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The Manifestation Postmodern Perspectives in R.k.narayan's Novels

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CHAUDHARI (5584-5594)



Bhagvanbhai. H.Chaudhari, Ph. D.

Assoc. Professor. Dept. of English, The KNSBL Arts and Commerce College, Kheralu,


The chief tone of R.K.Narayans fictional universe is considered comical, although this comic vision
fully interprets philosophical facets of Indian culture and civilization. One of the celebrated novelists
of 20th century India, Narayans creative genius seems committed to national ethics and Gandhian
perspectives. Some of his novels had been published during the post-1980 period. His novels like A
Tiger For Malgudi (1983), World of Nagraj (1990) are considered postmodern texts. Narayan
belonged to earlier generation of the Indian Writing in English who not only witnessed the decline of
colonial governance but also experienced the status of democratic nation. Hence, his creative span
almost covers the entire 20th century in which he represents a variety of themes voicing modern as
well as postmodern perspectives in its vivid forms. Some of the features of modernism retained its
status even in postmodernism. To judge the fixed criterions and particular phase to define modernism
and postmodernism is rather an awkward exercise. Some of the facets or techniques employed by
postmodern novelists like magical realism, the cultural encounter between the East and the West,
historiographic metafiction, erosion of moral values, changing standards, spread of corruption,
reflexivity and self-consciousness are fully evident in Narayans fictional Malgudi milieu. This paper
examines the such postmodern perspectives observed especially in Narayans novels: The English
Teacher, A Tiger for Malgudi, The Guide and The Man-eater of Malgudi.

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The Manifestation Postmodern Perspectives in R.K.Narayans Novels

R.K. Narayan was one of the leading figures of Indian writing in English. Graham
Greene appreciates Narayans brilliance in his Introduction to the novel The Bachelor of Arts
in the following words:
"There are writers - Tolstoy and Henry James to name two - whom we hold in
awe,for whom we feel a personal affectionNarayan (whom I dont
hesitate to name in such a context) more than any of them wakes in me a
spring of gratitude, for who has offered me a second home. Without him I
could never have known what it is like to be Indian.

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In his fictitious Malgudi milieu, Narayan favoured the native culture and disapproved certain
limits enforced by colonial rule. His works had been published both in England and USA. He
is regarded next only to Faulkner and Graham Greene in America. His creative career lasted
for almost seven decades. Narayans humour is treated humour of health. Narayan himself
says ..laughter should be dignified and refreshing rather than demonstrative. ()
The colonial ambiance might have left its influence on Narayan but he has preferred
the English language in its Indianized form. In one of his interviews with William Walsh
Narayan justifies his writings in English: I was never aware that I was \using a different, a
foreign language when I wrote in English, because it came to me very easily. I cant explain
how English is a very adaptable language. And its so transparent it can take on the tint of
any country (Walsh 7). Narayans English is designed with the Indian context and native
colour, not the language of the rulers. Narayans use of English and the symbolic adherence
to mythical truth in reflecting the indigenous nature of India indirectly validates the
postmodern politic think globally and act locally.
Malgudi: the fictional, semi-urban town is the chosen land by R. K. Narayan. Malgudi
is the backdrop of his fictions and through the eyes of this region Narayans characters are
developed, assessed and pass through trials of life. This region offers the author a sort of
familiar confinement to base his fiction. Through Malgudi Narayan achieves universality.
The portrayal of this region has its general as well as specific appeal. William Walsh very
appropriately remarks that Narayans Malgudi novels are regional but not parochial.(Walsh,
p. 7) Regionality is already woven facet in Narayans novel, but mere limiting it to Malgudi
province would be an act of unjust because his characters are seen crossing those regional
boundaries and extend the said limitations to generalize their impression. To that extent, his
vision has universal appeal. The Washington Post notes: R.K.Narayans Malgudi is a
metaphor, not of India, but of the world (The Man-Eater of Malgudi 1). It can be symbolized
as the ideal specimen of urban and rural culture.
The chief tone of R. K. Narayans fictional universe is considered comical but this
comic vision fully interprets philosophical facets of Indian culture and civilization. One of the
celebrated novelists of 20th century, Narayans creative genius seems committed to national
ethics and Gandhian perspectives. Some of his novels had been published during the post-
1980 period. His novels like A Tiger For Malgudi(1983), World of Nagraj (1990) are
considered postmodern texts. Narayan belonged to earlier generation of the Indian Writing in
English who witnessed the decline of colonial governance and rise of democratic nation.

