Simple Opamp-Based Circuit For Measuring Electro-Conductivity of Electrolytic Solutions in Hydroponics System

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ICIC Express Letters ICIC International @2014 ISSN 1881-803X

Volume 8 , Number 4 , April 2014 pp. 1097- 1102



1 1
Physics-Electronics Research Group
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
Naresuan University
Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand
{ mum_c51; noppadon_su; supharmit }; [email protected]
School of Renewable Energy
Maejo University
Sansai, Chiangmai 50290, Thailand
[email protected]; [email protected]

Received June 2013; accepted August 2013

ABSTRACT. The electro-conductivity m easurement is proposed to identify electro-conduc-

tivity in electrolyte solutions. The m ethod uses technique the zero and span circuit for
expansion range of electro-conductivity measurement in electrolytic solutions. The pro-
posed system consists of the EC sensor made of the two carbon electrodes and the circuit
of measurement system. As a result, the proposed system can be used to well measure
electrical conductivity continuously. Using the zero and span circuit, the error value is
low, in range between -0.075 to 0.075 mS/ cm,. and the average error is approximately
equal to 3.3% when the calibration with standard solution.
Keywords: Electrical conductivity, Zero and span circuit, Electrolytic solutions

1. Introduction. Measuring the electrical conductivity (EC) of electrolytic solutions is

significant in hydroponics cultivation. Electric conductivity, which indicates the concen-
tration of the solution and is proportionate to its concentration, is determined by the
density of electrolyte in water. Therefore , if the concentration of electrolyte is large, the
value of electrical conductivity is large as well. One example of applications is that the
electrical conductivity indicates the amount of mineral component in hydroponic cultiva-
tion system. Another example is that, it is utilized as an indicator of water pollution, that
is, the electrical conductivity of a polluted river from industrial factory. Therefore, re-
searchers were interesting in the measurement of electrical conductivity of the electrolytic
solution. For example , Inoue et al. [1] proposed an on-line identification of electro con-
ductivity in electrolytic solutions , whose method uses a model of a cell of electrolytic
solutions in a micro reactor modeled by an electronic circuit and on-line calculation. Fu-
tagawa et al. [2] proposed a multi-modal sensor with pH , EC and temperature sensing
areas for agriculture application. The pH , EC and temperature sensors were integrated
using CMOS logic technology on a small Si chip , at which such sensors can be used to
measure electrical conductivity in a small range. Another example is that, Yleraz et al.
[3] proposed a method using an electronic circuit model. His method identifies the pa-
rameters in the circuit by using resonance to sinusoidal wave inputs and is not on-line
calculation, but batch calculation. Therefore, this paper proposes the improvement for


expansion range of electro conductivity measurement in electrolytic solutions using tech-

nique of zero and span circuit. Such proposed paper consists of two parts: the EC sensor
made of two the carbon electrodes and the circuit of measurement system.

2. Principles.
2.1. Principle of zero and span circuit. The zero and span circuit is served to trans-
mit and refine the signal between output and input signal. It will change the slope and
position of the zero of the system to the conditions that the system requires. The circuit
shown in Figure 1 consists of summing and inverting amplifiers.

FIGURE 1. The zero and span circuit

A relationship between input and output of the zero and span circuit can be considered
From Equation (1) , a relationship between input and output of the zero and span circuit
is in the form of linear equation y = mx + c, where Rt/ Ri is slope of the equation and
(Rt/ R i) (Vret) is constant, i.e., the zero position of circuit.

