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Configuring a Build / Developer PC Using VS 2005

Install Prerequisites
1. Install Internet Information Services (IIS) and Message Queuing
a. Start->Settings->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs
b. Click on Add/Remove Windows Components
c. Click on Internet Information Services (IIS)
d. Click Details
e. Click on FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions. Click on OK button.
f. Click Message Queuing
g. Click Next
h. Click Finish
2. Install Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition (MSDN Disc 3045)
a. Run  HYPERLINK "\\\\devfs01\\vs2005\\VS\\Setup.exe" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\
b. Click Install Visual Studio 2005
c. Click Next
d. Click I accept the terms of the License Agreement then Next
e. Click Custom
f. Uncheck Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
g. Click Install
h. Click Finish
i. Click Install Product Documentation
j. Click Check for Service Release.
k. Install VS2005SP1 VS80sp1-KB926601-X86-ENU.exe
3. Install Visual SourceSafe 2005 (MSDN Disc 3041)
a. Run  HYPERLINK "\\\\devfs01\\vs2005\\VSS\\Setup.exe" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other
b. Click I accept the terms of the License Agreement and then Next
c. Click Full
d. Click Install
e. Click Finish
4. Install / Copy Stingray
a. Copy  HYPERLINK "\\\\devfs01\\vs2005\\Rogue Wave" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\EX
PBuild\Rogue Wave to C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave
5. Download and install Microsoft Platform SDK (R2) (3790.2075) Version 5.2.3790
a. Get the Platform SDK from  HYPERLINK "\\\\devfs01\\vs2005\\Microsoft Platform
SDK\\PSDK-x86.exe" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\EXPBuild\Microsoft Platform SDK\PSD
K-x86.exe or  HYPERLINK "
b. Follow Instructions section. (Select the typical installation type)
6. Download and install Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0
a. Get SOAP Toolkit from  HYPERLINK "\\\\devfs01\\vs2005\\Soap Toolkit 3.0\\soaps
dk.exe" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\EXPBuild\Soap Toolkit 3.0\soapsdk.exe or  HYPER
b. Follow Instructions section.
7. Install the Hot Fix (KB919280).
From Glen Gu:
I ve put the hot fix for KB919280 under  HYPERLINK "file:///\\\\Devfs01\\vs2005\\Ho
tFix\\KB919280" \o "file://Devfs01/vs2005/HotFix/KB919280" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\o
ther\EXPBuild\HotFix\KB919280. This hot fix is applicable for
KB Article Number(s): 911844, 911884, 913167, 914380, 915404, 915405, 915596, 91
5697, 917780, 919280. Most of the issues are not available on Microsoft Website
One of the issues (915404) is about the bug in COleDateTime, which will give ass
ertion error in Debug mode and probably GPF in release mode when trying to forma
t the date string with year field for the date before 01/01/1900. This is the ma
in reason we need this hot fix.
As usual Microsoft puts the following warning message for the hot fix:
WARNING: This fix is not publicly available through the Microsoft website as it
has not gone through full Microsoft regression testing.€ If you would like confirm
ation that this fix is designed to address your specific problem, or if you woul
d like to confirm whether there are any special compatibility or installation is
sues associated with this fix, you are encouraged to speak to a Support Professi
onal in Product Support Services.
8. We have added ExpWebScanning to the ExpManaged solution. You will need to ins
tall C:\Elixir\Managed\Web\PDI\pdi_activex.exe in order to build ExpWebScanning.
9. In order to build ExpManaged you will need to get "C:\ELIXIR\Managed\Third Pa
rty\Neevia\docConverter.dll" from SS and run this command:
a. regsvr32 "C:\ELIXIR\Managed\Third Party\Neevia\docConverter.dll"

Compiling EXP MACESS

1. Open Visual SouceSafe
a. Stop IIS and all MACESS COM+ Components or Run C:\ELIXIR\KillComServers.js
b. Open SourceSafe Database  HYPERLINK "\\\\expbhmsv0000005\\dev\\vssdb\\source2"
c. Rename C:\Elixir to C:\Elixir_old
d. Set the Working Folder for $/Elixir to C:\Elixir
e. Get Latest Version for $/Elixir (Click Recursive)
2. Register WpMTS.dll and MACESS.MacSysItf.dll.
a. Click Start->Run
b. regsvr32 C:\Elixir\Components\ProcessDirector\Workpoint\bin\WpMTS.dll
c. regsvr32 C:\Elixir\Common\CommonTlb\MACESS.MacSysItf.dll
3. Open Visual Studio 2005
a. Option 1 Tools>Options->Import/Export Setting
i. Select Import C:\Elixir\Elixir300.vssettings
ii. Go to d.
b. Option 2 Click Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories
c. Add the following paths:
i. Executable files
1. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\bin
2. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\bin\winnt

ii. Include files
1. C:\Program Files\MSSOAP\Inc
2. C:\Program Files\Common Files\MSSoap\Binaries
3. C:\Elixir\Common
4. C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave\Stingray Studio 2006\Include
5. C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave\Stingray Studio 2006\Regex\include
6. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\include

iii. Library files
1. C:\Program Files\MSSOAP\Lib
2. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib
3. C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave\Stingray Studio 2006\Lib
4. C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave\Stingray Studio 2006\Regex\Lib\vc6
iv. Source files
1. C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave\Stingray Studio 2006\Src
2. C:\Program Files\Rogue Wave\Stingray Studio 2006\Regex\Src

