Asian Paints Cs

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Aspect Unified IP Reduced access issues in Reduced average handle time

terms of waiting time by nearly 40 percent
Increased service availability Increased satisfaction of
window significantly dealers by 80 percent

Paints Ltd.
Asian Paints improves customer interactions, loyalty, and organizational productivity
with unified solution from Aspect

The Company
At $1 billion turnover, Asian Paints is Indias largest paint company operating in 17
countries. It has 25 paint manufacturing facilities in the world, servicing consumers
in more than 65 countries. The group also operates around the world through
its subsidiaries - Berger International Limited, Apco Coatings, SCIB Paints and

The Business Challenge

When the company decided to embark on an expansion plan, a key focus area was to
empower its 30,000 strong dealer networkits prima facie go-to-marketwhich had
to keep pace with rapidly evolving consumer demands and rising expectations. The
distribution strategy works such that Asian Paints supplies its products to its dealers,
While we were researching who in turn sell it to end customers. To facilitate this process, dealers call Asian paints
different vendors and to place any customer order. Traditionally, dealers would call over 150 sales offices of
getting references, the best Asian Paints in different parts of the country. However, the legacy telephony system
endorsement was given by across the sales offices was primitive and couldnt render itself to the changing
customers using Aspect
customer demands; a scenario that was attributed to some inherent lacunae. Firstly,
solution to organize their
customer interactions. Since the overall customer experience was missing because the dealers could call only
we wanted a cost-effective during office hours. Additionally, the people attending to these calls were personnel
way to have several solutions stationed at godowns or depots and therefore did not have the right service mindset
in our contact center, Aspect resulting in a sub optimal deal interaction experience.
was the right choice for us.
We needed a little bit of While demands for better service, more responsiveness and consistency were the
everything, improved quality key asks from dealers, Asian Paints also found that end consumers were increasingly
interactions, dealer interaction treating paints as a high involvement decision and expecting consultancy as part
and high operational efficiency.
of their purchase interactions. With industry analysts asserting that poor customer
With Aspect every piece fell
into place smoothly. service constituted among the key reasons for consumers to move to a competing
brand, Asian Paints was well aware that the quality of customer interactions had to be
Mr. Deepak Bhosale
viewed as a competitive differentiator. In the context of these emerging stakeholder
Chief Manager, Systems
Asian Paints Limited imperatives, Asian Paints decided to use this as an opportunity to reinstate customer
confidence and build strong loyalties in the bargain.

To support the large dealer base spread across the country, Asian Paints has
approximately 150 sales offices with a 500-person strong sales force. The sales force
plays a key role in managing dealer relationships, explaining schemes, resolving
complaints, etc. We were, therefore, on a lookout for a
strong, flexible and scalable IT infrastructure to manage Successful Upgrade to Latest Version
customer interactions in line with our organizational efforts of Aspect Unified IP in 2013:
to become truly customer centric, said Mr. Deepak Bhosale, The company has successfully upgraded
Chief Manager, Systems, Asian Paints Limited. from earlier version to latest version of
Moreover, since dealers are the companys primary channel of Aspect Unified IP with functionality like
interaction with the consumers, contributing to more than 70 automatic call distribution (ACD), predictive
percent of the company turnover, Asian Paints also needed dialing, voice portal capabilities (IVR),
a solution that would make it extremely convenient for the Internet contact, workflow management,
dealers to conduct business with them, place their orders for multichannel recording and quality
paint products and to resolve any queries. Asian Paints also management to help organizations achieve
offers different consultation and support services to their end their customer service, collections and sales
customers. For example, Color Consultants help customers and telemarketing business process goals.
choose the best color combinations for their home/ personal
spaces. Several other allied components of the business
include marketing and pre-sales campaigns, customer loyalty Stage 2 Expanding the Horizon
programs and after sales, and complaint handling systems, In the second phase, the company activated its automatic
many of which are managed in collaboration with the dealers. outbound calling and added 16 more units into the setup,
We wanted to ensure that our entire organizations supply/ covering 5,500 dealers for more than 350+ agents. In this
value chain was well integrated with this channel, added Mr. case, Aspect integrated with the technology used to create
Deepak Bhosale. the web-based interface.

