I Am Thankful For My Eyes: Lesson
I Am Thankful For My Eyes: Lesson
I Am Thankful For My Eyes: Lesson
ACTIVITIES Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Attention Activity Show the children how easy it is to thread the shoelace or string through the spool with
your eyes open. Then close your eyes and try to thread the shoelace through the spool.
Give each of the children a turn to try.
Explain that some peoples eyes do not see very well. These people have to wear
eyeglasses or contact lenses to help them see. Some people are blind and cannot see
Activity Discuss how blind people can learn to walk places by themselves with a guide dog or a
cane. Blindfold one of the children and pretend that you are a guide dog. Hold out your
arm for the child to hold like the dogs leash. Lead the child around the room. Let the
children take turns pretending to be blind or a guide dog.
Story Show picture 1-43, Jesus Healing the Blind, and tell the story of Jesus healing the blind
man, as found in John 9:17.
What did Jesus do with the clay? (See John 9:6.)
What happened when the blind man washed in the pool? (See John 9:7.)
How do you think the blind man felt when he could see?
ACTIVITIES Choose some of these activities to use during the lesson.
1. Invite the children to look carefully at each others eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, and
eyelashes. Explain that our eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes help keep dirt, dust,
and perspiration out of our eyes.
2. Before class, use a sharp object such as a pin to poke holes in a piece of paper in
the outlines of a circle and a square. In class, blindfold the children one at a time
and ask them to feel the bumps on the paper and tell what shapes they are. Explain
that this is like braille, which is how blind people can read.
3. Using paper bags, make eyes that open and shut (see illustration at the end of the
lesson) for each child. Write on each paper bag I am thankful for my eyes. Have the
children color the eyes and draw hair on their paper bags. Using the paper bag eyes,
pantomime with the children times we open and shut our eyes, such as when we
wake up or go to sleep, when we pray, and when we are frightened.
4. If possible, take the children on a nature walk outside. Ask them to fold their arms
and be very quiet as they walk, so they can concentrate on using their eyes. When
they come back to class, invite them to take turns telling what they saw.
CHILDREN 1. Sing or say the words to Popcorn Popping (Childrens Songbook, p. 242). Explain
that the blossoms on an apricot tree look like popcorn.
If you looked out the window, as it says in the song, would you see popcorn
popping on an apricot tree? What do you see when you look out the window?
Let the children look out the window, or take them outside for a moment. Return to
class and review what they saw.
What did you use to see these things? (Eyes.)
Explain that we should be thankful to Heavenly Father for our eyes.
2. Have the children stand and say the words to Touch Your Eyes, doing the actions
indicated by the words:
Touch your eyes,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
Stretch your hands
Way up high,
Even higher
Toward the sky.
Put your hands
On your hair;
Sit down quietly
On your chair.
3. Show the children a small object. Explain that you are going to put it somewhere in
the room, and they will have to use their eyes to find it. Have the children close their
eyes, and put the object where it is visible but not too obvious. Have the children
open their eyes and find the object without moving or making noise. Tell them to fold
their arms when they have found the object. Remind the children they must be quiet
and let others find the object with their eyes. Repeat as many times as desired.