Pt3 Sample Essay

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(40 marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)


Question 1
The picture below shows a snatch theft incident which you witnessed while walking to
school. Based on the picture given, write about the incident for your school magazine.

When writing about the incident, you should:

 describe what happened

 express what you felt
 suggest ways to prevent snatch theft
 write between 120 to 150 words. (Follow the limit which is allowed by your school

Tips on How To write

1. Read and understand the question carefully.

2. Find the key words:-

 For example : snatch theft, incident, witnessed, walking back to school, school magazine.

3. In your essay you need to :-

 how the snatch theft happened
 your feelings about the incident
 to prevent snatch theft

4. Use the technique to arrange and to write your ideas/points.

5. Introduction Paragraph – ( 30 – 50 words )

 Last week – I – walking – to school
 8.00am – football practice
 saw – neighbour – Miss Siti – opposite road – waiting for bus
 she – holding a big brown – handbag
Body - First Paragraph – ( Describe what you saw happen)
 saw – a motorbike – two men
Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah
 snatch Miss Siti’s handbag – fell down – screamed for help
 shocked – gave chase – got away
Body - Second Paragraph – ( Describe what happened after )
 checked on Miss Siti – hand and leg – bruises
 father came – took her home – made a police report
 I – felt – angry and sad
Body - Third Paragraph – ( Suggest ways to prevent... )
 People – more careful / alert - alone
 More street lights - bright roads / safe
 Police patrol – in / around – housing areas
Sample Essay
Cases of snatch thefts are reported almost daily in our local dailies. In some incidences
innocent lives have been lost due this unspeakable act.I recently was an eye witness to this
dastardly act. The horrifying incident unfolded right in front of my eyes as I was walking to
school for my football practice last week.
The football practice was scheduled at 8.00 in the morning.On that fateful morning, I
decided to walk to school instead of taking the bus as I normally did. As I was striding along
the brick pavement, my eyes caught Miss Siti, my neighbour, standing on the opposite site of
the road waiting to catch a bus to work. She was gingerly holding a big brown handbag in her
hand.I waved to her and she waved back to me with an angelic smile.I looked at my watch, it
was 7.oo a.m.
As I strode past her, I saw two men on a motorbike riding slowly towards her.Both were
wearing full face helmets. I didn't give much thought about it and just moved on.Suddenly,
without warning, they zoomed past her snatching her handbag in the process.Miss Siti fell
down onto the pavement. She was shocked but managed to scream for help. It all happened so
fast.I gave chase but the thieves managed to escape. They just sped off into the horizon.
I quickly dashed to Miss Siti's aid. There was a look of bewilderment on her pained face. I
helped to check on her.Fortunately, only her hand and leg were bruised but overall she was
alright. I immediately called and informed her father about the incident.He drove there as fast
as lightning and took her home. Later, they went to the police station to make a report.The
barbaric action of the snatch thieves just made me angry. At the same time, sad when I
thought about all the unfortunate victims who had fallen prey to them.
In order to prevent from becoming a victim of snatch theft, people need to be more
careful. For example, when they are alone at a bus stop or walking back home alone- alertness
plays an important role in ensuring their safety.In addition, the government should put up
more street lights so the streets and dark alleys can be bright and safe for the public.Lastly, I
strongly believe police presence in and around housing areas would boost public confidence
whereby their safety can be assured by the police.

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah



Sample Question : Your brother spends too much time on the Internet and has done badly in
his PT3 Trial Examination.Your mother has asked you to write a letter advising him how to
divide his time wisely.


 Stay Up Late - Chat -Internet

 Too Much - Time - Online games


 Have A Timetable - Study - Surf Internet

 Use Internet - Gain Knowledge

When writing your letter,

 You may use the words and phrases given above.

 Elaborate on your writing to make it more interesting.
 You may add other relevant information.
 Make sure it is not less than 120 words.


How to answer this question

 Use the 6W 1H method

 Read the question carefully
 Use the information given in the question to write your opening.
 Use all the points given.
 Don't forget to add your own point(s).
 Write at least 200-250 words as time permits.

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah

[Simple Style Essay Sample]

322C,Taman Danau Maluri

53300 Kuala Lumpur.

20 August 2013.

Dear Vince,

How are you? I hope you are fine. Please send my regards to father and mother. I miss
you all dearly. I heard that you did not do well in your recent PMR Trial Examination. Mother
phoned me a few days ago and told me about it. Father and mother are really worried about
you spending too much time on the Internet. So, I am writing this letter to give you some tips
on how to divide your time wisely.

