Virtual Articulators in Prosthodontics: A Future Oriented Technology

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Kumar A et al. / American Journal of Oral Medicine and Radiology. 2015;2(4):217-220.

ISSN - 2394-7721
American Journal of Oral Medicine and

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Ginnia Bhayana1, Shikha Handa Atreja2, Gaurav Atreja1, Ashish Juneja3, Arun Kumar4*
Department of Prosthodontics, 2Department of Pedodontics, 3M.M.University of Dental Sciences and Research,
Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, India.
Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry Post Institute of Dental Sciences Rohtak, Haryana, India.

Article Info ABSTRACT

Received 23/07/2015 In the field of prosthetic and restorative dentistry, the virtual dental articulator incorporates
Revised 16/08/2015 virtual reality applications to the world of clinical dental practice for the analysis of
Accepted 19/08/2015 complex static and dynamic occlusal relations. Its chief application is in the simulation of
the mechanical articulator. The virtual articulator requires digital 3D representations of the
Key words:- jaws and patient specific data on jaw movements which then simulates jaw movements and
Virtual articulator, provides a dynamic visualization of the occlusal contacts. This paper reviews the need of
dental, virtual articulators, programming of virtual articulators, their advantages, disadvantages
Prosthodontics, and different approaches.
Mandibular movements

Dental CAD/CAM systems constitute a new way Virtual articulator can signify and quantify the
to produce dental prostheses. There is no doubt as to these effects of resilience of the soft tissue on the time
high-tech instruments taking over dentistry in the future. dependent basis during muscular movements of chewing
The dentists who already offer the most advanced or eating. That is why it can exemplify the real time
technologies at their dental laboratories are starting to call dynamics of the occlusion [2]. Other significant
dentistry of single visit. In a few minutes, the dentist is advantages of using virtual articulators over mechanical
able to obtain the necessary electronic impression and ones are the reduction in inaccuracies while making
then, the tooth is designed in a computer and afterwards it interocclusal registration with materials prone to
is milled from one ceramic block in less than an hour. deformation (eg: Bite registration wax) and accurate
However, considering the limited accuracy of the occlusal repositioning of the master cast into bite impression
surface, this type of restoration can only provide static without leaving any space. The most accurate occlusal
design. The system cannot take into consideration surface reproduction can be achieved either by using fully
functional movements, so the occlusal surface of the new adjustable articulator that simulates mandibular
tooth has to be manually trimmed to these movements in movements with high degree of precision or by using
the mouth or in an articulator. Even with the use of semi virtual articulators with CAD/CAM systems [5]. The
adjustable mechanical articulators, one cannot reproduce Virtual articulator can be defined as a software tool for
mandibular movements with associated time frames. improved clinical outcome based on virtual reality
These dilemmas can be resolved by replacing the technology [2-4].There are two types of virtual articulators
mechanical articulator by its digital replication like virtual namely -Completely adjustable and Mathematically
articulator [1]. simulated [1,6].
Corresponding Author
Completely Adjustable Virtual Articulator [1,6]: It
Arun Kumar records /reproduces exact movement paths of the mandible
Email: - [email protected]

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Kumar A et al. / American Journal of Oral Medicine and Radiology. 2015;2(4):217-220.

