Passivity-Based Stability Assessment of Grid-Connected Vscs-An Overview

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10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Passivity-Based Stability Assessment of

Grid-Connected VSCsAn Overview
Lennart Harnefors, Senior Member, IEEE, Xiongfei Wang, Member, IEEE, Alejandro G. Yepes, Member, IEEE,
and Frede Blaabjerg, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract The interconnection stability of a grid-connected frequency ranges [2], as have electrical machines (due to the
voltage-source converter (VSC) can be assessed by the passiv- induction generator effect [24]). Yet, if it can be ascertained
ity properties of the VSC input admittance. If critical grid that every grid-connected VSC has a nonnegative conductance
resonances fall within regions where the input admittance acts
passively, i.e., has nonnegative real part, then their destabilization in frequency regions where critical grid resonances appear
is generally prevented. This paper presents an overview of i.e., partial passivitythen it is unlikely that the VSCs will
passivity-based stability assessment, including techniques for induce resonance destabilization. Grid codes based on this
space-vector modeling of VSCs whereby expressions for the concept are enforced by several European administrations of
input admittance can be derived. Design recommendations for electrified railways. It is typically required that nonnegative
minimizing the negative-real-part region are given as well.
conductance above the fifth harmonic frequency must be
Index Terms Converter control, passivity, resonances, stabi- demonstrated for any new or retrofitted active-front-end rail
vehicle to be approved [25], [26].
The main objective of this paper is to make a comprehen-
I. I NTRODUCTION sive overview of the passivity properties of the VSC input

T HE PENETRATION of grid-connected converters, par-

ticularly voltage-source converters (VSCs), is currently
rising rapidly [1]. As a consequence, the risk increases for
admittance. Important previously found results are highlighted.
Modeling methods of three-phase VSCs for gridinteraction
studies are reviewed and design recommendations for mini-
destabilization of critical grid resonances [2][23]. These are mizing the negative-real-part regions are given.
resonances which are poorly damped and located electrically The stage is set in Section II, where a review of critical
close to one VSC, or multiple VSCs, of high enough power grid resonances is made, and the details of the assumed VSC
rating in relation to the short-circuit ratio (SCR) of the grid. control system are discussed. The passivity properties of the
Stability of a system comprising multiple grid-connected so-called inner input admittance, which results from just the
VSCs is generally difficult to analyze (e.g., using eigenvalues current controller (CC) and the pulsewidth modulator (PWM),
[13] or the Nyquist criterion [16]), particularly if the VSCs are considered in Section III. Requirements on the controller
have different ratings and dynamic properties. On the other parameters and on the total time delay for obtaining passivity
hand, frequency-domain passivity theory offers an effective are presented. In Section IV, the consideration is extended
method for stability assessment [2][7]. to the total input admittance, which includes impact of outer
Suppose that all VSCs, as well as all other power-system loops that feed into the CC, i.e., the phase-locked loop (PLL)
components, have a passive behavior, i.e., the real part of the and the direct-voltage controller (DVC). Here, the main novel
input admittance (also called the conductance) is nonnegative result of the paper appears: it is shown how complex space
for all frequencies. Then, the system is guaranteed to be stable vectors and complex transfer functions can be applied to assess
regardless of the number of converters, because a network the passivity properties of the total input admittance (even
that consists solely of passive componentsno matter how though the latter is dq imbalanced [27]). The analysis method
complexis always stable. has similarities to that suggested by Cespedes and Sun [10],
Pure passivity of all components is impossible to obtain, [15], [17], but impact of the DVC is included in addition to
however. VSCs have negative-conductance behavior in certain impact of the PLL. Moreover, the usage of space vectors rather
than phase quantities obviates the need for deriving separate
Manuscript received May 20, 2015; revised August 31, 2015; accepted
October 11, 2015. positive- and negative-sequence expressions.
Copyright 2015
c IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. How-
ever, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained
from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected]. II. P RELIMINARIES
This work was supported in part by ABB and in part by the European
Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Seventh Framework
A. Critical Grid Resonances
Program (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. [321149-Harmony]. Grid resonances that are vulnerable to destabilization by
L. Harnefors is with ABB, Corporate Research, 72178 Vasteras, Sweden
(e-mail: [email protected]). VSCs can broadly be classified in two categories.
X. Wang and F. Blaabjerg are with the Department of Energy Technology, 1) Harmonic Resonances: Resonances in this category ap-
Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark (e-mail: [email protected]; pear in the range from hundreds of hertz up to a few kilohertz.
[email protected]).
A. G. Yepes is with the Dept. of Electronics Technology, Univ. of Vigo, The first incident of harmonic resonance destabilization, as
36310 Vigo, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). known to the authors, occurred in the Swiss single-phase

