Primary Parent Handbook

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Con t en t s
3. Mission, Vision and International Mindedness
4. Message from the Head of Primary
5. Organisational Structure and School Calendar
6. School Day
· Absences, Leaving School and Emergency Closure
·School Hours
9. Policy and Procedure
·Behaviour and Child Protection
·Dangerous Items
·First aid and Illness
·Information Technology
·Mobile Devices
·Parent Volunteers - ISS Primary Parent Partnership
·Payment of Accounts
·Procedures for Emergencies
·Requests for Student Records
·School Magazine
·Security on Campus
·Sun Safety
Con t en t s
Policy and Procedure continued
·Valuables and Lost and Found
·Withdrawal from ISS
14. Curriculum
·ISS Learner Outcomes / Profile
·The Learner Profile
·Written Curriculum
·What Do We Want Students to Understand
·What Do We Want Students to Learn
·The Taught Curriculum
·The Assessed Curriculum
·Subject Areas
·Language Through Inquiry
·Mathematics Through Inquiry
·Arts Through Inquiry
·PSPE Through Inquiry
·Additional Languages Through Inquiry
·ICT Through Inquiry
·The Program of Inquiry
·PYP Exhibition
·Learning Outside the Classroom
·Learning Support and Student Services
·School Library
Vision "That every ISS student should have the
confidence to be themselves, be
independent in thought and action, be
enterprising and prepared for life as a
global citizen. International School Suva
will strive to become the premier provider
of primary and secondary education in
the South Pacific where students will be

"ISS is committed to rigorous and high

Mission academic standards and the instillation of
ideals of life-long learning and
responsible global citizens. We strive to
ensure that every student leaves ISS with
an international understanding, an ability
to think critically; act with compassion,

At ISS we are committed to fostering

international mindedness. An
International internationally minded person is
open-minded, and shows understanding,
Mindedness respect and values different cultures,
embracing diversity and knows that
different perspectives have a great deal
to offer. An internationally minded person
takes action through discussion and
collaboration to help build a better and
peaceful world.
MessagefromtheHeadof Primary
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to International School Suva. Whether
you are new to the school or returning, we would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for entrusting us with the education of your children. International School
Suva is continually challenging itself as we seek to provide the best education
possible for our students. We feel very passionately that a progressive, high quality
international IBPYP education is the most valuable education that parents can
provide their children.

This handbook will provide you with information and guidelines to help you and
your child understand the functioning of the school, provide answers to questions
regarding school life and the ISS curriculum and to facilitate a smooth transition into
our community.

Educating the future leaders of our world requires teamwork. We know as

educators, if we are to get the best out of your children, we can only do this in
partnership with you as parents and caregivers. We would encourage you to do
everything you can to take a keen interest in your child?s learning.

Ultimately the school and parents are the team around your child, and together we
can support your child's academic and social development.

Here at International School Suva, we have dedicated, caring staff members who
are committed to providing an outstanding education for our students. Please take
the time to get to know your child?s teachers. If you do have any questions or
concerns that arise throughout the school year, please feel free to contact your
child?s teacher or the primary school office to meet with me.

We look forward to getting to know you and your family

Rebecca Clentworth
Head of Primary
The pedagogical leadership and management of ISS Primary is shared by the Primary
Leadership Team consisting of the Head of Primary and the IB Primary Years Programme
(PYP) Coordinator. Furthermore, a distributed leadership model is in place to support the
Primary Leadership Team in the implementation of the strategic plan and the alignment
of mission, guiding statements and practice. The Primary School Leadership Team is
responsible to the Head of School.
Pr im ar y Sch ool Leader sh ip Team
Head of Primary Ms. Rebecca Clentworth
PYP Coordinator Mrs. Renee Dansey
M iddle Level Leader sh ip
Learning and Teaching Coach (Seesaw)
Learning and Teaching Coach (Specialist Subjects)
Learning and Teaching Coach (ESL)
Learning and Teaching Coach (Ocean Science)
Learning and Teaching Coach (Mentor Teacher
Year Level Coordinators
Learning Support Coordinator

Sch ool Calen dar

The school uses an online calendar to publish all events and school activities.It is important
to check the calendar regularly.
Year levels will keep p arent s up d ated ab out event s as t hey occur over t he year and
t he Pr im ar y Bytes has infor m at ion on up com ing event s.

