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Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language,

Online ISSN 2348-3083, SJ IMPACT FACTOR 2021: 7.278,




Nasir Rasheed1 & Dr. Shabir Ahmad Bhat2

Department of Education, University of Kashmir
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Paper Received On 20 June 2023

Peer Reviewed On 22 July 2023
Published On: 1 August 2023

Scientific temperament refers to an individual’s ability to use reason, think logically, question ideas
and evaluate information based on scientific principles. For the present study the investigator selected
a sample of 80 secondary school students (40 male and 40 female) using random sampling method. The
scientific temper scale developed by Prof. N.A. Nadeem and Showkat Rashid Wani was administered.
The data was analyzed using percentage statistics, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. It was found
that male and female secondary school students vary significantly in terms of scientific temper at a
significance level of 0.01. Female secondary school students exhibited a higher level of scientific temper
than male secondary school students. Among secondary school students (both male and female), the
majority exhibited higher levels of scientific temper and none were found to have poor scientific temper.
Keywords: Scientific Temper, Gender, Secondary School Students, Curiosity, Open-mindedness,
Objectivity, Rationality and Aversion to superstition.

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Scientific temper is an attitude of logical, rational, and critical thinking. Someone who
frequently makes decisions using a scientific approach is said to have a scientific temperament.
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, supported scientific temper, emphasizing
science and technology for the cultural and economic growth of the nation. Nehru used the
phrase “scientific temper” in his book “The Discovery of India” and in 1976, India became the
first country to include it in its constitution. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 of
India recognizes the significance of promoting scientific temper among students from the
foundational stage onwards, to develop curiosity and creativity. The scientific temperament is
vital for the holistic growth of contemporary society free from superstitions and irrational
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customs, for the country’s advancement in all sectors and for encouraging tolerance of different
ideas. Scientific temper is not the same as scientific knowledge, as it involves the application
of scientific knowledge to everyday life. This includes the search for truth and new knowledge,
the refusal to accept anything without testing and trial, the ability to change previous
conclusions based on new evidence, reliance on observed facts and the hard discipline of the
mind. Scientific temper points to the way forward, as it is the attitude of a free individual, a
value system, an outlook on the world and an approach to one's actions and deeds. Scientific
temper is a value as well as a method of achieving human rights under humanism, the only
value worth striving for in socially troubled situations from domestic to international levels.
The purpose of this study is to help policy makers, teachers, counselors, and researchers by
promoting public understanding of science through highlighting the importance of scientific
temper in everyday life. This will lead to improved quality of teaching and learning in
secondary schools, as well as guidance to parents on supporting their children’s development
of scientific temper by better understanding their learning needs and providing appropriate
support at home.
Review of Literature
In a study conducted by Biswal and Pandey (2021), it was found that secondary school
students had an above average level of scientific temper overall and in all eight components,
with high deviation. There were no significant differences observed between the mean scores
of male and female students in terms of scientific temper as a whole and in all eight
components. Thirunarayanan and Gayathri (2020) found that students who demonstrated
higher levels of scientific temper achieved higher scholastic scores. Adeniyi and Oyewunmi
(2021) also found a positive correlation between scientific temper and academic achievement.
Ridwana (2018) revealed a significant difference between rural and urban secondary school
students on various dimensions of scientific temper, while Nadeem and Sabahat (2015) found
insignificant differences between rural and urban students on scientific temper. Aezum and
Wani (2013) and P. Sekar and S. Mani (2013) found that there were significant differences
between rural and urban secondary school students on scientific temper. Farhana Qadir (2010)
and Gupta (2007) found that there were no significant differences between urban and rural
secondary school students on scientific temper. Nadeem and Ridwana, (2012) found that girls
showed better scientific temper than boys. There is positive relation between scientific temper
and creativity. Maqbool and Sofi (2013) found that there was significant difference between
science and arts students on the Curiosity and Objectivity dimensions of scientific temper. The
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study further revealed that the two groups do not differ on the Open-mindedness, Rationality
and Aversion to Superstition dimensions of scientific temper. Maqbool and Hafiz (2014) found
that there is significant difference between Govt. and private school students on curiosity,
objectivity, rationality Aversion to superstitions dimensions of scientific temper scale. Watson
and Quqtman (2002) found that the high achieving girls exceeded the aspirations of average
achieving girls and boys. Despite the vast research, it has been observed that there are only a
few studies conducted on secondary school students in terms of scientific temper, particularly
on the basis of gender.
Objectives of the Study
1. To study scientific temper of male and female Secondary School students.
2. To compare male and female Secondary School Students on scientific temper.
Hypotheses of the Study
H0 There is no significant difference between male and female Secondary School
Students on scientific temper.

