Failure Prognosis For Permanent Magnet AC Drives Based On Wavelet Analysis

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Failure Prognosis for Permanent Magnet AC Drives Based on Wavelet Analysis

Wesley G. Zanardelli, Elias G. Strangas, and Selin Aviyente
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Prognosis for failure of an electric machine can be vsum = van + vbn + vcn of the filtered components is zero in
achieved through the detection of non-catastrophic faults. As the a balanced machine, however in the case of turn-turn insulation
frequency of these types of faults increases, the working life of the failures, this is not the case. The authors were able to discern
machine is decreased, leading to eventual failure. In this work,
two types of stator faults are studied. The methods developed are between one, two, and three-turn faults. Turn-turn insulation
based on analysis of the Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Transform failures lead to turn-ground insulation failures. The technique
of the field oriented machine currents. Linear discriminant analy- was implemented offline and is insensitive to changes in the av-
sis is used to classify between the fault types. erage value of the motor load. One of the main requirements
of this technique is the requirement that the machine be star
connected with the neutral accessible.
A method based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to de-
Reliability of electrical machines and drives is an area of in- tect faults in PMAC machines is described in [4]. FEA is used
creased attention and research. Diagnosing correctly a failure to calculate flux linkages and inductances as functions of rotor
in an electrical drive can lead to mitigation and continued oper- position, which are stored in a look-up table and then used in
ation, albeit at reduced power levels. a transient simulation of the motor. This process is repeated
On the other hand, prior to the fault the drive can show signs for various rotor faults. Spectral analysis is used to determine
of a developing fault, while it is operating normally. Detecting which harmonics are excited for the various faults. The authors
these early signs can lead to appropriate actions before the fault validated the spectral content in the computed currents using
develops. experimental results. This technique detects the presence of
A wavelet based failure prognosis system was developed for static and dynamic eccentricities, and flux disturbances origi-
brush DC motors in [1]. The modulus maxima of the Discrete nating from defects to the permanent magnets.
Wavelet Transform (DWT) of the DC current in the machine The authors determined that the current harmonic compo-
was analyzed. An algorithm to detect the presence of a fault nents can be analyzed in either the rotor or stationary reference
was based on thresholding of the analysis coefficients. If the frame. In the case of the static eccentricity, however, analysis
detection criterion was met, the coefficients were passed to a in the stationary reference frame was required, since the fault
classification algorithm. Three classification algorithms were effects in the rotor reference frame were obscured.
evaluated. The first was based on a decision tree, the second The current Parks vector pattern is analyzed for stator volt-
was based on the nearest neighbor rule, and the third was based age unbalance or an open phase in three-phase induction ma-
on linear discriminant analysis. Classification was possible be- chines in [5]. The Parks vector pattern is plotted in the station-
tween DC currents in machines with the following faults: in- ary frame of reference using a two-phase representation of the
creased coil resistance, increased friction, faulty brush springs, measured stator currents for one electrical cycle. The plot is an-
rotor misalignment, and damaged commutator face. alyzed using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to check for
A failure prognosis system based on time-frequency analysis a stator voltage unbalance or an open phase. The occurrence of
was developed for PMAC drives in [2]. Two electrical faults either of these faults manifests itself in the deformation of the
were investigated in this work. The first was a momentary in- current Parks vector pattern corresponding to a healthy condi-
creased resistance in one phase due to a bad connection between tion. This deformation leads to an elliptic pattern, whose major
the motor and the controller and the second was a turn-to-phase axis orientation is associated with the faulty phase. The severity
short in the stator windings. Analysis was performed on the of the deformation helps to distinguish between the two faults,
bandlimited STFT of the torque producing component of the with the open phase fault the most deformed. A mathematical
field oriented stator currents. First, a detection algorithm was model of the induction motor is not required. This system is
based on thresholding of the energy in each FFT sample. If implemented offline.
the detection criterion was met, the coefficients were passed to A system to detect mechanical faults in a three-phase in-
a classification algorithm based on linear discriminant analysis duction machine with a gearbox and bearing assemblies is de-
to discriminate between the two faults. scribed in [6]. Here, only mechanical vibration is considered in
A method to detect turn-turn insulation failures in induction the fault detection algorithm based on input from an accelerom-
machines is described in [3]. All three line-neutral stator volt- eter mounted vertically on top of one of the bearing housings.
ages are measured and filtered to remove the fundamental com- The wavelet transform using the D4 mother wavelet was ap-
ponent of the machine excitation voltage. The RMS value of plied to the FFT of the accelerometer output. The wavelet trans-