School Calendar[email protected]&ctz=Pacific/Fiji
Term dates
Ter m d ates for t he year are p ub lished on t he web site.
TheSchool Day
Ab sences, Leaving School Ear ly and Em er g ency Closure
Ab sences: If your child is t o b e ab sent , please infor m t he p r im ar y school office or your
child 's teacher via em ail, Seesaw m essag e or telep hone b efore 8.0 0 am . If you leave a
voice m essag e or send a text m essag e, please com m unicate your child 's nam e, her/ his
class, t he reason for ab sence and ant icip ated leng t h of ab sence.
Our com m unit y is a hig hly m ob ile one and we req uest t hat a fam ily's travel plans
respect t he school calend ar.
Office Em ail:
Lor na Evening levening
Vir i Rat ub uli vrat ub [email protected]
Phone: 339330 0
After noon Dism issal: If a child is t o b e picked up by som eone ot her t han t he nor m al
p arent /careg iver, a p arent should em ail t he relevant teacher t o not ify t hem of t he
ar rang em ent . For last m inute chang e of plans or if you are unab le t o em ail, please
ensure you speak d irect ly t o t he p r im ar y office staff.
After noon Bus: At 2:30 all b us st udent s line up on t he Pr im ar y field and w alk d ow n t he
step s t o t heir b us. Teacher s on d ut y check t he child 's b us p ass. All b uses are expected
t o leave school by 2:4 5p m .
After noon Car Pick Up : All car line st udent s line up on t he p r im ar y field at 2:30 p m
and are w alked d ow n t o t he pick up area. Any st udent not picked up by 2:4 5p m will b e
taken t o t he p r im ar y school office.
Leaving School Ear ly: If a child is t o b e picked up b efore t he end of t he school d ay
t he p arent or careg iver picking up t he child m ust receive a red 'Per m ission t o Leave t he
School Ground s' slip from t he p r im ar y office. This need s t o b e p resented t o secur it y
b efore b eing allowed t o leave.
Late Pick Up : If you are r unning late t o pick up your child please contact t he p r im ar y
office im m ed iately. The secur it y can super vise left child ren at t he g ate once contact has
b een m ade.
Em er g ency Closure If t he school is t o b e closed b ecause of inclem ent weat her or
em er g ency, ISS will act ivate t he SMS system p rovid ing shor t com m unicat ions t o p arent
p rovided em er g ency contact num b er s. Please ensure your contact infor m at ion is alw ays
up t o d ate. Em ail and rad io not ificat ions m ay also b e used .
Assem b ly: Pr im ar y assem b lies are held ever y Fr id ay m or ning at 8.15am on a rotat ion
b asis in t he Am p hit heater. W hole school assem b lies are held in our m ult ip ur p ose hall
ap p roxim ately t wice a ter m t o celeb rate t hem ed occasions. Parent s are invited and
encourag ed t o attend t he assem b lies as t hey p rovide an op p or t unit y for st udent s t o
share t heir lear ning and achievem ent s and fur t her develop confidence in p ub lic
per for m ances and speaking .
Breaks Dur ing t he Day
Lunch Break and Dr inks: St udent s have a choice of b r ing ing t heir ow n lunch or
order ing from t he school canteen. A canteen m enu is availab le on t he school web site
or from t he p r im ar y office at t he b eg inning of each ter m . Order s for t he canteen
are via a reusab le container inclusive of m oney req uired and order. Please p rovide
your child wit h a healt hy snack for m id -m or ning as snack order s for p r im ar y st udent s
are not availab le from t he canteen. We encourag e our st udent s t o eat healt hy and
b alanced lunches t hat should include fr uit or veg etab les. St udent s should refrain
from b r ing ing t o school chocolates, fizzy d r inks, sweet s or cand ies.
St udent s should have a refillab le w ater b ott le at all t im es. Filtered w ater is availab le
from t he d r inking fountains. Lunch b oxes should b e as com p act as p ossib le and
lab eled clear ly wit h t he st udent ?s nam e and class. Refr ig erat or s are availab le for use
in p r im ar y classroom . Microw aves are not availab le, t herefore a use of t her m os for
hot lunches is recom m ended .
All classes eat t heir snacks and lunches super vised by t he d ut y teacher in t he
eat ing areas b efore m oving t o play areas.
Playt im e : St udent s have t w o play per iod s: one at m or ning tea for 15 m inutes and
anot her after lunch for 4 5 m inutes. Teacher s super vise play t im e in all play areas.
St udent s of Ear ly Child hood 1 t o Recep t ion play in t heir ear ly lear ning area. Year 1 ?
Year 5 st udent s play in t he super vised areas near t he p r im ar y classroom s. The
lib rar y is open t o st udent s d ur ing t he lunch b reak.
In case of wet weat her, st udent s can rem ain ind oor s or play in one of t he
super vised out d oor play sp aces.

Mater ials and Sup plies: All st udent s are p rovided wit h t he necessar y school
stat ioner y, m ater ial and sup plies by t he school as p ar t of t heir p aid school fees..
St udent s m ay also choose t o b r ing in t heir ow n stat ioner y or pencil case. St udent s
should b r ing t heir b elong ing s t o school in a sm all b ackp ack
Please ensure all your child 's b elong ing s are clear ly lab elled wit h t heir nam e and
School Hour s
Ear ly Child hood 1:
Mond ay t o Fr id ay, 8.0 0 am ? 1.0 0 p m
Ear ly Child hood 2 t o Year 5:
Mond ay t o Fr id ay, 8.0 0 am - 2.30 p m .