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

rail grid in 1995 [28][31]. Harmonic resonances are caused i ref


by the inherent impedance characteristics of power lines and PLL i ref

cables, often in conjunction with converter input filters, such s L s
Z (s) i s vref
as inductancecapacitanceinductance (LCL) filters.
2) Near-Synchronous Resonances: In this category we find vd
vgs Es vs
resonances in the range from the synchronous (fundamental)
frequency f1 up to roughly 2f1 , which typically appear in Cd
very weak grids, i.e., with an SCR approaching 1 per unit
Fig. 1. VSC circuit and control-system block diagram.
(p.u.) [32]. Subsynchronous resonances [33], i.e., below f1 ,
can be classified in this category as well.
The grid impedance Zs (s), which is assumed to be balanced
B. Causes of Resonance Destabilization (also known as symmetric [27]), adds the following relations
in the and dq frames, respectively:
The causes of negative-conductance behavior of a VSC (in
turn, possibly leading to resonance destabilization) are vgs Zs (s)is = Es vg Z(s)i = E (3)
1) the total, i.e., computation-plus-PWM, time delay Td , where Z(s) = Zs (s+j1 ) and vgs is the stiff grid voltage. The
2) the CC dynamics, and PLL and the DVC feed into the CC with signals and iref d ,
3) the dynamics of the outer controllers, i.e., the PLL and, respectively; see Section II-E for details. From these signals,
provided that such are used, the DVC and the controller together with iref
q , the -frame converter-current reference
for the reactive power or the point-of-common-coupling is formed as isref = ej (iref ref
d + jiq ). The DVC has as input
(PCC)-voltage magnitude. the dc-link voltage vd , which is measured across the dc-link
Causes 1) and 2) affect harmonic resonances, whereas causes capacitor (with capacitance Cd ).
2) and 3) affect near-synchronous resonances.
The two CC options which most frequently are suggested
C. System Model
in the literature are here reviewed.
In the following, the positive- and negative-sequence syn- 1) dq-Frame CC: The CC is in this case given by
chronous components are, for convenience, referred to as +1
and 1, respectively. Harmonics are referred to with their vref = ej1 Td [Fc (s)(iref i) + j1 Li] (4)
signed order in a similar fashion. Boldface letters are used where Fc (s) is the controller transfer function and the angle-
to denote complex space vector and transfer functions that adjustment factor ej1 Td compensates the angle-displacement
operate on complex space vectors. The derivative operator factor ej1 Td in (2). For brevity, PCC-voltage feedforward
is denoted as s = d/dt (which shall be considered as the [3] is not included, but a dq decoupling term j1 Li is added.
complex Laplace variable, where appropriate). Vectors and This prioritizes control of +1 over 1.
transfer functions referred to the stationary frame are A proportional (P)-plus-resonant (R) controller with
denoted with the superscript s, whereas such referred to the reduced-order generalized integrators (ROGIs) [34] as R parts
synchronous dq frame aligned with +1 are denoted without a is a suitable choice
superscript. We introduce Ts = 1/fs as the sampling period, X h ejh
and 1 = 2f1 and s = 2fs as the angular synchronous Fc (s) = c L 1 + (5)
s jh1
and angular sampling frequencies, respectively. h
In the control system, the CC closes the innermost, and where c is the ideal closed-loop-system bandwidth, h (with
fastest, loop; that for the converter current is , see Fig. 1. Over- dimension angular frequency) is the individual gain factor
modulation is assumed not to occur and switching harmonics of the R part for the harmonic order h, and h is the
are disregarded, allowing the PWM process to be modeled compensation angle of that R part [35], [36]. Characteristically,
as lumped with the computational time delay into the total R parts are included for +1 and 1 as well as for balanced
time delay Td . The converter is assumed to be equipped with harmonics, i.e., orders 5, +7, 11, +13 . . . [34]. These trans-
an inductive input filter, with inductance L and a negligible late to h = 0, 2, 6, 12, . . . in the dq frame. The R part
resistance. Hence, the converter-current dynamics are in the at h = 0 reduces to a pure integrator. Selecting h c is
frame governed by recommended [37].
Es v s Combining (2) and (4) yields
is = , vs = esTd vrefs
sL i = Gci (s)iref + Yi (s)E (6)
where Es is the PCC voltage and vref
is the reference vector to where the inner closed-loop system and the inner input admit-
the PWM, by which the converter voltage vs is generated. The tance respectively are given by
dq-frame correspondence is obtained simply by substituting
esTd Fc (s)
s s + j1 [27] Gci (s) = (7)
[s + j1 (1 esTd )]L + esTd Fc (s)
Ev 1
i= , v = e(s+j1 )Td vref . (2) Yi (s) = . (8)
(s + j1 )L [s + j1 (1 e d )]L + esTd Fc (s)

