B. General Measure, Mgso4 Antihipertensi, C Section
B. General Measure, Mgso4 Antihipertensi, C Section
B. General Measure, Mgso4 Antihipertensi, C Section
A 21 year old pregnant women was brought to maternity ward because was
found to have generalized convulsion at home. Positive findings: unconscious,
BP 170/110 mmHg, urine dipstick for protein +2, fundal height 35 cm, FHR
150 bpm, no contraction, singleton head presentation. Vaginal examination:
cervix effaced, 1 cm dilatation head on station -1. How do you manage this
A. General measure, profilaksis antibiotic, immediate C section
B. General measure, MgSO4 antihipertensi, C section
C. General measure, antihypertensive, MgSO4, induction of labor
D. General measure, antihypertensive, anticonvulsant, conservative management
E. General measure, direct C-section
Pada pasien dengan riwayat eklampsia, terminasi harus segera dilakukan. Dalam
kasus ini, terminasi melalui SC lebih dipilih karena pasien ga sadar, kontraksi yang
tidak ada, kepala masih di station -1 dan bukaan baru 1 cm. Sebelum dilakukan SC,
dilakukan pemberian antihipertensi seperti nifedipin dan MgSO4 untuk mencegah
kejang berulang.
5. You are examining a 34 year old woman G3P2 at 38 weeks of gestation in the
outpatient clinic. She is not in labor. There are no palpable fetal parts in the
pelvis. You diagnose the baby to be in transverse lie. What should you
recommend to the patient?
A. Ask her to ambulate frequently
B. Refer for ultrasound examination
C. Refer for immediate cesarean section
D. Offer external version in your office right away
E. Comfort her and tell her to wait for the baby to rotate by itself
Untuk cari faktor risiko kenapa bisa lintang seperti plasenta previa dll karena biasanya
99% bayi aterm udah memanjang posisinya.
6. A 19 year old primigravida with unsure LMP presents to initiare prenatal care.
You attempt to estimate gestational age. Uterine fundus is palpable at the level
of pubic symphysis and fetal heart tones are audible by electronic Doppler.
Based on this information, approximately how many weeks is the gestational
A. 8 weeks
B. 12 weeks
C. 16 weeks
D. 20 weeks
E. 24 weeks
Kalau udah di simfisis pubis 12 minggu
DJJ kedengeran pake Doppler minimal 10 minggu udah bisa kedengeran
7. Engagement is?
A. When the presenting part goes through the pelvic inlet
B. When the presenting part is level with the ischial spines
C. When the greatest BPD of the fetal head passess the pelvic inlet
D. When the greatest biparietal of the head is level with the ischial spines
E. When the greatest diameter of the fetal presenting part passess through the
narrowest and lowest part of the maternal pelvis
Udah pada khatam lah ya pasti
9. C. Usg buat menegakkan dia emg threatened abortion bukan complete abortion.
Krn threatened sm complete ostium uteri sama2 tertutup, bedanya yg 1 msh ada
bayinya yg 1 ga
13. Helep
14. C. Plasenta masih ada yg tertinggal. Kalau atonia uteri dari awal sdh berdarah
terus bukan baru muncul q jam kemudian