First of all, young man, don't stay up late.Don't burn your midnight oil chatting on
the Internet. Go to bed early. Our body needs at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep everyday.Enough
sleep will enable your mind to stay sharp and productive the next day.Therefore, instead of
sleeping around 1 to 2 a.m. in the morning, call it a night around 10 p.m.

Next, don't spend too much time playing online games. There is nothing wrong in
playing online games but when it affects your studies then you should put a brake to
it.My advice is leave all your online gaming activities until you have finished your
PMR Examination. Focus on your studies first, you can continue playing once you have
finished your examination.

Draft out a study timetable to help you manage your time wisely. On the timetable
allocate one to two hours to surf the Internet. Now, remember, the Internet contains a lot of
useful information for everyone. It can be used to gain knowledge and to sift through for
information useful for your PMR Examination.

Finally, join some outdoor physical activities rather than just being holed up in the
house in front of your computer the whole day. Go cycling or walking around the park. Play
football or badminton with your friends in the evenings. Physical activities help keep your
body and mind healthy. You need a healthy body and mind to do well in your PMR

I wish I could write more but I have to stop here for now. I have to prepare for
my next week's final term semester examination. I hope you will take my advice and mend
your ways. I wish you all the best in your PMR Examination. Hugs and kisses.

Your loving sister,

Bernice Gabriel.

(The sample essay above is roughly more than 350 words and I have used 5 idioms in the

1. Burn Your Midnight Oil - doing something(working) for very long hours.
2. Call it a night - to end (stop) what one is doing at night.
3. Put a brake to it - to stop an activity.
4. Sift through - to remove something from something.
5. Holed up - hide and wait / just staying put in a place.

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


Can I Use Idioms In My Essay...?

 Students are encouraged to use idioms in PT3 and SPM examinations.Using relevant and suitable
idioms in an essay will help students to get a better mark for their essay.
 Don't simply use idioms just for the sake of getting better grades for your essay paper, this will
backfire if the idioms you use are irrelevant or out of place.
 You can use idioms in the beginning paragraph or in the body paragraph or in the closing
paragraph. It all depends on the topic and suitability of the idioms used.
 Be careful not to over do it.You might be impressed but it does not necessarily mean the examiner
would be.
 Do not use idioms when writing formal letters or business letters.
 So, for a better grade use at least three idioms.If you can't write three at least write one idiom in
the closing paragraph.

Sample Sentences With Idioms...

1. The suffering Adam went through in life was actually a blessing in disguise,for it
has taught him to be prudent and thrifty with his finances.
2. Many obese Malaysians are actually couch potatoes.They just like to sit and eat on a
couch all day long watching movies without moving an inch.
3. Students who like to drag their feet will not be able to finish their school project on
4. Students need to widen their horizons in order to face the challenges of globalisation.
5. People who like to be mules for drug traffickers must learn to face the music if caught by
the authorities.
6. Sam has a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen today.
7. Parents need to have a heart to heart talk with their teenage children often.This will help
them to understand the emotional turmoil their teenage children are going through better.
8. Reading helps a person to be knowledgeable about his surroundings and not be in the
9. Parents need to keep an eye on their children's after school activities.
10. We packed our things and headed to the remote village in Manjala. The journey was quite
challenging and dangerous but we managed to steer clear of danger and reached the
village safe and sound.
11. My father and mother are always at loggerheads, they never once agreed on anything,
always pointing fingers at one another over silly matters.
12. Sandy was on cloud nine as she got through her SPM examination with flying colours.
13. After waiting for six long years, Pat and Mandy finally tied the knot. Their parents gave
them an out of this world wedding reception as a wedding gift.
14. Henry is quite wrapped up with his construction work. He just can't afford to take a
break or put up his feet even for a second.
15. Miranda has put on weight after giving birth to her baby girl. She plans to work out more
to shed the extra pounds.
16. Starting from 2013, every student must pass their History paper. Students are worried that
they might not be able to sail through it because History is all Greek to them.
17. The old house opposite my house has a ghostly presence, it gives me goose bumps just
looking at it.
18. The bank was robbed in broad daylight.The police are not leaving any stones unturned,
they are working out a game plan to catch the mastermind.
19. People around the world must have an attitude of give and take in order to enjoy
continuous peace.Insensitive words or religious undertones will only create ripples which
can turn into a vicious cycle of unnecessary violence.
20. The two opposing political parties are hoping for a landslide victory this coming election.
Working committes from both parties have rolled up their sleeves for some serious

