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Wind Behavior of Buildings With and Without Shear Wall (In Different Location) For Structural Stability and Economy

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 3, November-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


Gourav P. Bajaj1, Asst. Prof. G. B. Bhaskar2
Student, M.Tech, 2Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
G. H. Raisoni Academy of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract: In recent decades, shear walls structures are the architectural and functional point of view.
most appropriate structural forms, which have caused the
height of concrete buildings to be soared. So, recent RC tall Design Wind Speed (V,)
buildings would have more complicated structural behavior The basic wind speed (V,) for any site shall be obtained from
than before. Therefore, studying the structural systems and and shall be modified to include the following effects to get
associated behavior of these types of structures would be design wind velocity at any height (V,) for the chosen
very interesting. Shear wall system with irregular openings structure:
are utilized under both lateral and gravity loads, and may a) Risk level;
result some especial issues in the behavior of structural b) Terrain roughness, height and size of structure; and
elements such as shear walls, coupling beams and etc. In c) Local topography.
many respects concrete is an ideal building material, It can be mathematically expressed as follows:
combining economy, versatility of form and function, and Where:
noteworthy resistance to fire and the ravages of time. In this V = Vb * kl * k* ks
project the analysis of G+10 reinforced concrete frame Vb = design wind speed at any height z in m/s;
building with and without shear wall has been done. The kl = probability factor (risk coefficient)
analysis is done using designing software Staad Pro. k = terrain, height and structure size factor and
Different models with different condition of shear wall has ks = topography factor
been considered for analysis and study the effects of
displacements in different direction, behavior of different Risk Coefficient (kI Factor)
story , structural stability and flexibility , economy etc has It gives basic wind speeds for terrain Category 2 as
been observed , same shown with the help of comparison applicable at 10 m above ground level based on 50 years
with different models. mean return period. In the design of all buildings and
structures, a regional basic wind speed having a mean return
I. INTRODUCTION period of 50 years shall be used.
Shear walls are specially designed structural walls included
in the buildings to resist horizontal forces that are induced in Terrain, Height and Structure Size Factor (k, Factor)
the plane of the wall due to wind, earthquake and other Terrain - Selection of terrain categories shall be made with
forces. They are mainly flexural members and usually due regard to the effect of obstructions which constitute the
provided in highrise buildings to avoid the total collapse of ground surface roughness. The terrain category used in the
the highrise buildings under seismic forces. Shear wall has design of a structure may vary depending on the direction of
high in-plane stiffness and strength which can be used to wind under consideration. Wherever sufficient
simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support meteorological information is available about the nature of
gravity loads. However, when the buildings are tall, say more wind direction, the orientation of any building or structure
than twelve story or so, beam and column sizes workout large may be suitably planned.
and reinforcement at the beam and column junction works
out quite heavy, so that, there is a lot of congestion at these Topography (ks Factor)
joints and it is difficult to place and vibrate concrete at these The basic wind speed Vb takes account of the general level
places, which does not contribute to the safety of buildings. of site above sea level. This does not allow for local
These practical difficulties call for introduction of shear walls topographic features such as hills, valleys, cliffs,
in highrise buildings. Deep straight walls or angular, U escarpments, or ridges which can significantly affect wind
shaped and box shaped shear wallswere used based on speed in their vicinity. The effect of topography is to
functional and architectural requirement of the highrise accelerate wind near the summits of hills or crests of cliffs,
building. Provision of walls helps to divide an enclose space, escarpments or ridges and decelerate the wind in valleys or
whereas of cores to contain and convey services such as near the foot of cliff, steep escarpments, or ridges.
elevator. Wall openings are inevitably required for windows
in external walls and for doors or corridors in inner walls or Wind load on structural frames
in lift cores. The size and location of openings may vary from The maximum loading effect on each part of the

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 3, November-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

building can be estimated by the dynamic response

analysis considering the characteristics of temporal
and spatial fluctuating wind pressure and the
dynamic characteristics of the building.
The equivalent static wind load producing the
maximum loading effect is given as the design wind
load. For the response of the building against strong
wind, the first mode is predominant and higher
frequency modes are not predominant for most
The horizontal wind load (along-wind load)
distribution for structure frames is assumed to be
equal to the mean wind load distribution, because II. SPECIFICATION FOR DESIGN OF BUILDING
the first mode shape resembles the mean building 1) All columns = 0.6 x0.6 m
displacement. 2) All beams = 0.5 X0.3 m
Specifically, the equivalent wind load is obtained by 3) Parapet = 0.115 m wall.
multiplying the gust effect factor, which is defined Live load on the floors is 4 KN/m2
as the ratio of the instantaneous value to the mean Grade of concrete and steel used: Used M25 concrete and Fe
value of the building response, to the mean wind 500 steel for main & Fe 415 for secondary.
The characteristics of the wind force acting on the MATERIALS FOR THE STRUCTURE
roof are influenced by the features of the fluctuating
wind force caused by separation flow from the The materials for the structure were specified as concrete
leading edge of the roof and the inner pressure, with their various constants as per standard
which depends on the degree of sealing of the
building. Therefore, the characteristics of roof wind LOADING CALCULATION
load on structural frames are different from those of
the along-wind load on structural frames. The Indian Standard (IS) code used for the design:
Minimum design loads for Buildings other than seismic
Geometry of Building Without and With Shear Wall in loads
Different Location & Parameters a) IS 875 (Part 1): 1987 Dead loads
Length of building:- 20 mtr b) IS 875 (Part 2): 1987 Imposed loads
Width of building :- 15 mtrs c) IS 875 (Part 3): 1987 Wind loads
d) IS 875 (Part 5): 1987 Special loads and load combinations
Height of building :- 47.6 mtrs