form acted as a preprocessor to an ANN. The ANN was trained

to detect faults including the presence of a small blip of 2mm
diameter welded onto a gear tooth, a triangle shaped area miss-
ing from a gear tooth, and a fractured inner race of the bearing
housing. This technique is implemented offline.
Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification, [7], 

was used in [8] to classify between faults in induction ma-

chines. SVMs are used to map a set of coefficients to a high-
dimensional feature space where a set of best separating hy-
perplanes are constructed. This mapping is based on a set
of kernel functions, whose selection is critical. SVMs are
binary classifiers, and hence, for multiclass problems, either Fig. 1. FFT Tiling
one-against-all or one-against-one classifiers are developed. In
this work, the one-against-one formulation was used requiring
n(n 1)/2 classifiers, e.g. for 6 faults (and healthy), 21 classi-
fiers would be required.
Stator line currents, circulating currents between parallel sta-
tor branches and forces between the stator and rotor were an-
alyzed. These quantities were computed using FEA and noise 

was added to them (0 mean, 3% variance of the amplitude of

the current). The power spectrum of each signal was used for
classification. Faults analyzed included shorted turns, shorted
coils, broken rotor bars, broken end rings, rotor eccentricities,
and asymmetrical line voltages. Analysis was performed for
both 35kW and 1600kW induction motors.
Simulation results showed that classification of faults based Fig. 2. STFT Tiling
on any of the above parameters was possible. Experimental re-
sults showed that classification of faults based on stator line cur- no information is present on the time axis. The faults studied
rents was possible only when the measurement data was used in this work manifest themselves as short transients superim-
for both training and testing of the classifier. posed on the stator currents. Analysis of these short transients,
In this work, a failure prognosis system is developed to detect however, requires information in both frequency and time. The
signs of developing stator faults in PMAC drives. The faults of inability to provide time localization of a signal is a fundamen-
interest are non-catastrophic, meaning they allow for continued tal limitation of the FFT.
operation of the motor, but increase the likelihood of failure. The STFT [9] is an extension of the FFT, allowing for the
Two types of stator faults are explored, both electrical. The analysis of non-stationary signals. Here, the signal is divided
first fault is a momentary increased resistance in one phase due into small time sections, and each is analyzed using the FFT.
to a bad connection between the motor and the controller. The The results for of the STFT are intuitive and easy to correlate
second fault is a turn-to-phase short, simulating an insulation with the original signal. Tiling for the STFT in Fig. 2 shows
failure in the stator windings of the motor. how the spectrum of a signal changes with time. The tiling for
The algorithm is based on analysis of the Undecimated Dis- the STFT is uniform in both time and frequency. In the imple-
crete Wavelet Transform (UDWT) of the torque producing mentation of the STFT, a design tradeoff must be made between
component of the field oriented stator currents. Thresholding on time and frequency resolution. This is due to the uncertainty
the energy in the UDWT is used to detect a fault in the machine, principle, which limits the lower bound on the time-bandwidth
and linear discriminant analysis is used to classify between the product (1).
fault types. A collection of observed data is used to train the 1
TB (1)
detection and classification components of the algorithm. 2
The algorithms developed can be implemented in an online A block diagram for the STFT algorithm is shown in Fig.
system, using extra processing time in the motor controller. 3, where nfft is the length of the DFT, noverlap is the number
of samples the two frames overlap, and window is a weighting
II. BACKGROUND vector applied to the FFT input. The spectrogram is a plot of the
magnitude square of the STFT. It is similar to the tiling shown
A. Wavelet Analysis in Fig. 2, with color shading denoting the energy in each tile.
The Fourier Transform gives the spectrum of a signal. It
is best suited for the analysis of stationary signals, or signals    

