motion in dimension of the femur. The alteration of the joint line
total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Close attention must can be minimized by accurately measuring for the
be paid to balancing the flexion and extension gaps, femoral component size and performing a posterior
clearing posterior osteophytes, releasing the posterior capsulotomy to correct flexion contractures.
capsule, and reproducing the joint line.
Incision and Exposure
Although the joint line often changes as a result
The medial parapatellar approach is recommended
of a posterior cruciate substituting procedure, it is
for the LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee. With the patient
important that an attempt be made to maintain the
in the supine position and the knee slightly flexed,
joint line when high flexion is a priority. Depending
make a straight midline incision. Begin the incision
on the degree, altering the joint line can cause
medial to the quadriceps tendon and 35 cm above
patellofemoral issues and limit the degree of flexion.
the superior pole of the patella. Extend it distally to
An elevated joint, for example, can cause tibiofemoral
below the level of the tibial tubercle (Figure 4). Then
tightness in roll-back and thus restrict flexion.1
make a medial parapatellar capsular incision.
When using the gap technique, it is possible that
the joint line may be moved proximally, especially if
there is a preoperative flexion contracture or if the
7|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique




Figure 5

PCL Resection Varus Release

Removing the PCL will make it easier to balance the To correct most fixed varus deformities (Figure 5),
collateral ligaments. Because the LPS-Flex fixed progressively release the tight medial structures
bearing knee prosthesis is a posterior cruciate ligament until they reach the length of the lateral supporting
substituting design, it is necessary to completely resect structures. The extent of the release can be monitored
the PCL. Any residual stump of the PCL may impinge in by inserting laminar spreaders within the femorotibial
the cam/spine mechanism causing pain and limited joint and judging alignment with a plumb line. To
motion. Resection of the PCL may influence the height facilitate the release, excise osteophytes from the
of the flexion and extension gaps. Check for symmetry medial femur and tibia. These osteophytes tent the
and balance of the flexion and extension gaps. Any medial capsule and ligamentous structures, and their
differences in the gaps must be addressed. removal can produce a minimal correction before
beginning the soft tissue release. Posteromedial
Soft Tissue Releases osteophytes may need to be removed after the
The objective of this procedure should be to proximal tibia is resected.
distribute contact stresses across the artificial joint as With the knee in extension, elevate a subperiosteal
symmetrically as possible.2 This requires the creation sleeve of soft tissue from the proximal medial tibia,
of equal and symmetrical flexion and extension gaps. including the deep medial collateral ligament,
superficial medial collateral ligament, and insertion
of the pes anserinus tendons. Continue the elevation
with a periosteal elevator to free the posterior fibers.
To improve exposure during the release, retract this
subperiosteal sleeve using a Homan retractor.
8|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Lax Tensed


Figure 6

Varus Release (cont.) Valgus Release

Release the insertion of the semimembranosus muscle Approach the valgus knee (Figure 6) in a similar fashion
from the posteromedial tibia, and concurrently remove to that described for the varus knee; however, to
posterior osteophytes. provide better visualization, the bone cuts are usually
made before the ligament release.
Continue the release distally on the anteromedial
surface of the tibia for 810 cm and strip the By comparison with that of a varus release, the
periosteum medially from the tibia. This should principle of a valgus release is to elongate the
be sufficient for moderate deformities. For more contracted lateral structures to the length of the
severe deformities, continue subperiosteal stripping medial structures. Though lateral osteophytes
posteriorly and distally. may be present and should be removed, they do
not bowstring the lateral collateral ligament in the
When varus malalignment is present with a flexion same way as osteophytes on the medial side. This is
contracture, it may be necessary to release or because the distal insertion of the lateral collateral
transversely divide the posterior capsule. ligament into the fibular head brings the ligament
away from the tibial rim.
9|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Valgus Release (cont.)