St udent s are expected t o ar r ive at school no ear lier t han

7.4 0 am and no later t han 7.55am . Instr uct ion b eg ins at
8.0 0 am . After school, st udent s are not not per m itted t o
rem ain at school unless in a super vised school act ivit y from
2.30 p m . Any st udent attend ing an act ivit y t hat b eg ins after
2:4 5p m will need t o b e super vised by an ad ult or g anised by
t he p arent unt il t he star t of t he act ivit y. There is no ad ult
super vision b efore 7.4 0 am in t he m or ning and after 2.30 p m in
t he after noons. Respect ing t im e at ISS dem onstrates a
respect for all lear ning op p or t unit ies, t o teacher s and t o ot her
st udent s. W hen a st udent ar r ives late, it is a d isr up t ion t o t he
class in session. All st udent s w ho attend act ivit ies m ust b e
picked up by 3:4 5p m . Any child st ill at school after t his t im e
will b e super vised by t he secur it y staff at t he g ate.
Policyand Board
Procedure Directors
Behaviour of St udent s: The Resp onsib le Behavior Plan for St udent s p rovides a fram ew or k for
social lear ning and b ehaviour at our school. It out lines all expectat ions for st udent s b ot h in t he
classroom and playg round . ISS follow s a step system t o m anag e unw anted b ehaviour t hat is
consistent wit hin all classroom s and playg round sp aces.
It is essent ial t hat b ehavior m anag em ent p roced ures at ISS w or k t ow ard s t he idea of
self-d iscipline w here st udent s accep t resp onsib ilit y for t heir ow n act ions. The resp onsib le
b ehavior plan is availab le from t he p r im ar y office on req uest .
Child Protect ion: ISS takes child p rotect ion ser iously and has a com p rehensive Child
Protect ion Policy and set of p roced ures includ ing training and rep or t ing . Please contact t he
school counselor for m ore infor m at ion.
Com m unicat ion: Each teacher uses t he Seesaw online plat for m t o share a child 's lear ning and
im p or tant not ices.
The Talanoa is our w hole school m ag azine t hat is availab le t hroug h our school web site t wice
a ter m . The school has a Faceb ook account w hich infor m s t he com m unit y of w hat is
hap pening across t he w hole school.
The Weekly Pr im ar y Bytes online b log link is m essag ed t hroug h Seesaw t o p r im ar y p arent s
ever y Fr id ay. Pr im ar y up d ates are also m essag ed or em ailed as req uired .
Each year level has p arent rep s w ho assist wit h com m unicat ion t hroug h W hat sAp p g roup s
Year level infor m at ion evening s are held for p arent s at t he b eg inning of Ter m One. Ind ivid ual
class teacher s hold p arent -teacher inter view s t wice per year in ter m 1 and ter m 3 and a
st udent -led conference d ay is at t he end of ter m 3.
Parent s w ho wish t o sched ule ad d it ional conferences wit h teacher s are encourag ed t o d o so.
All conferences wit h teacher s are t o b e ar rang ed in ad vance. We req uest t hat p arent s d o not
d rop in unannounced t o see a teacher for a conference, p ar t icular ly d ur ing school hour s or
im m ed iately b efore or after school hour s w hen teacher s are resp onsib le for child ren, p rep ar ing
for t he school d ay, and w hen m aintaining confident ialit y is d ifficult . To sched ule a conference,
please contact your child ?s teacher.
Quest ions or concer ns ab out any aspect of st udent lear ning , cond uct or achievem ent should
fir st b e b roug ht t o t he attent ion of t he st udent ?s teacher. The b est w ay t o contact t he teacher
is via em ail or Seesaw m essag e. Quest ions or concer ns of a m ore g eneral nat ure should b e
m ade t o t he Pr im ar y School office. The Ad m inistrat ive Assistant will d irect you t o t he per son
b est ab le t o help you. The school relies heavily, t houg h not exclusively, on electronic
com m unicat ion in keeping p arent s up -t o-d ate on infor m at ion d ur ing t he school year. It is
essent ial for p arent ?s t o read all com m unicat ions from t he school in a t im ely m anner. Please
m ake sure t he school has a valid em ail ad d ress for your fam ily.
Dang erous Item s: St udent s should not com e t o school in p ossession of
anyt hing w hich m ay p ose a d ang er t o t hem selves or ot her s.
Fir st Aid and Illness: If st udent s b ecom e unwell w hile at school t hey will
b e p resented t o t he school m ed ical center or t he p r im ar y office staff. They
will evaluate t he st udent 's m ed ical cond it ion and m ake a decision ab out
w het her t he st udent is well enoug h t o stay at school. Please note t hat if a
st udent has a m inor com plaint , t he school m ay ad m inister m ed icat ion if
p arent s have p rovided per m ission t o d o so. In case of a m ore ser ious
concer n, t he school will contact t he p arent s and em er g ency m ed ical
ser vices.
Hom ew or k: Hom ew or k will b e p rovided t o st udent s by t heir teacher s on
a reg ular b asis. Daily read ing is an im p or tant aspect of hom ew or k, w hich
is expected from Recep t ion upw ard s. Parent sup p or t of st udent s
com plet ing hom ew or k is ap p reciated and of g reat b enefit t o t he st udent .
Infor m at ion Technolog y:
ISS?s infor m at ion technolog y resources, includ ing Inter net access, are p rovided
for ed ucat ional p ur p oses. St udent s are resp onsib le for g ood b ehaviour and
following t he ICT User Ag reem ent in t his vir t ual environm ent . All p r im ar y
st udent s have access t o PCs, XO lap t op s, iPad s and ot her d ig ital technolog ies
p rovided by t he school. They all have access t o shared local net w or k resources
and t he inter net .
Mob ile Phones and Electronic Devices: In school, st udent s should not use
m ob ile p hones, p or tab le m usic devices or electronic g am es unless for
ed ucat ional p ur p oses. The school cannot b e held resp onsib le for t he loss of or
d am ag e t o valuab le electronic eq uip m ent . For t his reason, st udent s are asked
not t o b r ing devices int o school. If a m ob ile p hone d oes need t o b e sent t o
school wit h a st udent , it should b e p resented t o t he p r im ar y office on ar r ival and
collected at t he end of t he school d ay. St udent s are ab le t o access t he school
m ob ile p hone at any t im e under t he g uid ance of p r im ar y office staff.
ISS Pr im ar y School Parent Par t ner ship and Involvem ent
ISS recog nizes t hat p arent s are an invaluab le resources in t he p rocess of ed ucat ing
st udent s. Parent s play an im p or tant role as t he fir st teacher s of t heir child ren and
p arental sup p or t is cr it ical t o t he holist ic develop m ent of t he child . It is im p or tant t o ISS
t o estab lish a collab orat ive p ar t ner ship b et ween t he hom e and school.
There are m any w ays for p arent s t o b e involved in school:
Throug h our p arent / school g roup s
- School Board
- Parent Associat ion (PTA)
- Year Level Parent Rep s
- Event sup p or ter s / Or g aniser s
- Act ivit y Provider
- Self-St ud y Focus Group s
Sup p or t in t he classroom
- Parent read ing p rog ram
- Guest speaker
- Reg ular volunteer
- Act ivit y Sup p or t Per son
Attend ing event s
- Attend our p arent infor m at ion sessions / Wor kshop s
- Attend our event s
- Com e t o Assem b lies
- Volunteer t o sup p or t event s
- Parent Infor m at ion Sessions
Par t icip at ing w hen we m ake lear ning visib le
- Parent Teacher Meet ing s
- IEP m eet ing s.
- Shar ing of lear ning jour neys
- Seesaw p ost s

In an effor t t o com m unicate effect ively t o all p arent s, t he school will use several m odes
of com m unicat ion t o infor m our com m unit y.
Weekly up d ates t hroug h Seesaw on w hat is com ing up in t he class
- Post s of st udent w or k and reflect ions on Seesaw
- Em ail
- Pr im ar y Bytes
- W hat sAp p p arent g roup s
- School Faceb ook Pag e
- School Calend ar
- Talanoa
Paym ent of Account s: Paym ent s m ay b e m ade in cash, check or cred it card at
t he Business office. The p r im ar y office d oes not hand le any m oney. Please contact