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

By inner it is meant that outer control loops, i.e., the PLL With the total time delay expressed in the sampling period as
and the DVC, are not yet taken into account. Owing to the Td = nTs = 2n/s , a bandwidth selection recommendation
dq decoupling and the angle-adjustment factor, Gci (0) = 1 can be obtained as
irrespective of Fc (0). c m
. (16)
Remark 1: In (5), each ROGI pair at h = 6, 12, . . . can, 2 2n
provided that h = h and h = h , be merged into a The selection recommendation c s /10 of [38] is obtained
second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) [35], [36] as as a special case of (16), e.g., for m = /5 = 36 and
n = 1.5.
h ejh h ejh s cos h h1 sin h
+ = 2h . (9)
s jh1 s + jh1 s2 + (h1 )2 E. Outer Control Loops
This reduces the total computational burden, since complex To save space, the loop which, via iref
q , controls the reactive
coefficients are avoided. If desired, the ROGI for 1 (i.e., power or the PCC-voltage magnitude is disregarded and a
h = 2) can be replaced by an SOGI with h = 2 according constant iref
q is considered, see Fig. 1.
to the right-hand side of (9). 1) PLL: The purpose of the PLL is to track the rotation of
2) -Frame CC: An equivalent -frame implementation the PCC voltage vector, thereby aligning the dq frame (with
of control law (4) can be obtained simply by substituting s angle relative the frame) with the +1 component of Es ,
s, where whose magnitude is E0 . The PLL uses the imaginary part of
s = s j1 . (10) E = ej Es as input signal, which is fed to the PLL controller
Fp (s). This is typically a Pintegral (PI) controller, which can
We get be expressed as
s p  ip 
vref = ej1 Td [Fc (s)(isref is ) + j1 Lis ]. (11) Fp (s) = 1+ (17)
E0 s
The correspondences to (7) and (8) too are obtained simply where normalization of the input signal is made by the
by substituting s s division by E0 , and where the gains (with dimension angular
esTd Fc (s) frequency) typically are selected as ip < p c . To the
Gsci (s) = (12) PLL-controller output, 1 is added, and the sum signal is then
(s j1 esTd )L + esTd Fc (s)
integrated to form the transformation angle as
Yis (s) = . (13) 1
(s j1 e sTd )L + esTd Fc (s) = [Fp (s)Im{E} + 1 ]. (18)
Remark 2: It should be observed that the angle-adjustment The PLL thus forces Im{E} to zero in the steady state
factor and the dq decoupling term remain in (11), which is (disturbances disregarded), leaving E = E0 . Assuming power-
not common practice in -frame control. However, both invariant space-vector scaling or p.u. values, the complex
are useful in this case as well, as they for +1 compensate converter input power is given by S = Ei [39]. With E = E0 ,
the static voltage drop j1 Lis across the filter inductor, thus we thus have
giving prioritized control of +1. As a result, Gsci (j1 ) = 1
irrespective of Fc (0). S = P + jQ = E0 (id jiq ) (19)
Remark 3: Notice that, even for -frame implementation, which shows that id and iq respectively are the active-power-
controller (5) is designed as referred to the dq frame, i.e., with producing and reactive-power-producing current components.
h = 0, 2, 6, . . . It is then transformed to the frame by 2) DVC: The purpose of the DVC is to make vd track its
the substitution s s = s j1 . reference vdref . With Wd = Cd vd2 /2, the energy balance of the
Remark 4: For -frame control, the ROGIs for 1 can be dc link can be expressed as
merged into an SOGI according to (9). However, replacing dWd Cd dvd2
the ROGIs for harmonics with SOGIs only adds to the = = P Pl (20)
dt 2 dt
computational burden, as the system order doubles for each
where P = Re{S} and Pl is the load power including the
controlled harmonic [34].
converter losses (Pl < 0 for inverter operation). Since id is
3) Bandwidth Selection: A simplified stability analysis of
the active-power-producing current component, the following
the current control loop can be carried out based on the
control law can be used:
assumption that the R parts have negligible impact (which is
Cd (vdref )2
reasonable, given the aforementioned recommendation h iref ref
d = Fd (s)(Wd Wd ), Wdref = . (21)
c ), as has imperfect dq decoupling due to the time delay (i.e., 2
1 esTd 0). Then, Gci (s) Gk (s)/[1 + Gk (s)], where This allows the DVC to be structurally similar to the PLL
controller (17)
c esTd d  id 
Gk (s) = (14) Fd (s) = 1+ (22)
s E0 s
is the open-loop transfer function. Since |Gk (jc )| = 1, c is and a similar parameter selection recommendation applies, i.e.,
the crossover frequency. Thus, the phase margin is given by id < d c . (A deviation of the value of Cd used in the
control system from the actual value does not give a static
m = + arg Gk (jc ) = c Td . (15) control error, but effectively alters d .)

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

i i

t t
kTs (k+1)Ts (k+2)Ts (k +3)Ts (k +4)Ts kTs (k+1)Ts
v v
vref vref
t t

Fig. 2. Double-update PWM, giving Td = 1.5Ts . Fig. 3. Single-update PWM, giving Td = Ts .


