Ambiguities and Image Quality in Staggered SAR

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Ambiguities and Image Quality in Staggered SAR

Michelangelo Villano, Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira

Microwaves and Radar Institute
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Wessling, Germany
[email protected]

AbstractStaggered SAR is an innovative synthetic aperture continuously varied, even in a cyclical manner, i.e., repeating a
radar (SAR) concept, where the pulse repetition interval (PRI) is sequence of PRIs, there will still be ranges, from which the
continuously varied. This, together with digital beamforming echo is not received, because the radar is transmitting, but in
(DBF) in elevation, allows high-resolution imaging of a wide general those ranges will be different for each transmitted
continuous swath without the need for a long antenna with
pulse. If the overall synthetic aperture is considered, it turns out
multiple azimuth apertures. As an additional benefit, the energy
of range and azimuth ambiguities is spread over large areas: that at each slant range only some of the samples are missing.
Ambiguities therefore appear in the image as a noise-like If missing samples are almost uniformly distributed across the
disturbance rather than localized artifacts. An analytical swath, a relatively small percentage of pulses is missing at each
expression for the range-ambiguity-to-signal ratio (RASR) in slant range, data can be interpolated on a uniform grid, and
staggered SAR is provided and a novel method for the estimation azimuth compression can still be performed over a wide
of the azimuth ambiguity-to-signal ratio (AASR) is proposed. A continuous swath. The staggered SAR concept is being
C-band design example based on a planar antenna is shown as considered for Tandem-L, which is a proposal for a
well. The impact of staggered SAR operation on image quality is polarimetric and interferometric satellite mission to monitor
further assessed using highly oversampled F-SAR airborne data.
dynamic processes over the Earths surface with unprecedented
Index TermsSynthetic aperture radar (SAR), high-resolution accuracy and resolution [6].
wide-swath (HRWS) imaging, staggered SAR, ambiguities, range
ambiguity-to-signal ratio (RASR), azimuth ambiguity-to-signal- II. RANGE AND AZIMUTH AMBIGUITIES
ratio (AASR), Tandem-L. Staggered SAR operation has significant effects on range
and azimuth ambiguities. In a SAR system with constant PRI,
I. INTRODUCTION during the acquisition of the raw data, the range ambiguous
echoes of a scatterer are located at the same ranges along the
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a remote sensing
whole synthetic aperture. This is due to the constant time
technique, capable of providing high-resolution images
distance to preceding and succeeding pulses and causes, after
independent of weather conditions and sunlight illumination
azimuth focusing, the presence of ghost targets in the SAR
[1]. This makes SAR very attractive for the systematic
image, because the ambiguous energy is integrated along
observation of dynamic processes on the Earths surface.
azimuth, even though the range migration is not fully matched,
However, conventional SAR systems are limited, in that a wide
as for the scatterer. In a staggered SAR system, the range
swath can only be achieved at the expense of a degraded
ambiguities are located at different ranges for different range
azimuth resolution, i.e., reducing the pulse repetition frequency
lines, as the time distance to the preceding and succeeding
(PRF) [2]. This limitation can be overcome by using systems
pulses continuously varies. The ambiguous energy is therefore
with multiple receive apertures, displaced in along-track, which
incoherently integrated and spread almost uniformly across the
simultaneously acquire multiple samples for each transmitted
Doppler spectrum. If the mean PRF of the system PRFmean is
pulse, but a very long antenna is required to map a wide swath.
much larger than the processed Doppler bandwidth Bp, a
If a relatively short antenna with a single aperture in along-
significant amount of the ambiguous energy is filtered out
track is available, it is still possible to map a wide area:
during the SAR processing. Moreover, the residual ambiguous
Multiple swaths can be, in fact, simultaneously imaged using
energy of a scatterer is spatially almost uniformly distributed
digital beamforming (DBF) in elevation, but blind ranges are
over the whole synthetic aperture and over a slant range equal
present between adjacent swaths, as the radar cannot receive
to the PRI span times half the speed of light. The same applies
while it is transmitting [3]. Most applications related to
to nadir echoes, which result from the same phenomenon.
environmental monitoring and climate research, however,
These peculiarities, as well as the specific sequence of
require a wide continuous swath, which also allows a more
PRIs, have to be taken into account for the evaluation of the
efficient coverage of large geographical areas.
range ambiguity-to-signal ratio (RASR). In particular, for a
Staggered SAR is an innovative concept, where the pulse
given sequence of PRIs, the RASR has to be evaluated for each
repetition interval (PRI) is continuously varied, thus allowing
of the M transmitted pulses of the sequence of PRIs. Due to the
the imaging of a wide continuous swath without the need for a
uniform distribution of the ambiguous energy, the RASR is
long antenna with multiple apertures [4], [5]. If the PRI is