DEAD LOAD OF SLAB:- 0.15 x 25 = 3.75 KN/M 2
DEAD LOAD OF WALL :- 3 X 0.23 X 20 = 13.8 KN/M


Wind loads are calculated as per IS 875 Part II (1987) [5], in
this example. For the Present work, the basic wind speed
(Vb) is assumed as 44 m/s and the building is considered to
be open terrain with well scattered obstructions having
height less than 10m with maximum dimension more than
50m and accordingly factors
K1,K2, K3 have been calculated as per IS 875 Part II (1987).
Terrain Category- 2, Class- C
K1- Probability factor- 1.0
K2- Terrain, height and size factor- 1.03
K3- Topography factor- 1.1
Design wind speed, Vz= Vb (K1 x K2 x K3) (3)
Vz= 53.24m/s
Design pressure, P= 0. 6 Vz (4)
= 1.7kN/m

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 3, November-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

WIND LOADS Without Shear Wall

Without Shear Wall

With Shear Wall I

With Shear Wall II


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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 3, November-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Maximum relative displacement has been observed

in case I (Without shear wall) which is 9.6 mm in Y
direction followed by case III and case II.
It has been found that case II model having
minimum relative displacement with the position of
shear wall showed in model.
Hence model II in this comparison showing more
stable behavior under applied load.
Maximum resultant displacement in case of beam
has been observed in case I (Without shear wall)
which is 19.6 mm in X direction followed by case II
and case III.
It has been found that case III model having
minimum resultant displacement with the position
of shear wall showed in model.
Hence model II in this comparison showing more
stable behavior under applied load in case of
maximum resultant displacement and more
economical as compare with two other models.


Maximum nodal displacement has been observed in case I
(Without shear wall) which is 19.48 mm in X direction
followed by case III and case II. It has been found that case II
model having minimum displacement with the position of
shear wall showed in model. Hence model II in this
comparison showing more stable behavior under applied

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 3, November-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

[2] International Journal of Civil and Structural

Engineering "Solution of Shear Wall Location in
Multi-Storey Building".
[3] P.S.Kumbhare, A.C.Saoji /International Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications "
Effectiveness of Changing Reinforced Concrete
Shear Wall Location on Multi-storeyed Building ".
[4] "Effective location of shear wall on performance of
building frame subjected to earthquake load" Anil
Neerukona Institute of Technology and Sciences,
[5] "Optimum location of shear wall in a mutli-storey
building subjected to seismic behavior using genetic
algorithm" by Suchita Tuppad, R.J.Fernandes,
International Research Journal of Engineering and

The above study shows the idea about the location for
providing the shear wall which was based analyses in the
Staad pro. It has been observed that the top deflection was
reduced and reached within the permissible deflection after
providing the shear wall in 2 & 3rd model. It has been also
observed that the both bending moment and shear force in the
2nd and 3rd frame were reduced after providing the shear
wall. It is evident from the observing result that the shear
wall are making value of torsion very low. For the columns
located away from the shear wall the torsion is high when
compared with the columns connected to the shear wall.
Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings often have vertical plate-
like RC walls called Shear Walls in addition to slabs, beams
and columns. These walls generally start at foundation level
and are continuous throughout the building height. Their
thickness can be as low as 150mm, or as high as 400mm in
high rise buildings. For the columns located away from the
shear wall the Bending Moment is high and shear force is
less when compared with the columns connected to the shear
wall. The vertical reinforcement that is uniformly distributed
in the shear wall shall not be less than the horizontal
reinforcement after a general study of ductility levels in shear
walls; we will conclude the optimality and conceptuality of
provision of shear wall. RC shear walls provide large
strength and stiffness to buildings in the direction of their
orientation, which significantly reduces lateral sway of the
building and thereby reduces damage to structure and its
contents. Since shear walls carry large horizontal earthquake
forces, the overturning effects on them are large. Shear walls
in buildings must be symmetrically located in plan to reduce
ill-effects of twist in buildings. Shear walls are more
effective when located along exterior perimeter of the
building such a layout increases resistance of the building to

[1] Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur
Steps for safe design and construction of multi-
storey reinforced concrete buildings".

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