d. Set Setup IIS Virtual Directory with name ElixirWeb_WebServices - pointing to C
e. Set Setup IIS Virtual Directory with name ExpBrowser - pointing to C:\ELIXIR\Ma
f. Rename "C:\Elixir\Managed\Rename this to ExpManaged.suo" to "C:\Elixir\Manage
g. Install C:\ELIXIR\Managed\UnitTest\NUnit\NUnit-2.2.8-net-2.0.msi
h. Open C:\Elixir\Elixir.sln
i. Set Solution Configurations to Debug and Solution Platforms to Mixed Platform
j. Right click on each of the following project and select Build
i. idl
ii. EventMessages
iii. Collections
iv. SystemConstants
v. PooledCon
vi. Encryption
vii. ExpLDAP
viii. ExpProxy
k. Select Build->Build Solution (If this error Cannot open type library file: '\E
lixir\Managed\Components\ExpLDAP\bin\Debug\MACESS.LDAP.tlb' then do steps o., p.
and repeat step n.)
l. Open C:\Elixir\Managed\ExpManaged.sln
m. Select Build->Rebuild Solution

Updating Visual Assist

Developer PC Only
1. Install Visual Assist Version 1444
a. Get Visual Assist from  HYPERLINK "\\\\devfs01\\vs2005\\VisualAssist\\VA_X_Set
up1444.exe" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\EXPBuild\VisualAssist\VA_X_Setup1444.exe or
 HYPERLINK "" http://www.wh
b. Run VA_X_Setup1444.exe
2. Open VS 2005
3. Click on VXssistX->Visual Assist X Options
4. Click on License->Enter Key
5. Get the License Key from  HYPERLINK "\\\\expbhmsv0000005\\dev\\other\\EXPBuild
\\VisualAssist\\vx_license1444.txt" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\EXPBuild\VisualAs
sist\vx_license1444.txt file.

Configuring EXP MACESS

Optional for Build PC
1. Run C:\ELIXIR\Deployment\MSMQCreation\Debug\MSMQCreation.exe Middleware
2. Setup COM+ Applications and Components
a. Run C:\Elixir\Deployment\Install Script generator\post_build.bat
3. Set Setup IIS Virtual Directory with name elixirweb - pointing to C:\Elixir\Web
4. Set Setup IIS Virtual Directory with name ElixirWeb_WebServices - pointing to C
5. Set Setup IIS Virtual Directory with name ExpBrowser - pointing to C:\ELIXIR\Ma
6. Create a sub folder Settings in C:\Program Files\SunGard\MACESS.exp directory. Co
py the following files to Settings folder.
a. $/Elixir/Deployment/Client/mxclicfg.xml
b. $/Elixir/Deployment/Server/sysconsts.xml
c. $/Elixir/Deployment/Server/mxservercfg.xml
7. Modify mxclicfg.xml
a. Update the system_name attribute to the expserver
8. Modify mxservercfg.xml
a. Update the system_name attribute to the expserver
b. Update the DatabaseProvider and ADO_DatabaseProvider attributes to point to t
he database of exp system.
9. Modify sysconsts.xml
a. Update the system_name attribute to the expserver
b. Copy the DatabaseProvider attribute from the mxservercfg.xml file to sysconst
c. Create the servertemp directory and give full permission to the user logged in
10. Browse the testobjects.asp in  HYPERLINK "http://localhost/expweb/testobjects
.asp" http://localhost/expweb/testobjects.asp
11. Create a sub folder Bin in C:\Program Files\SunGard\MACESS.exp directory. Copy t
he following files to Bin folder.
a. $/Elixir/Exp Source Includes/ExpUVDefault.jpg
b. $/Elixir/Exp Source Includes/ExpUVLoading.jpg
c. $/Elixir/Exp Source Includes/ExpUVTmpDoc.jpg
d. C:\Elixir\Components\EventMessages\Debug\macess.EventMessages.dll
12. Check MSDTC settings. see  HYPERLINK "\\\\Devfs01\\vs2005\\DTC and Windows Fi
rewall.doc" \\expbhmsv0000005\dev\other\EXPBuild\DTC and Windows Firewall.doc

Compiling ExpScanning
Optional for Developer PC
1. Install VB 6.0 SP5
2. Install pixel
a. Open SourceSafe Database  HYPERLINK "\\\\expbhmsv0000005\\dev\\vssdb\\source2"
b. Get Latest Version for $/EXP Support/Pixel
c. Unzip
d. Password can be found in file Serial.txt
e. Run Setup.exe to install pixel
g. Serial Number will be found in file Serial.txt
h. Copy files $/EXP Support/Pixel/1485310.chn and $/EXP Support/Pixel/1485310.CH
i. Copy $/EXP Support/Pixel/Customer.ID to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\
3. Open C:\Elixir\Components\ExpScanning\ExpScanning.vbp
a. Select File->Make ExpScanning.dll

Compiling ExpReports
Optional for Developer PC
1. Install VB 6.0 SP5
2. Install Crystal 9.0
3. Open C:\Elixir\Components\expReports\expReports.vbp
a. Select File->Make expReports.exe

Setup MacBuild for an EXP MACESS build PC

Build PC Only
1. Open SourceSafe Database  HYPERLINK "\\\\expbhmsv0000005\\dev\\vssdb\\source2"
2. Get Latest Version for $/MacBuild/Release
3. Run regsvr32 C:\MACBUILD\Release\postiex.dll
4. Run MacBuild.exe
6. Enter path and file name to SourceSafe
8. Enter SourceSafe Username and Password.
9. To setup a Scheduled Tasks use the following command line: C:\MACBUILD\Releas
e\MacBuild.exe /S "\\expbhmsv0000005\dev\vssdb\source2\SrcSafe.ini" /U "insbuild
pc" /A "$/Elixir"

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