Boeing 737: Preflight Check
Boeing 737: Preflight Check
Boeing 737: Preflight Check
<< Check List >> 737
Ref: PF B737
Preflight Check - A visual check to ensure the continuous serviceability of the aircraft prior to each flight.
Check - Examination to determine the functional capability or physical integrity of an item.
Walk Around Check (WAC) - A visual check from ground level for obvious discrepancies without any
external means (stairs, tools) to determine exterior obvious dangers, leaks, proper operating equipment,
security of attachment, required servicing.
6. NLG/MLG Tires
Inspect tires for condition and wear, such as :
a) Normal tread and wear
b) Shoulder wear
c) Flat sports and rubber reversion
d) Cuts
e) Punctures
f) Bulges and blisters
g) Chevron cracking
h) Groove cracking
i) Rib undercutting
j) Bead damage
k) Tire defects and/or failures
l) Contamination of tires
7. All pins, blanks and covers, including from pitot/static inlets are Check
8. External surfaces and engine: snow and ice, sand and heavy
dust Check
When there are ice and snow conditions, examine the airplane for ice
and snow on the following areas:
a) Fuselage
b) Wings
c) TE flaps, LE flaps, LE slats
d) Ailerons
e) Stabilizers
f) Elevators
g) Rudder
h) The accessible areas of the balance panels
i) The accessible areas of control surface points and
j) The gap between wing structure and aileron leading
Applicability: B737-300/400/500
Revision: 2
Effectivity date : 25-Sep-2012 Page 3 of 4
<< Check List >> 737
Ref: PF B737
Applicability: B737-300/400/500
Revision: 2
Effectivity date : 25-Sep-2012 Page 4 of 4