Particle Filtering of Channel Parameter Tracking in A Noisy Shallow Ocean Environment Using A Vertical Array

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X. Zhong , V. N. Hari , W. Wang , H. Wang# and X. Shen#

Innitus, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798, Singapore.

Acoustic Research Lab, National University of Singapore, 639798, Singapore.

CVSSP, Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey, UK, GU2 7XH.
School of Marin Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, ShaanXi, China.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
and {, x.shen}

ABSTRACT channel. Such approaches are categorized as model-based

methods in that the acoustic propagation and measurement
Acoustic signals in a shallow ocean environment are severely uncertainties are modeled and included into the estimation
distorted due to the time-varying and inhomogeneous nature algorithms. Very recently, the particle ltering (PF) approach
of the propagation channel. In this paper, a state-space which is more appropriate for nonlinear and non-Gaussian
model is introduced to characterize the uncertainties of systems has been employed for parameter estimation of the
the shallow ocean and a Rao-Blackwellized particle lter shallow ocean model [5][7] and shown to achieve better
(RBPF) is developed to estimate the model parameters. Since estimation performance.
both modal functions and horizontal wave numbers of the
channel are assumed unknown, the state-space model has In a shallow ocean model, the horizontal wave numbers
a high nonlinearity and high dimensionality. As the modal are considered unknown parameters in addition to the modal
functions are linear with the measurements conditioning on functions due to inhomogeneous time-varying nature of the
the horizontal wave numbers, a Kalman ltering (KF) is environment. However, if all these parameters are blindly
employed to marginalize out the modal functions. Hence encapsulated into the estimated state, the performance of PF
only the horizontal wave numbers need to be estimated by algorithm suffers due to the high dimensionality of the state.
using a PF. Simulation results show that the proposed RBPF In this paper, a Rao-Blackwellized particle ltering (RBPF)
algorithm signicantly outperforms the existing approaches. method is developed to reduce the dimensionality of the state
to be processed by PF. In essence, in this method the system
Index Terms Shallow ocean acoustic model, wave model is reorganized in a linear fashion conditioned on the
number, modal function, Rao-Blackwellized particle lter. horizontal wave numbers. The Kalman lter (KF) is then
employed to provide an optimal solution for this linear part.
I. INTRODUCTION Following this, the horizontal wave numbers are the only
state to be estimated by the PF. Hence, the PF can achieve
Modeling acoustic wave propagation in a shallow ocean better estimation accuracy with the same number of particles
environment is an important topic and lies at the heart because the dimensionality is reduced. Our contribution here
of many underwater signal processing applications [1][3]. is incorporating a Rao-Blackwellization technique to obtain
It is a challenging problem as uncertainties arise due to an analytical solution for part of the state, and therefore
the time-varying and inhomogeneous nature of the ocean reduce the dimensionality of the state for PF algorithm.
environment, and the received signal is seriously distorted Simulations are organized to demonstrate the superiority of
due to multiple reections from ocean boundaries. the proposed algorithm over the existing EKF and PF.
Traditionally, matched-eld processor (MFP) that com- II. SIGNAL MODEL
pares the measured pressure-eld to that predicted by a prop-
agation model has been employed for parameter estimation For modeling acoustic wave propagation in a shallow
[4]. To implement an MFP, the source location is required ocean environment, we assume a horizontally stratied ocean
and is obtained by computing model predictions of the eld of depth h with a known horizontal source range rs and
at the array for various assumed source positions. However, depth zs , and the acoustic wave propagation is governed
the shallow ocean acoustic channel varies with space and by the Helmholtz equation [8]. The normal-mode acoustic
time. In [5], a state-space model was formulated to charac- pressure propagation model can be written as
terize all these dynamics and accordingly, extended Kalman M

lter (EKF) and unscented Kalman lter (UKF) approaches s(rs , z) = m (rs , zs )m (z) (1)
were introduced to estimate the states that characterize the m=1

978-1-4673-7297-8/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 450
where m (rs , zs ) is the modal coefcient dened as where C x (z) = [1 (), 0, 2 (), 0, . . . , M (), 0], and
w(z) N (0, 2 ) is the measurement noise process. Equa-
er (m)rs jr (m)rs tions (9), (10) and (11) give a full state space model that
m (rs , zs ) = qm (zs )  e (2)
r (m)rs describes the dynamics and uncertainties of the shallow
ocean characteristics such as horizontal wave numbers and
where q is the source amplitude, and r (m), r (m) and modal functions. In next section, an RBPF approach will be
m () are the modal attenuation, the horizontal wave number developed to estimate these characteristics.
and the modal function associated with the mth mode respec-
tively. The modal function holds an eigenvalue equation in
m (z) + 2z (m)m (z) = 0 (3) Assume that z is the depth of the
th sensor and z1: =
dz 2 [z1 , . . . , z ]. Given a measurement sequence y(z1: )) =
for m = 1, . . . , M . The eigen-value set {m (z)} are the [y(z1 ), . . . , y(z )], the task is to estimate the posterior dis-
modal functions and z is the wave number in the depth tribution p(x(z)|y(z1: )). Such a task can be achieved by
direction. The solutions of (3) depend on the sound speed using a Bayesian recursive estimation, given as
prole c(z), the boundary conditions and the corresponding
Predict :
dispersion relation given by
2 p x(z ) y(z1:1 ) = p x(z )x(z1