whose spectrum remains constant. The FFT is used to deter-   
mine the spectrum of discrete-time signals. Tiling in the time- 
frequency plane for the FFT in Fig. 1 shows that the spectrum
of the signal is divided into several frequency bands, however Fig. 3. STFT Block Diagram






Fig. 6. UDWT Filters Modified by the Algorithme a Trous

Original Signal Original Signal (Shifted by 6 Samples)

28 28
Fig. 4. DWT Tiling
26 26


24 24
22 22
h1 ( - n ) 2 dj
20 20

c j +1 h1 ( - n ) 2 d j- 1 18 18

DWT of Original Signal DWT of Original Signal (Shifted by 6 Samples)

h0 ( - n ) 2 cj
4 4

h0 ( - n ) 2 c j- 1 3 3


2 2

Fig. 5. Two-Stage DWT Filter Bank Analysis Tree 1 1

UDWT of Original Signal UDWT of Original Signal (Shifted by 6 Samples)

Wavelet analysis [10] is also suitable for non-stationary sig- 4 4

nals. The DWT has greater flexibility than the STFT. Different 3 3

basis functions, or mother wavelets, may be used in Wavelet 2 2

analysis while the basis function for Fourier analysis is always 1 1

the sinusoid. Unlike sinusoids, wavelets have finite energy con- 100 120 140
Sample Number
160 100 120 140
Sample Number

centrated around a point in time. One can choose, or design a

wavelet to achieve the best results for a specific application. Fig. 7. Example of Shift-Invariance of the UDWT
Tiling for the DWT is shown in Fig. 4. The tiling for the
DWT is variable, allowing for both good time resolution of high
UDWT is in Fig. 7. Here, the DWT and UDWT of a signal
frequency components, and good frequency resolution of low
frequency components in the same analysis. and the same signal shifted by 6 samples are compared. The
A block diagram for the DWT algorithm using filter banks is first row shows the non-shifted and shifted signals. The second
shown in Fig. 5, where c and d are the scaling and wavelet func- and third rows show the DWT and UDWT of these signals. The
tion coefficients, and h1 and h0 are the decomposition highpass value of the wavelet coefficients is denoted by shading, with the
and lowpass filters. darkest coefficients having the highest amplitude. In the case of
One of the drawbacks of the DWT is that it is not a shift- the DWT, it can be seen that the distribution of energy in the
invariant transformation. This makes pattern recognition prob- wavelet coefficients is different for the non-shifted and shifted
lems based on the DWT more difficult, since the DWT coeffi- signals. For the UDWT, the distribution of energy is consistent
cients resulting from decomposition of a signal and a shifted for both signals, with the output coefficients shifted by the same
version of the signal can be very different. Only in special number of samples as the input signal.
cases, where the signal is shifted by specific powers of 2 will In this work, analysis is based on the UDWT, as it offers the
the outputs be shifted versions of one another. greatest flexibility and is shift-invariant. Results based on each
The UDWT adds the property of shift-invariance to the DWT. analysis technique will be compared.
Here, the downsampling step is omitted from the DWT algo-
rithm, and zeros are inserted between the filter coefficients at B. Pattern Recognition
each successive scale, as shown in Fig. 6. This is known as Once the UDWT coefficients have been determined, the pres-
the Algorithme a Trous [11, 12]. While circular convolution ence of a fault is detected based on thresholding of the energy
is used in [11], linear convolution is used here, since the signals in the coefficients. The next step is to vectorize the coefficients
are not periodic. The coefficients at each end of the convolu- allowing for the use of discriminant analysis for classification.
tion where the filter and the signal are not completely overlap- The vectorization process combines columns of the UDWT into
ping, known as end effects, are replaced by zeros. As these a vector. Vectorization of the data begins when the criterion for
zeros propagate through each scale of the UDWT, the number detection is met. An example of vectorization using N time
of end effect coefficients increases. The fact that the length of samples is shown in Fig. 8.
the wavelet filters increase at each scale also contributes to ad- In the implementation of discriminant functions, no prior
ditional end effects. knowledge of a probability distribution among the sample
An example to show the shift-invariant property of the points is assumed. The space is divided into K regions, each