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Hence, his creative span covered almost the entire 20th century in which he represents a
variety of themes voicing modern as well as postmodern perspectives in its vivid forms.
Some of the features of modernism have retained its status even in postmodernism. To
judge the fixed criterions and particular phase to define modernism and postmodernism is
rather an awkward exercise. Some of the facets or techniques employed by postmodern
novelists like Magical Realism, the Cultural Encounter between the East and the West,
intertextuality, Historiographic Metafiction, Declining Moral Standards and Spread of
Corruption, reflexivity and self-consciousness are fully evident in Narayans fictional
Malgudi milieu.
The concept magical realism introduced mainly by Rushdie, has been represented by
Narayan through integrating myth with reality in a contemporary context. In the field of
literary studies, the term magical realism has faced contradictory attitudes. Some critics opine
it as a literary language of the emergent postcolonial world as well as consider it a little
more than a brand name for exoticism. While employing this technique the narrator
introduces certain incredible or impracticable elements into a narrative that is otherwise
normal. Narayans A Tiger For Malgudi is basically an autobiography of a tiger who is
portrayed just more than a tiger. Growing out of his days as a wild beast suddenly gets
confronted by human beings. The tiger views human beings as puny and unintelligent, till one
fine day he is caught for a circus. The novel enters in a new phase wherein tigers wild nature
disappears after his meeting with a swamiji. The tiger perceives human beings with respect
and starts getting influenced by the swamiji. Both swamiji and tiger converse the
philosophical discourse over a variety of subjects with each other. This comes true as swamiji
possess Yogic power to perform any task. Narayan finds a resemblance between the
consciousness of a tiger and the consciousness of a human being. Narayans seem to unify the
rational and irrational facets harmoniously to mirror the Indian reality.
In a theoretical sense it is impossible for the animal to peep into the human affairs and
interpret. It comes true only in literary speaking where artist personifies such concept. To that
sense the novel depicts the technique of magic realism. As Delbaere-Garant comments, [a]s
is generally the case in magic realism we are not offered any explanation of events and the
calm distancing of the narrative voice makes us forget the implausibility of the strange
happenings (Zamora & Faris 258) It is very difficult for the reader to what extent he can
accept that even an animal can repent over his killings and appreciates Yoga and eternity. The
reader to this sense is convinced to suspend his skepticism almost in the beginning of the

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novel. Narayan constructs the comic world through his artistic sense gradually wherein reader
would have the freedom to accept the incredible.
You are not likely to understand that I am different from the tiger next door,
that I possess a soul within this forbidding exterior. I can think, analyse,
judge, remember and do everything that you do, perhaps with greater subtlety
and sense. I lack only the faculty of speech. ( A Tiger For Malgudi 11-12)
Narayan himself states in an introduction to this novel that man assumes he is all-
important, that all else in creation exists only for his sport, amusement, comfort, or
nourishment. The characters shown into a form of human being seem to manipulate the
natural world. The novelist has defined the egocentricity of man in a symbolic manner.
Narayan also adds the philosophy over seeking the self: Who is he? Where is he from? are
naturally the questions that occur to everyone. But whenever he is asked who are you? He
just says what I am trying to find out? This sounds like a mere metaphysical quibble but it
is a plain, literal answer to the question. When one is seized within a passion to understand
ones self, one has to leave behind all normal life and habitual modes of thought. One
becomes an ascetic; the terms sanyasi, sadhu, yogi,or swamiji indicate more or less the same
state( A Tiger For Malgudi 8-9).
Narayans personal experiences, rather suffering have been transformed into his novel
The English Teacher (1945). The novel narrates the domestic life of Krishna, a lecturer in
English at the Albert Mission College, Malgudi. His wife Sushila is stung by a flea develops
typhoid and dies after few days. The death of his dear wife makes him so upset that he loses
all interest in life. The only comfort and compromise to him is his little daughter: Leela.
Wondering about a lotus pond, he meets Sanyasi who has the ability to communicate with the
spirit of his dead wife. Here, Narayan focuses on Para-psychology and the mysteries of the
world of spirit. Krishna regains his interest in life and meets the head master of a new
children school. Impressed by his educational theories, Krishna soon gives up his job in the
college to serve the new institution. That very night he can commune with the spirit of his
wife directly. The philosophical reading of Krishnas communication with his dead wife can
be judged as neither magic nor miracle but actually a means of finding reconciliation with
life. Narayan has woven his theme around Hindu myths and legends. The concept of
mortality of human body and the immortality of the soul is reflected in the second part of The
English Teacher. Krishna could accomplish the stage to self-sufficiency and find happiness
within. He thinks that his wife is with him forever. Narayan writes: Perhaps death may not
be the end of everything as it seems personality may have other structures and other planes