s t he Business office for infor m at ion reg ard ing t uit ion p aym ent plans. All fam ilies m ust
b e cur rent wit h t heir t uit ion p aym ent s for t heir child ren t o attend ISS. Transcr ip t s
and rep or t card s are not released unt il p aym ent s are up t o d ate.
Proced ures for Em er g encies: Fire d r ills, evacuat ion and lockd ow n exercises are
car r ied out reg ular ly t hroug hout t he year accord ing t o our evacuat ion p olicy and
p roced ures.
PTA (Parent Teacher Associat ion): The p r im ar y funct ion of t he PTA is t o help
fam ilies - new com er s and ret ur ning fam ilies alike - feel p ar t of t he school com m unit y.
The PTA p rovides a for um for com m unicat ion and som e financial sup p or t by
fund raising . The PTA coord inates a wide var iet y of social event s, club s and act ivit ies
t hroug hout t he year.
Rep or t ing : ISS issues a rep or t at t he end of each sem ester June and Decem b er.
Prog ress rep or t s are issued for st udent s w ho join ISS d ur ing t he year.
How we com m unicate infor m at ion ab out your child 's lear ning ?
Ter m One:
- Parent Teacher Conference ? 10 m inute for m al conference
Ter m Tw o:
- For m al W r itten Rep or t ? end of Ter m Tw o. This rep or t consist s of achievem ent
result s in Mat hem at ics, Lang uag e, Wor k Hab it s, Specialist Sub ject s includ ing
Music, Visual Ar t s, Lang uag e St ud ies, Desig n and PSPE and com m ent s
reg ard ing t he Prog ram m e of Inq uir ies invest ig ated .
Ter m Three:
- Parent Teacher Conference ? 10 m inute for m al conference
- St udent -led Conference from ECH1 ? Year 4 . Child ren share and d iscuss t heir
p or t folio and take p ar t in lear ning act ivit ies wit h t heir p arent s.
- Exhib it ion
Ter m Four :
- For m al W r itten Rep or t ? end of Ter m Four.
- Por t folios ? ind ivid ual st udent ?s lear ning jour ney.
Req uest s for St udent Record s: Req uest s for official school transfer s, transcr ip t s
or confir m at ion of enrolm ent letter s should b e m ade t o t he Pr im ar y School
Ad m inistrat ion team . Rep or t s of academ ic achievem ent are sent t o ot her schools
only up on t he req uest by t he school.
School Mag azine: The school m ag azine is an annual record of event s, act ivit ies
and people at ISS. This is p rep ared d ur ing t he year, b ot h in d ig ital and p r int for m .
t he p r inted ver sion is d istr ib uted t o st udent s at t he end of ter m 4 .
Secur it y on Cam p us: All visit or s t o t he cam p us are req uired t o rep or t t o t he front
g ate. Parent s m ay b e asked t o p resent ident ificat ion by t he p r im ar y secur it y
g uard .
Sm oking : Please note t hat ISS is a sm oke-free cam p us. No m em b er of our
com m unit y, includ ing st udent s, facult y, staff, p arent s or visit or s, are per m itted t o
sm oke on t he school p rem ises.
Sun Safet y: All st udent s are encourag ed t o show sun safe b ehaviour by wear ing a
hat w hen out side; playing , lear ning , d ur ing PE, sp or t and on excur sions. The
school hat s are availab le from t he school unifor m shop.
Staff: ISS p r im ar y em plo ys over 50 well-q ualified and exper ienced local and exp at
teacher s, teaching assistant s and ad m inistrat ive staff.
Toilet ing It is expected t hat all child ren b e independent wit h t oilet ing on entr y
t o ISS. For m ore infor m at ion please ask for a copy of our p olicy.
Transp or tat ion: ISS offer s a hom e - school b us ser vice. W hile using t he b us
ser vice, st udent s are expected t o follow t he b us expectat ions and b ehave
ap p rop r iately. See t he p r im ar y office for b us routes, cost s and b us expectat ions.
Unifor m and Dress Code: The ISS unifor m shop, sit uated in t he ISS
ad m inistrat ion b uild ing , is open d aily from 8.0 0 am t o 4 .0 0 p m t hroug hout t he
school year.
St udent s are asked t o wear cor rect unifor m at all t im es. If inap p rop r iate
clot hing or school wear is w or n t o school, a rem inder note will b e sent hom e
t o p arent s. Please ensure all clot hing is lab eled wit h your child ?s nam e.
Unifor m Item s
Gir ls: Navy b lue shor t s/skor t s wit h b ula shir t .
Bo ys: Bula shir t wit h navy shor t s or navy sulu.
Shoes: Safe, sup p or t ive b lack, navy b lue and b row n sand als or sp or t s
r unner s and w hite socks. Foot wear is t o b e w or n out d oor s at all t im es.
Rub b er scuffs or slip -ons (includ ing jand als, flip flop s, t hong s) are not
reg arded as school unifor m .
Sp or t s Unifor m : Navy b lue sp or t sing let /shir t wit h navy b lue shor t s and
sp or t s shoes. House colour t shir t s are also availab le for p urchase.
Valuab les and Lost & Found : St udent s are asked not t o b r ing valuab les
int o school unless p ar t of a p roject or ot her piece of school-related w or k.
Under t hese circum stances, any valuab les should b e g iven t o t he school office
for safe-keeping . Unless item s are dep osited wit h t he school office, t he school
is not resp onsib le for t heir loss or t heft .
A lost and found b ox is kep t at school. We ask t hat all your child ?s ar t icles b e
clear ly lab eled wit h his/ her nam e. At specific t im es d ur ing t he school year,
any uncollected item s are sent t o t he second hand unifor m shop. Nam ed
item s are ret ur ned t o ow ner s reg ular ly.
W it hd raw al from ISS: W hen a st udent is t o b e wit hd raw n per m anent ly
from school, p arent s should infor m t he p r im ar y ad m inistrat ion in w r it ing . This
will enab le t he office t o p rep are t he st udent s leaving d ocum ent s. Before such
d ocum ent s can b e issued , a clearance for m m ust b e p rep ared and sig ned by
var ious school dep ar t m ent s. Once t he clearance p rocess is com pleted
p arent s can pick up all d ocum entat ion from t he office.
The PYP p rog ram m e is an inter nat ional cur r iculum
fram ew or k, w hich com b ines t he b est research and
p ract ice from nat ional school system s wit h t he
collect ive knowled g e and exper ience of
inter nat ional schools t o p rovide an excellent
ed ucat ional p rog ram m e for child ren ag ed 4 -12. It
p rovides an ag e-ap p rop r iate p rog ram m e for
child ren from d iver se cult ures and lang uag e
b ackg round s, and is transferab le wit hin nat ional
and inter nat ional system s. The IBPYP focuses on
t he develop m ent of t he w hole child : academ ic,
social, p hysical, em ot ional and cult ural. This is
exp ressed in t he overall aim s of t he IBPYP, out lined
in t he IB Lear ner Profile.
Acquiring the skills necessary to conduct research and construct meaning, stimulating a love of
learning that will be sustained throughout their lives. Demonstrate curiosity and value learning
questioning the truth and principle behind concepts.