using an electronic jaw registration system called Jaw Indirect digitising - done outside on the patients master
motion analyser (JMA). cast obtained after making final impression.
The digitised dental arches then moves along The scanned data helps to obtain the real
these movement paths that can be viewed in the computer geometry of the mouth and its relative location are
screen consisting of three main windows showing the reconstructed in a CAD system using the face bow. In the
same movement of the arches from different planes. The second phase, the type of articulator is selected depending
software calculates and visualises both static and on the required accuracy and/or on the patients setting
kinematic occlusal collisions and is used in designing and data available in each case.Once the dental prosthesis is
correction of occlusal surfaces in computer aided modelled, the functional simulation is performed in order
designing (CAD) systems. to obtain the interfering collision points which could
The software of the DentCAM virtual articulator produce a disease in the temporomandibular joints, which
developed at the University of Griefswald consists of three may end up producing a disease in the temporomadibular
main windows and a slice window, which show the same joints. Excursive movements, such as protrusion and
movement of teeth from different aspects: laterotrusion, are simulated using a CAD system,
1)Rendering window: Shows both jaws during dynamic analyzing possible occlusal collisions so that the design
occlusion and can visualise unusual views throughout can be adequately modified. Finally, the dental prosthesis
dynamic patterns of occlusion i.e.: the view from the is milled and tested on the
occlusal cusps while watching the antagonistic teeth mouth of the patient.
coming close to the intercuspidation position during
chewing movements. Advantages of Virtual Articulator
2)Occlusion window: Shows the static and dynamic The advantages of the virtual articulators are
occlusal contacts sliding over the surfaces of the upper and dynamic visualization of the occlusal surface is possible
lower jaw as a function of time. with the virtual articulator, whereas mechanical articulator
3)Smaller window: The movements of the offers only static presentation, offers a detailed 3-D
temporomandibular joint are represented in a sagittal and visualization of region of interest, possible to modify or
transversal view which allows the analysis and diagnosis introduce new setting according to the patient
of interdependencies between tooth contacts and The clinician can visualize the teeth surface
movements of the temporomandibular joint. occlusion for contact points and prematurities leading to
4)Slice window: Shows any frontal slice throughout the proper information for the diagnosis [8,9]
dental arch. This tool helps to analyse the degree of Virtual articulators are also helpful in patient
intercuspidation and the height and functional angles of education and thereby improving the compliance for the
the cusps. With this window, the analysis of guidance and treatment.
balancing becomes easy [6].
Limitations of Virtual Articulator
Mathematically Simulated Virtual Articulator Cost effective as it requires the digital scanners,
It is based on a mathematical simulation of the digital sensors, softwares, and different types of virtual
articulator movements. It is a fully adjustable three articulator models mimicking the mechanical ones
dimensional virtual articulator capable of reproducing the according to the patient need.
movements of an mechanical articulator. In addition, Knowledge about the CAD/CAM technology,
mathematical simulation contributes to offering mechanical articulators, designing and modeling of virtual
possibilities not offered by some mechanical dental articulators etc and technical skills regarding the
articulators, such as curved Bennett movement or different interpretation of data recorded from scanners, sensors,
movements in identical settings .This makes it more minor adjustments, incorporating motion parameters etc.
versatile than a mechanical dental articulator. On the other
hand, since it is a mathematical approach, it behaves as an Future Modules Of Virtual Articulator
average value articulator, and therefore, is not possible to 1)Fixed crown and bridge work with CAD/ CAM
obtain easily the individualized movement paths of each The virtual models of casts that are digitally
patient [7]. mounted in virtual articulator are used for diagnosis and
treatment planning of prosthetic restorations from single to
Programming of Virtual Articulators(1) multiple crowns to bridges including complex cases like
Pre requisite for visualization on screen is 3D full mouth rehabilitation achieved by CAD/CAM systems
scanning/digitizing of tooth surface or restorations or [5]. The virtual articulator combined with CAD/CAM
denture models using 3D scanner. (Fig 1) technology offers great potential in treatment planning
The scanning can be done in 2 ways: with dental implants since it affords greater precision and
shorten the duration of implant treatment [2].
Direct digitising - done directly from the patients mouth
using an intra oral scanner.

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2) For the Detection of tooth wear or bruxism 3) For Orthodontic Virtual Set up
A module that semi-automatically analyzes the The latest version of Dent CAM software, a
teeth for signs of wear or bruxism is available. The special orthodontic CAD module was added to simulate
algorithm searches for wear facets and separates them the therapeutic result by repositioning single teeth and
from the surrounding surface using special segmentation reforming the dental arch (virtual set-up).
algorithms [10].

Figure 1. Dental Laboratory procedure for Virtual Articulators

The virtual reality technology has opened door However, it also can be regarded as a core tool in many
for dental professionals towards successful diagnosis and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and in the cad/cam
treatment planning with virtual articulator in day to day manufacture of dental restorations.
clinical practice. The virtual articulator is a precise
software tool dealing with the functional aspects of ACKNOWLEDGEMNTS: NIL
occlusion along with CAD/CAM systems substituting
mechanical articulators and thus avoiding their errors. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NIL

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