Heirs of Doronio vs. Heirs of Doronio

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1. Spouses Simeon Doronio and Cornelia Gante were the registered owners of a parcel of land
located at Barangay Cabalitaan, Asingan, Pangasinan covered by an OCT No. 352.
-Marcelino Doronio and Fortunato Doronio were among the children of Simeon and Cornelia.
2. Apr. 24, 1919: a private deed of donation propter nuptias was executed by sps. Simeon Doronio
and Cornelia Gante in favor of Marcelino and the latters wife, Veronica Pico.
-One of the properties donated was covered by OCT No. 532 and was described I the donation as
a piece of residential land located in the barrio of Cabalitian, the area is bounded on the north by
Gabriel Bernardino; on the east by Fortunato Doronio; on the south by Geminiano Mendoza and
on the west by a road to Villasis. Constructed on said land is a house of light materials also a part
of the dowry. Value 200.00.
3. However, there is a significant discrepancy with respect to the identity of the owner of adjacent
property at the eastern side. Based on OCT No. 352, the adjacent owners are Zacarias Najorda
and Alejandro Najorda, whereas based on the deed of donation, the owner of the adjacent
property is Fortunato Doronio.
-said deed of donation remained a private document as it was never notarized.
4. Heirs of Marcelino: they are now the owners of the entire property in view of the private deed of
donation propter nuptias in favor of their predecessors, Marcelino Doronio and Veronica Pico.
5. Heirs of Fortunato: only half of the property was actually incorporated in the said deed of donation
because it stated that Fortunato Doronio, instead of Zacarias Najorda and Alejandro Najorda, is the
owner of the adjacent property at the eastern side. They posit that the donors respected and
segregated the possession of Fortunato Doronio of the eastern half of the land. They are the ones
who have been possessing said land occupied by their predecessor, Fortunato.
6. January 11, 1993: Heirs of Marcelino filed a petition For the Registration of a Private Deed of
-No respondents were named. RTC granted the petition. TCT was issued in the names of Marcelino
and Veronica.
7. Apr. 28, 1994: the heirs of Fortunato filed a pleading before the RTC in the form of a petition for
reconsideration but was denied as the decision became final.
8. Heirs of Fortunato filed an action for reconveyance against the heirs of Marcelino. They contended
that the subject land is different from what was donated as the descriptions of the property under
OCT No. 352 and under the private deed of donation were different. They posited that only one-
half of the property was donated.
9. RTC: ruled in favor of petitioner heirs of Marcelino Doronio (defendants).
10. CA reversed. The intention to donate half of the disputed property to appellees predecessors can
be gleaned from the disparity of technical descriptions appearing in the OCT No. 352 and in the
deed of donation propter nuptias. Regarding the allegation of heirs of Marcelino that OCT No. 352
is inadmissible in evidence, while the OCT is written in the Spanish language, this document already
forms part of the records of this case for failure of the heirs of Marcelino to interpose a timely
objection when it was offered as evidence in the proceedings a quo. It is a well-settled rule that
any objection to the admissibility of such evidence not raised will be considered waived and said
evidence will have to form part of the records of the case as competent and admitted evidence.
11. Petitioners posit that the documentary evidence in an unofficial language shall not be admitted as
evidence, unless accompanied with a translation into English or Filipino.

Issue: WON OCT NO. 352 is admissible in evience despite lack of translation thereof

Held: Yes. The requirement that documents written in an unofficial language must be accompanied with a
translation in English or Filipino as a prerequisite for its admission in evidence must be insisted upon by the
parties at the trial to enable the court, where a translation has been impugned as incorrect, to decide the
issue. Where such document, not so accompanied with a translation in English or Filipino, is offered in
evidence and not objected to, either by the parties or the court, it must be presumed that the language in
which the document is written is understood by all, and the document is admissible in evidence.

Moreover, Section 36, Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Evidence provides:

Objection to evidence offered orally must be made immediately after the offer is made.
Objection to a question propounded in the course of the oral examination of a witness shall be made as
soon as the grounds therefor shall become reasonably apparent. An offer of evidence in writing shall be
objected to within three (3) days after notice of the offer unless a different period is allowed by the court.
In any case, the grounds for the objections must be specified.

Since petitioners did not object to the offer of said documentary evidence on time, it is now too late in the
day for them to question its admissibility. The rule is that evidence not objected may be deemed admitted
and may be validly considered by the court in arriving at its judgment.

As a matter of fact, instead of objecting, the heirs of Marcelino admitted the contents of OCT No. 352 in
their comment on the heirs of Fotunatos formal offer of documentary evidence. Said evidence was
admitted by the RTC.

** Donation Propter Nuptias of Real Property Made in a Private Instrument Before the New Civil Code Took
Effect on August 30, 1950 is Void. TCT is null and void. OCT is restored.

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