Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravity and Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics On The Event Horizon

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Astrophys Space Sci (2011) 332: 509513

DOI 10.1007/s10509-010-0532-6


Scalar-tensor theory of gravity and generalized second law

of thermodynamics on the event horizon
Nairwita Mazumder Subenoy Chakraborty

Received: 27 August 2010 / Accepted: 2 November 2010 / Published online: 17 November 2010
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Here we consider our universe as homogeneous (1995) who first derived Einstein field equations from the
spherically symmetric FRW model and analyze the thermo- first law of thermodynamics: Q = T dS for all local Rindler
dynamics of this model of the universe in scalar-tensor the- causal horizons with Q and T as the energy flux and Un-
ory. Assuming the first law of thermodynamics validity of ruh temperature seen by an accelerated observer just inside
the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) at the horizon. Then Padmanavan (2002) was able to formulate
the event horizon is examined in both the cases when the the first law of thermodynamics on the horizon, starting from
universe is filled with perfect fluid and the holographic dark Einstein equations for a general static spherically symmetric
energy. space time.
Subsequently, this identity between Einstein equations
Keywords Scalar tensor theory Thermodynamics and thermodynamical laws has been applied in the cosmo-
logical context considering universe as a thermodynamical
system bounded by the apparent horizon (RA ). Using the
1 Introduction Hawking temperature TA = 2R 1
and Bekenstein entropy
R 2
In black hole physics, semi-classical description shows that SA = GA at the apparent horizon, the first law of thermody-
just like a black body, black hole emits thermal radiation namics (on the apparent horizon) is shown to be equivalent
(known as Hawking radiation) and it completes the miss- to Friedmann equations (Cai and Kim 2005) and the gener-
ing link between a black hole and a thermodynamical sys- alized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) is obeyed at
tem. The temperature (known as the Hawking temperature) the horizon. Also in higher dimensional space time the re-
and the entropy (known as Bekenstein entropy) are propor- lation was established (Cai and Kim 2005; Akbar and Cai
tional to the surface gravity at the horizon and area of the 2006) for gravity with Gauss-Bonnet term and for the Love-
horizon (Hawking 1975; Bekenstein 1973) respectively (i.e. lock gravity theory (Lancoz 1938).
related to the geometry of the horizon). Also this temper- But difficulty arises if we consider universe to be bounded
ature, entropy and mass of the black hole satisfy the first by event horizon. First of all, in the usual standard big bang
law of thermodynamics (Bardeen et al. 1973). As a result, model cosmological event horizon does not exists. How-
physicists start speculating about the relationship between ever the cosmological event horizon separates from that of
the black hole thermodynamics and Einsteins field equa- the apparent horizon only for the accelerating phase of the
tions (describing the geometry of space time). It is Jacobson universe (dominated by dark energy). Further, Wang et al.
(2005) have shown that both first and second law of thermo-
dynamics break down at the event horizon, considering the
N. Mazumder () S. Chakraborty usual definition of temperature and entropy as in the appar-
Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-32,
India ent horizon. According to them the applicability of the first
e-mail: [email protected] law of thermodynamics is restricted to nearby states of lo-
S. Chakraborty cal thermodynamic equilibrium while event horizon reflects
e-mail: [email protected] the global features of space time. Also due to existence of
510 Astrophys Space Sci (2011) 332: 509513

the cosmological event horizon, the universe should be non- Ricci curvature scalar of the space-time. For FRW model the
static in nature and as a result the usual definition of the metric is
thermodynamical quantities on the event horizon may not  
dr 2
be as simple as in the static space-time. They have con- ds = dt + a (t)
2 2 2
+ r 2
2 2
sidered the universe bounded by the apparent horizon as 1 kr 2
a Bekenstein system as Bekensteins entropy-mass bound: and we have
S 2ERA and entropy-area bound: S A4 are valid in  
this region. These Bekenstein bounds are universal in nature R = 6 a + a 2 .
and all gravitationally stable special regions with weak self
gravity satisfy Bekenstein bounds. Finally, they have argued Now varying the action corresponding to the Lagrangian (1)
that as event horizon is larger than the apparent horizon so with respect to the dynamical variables g and the equa-
the universe bounded by the event horizon is not a Beken- tion of motions are

