Seismic Analysis of A Multi-Storey Building With Tuned Mass Dampers

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Seismic analysis of a multi-storey building with Tuned

Mass Dampers

A Project Report


Antony Thomas
Leonstein Jose
Mathew Abraham Vellapally
V Vinayak Shenoy

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement

For the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi, Kerala-682039
Seismic analysis of a multi-storied building with Tuned
Mass Dampers

A Project Report


Antony Thomas (RET17CE015)

Leonstein Jose (RET17CE040)
Mathew Abraham Vellapally (RET17CE045)
V Vinayak Shenoy (RET17CE067)

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement

For the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
Rajagiri Valley P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi, Kerala-682039
RSET Vision
To evolve into a premier technological and research institution, moulding eminent
professionals with creative minds, innovative ideas and sound practical skill, and to
shape a future where technology works for the enrichment of mankind.

RSET Mission
To impart state-of-the-art knowledge to individuals in various technological
disciplines and to inculcate in them a high degree of social consciousness and
human values, thereby enabling them to face the challenges of life with courage and

The department strives to excel in the areas of academia, research and industry by
moulding professionals in the field of Civil Engineering to build a sustainable world.

To impart quality education and mould technically sound, ethically responsible
professionals in the field of Civil Engineering with a broad skill set of creativity,
critical thinking and effective communication skills to meet the desired needs of the
society within realistic socio-economic environmental constraints.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Within a few years of graduation, the candidate is expected to have achieved the following

PEO 1: Knowledge in Civil Engineering: Graduates shall attain state of the art
knowledge in the various fields of Civil Engineering and will take every opportunity
coming their way to augment the already existing knowledge.

PEO 2: Successful in career: Graduates shall achieve successful career which they
will be able to commit to with responsibility and passion

PEO 3: Commitment to society: Graduates shall display a high sense of social

responsibility and ethical thinking and suggest sustainable engineering solutions

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Civil Engineering Students will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and Civil engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze

complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge

and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation
of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and

responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member

or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities

with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work,
as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

Civil Engineering Students will be able to:

PSO 1: Structural Analysis & Design Skills: Acquire ability to analyze, design
and develop feasible solutions with emphasis to earthquake resistant design.

PSO 2: Professional Skills: Acquire ability to confront real time problems by

developing sustainable solutions.

PSO 3: Interdisciplinary Skills: Graduates will be able to collaborate with

engineers from other disciplines to develop products for the betterment of the



This is to certify that Antony Thomas(RET17CE015), Leonstein

Jose(RET17CE040),Mathew Abraham Vellapally(RET17CE045),V Vinayak
Shenoy(RET17CE067) , Department of Civil Engineering has successfully completed Project
work as a part of the requirement of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University,
Thiruvananthapuram for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering,
during the academic year 2020-2021.

Ms. Tressa Kurian Prof. Vincent K John

Professor in Charge Head of Departm

Dynamic loads such as wind and earthquakes can set a building in motion (vibration) and if these
motions are kept unchecked; it can even damage the building. Tuned mass damper is a device
mounted in structures to reduce the amplitude of these vibrations. Their application can prevent
discomfort, damage, or outright structural failure.

The prime objective of this project is to evaluate the performance of the building with and without
tuned mass dampers. A structure vibrates in its natural frequency and this natural frequency is a
function of its stiffness and mass. Once the natural frequency is known, a suitable Tuned Mass Damper
(TMD) can be designed. The multi-storey structure is designed using SAP2000. The methods to
evaluate the structure include simulating an earthquake case on both damped and undamped
structure. Also, the peak acceleration, peak displacement, response spectrum and base shear are
obtained using the software. These values are then compared to find the difference in the behaviour
of structure with and without dampers.

The expected outcome includes considerable decrease in peak deflection and acceleration. As a result
a decrease in peak response of the structure to the ground excitation and significant decrease in base
shear is also expected.


Foremost, We would like to thank and praise God, who has abundantly showered his blessings
throughout this project.

We would like to express our special gratitude to our guide Ms. Tressa Kurian, Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Rajagiri school of Engineering and Technology, Kakkanad for the
continuous support of our project , for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense
knowledge. Her guidance helped us in all the time of research for this project. We could not have
imagined having a better guide and mentor for our project.

We express our sincere gratitude to Prof. (Dr). P. S. Sreejith, Principal, Rajagiri School of Engineering
and Technology, Kakkanad for providing us with the wonderful opportunity, the means and resources
for the completion of this project.

We would like to thank Prof. Vincent K. John, Head of Civil Engineering Department, Rajagiri school of
Engineering and Technology, Kakkanad for the wholehearted support for the successful completion
of our project.

Any attempt at any level cannot be satisfactorily completed without the support and guidance of our
parents, teachers and friends.we would like to thank our parents, teachers and friends who helped us
a lot in gathering different information and for their moral support.