For a valgus release, a piecrust technique may be stretch the lateral side. This should elongate the lateral
preferable. This technique allows lengthening of the side and create a rectangular extension space. Use
lateral side while preserving a continuous soft tissue spacer blocks to confirm ligament balance in flexion
sleeve, as well as preserving the popliteus tendon, and extension.
which ensures stability in flexion.
For more severe valgus deformities, strip the lateral
With the knee in extension and distracted with a femoral condyle of its soft-tissue attachments
laminar spreader, use a 15 blade to transversely cut proximally for about 9 cm, and then divide the
the arcuate ligament at the joint line. Be careful not periosteum, the iliotibial tract, and the lateral
to cut or detach the popliteus tendon. Then use the intramuscular septum transversely from inside out.
15 blade to pierce the iliotibial band and the lateral Be sure that any part of the lateral intramuscular
retinaculum in a piecrust fashion, both proximally septum that remains attached to the distal femur is
above the joint and distally within the joint. Following free to slide.
the multiple punctures, use a laminar spreader to
10|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Tibial Preparation
Using the selected instrumentation system, and is a posterior stabilized design, surgeons should first
following the appropriate technique for that system, consider upsizing. By doing this, they maintain the
establish the tibial cutting platform and resect the option to downsize if the knee is too tight in flexion
proximal tibia. Some PS surgeons may prefer to cut with the larger size.
the tibia with a 35 degrees posterior slope that
matches the preoperative slope of the tibia. Excessive Prepare the femur as per the MIS Mini-Incision Multi-
posterior slope can increase the likelihood of the Reference 4-in-1 technique or the MIS Mini-Incision
femoral component contacting the anterior portion of IM technique. Alternatively, the MIS Quad-Sparing
the bearing spine. technique may also be utilized. When choosing the 3
degrees flexion cut in the 4-in-1 technique, excessive
Femoral Preparation flexion in the distal femoral cut can increase the
likelihood of the femoral component contacting the
When sizing the femoral component, it is preferable
anterior portion of the bearing spine. If a size A or B
to select the closest size. With the large selection of
femoral component is chosen, do not drill the distal
available femoral component sizes for the LPS-Flex
femoral post holes at this time. Size A and B femoral
knee, it is possible to choose a size that is within 2 mm
components have smaller pegs. The holes should be
of the measured anatomy. However, depending on the
drilled using the size A/B femoral peg drill and the
situation, selecting the closest size could mean either
posterior recut guide.
upsizing or downsizing. Because the LPS-Flex knee
11|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Figure 7 Figure 8

Femoral Preparation (cont.)

Using a posterior referencing technique will help additional rotational landmark. While 3 degree of
ensure an appropriate flexion gap as the technique external rotation of the femoral component may
results in a predictable and consistent resection of the be appropriate for a varus knee, 5 degree is more
posterior condyles. The resected portion of the medial appropriate for a valgus deformity of 1020 degrees,
femoral condyle should be at least 910 mm, while the and 7 degrees may be necessary for a valgus deformity
resected portion of the lateral femoral condyle will be greater than 20 degrees accompanied by patella
dictated by the degree of femoral component rotation. subluxation. The critical goal is to create a rectangular
If an anterior referencing technique is used, be aware and symmetrical flexion gap between the femur
of the amount of posterior condylar resection, since and tibia.
the variable cut is now posterior. Avoid resection
greater than 10 mm from the posterior medial condyle. When establishing the mediolateral position of the
femoral component, it is recommended to lateralize
It is necessary to externally rotate the femoral the component to help improve patellar tracking.
component in order to create a symmetrical Avoid positioning the component where it overhangs
flexion space. The transepicondylar axis provides a the bone as this may restrict flexion.
reproducible method of setting femoral rotation and
allows precise positioning of the femoral component. With the knee in flexion, remove posterior osteophytes
The anteroposterior axis of the femur provides an with a 3/4 inch curve-on-flat osteotome (Figure 7). Use
a laminar spreader and the posterior femoral retractor
to improve exposure (Figure 8).
12|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Variable anterior femoral cut