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah

PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I spent my holidays

Complete the essay with your own concluding paragraph. Provide how you end the day and
hope/suggestions for the future activities during the holiday. Include your senses & feelings
by giving vivid descriptions on them. []

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


WORD POWER- words that can help you

TOPIC: A HOLIDAY TRIP to write a good clear composition
Your task: Write an article about an interesting
place you have visited for your school Adjectives used to describe places.
• beautiful
Pre-writing • fascinating
Introduction • wonderful
Where do you normally go for holiday? • enchanting
Where is it? • exciting breathtaking
How far is it from your hometown? • popular
• well-known
Paragraph 2 • famous
Where do you normally stay? • fantastic
Is the rental reasonable?
What are the facilities provided at the Adjectives used to describe feeling.
• happy
Paragraph 3 • excited
Why do you like to visit the place? • thrilled
What are the interesting spots there?
Describe one of your favourite spots. Other useful words/expressions

Paragraph 4 The island is located on the northern part of

What are the activities that you like to do there? Peninsular Malaysia.
The distance from my home to Port Dickson
Conclusion Beach Resort is about 40 kilometres.
How do you feel?
Would you go there again?

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah



Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


Your school library is in a bad state and many of the students have been complaining about it.
As the Secretary of your school’s Reading Club, you have been asked to write a report to the
Principal to inform him about the problem and to suggest solutions.

Include the following points in your report:

 old books books in poor conditions

 insufficient chairs and tables
 media equipment is not functioning
 inefficient and lazy librarian

You should elaborate on the points given and add any further points of your own. When
writing your report you should remember:

 that you are writing to your Principal.

 to address him properly
 to sign off correctly

Sample Answer:

To: The Principal, SMK Panglima Bukit Gantang, Kerian, Perak

Poor Conditions and Services of the School Library

I am writing this report to draw your attention to the poor conditions and services of
our school library.

Firstly, the collection of library books needs to be expanded and improved upon.
Many of the books are so old that they are out of-date and in poor condition, with torn or
missing pages.

Secondly, the seating arrangements are inadequate. Only 12 chairs have been provided
in our library for a school of more than 200 students. Furthermore, many of the chairs and
tables are rickety and the tabletops are all so deeply scratched that it is difficult to write on
them. It would also be much more conducive to readers if some easy chairs were provided, so
pupils will able to relax while reading.

Thirdly, the media equipment in the library is not functioning. As far as I know, it has
been out-of-order since January last year and has not been repaired since then.

Finally the school librarians arc rude and unhelpful. To quote just one example, when
asked for help in finding a book, one librarian responded, “Find it yourself. Do you think I am
your mother?” Surely, librarians should be more willing to assist the students.

One of the objectives of our club is to encourage reading among the students of the
school. As we realise that many of the students will have little access to good reading material
apart from the school library we hope that the conditions in our library can be improved.

Prepared by,

Noor Aisyah

(Noor Aishah bt Mohamad Rasol)

Secretary of School Reading Club

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah

RECOUNT (Pictorial)

The picture below shows your school concert which was held last Sunday. Based on the
picture given, write a recount of the event.

In your recount:

 give details of the event

 give the benefits of participating in school activities.
 make sure your recount is between 150 to 200 words

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


Rearrange the following paragraphs to write the recount of your school concert

All of us enjoyed the concert very much. Our teachers were surprised that there were so
many talented students in our school. We hope to stage another show at the end of the third
term before the school closes.

The audience enjoyed our play tremendously, judging from the loud applause as the
curtains dropped. The Malay dance performed by the Form Two girls was very beautiful. The
dancers wore Malay costume and had roses in their hair. They looked graceful and charming
in their green 'sarongs' and white 'kebayas' as they danced to the accompaniment of Malay

As a conclusion, I believe there are many benefits for students who participate their
school activities. It helps to develop students talents and potential. Thus, students become a
better person. On the other hand, it also helps to raise the self esteem of a student.

Last Sunday ourheld school concert . All the classes took part in it. My class put up a play
called 'The Magic Flute'. I can still remember how excited we were when we tried on our
colourfulcostumes. We spent a lot of time on rehearsals.

Besides these items, the School Choir sang Malay and English songs. Form One girls, too,
contributed an item. It was a ribbon dance, using long, colourful ribbons.

