Is 4701
Is 4701
Is 4701
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( Reaffirmed 2004 )
( Firs1 Revision)
@ Copyright 1983
Gr 5 June 1983
IS :4701-1982
Indian Standard
( First Revision)
Irrigation Canals and Canal Linings Sectional Committee, BDC 57
Chairman Representing
SHRI S. B. KHARE Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, New Delhi
ADDITIONALDIRECTOR Irrigation Research Institute, Khaugaul, Patna
SHRI N. C. BHATNAGAR Central Ground Water Board, Chandigarh
SHRI R. K. PRASAD( Affcrnnfc )
DR A. S. CHAWLA Water Resources Development Training Centre,
University of Roorkee, Roorkee
DR R. .J. GARDE ( ANcrnatc)
SHRI CHICKARYANE Union Carbide (India) Ltd, Bombay
CHIEF ENGINEER Irrigation and Power Department, Government of
Andhra Pradesh
DR J. PURUSHOTHAM ( Afternatc )
CHIEF ENGINEER ( IRRIGATION) Public Works Department, Government of Karnataka,
( SOUTH) Bangalore
CHIEF ENGINEER( CANAL ) Irrigation Works, Covernment of Punjab
CHIEFENGINEER(IRRIGATION) Public Works Department, Government of Tamil
( IRRIGATION ) ( Alternote)
SHRX0. P. DATTA Bear Dam Project, Talwara Township
SHRI S. L. NIROLA ( Alternate)
DIRECTOR ( B & CD-I ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DEPUTY DIRECTOR( B & CD-I ) ( Altemotc)
DIRECTOR Irrigation Department, Government of Rajasthan
DIRECTOR( B & CD-II ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
SHRI T. A. E. DSA Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI N. C. DUGGAL ( AIttntdt)
SHRIJ. M. GARG Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkce, Uttar Pradesh
( Conliaucd on pugc 2 )
@ Copyright I983
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reptoducti II in whole or in part by any means except with written pecmisaioa of the
publinhm Bhall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the uid Act.
Members Re&esenting
SHRI H. K. KHOSLA Irrigation & Power Department, Government of
Srm K. M. MAHESHWARI Planning Commission, Government of India,
New Delhi
SHRI N. K. DIKSHIT ( Altematr)
SI~RI GAURI KANTA MISRA Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar
SHRI R. ii. ACOARWAL ( Altematr)
SHRI P. C. SA~RNA Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune
SHRI V. P. Brian ( Aitem& )
SECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
SHRI A. SI3AItIP Fibreglasr Piikington Ltd, Bombay
SHRI C. D. THAT~E Irrigation Department, Government of Gujarat
SHRI K. B. SHAH (Alfemak)
SWRI S. L. VARUDKAR Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra
SHRI G. RAMAN, Director General, ISI (Ex-o&o Member)
Director ( Civ Engg )
Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), ISI
IS ; 4701- ma
Indian Standard
( First Revision)
0.1This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 31 December 1982, after the draft finalized by the Irrigation Canals and
Canal Linings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engi-
neering Division Council.
0.2 The construction of canals involves a variety of earthwork problems.
Because of the great longitudinal extent of the work many different kinds
of conditions are encountered which for maximum economy should be
treated differently. Moreover, design of a work is based on assumptions
regarding the quality of work which will be obtained during construction.
These assumptions hold good only if the materials used and the work as
actually executed are according to the specifications which are known to
give desired results. This standard describes methods for carrying out
projects for excavation and construction of embankments on canals. This
standard does not, however, cover design of cuttings and embankment
slopes for canals.
0.3 This standard was first issued in 1968. The revision of the standard
has been taken up in the light of experience gained during the years.
Salient changes made in this revision are listed below:
a) Provisions regarding clearing the materials have been slightly
b) Side slopes in cutting in canals to be provided depending on type
of soil have been added;
c) Factors to examine sub-grade soil to determine the portion of canal
reaches to be lined have been added;
d) Protective measures for lined sections in areas of high ground
water table have been indicated;
e) Methods for classification of rock excavation have been stated;
f) Provisions regarding preparation of sub-grade for lined reaches
have been modified; and
g) Treatment to repair the settlement in embankment subject to
site conditions has been suggested;
IS : 4701-1982
3.2 Profiles of designed canal section in fill and moderate cut reaches may
be marked at intervals of 25 m at curves and 50 m in straight reaches.
4.1The land over which embankments are to be formed and other excava-
tion is to be carried out shall be cleared of all trees, bushes, rubbish, ant hills
IS : 4701- 1982
5.1 Earthwork in Cutting - Canal section shall be excavated as shown on
the drawings or as directed by the engineer-in-charge. Both edges of the
bank, specially the inner one shall be neatly aligned symmetrically to the
centre line of the channel. They shall be absolutely straight in straight
reaches and smoothly curved on bends. All gangways, roads and stoppings
shall be such that they fall within the canal section so that final dressing of
slope will consist of digging only and no filling will be required.