Delimitation of the Study

The study was delimited to Eight Government Secondary Schools of Srinagar. The study was
further delimited to class X students only in order to avoid any intervention in the results.
Operational Definition of Variables
For the purpose of present study, scientific temper has been operationally defined as the score
which the investigator has got by administrating Prof. N.A. Nadeem and S.R.Wani’s scientific
temper scale. Secondary school students for the present study mean those students who are
enrolled in Government Secondary Schools of district Srinagar and studying in class X.
A descriptive study was selected for the present research to explore the current scenario. The
population for the study comprises 798 class X students from government secondary schools
in district Srinagar. A sample of 80 secondary school students was selected using Random
Sampling technique. The sample was selected in a way that each unit of the population had an
equal chance of being selected. To collect data from the respondents, the Scientific Temper
Scale by Prof. N.A. Nadeem and Showkat Rashid Wani (2007) was employed. The scale
consists of five dimensions, namely curiosity, open-mindedness, objectivity, rationality, and
aversion to superstition. The scale is highly reliable, with a reliability coefficient of 0.89 (test-
retest method). Percentage statistics were calculated to study the level of scientific temper of
male and female secondary school students. Mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used to
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find the mean difference between male and female secondary school students on scientific
Analysis and Interpretation of Data
The analysis of the present study can be divided into two sections:
Descriptive Analysis
Table 1: Percentage of Secondary School Students on various levels of Scientific Temper.
Level of Scientific Temper N Percentage
High 11 13.75
Above Average 46 57.5
Average 22 27.5
Below Average 1 1.25
Poor 0 0
TOTAL 80 100.0

Above Average


Below Average

Fig. 1: Percentage of Secondary School Students on various levels of Scientific Temper.

Table 2: Percentage of Male and Female Secondary School Students on various levels of
Scientific Temper.
Level of Scientific Temper Male Students Female Students
N Percentage N Percentage
High 2 5 9 22.5
Above Average 17 42.5 29 72.5
Average 20 50 2 5
Below Average 1 2.5 0 0
Poor 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 40 100.0 40 100.0

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5% 5% 2.5% 0% 0% 0%

High Above Average Average Below Average Poor

Fig. 2: Percentage of male and female secondary school students on various levels of
scientific temper.
Table 1 indicates that out of the sample group of 80 secondary school students, 13.75% have a
high level of scientific temper, 57.5% have an above-average level, 27.5% have an average
level, 1.25% have a below-average level, and none have a poor level of scientific temper. Table
2 shows that out of the sample group of 40 male secondary school students, 5% have a high
level of scientific temper, 42.5% have an above-average level, 50% have an average level, and
2.5% have a below-average level of scientific temper. None of the male students were found
to have a poor level of scientific temper. For the sample group of 40 female secondary school
students, 22.5% have a high level, 72.5% have an above-average level, and 5% have an average
level of scientific temper. None of the female students were found to have a below-average or
poor level of scientific temper.
Comparative Analysis
Table 3: Mean difference between Male and Female Secondary School students on Scientific

Group N Mean Standard Deviation t-value Level of Significance

Male 40 28.45 5.71 6.02 Significant at 0.01 level

Female 40 35.22 4.24

The above table reveals that there is a significant difference in scientific temper between
male and female secondary school students. The calculated t-value of 6.02 exceeds the
tabulated value at the 0.01 level of significance, indicating that the difference is statistically
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significant. Additionally, the mean score of female students (35.22) is higher than that of male
students (28.45). Therefore, hypothesis number one, which states that "there is no significant
difference between male and female secondary school students on scientific temper," is

Fig. 3: Mean difference between Male and Female Secondary School students on Scientific


28.45 35.22


Discussion of Results
The aim of this study was to investigate the level of scientific temper among secondary school
students and to compare the differences in scientific temper between male and female students.
The findings of the study revealed that a significant proportion of the sample group of 80
secondary school students had an above-average to high level of scientific temper. Specifically,
13.75% of the students had a high level, 57.5% had an above-average level, 27.5% had an
average level, and only 1.25% had a below-average level of scientific temper. Notably, none
of the students were found to have a poor level of scientific temper.
The results of the study also indicated that there were significant differences in scientific temper
between male and female secondary school students. The mean score of female students
(35.22) was significantly higher than that of male students (28.45), indicating that female
students had a higher level of scientific temper than male students. Furthermore, the proportion
of male students with above-average to high levels of scientific temper (47.5%) was lower than
that of female students (95%), while the proportion of male students with average to below-
average levels of scientific temper (52.5%) was higher than that of female students (5%). These
findings suggest that gender may play a significant role in determining scientific temper among
secondary school students.

