Motivation Letter

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Motivation Letter for Graduate Study

I, Boshir Ahmed, am applying for M. Sc. in Communication & Information Technology. My research
interests lie in the field of Data Communication and Computer Networks. More specifically, I am interested in
the Wireless Sensor Networks, Optical Communication, Intelligence Networks and Artificial Intelligence as well
as their applications. Other areas that interest me are Theory of Computation, Complexity Theory and
Geometric Algorithms.

My long-term goal is to be actively involved with research and teaching in an area that I love. I look forward and
get a chance to be a active researchers at Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), a reputed
university of Bangladesh. A graduation (Masters) in one of the aforementioned areas would be the crucial first
step towards this goal.

I always want to be enrolled in research works in my favorite field. Entering into M. Sc. program helps me to
broaden my knowledge and make my research ability matured. Also graduate seminars and workshops that are
needed for the fulfillment of M. Sc. program will definitely increase my knowledge. I hope I can able to continue
my research work after coming back to my region. I will also teach what I will learn during my graduate program
more effectively to my students.

Peoples are now mobile and more than half of the world population uses the public transport system. It is
therefore essential to provide universal access to the Internet and provide ubiquitous multimedia services on the
public transport system. My aim is to develop a truly pervasive and mobile IPv6 network infrastructure across
heterogeneous wireless and ad-hoc networks with the novel use of public transport system as backbone
infrastructure. It also addresses Quality-of-Service and mobility management for mobile ad-hoc sub-networks
attached to fixed IP network and develops novel adaptive applications using location-awareness.

I would like to design and develop a framework that supports inter-vehicular communication as well as provides
Internet access for wireless users traveling in public transport systems like buses or trains. The buses form a
mobile network, a set of nodes composed by one or more IP-subnets. The mobile network consists of Mobile
Routers (MR) forming an ad hoc network inside the buses, which will be connected to the Internet using one or
more wireless routers (WR) located inside the buses or trains. Mobility Gateways are connected with the
infrastructure network and serve as contact point for the WRs. Such mobile networks are important for new
applications in the wireless domain. It enables mobile routers like future cameras, PDAs, and other wireless
devices inside the buses to be reachable over the Internet, which gives service providers new opportunities and
operators more possibilities for revenue. The proposed research work will be carried out with a view to achieve
the following objectives:

z To design wireless network architecture that supports the mobility of the (sub-) network, ad hoc
extensions in the buses and QoS.
z To design mechanisms to support both horizontal (intra-technology) and vertical (inter- technology)
z To design a routing scheme that operates in very flexible environment, where ad-hoc networks may be
formed inside the buses, which are connected to the infrastructure based wireless network of the
z To design QoS architecture that supports such environments and interworks with mobility management
so that users experience high quality VoIP calls.
z To develop a service platform that integrates QoS and mobility management so that it enables a rapid
deployment of new services.

Keeping in mind my long-term goals, my immediate objective is to work towards a M. Sc. in Communication
& Information Technology. I am aware of the kind of dedication, perseverance and resolve I need to have for
a fruitful career in research and teaching. I believe my background has not only qualified me technically but also
given me the right mind-set for such a career. I look forward to joining as a graduate student in your department
and having a long and mutually profitable association with M. Sc. in Communication & Information

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