stein system. 8G 1  
Recently Mazumder et al. (Mazumder and Chakraborty G = g g g V ()
f () 2
2009, 2010) have examined the validity of the GSLT on the 
event horizon assuming the validity of the first law of ther- g 2 f + f + T
modynamics on it. Without assuming any specific choice
of the entropy and temperature on the event horizon, they and
were able to show the validity of the GSLT both for Einstein
gravity and for Gauss-Bonnet gravity. The restrictions on the 2 V  () + f  ()R = 0, (4)
matter in the universe are the following: 16G
(i) For flat and open FRW universe the generalized second where T is the energy-momentum tensor of the matter
law of thermodynamics is valid if the weak energy con- fields.
dition + p > 0 is satisfied. If we assume T as the form of the energy-momentum
(ii) For a closed model, the validity of the generalized sec- tensor for a perfect fluid i.e.
ond law of thermodynamics demands either the weak (m)
T = ( + p)U U + p g
energy condition is satisfied and RA < RH = H1 < RE
or the weak energy condition is violated and RA < with U , the four velocity of the fluid, and p the energy
RE < RH . density and the pressure of the fluid then the non-vanishing
In this paper, we examine the validity of GSLT in Scalar- components of the modified Einstein field equations (3) and
Tensor theory when the universe is bounded by the event the scalar field equations (4) are
horizon is filled with perfect fluid or holographic dark en-  
k 8G 1 2 3H 
ergy. The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 deals with H + 2=
+ + V () f (5)
a 3f 2 8G
the basic equations in Scalar-Tensor theory and its equiva-
lence to Einstein gravity. The first law of thermodynamics, 
k 4G
Clausius relation and the time variation of entropy functions H 2 = ( + p) + 2
a f
are presented in Sect. 3. The generalized second law of ther- 
1   2 
modynamics has been examined for above two fluids and + f + f  Hf  (6)
corresponding restrictions are determined in Sect. 4. The pa- 8G
per ends with a concluding remarks at the end in Sect. 5. and
dV 3  
+ 3H + = H + H 2 f  (7)
2 Scalar-Tensor theory of gravity d 8G
or equivalently modified Friedmann equations can be writ-
In Scalar-Tensor theory of gravity, using Jordan frame the ten as
lagrangian is given by Akbar and Cai (2006)  
k 8G
1 1 H + 2 = 8G
+ ST = eff (5a)
L= f () R g V () + Lm (1) a f 3f
16G 2  
k ( + p)
where f () is a positive continuous otherwise arbitrary H 2 = 4G + (ST + pST )
function of the scalar field (having potential V ()), Lm is a f
the lagrangian for matter fields in the universe and R is the = 4G(eff + peff ) (6a)
Astrophys Space Sci (2011) 332: 509513 511

where In thermodynamics, the Clausius relation Q = T dS

 gives the associated heat flow for a change in entropy. But
[ 12 2 + V () 3H
8G f ]
ST = (8) heat flow to the system is equivalent to a change of the en-
f ergy of the system. Hence the entropy of the event horizon
[ 12 2 V () + 1  2 + f  + 2Hf  )] is related to the energy supply term by the relation
8G (f
pST = (9)
TE dSE = Q = dE = A = A( + p)H RE dt (17)
p where TE , SE are temperature and entropy of the event hori-
eff = + ST , peff = + pST (10)
f f zon respectively and A = 4RE 2 is the area of the event hori-

The energy conservation relations are
For the present scalar-tensor theory (given by field equa-
f tions (5a) and (6a)) the above relation (17) becomes
+ 3H ( + p) = (11)
and = (eff + peff ) (18)
dt TE
ST + 3H (ST + pST ) = 0 (12)
To find the change of entropy SI of the matter bounded
Thus gravity in scalar-tensor theory is equivalent to Ein- by the event horizon, we start with the Gibbs equation
stein gravity given by the field equations (5a) and (6a) (Izquierdo and Pavon 2006)
with two fluid system having energy density and pressure
(1 = f , p1 = fp ) and (ST , pST ). TE dSI = dEI + pdV (19)

where EI is the energy of the matter distribution, V is the

3 Thermodynamic study volume bounded by the event horizon and for the thermody-
namical equilibrium, the temperature of the matter is taken
Let us start with FRW model for which the metric (2) can be as that of the event horizon i.e. TE . Now using
written as
ds 2 = hab dx a dx b + R 2 d 22 (13) 4RE 4
V= , EI = RE
3 3
where R = ar is the area radius and hab = diag(1, 1kr 2 )
with k = 0, +1, 1 for flat, closed and open model. We have from the Gibbs equation
Now to apply the first law of thermodynamics we define 2    
dSI 4RE dRE RE f
the work density W and the energy supply vector a (Cai = ( + p) H RE + (21)
and Cao 2007a, 2007b) as dt TE dt 3f
W = T ab hab (14)
4 Generalized second law of thermodynamics
a = Tab b R + W a R (15) We shall now examine the validity of the generalized second
law of thermodynamics (GSLT) for the following two cases:
Here Tab is the projection of the four dimensional energy-
momentum tensor in the normal direction of the 2-sphere.
4.1 Universe filled with perfect fluid
For universe bounded by the event horizon, W gives the
work done due to a change of the event horizon while the
total energy flow through the event horizon is represented In this case, the rate of change of the radius of the event
by the a . For FRW model with perfect fluid as the matter horizon is given by Mazumder and Chakraborty (2009)
content the expressions for W and a are given by
1 = H RE 1
W = ( p), dt
  (16) So from (21)
1 1
a = ( + p)H RE , ( + p)a 2  
2 2 dSI 4RE RE f
= ( + p) (21a)
where RE is the radius of the event horizon. dt TE 3f
512 Astrophys Space Sci (2011) 332: 509513

Thus combining (20) and (21a) we have where L is an IR cut-off in units Mp 2 = 1 and c is any free
2   dimensionless parameter whose value is determined by ob-
d 4RE H RE servational data (Huang and Li 2004; Chang et al. 2006;
(SE + SI ) = 1 ( + p)
dt TE f Zhang and Wu 2005, 2007; Wu et al. 2007; Shen et al.