Thanking you,
Antony Thomas
Leonstein Jose
Mathew Abraham Vellapally
V.Vinayak Shenoy

Table of Contents


Certificate i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Types of TMD 1
1.1.1 Passive TMD system 2
1.1.2 Active TMD system 2
1.1.3 Translational TMD system 3
1.1.4 Pendulum TMD system 3

Chapter 2: Literature review

Chapter 3: Implementing TMD
3.1 TMD in structures 7
3.2 TMD in SAP2000 8
3.2.1 Procedure 8

Chapter 4: Validation
4.1 Example problem 10
4.2 Result and conclusion 11

Chapter 5: Methodology
5.1 Literature review 12
5.2 Data collection 12
5.3 Modelling of building 12
5.3.1 Details of building 12
5.3.2 Input loading 16
5.3.3 Analysis 16

Chapter 6: Analysis and Design software used: SAP2000

Chapter 7: Development and analysis of a multi-storeyed building using
7.1 Begin a new model 18
7.2 Defining materials 18

7.3 Defining frame sections 18
7.4 Defining load patterns 19
7.5 Defining the shear wall 19
7.6 Assigning the diaphragm 20
7.7 Defining staircase 20
7.8 Assigning loads 21
7.9 Checking stability of the structure 21
7.10 Defining response spectrum function 21
7.11 Defining earthquake load patterns 22
7.12 Defining and assigning wind load patterns 22
7.13 Preliminary analysis results 22
7.14 Design of TMD 22
7.15 Defining ground excitation 23

Chapter 8: Results
8.1 Responses in X direction
8.1.1 Displacement 24
8.1.2 Base shear 26
8.1.3 Acceleration 28
8.1.4 Response spectrum 30
8.2 Responses in Y direction
8.2.1 Displacement 32
8.2.2 Base shear 33
8.2.3 Acceleration 34
8.2.4 Response spectrum 35

Chapter 9: Conclusion
Chapter 10: Scope for future Enhancement
Reference 38

Project 39

List of Tables

Table Title Page

5.1 Parameters taken for Analysis 12
7.1 Section properties 18
7.2 Specification of staircase 20
7.3 Calculation of wind pressure 22

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1.1 TMD system 2
1.2 Schematic of an ATMD 3
1.3 Schematic of a unidirectional translational TMD 3
1.4 Schematic of a PTMD 4
3.1 TMD diagram 7
4.1 Frame with TMD at top 10
4.2 Textbook result 10
4.3 Experimental result 11
5.1 Plan of commercial space 14
5.2 Plan of residential space 14
5.3 Plan of parking space 15
5.4 XZ elevation view 15
5.5 3D Model 15
7.1 Defining load patterns 19
7.2 Shear wall 19
7.3 Plan of Staircase 20
7.4 3D model of staircase 21
7.5 El Centro accelerogram 23
8.1 Displacement-Time Graph in X direction 24
8.2 Displacement-Time Graph in X direction 25
8.3 Displacement-Time Graph comparison bar graph 25
8.4 Base shear-Time graph in X direction 26
8.5 Base shear-Time graph in X direction 27
8.6 Comparison Bar graph of Base shear 27
8.7 Acceleration-time graph in X direction 28
8.8 Acceleration-time graph in X direction 29
8.9 Comparison Bar graph of Acceleration in X direction 29
8.10 Response spectrum vs. Frequency graph in X direction 30
8.11 Response spectrum vs. Frequency graph in X direction 31
8.12 Comparison Bar graph of Response spectrum in X direction 31
8.13 Displacement-Time Graph in Y direction 32
8.14 Base shear-Time graph in Y direction 33
8.15 Acceleration-time graph in Y direction 34
8.16 Response spectrum vs. Frequency graph in Y direction 35

Chapter 1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Now-a-days innumerable high rise buildings have been constructed all over the world and the
number is increasing day by day. This is not only due to concerns over high density of population
in the cities, commercial zones and space saving but also to establish country landmarks and to
prove that their countries are up to the standards. As the seismic load acting on a structure is a
function of the self-weight of the structure these structures are made comparatively light and
flexible which have relatively low natural damping. Results make the structures more vibration
prone under earthquake loading. In many cases this type of large displacements may not be a
threat to integrity of the structure but a steady state of vibration can cause considerable
discomfort and even illness to the building occupant.

In every field in the world conservation of energy is followed. If the energy imposed on the
structure by earthquake load is fully dissipated in some way the structure will vibrate less. Every
structure naturally releases some energy through various mechanisms such as internal stressing,
rubbing, and plastic deformation. In large modern structures, the total damping is almost 5% of
the critical. So new generation high rise buildings are equipped with artificial damping devices
for vibration control through energy dissipation.

