Block 14, Angola Development

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Angola development

Daniel Elias
Head of Development & Production

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Exploration assets

Angola development

Brazil exploration assets

Pre-salt Santos basin

Final remarks

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Successful track record on Angolan projects execution

Angolan blocks location

Presence in Angola since 1982
12 discoveries in Block 14 and 14
discoveries in Block 32 and Block 33
Block 14 is the only producing block
255 Mbbl of total reserves1 and
contingent resources2 at YE 2010

1 Net
3 | Capital Markets Day - March 14th 2011 entitlement 2P reserves
2 Working interest 3C contingent resources
Block 14 and 14K provide solid foundation for Galp Energias presence in Angola

Blocks 14 and 14K areas

Almost the total area of Blocks 14
and 14K was retained following the
expiry of exploration period
Three fields already under
production: Kuito, BBLT and
Five areas still to be developed:
Malange, Gabela, Lucapa, Negage
and Lianzi
Menongue is a provisional
development area
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Kuitos FPSO was the first deepwater project in Angola

Kuitos development
Very successful fast track deepwater
project with first discovery in 1997
and first oil in 1999
Development consists of one FPSO,
three subsea centers, 22 producers,
six water injection and one gas
injection wells
Project acceleration achieved via
staged development
Upgrades successfully performed
with vessel on-station
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Excellence in execution in BBLT

BBLTs Compliant Piled Tower

Awarded Project of the Year by the
Offshore Energy Association in 2005
Development consists of one
Compliant Piled Tower (CPT), three
subsea centers, 30 producers and 18
water injection wells
Two stage execution: First BB (CPT,
process, import and export facilities);
Second LT (subsea centers and
Hub concept, available to incorporate
further tie-backs
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Replicating proven concept on Tmbua-Lndana

Tmbua-Lndanas CPT
Weight and cost optimization via Tender
Assisted Drilling rig
One of the tallest fixed structure
executed in the world
Development to date consists of one
CPT, one subsea centers, 11 producers
and three water injection wells
Two stage execution: 1st TL (CPT,
process, import and export facilities);
2nd TS (subsea centers and tie-back)
Hub concept, available to incorporate
further tie-backs

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Malange development leveraging on existing infrastructure

Malange tie-back alternatives

Malange discovery in 2007 with
appraisal programme completed
in 2010
Two drilled wells justified submitting
conceptual development plan to
First Pinda development in Block 14
with light oil (40 API)
Engineering studies underway to
mature tie-back development
Aiming for project acceleration
(contractual first oil date in 2016)
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Lucapa progressing towards first oil

Lucapas development area

Lucapa discovery in 2007 with
appraisal programme complete in
2010 with Lucapa-6
Six exploration and appraisal wells
drilled justified submitting conceptual
development plan to concessionaire
Engineering studies ongoing to select
optimal development alternative
Contractual first oil expected for 2016

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Lianzi overcoming challenges via technology development

Lianzi development
First unitized development between
Angola and Republic of the Congo
Long tie-back to BBLT, 42 km away
Technology qualification: direct
electrical heating, subsea sampling
and subsea multiphase metering
Engineering optimization studies
underway to BBLT tie-back
development alternative

10 | Capital Markets Day - March 14th 2011

Translating exploration success into development projects

Block 32 and 33 areas

13 discoveries and 12 development
areas submitted to concessionaire
Total surface area of 1,113 km2
One concept at pre-development
stage: Block 32 Kaombo
Block 33 proceeding with evaluation

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Kaombo with split hub concept

Block 32 development hubs

Kaombo Split Hub concept
Engineering optimization studies
ongoing to mature Split Hub
Two FPSO supporting six
development areas with an
aggregated capacity of
c.200 kbopd
First oil date staged per FPSO
expected by 2016 and 2017
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Angola WI production of c.35 kbopd in 2020

Angola WI production (kbopd)


2011 2014
2014 2017
2017 2020

Current projects
Current projects New projects
New projects

Working interest production CAGR 2010-20 of 7%

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# Number HR Human Resources

$ United States dollar IOC International Oil Company
% Percentage IPO Initial Public Offering
2D Two dimensional seismic Kboepd Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day
3D Three dimensional seismic Kbopd Thousand barrels of oil per day
ANP Brazilian agency for oil, natural gas and biofuels Km Kilometre
API gravity American Petroleum Institute gravity Km2 Square kilometre
BB Benguela and Belize LLI Long Lead Item
BBLT Benguela, Belize, Lobito, and Tomboco LNG Liquified Natural Gas
Bcm Billion cubic metres LT Lobito Tomboco
Bln Billion M3/d Million cubic metre per day
Boe Barrel of oil equivalent Mln Million
c. Circa MW MegaWatt
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate NG Natural Gas
CSEM Control Source of Electromagnetic Method NOC National Oil Company
CO2 Carbone Dioxide p.p. Percentage point
CPT Compliant Piled Tower R&M Refining & Marketing
E&P Exploration & Production RCA Replacement Cost adjusted
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction TL Tmbua-Lndana
EWT Extended Well Test Ton Tonne
FLNG Floating Liquified Natural Gas TS Tmbua South
FPSO Floating Production Storage Offloading UOTE Oil Transhipment Unit
G&P Gas & Power WAG Water-alterning-gas
GWh GigaWatt hour WAT Wax appearance temperature
H2S Hydrogen sulfide WI Working interest
HC Hydrocarbon YE Year End
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Financial outlook figures are RCA figures except otherwise noted.

Matters discussed in this presentation may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements other than in respect of
historical facts. The words believe, expect, anticipate, intends, estimate, will, may, "continue," should and similar expressions identify
forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may include statements regarding: objectives, goals, strategies, outlook and growth
prospects; future plans, events or performance and potential for future growth; liquidity, capital resources and capital expenditures; economic outlook
and industry trends; developments of Galp Energias markets; the impact of regulatory initiatives; and the strength of Galp Energias competitors. The
forward-looking statements in this presentation are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions,
including without limitation, managements examination of historical operating trends, data contained in Galp Energias records and other data
available from third parties. Although Galp Energia believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, these assumptions are inherently
subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors which are difficult or impossible to predict and
are beyond its control. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause the actual results of Galp Energia or the industry
to differ materially from those results expressed or implied in this presentation by such forward-looking statements.

The information, opinions and forward-looking statements contained in this presentation speak only as at the date of this presentation, and are subject
to change without notice. Galp Energia does not intend to, and expressly disclaim any duty, undertaking or obligation to, make or disseminate any
supplement, amendment, update or revision to any of the information, opinions or forward-looking statements contained in this presentation to reflect
any change in events, conditions or circumstances.

15 | Capital Markets Day - March 14th 2011

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