Research Methodology - Diversity Problems and Solutions - Final

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Opal Ruiz

Research Methodology

International College of the Cayman Islands

Professor Dr. Alicia Law

March 26th, 2017



Workforce diversity is a complex phenomenon which can result in significant organizational

benefits. However, workforce diversity can also result in substantial problems and challenges to

the organization and its employees when diversity in the workforce is not managed effectively.

This problem solution essay provides a detailed analysis of the concept of workforce diversity

and its implications for the organization and its employees. This essay will also discuss some of

the various organizational benefits which can be derived from effective workforce diversity

management. Furthermore, based on the literature review, this essay will discuss the various

issues and challenges that may arise within the organization when workforce diversity is not

properly managed. The theoretical framework for this problem solution essay is based upon

Roosevelt Thomass theory of workforce diversity. Methodologies used include an in-depth

literature review of workforce diversity scholarly articles and an online survey completed by

persons employed in the local Cayman Islands workforce. Furthermore, this essay will explore

scholarly and empirical research findings on workforce diversity and its associated benefits,

challenges as well as solutions for effectively managing workforce diversity. Lastly, the

researcher will also recommend solutions and strategies for effectively managing workforce

diversity based upon information divulged from the literature review and the online survey data.


As indicated by Gidwani (2012) workforce diversity refers to the collective

characteristics of the organization's employees in relation to race, gender, age, sexual orientation,

religion, disability, culture, education, tenure, and class among other characteristics.

Organizations are becoming more diverse and this can create opportunities as well as challenges

within the work environment. This is where the concept of managing workforce diversity comes

into play. According to Gidwani (2012), the concept of managing workforce diversity is

concerned with recognizing the relationship between effective human resource management and

improved organizational performance and proficiency. The problem is that while diversity can be

beneficial when diversity is not properly managed in the workforce it can result in adverse

impacts on the organization and its employees. This view is also supported by Gidwani (2012)

who states that diversity can be beneficial for organizational development only when diversity is

appropriately managed and there is a sense of coherence among all of the organization's

stakeholders including employees and managers. Therefore, diversity can enable significant

organizational benefits, however, in order for organizations to obtain the desired benefits it is

essential for workforce diversity to be managed effectively.

Introduction continued

Effective diversity management is concerned with efficiently managing the workforce

with respect to the diverse needs of all employees. As indicated by Gidwani (2012) in order to

effectively manage workforce diversity it is important for the organization to create and maintain

a supportive organizational environment where all employees have the opportunity to be efficient

and contribute to the organization irrespective of their diverse characteristics. Although diversity

can enable various organizational benefits, having a diverse workforce can also create challenges

within the organization. In this regard, Ma (2010) states that although empirical scholarly

research has shown that employee demographic diversity dimensions may negatively impact

organizations, empirical research also suggests that such negative impacts can be circumvented

through the utilization of effective workforce diversity management. This indicates that such

negative impacts can be disruptive and counterproductive to the organization and its employees;

however, organizations can overcome such workforce diversity challenges via effective

workforce diversity management. Hence, this problem solution essay seeks to provide an

overview of workforce diversity and its associated implications including challenges and

benefits. Additionally, this problem solution essay will propose solutions for effectively

managing workforce diversity in order for the desired organizational benefits to be achieved.

Problem Statement

The problem is that when workforce diversity is not properly managed it results in

problems, challenges and undesired impacts on the employees and the organization as a whole.

History and Overview of the Problem

Although workforce diversity can enable significant organizational benefits; when

workforce diversity is not effectively managed it results in negative impacts on the organization.

Therefore, the researcher proposes that the underlining issue with inefficient diversity

management is that the organization is at a disadvantage as the organization is not able to obtain

the desired benefits of workforce diversity, hence the organization it not able to reach its full

potential or maximize productivity. According to Foma (2014) managing workforce diversity in

accordance with traditional workforce diversity practices can create personnel related problems

within the organization. Additionally, there are various challenges related to workforce diversity

as well as concepts for effectively managing workforce diversity (Foma, 2014). For example, it

is important for organizations to realize that organizational benefits cannot be obtained by just

merely having a diverse workforce (D'Netto, Shen, Chelliah, & Monga, 2014). Furthermore, if

workforce diversity is not effectively managed it will potentially result in adverse impacts within

the organization such as decreased morale, increased turnover rates, significant communication

issues and other workplace conflicts (Zenger and Lawrence 1989; Jackson et al. 1991; Tsui,

Egan and O'Rielly 1992; Jehn, Neale and Northcraft 1999; Roberson and Kulik 2007). In support

of this Hansen (2003) states that advantages of diversity in the workforce are only obtained

through effective diversity management practices, strategies, and policies that enable the

organization to benefit from its diverse workforce.

History and Overview of the Problem continued

As mentioned by Ayub, Aslam & Razzaq (2013) effectively managing workplace

diversity refers to developing, implementing and maintaining policies and practices within the

organization in order to manage employees in a way that the potential challenges of diversity are

reduced while its potential benefits are maximized. Furthermore, effective diversity management

has major legal, ethical, and economic implications for the organization (Ayub et al., 2013).

Therefore, the problem is not diversity in itself; rather the issue is in correlation to the various

challenges of managing, integrating, and utilizing the organization's diverse workforce in an

effort to obtain organizational objectives (Pless & Maak, 2004). In addition, Reddy and

Gizachew (2014) advised that there are various factors which impact and determine the problem

of managing multiculturalism and diversity in an organizational environment.


Literature Review

The Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this problem solution essay is based on Dr. Roosevelt

Thomass theory of workforce diversity (Ma, 2010). Dr. Roosevelt Thomass philosophy of

managing workforce diversity implies that managing workforce diversity refers to a complex

process of creating a work environment that is suitable for all employees (Ma, 2010). Thomas

was one of the first scholars to utilize an inclusive definition of diversity in the workforce;

furthermore, Thomas's work was fundamental in advancing workforce diversity philosophy

beyond the initial equal employment opportunity and affirmative action categories (Kreitz,

2007). In Thomas's revolutionary work, Beyond Race and Gender, it is argued that in order to

successfully manage workforce diversity, organizations must realize that factors such as race and

gender are only two of many diversity characteristics (Kreitz, 2007). Therefore, Thomas's theory

implies that leaders and managers should develop diversity initiatives to include various other

diversity characteristics and dimensions (Kreitz, 2007). Thomas's model of workforce diversity

management is based on inclusiveness and is defined as an inclusive managerial process for

creating a suitable work atmosphere for all staff members (Kreitz, 2007).

Furthermore, Thomas also developed a framework for effective diversity management

policies (Ma, 2010). Thomas's framework implies that the organization should identify its

intentions and aspirations for diversity initiatives, as well as describe pertinent diversity notions,

identify the meaning of workforce diversity, develop a long-term approach to managing

workforce diversity, analyze the organizational culture to determine key elements that impacts

the organization's philosophy of diversity management, include supervisors and managers,


determine appropriate problems to be addressed, create an plan for action and change, accentuate

awareness, and continue developing affirmative action plans (Ma, 2010). In Thomas's

breakthrough article "From Affirmative Action to Affirming Diversity," he facilitated the

transition of workforce diversity management to move beyond the scope of gender and race (Ma,

2010). Accordingly, Thomas's model of diversity states that diversity management should

incorporate managing all diversity characteristics and dimensions, such as background, age,

personality, job function and educational qualifications among other characteristics (Ma, 2010).