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of existence, and the decay of the physical body through disease or senility may mean
nothing more than a change of vehicle. This outlook may be unscientific but it helped me
survive the death of my wife. I could somehow manage to live after death (My Days, p.151).
Here, the evocation of a spiritual world can be treated a magic realism. The approach
symbolized by Narayan doesnt seem traditionalist mythical style. The narrative on no
account shifts from a modern context towards an eternal one. In addition to this such magic
experience offers its protagonist sufficient scope to render political and social criticism. Thus,
in The English Teacher, Hinduism and Indian society are viewed with a magic realist strategy
that also serves a tool for criticism. Narayan seems to envisage the modern world through a
mythical image to represent dynamic image of Hinduism.
The postmodern perspectives like Cultural Encounter between the East and the West,
declining moral standards and spread of corruption, reflexivity and self-consciousness which
are fully evident in Narayans fictional Malgudi milieu. The cultural encounter between the
East and the West is vividly illustrated by Narayan in The English Teacher, The Financial
Expert, The Guide, The Man-eater of Malgudi and The Vendor of Sweets.
Life under colonial rule plays a key role in the novel The English Teacher. The title of
the novel itself suggests the influence of the unwelcomed ruler. Towards the end of the novel
Krishna realizes that his job as an English Teacher is worthless. Krisna believes that English
teaching to Indian students is like to feed them on literary garbage and the fate of English
Teacher in India is like the paid servants of the department of garbage (171). He decides to
resign as English Teacher because colonial system of education is going to attack a whole
century of false education (205). Krishna feels that English education has proved ineffective
in bringing him solace at the time when required. He realizes that such education has
actually placed him far from Indian culture and its education. It is Krishnas inner self-
development. Though he praises the aesthetic value of English literature and has high respect
for Mr. Brown: the principal of Albert Mission College and well-known poet but his
opposition towards the British Education is somewhat different when he says that his (Mr.
Brown) western mind will not be able to grab the idea of inner peace in the Indian sense. It
seems that Narayan through Krishnas character shows how the English education system
dehumanizes the Indians.
Margavya, the protagonist in The Financial Expert is shown versatile. His only
business is to collect money as money seems everything to him. His materialistic approach
represents colonial outlook: It is money which gives people all this (authority, dress, looks).
Money alone is important in this world. Everything else will come to us naturally if we have