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


How to Protect the Environment

Good morning teachers and friends, I, Ahmad Khairi Hafiz as the President of the
Environment Club would like to talk about “How to Protect the Environment”

First of all, each one of us can start by not littering. We should throw our rubbish into
the rubbish bin instead of anywhere we like. Once I went strolling at a park nearby my house
but was dissapointed at the sight of rubbish.I saw many empty cans and plastic wrappers lying
around.They do not only spoil the beautiful park but they are the best breeding place for aedes

Another way of protecting our environment is by keeping our rivers clean. We can
play our role by not throwing rubbish into the rivers. Meanwhile the factories can stop
dumping their toxic waste into them. Plastic wrappers which made up 80 percent of the
rubbish can endanger the fish and other aquatic lives while toxic waste can kill them. We,
human will consequently suffer as we rely on the rivers for food and water.

Moreover, farmers should avoid open burning in their farming practice because it
polutes the air.Open burning can lead to haze which contains poisonous gases such as carbon
dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These gases can cause many serious diseases. Children who
breathe the polluted air may suffer from asthma and some people may even suffer from rashes
and eye-diseases.

Finally, we can practice the 3R; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Every household should
aim at reducing the amount of rubbish thrown.To achieve this aim ,each member of the
household can refuse plastic carriers when he goes shopping.He can bring a recyclable carrier
or a special shopping bag.The household members can even reuse some items like glass jar as
a vase and cans as coin box or as a pen holder.Old newspapers can also be recycled into new
papers or reused in paper crafting. If "Reuse,Reduce and Recycle" are put into practice ,the
amount of rubbish thrown and the amount of energy used to produce some of the recyclabe
items can indeed be reduced.

Clearly, each one of us can contribute towards the conservation of our environment
and our efforts should be continuous.Protecting our environment means ensuring the
existence of our future generation. With that, I thank you.

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah



There has been an increase in the number of robberies in your area. You have been asked to
give a speech at your school assembly on how to defend your homes from burglars. You have
make the following notes.

 Ensure that all doors, windows and gates are locked before you go to sleep or before you
leave the house
 Have additional security devices like an alarm, a peep hole, safety-chain catch and good
 Avoid keeping too much money or valuables in your house.
 If you are going on a holiday, stop the delivery of newspaper.


Greeting Good morning to our principal, senior assistants, teachers and

Introducing friends. Today, I wish to give a talk on how to ensure the safety of
of the topic our homes and prevent housebreaking.

Additional Statistics provided by the Police Department revealed that

information cases of house-breaking had soared last year compared to the
previous years. Our lackadaisical attitude towards home security
resulted in burglars gaining easy entry to our homes.
Main point How can we ensure the safety of our homes? First of all, ensure
that all doors, windows and gates are locked before we go to sleep
Elaboration or before we leave our homes. Sometimes we leave our grilles
ajar and sometimes we leave our door keys dangling from the
Main point We should have additional security devices like an alarm, a
peep hole, safety-chain latch and good padlocks. Statistics reveal
Elaboration that installing a burglar’s alarm is the best investment for home
security. Having a peep hole and safety-chain latch will prevent
unwelcome guests from entering your home.
Main point In addition, we should avoid keeping too much money or
valuables in the house. Keeping them in a bank is always a better
Elaboration guarantee for the safety of our valuables
If you are planning to go on a holiday then make sure you halt
the delivery of newspapers so that it does not seem obvious that
there is nobody at home
Ending So my dear friends, I hope that we will pay attention to these
preventive measures that we often overlook. Remember
Thank the “ Prevention is better than cure”. Thank you.

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


A Sample Of A Report Writing For A School Magazine.

National Day Celebration

SMK Simpang Rengam held a grand National Day celebration on 31st August this
year at Kluang Stadium. History Club, as the organiser had done a great job.

The celebration began with a march past by the school band. The boys in the band put
on red uniform and a cap. They played beautiful music. Everyone applauded loudly when
they entered the stadium and walked past the audiences.

This was followed by the raising of Malaysian flag. Everyone stood up straight and
proudly sang our National Anthem and patriotic songs accompanied by the music played by
our talented school band.

Then, a few cultural shows were performed by a group of students. They came up on a
platform built in the middle of the stadium and danced traditional dances like “zapin” and
“inang” gracefully. Another group of students also came up and sang some traditional songs
like “ghazal” and “lagu asli” sweetly.

The celebration ended with rhythmic gymnastics. Our school’s gymnasts put up some
of their gymnastic acts accompanied by classical and modern music. They used colourful
ribbons and hoops. It was fascinating.

