"Divisible By" means "when you divide one number by another the result is a whole number"
Rule for 2: The number is divisible by 2 if the number ends with the last digit is even being
1. Is a even number
36 is a multiple of 2: 2*18=36
Example 2: Is 17 divisible by 2?
No, why not because it doesn't end with an even number like 0,2,4,6,8 and is not an even number
it's an odd number.
Yes, because when you add all of the integers 1+2+2+1 and you get 6.
Thereafter, you get 6 and you check whether 6 is divisible by 3 (6/3=2) and it is. Which then
makes 1221 divisible by 3.
1+1+6=8 is 8 divisible by 3? No, because 8/3= 2.67 which is not a number divisible by 3.
Example 1: 216
Example 2: 415 is this number divisible by 4? Let's check the last two numbers 15
Example 1: 105
Now let's check does it end with a 0 or 5? It ends with 5 therefore it is divisible by 5.
Example 2: 367
Rule for 6: The number is divisible by both 2 and 3. Therefore it follows the rules of 2 as
well as 3.
Example 1: 24
Does it end with 2,4,6,8? YES which makes it even therefore it now follows both rule for 2 and
When adding all of the integers 2+4 =6 Is 6 divisible by 6? Yes it equals to one which
makes it follow now rules 3 and 6.
The rule of 2 and 3 now applies for the rule of 6 because if it ends with even number then
it is divisible by 2 and 6. If when adding all integers and then dividing by 6 and you get a whole
number then it follows the rules for 3 and 6.
24 is a multiple of 6: 6*4=24
Example 2: 208
Is it even? YES
When you add all integers what do you get 2+8=10 is 10/6 a whole number? No then it is not
divisible by 6.
208 is not a multiple of 6: 6*?=208
Example 1: 1233
Example 2: 2015
Example 1: 20
Example2: 21
Does it end with a zero? No it ends with a 1 therefore it is not divisible by 10.