Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance:: CEP Lesson Plan Form

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Emily Smith Grade Level: 9-12 Content Area: Art

Title: Relief Printing Critique Lesson #:_2_ of


Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance: For the past three weeks the students have been
What are you going to teach and why is this creating relief prints that focus a specific color scheme
lesson important to these students? What and assemble them in a pattern that works directly with
has already happened in this classroom their color theme. In this lesson the students will have a
surrounding the subject you will be critique for their print project. At the end of each
teaching? What do students already know? completed project a formative assessment in this case a
Why are you going to teach this topic now class critique is used to check for understanding,
(how does it fit in the curricular sequence)? reinforce concepts, practice talking about works of art
What teaching methods/strategy will you and giving and getting feedback and help generate ideas
be use and why? for future projects or applications in other areas. I will be
using the 1234 critique, this is a pre-activity that involves
walking around and generating ideas before speaking as
a group about their and others artwork. This could
create a safer speaking environment because they had
time and thought about what they would like to say. I
will also provide guiding questions to help students
talking about their personal work and peers work.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)
1. Observe and learn to comprehend

2. Envision and critique to reflect

3. Invent and discover to create

4. Relate and connect to transfer

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

1. Students will be able to discuss their own work and other classmates work and identify
techniques, concepts,

2. Students will have a better understanding of color theory, relief printing and pattern

3. Students will be able to apply what they have learned and prior knowledge to other projects in
the class

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4. Students will be able to recognize visual concepts, ideas and engage and persist in future

5. Students will be able to give relevant feedback, constructive criticism, ask questions and talk
about successes using art language and understandings.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)

What are color schemes?

What are analogous colors? Primary colors? Secondary colors? Tertiary Colors?

How and what color scheme is used?

How does this color scheme change the image? Does it make is stronger or not as strong? What would
make is better/ why is it successful?

How do the color scheme and pattern add to the overall composition and final product/ Do they work
well together? What works well/ what does not

What types of patterns were used?

Why did you choose these specific elements for your final product?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

Students will able to explain the relief process and how it affected their intended composition using
color theory and pattern. Standard: comprehend, reflect- Blooms: apply, GLE: Visual art has inherent
characteristics and expressive features

Students will be able to explain their process and intent using knowledge of color theory and pattern.
Standard: transfer, reflect- Blooms: understand, GLE: Art is a lifelong endeavor

Students will be able to talk about how their color scheme relates to the pattern they chose. Standard:
create, reflect- Blooms: evaluate, GLE: assess and produce art with a various materials and methods

Students will be able to identify and discuss content and design elements in others and their own work.
Standard: reflect- Blooms: understand, GLE: Reflective strategies are used to understand the creative

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This means:

I can explain the relief process and how it affected my intended composition using color theory and

I can explain my process and intent using knowledge of color theory and pattern

I can talk about how their color scheme relates to the pattern they chose

I can identify and discuss content and design elements in others and their own work

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)

Formative: Web 2.0 quiz-app as a review of concepts and art terms for critique conversations.

Formative: Class critique- students discuss their artwork and peers artwork

Formative: Exit ticket

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Relief print critique
Should be a creative title for To have students learn to reflect on their works of art developing
you and the students to communication skills. Students will also have a better understanding of
associate with the activity. the content being taught by re-enforcing it in a situation where learned
Think of the purpose as the material must be applied. Students can also take the
mini-rationale for what you
are trying to accomplish
through this lesson.
Approx. Time and Two 1 hr. 20 min. class periods 7:40am 8:59am
Materials: guiding questions, electronic device, 1234 worksheet
How long do you expect the
activity to last and what
materials will you need?
Anticipatory Set Pre-assessment- quiz using Socrative and pre-critique worksheet
The hook to grab students
Worksheet: sample seen on page 4. The worksheets are placed next to each
attention. These are actions student's final project. The class gets up and walks around the room and 4 different
and statements by the students have to write responses in at least three different students works. The
teacher to relate the responses do not have to be long but comments and questions cannot be repeated.
experiences of the students to
the objectives of the lesson,
To put students into a
receptive frame of mind.
To focus student
attention on the
To create an
organizing framework
for the ideas,
principles, or
information that is to
follow (advanced
An anticipatory set is used
any time a different activity
or new concept is to be
How do you intend to
engage your students in The strategy I intend to use is ___Socrative and interactive group activity and
thinking during the guiding questions_______________________________________
Anticipatory Set?

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Why are you using it at this I am using this strategy here because: to review key concepts and begin
point in your lesson? generating ideas before speaking out loud about them.