A tuned mass damper (TMD is a passive damping system which utilizes a secondary mass
attached to a main structure normally through spring and dashpot to reduce the dynamic
response of the structure. It is widely used for vibration control in mechanical engineering
systems. Nowadays TMD theory has been adopted to reduce vibration of tall buildings and other
civil engineering structures. The secondary mass system is designed to have a natural frequency,
which is dependent on its mass and stiffness, tuned to that of the primary structure. When that
particular frequency of the structure gets excited the TMD will resonate out of phase with the
structural motion and reduce its response. Then, the excess energy that is built up in the structure
can be transferred to a secondary mass and is dissipated by the dashpot due to relative motion
between them at a later time. Mass of the secondary system varies from 1-10% of the structural

A TMD is an inertial mass attached to the building location with maximum motion, through a
properly tuned spring and damping element. Tuned mass damper is a device consisting of mass,
spring, and damper that are attached to a structure in order to reduce the dynamic response of
the structure shown in figure 1.1.


● Passive TMD Systems
● Active TMD Systems
● Translational TMD Systems
● Pendulum TMD Systems

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1.1- TMD system

1.1.1 Passive TMD Systems

Passive systems are characterized by the absence of an external source of energy. As a result
overall system stability is usually not a concern. A passive TMD system is any TMD topology
which does not contain any active element, such as an actuator. As a result these systems are
entirely mechanical. But it’s relatively cheaper.

1.1.2 Active TMD Systems

An ATMD system, as shown in Figure 1.2, contains an actuator which drives the motion of either
the TMD mass or an auxiliary mass connected to the TMD mass. By actively controlling the
motion of an external mass, the ATMD can control the forces exerted on the structure.

Figure 1.2- Schematic of an ATMD


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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1.3 Translational TMD Systems

Translational TMD can be either unidirectional or bidirectional systems . In unidirectional

systems the motion of the TMD mass is restricted to a single direction, often by placing the mass
on a set of rails or roller bearings, as depicted in Figure 1.3.

In bidirectional systems, the mass can move along both coordinate axes. In either topology a set
of springs and dampers are placed between the TMD mass and the supporting structure which
is fixed to the structure

Figure 1.3- Schematic of a unidirectional translational TMD


1.1.4 Pendulum TMD Systems (PTMDs)

PTMDs replace the translational spring and damper system with a pendulum, which consists of
a mass supported by a cable which pivots about a point, as illustrated in Figure 1.4. They are
commonly modelled as a simple pendulum.

For small angular oscillations they will behave similarly to a translational TMD and can be
modelled identically with an equivalent stiffness and equivalent damping ratio. Hence, the
design methodology for both the translational TMD system and PTMD systems are identical.

A major motivating factor for using a PTMD system over an equivalent translational TMD system
is the absence of any bearings to support the TMD mass. The bearing support structure used in
the translational TMD assembly is expensive and susceptible to wear over the lifespan of the TMD
system. As a result PTMD designs can be less expensive to manufacture and last longer.

Nearly 50% of structures in Japan that use TMD systems utilize PTMD systems. Examples
include Crystal Tower in Osaka, Higashimyama Sky Tower in Nagoya, and Taipei 101 in Taipei .

Hence, we decided to use the PTMD system for our seismic analysis of a 40 storey building.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure1. 4- Schematic of a PTM


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Chapter 2 Literature Review

2 Literature Review
● Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Buildings (G+30) by Using ETABS by DR. K.
Chandrashekar Reddy and G. Lalith Kumar, 2019
The paper aims to analyze a high-rise building of 30 floors (G+30) by considering seismic,
dead and live loads. The design criteria for high-rise buildings are strength, serviceability
and stability. The version of the software used is ETABS 2016.In the present study, we are
mainly determining the effects of lateral loads on moments, shear force, axial force, base
shear, maximum displacement and tensile forces on structural system are subjected and
also comparing the results of seismic zones 2, 3, 4 and 5. The seismic analysis was carried
out for the buildings that have lack of resistance to earthquake forces. Seismic analysis
considers seismic effects hence the exact analysis sometimes becomes complex. Story
drifts for top 10 floors and base reactions were analyzed in seismic zones 2 to 5.Behavior
of the high rise building was shown clearly using the graphs and lateral displacements. It
is found that the lateral displacements or drifts are more in zone 5 when compared to
zones 4, 3&2. It is also found that from the base reactions of structure obtained in zone 5,
the story shear is higher in zone 5 than in zone 2. The members which are not appropriate
will be obtained and suitable sections are recommended by the software.
● Seismic Analysis of Multistoried Building by Mahesh N. Patil, Yogesh N.
The effective design and the construction of earthquake resistant structures have much
greater importance all over the world. In this paper, the earthquake response of a
symmetric multi-storey building is studied by manual calculation and with the help of
ETABS 9.7.1 software. The method includes a seismic coefficient method as recommended
by IS 1893:2002. The responses obtained by manual analysis as well as by soft computing
are compared. This paper provides a complete guide line for manual as well as software
analysis of seismic coefficient method. A 22.5m x 22.5m, 8 storey structure is modeled
using ETABS software. The height of each storey is taken as 3meter making the total
height of the structure 24 meter. Analysis of the structure is done and then the results
generated by this software are compared with manual analysis of the structure using IS