2 = = 2r (m) + 2z (m) (4)   
c2 (z) p x(z1 )y(z1:1 ) dx(z1 ); (12)
where r (m) is the mth horizontal wave number and Update :
is the harmonic source frequency. Let m (z) = p x(z )y(z1: ) p y(z )x(z )
[m1 (z), m2 (z)] T   
 and dene m1 (z) = m (z) and p x(z )y(z1:1 ) . (13)
m2 (z) = d/dz m (z) . The eigenvalue equation in state-
space form is In thisrecursion,
 p y(z )x(z ) is the likelihood of the state
d and p x(z )y(z1:1 ) is the probability density function
m (z) = Am (z)m (z) (5) (PDF) of a prior distribution. The Bayesian recursion states
that given the transition density and likelihood, the posterior
where Am (z) is the coefcient matrix given as distribution of the state can be recursively estimated.
0 1 The measurement function is nonlinear and therefore, the
Am (z) = (6)
2z (m) 0 EKF approach [9] and PF approach [7] have been employed
to estimate the posterior distribution. It has been shown
that the PF approach is more appropriate under such a
The horizontal wave number r (m) can be roughly
highly nonlinear scenario [10]. However, taking all states
estimated using wavenumber spectrum estimation methods.
into account is cumbersome for the PF approach due to the
However, these are unable to account for the uctuating
curse of the dimensionality. Recall the state space model,
and time-varying nature of the environment. Thus r (m)
the state of modal function x (z) holds a linear relationship
is considered as an unknown environmental parameter to
with the measurement conditioning on the state x (z). This
be estimated and is included into the state vector. Let
means given the estimation of x (z), an analytical solution
m (z) = r (m). The whole state vector can be constructed
for p x (z)x (z), y(z1: ) can be obtained. Hence, it is
as x(z) = [x (z)T , x (z)T ]T , where
possible to exploit a Kalman lter to marginalize out the
x (z) = [T1 (z), T2 (z), . . . , TM (z)]T R2M 1 (7) modal functions. Consequently, only the horizontal wave
numbers need to be handled by using the PF. Such a
x (z) = [1 (z), 2 (z), . . . , M (z)]T RM 1 (8) technique is referred to as Rao-Blackwellization and widely
The state process can be written as used for the state estimation where part of state space model
is linear and Gaussian [10]. Using Bayesian theorem, the
d posterior distribution can be decomposed as
x (z) = A(z)x (z) + v (z) (9)      
d p x(z )x(z1 ), y(z ) = p x (z )y(z )
x (z) = 0 + v (z) (10)

dz   PF

  p x (z )x (z ), x (z1 ), y(z ) , (14)
where A(z) = diag A1 (z), . . . , AM (z) , and v (z) and

v (z) are the zero-mean Gaussian processes given by KF
v (z) N (0, ) and v (z) N (0, ) respectively. The   
in which p x (z 
measurement process can be written as  x (z
 )   ), x (z1 ), y(z ) is analytically
  tractable and p x (z )y(z ) can be estimated by PF ap-
y(z) = s(rs , z) = C x (z) x (z) + w(z) (11) proximation. Since part of the state can be estimated by using