B. Passivity Properties for Different Total Time Delays
In [2], [5] it is shown that the negative-real-part region
In this section, impact of the outer control loops is disre-
caused by the total time delay begins at the critical frequency
garded, reducing the control system to the CC and the PWM.
fcrit at which cos Td (for = 2fcrit ) changes sign from
Yet, important findings can be made by analyzing this reduced
positive to negative, i.e., for 2fcrit Td = /2, giving
system. Because this system is linear and balanced, such
analysis is relatively straightforward [3]. The total time delay 1 fs Ts
fcrit = = . (23)
plays an important role at harmonic frequencies. Therefore, 4Td 4 Td
elaborate discussions concerning this parameter are first made.
For double-update PWM and single-update PWM, i.e., respec-
tively with Td = 1.5Ts and Td = Ts , we respectively obtain
A. Total Time Delay
fcrit = fs /6 and fcrit = fs /4. Let us verify this numerically.
In digital VSC control systems, particularly for two-level A normalized switching frequency of 100 p.u. is considered
VSCs, it is useful to sample the converter current syn- (with the synchronous frequency as base frequency). This is
chronously in between switchings, i.e., coinciding with the a reasonable value, accounting for, e.g., a 5-kHz switching
peaks of the triangular carrier signal for suboscillation PWM, frequency at f1 = 50 Hz. Consequently, s = 200 p.u. for
as shown in Fig. 2. Thereby, switching harmonics are sup- double-update PWM and s = 100 p.u. for single-update
pressed from the samples, often allowing antialiasing filtering PWM. CC (11) is used, with c = 8 p.u. Equation (15)
to be avoided [35]. There are two variants of this principle. shows that this selection yields m = 61 for single-update
1) Double-Update PWM: In this variant, samples are taken PWM with Td = Ts and m = 68 for double-update PWM
both at the positive and negative peaks, as shown in Fig. 2. with Td = 1.5Ts , which both are generous values. R parts
The sampling frequency is twice the switching frequency. The (ROGIs), with h = 0.2 p.u. for all h, are included for
computation time of the CC is generally a fraction of Ts , but +1, 1, 5, +7, 11, +13 in the frame, i.e., for h =
it is not negligible. For this reason, it is common practice to 0, 2, 6, 12 in (5). The R-part compensation angles are
delay the update of the phase-voltage reference vref (given here selected as a compensation of the time delay at the R-part
without a specific phase notation) by one sampling interval, frequency [4]
as shown by the dotted arrows in Fig. 2. The current sample h = h1 Td . (24)
taken at time t = kTs updates vref at t = (k + 1)Ts , etc.
Thereby, even short pulses, such as that about t = (k + 3)Ts , In Fig. 4, the real parts of the inner input admittance are
can be generated without any error due to computation. Each shown in the frequency region up to the Nyquist frequency,
update of vref affects just one switching event, which can occur i.e., s /2 s /2. (Since continuous-time models do
minimum immediately and maximum Ts after the update. The not account for the effects of aliasing and PWM, evaluation
average (and unavoidable) PWM time delay is 0.5Ts , which for frequencies above the Nyquist frequency is meaningless.)
results in the total time delay (on average) Td = 1.5Ts . As the solid curves show, for neither one of the PWM variants
2) Single-Update PWM: In this variant, the sampling fre- is a passive system obtained; negative-real-part regions appear
quency is set equal to the switching frequency. Consequently, above the respective critical frequencies predicted by (23). A
the value of Ts is in this case twice that in double-update proposal for eliminating the negative-real-part region up to
PWM (given that the same switching frequency is used in the Nyquist frequency for Td = 1.5Ts by a scheme based on
both cases). Current sampling is made either at the positive PCC-voltage feedforward can be found in [5]. The scheme can
or the negative peaks of the carrier signal, as illustrated in easily be adapted to the case Td = Ts .
Fig. 3. Provided that the CC computation time is shorter If the total time delay can be brought down to Td = 0.5Ts ,
than Ts /2, reference update can be delayed just until the next i.e., just the PWM time delay, then (23) gives fcrit = fs /2,
peak of opposite sign (rather than the entire period Ts ) [44]. i.e., the negative-real-part region is eliminated and a passive
Each update of vref affects two switching events, which occur inner input admittance up to the Nyquist frequency is obtained,
symmetrically about the (in this example, negative) peak. The as verified by the dashed curves in Fig. 4. (This fact is hinted
average PWM time delay taken over two such consecutive in [40, eq. (6)], but it is not shown explicitly. It is implicitly
switching events is obviously 0.5Ts , giving Td = Ts . shown via the Nyquist criterion in [41], [42].) In addition, c

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

T = 1.5T
Re{Ys(j)} (p.u.)
d s
Td = 0.5Ts

100 50 0 50 100
T =T
Re{Ys(j)} (p.u.)

d s
T = 0.5T
d s

100 50 0 50 100
(p.u.) Fig. 6. Experimental results showing (channel 1) the line-to-line (phases a
(b) to b) PCC voltage and (channel 2) the phase-a grid current during transition
from stable to unstable operation.
Fig. 4. Real parts of the inner input admittance for (a) double-update PWM
and (b) single-update PWM.
5 h = h1Td

Re{Yi (j)} (p.u.)

samplinginstant shifting h = 0

t 5
kTs (k+1)Ts
v 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11 10.9 10.8
vref (p.u.)