Moreover, Thomas argued that diversity management should be a strategy utilized by managers

to develop an atmosphere where all employees have the opportunity to maximize their potential

and no employee is disadvantaged (Ma, 2010).

Overview of Diversity in the Workforce

The dramatic increase in globalization and internationalism has caused an increase in

workforce diversity in most western countries (Shen, D'Netto, & Tang, 2010). According to

Forma (2014), workforce diversity can be defined as differences in employee characteristics as it

relates to gender, values, beliefs, age, physical ability, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation,

religion, and lifestyle, among other differences. Workforce diversity can result in benefits such

as increased innovation; conversely it can also result in challenges such as communication

issues, diversity training costs, as well as other issues, consequently, effective diversity

management has substantial implications for organizations, managers and employees

(Florkowski 1996; Roberson, Kulik and Pepper 2003; Kossek, Lobel and Brown 2005). What's

more, effective human resource diversity management can enable organizations to minimize the

adverse impacts of diversity and can also help organizations to benefit from having a diverse

workforce (D'Netto et al., 2014).


As indicated by Prasad (2012) diversity creates advantages as well as disadvantages, due

to the fact that diversity drastically impacts the organizational culture. Hence in order for

organizations to obtain the desired benefits of diversity, the organization has to properly manage

various problems such as conflicts among employees as well as management (Prasad, 2012). As

a result of this, it is important for the organization to have proper human resource management

practices and policies in order for the organization to effective manage workforce diversity

(Prasad, 2012). As reported by Prasad (2012) effective diversity management means facilitating

the diverse workforce to perform at an optimum level where all employees have equal

opportunities within the work environment. Furthermore, Rawat and Basergekar (2016) state that

organizations and human resource management professionals have acknowledged the need for

organizations to implement effective diversity management strategies in order to overcome

barriers to diversity and reap the associated rewards of workforce diversity.

Benefits of Effective Workforce Diversity Management

When diversity is appropriately managed organizations can obtain the desired benefits of

having a diverse workforce. As reported by Reddy and Gizachew (2014) when organizations

employ persons from diverse backgrounds it enables the organization to have a distinct

competitive advantage over other organizations. This notion is also supported by Sabharwal

(2014) who states that recruitment practices that are geared towards employing persons from

diverse backgrounds enable a competitive advantage which translates to increased organizational

performance. Furthermore, managing and valuing diversity in the workforce is concerned with

developing and maintaining a work environment that acknowledges and respects the differences

and unique contributions of all employees thereby generating an atmosphere that fully utilizes

the potential and talents of all employees.


Benefits of Effective Workforce Diversity Management continued

As previously mentioned, workforce diversity can enable various benefits to the

organization and its employees. According to Hiranandani (2012) effectively managing

workforce diversity enables various organizational benefits such as decreasing employee

turnover and absenteeism, attracting talented employees, improving innovation and creativity,

shifting attitudinal perceptions, as well as implementing and maintaining improved employee

inclusion across the organizational structure. In addition, having a diverse employee workforce

can allow an organization to capitalize on talent development, creativeness, and innovativeness,

which ultimately translates to higher profits and a positive company image for a successful

organizational enterprise (Ma, 2010). Moreover, Ma (2010) states that when workforce diversity

is properly managed it can lead to many organizational advantages including improved

understanding and communication between employees, retention of talented employees,

sensitivity and awareness to demographic and social changes, improved organizational

environment along with increased sales, performance, and profits.

Solutions to Improve Workforce Diversity Management

As reported by Prasad (2012) in order to effectively manage workforce diversity the

organization must ensure that policies are in place to support the consistent growth and

expansion of workforce diversity by merging the perceived and actual differences among

employees to maximize productivity. In addition, the effective management of workforce

diversity is in relation to the concept of the inclusion of all employees in informal networks and

formal organization programs in an effort to circumvent discrimination against majority groups

in the work environment (Prasad, 2012). According to Prasad (2012), effective diversity

management recognizes the importance of valuing the contributions from employees of diverse

backgrounds, who are able to enhance international competitiveness and productivity. Moreover,

Prasad (2012) states that effective workforce diversity management also creates and maintains an

equitable balance in organizational recruitment practices by adhering to equal employment

opportunity legislation against based on gender, age, disabilities, race, ethnicity, etc.

Solutions Managing Diversity via Workforce Diversity Management Initiatives

As indicated by Foma (2014) one philosophy dictates that, before an organization can

implement a workforce diversity management strategy, the organization must first obtain a

concise understanding of what it actually means to manage workforce diversity. This philosophy

states that some organizations are still fixated on dated models of workforce diversity

management, which are focused on social justice problems such as those that are concerned with

race or gender (Foma, 2014). However, modern models of diversity management now place

emphasis on creating and maintaining a work environment that embraces the talents and

differences of all employees (Foma, 2014). It is important to note that this model is also

consistent with the theoretical framework of Roosevelt Thomass philosophy of diversity

management. Furthermore, it is important for organizations to invest in resources for diversity

management in an effort to be prepared to handle the challenges that are associated with having a

diverse workforce (Foma, 2014). Furthermore, "A strategy must be created and implemented to

create a culture of diversity that permeates every department and function of the organization"

(Greenberg, 2012).

Solutions Managing Diversity via Official Diversity Assessment / Evaluation

According to Foma (2014), Greenberg advises of two recommendations that organizations


should adopt in order to effectively manage workforce diversity. These recommendations include

conducting an official assessment and consequent implementation of diversity management

practices within the work environment (Foma, 2014). The first step is for the organization to

conduct an in-depth assessment and analysis of diversity within the organization (Foma, 2014).

As reported by Foma (2014) both assessment and evaluation of diversity management practices

is a fundamental aspect of the organization's management structure. Conducting an official

assessment of the organization's workforce diversity management policies can enable the

organization to detect issues and challenges and can also help the management team to determine

what policies should be removed or added (Foma, 2014).

Solution - Managing Diversity via Human Resource Management

According to D'Netto et al., (2014) organizations can manage diversity through the

adoption and utilization of effective human resource practices. As mentioned by D'Netto et al.,

(2014) workforce diversity problems can only be solved and the desired advantages obtained

only through the implementation and utilization of effective diversity management practices. In

order for diversity management to be effective, it must be integrated with the core human

resource practices of the organization (D'Netto et al., 2014).In support of this, D'Netto et al.,

(2014) state that empirical evidence supports the notion that there is a positive correlation

between human resource diversity management policies and the work attitudes and behaviors of

employees. Hence, this indicates that diversity in the workforce can be managed by the

organization's HR diversity management policies.