2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR) 451

a KF, the dimension of the state to be processed by the Algorithm 1: RBPF for model parameter estimation.
PF can be reduced. Consequently, the Rao-Blackwellization
based PF is able to provide better estimates than the standard Initialisation: for i = 1, . . . , N , draw particles
PF when the same number of particles is used. according to (26); set the initial weight w0 = 1/N ;
1 to L do
The core idea of PF is that it uses a set of particles for i 1 to N do
and importance weights of these particles to approximate 1) draw samples according to equation (15);
the posterior distribution. Assuming that N particles are 2) KF marginalization from (16) to (21);
 to approximate
  the above Bayesian recursion, the PDF 3) compute the likelihood according to (23);
 (i) (i)
p x (z ) y(z ) is represented by {x (z ), wk }N i=1 . The 4) calculate the weight according to (22);
entire procedure of PF processing can be summarized as end
following. At each time step, the particles are sampled
according to the state dynamic model (10), given as (i) (i) N (i)
5) normalise the weight wk = wk / i=1 wk ;
 (i)  (i) 
x (z ) p x (z )x (z1 ) .
(i) 6) resample the particles according to the weights;
7) output the estimates.
These particles are then employed in the KF steps to end
marginalize out the modal functions. Assume that at the
previous time step, the state and covariance estimates are
(i) (i)
x (z1 ) and P (z1 ) respectively. The predictions are: (i)
where () is a Dirac-delta function, and wk is a normal-
(i) (i) ized weight. In practical implementation, the state can be
x (z |z1 ) =A(i) (z )x (z1 ) (16)
initialized by estimates via the MFP method. Assume that
(i) (i) (i)
P (z |z1 ) =A (z )P (z1 )A(i) (z )T + (17) the initial state is x0 . The initial distribution can be given as
The Kalman gain is then calculated as x0 N (x0 , 0 ) (26)
 (i)  (i)  (i) 
S(i) =C x (z ) P (z |z1 )CT x (z ) + 2 (18) where 0 is the variance of initial distribution that charac-
(i)  (i)  1 terizes the error of the MFP estimates. All implementation
K(i) =P (z |z1 )CT x (z ) S(i) (19) steps of the RBPF approach are summarized in Algorithm
The dependency on z in (18) and (19) is ignored to simplify 1. The proposed approach differs from traditional PF [7] for
the expression. The state and covariance are updated as model parameter estimation in that the modal functions are
(i) (i)
analytically estimated by using KF, and only the horizontal
x (z ) =x (z |z1 ) + K(i) wave numbers are estimated by using PF.
 (i)  (i)
y(z ) C x (z ) x (z |z1 ) (20) IV. SIMULATIONS
(i) (i)
P (z ) =P (z |z1 ) K(i) In this section, simulations are provided to demonstrate
 (i)  (i) the tracking performance. The performance is compared with
C x (z ) P (z |z1 ) (21) that of existing EKF approach [9] and PF approach [7].
 (i)  A noisy shallow ocean channel with a depth of 100 m is
The ltered distribution is N x (z ), P(i) (z ) . The im- simulated. The signal source is located at a depth of 36
portance weights of the particles are then evaluated by m and a horizontal range of 5 km. The center frequency
wk = wk1 p y(z )x (z ) ,
(i) (i) of the source signal is 100 Hz. This leads to the signal
eld propagating with six normal modes. Considering the
The likelihood of the particles are then calculated as uctuations in the ocean, the wave numbers are initialized
  (i)  1 with a bias of 1.0 104 . This accounts for the uncertainty
p y(z )x (z ) = present in describing the shallow ocean environment. Other
 2 2 parameters are set as following: N = 200, 2 = 1.0 103 ,
1  (i)  (i) = 1.0 106 and = 1.0 108 . These parameters
exp 2 y(z ) C x (z ) x (z |z1 ) are selected based on extensive experimental study and are
(23) found be able to provide good estimates.

After the resampling scheme, the posterior distribution of Figure 1 presents a comparison of estimation using the
the state is thus approximated by RBPF against the EKF and traditional PF at an SNR of
10 dB. The ground truth and corresponding estimates of
      modal functions 1, 2, 4 and 5 are plotted on the top
p x (z )y(z )
wk x(i) (z ) x (z ) , (24) of the gure. Signal eld and wave numbers are also

i=1 presented. The estimation results show that the proposed
   RBPF algorithm provides better accuracy than traditional
p x (z )y(z )
wk N (x(i) (z ), P(i) (z )), (25) EKF and PF approaches. RBPF converges faster to the
i=1 true value of the wave numbers despite the initial bias. Its

452 2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)

3 3
x 10 x 10
10 10
wave num,RBPF modal fun,RBPF signal,RBPF
100 100 100 100 wave num,PF modal fun,PF signal,PF
9 wave num,EKF modal fun,EKF signal,EKF
80 80 80 80 0.25
60 60 60 60 8



7 0.2
40 40 40 40
6 7

20 20 20 20 0.15
5 6
0 0 0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.2
modal function modal function modal function modal function 4 0.1

10 3
Pure Signal 4
8 2
amp. of Signal

6 PF
1 3 0
EKF 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

0 Fig. 2. RMSE versus different SNRs for wave numbers (left),

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 modal functions (center) and signal eld (right)

100 100 100 100

80 80 80 80 Hence, the modal functions are analytically estimated by us-

60 60 60 60
ing a KF and only the wave numbers need to be estimated by




the PF. The estimation accuracy is thus improved by the pro-

40 40 40 40
posed approach. Simulations show that the proposed RBPF
20 20 20 20 algorithm signicantly outperforms the existing approaches
in estimating these parameters. Future work includes modal
0.4175 0.418
0.4145 0.415
0.402 0.4025
0.392 0.3925
order detection and real underwater data applications.


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