(Include a play-by-play 7:40am - students begin to arrive to class (2 min)
account of what students and 7:42am attendance is taken and students who may be arriving late have
teacher will do from the about five minutes before start of activities. (5 min)
minute they arrive to the 7:42am begin class with Socrative quiz about color theory/schemes and
minute they leave your patterns (15 min)
classroom. Indicate the length 8:03am explain the next activity that will be completed before the critique (3
of each segment of the min)
lesson. List actual minutes.) 8:06am Students begin 1234 critique activity (15 min)
Indicate whether each is: 1. 8:18am Students will come back to the main classroom and begin
-teacher input class critique where each student will get up and talk about their
-modeling artwork and then other students will have a chance to discuss the
-questioning strategies artwork with the student. Guiding questions will be provided
-guided/unguided: i) What color scheme did you use why?
-whole-class practice ii) What pattern did you use why?
-group practice iii) What were some challenges you faced? Did you overcome them?
-individual practice How?
-check for understanding iv) What would you do differently?
-other v) Why did you make these choices?
vi) What were success?
vii) What went well?
viii) What did not go well?
ix) If you had to give this work a title what would it be? Why?
2. Students who wrote responses on presenting students artwork 1234
are handed the sheet by the artist about to present and have choose
one response from their answers and present it to the artist speaking.
This way everyone participates at least 3 times. Other students who
did not comment on the worksheet are encouraged to speak also if
they would like.
8:54- Wrap up critique and collect artwork and corresponding 1234
worksheets. (Critique will be continued in Thursdays class if it is not finished)
An exit ticket is presented to the class through socrative.

wHow do you intend to

engage your students in The strategy I intend to use is __Use of guiding questions and giving students
thinking during the something to reference and give everyone a chance to speak.
PROCEDURE? _____________________________________

Why are you using it at this I am using this strategy here because: So students engage in discussion and
point in your lesson? participate in critiques.

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Closure As we wrap up the class students will be asked to complete an exit ticket.
Those actions or statements They will be presented with QR codes that ask the following questions.
by a teacher that are
designed to bring a lesson 1. What is one thing you learned in class today?
presentation to an 2. Any Questions concerns and comments from todays lesson?
appropriate conclusion. Used 3. What was one thing you enjoyed about todays critique?
to help students bring things
together in their own minds,
to make sense out of what
has just been taught. Any
Questions? No. OK, lets move
on is not closure. Closure is
To cue students to the
fact that they have
arrived at an
important point in the
lesson or the end of a
To help organize
student learning
To help form a coherent
picture and to consolidate.
How do you intend to
engage your students in The strategy I intend to use is __Exit
thinking during CLOSURE? ticket________________________________________

Why are you using it at this I am using this strategy here because: So students do not leave early, I get
point in your lesson? feedback and students can reflect.
So students have a chance to talk about their experience and reflect on what
they learned.

By having an activity before the critique allowing for students to begin

thinking and writing ideas before having to speak. Students will all get a
Differentiation: chance to speak, know one will get left out and people begin to develop
Differentiation should more confidence when speaking in front of others. and even if they do not
be embedded want to speak they have something to refer to. The comment/question can
throughout your whole be simple.
This is to make sure
you have met the

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needs of your students

on IEPS or 504
To modify: If the activity is too
advanced for a child, how will
you modify it so that they can
be successful?
To extend: If the activity is too
easy for a child, how will you
extend it to develop their
emerging skills?
Reflection: (data I will know how students met their learning targets by the way they discuss
analysis) their and other students artwork. If they use language they have learned such
How will you know if students as secondary, primary, relief, offset patterns, etc when they talk about
met the learning targets? compositional choices. Students should also be able to talk about why they
Write a description of what made the aesthetic choices they did and how it related to the project. The
you were looking for in each discussion and reflection should demonstrate student understanding of the
assessment. process, product, visual choices and concepts taught and used throughout the

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Name of the artist:

Note: If a comment has already been made you cannot repeat it!

Strengths of Artwork! Suggestions or If changed, Questions for the artist

would improve artwork.

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement)
I was unable to teach this lesson unfortunately however knowing the class and the
students I would say at least 70% of the class would have completed the objectives
proficiently. Most of the students are quiet and show very little to no interest in art.
Although they would have had to speak a few times I think they would ask basic
questions without identifying techniques or concepts and discussing anything further. I
also know that many students did not chose a color scheme or pattern so when talking
about their work they would not be able to reflect on choices based on the assignment
objectives. Most of the class though did follow the assignment guidelines and I think
would been able to successfully reflect on their work and discuss other work with peers. I
also believe that this group of students would benefit from writing and discussing ideas
before talking as a class so students felt more comfortable talking.

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
I would probably have done a small group critique instead and then had students in the
groups talk about their group members work with the class.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)
I envision students going into their next project using what they learned in the previous
project and reinforced learning through reflection that they will apply and understand concepts
and techniques learned in their previous project and apply them to their new project. I also think
that when evaluating their own work they will be able to reflect deeper and demonstrate a
better understanding of how to talk about and assess their own artwork.

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Strengths of Artwork! Suggestions or If changed, would Questions for the artist

improve artwork.

1 1 1

2 2 2

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3 3 3

4 4 4

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