Solutions Managing Diversity via Effective Human Resource Management Practices

Effective workforce diversity management can be accomplished by using a combination of


human resource diversity management practices that are in relation to proper recruitment and

selection, training and development, performance appraisal, as well as reward and compensation

(D'Netto et al., 2014). According to D'Netto et al. (2014), diversity management via the

utilization of policies, practices, and HR functions, can enable the organization to generate and

maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, organizations should develop practices

and policies that are geared towards contributing to the social integration of all employees, which

allows employees to feel more valued and included (D'Netto et al., 2014). In addition, in order

for organizations to improve the operational functioning of diverse workforces, it is important for

the organization to provide adequate diversity training to both minority and majority employees

(D'Netto et al., 2014). Therefore, in order for organizations to effectively manage workforce

diversity, organizations should incorporate diversity management practices across all human

resource functions including recruitment and selection, training and development, performance

appraisal, as well as reward and compensation.

Solutions Managing Diversity via HR Approaches Diversity Enlargement

According to Rewat and Basergekar (2016), there are four HR approaches to diversity

management which organizations can use to better manage workforce diversity. The four HR

approaches to managing workforce diversity include diversity enlargement, diversity sensitivity,

cultural audit, as well as a strategy for achieving the organizational outcome (Rewat &

Basergekar, 2016). The first HR approach to managing workforce is known as diversity

enlargement (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). This solution is focused on improving workforce

diversity by improving the ratio of employees from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds

(among other diversity characteristics) within the work environment (Rewat & Basergekar,

2016). As indicated by Rewat and Basergekar (2016) the hypothesis of this approach is that new

employees will adhere to current organizational practices hence no further intercession will be

required. The diversity enlargement approach to managing workforce diversity indicates that the

increased number of employees from varied backgrounds will translate into a cultural

transformation that will realize the desired organizational benefits (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016).

Solutions Managing Diversity via HR Approaches - Diversity Sensitivity

As stated by Rewat & Basergekar (2016) the second HR approach to managing

workforce diversity is known as diversity sensitivity. Diversity sensitivity approach

acknowledges the challenges which are encountered when there are different employees from

diverse cultures and backgrounds in the organization (Rewat & Basergekar (2016). According to

Rewat and Basergekar (2016), this approach aims to mitigate these challenges through the

utilization of diversity training programs which objectives are to sensitize employees to

discrimination and stereotyping while simultaneously encouraging collaboration and

communication. The hypothesis of this approach is that enhanced knowledge and sensitivity to

differences among employees will improve communication/collaboration and ultimately

performance (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). While this may be the case in most instances, in some

scenarios, predominantly in cases when the diversity training is not connected to the

organization's initiatives and goals and is not reinforced by the organization's long-term

strategies, it can result in negative impacts as opposed to the desired benefits (Rewat &

Basergekar, 2016).

Solutions Managing Diversity via HR Approaches - Cultural Audit Approach

The third HR approach to managing workforce diversity is known as the cultural audit

approach (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). This appears to be a beneficial approach to managing

workforce diversity as it aims to identify the barriers that restrict the development of employees

from diverse backgrounds and that limit the communication and collaboration of such employees

(Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). The cultural audit is typically conducted by external consultants

who gather data through the use of focus groups and surveys (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). The

data that is derived from the focus groups and the surveys are then used to determine the areas in

which minority group employees feel they are restricted from performing to their highest

potential (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016).

Solutions Managing via HR Approaches, Strategy for Achieving Organizational Outcome

The fourth and final HR approach that is beneficial in managing workforce diversity is

referred to as strategy for achieving the organizational outcome Rewat and Basergekar (2016).

According to Rewat and Basergekar (2016) managers can use this strategy to detect/recognize

the relationship between diversity management objectives and the desired organizational and

employee outcomes. Furthermore, strategic organizational decisions are viewed in relation to

external environmental factors including labor pool composition, the international economy, as

well as various legislation and government regulations (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). In addition,

Rewat and Basergekar (2016) reports that evaluating the external environment can enable the

organization to identify the benefits it aims to obtain from its diversity management practices and

how such practices are connected to the overall organizational strategy.

Solutions Managing via Strategic HR/DEMS (Diversity & Equality Management System)

As indicated by Fernando, Pedro, and Gonzalo (2013) workforce diversity presents

significant challenges for human resource management practices in modern organizations.

Fernando et al. (2013), states that effectively managing a diverse workforce requires a complete

alteration of the organization's human resource management policies and practices. In addition,

Fernando et al. (2013) state that it is still important to determine how various diversity

management policies can be incorporated into a strategic human resource structure. However, in

such cases, the diversity management policies should not be intended as separate initiatives, but

rather as aspects of the intergraded human resource management structure (Fernando et al.,

2013). Moreover, the concept of a DEMS or a diversity and quality management system is a

multidimensional system which consists of official policies for managing workforce equality and

diversity in consideration to promotion, training, recruitment, and compensation packages

(Fernando et al., 2013).

Solutions Managing via Diversity Strategic Human Resource Policies

Therefore, when an organization is designing strategic human resource policies for

managing workforce diversity, it is essential for the organization to evaluate and clearly

determine the types of workforce diversity aspects the company needs to manage (Fernando et

al., 2013). Moreover, as opposed to the traditional approach to managing workforce diversity

which is focused on pre-determined and prominent categories, it is recommended for

organizations to explicitly identify relevant aspects, based on their role in impacting the

organization and its employees (Fernando et al., 2013). Furthermore, research also indicates that

managing a diverse workforce requires a complete conversion of traditional diversity

management policies (Fernando et al., 2013).

Solutions Managing via Diversity HR Metrics to Measure Diversity Initiatives

According to Gidwani (2012), it has been a challenge for most organizations to

effectively measure diversity practices and initiatives. Measuring the results of diversity

management initiatives is difficult as the data that is required to measure diversity initiatives may

not have been collected (Gidwani, 2012). Some organization may use simple formulas to

interpret the efficacy of diversity practices into a measurable format. Additionally, human

resource metrics can provide various diversity factors which can be measured to demonstrate or

understand how workforce diversity impacts the organization (Gidwani, 2012).

Solution - Managing Diversity via Recruitment / Selection

Effective diversity management can be accomplished through the organization's diversity

management practices including the organization's recruitment and selection processes (D'Netto

et al., 2014). D'Netto et al., (2014) reports that effective diversity management practices in

relation to recruitment and selection are structured so that there is an equal employment

opportunity for prospective employees from all backgrounds. Furthermore, such diversity

management practices in the recruitment and selection process allow the organization to create a

positive corporate reputation and such organizations are also viewed as being socially

responsible (D'Netto et al., 2014). Furthermore, researchers have recommended various

strategies which can be used to manage diversity throughout the recruitment and selection

process, some of these strategies include anti-discrimination tactics, employment pool

demographic data analysis as well as having balanced selection panels which represent the

applicable ethnic groups (D'Netto et al., 2014). This information, therefore, suggests that having

effective recruitment and selection processes can assist organizations to effectively manage

workforce diversity.

