Boeing 737: Preflight Check

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<< Check List >> 737
Ref: PF B737

Preflight Check - A visual check to ensure the continuous serviceability of the aircraft prior to each flight.
Check - Examination to determine the functional capability or physical integrity of an item.
Walk Around Check (WAC) - A visual check from ground level for obvious discrepancies without any
external means (stairs, tools) to determine exterior obvious dangers, leaks, proper operating equipment,
security of attachment, required servicing.

1. Technical Logbook Maintenance Release & Fuel Entry Done

performed. Defects properly cleared, Technical Logbook
complete & on board checked
Check if any defect or deferred defect must be cleared or released Check
according to MEL;
All consumable fluids uplifted prior to flight area of the correct
specification in accordance with the labels installed on refilling
areas and properly recorded in the Technical Logbook
Inspect Flight deck central console, control panels and
Instruments for general condition initiate and perform cleaning
as required only at home base
Emergency equipment:only at home base
Check portable fire extinguisher bottles for correct filling on gage
(pointer on green band)
Check cabin portable oxygen units pressure ( above 1500 psi at
20 deg Celsius
Aircraft with Airborne Data Loader installed
Check that the ADL selector switch is in NORMAL position

2. Engine Oil quantity minimum for airplane dispatch 90% full at

home base and 60% full only outside station Check
Hydraulic fluid quantity A & B systems RF or above
(use flight deck indicators )

3. Walk Around Check

Inspect the following items from ground level for general WAC
condition, including, in particular any obvious signs of wear,
damage or leakage:
Aircraft nose
a) All visible exterior surfaces of fuselage including radom,
Flight deck windows
b) Nose wheel well compartment area, landing gear installation,
shock absorber, tires, wheels, wheels tie bolts for presence,
doors, taxi light
Right forward and center fuselage, wing and engine
c) All visible exterior surfaces of fuselage including door,
drain mast, cabin windows, oxygen disk (green)
Applicability: B737-300/400/500
Revision: 2
Effectivity date : 25-Sep-2012 Page 1 of 4
<< Check List >> 737
Ref: PF B737

d) Wing: leading edge, trailing edge, control surfaces, flap track

fairings and fuel vent area including pressure relief valve WAC
poppet to be flush, Ram Air Inlet, static dischargers
Engine strut and aft strut fairing
e) Engine Inlet Area ( including visible blades) and cowls,
abradable seal and acoustical material thrust reversers, last
stage blades on LPT, and exhaust area, exhaust tail plug
Right main gear and wheel well
f) Landing Gear Installation, shock absorbers, brakes, tires,
wheels, wheels tie bolts for presence, wheel well, doors
Right aft fuselage
g) All visible exterior surfaces including cabin windows
APU extinguishing discharge disc color (yellow and red), safety
& outflow valves
h) Vertical stabilizer area and rudder
i) Horizontal stabilizer, elevator and tab, including vortex
generators, static dischargers
Left aft fuselage
j) All visible exterior surfaces including cabin windows
k) Vertical stabilizer area and rudder
l) Horizontal stabilizer, elevator and tab, including vortex
generators, static dischargers
m) Inspect tail skid IAW AMM 32-71-00/601 only B737- 400
Left main gear and wheel well
n) Landing Gear installation, shock absorber, brakes, tires,
Wheels, wheels tie bolts for presence, wheel well doors,wheels
hubcap for cleaning - cleaning to be performed only at home
Left forward and center fuselage, wing and engine
o) All visible exterior surfaces of fuselage including door, cabin
p) Wing: Leading edge, trailing edge, control surfaces, flap track
fairings and fuel vent area including pressure relief valve
poppet to be flush, Ram Air inlet, static dischargers
q) Engine strut and aft strut fairing
Engine Inlet Area (including visible blades) abradables seal and
acoustical material thrust reversers, last stage blades on LPT, and
exhaust area, exhaust tail plug and cowls - check for open latches,
blow out panels and for signs of fluid leakage -identify the leakage
source, initiate investigation if required ; clean engine cowls only
at home base
4. TAT probes, pitot probes, AOA vanes & static ports
Check for condition and obvious damage Check
Applicability: B737-300/400/500
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Effectivity date : 25-Sep-2012 Page 2 of 4
<< Check List >> 737
Ref: PF B737

5. NLG/MLG Shock absorber extension

Visual check of shock absorber extension Check
- Make sure LH and RH MLG extension is equal
Shock absorbers are cleaned and not fully compressed
Clean exposed surface of L/H and R/H strut piston with a
cloth moistened with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid and wipe
with dry cloth - only at home base

6. NLG/MLG Tires
Inspect tires for condition and wear, such as :
a) Normal tread and wear
b) Shoulder wear
c) Flat sports and rubber reversion
d) Cuts
e) Punctures
f) Bulges and blisters
g) Chevron cracking
h) Groove cracking
i) Rib undercutting
j) Bead damage
k) Tire defects and/or failures
l) Contamination of tires
7. All pins, blanks and covers, including from pitot/static inlets are Check

8. External surfaces and engine: snow and ice, sand and heavy
dust Check

When there are ice and snow conditions, examine the airplane for ice
and snow on the following areas:
a) Fuselage
b) Wings
c) TE flaps, LE flaps, LE slats
d) Ailerons
e) Stabilizers
f) Elevators
g) Rudder
h) The accessible areas of the balance panels
i) The accessible areas of control surface points and
j) The gap between wing structure and aileron leading
Applicability: B737-300/400/500
Revision: 2
Effectivity date : 25-Sep-2012 Page 3 of 4
<< Check List >> 737
Ref: PF B737

k) The gap between fin and rudder leading edge

l) The gap between horizontal stabilizer and elevator
leading edge
m) Engine inlet cowl (make sure the fan turns freely)
n) Landing gears
If anti-/de- icing is necessary, initiate the order for this process.

9. Toilet and potable water service panel

10. Aircraft Doors, Access & Service Panels ( fuselage, wings,
empennages) closed & locked Check

11. Engine Cowls Doors closed & locked


Applicability: B737-300/400/500
Revision: 2
Effectivity date : 25-Sep-2012 Page 4 of 4

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