Thinkers Exercising initiative in applying higher level thinking skills critically and creatively to make sound
decisions, to solve complex problems and to reflect on findings.

Communicators Receiving and expressing ideas and information confidently in more than one language or mode of
communication, including the language of mathematical symbols, use of computer technology and
non-verbal modes of communication. Demonstrate effective listening skills.

Courageous Approaching and analyzing unfamiliar situations with the confidence required to explore new roles,
ideas and strategies. Showing the courage and commitment to articulate and defend their beliefs.

Knowledgeable Exploring themes which have global and local relevance and importance, in order to acquire a critical
mass of knowledge and skills in a range of subject areas.

Principled Having a sound grasp of principles of moral reasoning. Displaying integrity, honesty and a sense of
fairness and justice. Advocacy for those unable to speak for themselves and just causes.

Caring Showing sensitivity towards the needs and the feelings of others. Displaying self-respect, self-esteem
and being enthusiastically involved in the community. Developing the skills and knowledge and
compassion to empower others and serve the community.

Open-minded Respecting the views, values and traditions of others. Seeking and considering a range of perspectives
with sensitivity and tolerance.

Balanced Understanding the importance of physical, spiritual and mental balance and personal well-being.
Taking action through participating in a wide of cross-cultural activities including arts and sort.

Reflective Giving thoughtful consideration to learning and analyzing personal strengths and weaknesses in a
constructive manner.

Visionary Picturing different directions, assessing how to move forward using judgment and foresight, wisdom,
integrity and perseverance. Knowing when to be a participant or a spectator.

The IB lear ner p rofile rep resent s ten attr ib utes valued by IB Wor ld Schools. We b elieve t hese attr ib utes, and
ot her s like t hem , can help ind ivid uals and g roup s b ecom e resp onsib le m em b er s of local, nat ional and g lob al
com m unit ies. (IB, 20 13)
ISS has included anot her, Visionar y as p ar t of our school wide lear ner out com es.
Our Curriculum
The Lear ner Profile
The Lear ner Profile is central t o t he w or k of t he Inter nat ional Baccalaureate at ISS.
The aim of all IB p rog ram m es is t o develop inter nat ionally m inded people w ho,
recog nizing t heir com m on hum anit y and shared g uard ianship of t he planet help t o
create a b etter and m ore peaceful w or ld . IB lear ner s str ive t o b e Inq uirer s,
knowled g eab le, Thinker s, Com m unicat or s, Pr incipled , Open-m inded , Courag eous,
Car ing , Balanced and Reflect ive.