Solutions Managing via Diversity Training and Recruitment


According to Gidwani (2012), recruiters should have a standard of best diversity policies

to follow and be able to translate these practices into the company's organizational culture. For

example, the recruitment team should outline and develop strategies for creating a wide range of

applicants in the recruitment pool (Gidwani, 2012). Moreover, organizations that have

successfully implemented diversity practices have been successful at developing diversity

training initiatives for their employees (Gidwani, 2012). Diversity training programs should be

implemented using a combination of external and internal resources and diversity training

initiatives should be developed in conjunction with employee input and research (Gidwani,

2012). Furthermore, effective diversity management encompasses developing an organizational

culture where all employees are supported and can be effective (Gidwani, 2012). In creating a

supportive culture it is essential for senior management to support diversity management as an

organizational goal and to include diversity practices in the organization's business strategy

(Gidwani, 2012). Additionally, diversity training programs should provide opportunities to

improve knowledge and understanding and also to enable an inclusive work atmosphere where

all employees fully contribute to the organization (Gidwani, 2012). Furthermore, strategies to

improve workforce diversity such as diversity training programs can be utilized to lend support

to other company objectives such as customer satisfaction, productivity, or retention (Gidwani,


Solution - Managing Diversity via Diversity Training

Another solution in which organizations can use to effectively manage diversity is the

implementation of effective diversity training and development programs (D'Netto et al., 2014).

According to D'Netto et al. (2014) diversity training and development can allow the organization

to manage workforce diversity by ensuring that all employees are provided with an equal

opportunity for training and development within the organization, in addition, the availability of

diversity training can improve diversity awareness among employees, thereby meeting the needs

of the organizations diverse workforce. As a result, the aforementioned indicates that effective

diversity training and development programs are a viable solution to assist organizations to better

manage workforce diversity.

Solutions Managing Diversity via Training, Inclusive Culture / Diversity Initiatives

Organizations can use difference strategies, approaches, and tools to improve workforce

diversity management. McLauren (2012) reports that strategies which can be used to improve

workforce diversity management include: diversity training for all employees, networking for

employees with similar diverse backgrounds, group learning sessions where employees can

interact and share values, beliefs, etc., create long-term goals for developing diversity practices

in appraisal and recruitment processes, encourage employees to express concerns about

discrimination or unfair treatment, and develop diversity training for the organization's

leadership/management team. According to Sabharwal (2014), one of the most vital influences

that can contribute towards effective workforce diversity management is developing an inclusive

organizational culture in which the organization's leadership/management team supports the

cultural and individual differences of the workforce. When the organization's leadership team

supports workforce diversity, the organization is able to make better use of the skills and talents

of all employees regardless of their age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and ethnic background

among other characteristics (Sabharwal, 2014).

Solutions Managing via Workplace Diversity Management Plan / Diversity Training

Organizations can effective manage workforce diversity by developing and implementing a


workplace diversity management plan (Foma, 2014). In order for the diversity management plan

to be effective, it is essential for the organization's managers and leaders to support the plan, as

well as to integrate diversity practices into all of the organization's functions (Foma, 2014).

According to Foma (2014) in order for the workforce diversity management plan to be effective,

the plan must encompass all departments and employees at all levels of the organization.

Furthermore, it is also imperative for organizations to provide affinity networking for all

employees as well as to integrate cultural training in the work environment, such training should

not only be provided to management level personnel, but also to all employees regardless of their

position and level of seniority within the organization (Foma, 2014). The availability of training

and education as it relates to cultural diversity increases employee awareness and helps

employees to respect and understand the cultural differences among each other (Foma, 2014).

Furthermore, cultural diversity training and education can enable employees to interact,

collaborate, and communicate with each other in order to accomplish organizational goals

(Foma, 2014). It is also essential for organizations to incorporate employment legislation with

regards to discrimination into the organization's diversity education and awareness training

programs (Foma, 2014). Furthermore, it is also essential to include employment laws regarding

discrimination in the workplace as part of the education and awareness diversity training

programs (Foma, 2014).

Solution - Managing Diversity via Performance Appraisals

According to D'Netto et al. (2014), another strategy for managing workforce diversity is

to incorporate effective diversity management in the performance appraisal process.

Accordingly, by incorporating effective diversity management practices in the personnel

appraisal process the organization can decrease the adverse impacts of stereotyping (D'Netto et

al., 2014). As mentioned by D'Netto et al. (2014) such diversity management performance

policies can reduce the likelihood of perceived or real stereotyping and discrimination of

employees from minority groups. Further to this, organizations can also manage workforce

diversity in an effective manner by ensuring that reward and compensation benefits are impartial

and that all employees are compensated in an unbiased manner (D'Netto et al., 2014). Hence,

organizations can effectively manner workforce diversity by ensuring that the personnel

appraisal, reward, and compensation systems are structured and carried out in a fair manner

throughout the organization's diverse workforce.

Solutions Managing via Diversity Inclusion

According to Gidwani (2012), inclusion and diversity go hand in and hand, inclusion, and

diversity refer to employees bring respected, valued, and supported. Additionally, inclusion

should be demonstrated within the organization's culture, in relation to relationships and policies

in order to support and facilitate a diverse workforce (Gidwani, 2012). Additionally, Gidwani

(2012), reports that there is no single approach to building a more diverse and inclusive

organization. Rather, each organization must identify a unique approach according to the

particular situation and specific needs of the organization (Gidwani, 2012). Furthermore,

workforce diversity theories and practices have evolved over the years from the initial emphasis

on representation and legal compliance to inclusion and using diversity for organizational

objectives (Gidwani, 2012).

Solutions Managing Diversity via various Diversity Management Initiatives

Reddy and Gizachew (2014) state that there are various steps that an organization could

undertake to manage workforce diversity as it relates to multiculturalism. In order to effectively


manage workforce diversity, particularly multiculturalism the organization's selection, and

recruitment processes must be based on performance (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). In addition,

the organization should ensure that all employees are provided with training and development in

relation to cross-cultural differences (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). Furthermore, the organization

should also determine how the mission, vision, and values and organizational structure

undermine or contribute to the efficient use of the skills and talents of all employees in the

organization (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014).

Solutions Managing Diversity via Workforce Diversity Management Initiatives

Moreover, all HR approaches to managing workforce diversity should be viewed on a

range, beginning with equal employment opportunity regulations which dictates that it is illegal

to discriminate against employees or prospective employees; to affirmative action policies which

state that organizations need to make positive actions to make sure that all employees are

provided with equal opportunities within the work environment; and ultimately managing

workforce diversity in a proactive manner in order to promote a heterogeneous and diverse

workforce (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016). Furthermore, organizations can also implement

supportive policies with encompass trust development and opportunities for employees to

interrelate and communicate outside of the traditional work environment so that employees can

feel more comfortable interacting, and lastly the organization could acknowledge and recognize

events, festivals, and days that are special to the employee's culture (Rewat & Basergekar, 2016).

