Kraus Technologylesson 2

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Pre-Kindergarten Technology Lesson Plan

Lindsey Kraus
University of New England
November 25, 2015

Class Description:

This is a lesson planned for my current class of pre-kindergarten and Head Start students at
Rochambeau School in White Plains, New York.

There is one teacher and one assistant teacher at all times in the classroom.

The class consists of 14 students. There are 5 girls and 9 boys. 13 students are Hispanic and
one student is of Indian descent.

All 13 Hispanic students use Spanish as their primary language. The Indian student uses
English as his primary language.

The students are either 3 or 4 years old.

Two students receive speech services. These students will have extra assistance from either
the teacher or assistant teacher at each station.

One student has an IEP.

One student is currently being evaluated for certain behaviors such as constant repeating of
words and phrases, speech and inability to sit still and keep his hands to himself. This student
has the option of sitting on a chair instead of the rug, and also will have extra assistance from
either the teacher or assistant teacher at each station.

Since this class is pre-kindergarten, I have more freedom to let my students choose what they
want to do than in a typical public school setting. This lesson would be implemented during our
normal time where we have a circle time/mini lesson and the students play in centers. My
students are allowed to freely move about in the centers as long as there is room in the center
(Some are only allowed 4 students, some 3, etc.) My students were taught at the beginning of the

year how to play in these centers and how to move from center to center appropriately. In a lot of
ways, this helps with behavior and my students with disabilities. The students arent forced to do
activities and often choose to do all of the activities because they see their friends enjoying it. I
will encourage the students to try everything, but if they're not wanting to do it I wont force
them to do it at this time. This lets the students do the activities on their own terms and they
dont often have trouble sitting and focusing on an activity because a lot of their time is spent
playing. I also plan short activities so that they are not sitting for long periods of time.
NYS Common Core Standards Addressed:
Comprehension and Collaboration
1. With guidance and support, participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners
about pre- kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups.
a.Engage in agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking
about the topics and texts under discussion).
b.Engage in extended conversations.
c.Communicate with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
4. Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide
additional detail. 5. Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide
additional detail.
6. Demonstrate an emergent ability to express thoughts, feelings and ideas.

2 iPads
cut outs of people and pets
crayons, markers, colored pencils
Mini LessonThe students will be called to the rug and asked to sit on their spots. The two students
who receive speech services sit close to the teacher and the student being evaluated is seated
between two calm students. Sometimes this student also does better if he is sitting in a chair
rather than the rug. This option will be open for him.The teacher will point to a student and say
Her name is Nicole. She is wearing a green shirt. The teacher will explain that she said her
and she because Nicole is a girl. The teacher will then point to a student and say His name is
Bryan. He has blue shoes. The teacher will explain that she said his and he because Bryan
is a boy. The teacher will point to herself and say I like ice cream and then point to a student
and say You like pizza. The teacher will ask the students to raise their hands and point to a
student and say Her name is or His name is. After each student has a turn, the teacher will
then ask the students to point to themselves and say I like and answer with a food, color, etc.
After each student has a turn, the teacher will show a BrainPop ESL video. This BrainPop video
is called Hi, Im Ben and Ben introduces the students to using subject pronouns, the verb to be
and its contractions. After the video, the students will practice using pronouns with their
classmates again. The more outspoken students tend to speak over the students who receive

speech therapy. The teacher will make sure that the students who are quieter get to take their turn
and complete their sentence on their own without interruption.
Station 1This station is the iPad station. The teacher will show the whole group how to compete
this activity at whole group time. At this station the students will be on the BrainPop ESL
website. The activity they will be completing is called Hear It, Say It for the section Hi, Im
Ben. The students click on a picture, listen to the statement (ex: We are friends) and then
repeat the statement back into the iPad. When they have completed this section, they may move
on to another section in the same level.
The students who receive speech services will have teacher assistance with this activity.
They will be encouraged to use the right pronunciations and a clear voice. When the students are
struggling, they will be directed to watch the teachers mouth while she is speaking so that they
can see how the letters are formed. These students will also repeat each statement several times
to get extra practice.
Station 2This is a teacher led station at a small table. If the students are having a hard time sitting
at the table, the teacher can move the group to the rug so that the children can be comfortable.
The teacher will call over 2 or 3 students at a time. At this station the teacher will review the
pronouns and sentences used in the whole group mini lesson. The teacher will then show the
students paper cut-outs of boys, girls and animals. All of these cut-outs have features that the
children can define (purple shirt, red leash, blue pants, glasses). The teacher will lead the
students in completing statements about these characters. The students will say things like She

has a purple shirt! The dog is white, he is cute! The teacher will encourage the students to
each complete three statements using the correct pronouns in a clear voice. The teacher will then
encourage the students to play with the characters with each other and use the correct pronouns.
The teacher will not be a part of the conversation, but will help correct the students if they need
The student who repeats himself and others often will be encouraged to come up with
unique statements on his own. He will get a chance to come up with a statement first so that he is
not repeating another student. The students who receive speech therapy will be encouraged to
speak to the other students. They will be reminded to speak loudly and clearly, and the teacher
will encourage them to start the conversation with their peers.
Station 3This is an independent station. The students will be instructed to draw a picture of
themselves doing an activity with friends or family. At this station the students will have access
to an iPad where they can watch the BrainPop ESL videos again for ideas. They will be
instructed to draw features on their people, like clothes or accessories. They will also be
instructed to talk to their friends about what they are drawing. When they are finished drawing,
they will call over a teacher to show them. The teacher will ask them what they drew and ask the
students to use the proper pronouns to describe what they drew. The teacher will write what they
said under the picture (This is mom. She is wearing a purple shirt). The students will have the
option to use whatever writing utensils they are most comfortable with (markers, crayons,
colored pencils). The children who have trouble drawing details will be encouraged to add one
small characteristic- different colored hair or different colored eyes.

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