● Analysis of multistoried building with and without tuned mass damper by Shubham
Sonawane and Rohan Kumar Choudhary
A TMD is an inertial mass attached to the building location with maximum motion,
through a properly tuned spring and damping element. Tuned mass damper is a device
consisting of mass, spring, and damper that are attached to a structure in order to reduce
the dynamic response of the structure. In this study, the effect of Tuned mass damper on
the response of structure was also response spectrum and time history analysis of multi-
storey building frame with and without damper was performed in ETABS software.
Moreover, base shear and displacement was studied. A reinforced concrete frame
building with a simple symmetric plan is selected. Height of each story is 3m. The building
with plan dimensions (24m x 40m) was modelled in ETABS.It was assumed that columns

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Chapter 3 Literature Review

are inextensible, slab is rigid and self-weight of columns is null. Following results were
obtained from this study
● Tuned mass damper can be successfully used to control structural excitation
● 3% of mass of damper is found effective in reducing displacement of top story.
● Storey shear values for reinforced concrete buildings with tuned mass damper are
minimum in both directions.

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Chapter 3
Implementing Tuned Mass Damper

3 Implementing Tuned Mass Damper


Tuned mass dampers (TMDs) are a type of passive damping systems that attaches to the main
structure as a secondary mass and reduces the dynamic response of the structure through
damping and stiffness, which is widely used in control engineering systems and other civil
engineering structures. Tuned mass dampers (TMDs) are generally installed at the rooftops of
buildings to control the responses of buildings produced due to wind or an earthquake. TMDs
may be installed in other structures also, such as, flexible bridges (suspension/cable-stayed
bridges) to control the wind induced vibration . The most important feature of the TMDs\ is the
tuning of frequencies, that is, the frequency of the TMD is made equal to the fundamental
frequency of the structure. Because of various uncertainties inherent in the properties of both the
TMD and the structure, perfect tuning is very difficult to achieve. As a consequence, multi-tuned
mass dampers (MTMDs) have been developed for better tuning. Diagrammatic representation of
TMD in structure is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: TMD diagram

( Source

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Chapter 3 Implementing Tuned Mass Damper

3.2 TMD IN SAP2000

Within SAP2000 or ETABS, a TMD may be modeled using a spring-mass system with damping.
Guidelines for this subsystem are described as follows:

● Spring – Assign spring properties to a linear two-joint link object in which one joint is
attached to the structure, and the other joint is free.
● Mass – Mass and weight are then assigned to the free joint.
● Damping – Within SAP2000, linear damping is included directly in the linear link

3.2.1 Procedure

The general procedure for modeling a tuned-mass damper is given as follows:

1. Specify link properties

Any spring-mass system may represent the swinging pendulum in 2D. Here, spring constant is
given as Mg/L, where M is mass, L is pendulum length, and g is gravity. In this case, a linear link
is created to represent the pendulum device. Select Define > Section Properties > Link/Support
Properties, then define translational stiffnesses along U1, U2, and U3. The linear stiffness along
U1 represents axial properties, and should be based on the EA/L value of the hangers. The linear
stiffness properties of U2 and U3 are chosen as Mg/L.

● Length – Pendulum length directly affects the period of the TMD. This is accounted for in
the spring and mass properties used.
● Mass – Mass strongly affects how the TMD influences response. Changes to mass must be
accounted for in the following locations:

● Mass (M) should be assigned to the free joint (J-end of the link).
● Weight (W = Mg) should be assigned to the free joint (J-end of the link) as a joint
force load in the gravity direction in any self-weight load pattern.
● Effective stiffness (Mg/L) of the U2 and U3 link properties.

● Period – Generally, the period (T) of the TMD is chosen to closely match the structural
period to be counteracted, taken as the first period of vibration of the control model. . The
period of the TMD is given by:

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology

Chapter 3
Implementing Tuned Mass Damper

● Once the period of the TMD is derived, TMD length is calculated from this value and
gravity. This length, along with gravity and the arbitrary mass value, are then converted
into the effective link stiffness of the U2 and U3 directions, given as Mg/L. This being the
case, the length of the TMD in the real structure is not explicitly modeled, but is accounted
for in the link property.

● Damping – Damping is defined as either a linear Coefficient of Cor a nonlinear C value

plus an exponent on the velocity term. Damping values should be chosen based on the
physical characteristics of the TMD device. This damping source affects the TMD itself,
but it is not the primary energy-dissipation mechanism for the structure as a whole. For a
linear damper, an estimate of the fraction of critical damping (ξ) for the TMD is:

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Chapter 4 Validation

4 Validation
For validation, an example from “Seismic analysis of structures” by T.K Dutta was chosen. In this
example question (example 9.5 pg 408) multiple storey 2D frame was excited with El Centro
accelerogram and it’s displacement vs time graphs were plotted.


The building frame shown in Figure 4.1 is provided with a tuned mass damper (TMD) to control
its response. Using the direct method of analysis, compare between the controlled and
uncontrolled responses for the El Centro earthquake. Mass of the TMD is 5% of the total mass of
the structure . Figure 4.2 shows the text book answer.