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money in our purse (21). In one of his dialogues with the Priest, Margayya shows his strong
passion for money and tries to convince the superior power of the wealth over the rest: A
man whom the Goddess of Wealth favours need not worry much. He can buy all the
knowledge he requires (51) but the same Margayya teaches his son Balu to prostrate before
Goddess Saraswati. Margayya has secured a small framed picture of the Goddess Saraswati,
the Goddess of learning and enlightenment, sitting beside her peacock and playing on the
strings of veena. The picture is hung up in the study room where Margayya enjoins his son
ceremoniously to pray to the Goddess every morning. When his son discovers the fact that
Margayya is fond of worshipping Lakshmi instead of Saraswati, Margayya very tactfully
answers to avoid further misinterpretation: It is all the same Goddess. There is no difference
between Lakshmi and Saraswati, do you understand? (113) Hence, his inner soul cannot
escape from the inherent Sankaras earned since centuries where learning is functioned as a
pious form. The clash between spiritualistic and materialistic mind-set in some way imply the
encounter between Eastern and Western culture.
Narayan portrays Rosies impressive performance as a professional Bharat Natyam
dancer in The Guide which can be considered obviously a postcolonial phenomenon. Bharat
Natyam is a part of the national heritage in post-independence India. Rajus confirmation of
sainthood by fasting for bringing rain to the famine-stricken region defines the reality located
in Indian culture. Raju unwillingly accepts the role of a saint but his fasting serves as a means
of self-purification through which Narayan focuses Gandhian Philosophy: Suffering for the
welfare of others where the dignity of life lies. Raju desires to prove a search for the true
identity. B. S. Yadav in an article on The Guide- A Psycho-Philosophic and Socio-Ethical
Study states that the novel presents a conflict between the Eastern and the Western culture
and synthesizes the two through their assimilation which has been symbolized by Rosies
transformation into Nalini and like Anand, Narayan points out that one has to go to the West
in order to come back to the East (Bhatnagar 28). Rajus mother symbolizes the traditional
values while Rosie and Raju remains the representative to modernity. Through Rajus
character the novelist has also satirized another aspect of hypocrisy that there are many fake
Sadhus who misguide the innocent people in the name of religion, but ultimately remain the
victim of their misfortune. The features of modernity are a part of the Indian reality as
delineated in the novel. For example: the arrival of the train in Malgudi and the palace
where film featuring Dietrich, Garbo, Laurel and Hardy are regularly screened. S.P. Swain in
an article on The novels of R.K.Narayan and Indian Reality remarks that for Narayan, reality
is a unity where there is no intrinsic and fundamental schism between its constituent parts.

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(Bhatnagar 17) The novelist has shown religion and faith as linked to social and economic
conditions. Natural disasters, famines or social tensions cause people to return to their faith.
Hence, the novel is mirror to Indian tradition, culture, superstitions and spiritual vision.
The character of Jagan depicted in The Sweet Vendor emphasizes the Gandhian
philosophy representing Indian ideology on the contrary his spoiled son Mali symbolizes the
western culture discarding the age-old values. The clash between the two cultures ultimately
generates the disorder. Similarly, Nataraj in The Man-eater of Malgudi favours the non-
violence observing the religious norms cited in Holy Scriptures while H.Vasu: the taxidermist
is the product of money-oriented world. He represents the mythical character Bhasmasur who
destroyed himself. Narayan favours the sayings from Bhagvat Gita: Yatodharmahstatojayh
(where there is a religion, there is a triumph) Natraj tries to harmonize the tradition with
modernity as he prints books, saves innocent creatures like elephant as well as organizes
temple festivals to celebrate the marriage of Radha and Krishna and preserves nuclear family.
Jagan, the sweet vendor does not eat beef because cow is worshipped and treated a
sacred animal in Hindu culture: The shastra defined the five deadly sins and the killing of a
cow headed the list (57). It is prohibited in sermons. Slaughtering of cow is considered a sin
since Vedic culture. Swami of Swami and Friends condemns Jesus for being non-vegetarian.
He is of the opinion that an ideal Brahmin should purely be a vegetarian. Sriram of Waiting
for the Mahatma remarks: I have not even eaten cakes because they contain eggs (195) He
as a pious soul never eats meat or eggs nor drinks alcohol. Chandran in The Bachelor of Arts
shows his true Brahminic identity. When he is offered alcohol by Kailas, he rejects the
proposal soon: I made a vow never to touch alcohol in my life, before my mother (98).
These words even affected Kailas deeply and soon he realizes the importance of mother in
ones life: As long as my mother lived she said every minute Do this. Dont do that. And I
remained a good son to her. The moment she died I changed. It is a rare commodity, sir.
Mother is a rare commodity (99). Srirams Granny does not prefer to seat on a canvas chair
because she believes that canvas is made of leather, perhaps of the cow-hide (20). Natraj
observes non-violence in a strictest sense. He is frustrated with Vasus slaughtering of
innocent animals in The Men-eater of Malgudi. He claims: I had been brought up in a house
where we were taught never to kill (60) Natraj remains the protector as well as promoter of
value system ingrained in Indian philosophical thought.
The ritual of Saptapadi (where bride and bridegroom take an oath made for each-
other, never to depart till the last breath of life in witness of Fire-God and parents) remains
the indispensable part of Indian value system. Though, living together in friendship or