Fig. 7. Real part of the inner input admittance about h = 11 for single-
update PWM with Td = Ts .

Fig. 5. Single-update PWM with shifting of the sampling instant, giving

Td = 0.5Ts . commence.

can be increased, for a certain m , by 1.5/0.5 = 3 for double- C. Passivity Properties About the R-Part Frequencies
update PWM and by 1/0.5 = 2 for single-update PWM, as
Fig. 7 shows the detail about 11. For the compensation-
shown by (16).
angle selection (24), Re{Yis (j111 )} is a local minimum,
It is generally easier to reduce Td to (or close to) 0.5Ts
so a local negative-real-part region is avoided, as the solid
for single-update PWM than for double-update PWM [43]
curve shows. This holds for all R-part frequencies for which
[45]. This is because for single-update PWM, the sampling
cos(h1 Td ) > 0 and |h1 | < s /2 [4].
instant can be shifted between the positive and negative peaks,
In many publications on PR controllers (including [34]), the
as illustrated in Fig. 5 (where the computational time delay
feature of a compensation angle is not even included, implying
is approximately 0.2Ts ). When vref suddenly decreases, the
h = 0. In that case, negative-real-part regions appear about
current-sampling instant is shifted from the negative to the
the R-part frequencies, as exemplified by the dashed curve
positive carrier peak. This allows the short positive pulse about
in Fig. 7. Although the regions are narrow, the large negative
t = (k + 1)Ts to be generated without timing error.
values obtained for larger |h| may yet be enough to destabilize
For double-update PWM, the sampling instants can be
ill-located grid resonances [4]. Thus, the usage of a properly
shifted away from the peaks, but at the expense of a greatly
selected compensation angle is highly recommended.
increased harmonic content of the current samples [40].
1) Example: Single-update PWM with fs = 10 kHz and
Td = Ts is implemented in the control system for an LCL-
D. Passivity Properties With PCC-Voltage Feedforward
filter-equipped VSC operating with f1 = 50 Hz. The resonant
frequency is 2.1 kHz, i.e., below fcrit = fs /4 = 2.5 kHz. As In [3] it is shown that, if feedforward of the +1 component
can be observed in Fig. 6, the system is initially stable. At the of Es is combined with an R part for +1 [h = 0 in (5)],
center of the displayed time interval, the interrupt for current then a negative-real-part region about +1 results. Caution is
sampling is shifted, so that Td = 1.5Ts is obtained, giving thus advised. In addition, (24) needs to be modified, as shown
fcrit = fs /6 = 1.7 kHz. The resonance now falls within the in [4], to prevent negative-real-part regions about the R-part
negative-real-part region, and as a result, growing oscillations frequencies.