The W r itten Cur r iculum - W hat we w ant st udent s t o lear n

The IBPYP ident ifies a b od y of sig nificant knowled g e for all st udent s in all cult ures in t he
six sub ject g roup s: Lang uag es; Social St ud ies; Mat hem at ics; Science and Technolog y; The
Ar t s; Per sonal, Social and Physical Ed ucat ion.
Six transd isciplinar y t hem es of g lob al sig nificance p rovide t he fram ew or k for t he
explorat ion of knowled g e at each year level.
- W ho we are
- W here we are in place and t im e
- How we exp ress our selves
- How t he w or ld w or ks
- How we or g anise our selves
- Shar ing t he planet
Teacher s are g uided by t hese six transd isciplinar y t hem es in t he p rog ram m e of inq uir y
as t hey desig n unit s of inq uir y t hat b ot h transcend and ar t iculate convent ional sub ject
b ound ar ies.The IB PYP w r itten cur r iculum fram ew or k include t he following key elem ent s:
Concep t s, Ap p roaches t o Lear ning (ATL), ATL Skills, Ag ency and Act ion. w hich are
relevant across all sub ject areas and p rovide a fram ew or k for str uct ured inq uir y - an
ideal vehicle for lear ning . The rem aining elem ent is Knowled g e.
The em p hasis in t he IBPYP is not t he acq uisit ion of isolated fact s and skills b ut a holist ic
under stand ing of ideas. Therefore, knowled g e is not only seen as sep arate cur r iculum
d ocum entat ion b ut as t he develop m ent of transd isciplinar y Unit s of Inq uir y in a w hole
school Prog ram m e of Inq uir y. The p rog ram m e str ives for a b alance in t he acq uisit ion of
knowled g e, t he develop m ent of skills and t he search for under stand ing .
Ocean Science
At ISS we have a d ist inct ive Ocean Science p rog ram w hich allow s st udent s t o st ud y at
and g ain a m uch deeper level of under stand ing . This p rog ram r uns from ECH - Year 12
and focuses on t he local environm ent , healt h of t he w ater s, p reser vat ion of t he
environm ent and science of t he oceans.
W hat d o we w ant st udent s t o under stand ?
Concep t s are b ig ideas t hat explore t he essence of sub ject s and b uild an
under stand ing b et ween and b eyond sub ject s. The PYP focuses on t w o m ain areas
b elow.
Key Concep t s: Seven fund am ental concep t s, exp ressed as key q uest ions, p ropel
t he p rocess of inq uir y. They are b road in scope and d r ive transd isciplinar y unit s of
inq uir y and all classroom eng ag em ent s.
The key concep t s are:
For m : W hat is it like?
Funct ion: How d oes it w or k?
Causat ion: W hy is it like t his?
Chang e: How is it chang ing ?
Connect ion: How is it connected t o ot her t hing s?
Per spect ive: W hat are t he p oint s of view ?
Resp onsib ilit y: W hat is our resp onsib ilit y?
Related concep t s: Related concep t s explore key concep t s in g reater detail ad d ing
dep t h t o t he p rog ram m e. All sub ject s have associated concep t s w hich alig n wit h
t he key concep t s and deter m ine t he scope of t he lines of inq uir y.
Skills: W hat d o we w ant st udent s t o b e ab le t o d o?
St udent s will need t o dem onstrate skills w hich are ap p roaches t o lear ning (ATL)
t hat m ay b e d isciplinar y (e.g . num eracy and literacy skills) or transd isciplinar y in
nat ure w hich includes t he set of five ATL skills b elow :
- Social
- Self-m anag em ent
- Com m unicat ion
- Research
- Thinking Skills
Ag ency &Act ion: How d o we w ant st udent s t o act ?
St udent s are encourag ed t o reflect on t heir lear ning and m ake infor m ed decisions
on how t hey can ap ply t heir lear ning t o m ake a d ifference in t he com m unit y. This
is often a result of st udent ag ency. Throug hout t heir lear ning exper ience st udent s
are g iven t he op p or t unit y t o have a voice, choice and take ow ner ship of t heir
lear ning .
The Taug ht Cur r iculum ? How Best W ill St udent s Lear n
The PYP is com m itted t o str uct ured , p ur p oseful inq uir y t hat eng ag es st udent s t o
act ively constr uct t heir ow n lear ning . In t he p rocess of inq uir y, t he st udent s are
m oved from t heir cur rent level of under stand ing t o a new and deeper level. The
teacher s em p ower t he st udent s t o achieve t his by d rawing on t heir p r ior knowled g e,
p rovid ing p rovocat ion t hroug h new exper iences, allowing op p or t unit ies for find ing ,
researching and or g anizing t he infor m at ion, sup p or t ing st udent s t o m ake
connect ions, solve p rob lem s and reflect on t heir lear ning . This is inq uir y and concep t
b ased lear ning .
A transd isciplinar y ap p roach t o teaching and lear ning is used t hroug h t he school?s
p rog ram m e of inq uir y, p rovid ing b ot h teacher s and st udent s wit h a r ich lear ning
environm ent t o ensure t hat lear ning exper iences are:
- Eng ag ing ? of interest t o t he st udent s, involving t hem act ively in lear ning
- Relevant ? linked t o st udent ?s p r ior knowled g e and exper iences
- Challeng ing ? extend ing st udent s?p r ior knowled g e and increasing
- com petencies and under stand ing
- Sig nificant ? have g lob al sig nificance ? for all st udent s and cult ures
Throug h our transd isciplinar y m odel t he lear ner is ab le t o ob tain m ult iple
per spect ives of knowled g e t hroug h t he ap p roaches t o lear ning and t he
lear ning com m unit y.
The Assessed Cur r iculum ? How W ill We Know W hat We Have Lear ned ?
Assessm ent is integ ral t o all teaching and lear ning . At ISS, it is an ong oing p rocess
w hereby we assess st udent s t hroug hout t he year, t o ident ify w hat st udent s
under stand and can d o at d ifferent stag es in t he lear ning p rocess.
We use an integ rated ap p roach t o assessm ent w hich focuses on em p ower ing
st udent s t o take an act ive role in t heir assessm ent .
1. Pre-assessm ent t hat hap pens at t he b eg inning of a unit . It s p ur p ose is t o find out
w hat st udent s know in order t o help t hem constr uct new lear ning .
2. For m at ive assessm ent is inter w oven wit h d aily lear ning and help s st udent s t o self
assess and self ad just by using feed b ack from teacher s and t heir peer s t o reflect on
t heir lear ning and feed for w ard from teacher s t o co-constr uct t heir g oals and next
step s in t heir lear ning . As a result we d on't need t o w ait t ill t he end of a unit t o find
out w hat st udent s know instead , by t he end of a unit we know exact ly w hat st udent s
under stand and areas for g row t h. Teacher s reg ular ly m onit or, d ocum ent , m easure
and rep or t lear ning t o cap t ure p rog ressive assessm ent .
Assessm ent s in t he classroom include:
- St udent w or k sam ples or per for m ance
- Anecd otal record s
- Docum ented lear ning p rocesses of g roup s and ind ivid uals
- St udent reflect ions on t heir lear ning
- Evidence of peer and self-assessm ent of w or k
- Rub r ics/ Cr iter ia Sheet s
- Benchm ar ks and cont inuum s
- Por t folios
Sub ject Areas in t he PYP
In t he PYP, t he im p or tance of t he sub ject areas of Lang uag e, Mat hem at ics, Science,
Social St ud ies, Ar t s, Per sonal, Social and Physical Ed ucat ion (PSPE) are acknowled g ed
as im p or tant com p onent s of t he cur r iculum . However, it is also recog nized t hat w hen
st udent s acq uire skills in t hese sub ject areas, st udent s area ab le t o m ake deep
connect ions across t he d ifferent d isciplines and relate t o w hat t hey lear n in life. In t he
p rog ram m e of inq uir y, science/and or social st ud ies takes place wit hin t he unit s.
W henever t here is an aut hent ic connect ion t o st udent s? lear ning and under stand ing
of t he trand isciplinar y t hem e, ot her sub ject areas of Lang uag e, Mat hem at ics, Ar t s and
PSPE are included at each year level.
Lang uag e t hroug h Inq uir y
We lear n ab out d ifferent t ypes of text s in lang uag e and develop literacy skills in
context t hroug h our unit s of inq uir y and independent read ing and w r it ing tasks. We
lear n ab out transd isciplinar y t hem es t hroug h lang uag e by ap plying our literacy skills
t o ident ify relevant infor m at ion and record our lear ning using d ifferent text t ypes. E.g .
rep or t s, exp osit ions, nar rat ives, role-play et c.
Mat hem at ics t hroug h Inq uir y
It is im p or tant t hat lear ner s acq uire m at hem at ical under stand ing by constr uct ing
t heir ow n m eaning t hroug h ever increasing levels of ab stract ion, star t ing wit h
explor ing t heir ow n per sonal exper iences, under stand ing s and knowled g e.
Ad d it ionally, it is fund am ental t o t he p hilosop hy of t he PYP t hat , since it is t o b e used