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relationship without conducting marriage is a modern concept but Narayans concern is in

preserving the age-old values of Indian civilization. Mali in The Vendor of Sweets keeps the
Americanised girl, Grace without performing the marriage ceremony, but his father, Jagan is
not ready to permit such wicked joining together. He opines that I cant understand how two
young persons can live together like this without being married, I feel my home is tainted
now, I find it difficult to go back there(137). Chandran, the protagonist of Narayans The
Bachelor of Arts, seems the product of modern age too, who compares and contrasts the life
in two cultures (the Eastern and the Western). He shows his contempt by viewing the rigidity
of Indian people and favouring the liberty of White people: The white fellows are born to
enjoy life. Our people really dont know how to live. If a person is seen with a girl by his
side, a hundred eyes stare at him and a hundred tongues comment, whereas no European ever
goes out without taking a girl with him. (15)
The term intertextuality coined by Julia Kristeva defines two axes, a vertical one
connecting the text to the other texts and a horizontal one connecting the author and the
reader of that text (Kristeva 69). Intertextuality one of the important elements of
postmodernism offers the acknowledgement of previous literary works. Some of his real life
experiences are mirrored in his novels. Here is the survey of intertextuality that is operated
between the two texts i.e. it has been framed by Narayan into vertical axis form which
manifests certain textual reality. Narayans Swami and Friends narrates the life of boys in
South Indian schools. Ebenzer: a fanatic Christian teacher makes a dirty comment on Hindu
Gods. Swami cannot tolerate the Christian missionary operating against Hinduism and loves
to leave the school in protest, I do not care for your dirty school (18). The question Why
was Christ crucified if he was much better than Krishna? (4) asked by Swami seems
Narayans strict response to colonial representative advocating mere blaming against Hindu
Gods. The chapter Monday Morning vividly draws the picture of school-going children in
Indian education system. Though, little children do not prefer to attend school initially as it
put a ceiling on their childhood pleasure. Certain authoritarian atmosphere in the school
generates mental fear over their delicate mentality: Swaminathan shuddered at the very
thought of school: that dismal yellow building; the fire-eyed Vedanayagam, his class-
teacher; and the headmaster with his thin ling cane....(1). Narayan in a speech on Cruelty
to Children to Indian Parliament indicates certain changes in Indian schooling system. The
Macaulay made educational frame has been proved mechanical to some extent where
children are forced to wear particular uniform, footwear and number of others things.
Narayan notes in his speech that the child is groomed and stuffed into a uniform and

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packed off to school with a loaded bag on his back. The schoolbag has become an inevitable
burden for the child. Narayan pleads for abolition of the school bag as a national policy, by
an ordinance if necessary. He further clarifies that the dress regulation particularly in
convent school is another senseless formality- tie and laced shoes and socks, ... its absurd to
enforce it on children.... (Krishnan 197-98). Through the character sketches of Swami and
his friends in the novel, Narayan seems protesting the British legacy of education system
and appeals certain improvement as per native set up and environment. Narayan has
described his experiences at Lutheran Mission School as a Brahmin boy in his
autobiography My Days:
The scripture classes were mostly devoted to attacking and lampooning the
Hindu gods and violent abuses were heaped on idol-worshippers as a prelude
to glorifying Jesus. Among the non-Christians in our class I was the only
Brahmin boy and received special attention; the whole class would turn in my
direction when the teacher said that Brahmins claiming to be vegetarians ate
fish and meat in secret, in a sneaky way and were responsible for the soaring
price of those commodities(My Days, p.10).
Hence, the novel is frankly autobiographical and it owes much of its realism and
authenticity to the fact that it is rooted in Narayans personal experience as a boy to school.
The novel may also be termed as the quest for identity and maturity.
Chandran in The Bachelor of Arts expresses his clash against the injustice, slavery or
distortation of Indian history by the colonial rule. Chandran shows his likeness for the pure
image of India and the history of patriots as the makers of India in place of distorted history
by the colonial rule. Raghavachar, the nationalist professor of history expresses his views: If
he were asked what the country needed most urgently, he would not say self government or
economic independence but a classified, purified Indian history(19). To support this
argument, Narayan mentions in one of his essays titled as When India was a Colony:
Indian history was written by British historians extremely well documented and
researched, but not always impartial. History had to serve its purpose ... The Black Hole of
Calcutta never existed. Various Muslim rulers who invaded and proselytized with fire and
sword were proved to have protected and endowed Hindu temples. When I mentioned this
aspect to a distinguished British historian some years ago in London, he brushed aside my
observation with: Im sorry, Indians are without a sense of history. Indians are
temperamentally non-historical (Malgudi Landscapes 343)

