Plan de Lectie 5 Form Nationalities

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Lesson Plan

Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 27, Timisoara

Profesor: Doro Andrada Tomina
Form: 5th A
Lesson: All around the world
Unit: 1
Date: 19.10.2017

1. to listen/read for gist
2. to listen/read for specific information
3. to present places in a country

Vocabulary: countries, nationalities, capital city, city, town, village, close to, near
Skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing
Materials: book, notebook, computer, projector, Internet, flashcards, worksheet
Techniques: conversation, explanation, listening for gist/specific information, reading for gist/specific information, exercise.
Organization: frontal, individual, pair
Time: 50 min.
Stages Objectives Procedure Materials Techniques Organization Time
Warm-up -Teacher greets Students, asks them how Book Conversation frontal 5 min
they are. Pupils respond to informal Notebook Explanation
question. T writes the absent Ss.

-Teacher asks Does anyone remember what

we did last time? Ss have to say the title or
give general information about what they
learned last time.

-Teacher asks Have you done your

homework?, Was it difficult?, Who wants
to read? and then names a few students to
read their homework and asks the others to
check and correct if necessary. Students
respond individually. Homework is
Lead-in O3 Scenario: I have got a lot of friends in the Flashcards Conversation Frontal 5 min
UK. One of my best e-friend lives in Board Exercise
Southampton. It is a city in the UK. Do you Notebook
have many friends? Do you have e-
friends? (T explains what e-friend is)
-T writes the title on the board (All around
the world) and Ss in their notebooks.

-T shows some flashcards with flags and Ss

are asked to come at the board and to write
the name of each country.
New lesson O1 -Ss look at the pictures and they have to Conversation Frontal 35
guess where each person is from and how Computer min
they are related. Projector Listening and
-Ss watch the video and read the text to find Internet reading for Frontal
out if they are right. Book gist

O2 -T asks them to match the phrases to make Book Reading for Pair-work
sentences. T checks Ss answers. Notebook specific
Board information
O2 -Ss read the text again and mark the Exercise Individual
statements according to what they read
(right/wrong). T checks Ss answers.

-T asks Ss to make sentences with the words Notebook Exercise Individual

in the box (check these words box): Explanation
friend, beautiful, close to, near. If Ss do
not know the meaning of the words, T
explains them.
Book Reading for Pairs
O2, O3 - Ss look at the personal profile of Jill. They Notebook specific
review the text and complete the personal Board information
profile of each child. Exercise
O3 Book Individual
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures at ex.4, Notebook Listening for
write the sentences and choose the correct Board specific
words. T checks Ss answers. information
Consolidation O2, O3 -Ss are asked to read the gapped profiles Notebook Conversation Pair 3min
and look at what information is missing. T
plays the recording. Ss listen and complete
the gaps and write the words in their
notebooks. T checks Ss answers.
Homework To repeat the new vocabulary. To solve ex.6, Board Explanation Frontal 1min
assignment page 21 Notebook
Dismiss class Teacher says goodbye to the students and Conversation Frontal 1min
thanks them for their attention (stickers).





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