Grain Size Effect On Multiple-Stage Transformations of A Cold-Rolled and Annealed Equiatomic Tini Alloy
Grain Size Effect On Multiple-Stage Transformations of A Cold-Rolled and Annealed Equiatomic Tini Alloy
Grain Size Effect On Multiple-Stage Transformations of A Cold-Rolled and Annealed Equiatomic Tini Alloy
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, 1, Roosevelt Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 106, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan, ROC
Received 8 November 2004; received in revised form 30 January 2005; accepted 7 February 2005
Available online 2 March 2005
Ti50Ni50 shape memory alloy cold-rolled and annealed at specic conditions can exhibit a four-stage martensitic transformation.
There are two small and two large peaks which are associated with the B2 ! R ! B19 0 transformations of large grains in the spec-
imen center and that of small grains near the rolling surface, respectively.
2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Shape memory alloy; Martensitic transformation; Cold working; Annealing; Dierential scanning calorimetry
1359-6462/$ - see front matter 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1342 S.H. Chang et al. / Scripta Materialia 52 (2005) 13411346
distribution is observed in the specimen. The complex method [8]. Ten parallel straight lines along or normal
MST behavior discussed in this study was identied by to the rolling direction were used to count the number
DSC and dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) tests; of grains intercepted and then the average was taken
microstructure evidence is provided to elucidate this to quantify the average grain size.
uncommon four-stage MST.
3. Experimental results
2. Experimental procedures
3.1. DSC and DMA measurements
An equiatomic Ti50Ni50 alloy was prepared by conven-
tional vacuum arc remelting. The as-melted ingots were Fig. 1 shows the cold-rolled Ti50Ni50 alloy annealed at
hot-rolled at 850 C into 2 mm thick plates, and then 500 C for dierent time intervals. When the annealing
the plates were solution-treated at 850 C for 2 h followed time is short, as shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), two peaks
by quenching in water. The oxide layer of the solution- characterize the forward and reverse transformations.
treated plates was removed and the specimen thickness Upon increasing the annealing time to 1 and 3 h, the
was reduced to 1.9 mm. Thereafter, the plates were cold- transformation occurs in four stages on cooling, as
rolled along the hot-rolling direction at a rolling speed shown in Fig. 1(c) and (d). After annealing for 24 h, these
of 10 m/min. No annealing process was conducted during four peaks combine and become two large peaks; and the
the cold-rolling to avoid the occurrence of recrystalliza- two peaks in the reverse transformation after 1 and 3 h
tion. The thickness of the plate decreased from 1.9 mm merge to one single large peak. The transformation
to 1.24 mm and reached a nal 35% thickness reduction. behavior of Fig. 1 agrees with what has been reported
Then the cold-rolled plates were cut into test specimens, on the transformation behavior of cold-rolled and an-
sealed in an evacuated quartz tube and annealed at nealed near equiatomic TiNi SMAs [911] except that
500 C and 650 C in salt baths for dierent time intervals. the four-stage MST shown in Fig. 1(c) and (d) has never
Transformation temperatures of cold-rolled and an- been reported before. As the annealing temperature is in-
nealed specimens were determined by DSC tests using creased to 650 C (not shown), the tendency of the trans-
the TA Q10 DSC equipment at a constant cooling rate formation sequence is similar to that shown in Fig. 1. A
(10 C/min). Specimens for DMA experiments were cut four-stage MST also appears when the annealing is per-
in the direction along the rolling direction (RD). Tan d formed at 650 C for 90 s and for longer annealing time
was measured by TA 2980 DMA equipment using heat- these four peaks gradually merge to two peaks.
ing and cooling rates of 3 C/min. The dimension of the Fig. 2 shows DSC and DMA results of the cold-rolled
specimens used in the DMA tests was 40 5 1.24 mm3, specimen annealed at 500 C for 3 h. Fig. 2(a) shows the
and the amplitude and frequency used were 2 lm and DSC curve of Fig. 1(d) and Fig. 2(b) indicates the corre-
2 Hz, respectively. The cross-sectional microstructures sponding DMA results for tan d. As shown in Fig. 2(b),
of the specimens were prepared by the normal metallo- four transformation peaks which match the transforma-
graphic procedures and then observed by a Nikon tion peaks in DSC curve are observed; there is a small
Microphoto-FXA optical microscope (OM). From the shift between the results of the two methods which is
OM images, the average grain size of cold-rolled and an- attributed to dierent cooling/heating rates and speci-
nealed specimens was estimated by the linear intercept men sizes used in DSC and DMA testing. In addition
Fig. 1. DSC curves for cold-rolled Ti50Ni50 alloy annealed at 500 C for dierent time intervals.