Why Aspect Several other mechanisms were built in during this phase,
After extensive market research in 2009, the company such as process re-engineering and standardizations for
decided to implement Aspect Unified IP to set up a next- dealers. A profile change among agents was affected, with
generation dealer management system. While we were order taking and order punching being merged into a single
researching different vendors and getting references, the best entity, and agent training being standardized around high
endorsement was given by customers using Aspect solution quality interactions calls and for calls with poor CSAT levels,
to organize their customer interactions. Since we wanted a was tracked and an automatic outbound call made to deliver
cost-effective way to have several solutions in our contact a more effective customer experience. Apart from the dealers,
center, Aspect was the right choice for us, said Mr. Deepak Asian Paints also extended this service to rest of the partner
Bhosale. ecosystem including contractors, interior designers and
end customers who buy directly and the response has been
The technology deployment was undertaken in two stages.
nothing less that excellent.
Stage 1 Pilot
The innate efficiency of the system allowed the agents to
Asian Paints implemented Aspect Unified IP for 50 agents
spend more time on value addition such as consulting and
at four sales offices. This pilot was set up for two different
up-selling, in turn delivering not only better customer and
services, with multiple telephone connectivity circuitsone
dealer satisfaction, but also higher revenue, said Mr. Deepak
for order taking and the other for query handling. Aspects
solution was also integrated seamlessly with the newly
launched web-based user friendly dashboard built on the In its current state, Aspect Professional services team is
SAP platform that was designed to take orders and answer working to integrate with SAP system to unify call flows,
all queries. A toll-free service was also launched, which allows business processes, and desktops. The integration will allow
calls to be monitored at the agent level. real-time access to SAP customer data thereby help to
enhance agent productivity, improve monitoring and provide
Even at this early stage, Asian Paints witnessed reduced
consistent customer experience across various touch points
waiting time for callers and a 33 percent increase in service
such as voice, email, and chat.
Results This has been a vast transformation from the erstwhile process
The implementation then brought us a lot of benefits when someone had to manually go to the dealers office,
and gave us three year headway over competition, as the show them the updated information and then follow through
competition has now started to realize the benefits of such with a call from the branch head.
a system and has started adopting similar approaches to
Scaling up operations in terms of opening new sales offices
manage a customer, said Mr. Deepak Bhosale.
was far more seamless. Moreover, Asian Paints saw a well-
Post implementation Asian Paints achieved significant connected and collaborative organization that is in line with
improvements in the productivity of contact center agents the demand of its dealers and their customers.
due the technology. Customer satisfaction levels also
improved. As a result of the deployment and integration
with transaction systems, agents now have a 360 degree Looking Ahead
view of dealers and dealer histories before calls are taken.
Armed with the positive experience of the
Consequently, Asian Paints witnessed a 40 percent drop in
initial two stages, Asian Paints is looking
average call handling time, and an 80 percent satisfaction
at creating the next-generation customer
increase among dealers. The average service availability
interaction operation based on the contact
window increased by 33 percent and overall waiting time
center model.
was reduced significantly, leading to an effective 40 percent
reduction in manpower. We also conducted a dealer Evaluation or planning is underway to
satisfaction survey post implementation, with close to 85 undertake several of the following:
percent of the dealers giving the service a very good rating. Performance metrics reporting through
Asian Paints has extended the technology to two additional business warehouse
contact centers thereby building in redundancy. Providing fax channel for the dealers

The company also observed that its go to market Introducing newer channels like chat, web
programs were implemented faster. Because of centralized portal, VoIP, kiosks etc.
communication, the current contact centre framework gets in Performance management and workforce
touch with the dealers and informs them in the event of a new management
product or service launch. Aspect Social

Corporate Headquarters East Corporate Headquarters West Europe & Africa Headquarters Asia Pacific & Middle East
300 Apollo Drive 2325 E. Camelback Road, 2 The Square, Stockley Park Headquarters
Chelmsford, MA 01824 Suite 700 Uxbridge 8 Cross Street
978 250 7900 office Phoenix, AZ 85016 Middlesex UB11 1AD # 25-01/02 PWC Building
978 244 7410 fax 602 282 1500 office +(44) 20 8589 1000 office Singapore 048424
602 956 2294 fax +(44) 20 8589 1001 fax +(65) 6590 0388 office
+(65) 6324 1003 fax

About Aspect
Aspect is the only software company with a fully-integrated interaction and workforce optimization platform for enterprise
contact centers globally that need to profitably (and seamlessly) orchestrate people, processes and touch points in an era
when the contact center is the new center of the customer experience. For more information, visit

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