Solutions Managing Diversity via Workforce Diversity Management Initiatives

According to Hunt (2016) organizations are unable to effectively manage gender

inequality by merely concentrating on only HR practices such as management training programs


or altering staffing methods. Instead, organizations should focus on the entire employment life

cycle of the organization (Hunt, 2016). Furthermore, Hunt (2016) also states that improving

workforce diversity requires the organization to address a wide range of talent acquisition factors

that cause bias. As reported by Prasad (2012) the mission, vision, values, procedures, norms and

policies should establish an organizational culture that is demonstrated in various perceptions

that are also adaptable to various values, beliefs, and communication styles of the diverse

workforce. As mentions by Foma (2014) workplace diversity will continue to be a perpetual

factor in the workforce, hence organizations will need to develop more effective diversity

management policies and procedures in an effort to better accommodate changing workforce

dynamics. Moreover, in order to effectively manage workforce diversity; organizations will need

to develop a diverse work environment (Foma, 2014).

Solutions Managing via Workforce Diversity Management Initiatives

According to Gidwani (2012), effective diversity management translates to improved

talent attraction and retention, talent maximization, improved creativity, improved innovation,

improved intellectual diversity, in addition to increased performance and productivity. In

addition, in order for workforce diversity to be efficiently managed it is essential for the

organization's management team to be committed, and also for appropriate training to be

provided, as well as extensive knowledge on organizational and HR practices, in addition there

must also be a common understanding among all stakeholders that managing diversity is not

simply a issue to be resolved but rather an enduring and continuous process (Gidwani, 2012). As

mentioned by Gidwani (2012), although some diversity practices are explicit to each company,

there are definitive strategies which can be appropriate initial points for managing workforce

diversity for many organizations. The objective of such practices is to develop an organizational

culture that fosters inclusiveness (Gidwani, 2012). Furthermore, it is important for managers and

leaders to realize that in order for diversity management to successful, it must be linked with the

organization's strategic goals, plans, as well as organizational decisions.

Solutions Managing via Incorporation of Diversity in Organizational Policies

There are various solutions and strategies which can be implemented and adopted by an

organization to effectively manage workforce diversity. According to Ayub, Aslam, and Razzaq,

(2013) organizations can effectively manage workforce diversity by enshrining diversity

management practices with the organization's practices and policies. As mentioned by Ayub et

al. (2013) in order to better manage workforce diversity organizations should align diversity

policies with the organization's mission, vision, and values. Additionally, management practices

such as selection and promotion practices can also have an influence on diversity in the

workplace (Ayub et al., 2013). As a result of this organizations should ensure that hiring and

promotion practices are inclusive and provide equal opportunities for minority group's workplace

(Ayub et al., 2013). According to Ayub et al. (2013) managing diversity in an effective manner

refers to recognizing and acknowledging the valuable uniqueness of employees, it also enriches

management practices by encouraging inclusiveness and preventing discrimination. As a result,

organizations can use the aforementioned management practices to incorporate diversity

management in the organization's mission and management practices thereby improving

workforce diversity management.

Solution Managing Diversity via Total Quality Diversity Management

Total quality diversity management is a holistic solution to managing workforce diversity

(Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). As mentioned by Reddy and Gizachew (2014) all employees in the

organization should be provided with diversity training in order to educate and teach employees

how to appropriately deal with ethnic, cultural and knowledge diversity challenges. The first

dimension of total quality diversity management focuses on the employee; this aspect of the total

quality management approach is horizontal and is in relation to valuing and embracing the

differences of employees (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). This is where training and development

programs on cultural awareness, conflict resolution, prejudice, and cross-cultural communication

are most beneficial (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). The second dimension of the total quality

management model is concerned with the organization itself, this aspect is vertical, and focuses

on empowering and harnessing workforce diversity (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). This aspect of

the total quality model places emphasis on not only the organizational culture but also the way in

which responsibilities are assigned in the organization, and also on the organizations thinking

systems (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). As reported by Reddy and Gizachew (2014) this dimension

is fundamental to achieving the greatest level of change in the organization, however, change

must be more than surface level only. Therefore, workforce diversity can be effectively managed

by using a total quality approach to managing workforce diversity (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014).

Solutions Managing Diversity via Holistic Approach

According to Gidwani (2012) standoff solutions to managing workforce diversity

including focusing on diversity recruitment strategies only, or management directives such as

mandating all employees to participate in diversity training, do not create meaningful or long-

term change. In some cases, workforce diversity strategies were weakly planned, and lacked

specificity, and were not connected with the organization's strategic goals and plans (Gidwani,

2012). Furthermore, despite its strategic importance, the majority of diversity models implicitly

considers the workforce as a generic and homogeneous category and do not take into account

cultural differences among employees (Fernando et al., 2013). From this holistic viewpoint,

researchers have shown the importance of policies which are geared toward fostering equal

opportunities such as flexible working hours for all employees, work-life balance, and

intercultural training (Fernando et al., 2013). Also, empirical research has indicated the impacts

of such policies on the performance of diverse groups; however, the research has not explained

how such policies develop a human resource management strategy that is geared toward

diversity (Fernando et al., 2013).

Workforce Diversity in the Cayman Islands

Workforce diversity management is important not only on a global scale but also at a

local level as well. The importance of being able to effective manage diversity is of key

relevance to the Cayman Islands. This is because the Cayman Islands have a very diverse

workforce encompassing various backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures. As mentioned by

Markoff (2011) the workforce of the Cayman Islands is very diverse and represents over 110

nationalities. This diversity adds to the value of the Cayman Islands. However, this diversity can

also result in various challenges for local employees, managers, and organizations. According to

Markoff (2011), the Cayman Islands Government attempts to indirectly promote diversity in the

Cayman Islands through a series of Immigration Legislation Regulations which favor individuals

from a wider nationality base. As a consequence of this, the online survey on workforce diversity

in the Cayman Islands is was completed by individuals working in the local Cayman Islands


Online Survey Results/Findings


This section consists of data particulars and interpretations of the data which were

derived from the online survey results ( The researcher used an online

survey to solicit information on workforce diversity in the Cayman Islands, including solutions

for effectively managing workforce diversity. A total of 31 participants completed the online

survey. All participants are employed in the local workforce in both the public and the private

sector. The data obtained from the online survey will be interpreted by the researcher. The online

survey asked participates to rate potential workforce diversity solutions for effectively managing

workforce diversity. Participants were asked to voluntary participate in the online survey by

completing 10 survey questions. Participants were able to rate the proposed workforce diversity

management solutions by selecting one of five score metrics. The score metric selection options

included "strongly disagree", "somewhat disagree", "neutral", "somewhat agree", or "strongly

agree". In regards to the gender demographic of the survey participants, 80% of the participants

(or 24 participants) were female and 20% of the participants (or 6 participants) were male, and

one participant did not reveal his/her gender. In relation to the nationality demographic of the

survey participants, 80.65 % (or 25 participants) were Caymanian, 6.45% (or 2 participants)

were Jamaican, 3.23% (or 1 participant) was Canadian, with three participants selecting other

nationality, these participants were Barbadian, Caymanian/American, and Indian nationality

respectively. It is important to note that the complete online survey questions and responses are

listed in the appendix for further review.