978-1-4673-7297-8/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 204
then obtained for each slant range by averaging the RASR
obtained for the M transmitted pulses

PRFmean 2

G2 ( jm , f ) df
Bp 2
PRFmean f = PRF

1 M 1 j =1 R 3jm sin jm
M m =0 Bp 2
G( main , f ) df
2 (1)

f =B p 2

Rmain sin main

PRFmean 2

G2 ( jm , f ) df
Bp 2

1 M 1 Am PRFmean f = PRF

m = 0 j =1

R 3jm sin jm (a)

= Bp 2

G( , f ) df
f = B p 2
Rmain sin main
where is the backscatter, G(,f) is the two-way two-
dimensional (2D) antenna pattern (where is the elevation
angle and f is the Doppler frequency), R is slant range, and is
the incidence angle. The subscript main refers to the desired
return, the subscripts j, j = 1..NA, to the NA ambiguous
(preceding and succeeding) returns and the subscripts m, m =
0..M-1, to the transmitted pulses of the sequence.
Fig. 1 (a) shows the RASR in dB for an L-band staggered
SAR system with a 15 m reflector antenna, PRFmean = 2700 Hz,
and Bp = 780 Hz, evaluated using (1), while Fig.1 (b) shows the (b)
RASR for the same system operated with a constant PRF, Fig. 1. RASR in dB. (a) Staggered SAR. (b) Constant PRI SAR with PRF
equal to the mean PRF of the staggered SAR. The latter RASR equal to the mean PRF of the staggered SAR system.
is evaluated using the following formula, which accounts for
the 2D antenna pattern Several performance parameters and in particular the
Bp 2
integrated side lobe ratio (ISLR), defined as the ratio of the

G( , f )
2 energy of all sidelobes to the mainlobe energy can be then
0j j D df D
f D =Bp 2
evaluated from the 2D IRF. Using the ISLR as a performance
j =1 R 3j sin j
parameter, it has been shown in [4] that sequences of PRIs
RASR (2) have to be preferred, for which two consecutive azimuth
Bp 2
samples are never missed for all slant ranges of interest and the
G( , f D ) df D
main main mean PRF is significantly larger than the Doppler bandwidth of
f D =Bp 2
the signal. This allows, in fact, the exploitation of the spectral
Rmain sin main properties of the azimuth signal within the resampling, using
best linear unbiased (BLU) interpolation. The ISLR, however,
As apparent, the RASR is up to 5.5 dB better in the staggered
is significantly influenced by the energy of the near sidelobes,
SAR case, due to the aforementioned incoherent integration of
so that a slight ISLR difference may result in a large AASR
the range ambiguous echoes.
difference. Moreover, the ISLR strongly depends on the
As far as azimuth ambiguities are concerned, for a
azimuth amplitude weighting, applied in the processing. In
staggered SAR system it is not always straightforward to
other words, it is not straightforward to establish a
evaluate the azimuth ambiguity-to-signal ratio (AASR) using
correspondence between ISLR and AASR, while the typical
the azimuth antenna pattern as for a constant PRI SAR,
azimuth ambiguity requirement for SAR system is provided in
because the resampling operation may change the shape of the
terms of AASR and not ISLR.
azimuth spectrum of the signal. In order to assess the impact of
azimuth ambiguities, therefore, the acquisition process and the
signal processing has to be simulated, assuming that only a
point-like scatterer is present in the scene. The focused data
obtained from the simulation correspond to the 2D impulse
response function (IRF) of the system. Fig. 2 shows the 2D IRF
for a typical staggered SAR system, where azimuth ambiguities
appear smeared.