---+--ill>------~--i... vi
V. (min) V (max)
I l

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 2. Characteristic of t he zero and span circuit

2.2. Conductivity and electrical conductivity measurements in electrolytic so-

lution. The electrical conductivity of the electrolytic solution is the inverse of resistance
which can be shown by the following formula:


where p is the electrical resistivity, L is the length of the piece of material and A is
the cross-sectional area. From Equation (2), conductivity <J is defined as the inverse of
1 1
(J = - = - (3)
p RA
ICIC EXPRESS LETTERS , VOL.8, N0.4, 2014 1099

Conductivity has SI units of siemens per meter (S/m) . From Equation (3), the electri-
cal conductivity can be measured using two carbon electrodes; distance between carbon
electrodesis L, the cross-sectional area is A. Therefore , the cell constant becomes as f, /A .
When we feed t he sine wave signal with t he fixed amplit ude to such carb on electrodes,
the exchanging charges between carbon electrodes occur. Therefore, we can measure the
electrical conductivity, as shown in Equation (4), and the measurement process is shown
as Figure 3.
Conductivity= (electric Current / Voltage) x (Lengt h/ Area) (4)

FIGURE 3. The measurement of electrical conductivity in the electrolytic solution.

The DC is not used because it causes the concentration of ions to be not uniform; as a
result, measurement of electrical conductivity has high errors .
2.3. The proposed EC sensor. The EC sensor proposed consists of conductor t hat
contacts and does not react with t he electrolytic solution. Moreover, it does not rust
which causes the error in measurement. The EC sensor made of two carbon electrodes
are illustrated in Figure 4.

FIGURE 4. The EC sensor proposed

Since the EC measurement is defined as mS /cm, then , the distance between carbon
electrodes is equal to 1 cm. Finally, we use the resin to hold these electrodes together.

3. The Proposed Circuit. The block diagram in Figure 5 illustrates a measurement

system. It consists of seven sections. The first 011e is a sine wave oscillator circuit. The
output of t his circuit is t he input of the second one, namely a wheatstone bridge circuit; it
determines t he floating voltage. The value of the floating voltage depends on conductivity
of an electrolytic solution. The third one is a differential amplifier circuit ; its output is
sine wave signal whose amplitude varies with a concentration of electrolytic solution. The
fourth one is an absolute circuit which is used to inverse the output of the third one to
the full wave signal. The fifth one is low pass fil ter that is made by RC component. The
output of this circuit is the DC that varies with concentration of electrolytic solut ion.
The sixth one is a zero and span circuit; this circuit amplifies the voltage output of the

smc wave

whcillstonc di ffor~ntial absolut.: zero and SJMl1

bridge ci rcuit amp Ii tier circuit c ircuit circuit

carbon dcctn><k'
rni cro.:onlrollcr
eiJctmlytic solution

FIGURE 5. Block diagram of measurement system

Jiffcr(:ntliil umplificr cin..uit ab:s<.)lute ~ irc-uit

~-------------------, --- --- ------ ------- ------,
: lk :: lk lk :
: :: j'/v\~tv'V--f(. :
Jk I: -:=- lk I
:: 'l- vV\ 1
-~ ::-~~k----:
"-...................._~... ~ I # ...
11 - I
lk. LFJ5 I ,......-~- I I
' l K.
l..F3~ I II
./If-,,- I
\1' \ ,
+ / ' \.d1"
' fl' I I
[>!--V II
,.. ' ' I
+ /
/ Vt.
'1 j-
'1lOjH- ,-1-.,
,,,-,.,..,.., I I > aos II
< Jk
1 1
<;: Jk
= I
I < I I <;". II I

L __ _
--~ _ ____ _______ _
1 -:::!:::-
I_ ____ - - - _ - - -- - _______ - - - - _
:: LPFcirrnit:
J ___ _ --- -

l - -----~: ---- --------- --------------~~~hli

y/\, 'l A
,,...,....,,,,_:: :
.., 2k
vv\ ,,. LFJ5 1
/t :

I ...-~~"
n1icrocontroll cr
db play

+ l''"
1: i.;1u aml
L~-- - ------ - ------------ ---- - ---------------~
1 f ~ptm ~:in;uit

FIGURE 6. The proposed EC measurement circuit

fifth one to be range 0 V to 5 V to reduce the error from measurement. The amplified
signal is fed to analog to digital converter circuit before it is processed by microcontroller ,
which shows on LCD display. The scheme proposed in this article is illustrated in Figure
From Figure 6 t he relationship between voltage due to varying electrolytic solution and
voltage output of the zero and span circuit can be written as Equation (5).