in real life sit uat ions, m at hem at ics need s t o b e taug ht in relevant , realist ic context s,
rat her t han b e attem p t ing t o im p ar t a fixed b od y of knowled g e d irect ly t o st udent s.
Mat hem at ics is a vehicle t o sup p or t inq uir y and is intended for st udent s t o b ecom e
com petent user s of t he lang uag e of Mat hem at ics as well as a w ay of t hinking instead
of sim ply over relying on m em or izing a ser ies of fact s and eq uat ions. Mat hem at ical
strand s include Num b er, Patter n and Funct ion, Shape and Sp ace, Measurem ent and
Data Hand ling .
The Ar t s t hroug h Inq uir y
The Ar t s are integ ral t o t he PYP and are ident ified as d ance, d ram a, m usic and visual
ar t s. The Ar t s are seen as a p ower ful w ay of com m unicat ion w here st udent s explore
and constr uct a sense of self and develop an under stand ing of t he w or ld around t hem
t hroug h t he interconnected strand s of resp ond ing and creat ing . Lear ning ab out t he
Ar t s and t hroug h t he Ar t s is essent ial t o t he develop m ent of t he w hole child as
st udent s have op p or t unit ies t o acq uire specific ar t s? skills, dem onstrate creat ivit y,
eng ag e t he im ag inat ion, convey concep t ual under stand ing and reflect on aest het ic
exper iences.
W henever ap p rop r iate and p ossib le, t he Ar t s are taug ht t hroug h t he Unit s of Inq uir y
and sup p or t st udent s? inq uir ies. W hen t he d irect teaching of t he Ar t s in a unit of
inq uir y is not p ossib le, introd uct or y or follow up lear ning exper iences in t he Ar t s are
useful t o help st udent s m ake connect ions b et ween t he d ifferent aspect s of t he
cur r iculum . At ISS, p r im ar y classes from ECH 1 t o Year 5 are p rovided visual ar t s and
m usic lessons by a specialist teacher.
Per sonal, Social and Physical Ed ucat ion (PSPE) t hroug h Inq uir y
The develop m ent of a st udent ?s well-b eing can b e ad d ressed t hroug hout all areas
of t he cur r iculum and it is intr insically linked t o all aspect s of st udent ?s exper ience
at school and b eyond . The develop m ent of our overall well-b eing is defined
t hroug h t he t hree concep t ually d r iven strand s of ident it y, act ive living and
interact ions. PSPE is em b ed ded in t he cur r iculum and t he IB Lear ner Profile.
Physical ed ucat ion in t he PYP is m ore t han st udent p ar t icip at ion in sp or t s and
g am es. It s role is t o develop a com b inat ion of transferab le skills p rom ot ing
p hysical, intellect ual, em ot ional and social develop m ent . It encourag es t he
st udent s t o m ake infor m ed choices t hat contr ib ute t o long -ter m healt hy living
and t o under stand t he cult ural sig nificance of p hysical act ivit ies.
All st udent s are act ively involved in a Physical Ed ucat ion lesson and a sp or t s
p rog ram m e. St udent s in t he ear ly year s are involved in percep t ual m ot or
p rog ram m es.
Ad d it ional Lang uag e t hroug h Inq uir y
Fijian St ud ies or Hind i St ud ies, t he host countr y lang uag es of Fiji are offered at
ISS t o st udent s in ECH1 t o Year 4 . The lang uag e p rog ram m e introd uces st udent s
t o b asic Hind i and Fijian lang uag e and cult ure and also allow s for transd isciplinar y
lear ning across all year levels in nom inated Unit s of Inq uir y.
Wor ld Lang uag es
In year 4 and year 5 st udent s will have t he op p or t unit y t o lear n ad d it ional
lang uag e t hroug h our w or ld lang uag e p rog ram focusing on exp osing st udent s t o
speaking and listening .
Desig n Technolog y t hroug h Inq uir y
Desig n Technolog y in t he PYP uses t he desig n cycle t o p rob lem solve and develop
cr it ical and innovat ive t hinking . St udent s have t he op p or t unit y t o explore food
technolog y and ICT t o explore how technolog y can b e used t o im p rove or m ake
life easier by creat ing and test ing ideas.
In our p rog ram m e we include t he use of a wide rang e of d ig ital t ools, m ed ia and
lear ning environm ent for teaching , lear ning and assessing . There will b e
op p or t unit ies t o use ICT in t he relevant , aut hent ic context of t he unit s of inq uir y,
as well as t hroug h teaching and lear ning exper iences in ot her areas of t he
cur r iculum .
The Prog ram m es of Inq uir y (POI)
The Prog ram m e of Inq uir y for each year level is explained fur t her on our ISS
p r im ar y web site. There you will find an over view of t he unit s of inq uir y t hat are
taug ht in each year level. Each of t he transd isciplinar y t hem es are t o b e covered
in-dep t h wit hin a 4 ? 6 week t im efram e and all six transd isciplinar y t hem es m ust
b e ad d ressed each year in each year level, excep t t he Ear ly Year s (Ear ly
Child hood 1 -Recep t ion). The Prog ram m e of Inq uir y allow s for transd isciplinar y
planning , teaching , assessing and a b alanced inclusion of t he sub ject areas.
Each year, t he Ear ly Year s explore four unit s of inq uir y, sub seq uent year levels
(Year 1 t o Year 5) explore six. Each unit of inq uir y has a central idea ? a p ower ful
statem ent or end ur ing under stand ing t hat encap sulates t he essence of t he unit .
St udent s t hen eng ag e in carefully planned front load ing act ivit ies, w hich allow
st udent s t o connect t o p revious knowled g e, b e interested and extend t heir
t hinking . St udent s are encourag ed t o use q uest ions t o d iscover t he ?how ? and
?w hy? of t heir w or ld .As t he PYP is transd isciplinar y, t he sub ject s of Social St ud ies,
Science and PSPE are fully em b ed ded in t he unit s of inq uir y. Meaning ful
connect ions are m ade t hroug h t he concep t ual lens of ot her sub ject areas such as
t he Ar t s, Lang uag e and Mat hem at ics t o ensure st udent s have an end ur ing
under stand ing of w hat t hey are lear ning .
St udent q uest ions or inq uir ies are recorded and d isplayed around t he classroom
for class inq uir y, ind ivid ually or as a g roup later on in t he unit . The central idea
and inq uir y p oint s planned by t he teacher s are com m on t o each class in a year
level and help t o keep t he unit focus. The unit t hen develop s wit h var ied class
act ivit ies t hat allow st udent s t o explore t he essent ial under stand ing t hroug h
g uest speaker s, field tr ip s, b ooks, inter net , exper im ent s, role plays, DVDs,
ar t ifact s, local resources, com p uter soft w are, class d iscussions, inter view s et c.
Teacher q uest ions fur t her d r ive inq uir y and t he unit is b roug ht t o an end by
com m on sum m at ive assessm ent w here st udent s are req uired t o dem onstrate
t heir under stand ing of t he central idea.
PYP Exhib it ion
One of t he m a jor req uirem ent s of t he PYP is t hat each year, t he Year 5 final year
PYP st udent s and teacher s m ount a p ub lic exhib it ion b ased on a g roup and
self-selected unit of inq uir y. The sub ject of t he extended inq uir y m ust b e a real
w or ld issue includ ing local and g lob al aspect s. The exhib it ion is a show case of
t he st udent s? w or k int o t he invest ig at ion dem onstrat ing t heir skills in research,
invest ig at ion, g roup cooperat ion and ind ivid ual endeavour.
Lear ning Out side t he Classroom
Excur sions and Field Tr ip s: Excur sions and field tr ip s allow teacher s t o exp and
lear ning b eyond t he classroom and are an essent ial p ar t of an ISS ed ucat ion.
St udent s m ay p ar t icip ate in excur sions at least once per ter m t hroug hout t he
year. These excur sions, at no extra char g e, sup p or t classroom ?Unit s of Inq uir y?
and all child ren are encourag ed t o attend . Parent s are often asked t o volunteer
t heir help for t hese excur sions.
Cam p s: Cam p s are a p ar t of ed ucat ion out side t he classroom . These are
op p or t unit ies t o develop and ap ply life skills using t he essent ial elem ent s of t he
cur r iculum . Each year, as p ar t of t he PYP p rog ram m e, st udent s in Year 3 t o Year 5
p ar t icip ate in a cam p.
Co-Cur r icular Act ivit ies: ISS has a num b er of act ivit ies in w hich st udent s m ay
p ar t icip ate includ ing sp or t s and enr ichm ent classes after school. These offer ing s
are em ailed hom e at t he b eg inning of each sem ester. If you wish your child t o
p ar t icip ate in any of t he act ivit ies, a sig ned per m ission for m m ust b e ret ur ned t o
t he p r im ar y office. Out side p rovider s of co-cur r icular act ivit ies are contacted
d irect ly via details p rovided by t he school. There m ayb e a fee for out side
p rovided act ivit ies.