Figure 4.1:frame with TMD at top

(source: Seismic analysis of structures)

Figure 4.2:textbook answer

(source: Seismic analysis of structures)

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Chapter 4 Validation


The above structure was modelled in SAP2000 with and without equipping TMD and
displacement vs time graphs were plotted for both the cases. Following answer Figure 4.3 was

Figure 4.3: Experimental result, displacement in meters

X- axis Time in seconds

Even though textbook answers were obtained from MATLAB, It was observed that both the
textbook and experimental results were similar. Hence the method used to model the TMD in
SAP2000 was found to be functional.

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Chapter 5 Methodology

5 Methodology

To gather various types of work on seismic analysis of high-rise structures and on tuned mass
dampers various papers, thesis and research articles were studied thoroughly and referred to.
The idea behind doing literature review was to collect data and have understanding on different
methods and approaches that can be used, to clearly understand the software requirement of the
project. Literature review was done to have thorough guidelines during the entire project work.


Various Indian standard codes were collected and referred.

Such as:-
● IS-456:200: DESIGN code for RCC structures
● IS-875(part 1): Code for dead loads
● IS-875(part 2): Code for imposed loads
● IS-875(part 3): Code for wind loads
● IS 1893 (part 1) - 2002: Code for earthquake loads

The earthquakes considered in this work are the time history of ground motion as per IS 1893:2002


5.3.1 Details of the Building

A symmetrical building of plan 25m x 25m located in zone IV, India is modelled. Five bays of
length 5m are provided both along X - direction and Y - direction. Shear Wall is provided at all 4
sides of the building model.

For analysis, a 40 storey building is modelled in SAP2000. The building has a height of 140m with
a floor height of 3.5m. The building is analyzed by Response Spectrum Analysis, which is a linear
dynamic analysis. The specifications of the frame are given in Table 5.1. This building consists of
parking space from basement to 4th floors , commercial space from 4th to 15th floors and residential
space from 15th to 40th floors. So, 3 plans were prepared for the same. The plans, elevation and the
model of the building is shown in Figure 5.1 to Figure 5.5

Table 5.1: Parameters taken for Analysis

Specification Data

Plan Dimension 25m X 25m

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Chapter 5 Methodology

Height of storey 3.5m

Number of bays in x direction 5 nos

Number of bays in y direction 5 nos

Width of each bay in x direction 5m

Width of each bay in x direction 5m

Number of floor 40

Total height of the building 140m

Slab thickness 125mm

Column size 850mm X 850mm

Beam size 450mm X 500mm

Shear wall thickness 300mm

Seismic Zone zone IV

Type of structural systems Rigid frame structural


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Chapter 5 Methodology

Figure.5.1: Plan of commercial space (AutoCAD drawing)

Figure. 5.2: Plan of residential space (AutoCAD drawing)

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Chapter 5 Methodology

Figure.5.3: Plan of parking space (AutoCAD drawing)

Figure .5.4: XZ elevation view Figure. 5.5: 3D model

(SAP2000) (SAP2000)
5.3.2 Input loading:-

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Chapter 5 Methodology

● Dead load as calculated by the software (AS PER IS 875 PART I)

● Live load is taken as 4 KN /M2
● Superimposed load is taken as 1.2 KN /M2
● Design for earthquake based on IS 1893 and Seismic zone factor is taken as 0.24
● Wind load was defined based on IS 875 2015 and the basic wind speed was found from
the wind map.

Site details

Seismic zone: - 4 (as per IS 1893:2002 fifth revision)

Seismic zone factor: - 0.24
City: -Delhi region

Load combinations

Load combinations that been considered as per IS 1893:2002 PART 1

Different loads used in this analysis include Dead Load (DL), Live Load (LL), Superimposed
Dead Load (SIDL), Wind Load along X axis, Wind Load along Y axis, Seismic Load along X axis,
Seismic Load along Y axis, Response Spectrum Load along X axis, Response Spectrum Load along
Y axis, Response Spectrum Load along Z axis

Examples of few load combinations

1. 1.5 (D.L +SIDL+ RSX-0.3RSY+0.3RSZ)
2. 1.5 (D.L +SIDL+ RSX-0.3RSY-0.3RSZ)

5.3.3 Analysis:-

In this study, 40 storied RC buildings have been analyzed using the response spectra method in
SAP2000. The plan and elevation of the building taken for analysis is shown above. In the
earthquake analysis along with earthquake loads, vertical loads are also applied. For the
earthquake analysis, IS 1893-2016 code was used. Seismic analysis considers dynamic effects
however, linear static analysis is carried for simple and low-rise buildings whereas Dynamic
analysis is carried out for high rise structures and seismic prone areas. Dynamic analysis is done
by Response Spectrum Method in SAP2000 which indicates maximum values of Response in the
structure. For the purpose of design of the structure Indian Standard Codes are referred.