Organizational Policies / Procedures that Discourage Discrimination Question

According to the survey, 40.74% (or 11 participants) believe that organizational policies

or procedures that discourage discrimination can be effective at managing workforce diversity.

In a similar manner, the data also shows that 33.33% of participants (or 9 participants) believe

that policies which discourage discrimination can be efficient in managing workforce diversity.

Therefore, a total of 74.07 % of participants (or 20 participants) either somewhat agree or

strongly agree that organizational policies that discourage discrimination can be effective for

managing workforce diversity. This indicates that there is somewhat of a positive relationship

between policies or procedures for discouraging discrimination and effectively managing

workforce diversity. On the other hand, a smaller number of participants either strongly disagree

or somewhat disagree that policies that discourage discrimination are not effective in managing

workforce diversity. Particularly, 7.41% of participants (or 2 participants) or 3.70% of

participants (or 1 participant) do not agree that policies geared towards discouraging

discrimination are effective in managing workforce diversity. Lastly, 14.81% of participants (or

4 participants) selected neutral, therefore, these participants neither agree nor disagree that

procedures for discouraging discrimination are effective in managing workforce diversity.

Educating Employees About the various Benefits of Diversity Question

Participants were asked if they agree or disagree that educating employees about the

various benefits of diversity can enable the organization to effectively manage workforce

diversity. The survey reveals that 51.61% of participants (or 16 participants) strongly agree that

educating employees in regards to the various benefits of diversity can able the organization to

effectively manage workforce diversity. This is important as metric represents the highest

selection rate for this particular question. Furthermore, 29.03% of participants (or 9 participants)

believe that organizations can educate employees about diversity and its associated benefits as a

solution to effectively manage workforce diversity. On the contrary, 9.68% of participants (or 3

participants) and 3.23% of participants (or 1 participant) either somewhat disagree or strongly

disagree that educating employees about diversity and its benefits is not an appropriate solution

for effectively managing workforce diversity. Additionally, 6.45% of participants (or 2

participants) responded by indicating that they neither disagree nor agree that educating

employees of diversity benefits is an appropriate solution for managing workforce diversity.

Training Programs that Enhance Multicultural Understanding Question

According to the survey, a total of 43.33 % of participants (or 13 participants) and 40.00

% of participants (or 12 participants) either strongly agree or somewhat agree that training

programs that enhance multicultural understanding are an effective solution for managing

workforce diversity. This translates to a total of 83.33 % of participants or 25 of the 31

participants agreeing that diversity training programs can be an effective tool for enhancing

multicultural understanding and awareness and therefore is an effective solution for managing

workforce diversity. This is a significant finding as this demonstrates that the participants agree

that there is a positive relationship between diversity training programs and the organization's

ability to effectively manage workforce diversity. Conversely, the data also reveals that only

6.67% of participants (or 2 participants) do not agree with diversity training programs as an

effective solution for managing workforce diversity. While another 10.00 % of participants (or 3

participants) neither agree nor disagree with diversity training as an effective solution for

managing workforce diversity.

Recruitment Strategies which are designed to improve Diversity Question

The online survey also indicates that 38.71 % of participants (or 12 participants) strongly

agree that recruitment strategies which are designed to improve diversity within the organization

can improve workforce diversity management. Further to this, another 35.48 % of participants

(or 11 participants) indicate that they somewhat agree that recruitment strategies which are

designed to improve diversity within the organization can help to improve workforce diversity

management. These two categories represent the two metrics with the highest response rates for

a combined 74.19 % of participants (or 23 participants). Nevertheless, a few participants do not

feel that recruitment strategies that are designed to increase diversity in the organization are an

effective solution for managing workforce diversity. Specifically, 6.45 % of participants (or 2

participants) and 3.23 % of participants (or 1 participant) strongly disagree or somewhat disagree

with diversity recruitment strategies as an effective workforce diversity management solution.

Also, precisely 16.13% of participants (or 5 participants) neither agree nor disagree with

diversity recruitment strategies as an effective solution for appropriately managing workforce


Align Diversity Management Practices with the Organizational Culture Question

In accordance with data from the online survey, 45.39% of participants (or 15

participants) strongly agree that when organizations align diversity management practices with

the organization's goals, mission, vision, and values, it can enable the organization to effectively

manage workforce diversity. This is an important observation as a similar correlation was also

observed by the researcher based upon finding from the literature review. Likewise, another

35.48 % of participants (or 11 participants) somewhat agree that when organizations incorporate

diversity initiatives within the organization's goals, mission, vision, and values, it can enable the

organization to effectively support and manage good workforce diversity management practices.

The aforementioned information is vital as it demonstrates that 83.87% of participants (or 26 of

the 31 participants) either somewhat agree or strongly disagree that incorporating diversity

initiatives in the organization's goals, mission, and vision is an effective solution for managing

workforce diversity. While only 6.45 % of participants (or 2 participants) strongly disagree with

incorporating diversity organizational goals, mission, and vision as an effective means for

managing workforce diversity.

Awareness of Workforce Diversity Practices or Policies Question

As a component of the online survey, participants were asked if they are aware of any

workforce diversity practices or policies that can be used by organizations to improve workforce

diversity management. The researcher was shocked to see that 77.42 % of participants (or 24 of

the 31 participants) responded by selecting "no", which indicates that they are not aware of any

diversity strategies for improving workforce diversity management. The researcher expected to

see a larger percentage of participants indicating that they are aware of diversity management

strategies that may be used by organizations. This could possibly imply that many local

employees are not aware of or lack knowledge thereof of workforce diversity practices and or

solutions. Nonetheless, 22.68 % of participants (7 participants) acknowledged that they are

aware of workforce diversity practices or policies which can be used by organizations to improve

workforce diversity management. Some diversity management policies or initiatives that

participants recommend, can be used by organizations are listed as follows: multicultural

training, training, seminars, applicable HR diversity policies, and inclusion policies, employee

welfare committee, and a system that peers new employees with existing employees with

different ethnic backgrounds to encourage interaction and integration among employees. It is

important to note that some of the recommendations provided by participants are consistent with

solutions highlighted from the literature review with including the implementation of an

inclusion and diversity policy, as well as multicultural training programs.

