Problem Set For Module 3

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Review Exercises


Find the
gcd of cach pair of integers.
. 2.3 52.3.5 2.,
3. 32. 48 4. 56, 260
Using the euclidean algorithm. find the gcd of each pair of integers.
5. 28. 12 6. 784, 48
7. 1947. 63
8. 5076, 1076
Using recursion, find the gcd of the
given integers.
9. 16. 20, 36, 48
10. 20, 32, 56, 68
11. 28, 48, 68, 78
12. 24, 36, 40, 60, 88
Express the gcd of the given numbers as a linear combination of the numbers.

13. 14, 188 14. 12, 20

15. 12. 18, 20 16. 10, 12, 14, 18
Find the positive factors of each, where p and q are distinct primes.
17. 98 18. 1575 19. p'q 20. p'a
Find the canonical decomposition of each.
21. 2000 22. 3230 23. 1771 24. 4076
Find the number of trailing in the decimal value of each
zeros integer.
25. 260! 26. 345! 27. 1400! 28. 1947!
Find the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of each integer.
29. 39 30. 191 31. 243 32. 576

Find the number of trailing zeros in the ternary (base three) representation of each
33. 45 34. 61 35. 118 36. 343

Find the lcm of each pair of integers.

37. 2-3 5,2-3.7 38. 3-72 11,22 5.7

39. 48, 66 40. 42. 78

41. The lcm of two consecutive positive integers is 812. Find them.
42. The Icm of twin primes is 899. Find them.
CHAPTER3 Greatest Common Divisors

Using Theorem 3.17, find the lcm of the given integers.

45. 70, 90 46. 123. 243
43. 48. 64 44. 56, 76

47-50. Find the lem of the integers in Exercises 9-12

Prove each, where a, b, c. d, m, and n are positive integers.

51. Let p be a prime such that p|ld". Thenp"|a".

52. If alm and b|m, then [a, b]|m.
53. The product of three consecutive integers is divisible by
54. The ged of two consecutive integers is 1.
55. The gcd of twin primes is 1.
56. If dlab. d|ac, and (b, c) = 1, then dla.
57. If alb and cld, then (a. c)|(b, d).
58. If alb and cld, then [a. e]|[b, d].
is of the fom 4n+1.
59. The product of two integers of the form 4n+3
4k +1 is also of the same form.
60. The product of n integers of the form
61. A positive integer is a cube if and only
if each exponent in its canonical
is divisible by 3.
6n + 1.
62. There is an infinite number of primes of the form
infinite number of primes of the form 7n +4.
63. There is an

64. (ca. ca2, ... , can) = c(a1,a2,..,an)

canonical decom-
Then the exponent of p in the
65. Let p be a prime such that p|n!.
+ Ln/p°J + . (Note:
This sum is finite since
position ofn! is n/p] + ln/p-J
n/p" =0 when p"> n.) Beiler, 1967)
66. Let b =a+2, where a is odd and 3 fab. Then 12|(a +b). (M.
(c, a)]
67. (a. b]. [b. c]. [c. al) = [(a, b). (6, c).
abc(a. b, c)
68. [a. b. c)= t(a. b), (b, c). (c, a)

> 0. (C. W. Trigg. 1968)

69. 6 n!|(3n)!, where n

of each.
Using Exercise 65, find the canonical decomposition
71. 15!
70. 12!
73. 23!
72. 18!
Determine whether each LDE
is solvable.
75. 76x+ 176y = 276
74. 24x+ 52y = 102

Find the general solution of each LDE.

77. 76x+ 176y = 276
76. 12x+ 20y= 28

Exercises 76 and 77 by Euler's method.

78-79. Solve the LDEs in
3.23 by Euler's method.
80. Solve the LDE in Example

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