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Similarly Krishna in The English Teacher shows his dissatisfaction towards English
education system This education had reduced us to a notion of morons; we were strangers to
our own culture and camp followers of another culture, feeding on leavings and garbage
(171) To justify his views, Narayan further notes in his essay When India was a Colony the
influence and attitudes of ICS (now IAS) officer during colonial phase: Instead of taking the
trouble to understand India and deal directly with the public, Briton transmuted Indians
themselves into Brown Sahibs. After a period of training at Oxford and Cambridge, first class
men were recruited for the Indian Civil Service... They were also educated to carry about
them an air of superiority at all times and were expected to keep other Indians at a
distance.....the ICS manuals was his Bible that warned him against being too familiar with
anyone... (Malgudi Landscapes, p. 338)
The attempt of rereading and reinterpreting of Narayans novels with multiple
approaches will certainly invite various issues to generate new knowledge. The reassessment
of Narayans fictional world will offer new perspectives in the realm of literary criticism. His
creativity cannot be restricted under fixed phase. One can also observe the facet of
timelessness already woven within his entire imaginative frame. As Roland Barthes rightly
justifies the concept of text: A text is not a line of words releasing a single theological
meaning but a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original,
bland and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of
culture... (Barthes 146).
Works Cited:
Barthes, Roland. Image_Music-Text. London:Fontana, 1977.P.146.Print.
Delbaere-Garant, Jeanne. Psychic Realism, Mythic Realism, Grotesque Realism:
Variations on Magic Realism in Contemporary Literature in English. Magical
Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Zamora & Faris. Duke University Press:
Durham; London, 1995. P. 258.
Krishnan, S. Ed. Malgudi Landscapes The Best of R.K. Narayan Delhi:Penguin Books, 1992. P.343,
397-98. Print.
Kristeva, Julia. Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. New
York:Columbia University Press, 1980. P.69.Print. .
Narayan, R.K. A Tiger For Malgudi Chhenai: Indian Thought Publications, 1986, rpt.2010.
_ _ _ . The Bachelor of Arts Chhenai: Indian Thought Publications, 1956, rpt.2009.Print.
_ _ _ . The English Teacher Chhenai: Indian Thought Publications, 1955, rpt.2009. Print.
_ _ _ . The Financial Expert Chhenai, India Thought Publications, 1958. Print.
_ _ _ .The Guide Chennai: Indian Thought Publications, 1958, rpt.2007. Print.
_ _ _ .The Man-Eater of Malgudi New Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, 2010. Print.
_ _ _ . My Days Madras: Indian Thought Publication, rpt. 2008. Print.
_ _ _ .The Vendor of Sweets Chhenai: Indian Thought Publications, 1967, rpt.2010. Print.

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_ _ _ .Swami and Friends Chhenai: Indian Thought Publications, 1944, rpt 2010. Print.
_ _ _ .Waiting for the Mahatma Chhenai: Indian Thought Publications, 1968, rpt.2010. Print.
R.K.Narayan in an interview with William Walsh, as reported in Walsh, William. R. K.
Narayan London: Longman, 1971, p.7. Print.
Swain, S.P. The novels of R.K.Narayan and Indian Reality qtd. in New Insights into the
Novels of R.K.Narayan Ed. Bhatnagar, M.K. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers
and Distributors, 1999. p.17. Print.
Yadav, B.S. The Guide- A Psycho-Philosophic and Socio-Ethical Study qtd. in
Indian Writings in English Ed. Bhatnagar, M.K. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers
and Distributors, 1999.p.28. Print.

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