        Fig. 9. Series Resistance Fault
A. Series Resistance
The first fault explored in this work is an intermittent in-
creased contact resistance between the motor and the controller.
                                          !                  An experimental setup was designed to simulate this. The fault
is achieved by adding the parallel combination of a normally
Fig. 8. Vectorization of N Samples of the UDWT
closed switch and a resistance in series with one of the motor
phases. A circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 9.
The fault is initiated by opening the switch for a short time in-
having its own weighting coefficients. In this work, we use lin- terval causing current to flow through the resistance. The switch
ear discriminant functions (2) [13], is described in detail in Section V.
Dk (x) = x1 1k + x2 2k +, . . . , +xN N k + N +1,k The value of the series resistance is approximately ten times
(2) the value of the stator resistance, Rs . The fault is initiated as
k = 1, 2, . . . , K
the phase current command rises to 95% of its peak amplitude.
where x is the N -dimensional sample vector and are the nor- Tests with fault durations of 5ms and 10ms have been per-
malized weighting coefficients for the k-th class. A sample vec- formed to investigate invariance of the results with respect to
tor belongs to a particular class if its discriminant function is this parameter.
greater for that class than for any other class, i.e., xi belongs to
class Cj if
B. Turn-To-Phase Short
Dj (x) > Dk (x) for every k 6= j.
The second fault explored in this work is an insulation fail-
The weighting coefficients are adjusted from their initial ure in the stator windings of the motor. The machine used in
guess through a training procedure using sample vectors which this experiment has multiple parallel windings per phase, each
the proper classification is known. The algorithm for this proce- with several coils in series. Stranded wire is used. To simu-
dure makes adjustments to the weighting coefficients until each late this fault in the experimental setup, at one point in a single
sample vector is correctly classified. strand of one of the windings, the insulation was removed, and
Young and Calvert [13] show that this training algorithm will a normally open switch was added between this point and the
converge in a finite number of steps. When a sample vector is corresponding phase terminal of the motor. The fault was ini-
correctly classified, no adjustment to the weighting coefficients tiated by momentarily closing the switch, causing current to be
is made. When a sample vectors is incorrectly classified, or split between the intended path and the switch.
Dj (x) Dl (x), The fault is initiated as the phase current command rises to
95% of its peak amplitude. Tests with fault durations of 5ms
where and 10ms have been performed to investigate invariance of the
Dl (x) = max [D1 (x), . . . , DK (x)] , results with respect to this parameter.
adjustments are made to j (3) and l (4) only,
j (i + 1) = j (i) + axi (3)
In this work, the detection and classification of the faults de-
l (i + 1) = l (i) axi , (4) scribed in Section III are based on analysis of the stator cur-
where a is a gain constant. rents of the machine. Rather than analyzing the three phase
stator currents independently of each other, the field oriented
III. FAULTS E XPLORED currents iqs and ids are used. This has the advantage that the
The test machine used in this analysis is a six-pole surface fundamental electrical frequency is not present. Consequently,
mounted PMAC machine for an automotive application. The rotor speed has little effect on the spectrum of these currents, al-
machine is operated using constant torque-angle control [14] in lowing for invariance in the algorithm to rotor speed. Together,
a vector drive with the torque angle set to /2. This mode of iqs and ids are a complete representation of the stator currents,
operation minimizes losses in the machine, and is suitable for however, it has been determined experimentally that through
operating speeds up to the base speed. Conditions for the tests analysis of iqs only, accurate fault detection and classification
in this work follow: The torque-producing component of the can be achieved.
stator current command iqs = 0.3pu, and the flux-weakening The controller time constant is longer than the transients that
component ids = 0; the speed is controlled by the dynamome- occur at the edges of the faults explored in this work. While the
ter and is set to 1/10 the no-load speed. selection of gains in the controller has a significant effect on the