Posterior reference point helps to provide

a consistent flexion gap

Figure 9 Figure 10

Flexion/Extension Gaps
While the basic box cuts are the same for both cruciate 4-in-1 instruments an option exists to resect the
retaining and posterior stabilized designs, there are distal femur in 3 degrees of flexion to help avoid
some important differences in the technique, and it anterior notching. This option can be helpful when
is important that those surgeons who have typically between femoral sizes.
followed the cruciate retaining philosophy understand
With the knee flexed 90 degrees, start with the
these differences. First, be aware that when the PCL
thickest spacer/alignment guide that will easily fit
is removed, there may be a change in the symmetry
between the posterior femoral condyles and the
of the flexion and extension gaps. Therefore, the
resected tibia. Use progressively thicker spacers
joint balancing is different with a posterior stabilized
until the proper soft tissue tension is obtained. The
prosthesis. In the posterior stabilized technique, the
resultant flexion space should be balanced and
flexion and extension gaps are balanced with spacer
symmetrical. The tibial resection can also be checked
blocks and/or tensor devices. Posterior referencing
at this point by placing the alignment rod through the
instrumentation systems, like the Multi-Reference
handle of the spacer/alignment guide (Figure 10).
4-in-1 Instruments, are designed to help balance the
gaps with the initial bone cuts (Figure 9). With the
13|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Figure 11

Flexion/Extension Gaps (cont.)

With the last spacer/alignment guide in place, extend If the knee is tight in both flexion and extension, and
the knee and again check the soft tissue tension and will not accommodate a 10 mm spacer/alignment
the alignment of the joint using the alignment rod guide, recut the proximal tibia.
through the spacer/alignment guide (Figure 11). If the
It is very important that the flexion and extension
tension is equal in both flexion and extension, and
gaps are equal and balanced before making the
alignment is correct, proceed to the next step.
posterior femoral recut and, thereby, committing
If the knee is tighter in extension than in flexion, recut to the LPS-Flex fixed bearing knee.
the distal femur using the appropriate instrumentation.
This will enlarge the extension space. The gaps should
then be rechecked with the appropriate spacer/
alignment guide to confirm equality.

If the knee is significantly looser in extension than in

flexion, downsize the femoral component, or
14|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Patella Preparation Finishing the Tibia

Note: If the surgeon determines that the condition Select the proper size tibial sizing/positioning plate
of the patients patella is satisfactory, it is not that provides the desired tibial coverage.
necessary to resurface the patella. The geometry,
depth, and length of the patellar grove on the The tibia can be finished before the trial reduction
NexGen Femoral Component accommodates the if the implant position will be chosen based on
unresurfaced patella. anatomic landmarks. Alternatively, the sizing plate
and provisionals can be used to perform a trial range
Using the desired patella preparation technique, of motion to aid in tibial position.
resurface the bearing of the patella. Be sure to
determine the appropriate patella thickness. When
drilling the peg holes for the patellar component,
position the patellar drill guide so as to medialize the
patellar implant. (When the patella is everted, this
means placing the guide on the lateral border.)
15|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Figure 12

Trial Reduction Implantation

Place the femoral provisional, the tibial plate After the implants have been chosen, make one last
provisional, the bearing provisional, and the patellar check to ensure that the femoral, tibial, and bearing
provisional (if needed) onto the prepared bone components match. The femoral letter must match
surfaces. one of the letters on the bearing carton. The tibial
plate number must match one of the numbers
A screw should be used to secure the bearing indicated on the bearing carton as indicated by the
provisional onto the plate. interchangeability chart.
With all the provisional components in place, perform Insert the appropriate size femoral and tibial
a complete range of motion (Figure 12). Observe components. Then use the bearing inserter to attach
patellar tracking and tilt. If necessary, perform a lateral the appropriate tibial bearing onto the plate.
retinacular release.