Workforce Diversity Issues are Prevalent in the Local Workforce Question


The final question of the online survey asked participants whether or not they feel that

workforce diversity issues are prevalent in the local workforce of the Cayman Islands. The final

question also asked participants to provide solutions that can be used to effectively manage

workforce diversity issues in the Cayman Islands. According to the survey, 68.97 % of

participants (or 20 participants) believe that workforce diversity issues are prevalent in the

Cayman Islands. On the contrary, 31.03 % of participants (or 9 participants) do not believe that

workforce diversity issues are prevalent in the Cayman Islands. The participants provided a total

of 15 solutions which can be used by organizations to effectively manage workforce diversity

issues in the Cayman Islands. One participant stated that regular training sessions should be

provided to all employees to in order to improve awareness and to discuss the various benefits of

diversity. As previously mentioned, diversity training is a solution that has been frequently

highlighted as a potential solution to managing workforce diversity in both the literature review

and the online survey responses. In addition, another participant advised that workforce diversity

issues can be addressed by designing policies that enable employees to embrace different

cultures and backgrounds. Furthermore, another participant stated that an independent governing

body that integrates employment laws with diversity best practices should be established to

address both public and private sector work related diversity matters. The researcher believes

that this is an intriguing recommendation/suggestion which appears to take a similar approach to

the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission also referred to as EEOC, which operates in the

United States. All recommendations and proposed solutions can be viewed in greater detail

within the appendix.


In completing an in-depth literature review of workforce diversity including its meaning,

benefits, implications, and challenges, in addition to an online survey on workforce diversity

management; the researcher is now able to propose strategies and solutions which can be used by

organizations to ensure that workforce diversity is efficiently managed in order to minimize the

negative impacts on the organization and its employees and maximize the benefits. Throughout

the literature review, there were meaningful solutions to effectively managing workforce

diversity which was consistently discussed. Some of the solutions for managing workforce

diversity which was consistently discussed throughout the literature review include diversity

recruitment practices, incorporation of diversity in the organizational culture, support for

diversity initiatives by senior management, and diversity training programs. Therefore, the

researcher recommends that these solutions can be implemented and used by organizations in

order to improve workforce diversity management efficacy within respective organizations.

Consequently, there are various strategies and solutions that organizations could adopt to manage

workforce diversity. Based on the results of the online survey in conjunction with the literature

review some of the solutions for managing workforce diversity include but are not limited to

strategic HR diversity management strategies such as diversity and cultural training, diversity

recruitment and selection, inclusion initiatives, holistic approaches to diversity management such

as support from management/leadership team, and total quality management.

Solutions Recommend by the Researcher

The researcher proposes that in order for organizations to effectively manage workforce

diversity, organizations should design and implement effective diversity management practices

which should be assimilated with the organization's principal human resource policies and

practices (D'Netto et al., 2014). The researcher proposes that this is a reasonable solution as once

diversity initiatives are aligned with the organizations HR policies; this will enable the

organization to have a more cohesive approach to workforce diversity management.

Additionally, according to Foma (2014), one of the first steps that should be taken is for the

organization to have a concise understanding of what it actually means to manage workforce

diversity. The researcher believes that this is an important first step towards effectively managing

workforce diversity as if the organization does not have a proper understanding of the

fundamental principles of diversity management; the organization will not be successful at

managing workforce diversity due to the lack of understanding thereof. Furthermore, in order to

effectively manage workforce diversity, the organization should conduct an official assessment

and thereafter the implement the relevant diversity management initiatives within the

organization (Foma, 2011). The researcher also recommends that before a workforce diversity

policy is implemented the organization should analyze current diversity policies. This view is

also supported by Foma (2011) who states that prior to implementing the workforce diversity

strategy it is critical for the organization to conduct an official evaluation of the organization's

current diversity policies and practices as this can enable the organizations to detect/identify

issues, challenges, areas of weakness, and this can also help the management team to determine

what diversity strategies should be added or removed. Additionally, the researcher proposes that

policies and practices for managing the organization's workforce diversity should be

continuously and consistently revised as the organization continues to mature and evolve.

Solutions Recommend by the Researcher

The researcher recommends that organizations should utilize strategic human resource

management policies for effectively managing workforce diversity. Furthermore, when the

organization is designing such strategic human resource initiatives for managing diversity, the

organization should evaluate and identify the specific types of diversity practices the

organization needs to manage (Fernando et al., 2013). The researcher believes that this is a

feasible and cost-effective solution for the organization will only implement specific diversity

management policies which are based on the organizations unique diversity dimensions.

Additionally, the researcher believes that this is a cost-effective solution to managing workforce

diversity as the organization would only invest in relevant diversity policies and therefore not

invest funds into implementing policies that are not relevant to the organization. In addition, as

opposed to using traditional predetermined approaches to managing diversity, it is recommended

for the organization to explicitly identify pertinent areas, based on their impact on the

organization and its employees (Fernando et al., 2013). The researcher believes that the

aforementioned is a good solution to managing workforce diversity as the organization will only

focus on managing specific diversity dimensions that impact the organization. The researcher

proposes a holistic approach to managing workforce diversity such as the implementation of a

diversity and equality management system (DEMS). According to (Fernando et al.,2013), the

diversity and equality management system for managing workforce diversity consist of policies

and procedures in relation to the organization's recruitment, promotion, compensation, and

training programs. The researcher proposes the diversity and equality management system as a

solution for managing workforce diversity as it takes a holistic approach to the organization's HR


Researchers Solution Managing Diversity via Training Programs

The researcher proposes that organizations should use diversity training programs to

effectively manage workforce diversity. The researcher believes that diversity training programs

are an important tool that organizations can use to increase diversity awareness within the

organization. It is important to note that diversity training programs were commonly cited as a

solution for managing workforce diversity in the literature review and the online survey.

Furthermore, according to D'Netto et al. (2014), organizations can appropriately manage

workforce diversity by providing all employees with diversity training which can improve

cultural awareness among employees. Moreover, McLauren (2012) also mentioned that

organizations can utilize diversity training as a tool for improving workforce diversity

management. All employees should receive diversity training, including the organization's

management/leadership team (McLauren, 2012). Furthermore, diversity training programs

should be used by organizations to improve workforce diversity management as diversity

training improves awareness and helps employees to better collaborate, interact, and

communicate cohesively to achieve organizational goals (Foma, 2014). Therefore, diversity

training is an essential solution for managing workforce diversity by enabling organizations to

ensure that employees at all levels of the organization are educated and aware of the

organizations workforce diversity management policies and practices.

Researchers Solution Managing Diversity via Training Programs

As mentioned, the researcher proposes diversity training initiatives as an appropriate

solution for effectively managing workforce diversity. In addition, the diversity training

programs should also educate employees on how to properly deal with cultural and ethnic

diversity challenges (Reddy & Gizachew, 2014). It is recommended that organizations develop

diversity training programs in collaboration with feedback and input the employees (Gidwani,

2012). The researcher believes that this is an important and reasonable solution as it allows the

organization to obtain key information from employees in order to design diversity training

programs in a way that would be most meaningful for the employees. This is also a valuable

solution as it will allow the organization to obtain buy-in from the employees by soliciting their

input and contribution. This is a critical element to the success of the solution. According to

Gidwani (2012), diversity training programs which are management directives mandating

employee participation are not effective at creating long-term or meaningful change. Therefore,

in order for organizations to be able to effectively manage workforce diversity, organizations

should develop diversity training programs and other initiatives by collaborating employee

feedback in order to design effective diversity programs to meet employee needs.