2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR) 205

Fig. 2. 2D IRF (amplitude in dB) for a staggered SAR system (left) and zoom
in the vicinity of the mainlobe (right). The horizontal and vertical axes
represent slant range and azimuth, respectively.

In the following we propose a novel method to estimate the

AASR in a staggered SAR system based on the 2D IRF. In Fig. 3. Estimated AASR for a constant PRI SAR using the azimuth antenna
particular, our AASR estimate is obtained as the difference of pattern (top) and using the novel method based on the difference of the
ISLRs (bottom).
the attained ISLR and the ISLR of a constant PRI SAR with
PRF equal to the mean PRF of the staggered SAR system,
same values for the other system and processing parameters as
the staggered SAR, and an azimuth antenna pattern equal to
zero outside the processed Doppler bandwidth. Fig. 3 shows
for a constant PRI SAR, which images multiple swaths, the
estimated AASR using the azimuth antenna pattern and the
novel method based on the difference of the ISLRs. As is
apparent, the method based on the difference of the ISLRs
provides a very accurate estimate of the AASR even for very
low AASR levels. (a)
There are two main reasons why 2D simulations have been
preferred to one-dimensional (1D) (azimuth) simulations: First,
1D simulations do not provide the correct absolute levels of
azimuth ambiguities for a point-like scatterer, as the defocusing
of azimuth ambiguities is not accounted for; furthermore,
possible effects related to the two-dimensional spatial
distribution of the missing samples within the pulse extension
would be neglected [7]-[10]. However, it can be observed that
a 1D (azimuth) simulation still provides a good estimate for the
AASR from the difference of the 1D (azimuth) ISLRs, while (b)
requiring a considerably smaller computational time. Fig. 4
shows the estimated AASR using the novel method based on
the difference of the ISLRs for the aforementioned L-band
staggered SAR system, evaluating the ISLRs from 1D and 2D
IRFs. The difference of the two estimates is shown as well.
As apparent from the RASR and the AASR, evaluated as
explained and displayed in Fig. 1 (a) and Fig. 4 (a),
respectively, an L-band staggered SAR system with a 15 m
reflector antenna allows imaging of a 350 km continuous swath
with 10 m azimuth resolution and outstanding ambiguity (c)
performance (RASR and AASR better than -28 dB). Fig. 4. Estimated AASR for a staggered SAR using the novel method based
As shown in Fig. 5, the proposed AASR estimation on the difference of the ISLRs. (a) Using 2D IRFs. (b) Using 1D IRFs.
(c) Difference of the two estimates.
technique can be also used to show how the AASR of a
staggered SAR system varies for different interpolation
methods, mean PRFs, processed Doppler bandwidths and mean
duty cycles.

206 2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)

Using the analytical expression of the RASR provided in
(1) and the proposed method for AASR estimation, the
ambiguity performance of a C-band staggered SAR system
based on a planar antenna have been evaluated. The system is
assumed to be able to map a 400 km continuous ground swath
in single- and dual-polarimetric modes and a 280 km
continuous ground swath in fully-polarimetric mode, in both
cases with a 5 m azimuth resolution. In particular, a 10 m 2.6
m planar antenna with 36 elements in elevation has been
considered. Fig. 6 shows the ambiguity performance for the
single- and dual-polarimetric modes, which are outstanding
(AASR better than -31 dB and RASR better than -36 dB),
while Fig. 7 shows the performance for the fully-polarimetric
mode, which are still compliant to typical ambiguity
requirements (AASR better than -24.5 dB, RASR for the co-
polarized channels better than -36 dB, RASR for the cross-
polarized channels better than -24 dB).