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Chapter 6 SAP2000

6 Analysis and Design software used: SAP2000

SAP2000 is general-purpose civil-engineering software ideal for the analysis and design of any
type of structural system. Basic and advanced systems, ranging from 2D to 3D, of simple
geometry to complex, may be modelled, analysed, designed, and optimized using a practical and
intuitive object-based modelling environment that simplifies and streamlines the engineering
process. SAP2000 is the ideal tool for modelling structural systems of any complexity and any
project type. Buildings, bridges, transportation infrastructure, such specialty structures as dams,
sports facilities, and offshore systems are a few examples of the limitless design possibilities.
Powerful built-in templates also simplify and expedite the load-application process. Seismic,
wind, vehicle, wave, and thermal forces may all be automatically generated and assigned
according to a suite of code-based guidelines.

A range of innovative analysis techniques are integrated into the capabilities of SAP2000. Users
are free to supplement the standard yet sophisticated analysis process by implementing advanced
features for nonlinear and dynamic consideration. This versatility makes SAP2000 a practical and
productive tool for any analysis type ranging from simple static, linear-elastic to more complex
dynamic, nonlinear-inelastic Dynamic methods include response spectrum, power-spectral-
density and steady-state and time history analysis.

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Chapter 7 Analysis and design
Of building

7 Analysis and design of a 40 storey building using



At first, the basic grid that will serve as a template for developing the model is defined. This is
done by opening a New Model in the software window and laying out the grid by defining major
geometrical aspects of the model. The number of grid lines is set to 6 in the X and Y direction, and
to 41 in the Z directions. And then the spacing in the X, Y and Z directions is specified.


Used the Define menu to add, modify, or delete a material property. The material property
definitions are then used in defining the structural objects. Material properties like unit weight,
Poisson’s ratio, grade of steel and concrete is defined at this step.

Material properties

Grade of Concrete: - M50, M30

Grade of Steel: - Fe 415, HYSD bars
Concrete density: - 25 kN/ m3
Brick work: - 22 kN/ m3

General RCC works as per IS 456:2000


Frame section properties are defined on the basis of their dimensions, grade of materials etc.
Defining a frame section makes the section available for assignment to selected frame objects.
Various frame sections used during modeling the building are shown in table 7.1 .

Table 7.1: Section properties

Item Dimension Grade of concrete Grade of rebar

Slab 125mm M30 Fe 415

Column 850mm x 850mm M50 Fe 415
Beam 450mm x 500mm M50 Fe 415
Shear wall 300mm M50 Fe 415

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Chapter 7 Analysis and design
Of building


The loads used in this problem consist of dead, dead wall, dead slab, dead floor finish, dead and
live roof loads acting in the gravity direction. The Load Pattern command is used to define
various Load Patterns as shown in figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1: Defining load patterns (SAP2000)


M50 grade 300 mm RCC shear wall was defined in the software. Shear wall was then assigned
symmetrically at four sides of the building. Blue shaded region in figure 7.2 represents the shear

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Chapter 7 Analysis and design
Of building

Figure 7.2 : Shear wall (SAP2000)


Diaphragm is a structural element that transmits lateral loads to the vertical resisting elements of
a structure such as shear walls or frames. Each floor which was defined was assigned a
diaphragm . A diaphragm constraint creates links between joints located within a plane such that
they move together as a planar diaphragm.


Using the Specifications shown in table 7.2 a staircase was designed in SAP2000. Figure 7.3 and
figure 7.4 shows the plan and 3D model of a staircase respectively.

Table 7.2: Specification of staircase

Item Description
Length 5m
Width of stair room 5m
Floor height 3.5m
Riser 15cm
Tread 30cm
Landing width 1.4m
Height of landing slab 1.75m
No. of risers 12
No. of treads 11

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Chapter 7 Analysis and design
Of building

Figure 7.3:Plan of Staircase

Figure 7.4 :3D model of staircase( SAP2000)


In this Step, the Dead and Live loads will be applied to the model. Dead load was auto assigned
by SAP2000. Superimposed Dead Loads (SIDL) of brick walls applied on corresponding beams.
And then live loads and SIDL were applied on slabs


Stability of the building ensured after assigning all the members and the loads to the model.
Analysis for instability was done using the software

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Chapter 7 Analysis and design
Of building


A response spectrum is a plot of the peak or steady-state response (displacement, velocity or

acceleration) of a series of oscillators of varying natural frequency, that are forced into motion by
the same base vibration or shock. The resulting plot can then be used to pick off the response of
any linear system, given its natural frequency of oscillation. One such use is in assessing the peak
response of buildings to earthquakes. Design for earthquake based on IS 1893.

In response spectrum function definition form seismic zone iv is selected because building is
located in zone IV hence Seismic zone factor is taken as 0.24. As for importance factor 1.5 and
response reduction factor is taken as 5.


Seismic load was added along X and Y direction and then seismic load cases considering
eccentricity of 0.05 is added. Top Story and Bottom Story are selected to specify the elevation
range over which the automatic static lateral loads are calculated. Time period was calculated by
the software.