RE f 2004; Saridakis and Setare 2008). Li (2004) has shown that
+ H RE (ST + pST ) + (22) L = RE gives the correct equation of state and also the de-
sired acceleration. Thus we choose
Hence the validity of GSLT i.e. dt1 (SE + SI ) 0 we have
the following possibilities: D = (25)
I. + p > 0, RE > f RH , ST + pST > 0, f > 0 RE2

i.e. + p > 0, RfE < H < f1 [ 2 (8G + f  ) + f  ] = H

Then from the definition of the cosmological event hori-
(say) and f > 0. zon
II. + p > 0, RE < f RH , ST + pST > 0, f > 0 and

  da c
 ST + pST  f RH RE = a = (26)
 +p > R 1 Ha 2 ( D )H
(23) a
where D = 3H 2 is the density parameter corresponding to
i.e. + p > 0, H < min[ RfE , H ], f > 0 and inequal- dark energy.
ity (23).
Now using (25) and the energy conservation equa-
III. + p > 0, RE > f RH , ST + pST < 0 and
tion (11), the time variation of RE has the expression
 ST + pST  f RH
 +p <1 R (24) 3
dRE = RE H (1 + D )dt (27)
i.e. + p > 0, H > max[ RfE , H ], f > 0 and inequal- where pD = D D is the equation of state of the DE and
ity (24). D is not necessarily a constant. Using (27) in (21) we get
IV. + p < 0, RE < f RH and ST + pST > 0, f > 0
i.e. + p < 0, H < min[ RfE , H ], f > 0 and inequal-  
d 2RE 3 H 2 D f
ity (23). SI = (D + pD )(3D + 1) + (28)
dt TE 3 Hf
V. + p < 0, RE > f RH , ST + pST > 0, f > 0 and
inequality (23) Thus combining with (18)
i.e. + p < 0, RfE < H < H , f > 0 and inequality (23).
VI. + p < 0, RE < f RH , ST + pST < 0, f > 0 and d
(SI + SE ) =
2RE 3 H
D (D + 1)
+ 3D + 1
inequality (24) dt TE f
i.e. + p < 0, H < H < RfE , f > 0 and inequality (24). 2 2 D f

+ (ST + pST ) + (29)
f 3 Hf
4.2 Universe filled with holographic dark energy
Then for validity of GSLT any one of the following pos-
Recent observational evidences demand that our universe is
sibilities must be satisfied.
experiencing an accelerated expansion driven by a missing
I. f2 + 3D + 1 > 0, D + 1 > 0, ST + pST > 0 and
energy density with negative pressure (known as dark en-
ergy). An approach to the problem of dark energy is holo- f > 0 i.e.
graphic model (Li 2004; Setare and Shafei 2006; Hu and 1 1
Ling 2006; Wang et al. 2005; Ito 2005; Nojiri and Odintsov < f < 1 if D < 0 or f< if D < 0, f > 0
2 2
2006; Saridakis 2008a; Huang and Li 2004; Zhang 2005;
Pavon and Zimdahl 2005; Kim et al. 2006; Hsu 2004; and
Horvat 2004). The holographic principle states that the no.
of degrees of freedom for a system within a finite region H < H
should be finite and is bounded roughly by the area of its
boundary. Using the effective quantum field theory the en- II. f2 + 3D + 1 < 0, D + 1 < 0, ST + pST > 0 and
ergy density for holographic dark energy can be written as f > 0 i.e.
(Cohen et al. 1999)
2(1 f )
D = 3c2 Mp 2 L2 D < 1, f > 1, f > 0 and H < H
Astrophys Space Sci (2011) 332: 509513 513

III. f2 + 3D + 1 > 0, D + 1 > 0, ST + pST < 0, f > 0 model, both the equation of state parameter and the Hubble
and parameter are restricted by the scalar field for the validity
    of GSLT. At phantom divide line we have + p = 0 (or
 ST + pST   
  < 1 + f (3D + 1)  (30) D + pD = 0 in the case of DE) and GSLT will be valid if
 +p   2 
D D ST + pST > 0 for both the matter. Finally, it is interesting to
i.e. note that if f 1 and 0 then the conditions for the va-
lidity of GSLT at the event horizon becomes identical as in
1 1 Einstein gravity (Mazumder and Chakraborty 2009, 2010).
<f <1 if D < 0 or f< if D > 0,
2 2 For future work, it will be nice to infer about the entropy
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f > 0 and inequality (30) i.e.
2(1 f )
D < 1, f > 1 and H > H , f > 0
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