4. Experimental Results and Discussion. In order to confirm that proposed cir.cuit

is valid, we set up an experiment as following. First , the standard solut ions with con-
centration from 0.2 to 3.2 mS /cm , increasing by 0.2 mS / cm, are prepared , t hen we feed
t he sin wave voltages with_the frequency of 5 kHz, and voltage of 9 V to t he input of
wheatstone bridge. Voltage VEc, the output of wheatstone bridge circuit, varies with t he
concentration of the electrolytes solution, and this voltage signal is entered the zero and
span circuit to adjust it. Then the adj usted signal is sent to the ADC circuit to convert
as digital signal for t he following process. Finally, t he concentration of t he electrolytes
!CIC EXPRESS LETTERS , VOL.8, N0.4, 2014 1101

solution will be shown on the LCD display. These can be presented by the figures as
From the graph in Figure 7, the slope of graph is 5, so Ri and R 1 in Figure 6 were
chosen as: 20 kD and 100 kD , respectively and when Va is 0, the constant of Equation (5)
is -5 V; Ras and Vr e f in Equation (5) are chosen as 250 kD and -15 V, respectively.
From Figures 8 and 9, the error of the proposed electrical conductivity measuring device
is low which is in range between -0.075 to 0.075 mS /cm. Figure 10 shows the proposed
device that is applied in hydroponics cultivation system.

V<>(\ll m - SV/1 V
~--~"Fe ~--~ Vo 5 --:-t-~
0 v
02 mSlcm m-:asorcment
f \\.), circu_IL for
!V zero and
'LCD :I ~Yi :I
3:2 mSlcm the f'C Sc7L~or 2 V span dmiil 5V display
:I :
1/ I
- (-ll---'-~
2 -.,_ V EC' (V)

FIGURE 7. Process of measuring the electrical conductivity of the elec-

trolytes solution and graphs showing properties of the modified signal by
the zero and span circuit.

3 . 4'
,_ 2.8
= 2.4
"' 2.2
= 1.8
.& 1.6
= 1.4
u 1
"'" 0.8
0 .2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4

EC of standard solution (mS/cm)

FIGURE 8. Experimental results of measuring the electrical conductivity of

the electrolytes solution

0. 10 -- ~---- --- ~ - -- -- - ----- - -- ----- - --- -- --- ------------ ------ -- --- - - --- - ,
-Errors ofEC output

0 .00 +--1----,--#-...,.--.---.----.--.,---.-lt--.--.--tf--.---..-_,,,.__,
-0 .03

-0, l 0 ----- --------- -- -- ---- - -- ----- - ---~- --- ------- - --- - --- --------------.
EC of standard solution (mSlcm)

FIGURE 9. Error value occurring in measuring the electrical conductivity

of the electrolytes solution

FIGURE 10. Application in hydroponics cultivation system

5. Conclusions. In this paper, a new improved circuit for measuring electrical conduc-
tivity of the electrolytes solution based on alternating electrical current techniques is
proposed. The invented sensor can be used to well measure electrical conductivity con-
tinuously without the mineral coating on sensor. Using the zero and span circuit, the
error value is low , in range between -0.075 to 0.075 mS/cm, and the average error is
approximately equal to 3.3% when the calibration with standard solution.

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[2] M. Futagawa, I-I. Takao, M. Ishida, K. Sawada, T. Iwasaki , H. Takao , l\!l . Ishida and K. Sawada,
Fabrication of a multi-modal sensor with PH , EC and temperature sensing areas for agriculture
application, Proc. of IEEE Sensors Conference, pp.2013-2016, 2009.
[3] J. S. Meraz , F. Fernandez and L. F. Magana, A method for the measurement of the resistance of
electrolytic solutions, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, pp.E135-E137, 2005.
[4] K. F itzgibbon , L. Kirkland , N. Flann and N. Wilson , An electrical current flow technology for the
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