21686777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

IV. PASSIVITY P ROPERTIES OF THE T OTAL I NPUT (30) can be determined by considering (6) for the perturbation
A DMITTANCE quantities, i.e.,
Impact of the PLL and the DVC is now included. The i = Gci (s)iref + Yi (s)E. (31)
complexity of analysis increases markedly, since the dynamics
are nonlinear and imbalanced. Rather than resorting to the Before proceeding to include the DVC, let us discuss the
usage of a multivariable model, involving real space vectors impact just of the PLL by assuming irefd = 0. Since (30)
and transfer matrices [2], [27], modeling is still made using includes Im{E}, it is obvious that the model no longer
complex space vectors and transfer functions. This method is is balanced [27]. Yet, a complex space-vector model can be
akin to that in [10], [15], [17]. The differences are that we elect employed by using the identity Im{E} = (EE )/(2j)
to use the dq frame rather a per-phase analysis (thus, obviating in (30), which gives
the need for deriving separate positive- and negative-sequence
expressions), and that impact of the DVC is considered in i = Y+ (s)E + Y (s)E (32)
addition to the PLL.
Gci (s)Gp (s)i0
A. Impact of the PLL for an -Frame CC Y+ (s) = Yi (s) Y (s), Y (s) = .
Since a nonlinear system is obtained, linearization must be (33)
made to allow transfer functions to be derived. For this sake, Equation (32) shows that, if E contains just one frequency
a perturbation E about the operating point E0 of the PCC component, e.g., E = E+ ejt , thenbecause of the
voltage is considered. For a constant 1 , this yields the - imbalancetwo components appear in i, as
frame vector
Es = ej1 t (E0 + E). (25) i = Y+ (j)E+ ejt + Y (j)E+ ejt . (34)
| {z } | {z }
i+ i
Introducing a perturbation also in the dq-frame angle, as =
1 t + , gives E = ej Es = ej (E0 + E). This Component i , which may be called an image [27], is
relation can be linearized by approximating ej 1 negative sequence in the dq frame, but as long as < 1 , it
j and by neglecting cross terms between the perturbation is positive sequence in the frame; the components there
quantities, yielding appear as sideband components of +1, at 1 .
Both components, in turn, affect E via the negative
E = E0 + E jE0 . (26) feedback described by (3). If Z(s) has a resonance at, or close
Substitution of (26) in (18) results in to, +, then i+ will be amplified, giving a large amplitude
|E+ | (initially exponentially growing if the resonance gets
Fp (s) Fp (s) destabilized). Because the grid is assumed to be balanced,
= Im{E} E0
s s |Zs (j)| = |Zs (j)|, whereas |Z(j)| 6= |Z(j)| for
Fp (s) 6= 0. Consequently, i is amplified much less by the
= Im{E}. (27)
s + E0 Fp (s) resonance than i+ . The dominant component of E is
| {z }
Gp (s) still E+ ejt . This component may produce active power of
nonzero mean with i+ , according to Re{E+ ejt i+ } =
If the integral term of (17) is neglected, then Gp (s) = [p /(s+ Re{Y+ (j)}|E+ |2 , whereas its interaction with i just
p )]/E0 , i.e., p is the closed-loop PLL bandwidth. produces active-power pulsations of the angular frequency 2.
The dq- and -frame CCs (4) and (11) are equivalent under This motivates neglecting the impact of Y (s) for stability
the design premises stated, concerning the current control analysis of the convertergrid interconnection for a balanced
loop only. However, they differ concerning their PLL impact grid. Caution is advised, though, since in certain degenerated
[15]. For an -frame CC, the dq-frame reference iref is cases, the assumptions may not hold. Moreover, for interaction
transformed into the frame as with an imbalanced grid, which is the case, e.g., for subsyn-
chronous torsional interaction [33] and analysis of multiple-
isref = ej iref = ej(1 t+) (i0 + iref ) (28)
converter systems, a multivariable model, as in [2], must be
where iref is the perturbation about the mean value i0 = used.
id0 + jiq0 . Since a constant iref
q = iq0 is assumed, iref = Similar conclusions are drawn in [10], [15], [17], though
d , where i ref
d is the perturbation impact from the DVC. using somewhat different motivations and a different lineariza-
Equation (28) can be linearized as tion method. In addition, per-phase analysis is used, which
does not allow the existence of an image component to be
isref ej1 t [(1 + j)i0 + iref ] = ej1 t (i0 + iref ) (29) revealed.
iref = iref
d + jGp (s)i0 Im{E}. (30) B. Impact of the DVC
The PLL thus acts as an added reference perturbation (in the We now proceed to determine the impact of the DVC.
q direction only in case i0 is real). The closed-loop impact of Combining (20) with (21) and the relation P = Re{Ei } =

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Re{E i} yields D. Examples of Passivity Properties vs. Resonance Destabi-