Op t ions Prog ram : St udent s are g rouped across year levels and are exp osed
t o a var iet y of lear ning op p or t unit ies focused on Science, Technolog y,
Eng ineer ing , Ar t s and Mat hem at ics, lear n d ifferent sp or t s and have t he t im e t o
inq uire deeper int o t heir ow n p assions and q uest ions.
Lear ning Sup p or t : If you have any q uest ions, com m ent s or
concer ns ab out your child ?s lear ning in school, m eet wit h your
child ?s class teacher fir st . If necessar y, a refer ral can b e m ade for
him / her t o t he Lear ning Sup p or t Team . They will ob ser ve your child
in class and m ay car r y out var ious t ypes of assessm ent . They m ay
m od ify your child ?s classroom p rog ram m e wit h t he class teacher
and offer extra sup p or t wit hin t he classroom . They will also m ake
recom m end at ions for w ays in w hich p arent s can assist at hom e or
req uest an exter nal assessm ent . All exter nal assessm ent s are
expected t o b e shared wit h t he school.
ESL (Eng lish as a Second Lang uag e): ESL sup p or t is p rovided
from Year 1 ? Year 5. The ESL p rog ram teaches Eng lish t o
non-nat ive speaker s in an academ ic sett ing . The ESL/ Lear ning
Sup p or t case m anag er s for t hat year level sup p or t classroom
teacher s and help ESL lear ner s acq uire t he lang uag e skills of
listening , speaking , read ing and w r it ing in Eng lish. Lear ning an
ad d it ional lang uag e g enerally follow s t he p atter n of lear ning a fir st
lang uag e. Conver sat ional Eng lish is m ost often lear ned q uite
rapid ly an enab les st udent s t o com m unicate wit h t heir peer s and
b ecom e act ive p ar t icip ant s in t he social environm ent of school.
Research ind icates, however, t hat it m ay take up t o five t o seven
year s for non-nat ive speaker s t o develop t he academ ic aspect s of
t he lang uag e t o t he sam e stand ard as nat ive speaker s. ESL
st udent s m ay receive sup p or t t o b eg in wit h as intensive Eng lish
wit hd raw n and /or t hroug h in-class sessions.
Counselor : he p r im ar y school has a counselor t o sup p or t t he
deliver y of t he PSPE cur r iculum . The counselor will also assist
child ren w ho m ay b e dealing wit h ot her em ot ional stresses or
str ug g les as needed .
Transit ion: Most fam ilies find t hat living ab road is enr iching and
t he ad vent ure t hey had hoped for. However, t he up heaval of m oving
t o a new countr y usually involves a per iod of stress. Fir st , fam ilies
m ove aw ay from estab lished rout ines, relat ives and fr iend s.
Second , it is t ypical t o exper ience cult ure shock. The fam ily need s
t o b e under stand ing and sup p or t ive of each ot her in t he fir st
m ont hs. Each Pr im ar y School staff m em b er is aw are of t he
challeng es fam ilies face w hile m aking cross cult ural m oves.
Transit ion ed ucat ion is p ar t of t he p rog ram m e and sup p or t s
child ren in t heir sett ling and ad just m ent .
School Lib rar y: The school lib rar y is a vital resource for t he
w hole school. The ISS Lib rar y is a center for research,
lear ning and recreat ional read ing . The lib rar y houses a
collect ion of m ater ials in var ious for m at s such as b ooks,
per iod icals, e-b ooks, aud io b ooks, and DVDs. Som e m ater ials
are availab le in ot her lang uag es. Pr im ar y School st udent s
m ay use t he lib rar y b efore or after school if super vised by a
p arent or careg iver. Teacher s b or row b ook set s from t he
lib rar y for classroom use on a reg ular b asis. Child ren are
taken t o t he lib rar y and involved wit h a lib rar y lesson each
week, in order t o p rovide access t o lib rar y b ooks and ot her
resources. The lib rar y is also open at lunch t im es and b efore
and after school for casual use and renew al of b ooks issued .
Parent s m ay also visit t he lib rar y and b or row b ooks using
t heir child ren?s account s. Please check t he ISS web site for
lib rar y hour s.

Swim m ing : St udent s in ECH 2 t o Year 5 take p ar t in a lear n

t o swim p rog ram . St udent s need t o b r ing swim m ing
eq uip m ent , includ ing t owel, g og g les, swim m ing cap and swim
wear. A Year 1 - 5 p r im ar y school swim m ing car nival occur s in
Ter m 1 as a culm inat ion t o t heir swim m ing lessons and t o
select an ISS p r im ar y swim team t o p ar t icip ate at t he inter
school swim m ing com pet it ion. St udent s in ECH2 & Recep t ion
have t heir swim p rog ram later in t he year.

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