Researchers Solution Managing Diversity via Recruitment

The researcher proposes that diversity recruitment and selection is an effective method

for managing workforce diversity. This view is also supported by D'Netto et al., (2014) who

reports that workforce diversity can be effectively managed via diversity management such as

recruitment and selection processes. Organizations can use recruitment practices which are

geared towards managing workforce diversity such as applicant pool demographic analysis and

designing recruitment panels in a well-balanced manner to represent the applicants employment

pool (D'Netto et al., 2014). The researcher supports this strategy for effectively managing

workforce diversity as this solution minimizes the potential for bias, discrimination and

serotyping in the recruitment and selection process. Therefore, having a well-balanced

recruitment panel can strengthen the recruitment practices and lead to more effective workforce

diversity management. According to Ayub et al. (2013), diversity management initiative such as

recruitment practices can improve diversity management. Consequently as reported by Ayub et

al. (2013), is it important for organizations to ensure that recruitment policies are inclusive and

enable equal opportunities for diverse employees. According to Gidwani (2012), the recruitment

team should also develop recruitment strategies for the organization to have a wide range of

diverse applicants in the recruitment pool. However, the organization should not use diversity

recruitment strategies as a single solution for managing workforce diversity Gidwani (2012).

Therefore, organizations should utilize diversity and recruitment policies in conjunction with

other diversity initiatives to effectively manage workforce diversity.

Researchers Solution - Management/leadership Support and Commitment

The researcher proposes that management and leadership support of diversity initiatives

can enable organizations to effectively manage workforce diversity. In the event that the

diversity initiatives are not supported by the organization's management, the diversity initiatives

will not be successful and the desired results will not be obtained. Additionally, one particular

solution to managing workforce diversity which was repeatedly discussed in the literature review

is that it is imperative for the organization's management to be committed and supportive of the

diversity initiatives. The researcher agrees that management support of diversity practices is a

practical solution for effectively managing workforce diversity. According to Gidwani (2012) in

order for workforce diversity to be properly managed, the organization's management team must

be committed and supportive of the diversity management initiatives. Furthermore, Foma (2014)

advised that in order for organizations to effectively manage workforce diversity, it is essential

for the organization's leaders and managers to support diversity initiatives and incorporate such

initiatives into the organization's core functions. Moreover, Gidwani (2012) states that in

developing an inclusive work environment it is necessary for the organization's management

team to support diversity management as an organizational goal and incorporate diversity

practices in the organization's business strategy. Therefore, the researcher recommends that

management/leadership support and commitment of diversity initiatives is an appropriate

solution to effectively managing workforce diversity.


Researchers Solution - Incorporating Diversity in Organizational Strategies & HR Policies

The researcher proposes that the incorporation of diversity management initiatives into

the organizational culture, HR policies, and business functions is an effective solution for

managing workforce diversity. According to Ayub et al. (2013) organizations can improve

workforce diversity management by integrating diversity initiatives with the organization's

policies and practices. Furthermore, in order for organizations to better manage workforce

diversity the organization's vision, mission, and values should be aligned with diversity

initiatives (Ayub et al., 2013). This is a feasible solution to managing workforce diversity which

is also supported by the results of the online survey. Additionally, organizations should develop a

culture of diversity that infiltrates all employees, departments, levels, and functions of the

organization (Greenberg, 2012). Furthermore, effectively managing diversity requires a complete

revision of the organization's human resource management policies and practices (Foma, 2014).

However, it is important to note that diversity strategies that are not linked to the organization's

strategic goals do not create long-term or meaningful change (Gidwani, 2012). Furthermore,

Rewat and Basergekar (2016) state that diversity training that is not connected to the

organization's goals and are not supported by the organization's long-term strategies can result in

long-term negative implications. Therefore, the researcher proposes in order for workforce

diversity management to be effective, diversity initiatives must be connected with the

organizations HR policies and long-term organizational strategies.

Summary of Researchers Proposed Solutions

The researcher, therefore, proposes that workforce diversity is complex and sophisticated

thus there is no one perfect solution to effectively managing workforce diversity. The researcher,

therefore, concludes that workforce diversity can only be effectively managed by using a

combination of various workforce diversity solutions. The combination of workforce diversity

management solutions proposed by the researcher consists of an evaluation of current diversity

practices, implementation of diversity training programs, adoption diversity recruitment and

selection processes, support and commitment from management for diversity initiatives, and the

incorporation of diversity into HR and organizational policies and procedures. Moreover,

organizations can effective manage workforce diversity by developing and implementing a

workforce diversity management plan (Foma, 2014). The researcher, therefore, proposes that

organizations should implement the proposed solutions (evaluation of current diversity practices,

implementation of diversity training programs, adoption diversity recruitment and selection

processes, support and commitment of management for diversity initiatives, and the

incorporation of diversity into HR and organizational policies and procedures) by utilizing,

developing, and implementing a workforce diversity management plan.


In conclusion, when workforce diversity is not effectively managed it results in

significant adverse implications for the organization and its employees. However, there are

various solutions which organizations can utilize in order to effectively manage workforce

diversity. Such solutions for effectively managing workforce diversity may include diversity

training programs, proper diversity recruitment practices, and support for diversity initiatives by

management, as well as the incorporation of diversity initiatives within the organization's culture

and strategies. Nevertheless, it is important for the organization to evaluate its current diversity

aspects in order to determine what steps and solutions would be most appropriate based on the

organization's unique characteristics. Furthermore, workforce diversity is complex can only be


effectively managed by using a combination of workforce diversity practices as thus there is no

one simple approach to workforce diversity management. However, the researcher recommends

standard diversity best practices as solutions for effectively managing workforce diversity:

including recruitment and selection, training programs, support from management, and

incorporation of diversity initiatives into the organizational culture and business strategies.

Moreover, ineffective diversity management negatively impacts the organization and its

employees. Therefore, if the solutions proposed by the researcher are adopted, organizations

would be able to effectively manage workforce diversity thus minimizing negative impacts and

maximizing positive benefits of diversity such as increased organizational performance and


Limitations of Study

The data results and interpretation thereof of the online survey are limited to the local

workforce of the Cayman Islands. As a consequence of this, the data retrieved from this survey is

only a representation (not scientific) of the local workforce; therefore, it is not a representation of

workforce diversity in a general context. Additionally, in order for the survey data to be a more

accurate representative of the Cayman Islands workforce, the survey would need to be completed

by a larger quantity of participants employed in the local workforce. Additionally, all

participants were all personally known to the researcher; therefore, there is a possibility of biased

responses in the survey. This phenomenon is known as response bias. According to Leedy and

Ormrod (2016) response bias refers to the tendency of survey participants to inadvertently

provide inaccurate responses. In addition, the cost efficiency of the proposed solutions would be

based on the specific diversity elements of each organization. The cost of the proposed solutions

such as training etc. would be based on individual organizational characteristics such as the size

of the organization's workforce and unique diversity challenges to each organization.

Additionally, although the literature review provided various solutions and strategies for

effectively managing workforce diversity the associated cost of implementing such strategies

were not explored in any of the scholarly articles.



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Data from Workforce Diversity Management Survey


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