Things Fall Apart: A Postcolonial Study

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The passage discusses Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart and how he uses it to portray the real picture of pre-colonial Igbo society in Nigeria and counter Western misrepresentations of African culture.

Achebe portrays the Igbo culture as highly organized and structured with its own customs, traditions, and system of law and order. He also shows the importance of language and oral traditions through the use of Igbo proverbs in speech. This was used to counter European claims of a lack of culture or civilization among Africans.

The passage mentions that Achebe exposes some of the superstitious beliefs practiced by the Igbo people, such as their superstitious beliefs providing opportunities for Europeans to disrupt their communal harmony.




Atulkumar Parmar, Ph. D.

Asst. Professor in English, Mahadev Desai Gramseva Mahavidyalaya,Gujarat Vidyapith, Randheja,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Scholarly Research Journal's is licensed Based on a work at

Colonization is a process of dehumanization. It is always that colonized has

represented to the history of colonizer in an adverse way. To prorogate colonizer's point of
view, Hayden White wrote in his book The Content of the Form,
"Those who do not enter history as makers enter as the victims of the makers."1
Frantz Fanon has severe problem with White's notion and he worked it in this way:
"It is not the history of the plundered country that they made, but the history of the
mother country."2
Achebe quite agrees with Fanon. He says:
"To underline falsity of this version of events Achebe must re-establish the humanity
of his Africans, must insist that Africans live in the same world and are not absolutely
The western subversion of African culture played an influential role in perpetuating
an abominable and chaotic picture of the African continent in the minds of readers of the
modern age. For Achebe now it becomes his duty to present the real picture of his world so
he adopts the career of postcolonial writer. Achebe belongs to the decolonizing phase of
Africa and he has no direct access to the colonizing period of his country. In order to
reconstruct the past, he has to depend on historical research. The writing of history has two
components: (1) it depends on verifiable fact and (2) it arranges those facts in a narrative. As
a writer with a definite purpose, he could have idealized or romanticized the picture of
Africa, which he wrought out of the rubble.
Achebe in his novel attempts to present the pre-colonial state of the Igbo-society with
his plain style. The effect of Achebe's plain style is to stress the everyday ordinariness of Ibo
life. This world is comprehensible. The transition in the book from pre-colonial Africa to an
Africa that felt the European presence is in terms of style, remarkable. It is a society which is

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still unsullied by the western cultural civilization. He narrates the story of an Igbo individual
who witnesses the emergence of European institutions among the neighboring villages as
well as his own while fabricating the personal account of Okonkwo, and while explaining the
influence of the cross cultural encounter on him which ultimately leads to his tragic death.
Achebe simultaneously portrays the customs and norms of the Ibo society. By emphasizing
the highly organized structure of the Ibo community Achebe counters the arguments
propagated by the colonizers including Conrad about the chaotic nature of the native African
Europeans considered the alleged lack of language among the Africans as the major
sing the lack of the culture or civilization among the latter. In order to counter argue Achebe
gave examples of the Igbo proverbs beautifully woven in to the speech patterns of Okonkwo
and others. For example: "As our people say, a man who pays respect to the great paves the
way for his own greatness". This is why; Achebe used native dialect to present Okonkwo's
life. For him, languages carry the pride of community. Further, he elaborates the concept of
"Self-pride sustains the culture. When self-pride disappears, the culture is eliminated.
Afterwards we find only relics of the past."4
In demonstrating the imaginative, often formal language of the Igbo, Achebe
emphasizes that Africa is not a silent or incomprehensible country that books such as
Conrad's Heart of Darkness made it out to be. To emphasize the exclusivity of the two world,
Achebe often leaves Igbo words without translation. These foreign races in an English text
refer metonymically to a whole world that cannot be adequately translated. Rather by
peppering the novel with Igbo words, Achebe shows that the Igbo language is too complex
for direct translation into English. Similarly, Igbo culture cannot be understood within the
framework of European colonialist values. On a macroscopic level, it is extremely significant
that Achebe chose to write Things Fall Apart in English he already intended it to be read by
the weak at least as much, if not more, than by his fellow Nigerians. Through, his inclusion of
proverbs, folktales and songs translated from the Igbo language, Achebe manages to capture
and convey the rhythms, structures, cadences, and beauty of the Igbo languages:
"Our elders say that the sun will shine on those who stand before, it shines on those
who kneel under them. I shall pay my big debts first".5
"As our people say, a man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own
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Achebe has presented not only the positive side of the Igbo culture but he has also
exposed the superstitions practiced by Igbo people. The superstitious beliefs that prevail
among the Igbo provide the European a chance to split of their communal harmony. The
white man takes advantage of this aspect to his maximum benefit.
Selection of three sections for the book works as a trope. He has presented Igbo
culture before colonization, during colonization and after colonization. The brilliance of
Achebe's art is that he hasn't used word "colonization". Still Things Fall Apart gives us a
perfect history of colonization, fictionalized version of history Moreover, Okonkwo
becomes an epitome of Igbo culture, he becomes the nation. All three sections reveal the
proper set of Igbo culture. Democratic nature of Igbo tribe is easily understood. They have
their own law and order system where no one is allowed to use his / her social status to get rid
of the punishment. As we saw in the novel, Okonkwo has been punished twice for his
mistake / crime. Thus everyone is equal in Igbo culture while European system has severe
punishment like death punishment or life-time imprisonment. European can chop off whole
village s single European is killed by Igbo man while in Igbo tribe only few people will die in
their war. Thus, they are living in a more human, civilized society in comparison of the white
The name of the novel itself is symbolic as well as ironic. In his famous poem, "The
second coming" from which Achebe has taken the title of his work, W. B. Yeats mourns the
falling apart of Christianity as a cohesive force and the disintegration of the European
civilization. Further Yeats writes 'the falcon cannot hear the falconer, Things fall apart, the
centre cannot hold". As a result, the old social order falls apart. However, the irony is that
what causes the falling apart is the presence of the Europeans who boast of themselves as the
promoters of order.
Achebe through his novel proclaims the ludicrousness of the patronizing attitude
taken by imperialists towards the African clans that were quite refined in their culture and
Thus, Achebe tries to revitalize the African culture through the story of Okonkwo and
covers the wider area of colonization and its severe effects. Quite successfully, by present
Okonkwo's world which is organized, ordered and civilized, thus is only possible through his
narrative strategies. He finds all three eras with one tide-pre-colonization, colonization and
post colonization as we find in the three sections of the novel. Thus, the Things Fall Apart
because a crucial text as far as postcolonial literature is concerned.

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White, Hyden. 1987. The Content of the Form, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. p.56.
Fanon, Frantz. 1967. The Wretched of the Earth, trans. Constance Farrington. Harmondsworth,
England: Penguin. p. 40.
Kortenaar, Neil ten. 2003. "How the Center Is Made to Hold in Things Fall Apart" in Chinua
Achebe's Things Fall Apart a Case Book. ed. Isidore Okpewho. New York: OUP. p. 124.
Achebe, Chinua. 1996. Things Fall Apart. Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers.

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