Wind load was defined based on IS:875 2015.Basic wind speed found from wind map and
factored. Design wind pressure was calculated for each floor as shown in table 7.3 . Calculated
wind pressure was assigned to the diaphragm. The rigid diaphragm assumption assumes the
edge of the building cladding is at the edge of the diaphragm.

Table 7.3: Calculation of wind pressure


● Mass of the structure determined

● Modes and frequencies determined

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Chapter 7 Analysis and design
Of building

● Shape and direction of modes found

● First two modes chosen for TMD design


The Tuned Mass Damper was designed with various mass ratios such as 2.5%,5% and 7.5%. The
stiffness is determined for each mass ratio.


EL Centro earthquake (Figure 7.5) is simulated in SAP2000.

Figure 7.5: El Centro accelerogram


Various responses of structure were found which are shown below:-

● Peak Displacement
● Peak acceleration
● Response spectrum
● Base shear

These responses were found for each mass ratio.

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Chapter 8 Results

8 Results

8.1.1 Displacement

Displacement-time graphs show how the displacement of moving objects changes with time.
From the time history analysis of the structure, displacement-time graphs in X- direction were
obtained. Time history analysis is carried out with various mass percentages of Tuned Mass
Damper.. Figures 8.1 and 8.2 show the displacement -time graphs in X- axis.

Figure 8.1 : Displacement-Time Graph in X direction

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Chapter 8 Results

Figure 8.2 : Displacement-Time Graph in X direction

By comparing the results obtained from analysis of structure with and without tuned mass
damper, the percentage reduction in displacement increased with TMD mass. The peak
displacement value obtained in X-direction without Tuned mass damper is 3.73 e-02 m and that
of with tuned mass damper is 3.193 e-02 m. Figure 8.3 shows the comparison of peak
displacements for various TMD masses.

Figure 8.3 : Displacement-Time Graph comparison bar graph

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Chapter 8 Results

8.1.2 Base shear

Base shear is an estimate of the maximum expected lateral force on the base of the structure due
to seismic activity. From the time history analysis of structure, base shear - time graphs in X-
direction were obtained. Time history analysis was carried out with various mass percentages of
Tuned Mass Damper. Base shear-time graphs Figure 8.4 and 8.5 show the base shear-time graph
for various TMD masses.

Figure 8.4 : Base shear-Time graph in X- direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

Figure 8.5 : Base shear-Time graph in X -direction.

By comparing the base shear vs time graphs for various TMD masses , it was found that base
shear had significant reduction with increased percentage of TMD mass but a moderate increase
was found for 7.5 % TMD mass.This increase is due to the increase of overall mass of the
structure. The peak base shear value obtained in X-direction without Tuned mass damper is 3.01
e03 kN and that of with tuned mass damper is 2.19 e03 kN. Figure 8.6 shows the comparison of
peak base shears for various TMD masses.

Figure 8.6 : Comparison Bar graph of Base shear in X- direction

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Chapter 8 Results

8.1.3 Acceleration

Acceleration vs time graph shows change in acceleration with respect to time. From the time
history analysis of the structure , acceleration vs time graphs in X direction were obtained. Figure
8.7 and 8.8 shows acceleration - time graph of various TMD masses.

Figure 8.7 : Acceleration-time graph in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

Figure 8.8 : Acceleration-time graph in X direction.

By comparing the acceleration vs time graphs for various TMD masses, the percentage reduction
in acceleration increased with TMD mass.The peak acceleration value obtained in X-direction
without Tuned mass damper is 2.73 e-01 m/s² and that of with tuned mass damper is 2.68 e-01
m/s². Figure 8.9 shows the comparison of peak accelerations for various TMD masses.

Figure 8.9 : Comparison Bar graph of Acceleration in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

8.1.4 Response Spectrum

Response spectrum is a plot of the peak or steady-state response (displacement, velocity or

acceleration) of a series of oscillators of varying natural frequency. From the response spectrum
analysis of structure, response spectrum vs. frequency graphs were obtained. Figure 8.10 and 8.11
shows response spectrum graphs for various TMD masses.

Figure 8.10 : Response spectrum vs. Frequency graph in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

Figure 8.11 : Response spectrum vs. Frequency graph in X direction.

By comparing the response spectrum graphs for various TMD masses, the percentage reduction
in response spectrum increased with TMD mass.The peak response spectrum value obtained in
X-direction without Tuned mass damper is 2.8 e-01 m/s² and that of with tuned mass damper is
2.61 e-01 m/s². Figure 8.12 shows the comparison of peak response spectrum for various TMD

Figure 8.12 : Comparison Bar graph of Response spectrum in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results


8.2.1 Displacement

From the time history analysis, displacement vs time graphs for Y- axis were obtained. Figure
8.13 shows displacement-time graph for various TMD masses in Y-direction.

Figure 8.13 : Displacement-Time Graph in Y direction

By comparing the results obtained from analysis of structure with and without tuned mass
damper, the percentage reduction in displacement increased with TMD mass. The peak
displacement in Y-direction without Tuned mass damper is 3.52 e-02 m and that of with tuned
mass damper is 3.29 e-02 m. The results are similar to that obtained in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

8.2.2 Base Shear

From the time history analysis of structure, base shear vs time graphs in Y- direction were
obtained. Figure 8.14 shows base shear-time graph in Y-axis.