S.H. Chang et al. / Scripta Materialia 52 (2005) 13411346 1343
Fig. 3. OM micrographs of the cross-sections of the microstructure of cold-rolled Ti50Ni50 alloy with and without annealing: (a) as cold-rolled
specimen; (b) annealed at 500 C for 3 h; (c) enlarged central region of (b); (d) enlarged central region near the rolling surface of (b); and (e) annealed
at 500 C for 24 h.
1344 S.H. Chang et al. / Scripta Materialia 52 (2005) 13411346
tions. OM observations in Fig. 3 show that the grain size From the viewpoint of the cold-rolling eect, the degree
distribution along the specimens thickness direction is of plastic deformation at the specimen center should be
inhomogeneous, in which the grain size at the central re- much less than the 35% thickness reduction of the whole
gion is apparently larger than that near the rolling sur- specimen. As a result, the recrystallized grains in the cen-
face due to the cold-rolling eect. This implies that the tral region should be larger than those near the rolling
four-stage MST, i.e. the two pairs of B2 ! R ! B19 0 surface under the same annealing condition. At the same
transformations, comes from the B2 ! R ! B19 0 trans- time, defects and dislocations induced by the severe cold-
formations of grains in the central region and those of rolling of grains near the specimens surface should be
grains near the rolling surface. much more than those in the center. It is well known that
In order to clarify the eect of grain size on the MST, these cold-rolling induced defects/dislocations can sup-
the specimen shown in Fig. 3(b) is ground from the bot- press premartensitic and martensitic transformations to
tom rolling surface to remove the smaller grains in one lower temperatures [9]. Therefore, B2 ! R and R !
rolling side. At the same time, the larger grains in the B19 0 transformations corresponding to small grains on
central region are also ground. The thickness of the cooling take place at lower temperatures than those cor-
specimen is now reduced from 1.2 mm to 0.4 mm. responding to large grains, as shown in Fig. 5.
DSC test has been conducted on this ground specimen,
and the result is shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a) is the same
specimen as Fig. 1(d), and Fig. 5(b) is the same specimen 5. Conclusions
as Fig. 5(a), but now has been ground to 0.4 mm thick-
ness. From Fig. 5(b), one can nd that two small trans- The transformation behavior of Ti50Ni50 shape mem-
formation peaks disappear, providing the evidence that ory alloy after 35% cold-rolling and subsequent recrys-
the four-stage MST is associated with the small and tallization annealing is investigated in this study. The
large grains induced by the severely cold-rolled and an- four-stage MST appears at specic annealing conditions
nealed Ti50Ni50 alloy. In other words, in Fig. 5(a), two having two large and two small peaks in the cooling
small peaks on cooling are associated with B2 ! curves of DSC and DMA tan d tests. Microstructural
R ! B19 0 caused by large grains in the central region observations reveal that the grain size distribution along
of the specimen, but two large peaks on cooling, the specimens thickness direction is inhomogeneous due
although they are also associated with B2 ! R ! B19 0 , to the cold rolling eect, in which the grain size at the
are caused from small grains near the rolling surface of central region is apparently larger than that near the
the specimen. rolling surface. Two small peaks in four-stage MST
The reason why the transformation peaks corre- are related to the B2 ! R ! B1901 transformations of
sponding to larger grains are smaller than those corre- large grains and two large peaks are also associated with
sponding to smaller grains comes from the fact that the the B2 ! R ! B19 0 transformations, but now they cor-
volume of large grains in the central region is less than respond to small grains near the rolling surface. The vol-
that of small grains near the rolling surface. This is be- ume of large grains in the specimen center is much less
cause the thickness of large grains in the specimen center than that of small grains near the rolling surface. This
is only about 50100 lm, which is comparatively less feature accounts for the appearance of two small and
than the whole specimen thickness of about 1200 lm. two large peaks on cooling.
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