Fig. 6. Ambiguity performance for the C-band staggered SAR system based
on a planar antenna for the single- and dual-polarimetric modes.
(d) (a) AASR. (b) RASR.
Fig. 5. Examples of applications of the proposed AASR estimation technique.
(a) AASR achieved for different staggered SAR resampling techniques,
i.e., two-point linear interpolation and BLU interpolation.
(b) Dependence of the AASR on the mean PRF of the system.
(c) Dependence of the AASR on the processed Doppler bandwidth.
(d) Dependence of the AASR on the mean duty cycle.

2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR) 207

equal to zero outside the processed Doppler bandwidth is equal
to -14.27 dB. The focused data obtained for a high
oversampling rate do not show artifacts in correspondence of
strong scatterers and are characterized by a higher image
contrast. This is consistent with the AASR levels of Table I.


Fig. 7. Ambiguity performance for the C-band staggered SAR system based
on a planar antenna for the fully-polarimetric mode. (a) AASR.
(b) RASR.


In order to better understand the implications of staggered
SAR operation on image quality, airborne data with a PRF
much larger than the Doppler bandwidth, i.e., highly
oversampled in azimuth, have been also used. From the highly-
oversampled raw data, it is possible to extract raw data as they
would have been received by a staggered SAR system with
arbitrary sequences of PRIs. These data can be then resampled
to a uniform grid, allowing an assessment of the reconstruction Fig. 8. Equivalent focused staggered SAR data acquired over Kaufbeuren for
a low (top), medium (mid), and high (bottom) oversampling rate.
error on raw data. Furthermore, conventional SAR processing
can be performed and the image quality can be assessed for
different oversampling rates, especially if several corner TABLE I. ISLR AND AASR FOR THE EQUIVALENT STAGGERED SAR DATA
reflectors are present in the scene. For that reason, airborne SET GENERATED USING HIGHLY OVERSAMPLED F-SAR AIRBORNE DATA
data have been acquired by DLRs F-SAR sensor over the
calibration test site of Kaufbeuren, Germany [11]. ISLR AASR
Fig. 8 shows the equivalent focused staggered SAR data, Low -12.95 dB -18.75 dB
Fig. 9 shows the location of the twelve corner reflectors present -13.78 dB -23.45 dB
in the scene, and Fig. 10 the simulated focused data assuming Medium
that only the twelve corner reflectors are present in the scene High -14.23 dB -34.18 dB
for different oversampling rates, while Table I shows for the
aforementioned three cases the ISLR, evaluated on the
simulated focused data, and the AASR, estimated according to
the proposed novel method based on the difference of the
ISLRs. In this case the ISLR of the reference constant PRI
SAR with PRF equal to the mean PRF of the staggered SAR
system, same values for the other system and processing
parameters as the staggered SAR, and azimuth antenna pattern

208 2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)

New insights on range and azimuth ambiguities in
staggered SAR have been presented, including an analytical
expression for the RASR in staggered SAR and a novel method
to estimate the AASR from the simulated IRF, which can be in
principle applied to other systems as well. The image quality
has been furthermore assessed using highly-oversampled F-
SAR airborne data. Further analyses and experiments are
planned in the near future.
Fig. 9. Location of the twelve corner reflectors present in the scene.
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Fig. 10. Simulated focused data assuming that only the twelve corner
reflectors are present in the scene for a low (top), medium (mid), and
high (bottom) oversampling rate, corresponding to ISLR values of
-12.95 dB, -13.78 dB and -14.23 dB, respectively.

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