Lesson Foundations: Middle Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Foundations: Middle Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Foundations: Middle Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template
Instructional Procedures/Steps
Note when you are addressing a learning objective and when enacting an assessment.
Instructional procedure, questions you will ask, What will students be doing?
checks for understanding, transitions, and evidence of What evidence of learning will students demonstrate?
culturally responsive teaching practices. Student-centered learning/opportunities for practice and
Opening Opener: Activating Prior Knowledge (LO 1) 1. Students will enter room and look at the projector to
10 Minutes 1. Have LOs and days plan on the slideshow see what they will be learning in todays lesson
projected, teacher will read the LO and plan for 2. Students will then read the different elements and
the day to the class so that all the students are think about what they mean individually.
aware of what will be going on. 3. The students will then raise their hands once the
2. Teacher will give the students a chance to teacher asks for someone to explain the element and
think about their own understanding of the what it means.
different elements on the projector screen. The A counter argument is when you hear
elements will include; counter statement, someone express their point of view and you
reasoning, and evidence. have the opposite point of view and try to
3. Teacher will then call on a student with their argue that your side is right.
hand raised and will ask them to explain what I use counter arguments all the time at home
the specific element means. with my siblings when we are arguing what to
Does anyone know what a counter watch on television, what to eat, and where
statement is?(Remembering) we want to go after school.
Has anyone ever used a counter Reasoning is when you think about something
argument outside of school? (Applying) in a logical way. You use reasoning so that
What does it mean to use reasoning? your argument makes sense.
(Understanding) We use reasoning in science and social studies
Can you think of other classes that use class. In science we use it when doing
reasoning? (Applying) experiments like with our hypothesis and in
Why do you need evidence in an social studies we use reasoning to figure out
argument? (Understanding) why a person or group did something.
Where can you find evidence? You need evidence in an argument so that
(Remembering) your argument makes sense and that your
argument is supported with facts.
Evidence can be found in text, pictures,
personal experience, and music.
Instruction Instruction: Graphic Organizer (LO 1&2) 1. Students will get out of their seats and arrange
25 Minutes 1. The teacher will then assign the students into themselves into the groups they have been placed in
groups of 3 or 4 students. The teacher will by the teacher.
place the students into groups that mixes up 2. Students will receive an envelope from the teacher
Middle Childhood Education Preservice Planning
the students based on their knowledge of the for the whole table. Students will then read the
content. writing prompt inside and will begin to analyze the
2. The teacher will then pass out envelopes to prompt they all wrote the day before for the what
each of the groups. These envelopes contain a bugs me activity.
slip of paper that has a writing prompt that 3. They will each receive a graphic organizer they need
was created by the students in a previous class to fill out to show how they would argue against
from the what bugs me activity. their prompt. Students will start to fill in their
3. The teacher will then give each of the students graphic organizer beginning with the prompt they
in each of the groups a graphic organizer. The were given, then filling in what counter argument
teacher will then explain that each student is they could make, followed by the reasoning,
to fill out a graphic organizer because they will evidence, and conclusion. Students can work by
all be collected. The teacher will also inform themselves or with their group to think of
the students that they are allowed to discuss arguments, reasoning, evidence, and conclusion.
and share answers with their group members 4. If students have questions about filling out the
and that their answers must be in complete graphic organizer or about vocabulary used start by
sentences. asking a fellow student to see if they have the
4. As the students start to work with their group answer. If peers cannot help students should raise
members on filling out the graphic organizer their hand and the teacher will be around to help
the teacher will then check in with each of the with any questions.
groups after 5-10 minutes have past. The Its hard to find evidence for some of the
teacher will continuously walk around to each arguments because they are based on opinion.
group checking in with them, answering any Also finding reasoning for things that seem
questions that they have and checking the crazy is hard. Its also hard to argue against
answers they have came up with for accuracy. something that I agree with so finding a
Are there any elements that you are counter argument is tough.
having a hard time finding in your Other than the fact that they are all things that
envelope? (Understanding) people dont like, it seems people get annoyed
Are there any similarities between your easily by others when they talk or distract
slip of paper and other peoples slips of them.
paper? (Evaluating) 5. Students will finish filling out their graphic organizer
5. Once the students have finished their graphic and turn it into the teacher. When they turn in their
organizers with their group members the graphic organizer, students will receive their exit
teacher will then give each of the students an ticket and wait for further directions.
exit slip and further direction.
ouClosure Closing: Exit Ticket (LO 1&2) 1. Student will receive an exit slip from the teacher and
10 Minutes 1. The teacher will give each of the students an listen to further instruction.
exit slip to fill out. 2. The students will then work individually on their exit
Middle Childhood Education Preservice Planning
2. The teacher will then direct the students that slip. They will use the graphic organizer that they
the exit slip is to be done individually. The have completed to help them fill out their exit slip.
teacher will also tell the students that they are They will answer the exit slip in complete sentences.
to use their graphic organizer to write a 3. Once the students are finished filling out their exit
complete counter argument to the original slip they will then turn in both their exit slip and
writing prompt that the group received. their graphic organizer.
3. The teacher will then collect both the graphic
organizer and the exit slip before dismissing
the students.
Planned Supports IEP Students: Based on specifics of the childs IEP each child will get a different type of modification for this lesson.
Some examples of modifications will be; having the LOs and daily plan on the board and verbally telling the students
what they will be doing, printing modified graphic organizers for the different levels of learners, giving students who
need it extra time for completing the graphic organizer and the exit ticket, reading the graphic organizer and exit
ticket to struggling readers, modeling to the students how to fill out the graphic organizer and exit ticket, walking
around classroom to help students with questions they have.
504 Plans: Based on specifics of the childs 504 plan each child will get a different type of modification for this lesson.
Some examples of modifications will be; having the LOs and daily plan on the board and verbally telling the students
what they will be doing, printing modified graphic organizers for the different levels of learners, giving students who
need it extra time for completing the graphic organizer and the exit ticket, reading the graphic organizer and exit
ticket to struggling readers, modeling to the students how to fill out the graphic organizer and exit ticket, walking
around classroom to help students with questions they have.
ELL Students: By having a PowerPoint that displays the information and having a graphic organizer for the students
to fill out, this is providing students with several different visual supports. The graphic organizer also breaks down
the material and into small chunks to help the students. The students are also able to work in small groups which
will allow ELL students a chance to work with other students that can help them answer questions they may have.
The students in their group can also help the student fill out their graphic organizer and share with them their
answers and how they go to their answer. Also by having the activity student-centered the teacher will be able to
walk around to each of the groups and check in with each student to see if they need any additional instruction.
Gifted/Talented: Since the students will be grouped together these students will intentionally be split amongst the
groups. In their groups these students will be asked to take a leading role and to facilitate the discussion amongst the
group. This will give the student a chance to hear their peers questions and concerns and help them come to a better
understanding of how to comprehend the material. By teaching and helping the other students these students will be
Middle Childhood Education Preservice Planning
Struggling Students: By discussing with the class in the opening about what the different elements are struggling
students will get more review over the topics they have learned about. By having the students share with the class
their answers to the opening questions the struggling students will be able to hear one of their peers express how
they understand the topic. Another way that struggling students will receive extra support and by being able to work
with their classmates on the graphic organizer. By working in groups of 3-4 the students will get a chance to ask
their peers any questions they may have and hear their peers thinking process on how they understand the material.
Also by having the activity student-centered the teacher will be able to walk around to each of the groups and check
in with each student to see if they need any additional instruction.