Motivational Letter For Applying in Master's Programme in Electrical Engineering
Motivational Letter For Applying in Master's Programme in Electrical Engineering
Motivational Letter For Applying in Master's Programme in Electrical Engineering
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Dear Sir/Madam,
I am submitting this document in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program. With four years of conscientious studies and
more than three years of job experience behind me, I am now versed in a broad range of subjects related to this discipline. By applying to the
program at your university, I am seeking to acquire cutting-edge expertise and to realize my career goal.
Since my childhood I had a passion towards engineering and to become an engineer was my dream. My father used to buy me electronic toys like
robots, cars but my first job was not to play with them, was to tear them apart and take out the motor and makes my own toy with that like fan. I was
born in a rural area which was undeveloped so for better education my family moved towards the town of Chittagong. After an entrance exam I
entered Ispahani Public School and College which is one of the 20 high schools in Bangladesh. Later on I came to know that I stood 3rd in the
entrance exam. To enhance my chance of studying Engineering I took Science as my concentration in the 9th class and completed 12th class from
the same school. After finishing my schooling I started to take preparation for entrance exam and also applied for Indian Council for Cultural
Relations Scholarship (iccr scholarship). Suddenly I was called to attend the qualifying exam and luckily got selected for the scholarship to study in
one of the prestigious college named IEC College of Engineering & Technology which is affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, India. I was
the one out of 50 students they choose from whole Bangladesh. I was offered to take either Computer Science Engineering or Electronics and
Communication Engineering and I chose Electronics and Communication Engineering due to my penchant for electronics.
At the initial level of Undergraduate I was bit upset due to the new environment and the major thing which was irritating me was my brother's death
at a train accident. So as a matter of fact good result did not come up during my first few semesters but eventually I earned First Division with a
percentage of 62 fighting with all my sorrows and emotions. I am recounting this experience of mine only to demonstrate a quality I believe I possess
- the ability to excel in the face of challenges. This ability comes from my determination, drive, sense of responsibility, and strong self-confidence.
With this ability, I have achieved what most young Bangladeshi's have not achieved. If admitted, I believe I can also succeed in a new environment
in the Finland just as I succeeded in a new environment in India in the past. During my 7th semester I and some of my friends presented
"MICROCONTROLLER BASED HOME SECURITY SYSTEM" as a project which achieved good attention of the faculties and our project ranked 2nd
in that semester. In the 8th semester we presented our final project which was "REMOTE POWER CONTROLLING DEVICE USING ENC SERVER
& AVR MICROCONTROLLER" and we positioned 4th in that semester. Both the project helped me to relate my theoretical study with practical work.
The last project also helped me to think about something different, as our project was about controlling power consumption I became interested
about power system and its generation. As we all know that power is the mother of everything. So if we can control and maintain the distribution and
generation in a smooth way we will be able to hand it safely to the sustainable societies. After completion of my degree first I joined in a Japanese
Electronics Industry named OP-SEED CO. (BD) LTD where my job was to check the Vanding Machine Products and LED lighting Products and
ensure that all are working fine. But as my mind was up for something else I could not continue in that Electronics Industry more than 1 month. I
rushed to fulfil my dream, the dream which burgeoned while I was doing my final project. To establish that dream, I joined in a Steel company where
I worked in a 25 MW captive power plant (gas based). The steel company used to run 7 GE Jenbacher J620GSE12 Engines of 3.045 MW each and
2 Deutz TCG2020V20 Engine of 2 .14 MW each. I worked almost 2 and 9 months in the Operations and Maintenance department where I faced so
many problems and learned to trouble shoot them for which I needed to study more about engines. I learned how to distribute load and regulate it as
the steel company has two furnace 0f 5.5 MW each and rest generated power used to supply to the main grid to fulfil the demand of the country's
need. My main focus was on alternator and turbocharger of the engines. Apart from the maintenance I operated those engines and monitored them
every minute while on operation. I still remember that day when I and my colleague and one Romanian engineer worked almost 9hours to find and
fix the winding problem of the alternator of a Deutz TCG2020V20Engine. Currently I am working in Atomix System Limited where I am responsible
for any kind of electrical failure of the whole company.
My interest is now to work on power system and high voltage engineering or Electric machines, drives and power electronics and as a part of degree
requirement I will choose sustainable power generation as my minor which is mentioned in the university's Master's Programme in Electrical
Engineering course. I believe the programme will not only hone my skills and enable me to develop expert knowledge that will help me to overcome
challenges but will also give wider recognition of the power sector. Moreover, by joining an international community at (University Name), I will gain
intercultural competence and better understanding of the world as a whole.
To pursue the graduate study is both intellectually challenging and exhilarating, but to take decision of attending which university is one of the
toughest decisions in one's life. Keeping these in mind, I consider (University name) as my best choice. I first heard of (University name) in the year
of 2011. Later I learned about its outstanding libraries, best-equipped laboratories, distinguished faculties, and a stimulating academic atmosphere
which also have made (university name) a renowned university in the world. And the Department of Electrical Engineering of (university name) plays
a pioneering role in electrical engineering research. I gained information about the Electrical Engineering program through various ways and I am
glad to find that it has scholars working actively in the areas that concern me. In addition, as the Department of Electrical Engineering advocates 1/2
11/6/2017 Motivational Letter for Applying in Master's Programme in Electrical Engineering
interdisciplinary research, it perfectly suits my goal.
My Future Plan is to enrol in a Master's program that would lead me into Ph.D. studies. I plan to return to Bangladesh after the completion of my
Ph.D. studies to teach or do research work at a prestigious university.
I know meeting the requirements for a graduate, education demands personal sacrifice of time, of unstructured leisure, of immediate rewards. But
the achievement is well worth the cost in terms of intellectual satisfaction and gratification. And I believe the advanced courses, balanced program
and distinguished faculty of your department will help me reach that achievement. With the conviction that I can sustain myself through the intense
graduate study, I have made the decision to apply for Department of Electrical Engineering at (university name) and request your serious
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Everything is good.but i think the term "power is mother..." should be replaced with some words with concrete theme
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