Figure 8.14 : Base shear- Time Graph in Y direction

By comparing the results obtained from analysis of structure with and without tuned mass
damper, the percentage reduction in base shear increased with TMD mass.The peak base shear
value obtained in Y-direction without Tuned mass damper is 2.00 e03 kN and that of with tuned
mass damper is 1.58 e03 kN.The results are similar to that obtained in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

8.2.3 Acceleration

From the time history analysis of structure acceleration vs. time graphs for Y-axis were
obtained. Figure 8.15 shows the base acceleration vs time graph in Y-axis.

Figure 8.15 : Acceleration-time graph in Y direction.

By comparing the results obtained from analysis of structure with and without tuned mass
damper, the percentage reduction in acceleration increased with TMD. The peak acceleration
value obtained in Y-direction without Tuned mass damper is 3.43 e-01 m/s² and that of with
tuned mass damper is 3.38 e-01 m/s².The results are similar to that obtained in X direction.

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Chapter 8 Results

8.2.4 Response Spectrum

From the analysis of structure, response spectrum vs. frequency graphs of Y-axis were obtained.
This graph plots response spectrum values on the y-axis, and frequency values on the X-axis.
Figure 8.16 shows the response spectrum graph in Y-axis.

Figure 8.16 : Response spectrum vs. Frequency graph in X direction.

By comparing the results obtained from analysis of structure in Y-direction with and without
tuned mass damper, the percentage decrease in response spectrum value increases with TMD
mass.The peak response spectrum value obtained in Y-direction without Tuned mass damper is
1.83 m/s² and that of with tuned mass damper is 1.78 m/s². The results are similar to that
obtained in X direction.

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Chapter 9 Conclusions

9 Conclusion
After carrying out analysis of high rise building with and without damper results are obtained.
It was found that tuned mass damper was effective in reducing displacement, story drift and base
shear. This study was aimed to explore application of tuned mass damper in reducing structural
vibration caused due to external forces. Following are the conclusions made.

● TMD can be used to reduce tall structure motion that is caused by earthquakes and wind

● TMD can be used to reduce base shear in tall structures.

● Also TMD can be used to reduce response of structure to external forces.

● The mass ratios of TMD play an important role in the overall design of TMD. Hence it
must be selected based on an optimization function where all the responses and costs are

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Chapter 10 Scope for Future

10 Scope for Future Enhancement

● Any structural engineer can use this paper as a guideline for seismic analysis of any
multistoried building.

● The responses of any building subjected to seismic, wind and live loads can be studied
with varying position of TMD.

● The effect of TMD on unsymmetrical structure can be studied.

● The results obtained by this method can be compared with results of Seismic Coefficient
Method and Time History Method.

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology 37


[1] “Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Buildings (G+30)”, Using ETABS Dr. k.

Chandrasekhar Reddy & G. Lalith Kumar, International Journal of Technical
Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES) Volume 5, Issue 03, March-
[2] ”Seismic Analysis of Multistoried Building” Mahesh N. Patil, Yogesh N. Sonawane,
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 4,
Issue 9, March 2015
[3] Seismic analysis of structure T.K Dutta pg 407
[4] "Analysis of multistoried building with and without tuned mass damper" Rohan
Kumar & Shubham Sonawane, IJTIMES volume 5, issue 6, June 2019
[5] “Robust Design of Tuned Mass Damper Systems for Seismic Protection of Multistory
Buildings”, A. Lucchini1 , R. Greco2 , G.C. Marano3 , G. Monti4, Journal of Structural
[6] “Seismic risk analysis of multistory reinforced concrete structures in Saudi Arabia”,
Yasser E. Ibrahim, Case Studies in Construction Materials
[7] “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings Equipped with
Friction Dampers”, Ali Naghshineh ; Amina Kassem ; Anne-Gaelle Pilorge ; Oscar
Romero Galindo4; and Ashutosh Bagchi, Structures Congress 2018
[8] “Response of multistoried buildings to ground translation and rocking during
earthquakes”, V° K. Gupta and M. D. Trifunac
[9] IS 456 2000
[10] IS 800 2007
[11] IS 1893
[12] IS 875 I,II,III

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On completion of this project, I have gained traits and attributes in the practical field of
engineering that can enhance my growth as a Civil Engineer.

1. Ability to conduct and comprehend from literature survey/background study and

correlate the theory studied with its practical applications.
2. Ability to analyse the problem and provide adequate design solutions.
3. Ability to tackle problems and finish tasks on time and complete the project within a
specified budget.
4. Ability to use suitable softwares for design purposes.
5. Ability to create presentations and present the various topics with poise and
confidence in front of a panel.




PRO.1 PO1, PO2, PO4 PSO1
PRO.5 PO9,PO11 -

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology 39

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