5.1.1 Suitable arrangements for drainage shall be provided to take surface
water clear of the excavation during the progress of work. S.umps may be
constructed at suitable places and water collected may be pumped out.
When cutting on cross sloping ground, it is advisable to cut a catch water
drain on the higher side to prevent water from flowing down the cutting
5.1.2 Wherever ground water is met during excavation adequate measures
shall be taken to dewater the cutting. The choice of method to be emplo-
yed and type of equipment to be used would depend on the nature of
ground and the volume of water to be dealt with.
IS : 4701- 1982
xs : 4701 1982
losses are anticipated, or if the soils are fine and lacking in cohesion
and could erode badly under the proposed operating conditions, suitable
measures such as lining, etc, should be planned.
51.5 Above the lining in case of lined sections and above the proposed
water level in case of unlined sections the rock may be allowed to stand at
its steepest safe angle and no finishing is required other than removal of
rock masses which are loose and are liable to fall. Lined sections in areas of high ground water shall be protected
against uplift by drainage system as per IS : 4558-1968*. If fine grain
soils ( sand ) are to be placed as sub-grade below concrete or membrane
lining, this should be without organic matter, gravel, pebbles, etc. Natu-
ral sub-grade should be inspected and organic material, gravels, pebbles,
protruding should be removed from sub-grade. Filter blankets should be
provided beneath lining as per IS : 4558-1968* to release uplift pressure.
All washable materials and any soil which generally becomes unstable on
saturation such as organic soil, loose, silts, expansive clays are generally
removed or properly treated for embankment and canal linings so as to
provide safe and stable sub-grade under operating conditions.
5.2 Rock Excavation - Rock may be excavated by the following methods :
a) Quarrying out by hand with suitable rock wedges and hammers,
steel bars, picks, etc, and breakings with rock hammers;
b) Loosening by use of pneumatic paving breakers;
cl Drilling suitable holes by hand with jumpers or pneumatic drilling
machines, and breaking up rock with plugs and features;
4 Drilling holes by hand jumpers or pneumatic drilling machines as
above, but breaking the rock with suitable commercial explosives,
or blasting devices; and
9 Ripping with suitable heavy duty tractors where the rock formation
falls within the range of ripability of commercially available units.
52.1 Classification of rock could be done as below:
a) Disintegrated rock removable by crow bars and pick axes;
b) Fissured and fractured rocks jointed at less than 450 mm apart;
c) Hard rock boulders of size greater than 300 mm in any dimension
up to 3 m3 ;
dj Solid and sheet rock boulders of size greater than 3 m3; and
e) Generally hard soil, hard muram, stoney earth and elrth/sand
mixed with stone and boulders not exceeding 300 mm in any
*Code of practice for under-drainage of lined canals.
IS : 4701-1982
6.1 Before commencing the work, the toe of the slope on each side of the
banks shall be lock-spitted ( Dag-Belled ) and marked by pegs, firmly driven
into the ground at intervals of about 20 III. Profiles made by bamboos,
earth or other convenient materials and strings shall be set up for the
guidance of the workmen at about 50 m apart over straight reaches and
IS : 4701- 1982
IS : 4701- 1982
6.5.2 The ground surface under all canal embankments (excepting rock
surfaces ) where it is below the maximum water level in the canal, shall be
scarified making open furrows not less than 20 cm deep below natural
ground surface at intervals of not more than 1 m. However, where the
ground surface is below the bed level of the canal the entire surface of the
foundations for embankments shall be stripped to a depth of not less than
20 cm.
IS : 4701- 1982
1s : 4701. i98a
procedure using sheep foot rollers. For such. materials proper machinery
utilising the principle of vibro-compaction should be used. The minimum
relative density of the compacted material shall not be less than 70 percent.
The distribution of material shall be such that the compacted material will
be homogeneous and free from lenses, pockets or other imperfections. The
maximum dimensions of stones placed in the embankment shall be not more
than 10 cm. The excavating and placing operations shall be such that the
materials when compacted will be blended sufficiently to secure the best
practicable degree of compaction, impermeability and stability.
6.6.4 Moisture Content - Prior to and during compaction operations the
embankment shall have optimum moisture content required for the purpose
of compaction and this moisture content shall be fairly uniform throughout
the layer. In so far as practicable the moistening of the material shall be
performed at the site of excavation but such moistening shall be supple-
mented as required by sprinkling water at the site of compaction, if necessary. If the moisture content isgreater than optimum for compaction,
the compaction operation shall be delayed until such time as the material
has dried to the optimum moisture content.