Everybody including our Education District Officer who came to give closing speech
was speechless. The National Day Celebration would not be forgotten for many years to

Reported by,

Amirul Hakimi

Amirul Hakimi
(Secretary of History Club)

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah

Write about an incident in which the person was caught

Jane slipped the shiny metal-cased pen into her pocket. She had been eyeing that
gleaming treasure for about a month. Every time she went to the shopping centre, she would
head straight to that department store which had that pen. Besides, Jane was green with envy
at how the other children at school always had more beautiful pens than she. When she found
this particularly unique-looking pen, she was sadly disappointed to find that it was too
expensive to afford. That's when she decided to steal it.

Nervous and shivering at what she had just done, she put both her hands into her pockets
and continued to walk around the department store to avoid looking suspicious. After
browsing through the stationery section, she headed for the exit. She was surprised that she
got off so easily and she sighed with relief. Thinking that she did not want to spend another
minute at the scene of her crime, she walked briskly towards the main entrance of the large
shopping centre.

She was five steps from the main exit when a security guard tapped her on the shoulder.
"I believe you have a silver pen from Isetan?" Jane was stunned. She did not know how to
react. She saw the security guard communicating with someone else through her walkie-
talkie. Jane's first instinct was to run from the security guard, but she knew that it would only
make a scene and attract more attention since people were already beginning to stare.

The security guard detained Jane and took her to the manager's office. The manager
called her parents and explained the matter to them. Later, when Jane's parents arrived, they
paid for the pen and took her home. Since Jane was a juvenile and a first time offender, no
police report was made. Jane regretted stealing the pen and promised not to disappoint her
parents again.

green with envy jealous

briskly quickly

juvenile a child

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah


A Camping Trip

It was a cold and windy night. It was three hours since the boys last rested. The night forest
was so dark that it was difficult for them to make their way around, even though they each
had a torchlight and a compass to direct them.

Richard, who was all round and plump from too much good food, began to grumble. "My
stomach's growling! It's been four hours since our last meal! And my legs are so tired, I can
hardly move another step!" Don and Ashton sighed because they were just as tired and hungry
but they never complained half as much as Richard. Tired of Richard's complaints, they
walked to the nearest clearing to spend the night. Richard sat down and was asleep in less
than five minutes, so it was up to Don and Ashton to pitch the tents.

The two boys were extremely efficient in their work, so they soon had their tent taut and
ready for use. They looked at Richard who was fast asleep. They decided to play a prank on
him to teach him a lesson for being so lazy on this camping trip. They gathered some grass for
their costumes and smeared mud all over themselves. Then, they each looked for a long
branch which looked like spears in the dark and woke Richard with a rough push.

When Richard opened his eyes, all he saw were two dark figures standing above him with
spears in their hands. He thought they were people of the forest tribes and he shivered. Don
and Ashton told him that they were cannibals looking for their dinner. Richard looked as if he
would make them a splendid meal because he was so fat and juicy. Richard was so frightened
that he begged for his life. The two boys saw how pitiful Richard looked and burst out
laughing. Richard was angry for a while but he soon forgave Don and Ashton.

taut tight

smeared blackened or dirtied with mud

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah

An Incredible Adventure In A Forest

Alana and Joe walked through the thick undergrowth, looking at the tall trees around them.
There was a mist in the air. The forest was surprisingly shady because the tall trees had
spreading branches on top, which blocked out the harsh sunlight.

Alana was walking in front of Joe when she heard a violent rustling of leaves and Joe's shout
for help. She turned around but she could not find Joe. Instead she found a huge hole in the
ground. It was an animal trap. She quickly ran over to the trap, where Joe's voice seemed to
be coming from, and peeped in. The animal trap must have been set up for larger animals
because it was large enough to fit the two of them. She stepped forward and saw Joe at its
sandy bottom. "Are you all right, Joe ?" Alana said alarmingly.

"I've got a couple of scratches. Other than that, I'm fine," Joe replied. He was obviously
shaken by the fall.

Alana began to search for a way to get Joe out of the trap. She looked around and saw some
creeper plants growing on a tree. Several of the soft, long plants grew together in a twisted
manner. Alana pulled at the plants. They felt heavy and strong, just like a thick rope. She was
glad she had come prepared for the trip in the forest. She took out her knife and cut a long
section of the plant. Then she dropped one end into the hole for Joe and tied the other end
around a thick tree trunk.

Joe grabbed onto the plant. With much effort, he managed to climb out of the hole. Then he
sat on the ground floor with Alana to eat, drink and rest. they still had along way to go before
they got back to their cabin.

undergrowth the plants which grow on the forest ground

mist water vapor in the air which look like clouds

Practice makes perfect! Miss Masturah

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