Re{(E0 + E) (i0 + i)} Pl
d = Fd (s) Wd
We shall now, by two examples, correlate numerically
(35) the passivity properties of Y+ (s) given by (40) with the
which can be linearized as occurrences of resonance destabilization found by simulation
in M ATLAB. The grid impedance is selected as a parallel
Fd (s)
d = Re{E0 i + i0 E }. (36) series inductivecapacitive impedance
1 sLg (s2 Ls Cs + 1)
Substitution of (31) in (36), noting that Re{i0 E } = Zs (s) = sLg || sLs + = 2 (41)
sCs s (Lg + Ls )Cs + 1
Re{i0 E}, yields
i.e.,pthe angular resonant frequency in the frame is res =
Fd (s) 1/ (Lg + Ls )Cs . Lg = L = 0.1 p.u. and Ls = 1 p.u. are
d = Re{E0 [Gci (s)iref + Yi (s)E] + i0 E}.
s selected, whereas Cs is varied in order to obtain the desired
This relation has, due to the real part of iref , iref on both res , as explained in the following. In the control system
sides. To allow solving for iref which uses an -frame CCan R part is included only for
d , the approximation Gci (s)
1 is made. Since c d , frequency components outside +1, i.e., for h = 0 in (5), with h = 0.5 p.u. The PLL
the passband of Gci (s) are well attentuated by Fd (s)/s, so and the DVC have the parameters p = d = 0.2 p.u.
neglecting the filtering effect of Gci (s) is reasonable. We thus and ip = id = 0.05 p.u., except where noted otherwise.
obtain The grid voltage is adjusted so as to give E0 = 1 p.u.,
the reactive-power exchange is zero, i.e., iq0 = 0, and the
Fd (s) system is considered lossless. The last two assumptions yield
d Re {E0 iref + [E0 Yi (s) + i0 ]E} (38)
s i0 = Pl /E0 .
where, from (30), Re{iref } = iref 1) Example 1, Inverter Operation: A power injection Pl =
d iq0 Gp (s)Im{E}.
For brevity, we shall neglect the term iq0 Gp (s)Im{E}, 0.9 p.u. into the dc link is considered. This scenario could
which tends to have a small impact, particularly at high power account for, e.g., a photovoltaic inverter. To allow the PLL to
factors. This allows (38) to be simplified to quickly track variations in the PCC-voltage angle, p = 2 p.u.
is used in this example (see [10] for a similar selection). The
Fd (s) angular resonant frequency res is adjusted until marginally
d = Re{[E0 Yi (s) + i0 ]E}. (39)
s + E0 Fd (s) stable operation is reached, i.e., a constant-amplitude oscilla-
| {z }
Gd (s)
tion occurs, as shown in Fig. 8(a). This correlates well with
Fig. 8(b), where the real part of Y+ (s) = Y+ (s j1 ) is
If the integral term of (22) is neglected, then Gd (s) = shown: res = 1.38 p.u. is located near the upper boundary
[d /(s + d )]/E0 , i.e., d is the bandwidth of the direct- of the negative-real-part region. Fig. 8(c) shows the discrete-
voltage control loop. The complete relation between E and Fourier-transform (DFT) modulus of is in a logarithmic scale.
i, including PLL and DVC impact, can now be obtained by The components |is+ | and |is |, located symmetrically about
substituting (39) in (30) and using the identities Re{E} = 1 = 1 p.u., respectively at res and 21 res , can be
(E + E )/2 and Im{E} = (E E )/(2j). The observed. The corresponding components in Es are shown in
result is identical to (32), but with Fig. 8(d). It can be noted that the lower-sideband component
Gci (s) has roughly 30 dB smaller amplitude than the upper-sideband
Y+ (s) = Yi (s) + {Gp (s)i0 Gd (s)[i0 + E0 Yi (s)]}. component, and therefore can be neglected, as discussed in
(40) Section IV-A.
[As Y (s) is not used in the following, its expression is The PLL gives negative impact for inverter operation [2],
omitted.] which can be deduced by the multiplication by i0 of Gp (s) in
Remark 5: As previously mentioned, the control loop for the (40). The dashed curve in Fig. 8(b) shows that a much smaller
PCC-voltage magnitude or the reactive power is disregarded negative-real-part region is obtained for rectifier operation
in order to save space. However, inclusion in the analysis of with the same parameter values. For inverter operation, p
its impact is straightforward. For example, a PCC-voltage- should not be made larger than necessary to obtain acceptable
magnitude control law iref
q = Fa (s)(E0 |E|) can be shown dynamic performance, in order to minimize the negative-real-
to add a term jGci (s)Fa (s)/2 to (40). part region.
2) Example 2, Rectifier Operation: A power draw of Pl =
0.9 p.u. from the dc link is now considered. This scenario
C. Impact of the PLL for a dq-Frame CC could account for, e.g., a back-to-back ac motor drive. To give
A different impact of the PLL on the total input admittance sufficiently small variations in vd for variations that may occur
is obtained for a dq-frame CC than for an -frame CC [46]. in Pl (though not included in the simulation), a larger d = 0.5
This is because two coordinate transformations, of is into the p.u. is this time used. The results shown in Fig. 9 are very
dq frame and of vref into the frame, are used, thus adding similar to those in Fig. 8, although the negative-real-part region
two sources of PLL impact. Straightforward calculations show this time is slightly smaller. Consequently, a slightly lower res
that this adds a term Yi (s)Gp (s)/2 to (40). is needed to give marginally stable operation.

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

i () (p.u.) 0.2 0.1 0.1

iq () (p.u.)

Re{Ys ()} (p.u.)

Re{Ys+()} (p.u.)
0 0.8 0
0.4 0.1 0.1


0.2 0.2 0.2
i ()

id ()

1 0.3 0.3
0 0.5 1 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 0.5 1 1.5
t (s) (p.u.) t (s) (p.u.)
(a) (b) (a) (b)
0 0 0 0

|DFT{E }()| (dB)

|DFT{Es}()| (dB)
|DFT{i }()| (dB)

|DFT{is}()| (dB)
10 10
20 20
20 20

40 40
30 30

40 60 40 60
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
(p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)
(c) (d) (c) (d)

Fig. 8. Inverter operation with res = 1.38 p.u. (a) Converter-current Fig. 9. Rectifier operation with res = 1.34 p.u. (a) Converter-current
components. (b) Input-admittance real parts, where the dashed curve accounts components. (b) Input-admittance real parts, where the dashed curve accounts
for rectifier operation with Pl = 0.9 p.u. (c) DFT of the converter current. for inverter operation with Pl = 0.9 p.u. (c) DFT of the converter current.
(d) DFT of the PCC voltage. (d) DFT of the PCC voltage.