currents during and after a fault occurs, controller correction ' ( ) ( * +

, - . / 0 1 2 3 0 / 51 9M3 = ( L >
 / 4&50 3 2 1 0 3 6 7 8
of the currents has a negligible effect on the transients at the "!#
     H )> + (I )>
inception and the clearing of a fault. $&%  5 > D J A * ( D A )
9 ; < K )( * G
The input to the detection and classification algorithm is a
subset of the UDWT of the measured q-axis current, iqs . For N A O> ?: /5 1 9 / 5 1 9
P (? D J 6* L > =?> = . *D;C>= 5 ; ? ; = 3 :*;
this analysis, the Daubechies D4 mother wavelet was used and
decomposition was performed to 6 levels. 
The algorithm has two parts; a detection phase and a classi-   

. )> D ? = ; * (D
      9 < ==> * ? @ =A * B C < D > = E
fication phase. The detection phase of the algorithm is based N P
( ? D J F ; ) ? A G > @ = A * B C < D > = E
on thresholding of the weighted energy of the UDWT. The
weighted energy is defined in (5). Fig. 10. Experimental Setup Block Diagram
2 n1
E(x) = dn,x 2 (5) 

The weighting gives more emphasis to the high frequency in-

formation in the current. The threshold on the weighted energy
was set to be 40% greater than the largest which was observed
in all samples from the healthy machine data. If the weighted 
energy in new test data exceeds this threshold, a fault is consid-
ered to exist. The sample index which will be used for classifi- 
cation is the index of the local maxima of the weighted energy
of the 64 points beginning from where the threshold was ex- 
The classification phase was based on linear discriminant 

analysis and is implemented when the criterion for detection is

met. Two classes were created for each fault; one correspond-
ing to the inception, and the other to the clearing of the fault.
Fig. 11. Electronic Switch
The advantage of two separate classes for each fault is invari-
ance to the duration of the fault. Additionally, a postprocessing
algorithm to verify that subsequent classification of the begin- project. The PC is superior to a DSP in terms of cost, CPU
ning and end of the same fault type would further confirm ex- power, and memory capacity. A fundamental limitation of the
istence of the fault. To train the algorithm, thereby determining PC, however, is the limited I/O capability. To remedy this, a
the weighting coefficients, data were used from 16 experiments custom Xilinx FPGA based I/O board was developed. The I/O
corresponding to both faults with 5ms and 10ms switch dura- board inputs include 12 analog channels and a counter for a
tions. The data used were the 64 samples in the UDWT, begin- quadrature encoder. Outputs include 12 PWM/digital and 4
ning 8 samples prior to the event. analog channels. Communication between the I/O board and
Following the training of the weighting coefficients, data that the PC is via the parallel port.
had not been used in the training algorithm were tested. Two Two phase currents were measured using current transducers
data sets from each of the following operating conditions were with rated accuracy of 0.45% and bandwidth of 0 200kHz. A
tested: Healthy, 5ms series resistance, 10ms series resistance, single line-line voltage for use in the initial position calibration
5ms turn-to-phase short, and 10ms turn-to-phase short. was measured as well.
FEA results using Flux2D were considered for use in training A quadrature encoder with 1024 counts per revolution (4096
the detection and classification algorithms, however the spec- for quadrature) and an index pulse was used to measure the ro-
trum of the preliminary FEA results was significantly different tor position.
than that of the experimental results. The use of FEA would al- A bi-directionally conducting electronic switch was designed
low for increased flexibility, giving more training samples, for to initiate faults in the stator. This switch, as shown by the dot-
the faults explored. One fault detection approach based on re- ted lines in Fig. 10, can be configured to initiate either the series
sults from FEA was described in [4]. Improvements in the FEA resistance fault or the turn-to-phase short. A circuit diagram for
model are expected to decrease the difference between the re- the electronic switch is shown in Fig. 11. RDS(ON ) for each
sults, however, there are still phenomena which will be difficult MOSFET is approximately one-third the resistance of a single
to model, e.g. the switching in a PWM inverter, requiring very turn of a single strand in one of the stator coils. The switch can
small time steps, as well as the inclusion of required parasitic be controlled using digital outputs or PWM to create a resis-
capacitances. tance profile.