Observe patellar tracking and tilt. If necessary, perform

a lateral retinacular release.
16|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Prolong LPS-Flex

Net-Shaped Molded

Figure 13

Techniques for 17 mm and

Thicker Bearing Assembly
A secondary locking screw is required for the 17 mm insert from being assembled incorrectly. The metal
and thicker bearing components when used with LPS- insert should glide easily into the slot. The insert is
Flex components. Therefore, stemmed tibial plates properly seated when a click is heard. For the molded
with either a stem extension or taper plug must be bearing, the metal locking insert is preassembled into
used with these thicker components (Figure 13). the bearing.
This assists in lift-off resistance at higher flexion
positions. A taper plug also can be used with the 14 mm and
thinner bearing components. If you plan to use a 14
With the Prolong Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene mm component or the flexion and extension gaps are
bearing option, the locking insert and screw are not balanced, consider using the taper plug in case,
packaged separately from the bearing component in during final trial reduction, it would be necessary
the same box. Prior to inserting the bearing, the metal to use a 17 mm and thicker component. Then, if the
locking insert must first be inserted into the anterior bearing should ever require revision with a 17 mm or
slot of the bearing. The rail should be aligned with the thicker component, the taper plug is already in place
space in the slot. There is an arrow on the superior side and revision of the tibial plate component may not be
of the locking clip that indicates the correct direction necessary.
for insertion. The purpose of the rail is to prevent the
17|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

For back table assembly: For in vivo assembly:
1. Assemble the stem extension or the taper plug If preferred, a 17 mm or thicker bearing can be inserted
onto the tibial plate by striking it with a mallet after the tibial plate has been implanted.
once for the stem extension or several times for
1. Assemble the stem extension or the taper plug
the taper plug to allow the ring on the taper plug
onto the tibial plate by striking it with a mallet
to deform.
once for the stem extension or several times for
2. Place the tibial plate on the holding fixture, which the taper plug to allow the ring on the taper plug
is an integral part of the instrument case. to deform.
3. Use the bearing inserter to insert the bearing on It is recommended to secure the taper plug/stem
the tibial plate. extension using a replacement stem extension
4. With the bearing in place, insert the secondary locking screw: 00-5980-090-00 (available as a
locking screw (packaged with the bearing). separate sterile item) before implanting the tibial
component. This screw will hold the taper plug/
5. Use the LCCK deflection beam torque wrench
stem extension in place when the tibial plate is
with the 4.5 mm hex driver bit attached to torque
the screw to 95 in.-lbs. Alternatively, if using a
stem extension, use the tibial plate wrench to
assist when torquing the screw. Do not over or
under torque.
18|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

For in vivo assembly: (cont.)

2. Implant the tibial plate*. Remove the replacement 4. Select the tibial plate wrench that matches the
stem extension locking screw and discard. If size of the implant to be assembled. Place the
bone cement is being used, wait for the cement end of the wrench over the tibial plate. Ensure
to completely cure before inserting the bearing. that the wrench is in line with the base of the
A bearing provisional may be inserted to use as a tibial plate.
spacer while the cement cures. 5. Place the locking screw (packaged with the bearing)
3. Remove the bearing provisional and insert the through the hole in the bearing.
bearing onto the plate using the bearing inserter. 6. Use the LCCK deflection beam torque wrench
attached to the 4.5 mm hex driver bit to torque
the screw to 95 in.-lbs.

*For cemented applications, apply a layer of bone cement to the underside of the
tibial plate, around the keel, on the resected tibial surface and in the tibial IM canal.
Remove the excess cement.
19|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

Figure 14 Figure 15

Closure Rehabilitation Protocol

Freely irrigate the wound with the solution of choice. An equally important factor in gaining or
Close the capsule and perform a drop and dangle maintaining high flexion after successful total
test to predict the range of motion for the patient knee arthroplasty is early and/or aggressive
(Figure 14). rehabilitation of the patient. Many of the standard
rehabilitation protocols used in western-style
Position the knee in full extension to continue closing hospitals today are aimed at restoring knee motion
the layers (Figure 15). and function between 90 and 110 degrees, which
is sufficient for the TKA patient to get into or out
of a chair or a car. Those patients undergoing
TKA who are able and willing to flex and wish to
maintain preoperative flexibility may be better
off with early and/or relatively more aggressive
rehabilitation exercises.
20|NexGen LPS-Flex Fixed Bearing KneeSurgical Technique

1. Whiteside, L. Factors Affecting Range of Motion in Total Knee
Arthroplasty. Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association.
65: 1934, 1991.
2. Insall, J. Surgery of the Knee, 3rd ed. NY, NY: Churchill Livingston.
1553, 2001.

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