0.01 0.05
The DVC gives negative impact mainly for rectifier op-
eration [2], which can be deduced by the multiplication by 0 0
Re{Y+()} (p.u.)

Re{Ys ()} (p.u.)

i0 of Gd (s) in (40). The dashed curve in Fig. 9(b) shows 0.01 0.05
that a much smaller negative-real-part region is obtained for 0.02 0.1

inverter operation with the same parameter values. For rectifier

0.03 0.15
operation, d should not be made larger than necessary to
0.04 0.2
obtain acceptable dynamic performance, in order to minimize
the negative-real-part region. 0.05 0.25
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
Remark 6: It is interesting to note in (40) that, for Gp (s) = (p.u.) (p.u.)
(a) (b)
Gd (s) and a real i0 , terms Gp (s)i0 and Gd (s)i0 cancel in
(40). Thus, identical selections of the PLL controller (17) and Fig. 10. Input-admittance real parts for (a) an -frame CC and (b) a dq-
the DVC (22) removes the dependence of id0 from the input- frame CC for (solid) p = d = 0.5 p.u. and (dashed) p = d = 0.2
admittance characteristics, giving the same passivity properties p.u.
both for inverter and rectifier operation. For moderate gain
selections, then very small negative-real-part regions are ob-
tained, as exemplified in Fig. 10(a). Use proper selection of the R-part compensation angles
Remark 7: If a dq-frame CC is used, a widening of the h according to (24), particularly if R parts are included
negative-real-part region tends to result, as can be observed for higher harmonic orders [4].
in Fig. 10(b). It is therefore generally preferable to use an Do not select the bandwidths of the outer loops, i.e., the
-frame CC. PLL and the DVC, unnecessarily large. This particularly
applies for the PLL in inverter operation and for the DVC
V. C ONCLUSIONS in rectifier operation [2], [11], [23].
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

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2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2490549, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Lennart Harnefors (S93M97SM07) was born Frede Blaabjerg (S86M88SM97F03) was

in 1968 in Eskilstuna, Sweden. He received the with ABB-Scandia, Randers, Denmark, from 1987
M.Sc., Licentiate, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical to 1988. From 1988 to 1992, he was a Ph.D. Student
engineering from the Royal Institute of Technol- with Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. He
ogy (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and the Docent became an Assistant Professor in 1992, an Asso-
degree in industrial automation from Lund Uni- ciate Professor in 1996, and a Full Professor of
versity, Lund, Sweden, in 1993, 1995, 1997, and power electronics and drives in 1998. His current
2000, respectively. Between 19942005, he was with research interests include power electronics and its
Malardalen University, Vasteras, Sweden, from 2001 applications such as in wind turbines, PV systems,
as a Professor. Between 20012005, he was, in reliability, harmonics and adjustable speed drives.
addition, a part-time Visiting Professor of electrical He has received 15 IEEE Prize Paper Awards, the
drives with Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden. IEEE PELS Distinguished Service Award in 2009, the EPE-PEMC Council
Since 2005, he has been with ABB, where he is currently a Senior Principal Award in 2010, the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award 2014
Scientist at Corporate Research, Vasteras, Sweden. He is, in addition, a part- and the Villum Kann Rasmussen Research Award 2014. He was an Editor-
time Adjunct Professor of power electronics with KTH. His research interests in-Chief of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON P OWER E LECTRONICS from 2006
include analysis and control of power electronic systems, particularly grid- to 2012. He has been Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Power Electronics
connected converters and ac drives. Society from 2005 to 2007 and for the IEEE Industry Applications Society
from 2010 to 2011. He is nominated in 2014 by Thomson Reuters to be
between the most 250 cited researchers in Engineering in the world.

Xiongfei Wang (S10M13) received the B.Sc. de-

gree from Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China,
in 2006, the M.Sc. degree from Harbin Institute
of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2008, both in
electrical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree from
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2013.
Since 2009, he has been with the Aalborg Univer-
sity, Aalborg, Denmark, where he is currently an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy
His research interests include grid converters for
renewable energy systems and microgrids, harmonics analysis and control,
passive and active filters, stability of power electronic based power systems.
He received an IEEE Power Electronics Transactions Second Prize Paper
award in 2015. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I N -
DUSTRY A PPLICATIONS and served as a Guest Associate Editor the of IEEE
Special Issue on Harmonic Stability and Mitigation in Power Electronics
Based Power Systems.

Alejandro G. Yepes (S10M12) received the

M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Vigo,
Vigo, Spain in 2009 and 2011, respectively.
Since 2008, he has been with the Department
of Electronics Technology, University of Vigo. His
main research interests are in the area of control of
switching power converters.

2168-6777 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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