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The finding that a significant proportion of the sample group had an above-average to high
level of scientific temper is encouraging, as it indicates that many secondary school students
are interested in and engaged with science. This finding is consistent with previous research
that has shown that students tend to be interested in science and technology, and that interest
in these subjects tends to be higher among younger students (Morrone & Reiff, 2019).
Moreover, the finding that none of the students had a poor level of scientific temper suggests
that science education in secondary schools may be effective in fostering interest and
engagement in science among students.
The finding that there were significant differences in scientific temper between male and
female students is an important result of this study. The finding that female students had a
higher level of scientific temper than male students is consistent with previous research that
has shown that females tend to be more interested in science and math than males (Ertl et al.,
2019). This may be due to a number of factors, including differences in socialization, exposure
to role models, and attitudes towards science and math. The finding that a larger proportion of
male students had average to below-average levels of scientific temper than female students is
also noteworthy, as it suggests that science education programs may need to be tailored to better
engage male students.
There are various studies which suggest that gender differences in scientific temper exist, and
that girls may have higher levels of curiosity, self-efficacy, engagement, and higher-order
thinking skills in science than boys. However, it's important to note that individual differences
exist within any given group and those other factors, such as cultural and societal factors may
also play a role in shaping gender differences in scientific temper. A study published in the
journal “PLOS ONE” found that female high school students in India had higher levels of
scientific temper than their male counterparts. The study surveyed over 1,200 students and
found that girls were more likely to express interest in scientific concepts and report positive
attitudes toward science. A study published in the “Journal of Research in Science Teaching”
found that female students in the United States were more likely to report interest and
confidence in science, and were more likely to engage in science-related extracurricular
activities than their male counterparts. The study surveyed over 1,000 high school students and
found that girls were more likely to view science as relevant to their future careers and express
interest in pursuing science-related fields.
This study provides valuable insights into the level of scientific temper among secondary
school students and highlights the need to address gender differences in scientific temper. The
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findings suggest that science education programs may need to be tailored to better engage male
students and to promote interest and engagement in science among all students. Further
research is needed to explore the factors that contribute to gender differences in scientific
temper and to develop effective strategies for addressing these differences.
In conclusion, the present study aimed to explore the scientific temper of secondary school
students and to investigate if there are any significant differences between male and female
students. The findings of the study indicate that a majority of the students have an above-
average level of scientific temper. However, only a small percentage of students have a high
level of scientific temper. None of the students were found to have a poor level of scientific
temper. Furthermore, the results of the study revealed a significant difference in the scientific
temper of male and female secondary school students. Female students had a significantly
higher mean score than male students, indicating that they possess a higher level of scientific
temper. This suggests that there might be some gender-based differences in the development
of scientific temper, which needs to be further explored.
The present study has some limitations that need to be acknowledged. Firstly, the study was
conducted in only one district, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other
districts. Secondly, the sample size was relatively small, which may limit the power of the
study to detect significant differences. Finally, the study did not examine the factors that might
contribute to the development of scientific temper in students, such as teaching methods,
curriculum, and parental involvement. Despite these limitations, the present study provides
some useful insights into the scientific temper of secondary school students. The findings
suggest that there is a need to develop strategies to enhance the scientific temper of students,
especially male students. The results also highlight the need for further research to explore the
factors that might contribute to the development of scientific temper in students. Finally, this
study adds to the growing body of research on science education and provides useful
information that can be used to improve science education practices.

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Nadeem N.A. & Ridwana (2012). Scientific temper and Creativity among Higher secondary school
students, Department of Education, Kashmir University, Hazratbal (Unpublished
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Thirunarayanan, R., & Gayathri, S. (2020). Impact of scientific temper on scholastic achievement of
students. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 8(2), 543-550.

Cite Your Article As:

Nasir Rasheed, & Dr. Shabir Ahmad Bhat. (2023). EXPLORING SCIENTIFIC
STUDY. Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language,, 11(58),
433–441. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8245659

Copyright@2023 Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language

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