A block diagram for the experimental setup is shown in Fig. The results from two typical test cases are shown in Fig. 12.
10. A PC running RT-Linux was used as the controller for this On the left side of Fig. 12 are results from the series resistance

I for Series Resistance Fault (10ms) I for TurnPhase Short (10ms)

q q

28 29
Current (A)

Current (A)
24 28
UDWT for Series Resistance (10ms) UDWT for TurnPhase Short (10ms)
6 6
5 5

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

Classification Classification
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 12. Typical Results

fault, and on the right side are results from the turn-to-phase VII. C ONCLUSIONS
short. The first row shows the q-axis, or torque producing com-
ponent, of the current. The second row shows the UDWT of the An algorithm capable of giving a prognosis for failure of a
above currents. The third row shows the output of the detec- PMAC drive has been developed. It is based on the detection
tion and classification algorithm, with 0=Healthy, 1=Beginning and classification of small transients in the stator currents cor-
of Series Resistance Fault, 2=End of Series Resistance Fault, responding to non-catastrophic faults. Early detection of these
3=Beginning of Turn-to-Phase Short, and 4=End of Turn-to- faults can give indication when maintenance or mitigation is
Phase Short. The results presented are based on new data not required, minimizing the likelihood of system failure.
used in the training set. The UDWT, used in this work, is shift-invariant and offers
good time resolution of high frequency components and good
In Fig. 12, it can be seen that the amplitude of the UDWT time and frequency resolution of low frequency components in
coefficients is increased at the points of inception and clearing the same analysis. The UDWT allows for increased flexibility
of the faults. The increased energy at these points meets the and resolution when compared to the more traditional FFT and
criterion for detection, and the classification algorithm operates STFT, and overcomes the drawbacks of the DWT.
on the UDWT coefficients corresponding to 3.2ms of data at The categorization algorithm uses a linear discriminant func-
these points. The results shown indicate correct classification of tion and is trained using a set of operating conditions which
the inception and clearing of both faults explored in this work. include healthy drives and samples of faulted drives. An ex-
haustive set of such conditions is necessary to develop a robust
The ten tests described in Section IV resulted in no false pos- algorithm.
itives and one false negative. In the two healthy cases, no fault Although the algorithms in this work were used offline, they
events were detected. In the four cases with the series resistance can be added to an existing motor controller enabling them to
fault, all fault inception and clearing events were identified cor- run close to real-time. The vector currents are typically calcu-
rectly. In the four cases with the turn-to-phase short, three of lated as part of the control. Minimal, if any, additional CPU
the four fault inception events were identified correctly, and the speed and memory capacity would be required ensuring a low-
fourth did not meet the criterion for detection; all four fault cost system. The training phase of the algorithms would remain
clearing events were identified correctly. offline.

The authors thank Tomy Sebastian, Sayeed Mir, Mohammad
Islam, and Avoki Omekanda from Delphi Corporation for their
continued guidance and support in this research project.

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