6.6.5 Dry Bulk Density After Compaction - The dry bulk density of the
soil fraction in compacted embankment material shall be not less than 95
percent of the maximum dry bulk density at optimum moisture content
obtained in accordance with IS : 2720 (Part VII)-1980*, or as specified.
IS : 470111982
7.1.2 Where the magnitude of work justifies it, the procedure described
in to is recommended to determine the required compaction
method. In deciding the method to be employed, economic considerations
should be kept in view. For example, it may have to be decided whether it
is more economical to compact in layers of less thickness with a light roller
or thick layers with heavy rollers; again, consideration may have to be
given to the number of passes required with smooth and sheepfoot rollers to
produce specified density. Often it may be found that a combination of
two or more types of equipment would give best,results. Standard compaction tests shall be made on available materials.
The tests will indicate broadly which are the most suitable and give a rough
idea of the best type of equipment to be used and the moisture content at
which compaction should be undertaken. This method would help in
classsifying a material according to its compaction characteristics. Having decided on the filling material to be used, field compac-
tion trials should, where porpsible, be made with the compaction equipment
expected to be used underconditions which are likely to obtain during
construction to determine the effects of soil moisture content, thickness of
layer, and number of!passes. In deciding on the range of moisture contents, day-to-day
variations in moisture content should be taken into consideration, particul-
arly in the case of cohesive soils. Refer 6.6.4. Having decided on the
thickness of layers and range of moisture contents, tests should be made
with the different types of equipment available, and the required number of
passes should also be determined. In all this work the state of compaction
should be measured in terms of dry bulk density.
7.1.3 During the actual construction of any earthwork, maximum use
should be made of constructional plant and routing of the plant should be
careful1.y controlled to obtain uniform compaction over as wide an area as
possible. Care should also be taken during the compaction operation to
shape the surface of the works to facilitate the shedding and to minimize
the absorption of rainwater, particular attention being given to the preven-
tion of ponding. It is advisable to do this at the end of each days work.
7.1.4 Where, in the construction of an embankment, it is necessary to
construct a culvert over which the filling has to be placed, it is essential
that the filling and subsequent compaction should be carried out in such a
manner as to avoid an unbalanced thrust on the culvert, which might
displace or damage it.
7.2 Tests for Compaction of Earthworks - The following tests shall be
carried out for determining compaction:
a) Density moisture relationship of the soil;
b) Density of the soil in field; and
c) Moisture content.
IS : 4701- 1981
8.1 All excavated materials within economic lead, suitable for construction
of canal embankment should be used in its construction. Where the canal is
aligned on sloping ground excavated material not required for the construc-
tion of embankment on the higher side shall be deposited on the lower
side. Where canal is on level or nearly level ground the material from
excavation shall be deposited on embankments on both sides of the canal.
If there is excess of material from the excavation than needed for construc-
tion of embankments of canals, it should be deposited outside the
embankments on either side of the canal in the form of spoil banks leaving
a suitable berm and cross drains as directed by the engineer-in-charge.
8.2 A gap 3 m wide at toe may be left in spoil banks at 150 m intervals for
the purpose of drainage.
9.1 Where canal excavation does not furnish sufficient suitable material for
embankments, additional material required may be procured from the
borrow pits. The location of borrow pits will depend on the material that
is being sought which in turn depends on the design consideration. It may
be necessary to survey the soil by means of auger borings or trial pits to
determine the extent and nature of the deposits in the borrow area.
9.2 No borrow pits shall be dug within 5 m of the toe of embankment, if
their depth is less than 0.5 m,
1) and 10 m, if their depth is more than 0.5 m;
*Methods of test for soils : Part VII Determination of moisture content dry density
relations using light compaction ( sc~ond revision).
tlkfethods of test for soils: Part VIII Determination of moirture content dry density
relations using heavy compaction (jirst rrvihm ).
$Methods of test for soils : Part XXVIII Determination of dry density of soils, in p!acc,
by the sand replacement method (jrst rsvision 1.
$Methods of test for soils : Part XXIX Determination of dry density of roils, in place,
by the core cutter method (jut reviziun).
I(Methodr of test for soils: Part II Determination of moisture conten t ( second rmirion),
IS : 4701- 1982
or within such a distance from the toe of the bank where a 4 : 1 hydraulic
gradient line cuts the ground surface, whichever is more. Borrow pits shall
not be more than 1 m in depth and 25 m in length. A clear distance of
1 m shall be left between the pits. The bed of borrow pits shall be left
reasonably smooth and even.
9.3 Borrow pits shall be drained to avoid stagnation of water. The bottom
level of borrow pits should be fixed with reference to the prevailing ground
slope towards the nearest natural drainage course. The pits shall be
connected together by a drain about 0.5 m wide. The bottom level of
connecting drain should suit the bed level of the pits it connects.
(Ch7use 7.1.1 )
l Where one prsn is equivalent to 6 f~ 8 blows per unit ama. ( Conhued )